english 座右铭(精选合集)

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第一篇:english 座右铭

There are so many beautiful reasons to be happy.Maybe,sometimes people did not actually change.You just never knew who they really were.Don't judge me.You only see what I choose to show you I'm just folk.I have mood swings.我只是个平凡人,我也有我的小情绪。

You have to have the courage to examine who you really are, to come to terms with the dark corner of your own soul.❤你必须有审视自己的勇气,面对并接受你灵魂中的黑暗角落。

It is the time you have wasted for your rose that makes your rose so important.❤ 你为你的玫瑰花费了时间,这才使你的玫瑰变得如此重要。

Happiness is a butterfly, which, when pursued, is always just beyond your grasp, but which, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you.❤幸福是一只蝴蝶,你要追逐它的时候,总是追不到;但是如果你悄悄地坐下来,它也许会落到你身上。

The greatest gift you can give to someone is your time.❤ 你能给一个人最好的礼物就是--你的时间。

It is not enough to have a good mind;the main thing is to use it well.只有善心是不够的;重要的是要善用善心。

Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing.❤ 有时候,什么也不说是最好的。

Do you know why God created gaps between fingers? So that someone who is special to you, comes and fills those gaps by holding your hands together forever.你知道上帝为什么让我们每个手指之间都有缝吗?是为了让那个特别的人出现的时候,可以牵起你的手填满你的指缝直到永远。

Your body makes you sexy.Your smile makes you pretty.But your personality makes you beautiful.你的身体造就出性感魅惑。你的笑容成就你的赏心悦目。但你的个性创造出你的无限美好

Love every moment of my life,no matter it's good or not.热爱我生命中的每一瞬间,不论是好是坏。

潮流英语:A successful person is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks that others throw at her.能取得成功的人,是那个可以把别人扔他的砖块的变成垫脚石的人。

If you stay, I don't need heaven——如果有你陪伴,我根本不需要天堂。《暮光之城》 It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.--William Shakespeare星星掌握不了我们的命运,命运掌握在我们自己手上。

People do a lot of thinking, and sometimes, that's what kills us.有时候是我们自己想太多才让自己如此难受。

:Just because I don't tell people my problems doesn't mean they don't exist.仅仅因为我不告诉别人我的难处,并不意味着我没有遇到过困难

The more you care, the more you have to lose.在意的越多,失去的就越多。I miss my childhood days.No worries.No responsibilities.No heartaches.No pain.我想念我的童年时光。无忧无虑,没有责任,没有心碎,没有疼痛。


It is difficult to say which is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and reality of tomorrow.很难说什么事情是办不到的,因为昨天的梦想,就是今天的希望和明天的现实。

Love is not only made for lovers, it’s also for friends who love each other better than lovers.爱不只专属于情侣之间,有时候,朋友间的爱比情侣的爱更为美丽。

Two things always to be remembered in life-don't take any decisions when you are angry, and don’t make any promises when you are happy.生活中一定要记住这两件事:不在生气时做决定,不在高兴时轻许诺言

Look for the good in everything.凡事往好的方面想。

Everything you feel is temporary.你的一切感受,都是暂时的。(所以,一切都会过去的。所以,没什么好担心的。)


Don’t Hesitate to Say “No”

To help those who are in need is always regarded as a traditional Chinese moral.Howeverpeople have to know well what the need is before the help is offered.When the need is just for some minority's benefit and against most people's interests, or when it is immoral or unlawful, people should not hesitate to say “No”.Otherwise they will put themselves into trouble.Unfortunately, there are many examples around us that people end up their leadership in jailor bury their glory in shame simply because they don't say “No” while they should.Some peopleare reluctant to say “No” in front of all kinds of briberies as they want to swamp their power for money.They can't resist the temptations of accumulating wealth in a fast but illegal way.For their own good and their friend's favor, these people would sacrifice millions of RMB Yuan for anunproportional commission and therefore stake there future on scales of law.Other people don't say No because of misinterpreted friendship and lack of sense of law.They never hesitate to do whatever their friends ask them to do.They believe they are helping their friends even when they are actually violating the law or local regulations.Such people will also be punished according to the degree of their misbehavior.Therefore, to help is not always doing well.People should learn to say a No when the help mighthurt other people's interests.Turn off Your Cell Phone

With the development of information technology and reduced price of communication products, the mobile phone has become a necessity for most people.Obviously, it shortens the distance between people and makes our life more convenient.Thanks to the cell phone, it’s easy for us to contact or be contacted by others anytime and anywhere.We will never miss any important meetings,great deals or admirable opportunities.However,have you noticed sometimes the cell phone also brings embarrassment to us? It’s not rare to see someone pressing the cell phone to his ear and shouting loudly in public as if there were no one else present.And I’m sure each one has had such an experience that the cell phone ring continuously on a formal occasion.Perhaps these people have many life-and-death reasons to keep the phone working at all times, but it interrupts people around them who have to hear what they don’t care when they want to concentrate on what they’re doing.So if you are one of them, please shut off your cell phone in public, especially on a quiet and serious occasion.It’s a respect for both others and yourself.What jobs do college graduates want to take?

It goes without saying that college students have a clear idea about their future occupation.Boys are to some extent different from girls in their choice as is seen from the graph.As can be seen from the picture, the most striking contrast is in the occupation of teaching: 45% of girl students would like to become teachers after graduation whereas only 5% of boys want to teach.what boys like to do most is to become managers(40%)and the second largest group is to be businessmen(30%).girls also like to pursue these two professions, with a percentage of 15% and 25% respectively choosing these two jobs.15% of boys want to become lawyers while 10%

of girls preferring this profession.It can be easily proved that teaching is preferred by females as it provides a more regular and purer life.Women’s patience also fits the job well.Boys consider working as scientists, managers, businessmen and lawyers more demanding and exciting.It is true that more boys want to show their talents in these fields.One thing noteworthy is that the numbers of girls want to do business is not small.This shows that girls want to take challenging and exciting jobs, too.Nevertheless, it can be easily proved that no matter what job you will choose, it will be challenging.As for me, i like science and technology.With the economic growth and social progress, professionals of science and technology will become more and more important and wanted

by the society.i will choose science as my career.Attend Your Classes Regularly

Nowadays it is a very common phenomenon for some university students to be late for or even be absent from their classes.And still there are some students who slip out of the classroom before the class is over.Class attendance has become a thorny problem to both the stud

ents and the teachers.In fact, it is very important for the students to attend their classes regularly.In the first place, it will ensure you to catch up with the teachers in your learning.That is very helpful to you if you want to do a good job in your study.In the second place, attending classes regularly is a way of showing respect to your teachers, too.Your teachers will feel bad if the students do not attend their classes, which, in return, will affect their teaching and be no good for the students.Last but not the least important, attending classes regularly will help to form a good habit of

punctuality, which is of great importance for the students to do a good job in the future.Therefore, university students should form the good habit of attending our classes regul

arly from now on.And some day we will benefit from it.Good manners

Good manners are necessary because one is judged by his manners.One’s manners not only show what kind of education he has received and what his social position is, but they also t

end to show what his nature is.Good manners mean good behavior in social communication.A person with good manners is always agreeable companion, because he is always thinking of others and respects others.He will not push through a crowd, but wait quietly for his turn to advance.Good manners are not the exceptionally great deeds but they can tell that the person who possesses them is a man

of highest standards.To learn good manners, one must first of all bear in mind that they arise from one’s daily behavior—the way he responds to others and the manner he behaves in front of people.To be a man of good manners, he must be genuinely polite to others and show respect for others.I

n short, politeness costs nothing and gains everything.To be busy or to be idle

of people like their life to be busy.others want to be idle.Especially for the young people who believed their parents can provide all the

things to them.Those who hold the first opinion suggest that as a human must keep in busy in order to improve their life quality.There is no person you can dependent in the world.You must know how to live in the world.There are many new things to learn.Every person should absorb all kinds of knowledge.the objectors think that they are too young to do something.They have no ability to do anything.I prefer keep myself to be busy than to be idle.as a result of we become adult we must face the stress of our life.everything could have made if we work hard, we must take our effort to improve the interesting of life.In a word, keeping being busy is a

wise choice.Reading Selectively or Extensively?

Once famous English philosopher Francis Bacon said, “Reading makes a full man”, which means that anyone who wants to be a full man must keep on reading.But books are of vari

ous kinds and different contents.Then how to read?

Some people say that we should read selectively.They believe that it is not how much one reads but what he reads that really counts.Since we have no enough time to read all kinds of books, we should read selectively to achieve a high efficiency, reading only those that are useful to our majors and future works.Only by this way can we make full use of our time, and g

ain more practical knowledge.However, others claim that reading extensively is a better choice.In their opinions, different books are of different uses.Just like Bacon mentioned, “Histories make men wise;poets witty;the mathematics subtle;natural philosophy deep;moral grave;logic and rhetoric able to conte

nt.” Therefore, reading widely is necessary for a full man.In my viewpoint, we should read both selectively and extensively.The two reading ways have their respective roles in our reading.We can read selectively for specialized knowledge, or read widely for general information.Therefore, the combination of the two methods is more reas


As the source of knowledge, books play an important role in our life.They not only make a full man, but also promote the development of society.However, among so many books in t

he world, should we read selectively or extensively?

Some people hold that we should read selectively.To begin with, life is limited, and it is impossible for us to read all kinds of books.Second, not all the books can benefit us.Some kinds of books, such as cartoon books, popular novels and magazines only can entertain us and make us feel relaxed in our spare time.Third, everyone has special interest, so while reading w

e could select different books according to our personal interests.However, some believe otherwise.They maintain that in modern society, people are supposed to have more knowledge than their ancestors to cope with tougher problems.Besides, the society is developing faster and faster, if we confine our knowledge only to our major or our study field, we couldn't keep up with the changes around us.Even we may feel puzzled about what is happening in this modern world.So some people suggest we read extensively so as to get

much more knowledge and not to become a person like Rip Van Winkle.As far as I'm concerned, I think we'd better read both selectively and extensively.Thus, we can not only become a knowledgeable person in our own field, but also become a well-infor

med and qualified modern man.Good Health

The desire for good health is universal.Especially nowadays, the possession of good health is regarded by nearly every one as essential to a happy life as well as a successful one.Only in good shape can you expect to live comfortably or work effectively.In contrast, without good health, ambitious and promising as a person may be, he will eventually turn out to be a wrec

kage of modern life.How to stay healthy, then? First, enough time should be set aside for perse vering in exercises in addition to sleep and rest.Second, you must give up the habits that damage your health, such as smoking and drinking too much alcohol.Finally, be sure to have your physical checkup regularly.Whenever you are found to have any disease, you should have it timely treated.As for me, I have always been taking care to have proper sleep and relaxation.I have also been alert to any discomfort in my body.In my spare time I like running, swimming, and pl

aying table tennis.So, I can keep fit and pursue my career with great facility.On Pursuing Fashion

Nowadays, an increasing number of college students are pursuing fashion, which has aroused a great concern in the society.Some, even at the beginning of their college life, begin to make every effort to buy a variety of famous-brand products, such as clothing, cosmetics, computers, cell phones, MP3s and so on.Some take part in different kinds of popular entrainment activities, for example, birthday party, playing tennis, playing bowling, dancing in nightclubs and singing in KTV.As a result, when it becomes a kind of luxury to pursue fashion, all these will bring about

a burden to these young people financially and mentally.The blindness in following fashion has a great impact on college students.First of all, the pursuit of fashion is a costly hobby, which will impose great financial burden on their parents.Besides, it is possible for college students to get lost in following the tide.Some of them even fail to focus on their study.Last but not least, as the future leading consumers, some students pay more attention to enjoying fashion at university, and they will be not likely to set a good example in the society.As far as I am concerned, college students should cherish ambitions rather than become slaves of fashion.As for them, the main task on campus is not pursuit of fashion but study.All in all, college students should adopt a more reasonable attitude towards the pursuit

of fashion.Dear President:

I'm Li Ming.I venture to write to you and unveil the existing problems of the library under your c

harge.We exhaust our patience to look for items related to our major on shelves crammed with outdated shabby books.Most of them should be weeded.The newly published counterparts need to be purchased, displayed and circulated.The library armed with these fresh books enables us to track the newest informat

ion concerning scientific discoveries and scholarly accomplishment.We all suffer the dim light and the absence of air conditioner in the reading room.The newly intro

duced library system is to be updated, for its search engine skips some valuable materials.We are waiting for your response to these problems.Li Ming

第三篇:English selfintroduction

Good morning, sir(everyone)!It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview.I hope I can make a good performance today..Now I will introduce myself briefly.My name is yuxue yin,you can call me Jade,yes it is my English name.I am 22 years old, born in Hebei province xingtai city ningjin county.There are 4 members in my family , stong father / kind mother/a lovely brother and i myself.we love each other so much,it feels i am the happiest one in the world.I graduated from hebei finance University.My major is securities investiment and management, now i’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major.i am interested in international trade so i learn some revalant elective subjuects ,such as oral business ENGLISH、customs practise、international trade theory and practise.recently(not long ago)i have taken The declarant qualification exami through self-study,and the test scores wont be known until the end of December.I am an optimistic girl, love to communicate with others,and always ready to help others ,so i have many friends,i dare to say ,they are precious treasure in my life.reading is one of my most inportant hobbyies ,and go hiking is another one.there is Such a dialogue in the film Roman holiday “You can either travel or read,but either your body or soul must be on the way”,i think its a ideal state for us _ the younger generation.knowing the inportance of hardwork, when i was in schoool ,I spent most of my time on learning, i have got some certificates,you can see them on my resume.because my target position is declearant ,i paid more attention to improve my english level and now I’ve passed CET-6 test with a score of 480.I also have some experiences about doing part—time job, I began working for a small private company as a telphonist(telephone operator)in baoding city during my summer holiday.It is a job

that can improve my communicating skill and know the inportance of patience and insitment(persistment).As a new graduate ,i am ready to start from scranch in the beginning of my career.i need to occupyed in a perfessional enterprise, so that I can gain a lot of experience from working , That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.I think I'm a good team player and a Loyal partner Also,I am able to work under great pressure.I am confident that I am qualified for the post of customes dclearant in your company.That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.,see you!

I am a junior college student, in order to increase my competitiveness.i decided to further my education through self-taught exam,so i have anther major---accounting ,by now ,i have past ten subjects,that means two-thirds of all the subjects had been done.and by the end of 2014,i’ll receive a bachalor degree from Hebei University of Economics and Business

How long can I know the result of interview

Senior high school

College entrance examination

The most rewarding thing

My adwantage /virtue


Go sight seeing

Show you around

Go hiking together with my friends it feels wonderful

I read books range from literature to economics

I will recall The original intention

There ‘s a saying that “The road go too far to forget why starting “ thatis really a pity

I used to be a forgetful person,Then when I realized that I have this problem,i try my best to avoid being forgetful,now i am no longer a forgetful person

i experiented participate in some activities during my college years And i am a member of The life Department of Student Union

Salary wageLike silkworms eat mulberry leaves, need patience

i have a great capacity for learningI have a stong learnning abilityGood communication skills eager to do well in everything_self motivatePerseverance

1.Tell me about yourself.这是面试问题中的经典头道“开胃菜”,主要考察求职者的个性是否符合公司的企业文化,所以回答时要尽量贴近这个公司的情况来推销自己。比如这个公司属于汽车行业,那么你就该回答:“Driving is my hobby.I really love the feeling of running on the road and I take cars as my best friends.要找到自己跟这个公司的切合点,让面试官了解你适合这个环境。

2.What are your three greatest strengths?

求职者回答这个面试问题时不可以只是简单回答:“I‘m really organized,punctual and get along well with others.”简洁、精炼找到这个公司所看重的特长,是回答这个面试问题的关键。像要应聘金融行业,可以说:“I think my three strongest strengths are details-oriental,patient and cautious.”但如果求职者是一个销售精英,可以说:“I think my strongest strengths are aggressive,hard working and communicative.”总之,需要考虑到应聘公司及职务的需要来选择表现自己的优势。

3.What are your three greatest weaknesses?


4.Why are you interested in working for our company?

此面试问题主要考察求职者是否了解这个工作,或者是否真正有兴趣,所以需要围绕整个公司的具体情况,让面试官知道你很清楚这个公司的运营模式,以及对这项工作非常积极。建议不要以“It seemed like a good career move.”或是“I havent been able to find anything else interesting.”为开始。如果能有一些实际回答的话,加分会更多。求职者可以这样回答:“I read an article in the newspaper and was very impressed by „„”但是前提是你必须真的对这家公司作了研究,同时也要注意,不要让面试官觉得你是为了讨好面试官而言过其实。

6.If we hire you,how long will you stay with us?

你可以回答:“As long as my position here allows me to learn and to advance at a pace with my abilities.”这样就告诉老板,你是希望同公司一起成长,不会轻易地离开。


Good morning, ladies and gentlemen!It is really my honor to have this opportunity for an interview.I hope I can make a good performance today.I'm confident that I can succeed.Now I will introduce myself briefly.I am 26 years old, born in Shandong province.I

graduated from Qingdao University.My major is electronics.And I got my bachelor degree after my graduation in the year of 2003.I spent most of my time on study, and I’ve passed CET-6 during my university.And I’ve acquired basic knowledge of my major.It is my long cherished dream to be an engineer and I am eager to get an opportunity to fully play my ability.In July 2003, I began working for a small private company as a technical support

engineer in Qingdao city.Because there was no more chance for me to give full play to my talent, so I decided to change my job.And in August 2004, I left for Beijing and worked for a foreign enterprise as an automation software test engineer.Because I want to change my working environment, I'd like to find a job which is more challenging.Moreover,Motorola is a global company, so I feel I can gain a lot from working in this kind of

company.That is the reason why I come here to compete for this position.I think I'm a good team player and a person of great honesty to others.Also,I am able to work under great pressure.I am confident that I am qualified for the post of engineer in your company.That’s all.Thank you for giving me the chance.(中文翻译)





(二)I am Sravani, I am from Secunderabad.My hobbies are listening to music most of the time and playing badminton, indoor games such as caroms , chess etc.My strengths are, I am optimistic in nature, and my parents.Coming to my family

background we are four of us: me, my father, mother and a younger brother.My father is SCR employee, mom house wife and brother is perceiving his B.Pharm 3rd year.Moving on to my educational background: I have done my schooling from Keyes high school in the year 2002, I finished bipc from srichaitanya in the year 2004, i have

completed B.Sc.Nursing from Yashoda institutions under NTR university in the year 2008.The whole of 2009 I was working as staff nurse in Yashoda hospital.Right now I am looking out for BPO because I got engaged last year, my in-laws are against me not to work in nursing department.So, i am looking out for BPO because as it provides good platform for freshers and more over it would welcome a person at any educational level with good communication skills and ability to handle customers.3.英语面试自我介绍范文

(三)My name is John Jones and I am an experienced problem solver for marketing

departments.I know that you have an opening here in your West Coast Marketing Group, and I understand that you are concerned that your California advertising campaign is not producing as you expected.I have worked on several successful advertising campaigns and have had some great results in improving positioning.I know that I could step into this role and show you some progress from day one.




Good morning.I am glad to be here for this interview.First let me introduce

myself.My name is ***, 24.I come from ******,the capital of *******Province.I graduated from the ******* department of *****University in July ,2001.In the past two years I have been prepareing for the postgraduate examination while I have been teaching *****in NO.****middle School and I was a head-teacher of a class in junior grade two.Now all my hard work has got a result since I have a chance to be interview by you.I am open-minded ,quick in thought and very fond of history.In my spare time,I have broad interests like many other youngers.I like reading books, especially those about *******.Frequently I exchange with other people by making comments in the forum on line.In addition ,during my college years,I was once a Net-bar technician.So, I have a comparative good command of network application.I am able to operate the computer well.I am skillful in searching for information in Internet.I am a football fan for years.Italian team is my favorite.Anyway,I feel great pity for our country’s team.I always believe that one will easily lag behind unless he keeps on learning.Of course, if I am given a chance to study ****** in this famous University,I will stare no effort to master a good command of advance ******.2.考研原因(reasons for my choice)

There are several reasons.I have been deeply impressed by the academic atmosphere when I came here last summer.In my opinion, as one of the most famous ******in our country, it provide people with enough room to get further enrichment.This is the first reason.The second one is I am long for doing research in ******throughout my life.Its a pleasure to be with my favorite ******for lifetime.I suppose this is the most important factor in my decision.Thirdly, I learnt a lot from my *****job during the past two years.However, I think further study is still urgent for me to realize self-value.Life is precious.It is necessary

to seize any chance for self-development, especially in this competitive modern world.In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.3.研究生期间你的计划(plans in the postgraduate study)First, I hope I can form systematic view of *****.As for ******, my express wish is to get a complete comprehension of the formation and development as well as **************.If possible, I will go on with my study for doctorate degree.In a word, I am looking forward to making a solid foundation for future profession after two years study here.(简单了一些,望高手补充)

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