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3,ann=year年 4,audi=hear听 5,bell=war战争 6,brev=short短 7,ced,ceed,cess=go行走

8,cept=take拿取 9,cid,cis=cut,kill切,杀 10,circ=ring环,圈 11,claim,clam=cry,shout喊叫 12,clar=clear清楚,明白 13,clud=close,shut关闭 14,cogn=known知道 15,cord=heart心 16,corpor=body体 17,cred=believe,trust相信,信任

18,cruc=cross十字 19,cur=care关心



22,di=day日 23,dict=say说 24,dit=give给 25,don=give给 26,du=tow二 27,duc,duct=lead引导



31,fact=do,make做,作 32,fer=bring,carry带拿

33,flor=flower花 34,flu=flow流

35,fus=pour灌,流,倾泄 36,grad=step,go,grade步,走,级 37,gram=write,draw写,画,文字,图形 38,graph=write,records写,画,记录器,图形

39,gress=go,walk行走 40,habit=dwell居住 41,hibit=hold拿,持 42,hospit=guest客人


44,insul=island岛 45,it=go行走 46,ject=throw投掷 47,juven=young年轻,年少 48,lectchoose,gather选,收

49,lev=raise举,升 50,liber=free自由 51,lingu=language语言 52,liter=letter文字,字母

53,loc=place地方 54,log=speak言,说 55,loqu=speak言,说 56,lun=moon月亮


58,manu=hand手 59,mar=sea海 60,medi=middle中间 61,memor=memory记忆 62,merg=dip,sink沉,没 63,migr=remove,move迁移

64,milit=soldier兵 65,mini=**all,little小



68,mob=move动 69,mort=death死 70,mot=move移动,动 71,nomin=name名 72,nov=new新 73,numer=number数 74,onym=name名 75,oper=work工作 76,ori=rise升起 77,paci=peace和平,平静 78,pel=push,drive推,逐,驱


80,pet=seek追求 81,phon=sound声音 82,pict=paint画,描绘 83,plen=full满,全 84,plic=fold折,重叠 85,pon=put放置 86,popul=people人民 87,port=carry拿,带,运

88,pos=put放置 89,preci=price价值 90,punct=point,prick点,刺 91,pur=pure清,纯,净 92,rect=right,straight正,直

93,rupt=break破 94,sal=salt盐


96,sci=know知 97,sec,sequ=follow跟随

98,sect=cut切割 99,sent,sens=feel感觉

100,sid=sit坐 101,sist=stand站立 102,son=sound声音 103,spect=look看 104,spir=breathe呼吸 105,tail=cut切割


107,tect=cover掩盖 108,tele=far远 109,tempor=time时

110,tend(tens,tent)=stretch伸 111,terr=land,earth土地,陆地

112,text=weave纺织 113,tract=draw拉,抽,引

114,un=one一 115,urb=city城市 116,vac,vacu=empty空 117,vad,vas=walk,go行走 118,vari=change变化 119,ven=come来 120,vert,vers=turn转 121,vi,via=way道路 122,vis,vid=see看 123,vit=life生命 124,viv=live活



126,alt高 127,am爱 128,ambul行走





133,avi鸟 134,bat打 135,biblio书 136,birg战斗,打 137,cad,cas降落,降临 138,cert确定,确信

139,chron时 140,cid降落,降临


142,co**(o)世界,宇宙 143,cracy统治crat支持

144,cub躺,卧 145,cult耕,培养 146,cycl(o)圈,环,轮

147,dem(o)人民 148,dexter右 149,doc教 150,dom屋,家

151,dorm睡眠 152,drom跑 153,ego我 154,err漫游,走,行 155,fabl,fabul言 156,feder联盟 157,ferv沸,热 158,fict,fig塑造,虚构

159,fid信任 160,fil线 161,flat吹 162,flect,flex弯曲 163,flict打击 164,frag,fract破,折

165,frig冷 166,fug逃,散 167,fund,found底,基础

168,gam婚姻 169,gram谷物,谷粒

170,grav重 171,greg群,集合 172,gyn,gynce(o)妇女

173,hal呼吸 174,helic(o)螺旋 175,hes,her粘着

176,ign火 177,integr整,全 178,junct连接,连结



182,luc光 183,lumin光 184,magn(i)大 185,matr(i),metro母

186,mega大 187,mens测量


189,min伸出,突出 190,misc混合,混杂 191,mis(o)恨,厌恶 192,mon告诫,提醒 193,mon单独,一个

194,mur墙 195,mut变换

196,nat诞生 197,nav船 198,nect,nex结,系 199,negr,nigr黑 200,nihil无 201,noc,nox伤害 202,noct(i)夜


204,nutri营养 205,orn装饰 206,par生,产 207,parl说,谈 208,past喂,食


210,patr(i)父,祖 211,ped脚,足 212,ped儿童,小孩

213,petr(o)石 214,phag吃 215,phil(o)爱 216,phob(ia)怕 217,plex重叠,重

218,polis城市 219,prim第一,最初

220,radic根 221,ras,rad擦,刮 222,rid,ris笑 223,rod,ros咬,啮 224,rot轮,转 225,rud原始,粗野 226,rur,rus农村




230,sol单独 231,sol太阳 232,soph智慧 233,sper希望 234,spers,spars散,撒 235,splend发光,照耀

236,stell星 237,tact,tag触 238,the(o)神 239,ton音

240,tort扭 241,tour迂回,转 242,trud,trus推,冲 243,tut,tuit监护,看管

244,umbr阴影 245,ut,us用 246,vas走,漫游

247,val强 248,van空,无 249,ver(i)真实 250,voc,vok声音,叫喊 251,vol,volunt意志,意愿





compose 组成,构成(com-共同,pose-摆放,往共同的地方摆放——组成、构成)

connect 联系(con-共同,nect=neck-脖子,相同的脖子,拥有同一个脖子的——连接、联系)

correct 正确的(cor-全都,rect-直立、直立着,全都是直立的——正确的)collect 收集,收藏(col-全都,lect-挑选,全挑过来,全选过来——收集、收藏、集中)

person 人(per-每一个,son-儿子,人是上帝的每一个儿子,每个人也都是上帝之子)

perfect 完美的(per-每一个,fect-做,制造,每一件事都做了——完美的)举例:

display 展览,陈列(dis-分着,play-播放、展示,分着展示——展览,陈列)separate 分开(se-分,par=pair-一对、一双,ate-动词后缀——把一对儿分开——分开,隔离)





surpass 超过,超越(sur-超,pass过——超过、超越)举例:

subway 地下铁、地道(sub-下面,way-路,下面的路——地下铁)delay 延迟、耽误(de-底下,lay-放,往底下放——延迟,耽误)举例:

abound 丰富,大量(a-不,bound-板子,边界——无边无界、一望无垠,丰富,富饶)

about 关注、关于、大约(ab-不,out-出去、离开,不出去,不离开——关注、关于、大约)

unhappy 不高兴(un-不,happy-高兴——不高兴)dislike 不喜欢(dis-不,like-喜欢——不喜欢)

immediately 立即地,直接地(im-不要,med-中间、中间环节,iately-复合的后缀,不要中间环节、一步到位——立即地,直接的)incorrect 不正确的(in-不,correct-正确的——不正确的)illegal 不合法的(il-不,leg-词根:law, al-的——非法的)irregular 不规则的(ir-不,regular-规则的)举例:

accept 接受(ac-往里,cept-拿、取,往里面拿——接受)


inside 在里面(in-在里,side-边、侧)import 进口(im-进入,port-港口)

illuminate 照明(il-进入,lumin-词根:光,ate-动词后缀,进入灯光——照明)举例:

exit 出口、门(ex-往外,it-后缀,往外出的地方——出口、门)elect 选举(e-往外,lect-挑选,往外挑选出来——选举)essay 散文、随笔(es-往外,say-说,随口而说——散文,随笔)举例:





2,有的前缀如“com”出现在不同的字母之前,就会有不同的版本,比如“concession迁就,让步/compose组成,作曲/correct正 确的/collect收集”,其实这里写单词开头的“com/con/col/cor”都是正宗的前缀“com-共同的”的几个变体,由于前缀的地位不如 词根重要,所以在语言使用过程中,前缀最后一个字母根据词根开头的字母作出了牺牲,被同化了。




dictate 独裁,使…听写(dict-词根:说。“独裁”和“使…听写”的核心含义就是“说”,ate无非是整个单词中表示词性的成分。)

rectify 纠正(rect-词根:直。ify也是一个动词后缀,相当于汉语中的“化”,比如“绿化”、“净化”、“美化”等等后面的“化”字,是一个将形容词转化成动词的符号。)

advertise 做广告(本词上文曾经讲解过。)

finish 完成(fine-词根:终止。比如:final-最后的,al-形容词后缀;finish-完成,ish-动词后缀。)

名词后缀:-a,-ar,-ary,-age,-ance,-ancy,-ant, 举例:

panda 熊猫(pand-词根:膨胀。)scar 刀疤(sc-词根:雕刻,切割)

salary 薪水(sal=salt-盐,古罗马士兵发盐作为军饷。)page 一张(辅音字母“p”有强烈的“成张、成片”的含义。)servant 奴仆(serve-服务 +ant-的人 =servant-奴仆)



student 学生(study +ent)

fence 击剑、篱笆(f-像竖立的剑的形状)tendency 趋势、趋向(tend-词根:延伸,伸长)teacher 教师(teach-教,讲)

panel 仪表盘、面板(pan-词根:盘子)angle 角度(ang-词根:角度)-ice,-icy,-ity,-ine,-ion, 举例:

police 警察(pole-杆子,柱子)policy 政策、方针

city 城市 line 线 nation 国家(nat-词根:生)-or,-ory, 举例:

tailor 裁缝(tail-词根:尾巴,剪刀)story 故事(st-词根:站着,停留,陈旧的)-us,-ue,-um,-ute 举例:



形容词后缀:-al,-ial,-ual,-ant,-ent,-ive,-ite,-ile,-ic,-id,-ous,-ious,-uous 举例:

normal 正常的(norm-标准)social 社会的(soc-词根:社会)

actual 现实的、现场的(act-行动,动起来的)

deficient 不足的、不够的(de-低,fic-做、制造,ient-的)native 本地的,本国的(nat-词根:生、长)polite 文明的、礼貌的(pole-杆子,柱子)

missile 发射的、投射的(miss-词根:投,掷,抛,投)panic恐慌的(Pan-森林之神)rigid 僵直的、刻板的(rig-词根:直)

suspicious 怀疑的(su-底下,spic-看,ious-的:在底下偷偷看某人,就是“怀疑的”。)

conspicuous 有目共睹的(con-共同,spic-看,uous-的,大家都看的,有目共睹的)





赢在单词一书提出了一种全新记忆单词的方法:探源法,此法是了解世界语言学界研究英语现状和发展状态的最基本的方法,此法遵循和应用了一般语言学原理,是研究英语词汇最科学、合理、有效的方法。具体的讲,它是以研究构词学为基础,语言学为背景,词汇学为导向,并在此基础上综合各种科学记忆单词的方法,最后汇总而成的记忆法。只要你能把这种方法达到融会贯通的话,那么你得到的不仅仅是一种学习英语词汇的技巧,你得到的更是一种学习英语词汇的能力,一旦你拥有这种能力,你就不在需要别人帮助,你可以根据自己需要去选择适合自己的词汇书去学习,从此你学习词汇不在盲目,不在没有信心,面对任 《赢在单词》一书中指出:记忆单词最科学、合理、有效、快速、实用的方法即探源法!




















接:http://blog.sina.com.cn/jwl2009 《赢在单词》一书中指出:记忆单词最科学、合理、有效、快速、实用的方法即探源法!

如:sol-/ uni-→ 都表示“一”

【探源】①都来源于拉丁语,它们常见于外来词和科学术语;②前缀sol-为象形前缀,可分解为:o太阳、s太阳的强光、l太阳的弱光,即它代表太阳,太阳又是独一无二的,所以它有“单/一”的含义 【引申】单/单独/唯一

【属性】母义:sol-/ uni-= one单/一

【其他】①前缀un-为uni-的变体,一般加在元音字母前;②有异形同义词根:primi-/ mono-/ proto-/ haplo-一,前者来源于拉丁语primus,后三者来源于希腊语,如:primus第一、monopoly垄断、protozoa原生动物、haplocaulous单茎的;③它们在表示“一”时还有细微区别:primi-/ proto-第一、mono-

一、haplo-单一 【分析】


→ 单轮脚踏车


→ 结合/合并/联合/团结


→ 一样的/同一的 unicorn

→ 独角兽


→ 独奏曲/单独的 solve

→ 解决/解答


→ 单独的/唯一的


→ 固体/立体


-cours-/-cur(r)-/-curs-→ 都表示“跑”

【探源】①都来源于拉丁语currere跑,前者是-curs-的重读形式,中间为此词的不定式词干,后者为此词的动名词词干。在英语构词中,-cur(r)-可以用来构成动词,而-cours-/-curs-一般只出现在名词和形容词中;②来源基础词course 行程,为它的变体,含义为它的引申义,分解为:-cours-跑 +-e(n.)名词后缀,跑了很远的路,即行程/进程/路程/道路/课程 【引申】流/奔走

【属性】母义:-cours-/-cur(r)-/-curs-= run跑




→ 跑者/猎犬/骏马/追猎者 succour

→ 救助/救济/救援/援助 occur

→ 发生/出现


→ 再发生/复发/(往事等)重新浮现 concur

→ 同时发生/同意/一致



→ 流行的/通行的/流通的

-corp-/-corpor-→ 都表示“体”

【探源】①都来源于拉丁语corpus身体,它们属于一对同源异形根,分别来自名词corpus和它的所有格形式corporis的词干部分;②来源基础词corpse 尸体/死体,为它的变体,含义为它的引申义,分解为:-corp-身体 +-(s)e(n.)名词后缀,已经没有气息的身体,即尸体/死体 【引申】身体/团体

【属性】母义:-corp-= body身体


【分析】s 复数(可以保卫国家的团体,即军/队/团/军团)





→ 军/队/团/军团 corpulent

→ 肥胖的corporation

→ 团体/社团/公司 bicorporal

→ 双身的/有两身体的



→ 微粒/粒子/细胞/血球 incorporate

→ 合并/结合/组成/合并的-claim-/-clam-→ 都表示“叫喊”

【探源】①都来源于拉丁语clamare喊,前者是此词的不定式词干的重读形式,在英语中常构成动词;后者是此词的动名词词干,在英语中只出现在名词和形容词中;②来源基础词clamour吵闹/喧嚷,为它的变体,含义为它的引申义,分解为:-claim-叫喊 +-our(v./ n.),大声叫喊,真烦人!,即吵闹/喧嚷/喧闹 【引申】大叫/大喊

【属性】母义:-claim-/-clam-= to cry/ shout 大叫/叫喊








→ 吵闹的/喧嚷的 proclaim

→ 宣布/宣告/声明/表明 exclaim

→ 呼喊/惊叫 declaim

→ 朗诵/激昂的演说 acclaim

→ 欢呼/喝彩/向…欢呼 declamatory

→ 适于朗诵的/雄辩的/演说的











a 不,无,非acentric adj.离心的,无中心的;在...,...的;加强意义 aside


ab,abs 相反,变坏,离去 abuse滥用

ab,ac,ad,af,ag,an,ap,ar,as,at 加在同辅音字母的词根前,表示“一再”等加强意 比如 accelerate 加速

aer空气,充气 aerial 空中的,架空的

amphi 两,双

amphibiology n.两栖生物学,amphibian n.[脊椎] 两栖动物;水陆两用飞机; 具有双重性格的人 adj.两栖类的;[车辆] 水陆两用的; 具有双重性格的

an 无、不 annoynmous adj.匿名的,无名的;无个性特征的 anarchism n.无政府主义 anharmonic adj.不和谐的,非调和的;

加强或引申意义 annotatevi.注释,给„作注释或评注 vt.注释,作注解

ante 前、先 anteroom n.前厅;接待室;候见室 anti 反对、相反、防止 antiwar adj.反对战争的 apo-离开(亦作ap-)apology auto-自己、自动 autorotation n.自动旋转 autobiography n.自传;自传文学 art 技巧,关节,诡计 artificial 人工的,人为的 be ①使„使成为„ belittle,becalm,benumb②加以„饰以„用„(做某事)bepowder,becloud③在 beside,below,before,behind④表示加强及引申意义 belaud,besiege,bemoan bene-善、好 benevolent,beneficent bi-两,二bilingual,bilateral,bicycle by-旁、侧、非正式、副 byroad,bywork,byname circum 周围、环绕 circumplanetary,circumsolar co-共同 cooperation,coagent,comate col,cor 在同辅音词根前,表示“共同” colleague n,同事,同僚 com,con 共同;加强意,引申意 combine v,结合,联合 contra 相反 contrary adj,相反的

cor 加强或引申意义 correct,/corrupt,corrival counter-反对、相反 counterattack,counteroffensive de 去掉,变坏,离开,变慢,向下;使...成为,加强 deduct vt,扣除,减去 dec 十 decade n,十年,十年期 deca十decameter,decagram deci十分之一 decilitre demi-半demigod,demilune di 两个,双;使...变成,分开,离开(分开)divide v,分,分开 dia-贯穿、对穿、穿过、透过diameter,diathermal dif-分开、否定、不diffluence,differ,diffuse dis 不,消失掉;分开分离 dismiss vt,解雇,解散

[注] dis-有时也作di-divert/digress/divorce dys-不良、恶、困难dysfunction,dysphonia e ①加强或引申意义,使„ evaluate,evaporate②出、外 eject,erupt,emigrate,emerge,evade③除去 eradicate ef-出、离去effluence ed 吃 edible adj.可以吃的,可食用的 em ①表示“置于„之内”、“上„” embay,embed②表示“用„做某事”、“饰以„”、“配以„” embalm,embar③表示“使成某种状态”、“致使„”、“使之如„”、“作成„” embody,empower en①表示“置于„之中”、“登上„”、“使上„” encase,encage,enroll②表示“用„来做某事”、“饰以„”、“配以„ ” entrap,enchain,encloud③表示“ 使成某种状态”、“ 致使„ ”、“ 使之如„ ”、“ 作成„ ” enlarge,endanger,enrage,enrich④加在动词之前,表示“in ”,或只作加强 意义 enclose,entrust,entangle endo 内 endoparasite ennea 九 enneagon eu 优、善、好 euphonic ex①出、外、由„中弄出 export,expose,exhume,expel②前任的、以前的 ex-president③表示“使„”、“做„”,或做加强意义 exalt,exaggerate exo 外、外部 exogamy,exosphere extra 以外、超过extraordinary,extrasolar fabric 制作 fabricate vt.捏造,编造;建造,制造 fac 1,脸,面 2,制作 facile adj.容易做的,肤浅的 feas 制作 feasible adj.可行的,可能的 fore 前 forehead n,前部,前额 hecto 百 hectowatto hemi 半 hemisphere hepta七(在元音前作hept-)heptarchy hetero 异 heterosexual hexa六(在元音前作hex-)houm,holocrystalline homo同homosexual,homophone,homograph hyper超过、过多、太甚hypersexua,/hypermilitant hypo下、低、次、少hypotension il 用在 l 之前①不、无、非 illegal,illiterate②加强或引申意义 illustrate im-(用在b, m, p 之前)①不、无、非 imbalance,immortal,impossible②向内、入 imbibe,immerge③加强意义,或表示“使成„”、“饰以„”、“ 加以„” impel,impulse,impassion in-①不、无、非 inglorious,insensible ②内、入 inside,inject③加强意义, 或表示“使„”、“作„” inflame,incurve infra-下、低 infrastructure,infrasound inter-①在„之间、„际 international ②互相 intercourse,interview intra-在内、内部intraparty intro-向内、入内introduce,intromit ir-(用在r 之前)①不、无 irristable,irresolute,irrelative②向 内、入 irrigate,irruption iso-等、同 isomorph,isotherm kilo-千 kilogram macro 宏、大 macroworld n.宏观世界, macroeconomics 宏观经济学macroscale大规模 magn 大 magnificent adj.壮丽的,华丽的 mal-恶、不良、失、不(亦作male-)maltreat,malediction meta-①超 metaphysical②变化

metagenesis milli-(亦作mill-与 mille-)①千分之

一、毫 millimeter②千 millennial,millipede mis-误、错、恶、不 misspell,misuse,misdoing,mistrust mono-单


monarch,monoxide micro,mini 小 microscope n.显微镜 multi 多 multiple 多重的,多样的

ne 其变体n置于元音前表示否定 never,neither neo-新 neogamist,neonatal,neolithic non-①不 nonaligned②非 nonage③无nonelastic ob 逆反 obscene octa-(亦作octo-与 oct-)octolateral,octavalent omni-全、都、公、都 omnipotent,omniform op 相反 oppose vt.反对,反抗

out-①超过、胜过 outnumber②过度、太甚 outspend③外、出 outdoor④除去 outroot over-①过度、太甚 overpraise ②在上、在外、从上、越过 oversea,overleap,overlook③颠倒、反转 overthrow paleo-古、旧

paleobotany,paleolithic pan-全、泛 pantheism,pantropical para-①半、类似、准 parareligious②辅助、副 paralegal,paramedic③旁、靠近、外 parasite,parabiosphere④错误、伪 paraphasia⑤防、避开、保护 parasol,parachute,parabomb ped 1,足,脚 2,儿童 3,教育 biped 两足动物 pedagogy 教育学,教学法 pen-(=almost)几乎、相近、相似、不 完全是、差不多(亦作pene-)

peninsular,penultimate penta-五(在元音前作pent-)pentagon,pentarchy per 贯穿,自始至终;假,坏 persist.vi坚持,持续

peri-周围、外层、靠近perigee,perihelion,perilune,periastron pli 1,重叠,重复 2,折 3,弯explicit 详述的,明确的,明晰的;直言的,露骨的

plic ploit重叠 duplicate n.完全一样的东西,复制品 adj.完全一样的,复制的 vt.复制,复印,重复 exploit(把重叠之物展开)利用 poly-多polycrystal post-后postwar,postpone,postnatal pre...前的,预先 previous adj.先,前,以前的 prim 第一,主要的 prime adj.首要的,最好的

pro 向前,在前;很多;赞同;亲...proceed vi.行进,前进 proto-原始prototype,protocontinent pseudo-假(在元音前做pesud-)pseudomyopia,pseudopregnance quradri-四(亦作quadru-,在元音前作 quadr-)quadrilingual,quadruped quasi-类似、准、半quasi-sovereign quinque-五(在元音前作quinqu-)quinquennial re向后,相反,不;一再,重新 renew v.重新开始,继续 retro 向后 retrograde v.后退,倒退 se 分开 separate v.分开,隔离 semi-半semiliterate,semicircle sept-七(亦作septi-及septem-)septangle sex-六(亦作sexi-)sexfoil,sextuple Sino-中国sinology,sinomania,sino-American spir 呼吸,精神 expire vi.期满,(期限)终止;断气,死亡

step 后、继、后父或后母所生的,前 妻或前夫所生的 stepfather,stepsister stereo-立体 stereogram sting,stinct刺,引申为火焰 extinguish vt.灭火 extinct adj.灭绝的,绝种的

sub-①下 subway,submarine,subglacial②次、亚、准 subtropics,subfamily③稍、略、微 subacute,subarid④副、分支、下级 subhead,subbranch ⑤接近subarctic,subequatorial⑥更近一层、再 subdivide,subtenant ⑦用于化学名词前,表示化合物成分含量 少的 suboxide suf 下面 suffice v.足够,有能力 super-①超、超级 supersecret ②上 superaquous,superterrene ③过度、过多 supersaturate supra-超、上supramolecular下面

sup 在...下面;超过,在„„上面 supplicant adj.哀求的,恳求的 ;surrender sur 在...下面 surrender.放弃,投降 sus 在...下面 sustain v.支撑,维持

sym-共同、相同sympathy,symmetry,symbiosis syn-共同、相同 synchronous,synonym,synthesis tetra-四(在元音前作tetr-)tetraoxide trans 交换 transport v.运输,传送 tri 三 triangle n.三角形


二、两 twiformed,twofold ultra-①极端 ultrapure,ultrathin ②超、以外 ultrasonic,ultrared un 不 unfair adj.不公平的 ①下 underlay ②内(用于衣服)underwear③不足、少 underdress④副、次 underagent under-①下 underlay②内(用于衣服)underwear③不足、少 underdress④副、次 underagent uni 单一 uniform adj.统一的,一致的 vice-副vice-principal with 向后 withdraw v.收回,撤销


acu 尖,酸,痛 acute adj.严重的,急性的,敏锐的;精明的 acupuncture n.针灸 aesthet 感觉 aesthetic adj.美学的,审美的;悦目的,雅致的 ag,act 做,驱动 agent代理人 active活 动的,积极的 agr 农田 agriculture农业 agrarian田地的alt 高 altitude n.海拔

alter 其它的,改变状态 alternate adj.交替的,轮流的 am 爱,亲爱 amicable友善的 amiable 和蔼可亲的

ampl 1.=take/procure,表示“拿,获得,拿走后[变空]”;2.=large,表示“大”(s=se+ample=ampl拿,获得,拿走后[变空]→分开 拿出→标本)

ana 分开 analogy 类比,类推 analyse 分析,分解

anim 心灵,精神,生命 animal动物 animate有生命的ann,enn 年 annual一年的 centennial 一世纪的 arbitr 判断 arbitray adj.随心所欲的,独断的

archy 统治者,统治,主要的 anarchy 无政府状态 art 技巧,关节,诡计 artificial adj.人工的,人为的 astro 星 astronomy天文学 astronaut宇 宙航行员 audi 听 audience听众 audible听得见的

avi 渴望;鸟 aviation n.航空,航空学;飞机制造业 bat 打 combat n.战争,斗争

bell 战争 rebellion反叛,反抗 bellicose好战的bene 善,好 benefit vi.有益于,得益 biblo 书 bibliography n.参考书目

bio 生命,生物 biology生物学 antibiotic抗生的,抗生素 brev 短 brevity 简短 abbreviate缩短,节略 brilli 发光 brilliant adj.光辉的,卓越的 calc 石灰 calcium n.钙

cap(t),cep(t),ceive,cip 拿,抓,握住 capture vt.捕获,俘获 card,cord 心脏,一致 accord 一致 cav 洞 excavate vt.挖出,掘出

cede 走 precedent先行的,在前的 precede先行

ceive 抓,抓住 conceive vt.构想,怀孕 celer 速度 accelerate 加速

cent 1,百,百分之一 centimeter厘米 centigrade百分度的 2,歌,唱 incent(in+cent)把激情唱进去――刺激,鼓励

center,centr 中心 concentrate集中 centrifugal离心力的cept 拿,抓住,握住 except v.除外 cern 区别 discern cert 搞清,区别 certify vt.证明,证实

cid 落下,引申为 偶然发生之意 incident n.发生的事,事件 cide,cis 杀,切suicide自杀 bactericide杀菌剂 claim,clam 叫喊 exclaim惊叫 proclaim 宣布,宣告

cip 抓,拿 recipient n.接受者,接收者 circ 环绕 circuit n.电路,环形

cit 1,引起,唤起2,公民 cite,excite;citizen claim 喊 exclaim vi.呼喊,惊叫

clar 清楚,明白 declare表明,声明 clarify讲清楚 clin 倾斜 incline vt.使倾斜

clos,clud,clus 关闭 exclude除在外

clud,clos 关闭 close关闭 exclude排斥

cogn 知道 recognize承认 cognitive认 识的cop, copor 身体,团体 corporation n.公司,企业 cord 心 cordial衷心的core核心

cosm(o)宇宙,世界cosmic宇宙的 cosmos宇宙

cracy 统治 democracy n.民主制,民主 creed,cred 相信 credibility可信 credit信任 crep 破裂 discrepant adj.差异的 cret 搞清,区别 secret crit 判断,评判 criterion cruc 十字形,交叉 crucify 钉在十字架上处死,迫害,折磨 cult 培养,种植 culture n.教养,培养 cumul 堆积 accumulate cup 拿,抓住,握住 occupy cur,cours 跑(cur还有“关心”之意)ccurrence出现,发生 current流通的 ;curious 好奇的

cur 跑,发生,快速做 currency n.通货,流行 incur in(进入)+cur(发生),招至,引起 cycl 圆,环 bicycle自行车 cyclone旋风 dem(o)民众 democracy n.民主,民主制 demn 伤害 condemn indemnification deterior 糟糕的

di 日 diary日记 diarist记日记者

dic 说话,断言,写 indicate dict 说 predict预言 indicate表示

dign 值得,高贵 dignity 尊严,高贵

doct 教 doctrinaire n.空论家 教条的,迂腐的 dom 1,家 2,统治 domain don,dit 给予 donation n.捐款,捐赠

dorm 睡眠 dormancy n.睡眠,冬眠,隐匿 dox 观点 heterodox n.异端

du 两,双 dubious 怀疑的,无把握的,靠不住的 dub 双,二

duc,duct 引导 conduct指导 induce引诱

ed 1,吃 edible可吃的 edacity贪吃 2,听 obey(ob=to+ey=ed)服从,顺从 obedient electr 电的 electric adj.电的,电动的 em 拿,获得,拿走后(变空)empty expt 拿,获得,拿走后(变空)empty equ,.equi 相等,平等 n.等式

erg,ert 能量,活力 energy n.精力,国力 err 漫游,犯错误 error inerrancy n.无错误的 ert 能量,活动 exert vt.尽(力),用(力),发挥 ese 存在,实在 essence exter 出去,外 external

fac,fact,fect,fic 做,制 factory工厂 manufacture制 造,加工

femin 女人 feminine adj.女性的,女子的

fer 带,拿;带来

tansfer转移 ferry渡船;suffer v.遭受,忍受 fest 1,仇恨,打击 2,节目 infest 骚扰,扰乱 festival fic(e)做 artificial adj.人工的,人为的 fid 相信,信念 confidence n.信任,信心 figur 形状

fin 结束,范围 confine vt.限制,使局限 flect,flex 弯曲 reflect v.反射,映现 flict 打击 conflict n.冲突

flu 流 fluent流利的 influenza流行感冒

form 形式,外形 transform改变 formula公式

fract,frag破,折 fraction碎片 fragile易碎的fus 倾,注,溶化 fusion熔解 effuse泻 出

fuse 流 diffuse 扩散,弥漫,散布

gen gener 起源 generate使产生 genetic遗传 的geo 地球,土地 geography地理 geology地质学

gon 角 trigon n.三角形

guise 伪装 disguise vt.伪装,假扮

grad 步,走,级 gradual逐步的 graduate毕业 gram 写,记录 diagram图表 program 节目单,方案

graph 写,画,记录 photograph照像 autograph亲笔,手稿

greg 群体 aggregate v.合计,聚集

gress 行走 progress进步 retrogress后 退

griev 1,重 2,悲伤 grievious adj.严重伤害的,引起痛苦的 grief hind 后面 handrance n.障碍,妨碍

hap 机会,运气,偶发 happen发生 mishap灾祸

her(e),hes 粘附 adhere vi.粘附,附着 herit 继承 inherit vt.继承 hibit 拿住 inhibit,prohibit hospit 客人 hospital医院 hospitable好 客的,殷勤的hum 地 humble adj.地位低下的 ident 相同,识别 identical ideo 思想 观点 idea idio 特殊的,个人的,专有的 idiom n.惯用语,方言 ign 点燃 ignite vt.点燃,引发vi.着火

insul 岛 peninsula半岛 insulation隔 绝,孤立 hydra 水 hydraulic水利的 hydrant消防栓 it 行走 exit n.出口,退出

inter 在...之间,在...之中 interact intergr 完整 intergrel adj.完整的,构成整体所必须的 integrity n.正直的,完全 ject 投,掷,抛 eject射出 project投射 jud 判断 judgement n.审判,判断 junct 连接,结合 conjunction连接词 adjunct附属物

jur 法律,发誓,正确,正直 jury n.陪申团,评奖团 juven 年轻 rejuvenscent adj.返老还童的,回春的 lapse 滑倒 collapse vi./n lect,leg,lig 挑选,采集 lect 选举 selection选举 eligible合格的,合适的lect 讲,读,说 idiolect 个人习语 leg 法律 legal adj.合法的,法律的 lev 举,升 elevator电梯 lever杠杆

liber 自由 liberate解放 liberalist自由主义的lic 高兴,美味,引诱 delicate delicious lig 1,捆绑,联合,约束 2,选择,收集 eligible adj.有条件被选中的,(由指婚姻等)合适的,合意的

lingu 语言 linguist语言学家 bilingual两种语言的liter 文字,字母 literate识字的 literature文学

loc 地方 local当地的 locate使座落于

log 词,语言,讲演 dialogue对话 logic 逻辑

loqu 说话 eloquent雄辩的 colloquial口语的,会话的loy 捆绑,联合,约束 alloy n.合金 lun 月亮 lunar adj.月亮的,似月的

lust(lumin)光,照亮 ullustrate vt.(用图等)说明 illuminate vt.照明,照亮;阐明,启发 lute 冲洗 dilute 稀释,冲淡 lyze 分割,分开 analyze vt.分析

manu(mani)手 manuscript手稿 manual手 的,用手的mar 海 marine adj.海上的,航海的

med 治疗,补救办法 remedy n.补救办法,治疗法

medi 中间 medium中等的 mediation居 中调解 memor 记忆,记住的 memory记忆 memorial纪念日,纪念物

memor 记忆,记住的 memory n.记忆,记忆力 mens 计量,测量 dimension merg 沉没 immerge,emerge mid 中间 middle,midst migr 迁移,移动 migrant,migrate milit 兵 military军事的 militant战斗的

min 1,少,小 minority少数 diminish减少,减小 2,突出 prominent adj.杰出的,突出的 mir 惊奇,惊异 admire vt.赞赏,钦佩 mise 送,放出,派,错过 demise,premise miss 送,派,放出,错过

mit 送,放出,派,错过 intermit v.中断 mut 变 mutual adj.相互的

mob,mot,mov 移动 mobile活动的 motion运动 immovable不可移动的mod 方式,模式,风度 mode n.方式,模式 nomin名 nominal adj.名义上的,有名 无实的 mon 警告 monitor n.班长,监视器,检测器

mono 一个,单个 monogamy n.一夫一妻制(婚姻)monologue n.独白 mort 死亡 mortal终有一死的 mortician 承办殡葬的人

mot 动 motion n.运动,动 muni 服务,职责,社区,公共 municipal(抓社区管理的)munificent(做出来给大家的)慷慨的,大方的

nav 1,船 2,海员,船员

neg 否定 negtive adj.否定的,消极的

not 知道,注意,注释,标识 notion n.概念,观念 nov 新 novel小说 novelty新奇

numer 数 numeral数字的 numerous为 数众多的nomy 在„„领域(的知识)agronomy 农科 oper 工作 operate操作 cooperate合作

opt 视线,光线 ;选择optic视力的 optics光学 optim 最好,乐观 optimistic ori 1,升起 orient 东方,东方的 2,开始 origin orn 装饰 adorn v.装饰

ortho 正 orthodox adj.传统的;正统的,正宗的 oxy 氧的 oxygen n.氧,氧气

paci 和平pacify vt.使和平,抚慰

pact(patch)包裹,紧的,结合 compact dispatch par 1,出产,出生 2,看见,出现 3,准备,安置 4,平等 multiparous adj.一胎多子的,经产的apparent part 部分 partial adj.部分的,不公平的

patri(1),父亲 patriarchal adj.家长似的,家长的,族长的 2,patriot n爱国者 pass 感觉 passion n.激情,热情

past 喂,食 pasture 放牧、牧场,吃草

path 感情,苦楚,疾病 sympathy同情 pathetic可怜的pel 推,逐,驱 expel驱逐 repel击退,反击,抵抗

pend,pens,pond 称重量,称银子,引申为花费 expend pend,pen pens 悬挂 depend依靠 pendent悬空的

per 1,贯穿,自始至终,全部 permanent 2,假,坏 perish pet追求 compete 竞争,比赛

phas 外貌,显示,状态 phase 阶段,方位,相位 phon 声音 microphone扩音器 telephone电话

pict 描写,画 picture n,画,图画

peri(piri)尝试 expiricism 经验主义 experiment plen 满,全 plenty充足,大量 plentitude丰富,充足

plex 重叠,交叉 complex adj.由许多部分组成的,复合的

plic 1,重叠,重复 2,折 3,弯

complicate vt.使复杂 adj.复杂的

ply 1.=fold,表示“重叠,重复”;2.折;3.弯;4.=full/fill,表 示“满,填满”reply [to]回答,答复,以„作答(re回+ply折→折回去 →答复)supply 补给, 供给, 供应品(sup下面+ply满,填满→ 在下面填满→补给)

polis 1,国家,城市 2,政治 cosmopolis <美>国际都市 pon,pos(it)放置 postpone推迟 position位置 pond 称重量而衡量,引申为花费,支付 ponderous adj.笨重的,笨拙的

popul 人民 population人口 popular人 民的,大众的port 搬运,带 portable可携带的 porter 搬运工人

pos,posit 放 deposit vt.使沉淀,存放 pound 放 propound vt.提议

pract 实践,实际,应用 practice preci 价值,估价 precious adj.珍贵的,宝贵的 prehend 抓住 reprehend vt.谴责,责难

prim 第一,首要 primary最初的 primitive原始的prin 第一,主要的,首要 prince,principal,principle priv 私有的,单一 private prob 1,测试,证明 2,证明 probe,reprobate psych 精神 psychology心理学 psychic 精神的puls 驱动,推 pulse vi.搏动,跳动

pur 清,纯,净 purify使纯净 depurate 使净化

rect 正,直,竖 erect直立的 correct改正

reg 统治,规定 regime n.政体,政权,政权制度 region n.地区 rid,ris 笑 ridicule嘲笑 derision笑柄,嘲 笑

rig 正,直;水 right irrigate vt.灌溉 rit 擦 irritate vt.激怒

rog 要求,问 arrogant adj.傲慢的,自大的

ros 咬 erosion n.磨损,腐蚀,侵蚀;削减,减少 rot 腐烂;轮 rotary adj.转动的,旋转的

rupt 破 rupture破裂,裂开 interrupt中 断

sacr 神圣的 sacrifice n.牺牲,供奉

sanct=holy,表示“神圣”,sanction vt.批准,认可 n.批准,认可;约束因素,约束力;[常 pl.]国际制裁

satur 饱 saturable adj.可饱和的

scend,scens,scent 爬 ascend上,升 descent下降

sci 知道 science科学 conscious有知觉 的scrible,script 写 describle vt.形容,描写 sect 切割 section n.截面,剖面

secut,sequ 跟随 consequence n.结果,后果 sens,sent 感觉 sensation感觉 sentiment感情

sequ 跟随 conaequence n.结果,推论 sert 插,放 insert vt.插入,嵌入 serve 保持 reserve vt.保留,保存

sid(e)1.=sit,表示“坐”;2.放置;3.=旁边 adj.assiduous 勤奋的(as一再+sid坐+uous多„„的→ 一再坐着[学习] →勤奋的)

simil,sembl,simul 相似,一样 similar adj.相似的,类似的 sist 站立 persist vi.坚持,持续

soc 同伴,结交 social adj.社会的,社交的 sol 太阳,独自 solar太阳的 parasol阳伞 spec spic 看 spectacle光景,景象 prospect 展望

spers 散开 disperse vi.使分散,散开;使消散

son=sound,表示“声音” sound spir 呼吸,生命 conspire共谋 inspire 吸气,鼓舞 spons 约定 sponsor n.主办者,保证人 st stat 表示“站,立” stand,stable,station stimul 刺激 stimulate v.刺激,激励 stinct,sting 刺 distinct adj.与其它不同的 stit 建,放,站 constituent,constitution sum 拿,取 resume vt.(中断后)重新开始,继续,恢复 struct 建立,结构 construct surg=rise,表示“升起” surg vi.升起+e→n.&v.巨涌, 汹涌, 澎湃 sym,syn 共同 sympathy n.同情,同情心

tact,tang,tag 接触 intact未接触的 tangible可接触的tail 切,割 tailor裁缝 retail零售

tain,ten,tin tinu 保持,握,容纳 contain容 纳 obtain取得,sustain支持

tamin 接触 contaminate tect 掩,盖 detect侦察 发觉,detective 侦探的tele 远 telescope望远镜 telegram电报

temp 1,表示时间或时间引起的现象 2,情绪,回火 adj.tempestuous 狂暴的(tempest[n.暴风雨,骚 动]+uous多„„的→adj.狂暴的)n.tempest 暴风雨,骚动(temp时间引起天气变化 +est→天气骤变→暴风雨)tempo 节奏,行进速度;[音乐的]速度(temp时间或 时间引起的现象+o音乐术语→按时件快慢做)tempt 尝试 temptation n.诱惑物

ten 1,拿住,握住,支撑;2,挽留

tenant tend,tens,tent 伸 extend伸开,扩展 extensive广阔的terr 1,地 territorial adj.领土的 2,恐怖,可怕 terrific test 证据 testify v.证明,证实

text 编织 textile纺织的 texture组织,结构

therm 热 thermal热的 thermometer温 度计

thesis 放,引申为“观点,论文”,n.antithesis 对立;反论(anti反+thesis论文;观点→n.对立;反论)hypothesis 假说,假设(hypo下面+thesis论文→还 不是正式的理论→假说)parenthesis 插入语,括弧(par平行+en进+thesis放 →平行放进去→括号)synthesis 合成(syn共同+thesis放→放在一起→ 合成)thesis [(thesis放,引申为论文,观点→放好的研究 主题)

tim 害怕 timid timorous

tin 1,拿,握,支撑 2,挽留 continue tor,tort 扭,扭转 orsion扭转 distortion 歪曲

tour 转 detour 使绕路而行

tox 毒 toxic adj.有毒的,因中毒引起的

tract 拖,拉,吸引 attract吸引 attractive有吸引力的trem 抖动 tremendous 极大的,非常的,了不起的 tribut 给予 contribute v.捐助,捐献

tric,trig 复杂 intrigue vt.激起...的好奇心,迷住 vi.耍阴谋 n.阴谋,私通 turb 扰乱 disturb v.弄乱,扰乱 twi 两个(由two而来)twice

typ adj.atypical 非典型的(a非+typical典型的→adj.非典 型的)typical [of]典型的,有代表性的(typ模式,形状 +ical„„的→成模式的→典型的)adv.typically 代表性地, 作为特色地(typical[adj.[of]典 型的,有代表性的]+ly表副词→adv.代表性地, 作为 特色地)n.prototype 原型;典型,范例(proto原始+type类型 →n.原型;典型,范例)typewriter 打字机(type打字+writer写的人或东西 →n.打字机)stereotype 固定形式,老套(stero固体的+type型 式→固定形式,老套→对„„产生成见)typography 凸版印刷术, 排印;印刷样 式(typo=typ模式,形状+graph写+y状态,性质→用 模型写,印刷)typology 类型学, 血型学, 体型学, 象征学(typ模 式,形状+ology学科→n.类型学, 血型学, 体型学, 象 征学)v.stereotype 对„„产生成见(stero固体的+type型 式→固定形式,老套→对„„产生成见)ultim(o)最后的 ultimate adj.最后的,最终的 ultra 超...的 ultraviolet adj.紫外线的

un,uni 一 unite统一,联合 union联 合,工会

urb 城市 suburb 郊区,近郊

ut,util 用 utility有用 utilize利用

ut 出去,过时,外面 utmost vac,van 空,空虚 vacation假期 vanity 空虚,虚荣

vad, vas 行走 invasion 入侵,侵略

val,vail 强壮的,价值 value n.价值,估价

vari 变化 various各样的variant变异的,不同的ven 来 intervene干预,介入 prevent防 止

ver 真实的 verdict n.裁判,判断 verb 词语 adverb n.副词

verg 倾向 converge v.聚合,会聚

vert,vers 转 adverse相反的 convert转 换

vi 路 via prep.取道,经由 deviate vid,vis 看见 evident明显的 visible可见 的

vis1.=separate,表示“分开”;2.=see,表示“看,查” devide,supervise vit,viv 生活,生存 vital生命的 survival 幸存 voc 声音 vocal adj.嗓音的,发声的 vok 出声,叫喊,看 evoke provoke volu(t)卷 volume n.卷,册,书卷;容积,体积;音量,响度 volunt n.自动

volv 滚动 revolve旋转 involve卷入

vot 忠于,发誓 devote

ven 来 revenue n.收入,收益

vulg 庸俗 vulgar adj.粗野,下流;庸俗,粗俗 wis,wit 知道 wisdom智慧 witty机敏的 with 向后 withdraw v.收回,撤回;撤退


able(形容词后缀)可...的,能...的,具有某种特质的 acity n 表状态,、情况 capacity n.容量,能力,身份 age(名词后缀)集合名词总称;场所、费用;行为或其结果 marriage n.结婚,婚姻 ant(名词和形容词后缀)人、物;...的 immigrant n.移民,侨民 aneous 表形容词,“多„„的,„„特征的” spontaneous adj.自发的,无意识的;自然的,天真率直的

ent 1,adj.„„的 2,n.通常表示 „„人,也可以表示其它的事物 3,n.药剂


considerate adj.考虑周到的,体贴的

ary...的 imaginary adj.假想的,虚构的

ery 1,行为,情况 2,场所,地点 cemetery 墓地,公墓 hood 时期,性质 brotherhood ible adj 可...的,能...的,易...的 horrible adj.令人恐惧的 ic adj.„„的 n.人或科学 n.某种科学或药学有关的 ice n.表示行为,状态 novice 新手 ific adj.产生„„的 pacific ify 使...clarify vt.澄清,阐明


ititude 表示性质,状态 lassititude n.无力,没精打彩 let 小 booklet n.小册子 logy n...学,...学科 ous adj...的 numerous

ward(s)adv 表示方式或动作的方向(manner and direction of movement)例词:onward(s),backward(s),e arthward(s),homeward(s),eastw ard(s)

wise adv 1)按照„„方式(in the manner of)例词:crabwise,clockwise

2)就„„而言(as far as...is concerned)例词:weatherwise,educationwise


Prefix a=ab: from, away

• abnormal adj.反常的,变态的,畸形的 • abolish v.废除,终止(the law)• abstract adj.抽象的

• abuse v/n.滥用---alcohol/antibiotic

ad=ab • advance=from+before前进 • advantage

 ad=to, toward, • adapt v.= to + fit 使适应 • adept adj.熟练的

• addict v, 使沉溺于,使热衷于 • address v./n.地址,演讲;解决 • adhere v.粘着,附着=stick • adverse adj.逆反的

• adversity n.逆境,不幸,灾难 Adversity makes people wise.• advocate v./n.支持,拥护;提倡者,支持者/ advocator Sceptics and advocates alike do concur on one issue.1

anti-= against;opposite to

• antibiotic n./adj.• antibacterial adj.抗菌的 ;bacterium;bacteria • antibody n • anticancer adj.---drug • antiaging adj.---agent 抗衰老剂

• antipathy = against + feeling(反sympathy)• antiwar adj.• antisocial adj.不善社交的----behaviors • Antarctic adj./n.南极的,南极地区 • Antarctica n.南极洲

• antonym n.反义词/synonym同义词

• antivirus n.杀毒(软件)--software/computer viruses

auto=self, same

• automobile n./adj.汽车(的)• autobiography n.自传

• automatic adj.=self + thinking 自动的automatic door/transmission(自动变速器)

=instinctive(本能的),instinctive reaction • autonomy n.=self + government 自治区

• autocracy n.=self + rule;独裁,专制;democracy 民主

bene=bon=well, good与male反

• benefit n.• beneficial adj.• benefactor n.• benevolent adj.慈善的

bi =double;two

• bicycle • bilingual adj.双语的 • bilingualism n.• bilateral adj.双边的

circum-=around;round about=circu • circumspect adj.慎重的,谨慎的,小心的-(around + look)=cautious The banks should have been more circumspect in their dealings...那些银行在交易中本该更加谨慎的

She is very circumspect when dealing with strangers.• circumstance n.环境,情况,氛围,气氛=atmosphere/ surroundings/ climate/ environment/ situation She made it clear that under no circumstances would she cancel the trip.她明确表示,无论如何她都不会取消旅行

Under the circumstances, a crash was unavoidable...在那种情况下,撞车是难以避免的。

In the circumstances, Paisley's plans looked highly appropriate.佩斯利所拟定的计划在当时的情况下看来非常恰当 • circumnavigation n.环球旅游,周游世界navigate: to find the way • circuit n.一圈,一周,电路

There is an internal circuit breaker to protect the instrument from overload.内置有断路器,防止设备过载。

There's a closed-circuit television camera in the reception area.接待处有一个闭路电视摄像头。

The approach was intended to short-circuit normal complaints procedures.这种方法旨在避开正常的投诉程序。

The fire was started by an electrical short-circuit.火灾是由电线短路引发的。

• circulate v.流通,循环/circle/ blood circulation


• cooperate v.合作 • coexist v.共存

• coincide v.与-一致;符合 • cohabit v.cohabitation n.同居 • combine v.综合

• compose v.合成,component;decompose • commence v.开始.• commute v.通勤 • compile v.编纂,编辑 • collaborate v.合作=cooperate • collapse v./n.倒塌 • colleague n.=coworker • collide v.碰撞

• concentrate v.集中,专心 • conclude v.• concord n.和谐一致 • concur v.totally agree • confer v.赐予,颁给

 configuration n.=arrangement  confront v.v.(问题、任务或困难)降临,使面临 If you are confronted with a problem, task, or difficulty, you have to deal with it.She was confronted with severe money problems...Ministers underestimated the magnitude of the task confronting them.部长们低估了他们所面临的任务的艰巨性。

v.勇敢地面对;正视 If you confront a difficult situation or issue, you accept the fact that it exists and try to deal with it.We are learning how to confront death...NATO countries have been forced to confront fundamental moral questions.北约国家被迫正视基本的道德问题。(North Atlantic Treaty Organization)

v.使面对(有威胁性或困难的事)If you are confronted by something that you find threatening or difficult to deal with, it is there in front of you.I was confronted with an array of knobs, levers, and switches.我面对的是一大堆旋钮、控制杆和开关。

v.与…对峙;与…对抗 If you confront someone, you stand or sit in front of them, especially when you are going to fight, argue, or compete with them.She pushed her way through the mob and confronted him face to face...她挤过骚动的人群,与他当面对峙。

They don't hesitate to open fire when confronted by police...他们遭遇警察时毫不犹豫地开火。

The candidates confronted each other during a televised debate.候选人在电视辩论中当面交锋。

v.与…当面对证(或对质)If you confront someone with something, you present facts or evidence to them in order to accuse them of something.She had decided to confront Kathryn with what she had learnt...她决定拿自己了解的事实与凯瑟琳当面对证。I could not bring myself to confront him about it...我不忍心就这事和他对质。

His confronting me forced me to search for the answers.他对我的当面质询迫使我思索如何作答。 conjunction n.同时发生;连词

(事件的)同时发生,同地发生 A conjunction of two or more things is the occurrence of them at the same time or place....the conjunction of two events....a conjunction of religious and social factors.宗教因素和社会因素的并存  consume v.• correlate v.使相互关联 / correlation /correlate v./connect v.相互关联;极为相似 If one thing correlates with another, there is a close similarity or connection between them, often because one thing causes the other.You can also say that two things correlate.Obesity correlates with increased risk for hypertension and stroke...肥胖会增加高血压和中风发作的几率。

The loss of respect for British science is correlated to reduced funding...英国科学界不如以前受重视,资金也因此减少。

v.使显示联系;使相互关联 If you correlate things, you work out the way in which they are connected or the way they influence each other.Attempts to correlate specific language functions with particular parts of the brain have not advanced very far...人们试图把特定的语言功能与大脑的某些特定部位联系起来,这一努力目前还没有取得很大进展。

• correct v./ adj.contra-=contro-=counter=against contra-• contradict v.否认,辩驳contradict sb./yourself/ each other/

dict说/ dictation/ dictator独裁者


predict/ expect/ anticipate

contradiction n.•

contradictory adj.self-contradictory/ •

contrary adj.相反的 on/to the contrary • contrast 对比,比较,---difference/ compare similarities;/resemble/like/ as/

in(sharp/ marked/ stark)contrast to/ by contrast

contro-• controversy n.争论cause---over/about • controversial adj.有争议的=dispute对比argue/ refute(驳斥,驳倒)

a highly----topic • noncontroversial adj.counter-• counteract vt.:to do sth to reduce or prevent the bad effect of sth抵消;消除;---sth

E g.These exercises aim to counteract the effects of stress and tension.翻译:_____________________________________________________

• counteraction n./v.反作用,抵制 • counterbalance v./n 抗衡,抵消=offset • counterfeit n.造假;仿造品;假钞=fake 反genuine;artificial;/counterfeit money/ product

假冒伪劣产品中的假冒伪都是fake;劣是inferior反superior • counterpart n.职务相当的人,对应物

The Foreign Minister held talks with his Chinese counterpart.It is not a unique instance , but has its counterpart.无独有偶.It has no counterpart in the world.举世无双.de=down, down ward de=apart from, from • debate v.讨论,辩论,(打倒)(down +beat)• debris n.残骸,垃圾,碎片(down +break)• decay v./n.衰落,衰退,腐烂(down + fall)• decease.n./v.死了(走了)(away +go)the deceased • deceive v.欺骗(from, away + take)• decompose v.• decode v.• degenerated adj.• defrost v.去霜,去冰

• decline v./n.衰退,下降 / inclination =trend=tendency • deliberate adj.深思熟虑的(thoroughly + weigh)=intentional,/accidental • demolish v拆除,毁坏,推倒 • demonstrate v.证明,示范

• depict v.绘画,描写(down fully +paint)• defy v.不服从,公然反抗

• devoid adj.缺乏的,没空的,空的,缺的(from + empty)/avoid The face is entirely devoid of expression /feeling.The man's voice was devoid of inflection.那人的声音缺少抑扬变化 • devote v.专心从事,致力于,奉献(from +vow)Faculty members devote most of their time to scholarly research.全院教师大部分时间都用来从事学术研究。


• dialogue n.between speech;monologue • diagnosis n.诊断;between knowledge;ignorant • diagram n.图表,图样;through write • dialect n.方言

• diameter n.直径;through measure

dis=apart, away, not 变化形de-des-di-dif-s-• disabled adj.• disable v.(deprive of + capacity)• disagree v.• disapprove v.不赞成,反对

• disaster n./ disastrous adj./accident/ catastrophe /calamity • discard v.丢弃,抛弃=get rid of =eliminate Read the manufacturer's guidelines before discarding the box.在丢掉盒子前先看一下制造商的使用说明

Einstein had the courage to discard common sense and long-established theory.爱因斯坦敢于抛弃常识和长期公认的理论 • discontent n.不满,不平;adj.不满意的=dissatisfied;v.使不满

An independent opinion poll published today shows growing discontent with the government.今天发表的一项独立民意测验表明民众对政府的不满正与日俱增。

• • • • discontinue v.discourage v./encourage discord v./n.(apart + heart)=disagreement, argument, 不一致,不合 concord n.a state of peaceful agreement.和谐,协调;(语法,一致)

They expressed the hope that he would pursue a neutral and balanced policy for the sake of national concord.他们希望,为了国家的和谐,他会奉行中立、不偏不倚的政策。

• accord v.使和谐,n.和谐,本田

In many cases the disease will clear up of its own accord.这种病很多情况下会自愈。

• discredit v.(not + to believe)使不可置信,毁坏…的名声 The photos were deliberately taken to discredit the President.这些蓄意拍摄的照片旨在败坏总统的名声。

• discrepancy n.矛盾,不一致,不符noticeable differences the discrepancy between press and radio reports A greater cause for resentment is the discrepancy in pay.导致愤怒的更主要原因是报酬上的差异.• discriminate v.区分;辨别 recognize the difference between= distinguish

The device can discriminate between the cancerous and the normal cells.这台仪器可以辨别癌细胞和正常的细胞。

区别对待;歧视;偏袒 To discriminate against a group of people or in favour of a group of people means to unfairly treat them worse or better than other groups.11

They believe the law discriminates against women....legislation which would discriminate in favour of racial minorities...偏袒少数种族的立法 • disease n./easy/ease/facility • disguise v.(apart + manner, fashion)v/n.乔装,伪装,掩盖 You'll have to travel in disguise 造句:古代皇帝经常乔装出行。_______________________________________ She disguised herself as a man so she could fight on the battlefield.她女扮男装,这样就可以上战场了。

Their healthy image disguises the fact that they are highly processed foods...它们看上去有益健康,实则掩盖了其为精加工食品这一事实 • disgust n.(apart + taste)n./v.恶心,厌恶,使反感 • dishonest adj.• disillusion v.使幻想破灭;n幻灭/disillusioned adj.大失所望,幻觉破灭 • dismiss v.(away +send)解散,开除

The Prime Minister has the power to dismiss and appoint senior ministers.首相有权任免高级部长。• displace v.(deprived of + place)取代,替换;迫使…离开家园,• replace…with 把…放回原位,用…替换

Coal is to be displaced by natural gas and nuclear power.煤炭将让位于天然气和核能

These factories have displaced tourism as the country's largest source of foreign exchange...这些工厂已取代旅游业成为该国最大的外汇来源

...the task of resettling refugees and displaced persons.重新安置难民和无家可归者的任务 • display v./n展示,展览,陈列=show=exhibit The most pleasurable experience of the evening was the wonderful fireworks display.这个晚上最让人高兴的就是精彩的焰火表演。...gymnastic displays.体操表演

The cabinets display seventeenth-century blue-and-white porcelain.展柜中陈列着17世纪的青花瓷 • dispose v.(apart +place)处理,处置,安排;排列,布置/ deal with/ throw away They have no way to dispose of the hazardous waste they produce.他们没有办法处理掉自己产生的有害废料。造句:他不知道怎么处理自己的空闲时间。

______________________________________________________________________.• expose v.揭露,揭发;使暴露,使遭受 expose to =subject to A wise mother never exposes her children to the slightest possibility of danger.明智的母亲决不会让她的孩子置身于一丁点儿危险之中。

• disregard v.(not+ again +watch)v/n.忽视,不顾,不理=ignore disregard human rights 他对主管层的建议置若罔闻(executives/supervisors)______________________________ • disrupt v.(apart + break)使分裂,使中断

The drought has severely disrupted agricultural production 13

.The effect was to disrupt the food chain, starving many animals and those that preyed n on them.其结果就是破坏食物链,使很多动物和那些以捕食它们为生的动物饿死 • interrupt v.打断(某人),中断,暂停,妨碍

The birth of her two daughters failed to interrupt her career.• • • • • • dissolve v.溶解(apart + loosen)distract v.分心,转移/attract v./ extract v, distribute v.分配,分发,散布 dessert n.(apart, away + serve)甜点

digest v.消化,了解,领悟;文摘,摘要(读者)diminish v.减小,减弱

我们应尽力减少生产成本:_____________________________________________________ • differ v.scientists with differing attitudes… • diffuse v.传播散布

Over time, the technology is diffused and adopted by other countries.久而久之,这项技术传播到了其他国家并得到利用。• diffusion

...the development and diffusion of ideas.思想的发展和传播 • diverge v.分歧,差异

When the aims of the partners begin to diverge, there's trouble.当合作伙伴的目标开始出现分歧时,麻烦就产生了。•

diverse adj./diversity/ diversify

• divert v.转移注意力,divert one’s attention from;

转移资金,divert money/resources;使绕道,使转向,divert vehicles or travellers


• enclose v.=close in 围绕,包含 • encompass v.围绕,包含 • encounter v.对抗,遭遇 • engage v.雇佣;从事忙于,订婚

• engrave v.in +cut 雕刻,铭记=inscribe/ inscription • enhance v.=improve(生活水平)• enlighten v.开导,教化=give light to 放在名词或者形容词前/后,使其具有动词含义 • enlarge v.• enrich v.• enable v, • encourage • enroll • entitle 使有资格

• empower v.give power to授权给 • embrace v./n拥抱/bracelet 手镯 • shorten • sharpen

• lessen • lighten • strengthen • threaten

ex=fully;out of 变化型a-.e-,ec-,ef-,es-,iss-,s-• exacerbate v.=worsen 使 恶化,加剧 • exaggerate v.=overstate夸张,夸大

• exceed v.;excessive adj.;excess超过,超越 • excel v.优于,胜过,擅长

• except v.除外prep, conj.• excerpt n.摘录

• exchange v.=swap=share交换,互换 • exclude v.除去,排外;include • exhaust v.用尽,用竭 • exhibit v.=show=expose • exorbitant adj.过分的charge …rate • exotic adj.=foreign • expand v.=out +spread;expansion • expect v.=out + look • explicit adj.=out +folded;明确的; implicit 暗含的• expose v.out +place暴露,展览,陈列

• external adj.外部的interior access to top • extrude v逐出,挤出.intrude=invade , evade=escape • edit v.=give out =publish编辑 • eject v(out +throw)喷出,投出

• elaborate adj.精巧的,复杂的;v.用心经营,(e(fully)+labor + ate)• elapse v.(时间)溜走,流逝(e=ex(away)+lapse(glide))/collapse倒塌• elect v.(out + choose)/collect 收集 • eliminate v.除去,淘汰 • erupt v.(out + break)• evoke v.唤起,引起out+call • eccentric adj.古怪的,乖僻的

homo-=same • homosexual adj.同性恋的 • homogeneous adj.同类的,相似的

in-im-=in, into, on • invade v.入侵

• inborn adj.=innate adj.天生的;天赋的 • incentive adj./n.刺激的,刺激,诱因 • incident n./adj.事件

• incline v.=toward + lean = tend to 爱好,倾向于,inclination • individual adj.= in divide 个人的,个体的

• indoor adj./outdoor adj.• induce v.=toward+ lead 劝说,诱导;/persuade v.• inhibit v.抑制,/inhabit v./habit • inherit v./ heritage n 继承

• innovate v./ 改革,革新innovative / novel;innovation • inquire v.investigate调查 • inscribe v.=write +upon 题/铭刻 • insect n.=pest昆虫

cide =killer • insecticide • insert v.插入,潜入 ;insertion • insight n.the power of seeing into洞察力 • inspect v.in + look检查,检阅/respect/prospect • intuition n.直觉,洞察力/tuition • invest v.投资 • investigate v.• involve v.in +roll包括,影响,牵连 • illuminate v.=light up;enlighten • illustrate v.illustration n.举例 • illusion n.幻觉

• immigrate v.移民emigrate/migrate • impair v.=make worse 损害,伤害 • imply v.包含,暗示

• implement v.=carry out;n.=tools…agricultural /fishing…18

• impose v.强制实施 imposition(law/rule/tax)A new tax was imposed on fuel.• import v.进口,输入export • impoverish v.=make poor;impoverished/poverty-stricken • irrigate v.灌溉 over-irrigation n.;evaporate;salinate;salinity • inflame v.使愤怒,使激动;使发炎 • inflate v.inflation通货膨胀 • influence v./n.in/im/il/ir=not • inaccessible adj.不能进入的,不能接近的 • inaccurate 不精确的 • incorrect • inadequate=not enough • inappropriate not suitable • incapable= not able • inconsistent 不一致的lack of consistency • inconstant =not+ constant/(not change)多变的 • inconvenient 不方便的

• indigestion n.消化不良 digest/ digestive • ineffective 没有效果的 • inefficient无效的

• inequality n.不平等equal/equality • infamous=notorious=well known

• inflexible(timetable/person)• insecure 不安全的

• insignificant 不重要的,无意义的 • invaluable 无价的,非常珍贵的 • invisible 看不见的

• invulnerable 不会受伤的vulnerable / vulnerability • ignorant=not+ know • illegal:against the law • illegible :unable to read • illegitimate不合法的,私生的

• illiterate=

literature;literacy • immature未成熟的

• immeasurable(大到)不可测量的 • immodest 无礼的

• impartial 公平的unbiased=fair=equal • impractical 不切实际的 • immoral不道德的

• immortal不朽的,永世的,不朽人物,神immortality;mortal/ mortality • insoluble 不溶的/ dissolved(salt)• irrelative不相关的 • irrelevant无关的

• irresistible不可抵制的/resist/resistant/resistance • irresponsible

un=not • unalterable adj.alter • unattended adj.无人看管的

• unavailable adj.达不到的,不能利用的 • unaware adj.未觉察到的,不知道的 • unconscious adj.没意识到的 • unbiased adj.=fair • undeniable adj.不可否认的,无可争辩的deny • undesirable adj.不受欢迎的 • unfortunate(ly)=unlucky • unintentional adj.不是故意的 intend;intentional/deliberate • unreliable adj.rely=depend on;reliable • unyielding adj.坚定不移的,不屈不挠的;坚固的,坚硬的 yield=output His unyielding attitude on this subject was that since he had done it, so could everyone.在这件事上他态度很坚决:既然他做到了,别人也能做到

He sat on the edge of an unyielding armchair, a cup of tea in his hand.他坐在一张坚固的扶手椅的椅边上,手里端着一杯茶。un放到动词前面,意思是把这个动作倒回去 • unload v.• unlock v.• unfold v • unpack v.• unsettle v.使紊乱,使不安定 unsettled adj./settled down • unwrap v.mal=badly =ill • malfunction n/v.故障,出毛病 • maltreat v.虐待 • malaria n.疟疾

• malefactor 犯罪者,恶徒 /benefactor 恩人 • malnutrition.营养不良

• malnourished a.营养不良的,营养失调的/undernourished

mis-=badly =ill =wrong • mistake/mistaken view • misconception /concept • mislead v.• misinterpret v.= misunderstand • mistrust v/n.不信任,怀疑

non-=not • nonstop a.不停地,直达的 • nonsense n胡说,无意义的话

Most orthodox doctors however dismiss this as complete nonsense.但大多数传统的医生认为此说法完全是胡说八道 • nonverbal a.非语言表达的nonverbal behaviors

Nonverbal communication for classroom teaching also arouses the interest of scholars.22

inter=between=among 变化型:enter,intel • interchange v.交流(思想),交换(位置)

The interchange of ideas aids an understanding of family dynamics.思想的交流有助于理解家庭动态

She likes to interchange her furnishings at home with the stock in her shop.她想要把家里的家具与店里的存货调换一下 • exchange=swap • interrupt v.• intervene v.干涉,介入

The Government is doing nothing to intervene in the crisis.政府没有采取任何行动对这次危机进行干预。

The security forces had to intervene to prevent the situation worsening.安全部队不得不介入,以防止局势进一步恶化。• interfere v.干预,妨碍

Smoking and drinking interfere with your body's ability to process oxygen.The UN cannot interfere in the internal affairs of any country.联合国不能干涉任何国家的内政。• international adj.• intercontinental adj.• interstate adj.洲际的

• intercity express城市间的快速列车/EMS • interplay n.相互作用

• interlock v.• interact v.合作交流,沟通 • interaction n.• interview v/n.• interior a.内部的 interior access to top • interpret v.解释,口译

• enterprise n事业,企业,进取心 • entertain v.款待,使娱乐 • intelligence n./AI


• microbe=a small living thing微生物 • microcosm n.小宇宙,缩图 • microscope n.显微镜 • microwave n.• microphone n.mono=one=alone/single/sole • monocycle • monolingual adj./n只会一种语言的人/bilingual • monologue独白/dialogue • monopoly n.垄断 • monoculture n.• monk n.和尚,僧人

adj./n 24

mult(i)=many/much •

multicultural adj.多种文化的 • multiform adj.• multimedia adj.• multiply v.乘

• polycentric adj.多中心的

ob-=at;against;before;near;over;toward ob-=oc-=o-=of-=op-=os-• object v.反对,拒绝n.物体,目标;subject/ subjective/objective(object=toward, against+ throw)• obstacle n.障碍物=barrier(against, over +stand)Eg, The blind can use the echoes of their footsteps and of other sounds to sense the presence of obstacles.• obscure adj.unknown or known by a few people;difficult to understand 模糊的,不清楚的 • obstruct v.阻碍,遮蔽,妨碍=block(over/ against + build)/ structure/construct 造句:当你感冒时,你的嗅觉被堵塞,你的味觉会急剧下降。• opponent n..(名词)对手,反对者,敌手

adversary, opponent,competitor,enemy,foe,rival adversary意为“对手,反对者”,可指“反对的一方”,也可指敌人




foe: 语气较强,多用于书面文字和诗歌中,指不仅敌对,而且危险,怀有很深的敌意。

rival:指与某人目标一致而想赶上或超过他的人,匹敌者。• oppose v.反对,反抗,使对立

They opposed the government's new policies.• oppress v.使烦恼,使意气消沉,使气馁; =depressed压迫,压制;虐待,欺侮

He states uncompromisingly that he is opposed to any practices which oppress animals.他坚决声明反对任何虐待动物的行为 A good ruler will not oppress the poor.• oblige v.迫使,强制 be obliged to do sth.The storm got worse and worse.Finally, I was obliged to abandon the car and continue on foot...• obtain v.=get or achieve(near, close to + hold); exist Evans was trying to obtain a false passport and other documents...埃文斯正试图取得一本假护照和其他证件。

The perfect body has always been difficult to obtain.• • obvious adj.清楚地,明显的

obedient adj.服从的,顺从的(ob + edi(hear)+ent(adj))He was very respectful at home and obedient to his parents...他在家里对父母十分恭敬顺从。

.He was always obedient to his father's wishes.他一向顺从父亲的意愿。

Their early training programmes them to be obedient and submissive.他们早期受过的教育把他们训练得俯首帖耳、唯命是从 • omit v.=let go 略去,遗漏,疏忽;删掉

In writing telegrams, omit

superfluous /redundant words.写电报稿要省去不必要的文字 • • occasion n./ on one occasion有一次/on occasion偶尔,有时 /occasional adj.occupy v.占领; 使用,住在…; 使从事,使忙碌,担任…职务

occupation = profession=career=vocation / engage=hire Keep the brain occupied...保持大脑全神贯注。

I had forgotten all about it because I had been so occupied with other things.因为忙于其他事情,我把这件事忘得精光。

Social status is largely determined by the occupation of the main breadwinner.社会地位很大程度上是由家里经济支柱的职业决定的。Please state your name, age and occupation below.• occur v.=happen, exist,to think(toward + run)/ occurrence/ current n./adj水流,目前的current account/affair Unless you respect other people's religions, horrible mistakes and conflict will occur.It did not occur to me to check my insurance policy...我没有想到要核实我的保险单条款。

It occurred to me that I could have the book sent to me...我想到可以让人把书寄给我。•

offer v./n 提供,呈现offer to do(near + carry)

out=beyond/ out超越,胜过

• outdoor adj.户外的 • outline n.外形,• outside adj.adv.n.外面 • outstanding adj.• outweigh v.比…重

将动词短语..out 颠倒过来,构成一个单词,是原短语的名词形式。• break out 爆发

outbreak爆发 • come out(出现)

outcome结果 • cry out高声呼喊

outcry叫喊,抗议 • fit out装备

outfit n.全套服装 • lay out



支出,花费 • look out小心

outlook 展望,见解 • put out出产

output 产品,产量 • set out 出发,开始

outset 着手,最初

over =above=across=beyond • overbridge =overpass天桥 • overburden v.使负担过重 • overeat v./ overdrink v.• oversleep v.• overdo=overwork

• overcrowded adj.• overhang v./n The verb is pronounced /ˌəʊvə'hæŋ/.The noun is pronounced /'əʊvəhæŋ/ 悬于…之上;悬浮物

A sharp overhang of rock gave them cover.Part of the rock wall overhung the path at one point...石墙的一部分在某处悬于小路的上方。• overestimate v.高估/underestimate • overpay / overcharge • oversee v.监督,管理,指导

Judge Stacks was appointed to oversee the disposition of funds.斯塔克斯法官被指定监督资金的分配。

Call in an architect or surveyor to oversee the work.He has vowed to oversee the elections impartially.他已宣誓公平公正地监督竞选。• overtake v.超过超越,使突然遭遇

Pulling out to overtake, the car collided head-on with a van.越线超车时,轿车和一辆厢式货车迎面相撞 No one could overtake him.没有人能超过他.• overnight adv/adj.昼夜,通宵 • overload v,使超载

• overwhelm v淹没,压倒,覆盖

After my lecture, the students began to overwhelm me with questions.讲课之后, 学生们开始问一系列问题,使我不知所措.No difficulty can overwhelm us.• overwhelming adj.强烈的;数量巨大的

The task won't feel so overwhelming if you break it down into small, easy-to-accomplish steps...如果将这个任务细分为简单易行的若干步骤来做,便不会感到如此无所适从。The overwhelming majority of small businesses go broke within the first twenty-four months...绝大多数小企业在头两年内就破产了。

Women of his own middle class found him overwhelmingly attractive.同属中产阶级的女性觉得他的魅力令人难以抗拒。• overlook v.俯视,监视,看漏

under-=beneath,• underage adj.未成年的

Underage youths can obtain alcohol from their older friends.未到法定年龄的青少年可以从年龄较大的朋友那里弄到酒 • underdeveloped adj.低度开发的/undeveloped • undergo v.遭受,忍受,经历

Fans may undergo body searches by security guards.球迷可能要接受保安人员的搜身检查。to undergo minor surgery 做小手术 • underestimate v./ overestimate

• underground adj/n 地下的,私密的,地铁=subway • underpass n 地下通道,隧道/ overpass/ overbridge Each intersection point would have to be made into an overpass and underpass.在每一个交点处都有一条是地面通道,一条是地下通道.Take the zebra crossing, pedestrian overpass or underpass to cross the road.过马路要走斑马线、人行天桥或地下通道!• underlie v.位于……之下,为…之基础 • underline v.=emphasize / highlight • undertake v.着手做,从事,承担;承诺,保证

She undertook the arduous task of monitoring the elections.她承担了监督选举的艰巨任务 undertake to do something

• undernourished adj.营养不良的,营养不足的

People who are undernourished also lack reserves of energy when faced with physical or mental crises.营养不良的人在体力或脑力上出现紧急情况时还缺乏足够的能量储备 undernourished children.据说文盲的母亲的孩子严重的营养不良。______________________________________ • undernourishment n.up/down • uphold v.拥护;支持;维护 If you uphold something such as a law, a principle, or a

decision, you support and maintain it

• upholding the artist's right to creative freedom.We have a duty to uphold the law.维护法律是我们的责任 • uplift v.使振奋;上升,增长

an uplift in the stock market...股市上涨

Art was created to uplift the mind and the spirit.艺术创作旨在陶冶情操 • upland n./adj.basin • uphill /downhill • uproot v.连根拔起

• upright adj.正直的,垂直的...a very upright, trustworthy man.• upset v.• upstairs v.adj./ downstairs • update

v./n 更新,校正;最新信息.The verb is pronounced /ʌp'deɪt/.The noun is pronounced /'ʌpdeɪt/

an updated edition of the book.该书的新版 They decided to update the computer systems....a weather update.最新天气报告...football results update.最新足球战况 •

up-to-date adj 新进的,新式的

Germany's most up to date electric power station.德国最先进的发电站

• upgrade The verb is pronounced /ʌp'greɪd/.The noun is pronounced /'ʌpgreɪd/.改良,升级,更新;晋升promote

Medical facilities are being reorganized and upgraded.正在对医疗设施进行重组和升级。

...upgraded catering / leisure facilities.更新换代的餐饮/休闲设施

We need to upgrade the status of teachers.He was upgraded to security guard.para-=against, beside, beyond, contrary • paradox n.矛盾(beside +opinion)• parallel =side by side v/n/adj.平行的,平行线,• parachute n,(against +fall)降落伞

• paralyze v.(para()+lyze(loosen))使麻痹,使不活动 • paraphrase v.意译

per=away, thoroughly, through par-, pel-, pil-• perceive=sense=recognize=understand(thoroughly +take)v.• perception n.• perfect(thoroughly +make)a.• perfume(through +smoke)香水 • perish v.死亡,丧生,腐烂,老化

Buddhism had to adapt to the new world or perish.佛教必须适应新时代,否则将会消亡。Civilizations do eventually decline and perish.各种文明最后都会衰落、消亡。

Most of the butterflies perish in the first frosts of autumn.大多数蝴蝶会在秋天的第一场霜冻来临时纷纷死去

• permanent a.(through +remain + ent)永久的/contemporary暂时的

• permit v,(through +send)允许(通行无阻)• perpetual a.连续的,不断地

I thought her perpetual complaints were going to prove too much for me.我想我再也受不了她无休无止的抱怨了....a perpetually renewed miracle.../不断再现的奇迹 • persist v.坚持,继续存在

If the symptoms persist, it is important to go to your doctor.如果这些症状持续存在,一定要去看医生 Contact your doctor if the cough persists...Why does Britain persist in running down its defence forces?...为什么英国要坚持消减其军事防御力量? • insist v.insist on doing • perspire v.(through +breathe)流汗 • persuade v.• pardon v.• pilgrim n.朝圣者,香客Pilgrims are people who make a journey to a holy place for a religious reason.• perspective n/a.思考方法,态度,观点,角度;正确/不正确看待;透视法  It's the collision of disparate ideas that alters one's perspective.是迥然不同的观点之间的碰撞改变了人们的看法

 Most literature on the subject of immigrants in France has been written from the perspective of the French themselves.. It helps to put their personal problems into perspective...这有助于正确看待他们的个人问题。

post-=after=behind • postpone v.=delay=put off推迟,延期 • postgraduate n.研究生 • postwar n.• post Ph.D.博士后(doctor of philosophy • postproduct n.电影的后期制作/ preproduce • postscript—P.S.(after +write)附笔,后记

fore=before=for • forebear n.=ancestor祖先 • forefather n.祖先,祖宗 • forehead n.前额

• forecast v./n.weather forecast • foresee v =expect预知,预见 • foretell v..预言预示---the future • foresight n.先见之明

He was later criticized for his lack of foresight.他后来被指责缺少先见之明。• foreword n.前言,引言,序

pre=before • precede v.before + go在前;precedent;unprecedented • predecessor n.前任,祖先

• predict v.• prehistoric adj.• prejudice n.before +judgment 偏见

• prescribe v.before +write 规定,开处方;prescription • present adj.现在的;absent • prestige n.声望,影响力 • presume v.=assume假定,推测 • pretend v.假装,佯装 • prevail v.盛行,流行

• prevalent adj.common 流行的,盛行的,普遍普片存在的• prevent v.妨碍,阻碍 • preview n.预告片

• previous adj.以前的,先前的

• preserve adj.预留,保护/reserve/conserve

pro=for/forth/forward • proceed v.继续进行,开始; precede先行 • prolong v.延长

• prominent adj.突出的,显著的 • prohibit

v.禁止,阻止 • progress

n.make progress • progressive adj.进步的

• proportion n.比例;proportionate;disproportionate

• propose v.建议proposal • prospect n.future possibilities • protect v.保护

re=again=back 变化型red-,ren • rebound v/n.(back + jump)弹回,跳回,回响, 从…恢复过来

The verb is pronounced /rɪ'baʊnd/.The noun is pronounced /'riːbaʊnd/.The recent rebound in mortgage rates could snuff out the housing recovery.抵押贷款利率最近的回升可能会扼杀房地产的复苏。

It is a mass extinction, and whether we will rebound from the loss is difficult to know。• rebel v.(again +war)v.谋反,叛乱;叛徒 • rebellion n.A little adolescent rebellion is commonly believed to be healthy.大家一致认为,青少年有点叛逆是正常的。

He was prepared to suppress rebellion by shooting down protesters.他准备开枪射击抗议者以镇压叛乱

A rebellion by radicals failed to materialize.激进分子的叛乱没有得逞。

• recall v/n.召回,叫回,使想起 remember/the ability to …

The verb is pronounced /rɪ'kɔːl/.The noun is pronounced /'riːkɔːl/ 我记得我第一次见你的情形。__________________________________

• recede v.(back + go),move away;retreat The mountain peaks recede into the distance as one leaves the shore.人离岸时,山峰向后退去.If untreated, the gums recede, become swollen and bleed.如果不进行治疗,牙龈会开始萎缩、红肿和出血。• receive v.(back +take)/ wedding reception • recite v.背诵

• reclaim(again + cry out)v.动词要求归还(或恢复);收回,拿回;开垦(荒地);开拓(耕地或建筑用地)n.改造,感化

In 1986, they got the right to reclaim South African citizenship...1986年,他们取得了恢复南非公民身份的权利。

You'll have to go to the police station to reclaim your wallet.你得到警察局去认领你的钱包。

The Netherlands has been reclaiming farmland from water.荷兰人一直在围海造地。• recline v.(back + lean)v.靠,躺,斜倚recline on • recognize v.(again + know)v.• record v/n.• recreation n.(again +produce)消遣,娱乐

There are plans to enlarge the recreation area.the need to improve facilities for leisure and recreation


There are excellent facilities for sport and recreation.有完善的体育娱乐设施。

• recreational adj, improve recreational facilities

The town and its environs are inviting, with recreational attractions and art museums.那座小镇及其周边地区建有休闲胜地和艺术馆,很吸引人。• recruit v.(again +grow)/n 招募,征募;新兵,新学员 Firms are now keen to hold on to the people they recruit.各公司现在都急切地想要留住招聘来的员工。

This is a nationwide campaign to recruit women into trade unions.这是一次吸收妇女参加工会的全国性运动.• recur v.(back +run)再发生,复发,重现 Economic crises recur periodically The same old favorites recur year in year out with monotonous regularity.相同的决心以单调的规律年复一年地出现 • recycle v.回收,再利用 • redundant adj.多余的,累赘的.This word is redundant, it can be left out

• reflect v.(back +bend)/反射,反映,表达,思考,沉思 flexible / inflexible People who lead busy lives have no time to stop and reflect.忙忙碌碌的人们无暇停下来反思

The percentage of GNP spent on education generally reflects the level of attainment in math.39

• refraction n.(back +break)折射,折射作用 • refresh v.使精神振奋;使变新;使记起,刷新 The lotion cools and refreshes the skin...这种润肤液凉爽清新,能够焕发肌肤的活力。• He awoke feeling completely refreshed.他醒来感到彻底恢复了精力。

Many view these meetings as an occasion to share ideas and refresh friendship...许多人把这些会面看成是交流想法和保持友谊长青的机会。refresh a web page • refrigerator n.freezer • refuge v.(back +flee)/n 避难所,庇护者。给…庇护

We climbed up a winding track towards a mountain refuge.我们沿着一条蜿蜒的小道爬向山上的一处避难所。refugee camp • refund n/v.退款

Dissatisfied customers can return the product for a full refund.The insurance company will refund any amount due to you.保险公司将退还你应得的所有款项。• refuse v.• reject v.拒绝,抛弃

The verb is pronounced /rɪ'dʒekt/.The noun is pronounced /'riːdʒekt/ reject a proposal / suggestion /idea

Young people reject the established way of life in their community.40

• regard v./disregard • register v/n.(again +bear)名单,登记,注册;登记本 She calls the register for her class of thirty 12 year olds.她按照花名册上的名单对她班上30个12岁大的孩子进行点名

Many students register for these courses to widen skills for use in their current job...许多学生报名学习这些课程是为增加技能,以适应目前工作的需要。The house is registered in her name, not her husband's.房子登记在她而不是她丈夫的名下。

What I said sometimes didn't register in her brain...有时我说的话她根本没听进去。

• enroll /enrolment 登记,注册,入学,入会 You need to enroll before August.enroll on/in a course • rehearse v.预演,排练 • reinforce v.增强,加强,巩固

Eventually, they had to reinforce the walls with exterior beams.最终,他们不得不通过增加外梁来对墙体进行加固。• relax v.• relieve v.减轻,缓解/relief

Massage is used to relax muscles, relieve stress and improve the circulation.按摩可以使肌肉放松,缓解压力和促进血液循环

Drugs can relieve much of the pain...药物能够大大地缓解病痛 • reluctant a.=unwilling

• remain v.=stay • remedy n.(again +heal)/ treatment / cure • reminiscence n.(again +remember)n.回想,追忆,Old friends like to reminisce about the good old days.老朋友们总喜欢谈论那“美好的往昔”.reminiscence of sb.• Renainssance(re+ nainss(be born)+ance)文艺复兴 • renew v.更新,换新,恢复

He believes the peace talks will be renewed soon...他相信和平谈判不久将会重新开始。Cells are being constantly renewed.细胞不断再生

When the two men met again after the war they renewed their friendship...两个人在战争结束后再次见面时重归于好。• renewable adj.• replace v.• reply v./n • report n.• repute v/n..(again + think)名气,名誉,声望,把…认为 He was a writer of repute.他曾经是一位颇有名望的作者。

This college has a good academic reputation...这所大学有良好的学术声誉

• • • • • • • • 

rescue v.require v research resemble v.(re +semble(imitate))/ similar /like /as resist v.抵制 resistance/ chemical-resistant resist sth./ doing sth.respect v/n.respectable /respectful restore v.归还,交还,使恢复

We need to restore respect for the law-enforcement agencies.我们需要重塑执法机构的声望

restrain v.(again + draw tight)抑制,压抑; 限定,限制; 制止;

She was unable to restrain her desperate anger...她无法控制自己极度的愤怒。

In the 1970s, the government tried to restrain corruption.resume v.重新开始; 继续; 恢复职位/ [ˈrezjumeɪ] n.摘要;简历 / CV;curriculum vitae I was given the all clear by the doctor to resume playing.医生准许我重新开始训练。Officials from the two countries will meet again soon to resume negotiations.两国官员不久将再度会晤以重启谈判。

He bowed to the inevitable and announced that he was willing to resumediplomatic relations.迫于形势他只好宣称愿意恢复外交关系。They thought that he should resume his kingly duties.他们认为他应该继续履行君主的职责

• consume / assume/ presume • retard v.阻碍,妨碍

Continuing violence will retard negotiations over the country's future.持续不断的暴力活动会阻碍关系到国家未来的谈判的进行。• revise v./ revision of policy • retire v.• retrench v.(re +trench(cut))节约,缩减开支 • reveal v.泄露,显示 • revenue n.收入总额

• revive v.(re +vive(live))/vivid adj.苏醒,复原,重振

He is seeking advice on how to revive the stagnant economy.他正在就如何振兴低迷的经济征求意见。They failed to revive her sagging spirits.他们未能让她从萎靡消沉中振作起来。• reward v/n.• revoke v.(back +call)取消,废除,撤销

The government revoked her husband's license to operate migrant labor crews.政府撤销了她丈夫管理外来打工人群的许可证

吊销某人的驾驶证_______________________________________ • revolt n./n叛乱.造反,起义

The newly-occupied Italian colony of Libya rose in revolt in 1914.意大利新占领的殖民地利比亚于1914年发生叛乱。the Peasants' Revolt of 1381

se=apart/away.• separate v.分开

• secede v.退出,脱离(组织)=apart + go • secrete v.分泌;secretion n.• secret n.• secure adj.安全的=free from care • seduce v.诱骗,唆使seductive adj./ sexually attractive

sup-=under 变化型suc-,suf-, sug-,sum-, sup-,sur-, sus • subway n./underway • submarine n.潜水艇marine animals • subtitle n.副标题;字幕 • subhead n.副标题,小标题 • subhealth n.亚健康

Subhealth is a state between healthiness and disease.• subtropical adj.亚热带

……climate /subtropical zone • suspect v.怀疑,adj..令人怀疑的,被怀疑的人 • suspend v.动词暂缓;推迟;暂停;悬挂,吊 The union suspended strike action this week.• suppress v.镇压;压制,封锁

The publicity of the problem has been suppressed.• subdivide v.再分,细分

• subculture 次文化 • subgroup 小群,子群

• subsidy /津贴,补助,奖学金, A subsidy is money that is paid by a government or other authority in order to help an industry or business, or to pay for a public service  European farmers are planning a massive demonstration against farm subsidy

cuts...欧洲农场主正策划一场抗议削减农场补贴的大规模示威游行。• subsidize v.资助;给…发津贴

Around the world, governments have subsidized the housing of middle and upper-income groups...全世界各国政府都为中高收入群体提供过住房补贴。the subsidising of London's transport.对伦敦交通运输系统的补贴

...heavily subsidized prices for housing, bread, and meat.给予了优厚补贴的住房、面包和肉的价格 a government decision to subsidise coal mining.政府资助煤矿开采的决定 subconscious n潜意识;下意识

 Your subconscious is the part of your mind that can influence you or affect your behaviour even though you are not aware of it....the hidden power of the subconscious...adj.下意识的;潜意识的

...a subconscious cry for affection.潜意识里渴望得到关爱

• unconscious adj • subject n.主题,话题; 学科,科目;研究对象

adj.须服从…的; 服从于;v.易…遭受

All through lunch he had carefully avoided the subject of the house.整个午饭期间,他一直在小心翼翼地回避房子的话题。Subjects in the study were asked to follow a modified diet.要求研究对象按改进的食谱进食。Prices may be subject to alteration...价格可能会有所变动。

• submerge v.沉浸;淹没;埋头于(sub merge(dip))/ emerge He submerges himself in the world of his imagination.他沉浸在自己想象的世界中。

Breaking the dam could submerge downstream cities such as Wuhan.摧毁大坝可能会淹没下游城市,比如武汉。• submit v.顺从,屈服/surrender to;提交,递呈

They submitted their reports to the Chancellor yesterday...他们昨天向财政大臣递交了报告。

The students must submit themselves to the disciplines at school.学生在学校必须遵守纪律.• sub rosa adv./secretly • substance n.实质,物质

• substitute v/n 代替,取代;代替者 • suburb n./ suburban adj.47

• susceptible adj./ be prone to • sustain v.维持保持continue, maintain;蒙受suffer;支持支援support...a period of sustained economic growth Every aircraft in there has sustained some damage • sustainable adj. The creation of an efficient and sustainable transport system is critical to the long-term future of London...the management, conservation and sustainable development of forests...super-=above /over 变化型sop-, sove-,sur • superficial a.表面的,肤浅的 • superfluous a.= redundant 多余的 • superior a./n 优越的;上司inferior

• supernatural a.超自然的(事物),不可思议的(事物)• supersonic a.超声速的 • superstition n.迷信 • supervise v.监督

• sovereign =supreme =chief = principal 君主,最高统治者;至高的 • surface n.表面 • surname n.姓

• surrender v./n.屈服于,投降

• survey v/n.=investigate=study=research • survive v.48

syn-=with;together sym-, syl-, sy • sympathy n.同情/antipathy 反感 • symphony n.交响乐

• syndrome n.综合症,典型表现SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)/AIDS(Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome)• symptom n.症状,征兆

A symptom of an illness / patients with flu symptoms

A symptom of a bad situation is something that happens which is considered to be a sign of this situation。• symbol n.象征,符号,标记

I frequently use sunflowers as symbols of strength.我经常用向日葵来作为力量的象征。• sign符号; 手势; 迹象; 指示牌 • synonym n.同义词/ antonym • synthesize v./ synthesise 合成

A vitamin is a chemical compound that cannot be synthesized by the human body.维生素是一种人体无法合成的化合物。• synthesis n.合成photo-synthesis • synthetic a.合成的

Boots made from synthetic materials can usually be washed in a machine.合成材料制成的靴子通常可以机洗 • syllable n.音节

tele-=far off • telecommunication n.电信学 • telegram n.电报(tele +writing)

• telegraph n.电报,电报机(tele +writing)• telepathy n.pathy=feeling心电感应 • telescope n.scope=look望远镜/microscope • television n.therm=heat •

thermal adj.热的,温泉的 • thermometer n.温度计,体温计

The nurse shook the thermometer and put it under my armpit.护士把体温计甩了甩,然后放到了我的腋下。

It is essential that you are able to read a thermometer.最基本的是要能看懂温度计。• thermodynamics n热力学

• thermos n.[ 'θɜ:məs ] 保温瓶,暖水瓶

trans-=beyond;across;over • transaction n.办理,处理,交易 • transfer v.(trans(across)+fer(carry))The verb is pronounced /træns'fɜː/.The noun is pronounced /'trænsfɜː/转移,调动(工作),换乘,转让(财产)

第五篇:词汇学 前缀详解

prefixes and examples for midterm exam

prefixes and examples for midterm exam


-centric 无中心的;-moral非道德性的;-social不好社交的;-political不关心政治的;-stable;-typical




anti-: against;

-war;-tank;-ageing;抗衰老的;-biotic抗生素;-body抗体;-freeze 防冻剂;-social不合群的,反社会制度的;-virus抗病毒的;-arctic南极;-cancer抗癌的;

de-:(2)remove-salt 除去盐分;-forest砍伐森林;-code解码;-ice除冰;-feather拔毛;


(3)down-train下车;-press 使沮丧;-population人口减少;-value贬值;-valuation;


-rail出轨;-cline 衰退;-crease 下降;

dis-,(Latin: duis: 一分为二)not opposite action;away-agree;-appear;-arm;-like(s);-honest(y);-harmony-tract使分心;-color 褪色;-obey;-loyal;-order混乱;-ability残疾;

-cover 揭露;-count折扣;-claim 否认;-ease 疾病;不舒服;

non-: not;not normal;-smoker 不吸烟者;-stick 不粘锅的;-stop 直达的;-sense;

-reader 无阅读能力的人;-profit-making 非盈利的;-violence 非暴力的;

-verbal 非语言的;-conductor 绝缘体;

out-: out,beyond:-do胜过;-line 轮廓;-live 比…活得久;

-weigh 比…重,优于;

mini-:mini-: small:-state小国;-bus;-shorts;-war;-crisis短暂危机;-skirt;



Mili-: thousand;-gram 毫克;-liter;millennial 千年的;-meter

re-: again,back,against:-birth 重生;-call 回忆,撤回;-cede 后退;

-form;-fresh;-gress 后退,回归;-ject 拒绝,丢弃;-new更新;

-view;-spect;-union 团聚;-vise校订;-build重建;-tell;-turn;-sign辞职;-treat后退;

-flect 反思;-bel反叛;-sist反抗;

super-: above,over:-power;-star,-girl;-man;,-market;

-natural 超自然的;-sonic 超音速的;-vise监督;


un-: not,opposite action:-approachable 不易接近的;-attractive 不引人注意的;-available 不可获得的;-aware未察觉的;-conditional 无条件的;-conscious 潜意识的;-easy不安的;-employed 失业的;-equal 不公平的;-fair;-fortunate;-reasonable;-reliable;-willing;-button;-cover揭露;-dress;


in-in-/ ir/ il/ im-: not-ability; irregular; illegal;injustice;immoral不道德的;

Immortal 不朽的,神仙;impractical不现实的;inconvenient;

Incapable不能的;incomparable无与伦比的; informal

inaccurate 不准确的;


-understand;-behave 行为不当;-deed,罪行;-lead;-fortunate/-fortune;-take;-interpret 误解;-apply 误用;

-manage 管理不当;-doing 恶行;-trust 不信任;-match 搭配不当;-address 误称;-guide;-use;

-usage;-handle 处理不当;-pronounce;



under-: under:--achieve学习成绩不良 v;-developed;-estimate;-ground;


bi-: two, double twice-lateral talk;-libial双唇音;-lingual,-annual 一年两次的;-colored;-cameral 两院制;-polar 两级的;-ped双足动物;-cycle;-centenary 两百周年纪念;

co-: together,common;

-operation;-action;共同行动;-education男女同校;-work;-exist;-author;-here 连贯;coherence;coherent;-habit;-incident巧合;-star联袂主演;

-agent共事者;-teacher合作教师;-pilot副驾驶;-llaberation 协作;-rrespond 符合,相应;-ordinate协调;-ordinator协调者;-worker 同事;





pro-: agreeing with;supporting;

-British亲英的;-America 亲美的;-China亲中的;-student站在学生立场的; Forward:-gress;-spect展望;-ject投射,工程;-pel推进;-logue序言;


-pose(put)建议;-position 主张;


(2)second to


-tropics亚热带;-sonic亚音速的;-urb郊区;-healthy 亚健康的;-editor副编辑;-heading副标


inter-:mutual;between;-action;-city highway;-dependence;-face界面;-national;-personal;





uni-one;single(Latin: unus = one)-form;-corn;-verse(verse= turn);-versal;-lateral action;

-on联合;同盟(on: n)-que 独特的;-te 合并;团结;

mono-: one,single:




multi-:-party;-purpose plane ;-national;-racial;-lingual;-lateral;

-cultural;-media;-directional;-headed;-ped;-polar 多极的;

semi : half-weekly半月刊;-conductor;-monthly;-circle;-official;-automatic;




pre-: before ; in advance-view;-tell;-dict;-face序文,开场白;-school;-historic;





1.ex-: former ;-wife;-husband;-president;-boyfriend;

-serviceman 退役军人

Over; out :-ceed 超过;-tend 扩展;-pand(spread)膨胀;

-pect展望;期望;-aggerate 夸张;-haust(draw)耗尽,废弃;


Away; out of:-clude;-port;-press;-pel 开除;-cept/ecption

-ternal 外部的;-it(go):出口;

auto-: self:



neo-new:-fascist;-classical;-lithic 新石器时代的;-natal新生的;


pan-: all,across;

-American 泛美的;-African泛非的;-theism泛神论;-orama全景;-European全欧洲;

vice-in place of:-president;-minister;-chairman;-chancellor大学副校长;-governor副总督;-principal副校长;

viscount /vaikaunt/ 子爵;-captain;

be-cause to be:by:-calm使镇定;-fool愚弄;-little贬低;


bene-bene-: good,kind-diction祝福;-fit得益;-faction善行,恩惠;-factor行善者;恩人;施主;



-law地方法;-work副业;-name别名; en-: cause to be;put into; stress;

-large;-danger;-rich;-slave奴役;-able;-courage;-close围住; enlighten;启迪,启蒙;enlightenment智慧;Enlightenment启蒙运动;-sure担保;-force强化,使服从;-title命名,授权;-joy;-cash变现;


homo-: same-type 同型;-polar 同极的 ;-sexual同性恋的;phone同音词;-centric同心的;-graph同形词



per-: through:-cieve觉察;-ennial终年的;-fect完美的;


micro-:very small;


-organism 微生物;-course 短训课程;-bus;-climate小气候;

-chip 芯片;-cosm 微观世界,缩影;-processor,微处理器;

over-too much; above,across;

-study 用功过度;-use;-drink;-production 生产过剩;-sleep;

-value 高估;-estimate 高估;-seas 海外的;-talk 多言;

-crowd 过度拥挤;-bridge/pass 天桥;-act 动作过度 –react 反应过度;

intra/intro-: inside-personal内心的;-spect反省,内省;intro-spection;intro-spective; Intro-vert内向的人;intro-verted内向的;extroverted 外向的;-net内联网;


tele-: far off:-communication 电信;-gram电报;-graph电报;-phone;


kilo: thousand;-meter;-gram;-byte;-hertz;-watt;-litre千升;



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    ache=ache 痛 earache 耳痛 ag=do, act 做,動 agent 代理人 agri, agro=agriculture 田地,農田 agriculture 農業,農藝 ann, enn=year 年 annual 每年的,年度的 astro, aster=st......


    常用英语单词前缀大全(否定前缀篇) im-加在字母m,b,p之前 impossible(不顺能的),impolite(不礼貌的),impudence(厚颜无耻) in-加在形容词,名词之前 incorrect(不正确的),inability(无能,无......


    常用前缀的小结(2010-11-16 15:51:35)转载▼标签: 教育“a-”:①古英语前置词on的缩写形式,含义为“在„之上”,“在„之中”,“进入到„”,“到„”,构成一个谓语或状语成分:aside......


    前缀(prefix) 一.分表示否定的前缀 1.dis-加在名词、形容词,动词之前。 disadvantage(缺点)dishonorable(不光彩的)disagree(不同意)2.in-加在形容词,名词之前 incorrect(不正确的),inabil......


    英语构词法 语言是随着人类社会的不断发展而发展的。一些旧词的过时意味着需要人们创造出一些新的词,而新的词的产生,大抵服从语法的法则,有其规律可循。语言的这种"弃旧创新"......


    英语单词常用前缀 1.a- ①加在单词或词根前面,表示"不,无,非" asocial不好社交的(a+social好社交的) amoral 非道德性的(a+moral道德的;注意:immoral不道德的) ②加在单词前,表示"在......


    Fahren 驾驶;运送;vi 乘坐。。前往;行驶 a. abfahren 出发,开出 Wann fährt das nächste Schiff ab?下一班船什么时候出发? b. anfahren 开动,行动;碰倒,撞倒;擦过;vi 开动,开行;驶近......


    (一)必记前缀链接 A a-" 不,无,非" asocial a 缺乏社交性的● a- "在„,„的" asleep a 睡着的 aside▲ a 在边上 alive a 活的 alone a. 单独的,孤独的 ad.单独 地,独自地;仅仅 alo......