
时间:2019-05-15 09:37:06下载本文作者:会员上传



英语姓名的一般结构为:教名在前,自取名居中,姓在最后。如William Jefferson Clinton(威廉•杰斐逊•克林顿)。但在很多场合中,中间名往往略去不写,如George Bush(乔治•布什),而且许多人更乐于用昵称(略称、小名)取代正式教名,如Bill Clinton(比尔•克林顿)。上述教名和中间名又统称个人名。



为婴儿命名是父母对子女、对家族的未来表达祝愿、寄托希望的一种方式、一种机会。按照英语民族的习俗,一般在婴儿受洗礼时,由牧师(神父)或父母亲朋为其命名,称为教名。以后本人也可取用第二个名字,排在教名之后,有些人甚至可以拥有三个以上的名字,如George Herbert Walker Bush(乔治•赫伯特•沃克•布什)。





4.采用昵称(略称,小名)作为教名。5.采用构词技术制造新的教名,方法主要有三:合成构词,如将Rose 与Anna合成为Roseanna;倒拼构词,如将教名Agnes倒拼为Senga;变移构词,如将Mary局部变移为Myra。

6.将母亲的娘家姓,或亲属至交之姓用作中间名,如美国前总统里根的全名为Ronald Wilson Reagan,其中Wilson就是里根母亲的娘家姓。据说目前美国家庭中约有四分之三的长子采用此法,这也许是借姓为名的最主要途径。




单音节教名和部分双音节教名的昵称通常不短于教名本身。如John的一个昵称为Johnny,Ann的一个昵称为Annetta等。指小表爱后缀-kin、-lot是昵称中常用的构词成分,如Peter 的一个昵称为Peterkin,Lance 的一个昵称为Lancelot。


1.保留首音节。如由Donald 派生出Don,由Timothy派生出Tim 等。

2.对于上述以辅音结尾的昵称,尚可通过辅音双写后加上后缀-ie与-y进行第二次派生,如由Don演变为Donnie,由Tim 演变为Timmy等。


4.取用尾音节,如Anthony的昵称可以是Tony,Reuben的昵称可以是Ben 等。5.某些教名可利用其首尾两个音节派生出两个昵称,如Andrew可派生出Andy和Drew两个昵称。


7.此外还有一些不规则的派生法,如Mary 的一个昵称为Polly,William的一个昵称为Bill。













英语姓氏的产生较教名为迟,但数量比教名多得多,据统计目前美国人的姓氏多达128 万个,这大概与美国人偏爱标新立异不无关系。由于年代久远,其中许多姓氏的含义已无法考证,而那些含义明确的姓氏,其持有人也未必具有与其姓氏含义相符的特征。同中国的“张王李赵”一样,英语民族中也有一些使用者甚众的大姓,如Smith(史密斯)、Miller(米勒)、Johnson(约翰逊)、Brown(布朗)、Jones(琼斯)、Williams(威廉斯)等。


第二篇:英语作文 名字的重要性

On the importance of name

Is a name very important? To some peole,yes.They strongly believe that a name is responsible for a person fate.Therefore,they would take all the trouble,trying various ways,to search wonderful names for themselves or for their children,expecting the names would work magic for a glorious future.To others,however,the answer is“NO”.According to them,a name is nothing but a lifeless code.Being lifeless,a code i powerless,not to mention it so-called“magic” of bringing a person success.To achieve success in life,they say,opportunities may count,and one's own efforts definitely count,but a name that simply functions as the way of distinguishing one from another, obviously don't.As far as I am concerned,a name is important in a sense.After all,the first thing that people learn about a person is usually his name,and a name that sounds beautiful may give and leave people a great first impression.However,it is not that important or powerful as to promise a person his bright future.For a bright future,we need intelligence,honesty, sincerity and efforts more than just a beautiful name.On the Importance of a Name 1

Sometimes people ponder for months just to think of a good name for their children or for their business.Does a

nice name really promise a glorious future? People’s opinions differ greatly over this issue.Some believe a name is no more than a sign.It serves its purpose perfectly as long as it is used conveniently by others.However ,others argue that a name has a magic power as to alter people’s impression on and attidue towards the name.One compelling argument involves the renaming of some Chinese Lao ZiHao.Facing the would-be increasingly bleak business situation last year, six Chinese old brands decided to give themsives new English name.Compared with their old English name ,the new ones have given prominenceto the history of the brands , while giving a English speakers an idea of what they are or what they sell.Therefore , with a new international appearance, the traditional brands have made themselves more popular with customers both at home

and abroad.As far as I’m concerned, to a certain degree, a name does create a vivid image in people’s mind, resulting

either in fondness or dislike.Thus ,one should always be serious at choosing names.On the importance of a name 2

Is a name important?To some people,yes.They strongly believe that a name is responsible for a person“s life.Therefore,they take all the trouble,trying various ways,to search wonderful names for themselves or their children,expecting the names would work magic for a glorious future.To others,however,the answer is ”NO".According to them,the name is a nothing but a lifeless code.Being lifeless,a code is powerless,not to mention it is so called 'magic' of bringing a person success.To achieve success,they say,opportunity may count,and one's own efforts definitely count,but a name that simply funtion as the way of distinguishing one from another,obviously don't.As far as I am concerned,a name is important in a sense.After all,the first thing that people learn about a person is usually his name,and a name that sounds beautiful may give and leave people a great first impression.However,it is not that important or powerful as to promise a person his bright future.For a bright future,we need intelligence,honesty,sincerity and efforts more than just a beautiful name.范文一:

Recently, it is universally acknowledged that due attention has to be paid to the importance of name.To begin with, a large number of people assert that one’s name can exert profound influence on the success of a person or institution.In addition, some even maintain that the mental health and physical fitness of a person will be influenced or even determined by his or her name.On the contrary, it is the view of a great many people that one’s name is of little significance.I can think of no better illustration than the following ones.“Qiu”, which means “hill”, is the name of Confucius, the greatest thinker, philosopher and educator throughtout history.Likewise, another case in point is Lao Zi, the founder of philosophical and religious Taoism, whose name is “er”, which means “the ear”.These examples effectively clarify that one’s future is only determined by his striving spirit, talent or intelligence rather than some mysterious and superstitious factors such as certain names or lucky numbers.As for me, significance should be attached to intelligence, persistence and diligence instead of one’s name.Given all the above arguments, it is high time that we put an end to this undesirable phenomenon.范文二:

There is no denying the fact that it is a controversial topic whether names are important or not.Some hold the positive view.They claim that a good name, or a name that can be easily remembered, can bring one a lot more opportunities than others.Some Chinese may also believe that a name designed according to the traditional theory of five elements can bring good luck.Others, however, hold the opposite view.They argue that a name is nothing but a code to distinguish one from another.A person “good” name may not be as successful as the name indicates.In the same way, a person who has a common or casually given name can also achieve tremendous success.Personally, I believe that both sides have something right, so we should not go to extremes.On the one hand, we have to admit that a well designed name can help a person to some extent.On the other hand, we should not exaggerate the effect of a name on a person’s fate.Anyway, a person’s success mainly depends on his hard work and desirable personalities.On the importance of name作文修改,并评分It is wildly acknowledge that name plays an important role in people or company’s success.Some people hold the idea that an excellent name enables a person get more chance when he looking for jobs or get promotion.An excellent name also makes a company is easily remembered by costumers and so make its products sell well.While other people argue that the success of people or company not basis on ones name but the endeavor one pays.Does a person with a beautiful name always get anything what he or she wants? No!Does a company with a special name always draw a large income, No!One wants to be success must full of intelligence, persistence and diligence.Comparing with these two conceptions, I consider that whether a name is important or not depends on how people look at it.Having a good name, people will face with difficulties full of passion and confidence.But if people or company too focuses on the good name lucky, it will hinder the people or company’s growing.修改后:

It is widely acknowledge that name plays an important role in people's or companys' success.Some people hold the idea that an excellent name enables a person to get a better chance when he is looking for a jot or getting promotion.An excellent name also makes a company easy remembered by consumers so that its products may sell well.While other people argue that the success of people or a company does not based on one's name, but the endeavor spirit that one plays.Does a person with a beautiful name always get anything what he or she wants? No!Does a company with a special name always achieve a large fame or profit? Absolutely not!One wants to be successful must be full of intelligence, persistence and diligence.Compared with these two concepts, I consider that whether a name is important or not depends on what aspect people hold.By having a good name, people may face difficulties with passion and confidence.But if people or a company focuses too much on the name,good or lucky, it will influence them to some extent.




1.Amy 被深爱的2.Ann优雅3.Angel天使4.Becky 可爱的顽皮姑娘5.Cindy 甜美,吸引人的金发女孩6.Cathy可爱年轻的金发女子7.Daisy 雏菊

8.Helen 美丽的上流社会的女子,有著黑发与黑眸,优雅,聪明9.Jennifer“纯洁”,"美好

10.Jessica 甜美,美丽,受欢迎的女孩11.Kate 可爱,外向,精力充沛,脚踏实地的女子。

12.Linda 蓝眸的金发女孩,既甜美又文静13.Laura美丽的金发蓝眸女子,古典气质,性格甜美.14.Lucy光明15.Mary单纯的普通女孩,独立,安静16.Nancy 安静讨人喜欢,个性和善并甜美

17.Sarah 矮小,美丽,卷发的女孩,保守又友善18.Rose 真正的甜心-温和,心地善良,乐於助人.19.Tina活力充沛的女孩20.Vivian活力四射,有教养,风趣,友善,又好动.21.Polly惹人疼爱的男名:

1.Andy有男子气概,勇敢2.Allen 英俊的3.Billy坚定的守护者4.Bob辉煌的名声

5.Bill强而有力的战士或保护者6.Dick 勇猛的大胆的7.David所爱的人

8.Daniel 喜好运动勇敢,友善,值得信赖9.Frank 自由之人10.Henry 野心勃勃,独立自主的11.Jack 具威胁力的人-体魄健壮,自负,聪明12.Jim友善,安静的平凡男人

13.Jason 可爱,喜好运动的金发男孩14.Paul庄严,稳重坚定的人,有魅力,创造力又和善。



19.Simon聪明而富创造力。20.Mark 非常英俊的男人,风趣爱好自由,而且是个细心的朋友

21.Ken 高挑英俊的金发男人,受欢迎,又风趣,但是肤浅 22.Roger英俊的男子,友善,讨人喜欢充满乐趣


常见英语名字的含义 ─男子篇

Abraham(亚伯拉罕): 尊贵的父亲,光明之父 Ace(艾斯):统一

Adam(亚当): 用红土做的男人,人类始祖 Addison(艾迪生):亚当之子 Albert(艾伯特): 尊贵显赫的

Alexander(亚历山大): 人类的帮手 Alfred(艾弗瑞德):明智的顾问 Ali(阿里):最伟大的

Allen, Allan(艾伦): 和谐融洽,英俊开朗 Alphonse, Alfonso(阿方索):高贵,渴望 Alvin(艾文):众人拥戴的

Amadeus(阿玛迪斯): 热爱上帝 Andrew(安德鲁): 有男子气概的 Angus(安格斯):独特抉择,破釜沉舟

Anthony, Antony(安东尼): 力量,无价之宝 Archiblad(阿其波德):胆大包天 Arne(阿尼):老鹰

Arnold(阿诺): 雄壮如鹰,养鹰人 Arthur(阿瑟): 熊,高贵英雄

Austin, Austen(奥斯汀): 威严的,皇室的 Barry(巴瑞):像矛的


Benjamin(班杰明): 得力助手的儿子 Brad(布瑞德):宽广


Brian,Bryan(布莱恩): 强健的,坚强,美德 Bruce(布鲁斯):来自茂密丛林 Bud(巴德):信使

Byron(拜伦): 来自村舍茅屋 Caesar, Cesar(西泽):长发飘逸 Cain, Caine(肯恩,该隠):矛 Carl(卡尔): 男子汉,农夫 Carson(卡森):沼泽地人家子弟 Carter(卡特):马车夫

Cary, Carey(凯瑞):来自城堡附近Casey(卡西):勇敢

Casper, Caspar(贾斯柏):财务大臣 Cecil(西索):眼盲的

Charles(查尔斯): 有男子气概的


Christopher(克里斯托福): 护送救世主,背耶稣者 Clark(克拉克):学者

Clinton(柯林顿): 丘陵围场,来自沙洲农场 Conrad(康拉德):诚实的顾问 Constantine(康士坦丁):坚固 Cooper(库柏):酒桶制造者

Cosmo(科斯莫):秩序,和谐,宇宙 Curtis(克提斯):谦恭有礼 Cyrus(塞瑞斯):太阳 Dale(戴尔):来自山谷 Damon(戴蒙):驯兽师


David(戴维):可爱的,朋友,受热爱的 Davis(戴维斯):戴维之子

Dean(迪恩):林木繁茂的深谷,来自山谷 Dennis(丹尼斯):酒神的 Denver(丹佛):绿山谷

Derek, Derrick(德瑞克):人民统治者 Desmond(戴斯蒙):南曼斯特来的人 Dillon(迪伦):忠诚的 Donald(唐纳):世界统治者

Douglas(道格拉斯): 深蓝色的,来自黑水边 Dudley(杜德利): 来自草地 Duke(杜克):领导人,公爵 Duncan(邓肯): 棕褐色的勇士 Dustin(达斯汀):骁勇的斗士 Earl(厄尔):贵族

Edmund(埃德蒙): 幸运的防御者 Edward(艾德华): 快乐的卫士 Elton(艾尔顿):来自老城镇 Elvis(埃尔维斯):才智过人

Emerson(艾默生):工业领导者之子 Eric(艾瑞克):永远的统治者 Ethan(伊森):坚固

Eugene(尤金):出身良好 Evan(伊凡):年轻战士

Ferdinand(费迪南):勇往直前,敢死队 Flint(弗林):溪流

Floyd?(弗洛伊德): 灰色的,白发苍苍 Foster(佛斯特):树林看守

Franklin(富兰克林): 解放的地主 Garfield(加菲尔):战场 Garry, Gary(盖瑞): 持矛者 George?(乔治): 耕种者

Gilbert?(吉尔伯特): 显赫的抵押品(人质),被信任的者 Gordon(戈登):平原上的山丘

Hakeem, Hakim(哈金):明智,医生 Hamilton?(汉弥尔顿): 来自骄傲国度 Harley(哈雷):野免草地,军队的草地 Harry?(哈利): 家族统治者,士兵 Harvey(哈维):战士

Hayden(海登):树篱围住的山谷 Hector(赫特):坚定 Henry(亨利):地主

Herman(赫曼):高层人员,战士 Homer(荷马):承诺 Howard(霍华):看守人 Hugo?(雨果): 思想,灵魂 Isaac?(艾萨克): 笑

Jack?(杰克): 上帝的恩赐 Jacob(雅各布):取代者

James?(詹姆士): 愿上帝保佑,追随者 Jason(杰森):治疗的人或物

Jeffrey?(杰弗瑞): 上帝的和平,旅行者平安,安详 Jesus(耶稣):上帝将会伸出援手 John?(约翰): 耶和华是仁慈的 Jonathan(强纳生):耶和华所赐与的 Joshua(乔舒亚):耶和华拯救世人 Justin?(贾斯丁): 公正的,正直的 Kenneth(肯尼斯):英俊潇洒,皇家誓言 Kent?(肯特): 辽阔的国土,白色,明亮

Kevin?(凯文): 辉煌的出身,温和,讨人喜爱 Kim(金):首领,统治者

Kyle(凯尔):英俊潇洒,来自海峡 Lance(蓝斯):土地

Laurence, Lawrence?(劳伦斯): 桂冠,胜利 Lee?(李): 草地上的居民

Leon, Leo?(里奥): 狮子,勇士 Leonard(里奥纳多):大胆的狮子 Levi(利瓦伊):和谐共处

Lincoln?(林肯): 来自池边部落 Luke?(路克): 光

Luther?(路德): 著名勇士,名望 Lynn(林):瀑布,瀑布下的水池

Mark?(马克): 源于战神 Mars,锤,好战的 Marlon, Marlin(马龙):小鹰

Marquis, Marquise(马奎斯):贵族 Marshall?(马歇尔): 看管马的官员 Martin?(马丁): 尚武的;属于战神的 Marvin(马文):爱海的人 Mason(梅森):砌石匠 Matthew(马修):上帝恩赐

Max?(马克斯): 最大的;最伟大的

Maxwell(马克斯韦尔):出自达官贵人家的井 Melvin(梅尔文):精明的首脑 Merlin(默林):猎鹰


Milton(米尔顿): 中等或中部家宅,来自磨坊城镇 Montgomery(蒙哥马利):来自有钱人家的山林 Morgan(摩根):来自海角天涯

Moses?(摩西): 儿子,男孩,被拯救的 Muhammad, Mohammed(穆罕默德):受赞颂的

Napoleon(拿破仑):山林溪谷的狮子,出自那不勒斯 Neil, Neal(尼尔):冠军 Newton?(牛顿): 新市镇

Nicholas, Nicolas(尼可拉斯): 民族的胜利 Noah(诺亚): 幸存者,漫游,歇息 Norman(诺曼): 诺曼底人,挪威人 Oliver(奥利弗): 橄榄树,有爱心的 Orlando(奥兰多):来自突起的土地 Oscar(奥斯卡): 神圣的持矛者 Otto(奥图): 富有的


Paul?(保罗): 小家伙,幼小的,小巧 Peter(彼得): 岩石,坚强的人

Philip, Phillip(菲利普): 爱马的人 Quentin(昆汀):第五个小孩 Ralph(瑞福):狼之顾问


Raphael, Rafael(拉斐尔): 由上帝治愈的 Raymond(雷蒙):厉害或明智的保护者

Richard?(理查德): 强势的统治者,铁腕人物 Ringo(林哥):戒指


Rochester(罗契斯特):来自石头营区 Roger(罗杰):名射矛手 Roman(罗曼):来自罗马 Romeo(罗蜜欧):到罗马朝圣

Roosevelt?(罗斯福): 玫瑰原野,来自玫瑰田 Rudolph, Rudolf(鲁道夫):著称之狼 Russell(罗素):红发的,狐狸色的 Samson(参森):太阳般的

Samuel(山缪):被上帝听闻或问及的 Scott(史考特):苏格兰人

Simon(赛门): 倾听,上帝已恩准 Solomon(所罗门): 和平

Spencer(史宾瑟):神职分配人 Spike(史帕克):又长又厚的指甲 Stanford(史丹佛):来自岩岸

Stanley(史丹利):来自多岩石的草地 Steven, Stephen?(史蒂芬): 王冠,花冠

Stuart, Stewart(斯图亚特): 当家人,照料者 Tanner(唐纳):皮革工匠 Taylor(泰勒):裁缝师

Thomas(汤马斯): 双胞胎之一;孪生子 Timothy(提摩西):荣耀上帝 Toby(托比):上帝是好人 Todd(托德):狐狸 Troy(特洛伊):步行兵

Truman(楚门,杜鲁门):诚实者 Tucker(塔克):漂洗工 Tyler(太勒):磁砖制造者 Tyrone(泰隆):君主


Ulysses(尤里西斯): 忿怒的,怀恨者 Victor(维克多):征服者 Vincent?(文森): 征服 Wallace(华乐士):韦尔斯人 Walter(瓦特):强而有力的战士 Warren(华伦):守护者

Wayne(韦恩): 北斗七星,四轮运货马车,马车夫 Wesley(韦斯利):来自西方草地

William(威廉): 头盔,坚决的守护者 Winston(温斯顿):来自友善城镇


白羊座女性: Malcolm、Joan、Niki、Betty、Linda、Whitney、Lily

金牛座男性: Fred、Gary、William、Charles、Michael、Karl

金牛座女性: Barbara、Elizabeth、Helen、Katharine、Lee、Ann、Diana、Fiona双子座男性: Bob、John、Thomas、Dean、Paul、Jack、Brooke

双子座女性: Judy、Doris、Rudy、Amanda、Shirley、Joan、Tracy

巨蟹座男性: Kevin、Louis、John、George、Henry、Benjamin


















双鱼座女性:、Helen、Debbie、Lisa、Yvonne、Carl、Scott、Tom、Eddy、Kris、Peter、Mary、Dolly、Nancy、Jane、Barbara、Bruce、Robert、Peter、Bill、Joseph、John、Emily、Sophia、Vivian、Lillian、Joy、Charlie、Elliot、George、Johnson、Julie、Gloria、Carol、James、Charles、Bruce、David、Wendy、Grace、Vivian、Caroline、Samantha、Walt、John、Mark、Sam、Davis、Neil、Carl、Lewis、Billy、Kate、Demi、Sunny、Wendy、Howard Allen、Johnny、Robert、Martin、Jeff、Christina、Judy、Susan、Grace、Alice、Sam、Francis、Lewis、Stephen、Andy、Scott、Sally、Margaret、Rebecca、Teresa、Rita、Jessica、Kevin、Michael、Taylor、Jackson、Jack、Jimmy、Allen、Martin、、Kelly、May、Julie、Amanda、FionaMelody Robert Shelly Johnson Shirley Burt Ross Richard Taylor Nick Maria Richard Ava Paul Joyce AlbertElizabeth



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    People with simple names enjoy quicker career advancement because hard-to-pronounce names inspire negative reactions from superiors, a study has found. 一项研究......


    女生名字 Ada 艾达 英国 增光;快乐的;美丽Afra 阿芙拉 希伯来 尘土 Alice 爱丽丝 希腊 尊贵的,真诚的Amanda 阿曼达 拉丁 值得爱的。 Amy 艾咪 法国 最心爱的人,可爱的。 Ang......


    主题:男孩常见英文名常见男孩英文名 名字汉译名涵义 形象 Alan 阿伦 英俊的帅气、风趣、自信心强 Albert Alexander Alfred Alvin Andrew Anthony Arthur Barry Bernard Bl......


    福禄寿 老来俏 美妇人 美尔宜人 老有所衣 最美妈妈 依然靓丽做店名 衣心衣意 “衣”品人生 心心相衣1.凌轩衣阁 复古的 2.MY衣坊 一语双关 我的衣坊 买衣服的坊 3.心随“......


    李峻熙 (峻:高大威猛;熙:前途一片光明) 李嘉懿 (嘉:美好;懿:美好) 李煜城 (照耀城市) 李懿轩 (懿:美好;轩:气宇轩昂) 李烨华 烨:光耀 李煜祺 煜:照耀 祺:吉祥 李智宸 智:......


    双胞胎名字大全 筱宥 筱冉(好听优雅的名字,可爱漂亮的女孩) 汀嫣 汀雨(取自烟雨霏霏的谐音,孩子们命中缺水,所以用汀,希望她们长大做优雅浪漫的漂亮女孩) 莲音 荷音(莲和荷都是同一种......


    最好听的男孩名字及1000个好听的女孩的名字___(珍藏版)! 你肯定用的着 好听的男孩名字: 致远 (出自诸葛亮的《诫子书》:“非淡泊无以明志,非宁静无以致远”) 俊驰(出自成语:俊才星......

