第一篇:the originals6 始祖家庭6中英文台词
我的哥哥们和我都是历史上 My brothers and I are the first vampires,最早的吸血鬼
是始祖家族 in all of history--the originals.三百年前
years ago, we called New Orleans home.现在一个女巫的阴谋将我们引回这里 Now we've returned, drawn by a witch
她企图利用我哥哥克劳斯未出生的孩子 who seeks to use my brother Klaus' unborn child
作为即将开始的战争中的筹码 as leverage in a brewing war...萨宾
告诉他们你看到了什么 Sabine, tell them what you saw.这种幻象是如何解读的 How was this vision interpreted?
你的孩子会让所有的女巫死去 Your baby would bring death to all witches.但是对权力的追求
让兄弟反目 But the quest for power has turned brother against brother,让我们的家族更加分裂 leaving our family more divided than ever.现在以利亚回来了 Now that Elijah has returned,我们家族重聚是否能面对新的威胁 can our family unite to face this new threat?
《毒树》 威廉·布莱克
你们就这样 So this is what you do
度过我们第一次重聚成一家人的时光吗 the first time we're back together as a family--
吸血鬼读书俱乐部 vampire book club.阅读陶冶心灵
妹妹 Reading edifies the mind, sister.对吗
以利亚 Isn't that right, Elijah?
尼克劳斯 Yes.That's quite right, Niklaus.现在是什么意思 And what's this business?
这是友好的馈赠 This is a peace offering.我想
在棺材里干枯了那么久之后 I presumed, after so much time desiccating in a coffin,我的哥哥也许会有些饿了[易怒] that my big brother might be a bit peckish.所以我向我的弟弟解释 So I explained to my little brother
宽恕是无法被收买的 that forgiveness cannot be bought.我真心想看到你行为上的改变 I'd simply prefer to see a change in behavior
能够显示出你的悔悟和个人成长 that indicates contrition and personal growth,而不是这些没意义的 not this nonsense.我也不能白白浪费了她
不是吗 I couldn't very well let her go to waste, could I?
我想我得去拿个垃圾桶 Well, I suppose I'll fetch the rubbish bin
因为你们弄脏了两百年历史的地毯 because you're staining a
-year-old carpet.是啊 Oh, yes.“我对朋友充满愤怒 ”I was angry with my friend
说出了愤怒 “I told my wrath,便戛然而止 ”my wrath did end.{an }皇家宫殿旅馆
我对敌人充满愤怒 “I was angry with my foe:
未曾表述 ”I told it not,皇家宫殿旅馆
愤怒却越甚 “my wrath did grow.日夜以我的泪水 ”And I water'd it in fears,在恐惧中灌溉愤怒 “night and morning with my tears;
用微笑和温柔虚伪的诡计 ”And I sunned it with smiles,照耀着愤怒 “and with soft deceitful wiles.愤怒日夜生长 ”And it grew both day and night,直到结出一个闪亮的苹果 “till it bore an apple bright;
我的敌人将见到它的光芒 ”And my foe beheld it shine,他知道那属于我 “and he knew that it was mine,在夜幕笼罩花园之时 ”and into my garden stole
他悄然而来试图偷走 “when the night had veil'd the pole:
清晨我高兴地发现 ”In the morning glad I see
我的敌人横尸树下 my foe outstretch'd beneath the tree.“
早上好 Good morning.我知道我是这间屋子里唯一的 Listen.I know I'm the only one in this house
真正喝牛奶的人 that actually drinks milk,但是把它纳入采购清单不会害死你们吧 but would it kill any of you to make sure it's on the grocery list?
加上漂白剂吧 Speaking of, add bleach.我真心希望我的弟弟妹妹 You know, I do hope my siblings
在我不在时对你很热情 were hospitable toward you in my absence.如你所说”在你不在时“ In your absence--as you like to call it,这样说也未免太客气了
你弟弟把匕首 which is a way-too-polite way of saying that your brother
插入了你的心脏 put a dagger in your heart--
我被法属区的吸血鬼攻击了 I have been attacked by French quarter vampires.我不得不住到有着装满棺材的地下室的屋子 I've had to live in a house with a secret dungeon full of coffins,还差点被一群 and I was nearly murdered by witches
深信我孩子是魔鬼的女巫们杀死 who are convinced that my baby is Lucifer.牛奶 Milk.他们一直对我不错 They've been...fine...你的弟弟妹妹奇怪地保护着我 Your siblings were weirdly protective.我知道我得谢谢你 I know I have you to thank for that.我只是很高兴你还完好无缺 I'm just happy to see that you're in one piece.说到那些凶狠的女巫 So back to the murderous witches,我有些担心 I have some concerns.他们很邪恶 They're evil,我的性命还是和索菲·德弗罗连在一起 and my life is still magically linked to Sophie Deveraux,这很令我担忧 which is not comforting.是的我想是时候处理一下这个小问题了 Yes.I think it's time we took care of that little problem.我完全同意 I'm all for it.一旦她们解除了联系 As soon as they're unlinked,我们就离开这个该死的小镇 we get to leave this crap town.我们得杀了谁 Who do we have to kill?
也许谁都不用杀 Probably no one.好吧
也可能是全得杀 All right.Potentially everyone.我在那上面烹饪
你知道的吧 I cook on that, you know?
别对我发脾气 Don't get cranky with me.我是唯一还喜欢你的女巫 I'm the only witch who still likes you.是啊
好像我不是在 Yeah.It's not like
努力拯救女巫的遗产什么的 I'm trying to save the witch heritage or anything.他们会明白的 They'll come around.他们只是太老派太害怕了 They're just old-school and scared.害怕什么 Scared of what,你对那个混血孩子的预言吗 your prophecy about the hybrid baby?
艾格尼丝和她的畸形奴才们 Agnes and her freak show minions
在这方面可是很有实力 had a real field day with that one.对我所见到的毫无帮助 Can't help what I see, so--
如果你是灵媒 Well, if you're psychic,我就是玛莎·斯图尔特了 I'm Martha Stewart.玛莎·斯图尔特: 美国女性财富人物
挪开 Scooch.搞什...What the--
死亡木上的毒苹果的诗歌 Poetry about poisoned apples from dead trees.看来某人很担心要做爸爸了 Looks like someone is worried about impending daddyhood.胡说
以利亚回来了 Nonsense.Elijah is back.有他在所有的问题 In his presence, all problems
都会变成精灵尘飘走 turn to pixie dust and float away.奇怪
我不记得最近被迫躺着的 Strange, I don't recall any pixie dust
黑暗的棺材里有什么精灵尘 from the darkness of the coffin I was recently forced to endure.你拿妈妈的咒语干什么 What are you doing with mother's spell book?
为了交换得我的自由 Well, in exchange for my freedom,我向女巫达维娜承诺 I promised the witch Davina
我会把母亲的魔法书分享几页给她 that I would share a few pages from mother's grimoire.这能帮助她学会控制她的魔法 It'll help her learn to control her magic.我想着我们可以从一个小小的解除咒开始 Thought we'd begin with a little unlinking spell.等下
你想要利用她解除 Wait.You want to use her to unlink
海莉和索菲·德弗罗的联系 Hayley from Sophie Deveraux?
索菲假借名义把我们引回这里 Sophie brought us to this town under false pretenses.她并不是只想让我们扳倒马塞尔和他手下 She doesn't just want us to take down Marcel and his minions.她想要要回达维娜 She wants to take Davina back.所以她利用魔法
威胁和半真相 So she yoked her own cause to ours
将她的目的和我们的目的结合 with magic, threats, and half-truths.再也不可能了 Well, no more.此刻
我们和索菲·德弗罗的协议无效 As of now, our deal with Sophie Deveraux is null and void.尼克劳斯
我需要你跟我来 Niklaus, I need you to come with me.我需要五分钟单独和达维娜在一起 I need
minutes alone with Davina.你得确保我不会被打断 You need to make certain that I am not interrupted.你留在这里照顾海莉 You stay here and watch Hayley.我是怎么变成超级保姆的 How did I get elected supernanny?
是谁让他主事的 More importantly, who put him in charge?
一切都还好吧 Hey, is everything ok?
需要给你拿点什么吗 Can I get you something?
孩子 Look.I know you want a daylight ring, kid.给你个提示 Little heads-up,我有比你早
多年的呢 I got guys
years ahead of you.知道了 Noted.抱歉 Sorry.等下 Wait.你认识克劳斯·迈克尔森 You know Klaus Mikaelson.有几次
我让你送他回家 I asked you to give him a lift home a couple times
对吗 to the Palace Royale hotel, right?
皇家宫殿 Um, yeah, the Palace Royale.我顺便去了他的旅馆 You see, I stopped by his hotel
想要为我们的争执道歉 to say sorry about an argument we had.结果
他不住在那里 Turns out, he lied about living there.说谎了 Lied.你有没有听过这么一句话 Did you ever hear the phrase
”头戴王冠难以心安“ ”Uneasy is the head and wears the crown“?
《指环王》吗 Uh, ”Lord of the rings“?
莎士比亚说的 No.Shakespeare.在我还是小孩的时候
克劳斯教会我欣赏 When I was a kid, Klaus taught me how to read
说的总是一个国王 with those plays, always about some king
赢得了世界却失去了灵魂 who gained the world but lost his soul,但是现在我懂了 But now I get it.当一切尘埃落定 See, when it's all said and done,看看身边自己建立的帝国 you look around at the empire you built.唯一重要的是你可以信任谁 The only thing that matters is who you can trust.一定是有你能信任的人 There's got to be somebody somewhere that you can trust,在任何情况下
直到最后 ”To stick “to you through thick and thin--
都能对你忠心不移的人 to the bitter end.”
山姆对佛罗多说的 Sam to Frodo,《魔戒现身》 “Fellowship of the ring.”
是有 There is someone.我们曾经是最好的朋友 We used to be best friends.我跟你承诺过 I made you a promise.进来吧 Come in.宽恕我的罪行吧
神父 Bless me, Father, for I have sinned.已经有
一年了 It's been, oh, a year
我都没有好好和你聊过 since I've had a good conversation with you.卡米尔 Camille.你一直躲着我K叔叔 You've been avoiding me, uncle K.躲着我最爱的侄女
绝对不会 My favorite niece? Never.别说谎
这可是教堂 Don't lie.This is a church.再说了
我是来寻求专业建议的 Besides, I came about professional advice...是有关肖恩的 About Sean.解结咒语 The spell of unknotting?
这是一个血结 This is a sanguinem knot.女巫用它来代表魔法 The witches use it as representational magic.如果你能用这个咒语解开这团绳子 If you can unknot this rope using that spell,你就向控制魔法迈了一大步 you'll have taken an important step towards control.这是我母亲后期的咒语之一 This is one of my mother's later spells,需要的力量比你想象的要多 requires much more power than you realize.如果你能完成这个 If you can perform this,我会再带一张书页来 I shall return with another page...下一次就是你选的咒语了 Spell of your choosing next time.因为我是个受虐狂 Only because I'm a masochist,今天我去了肖恩的坟墓 I went by Sean's grave today, and--
该死 Damn it.我本希望在你看见前清理干净的 I was hoping to get that cleaned up before you saw it.我希望没有让你太难过 I hope it didn't upset you too much.一点都没有让我烦心 It didn't bother me at all.这就是问题
这就是我问什么在这里 That's the problem.That's why I'm here.这周每晚我都熟睡地像个婴儿 I've slept like a baby every night this week,即使是我的孪生兄弟就在 even though my twin brother hacked
priests to death
离这告解室不到两步的地方砍死了 名牧师 not two feet from this confessional.我最近约会的那个人
马塞尔 A guy I've been seeing, Marcel,放了我鸽子 has been blowing me off.管他呢
我只不过和他约过两次会 Whatever.I've gone on two dates with the guy,比起看到我哥哥坟墓上 and I'm more upset about that
到处都是写着“杀手”的涂鸦 than seeing “Murderer” Scrawled
我更为此感到失落 across my brother's grave.这就叫做治愈
卡米 It's called healing, Cami.大屠杀后的几个月 For month's after the massacre,我满脑子都是这事 I couldn't think of anything else,然后突然的都消失了 and then suddenly, nothing.我需要感觉到痛苦 I need to feel that pain.没有那痛苦
空虚 Without it, I feel broken, empty,就像是该怪谁 like there's someone to blame
而我却让他们逃脱了惩罚 and I'm letting them get away with it.听着
如果你找到了忘记的办法 Listen.If you have found a way to turn it off,不要质疑它 don't question it.唯一需要对肖恩行为负责的就是他自己 The only person that is responsible for Sean's behavior is Sean.你真的这么认为吗 Do you really believe that?
是的 Yes.我是这么认为 I do.放开我 Let go of me.放开她 Leave her be.杀了我来抓住克劳斯或是他的孩子 Killing me to get to Klaus or his baby
不是解决办法 is not the answer.我不会杀了你的索菲 I'm not gonna kill you, Sophie.你出生的那天我也在场 I was there the day you were born.我是我们女巫族群最后的长者 I'm the last remaining elder of our coven.保护我们的力量是我的职责 It is my duty to protect our power,如果有天那个孩子出生了 and our power means nothing
我们的力量就不算什么了 if that baby grows another day.萨宾的预兆很明显了 Sabine's omen was clear.那个孩子会让我们都死去 That baby will bring death to us all.你打算做什么 What are you gonna do?
不要 Oh, god, no.No.Agnes, no.No.不要
你不能 No!Don't you--aah!
那是怎么回事 What the hell was that?
我知道就怪了 Hell if I know.感觉我被刺了一下 It felt like I was being stabbed.发生了什么 What happened?
是艾格尼丝 It was Agnes.她的人带走了索菲 Her men took Sophie.你主事的第一天
哥哥 Day one with you in charge, brother,和海莉相连的女巫 and already the witch link to Hayley
已经被狂热者们拐走了 has been abducted by zealots.她在哪 Where is she?
你们会杀了她的 If I tell you where Agnes is, you'll just kill her.有那么明显吗 Is it that obvious?
我知道她有点疯狂 Look.I know she's a little cuckoo,但她是我们最后一个活着的长者了 but she's our last living elder.这也许对你们来说没什么 That might not mean a lot to you,但对我们来说这意义深重 but it means plenty to us.只有长者才可以施那些重要的咒语 The elders are the only ones who can do important spells.比如完成收获祭仪式 Like completing the harvest ritual.你知道那事 You know about that?
我知道的事情会让你瞠目结舌的 Oh, you'd be astounded by the things I know.请允许我给你按重要的先后顺序说一说 Allow me to entertain you with today's list of priorities.第一
解除你朋友索菲的联系 One, unlink your friend Sophie
这样她就再也不能控制 so she no longer controls the fate
怀着我孩子那女人的命运了 of the woman carrying my child.第二
说服我哥哥接受我为最近冒险的行为 Two, convince my brother to accept my heartfelt apologies
真心的道歉 for some recently dodgy behavior.第三
没有第三, there is no.我相信我弟弟在这里试图说的是 I believe what my brother is attempting to communicate here
你们长者的性命 is that neither the life of this elder
收获祭仪式以及你们女巫 nor the harvest ritual nor your coven's
都与他无关 connection to magic are of any relevance to him whatsoever.说吧 Now talk.蒂埃里 Thierry.马塞尔 Marcel.又来惩罚我吗 Come to punish me again?
有人问我有没有我一直信任的人 Someone asked if there's anyone I ever trusted.我只想到了一个名字 I only came up with one name--
就是你 You.蒂埃里
你和我得小聊一下 So, Thierry, you and I are gonna have a little talk...是有关克劳斯·迈克尔森 About Klaus Mikaelson.是恶魔宝宝吃零食的时间了 It's time for the demon spawn to snack.我真的希望你不要那么叫她 I really wish you wouldn't call her that.抱歉
你想好别的名字了吗 I'm sorry.Have you picked another name yet?
大农场种的一点不好吃 Take one.The plantation is lousy with them.脖子怎么样了 How's your neck?
好奇怪 I feel fine, which is weird.我确定这么索菲有关 I'm sure this is Sophie-related.帮我个忙
别在我的看护下死了 Well, do me a favor and don't die on my watch.否则我要一辈子被唠叨了 I'll never hear the end of it.我第一次见到你的时候 You know, when I first met you,我以为你是真正的贱人 I thought you were a real bitch.是什么让你改变了想法 What changed your mind?
我还是觉得你是个贱人 Oh, I still think you're a bitch.只是我开始有点喜欢你这点了 I've just grown to like that about you.你这么说真好啊 Well, that's sweet of you to say.我走后你也要记着 Remember it when I'm gone.走
你要去哪 Gone? Where are you going?
我来这里只是为了确保以利亚一切都好 I only came to town to make sure everything was ok with Elijah.他没事
他还没有惩罚克劳斯用匕首封住他 He's fine, and he hasn't punished Klaus for daggering him,所以
他们会非常亲密的 so, as usual, they'll be thick as thieves,而我会被留下来收拾烂摊子 and I'll be left to clean up the mess.是时候我该偷偷离开了 It's time for me to fly the coop.怎么了 What's wrong?
我不知道 I don't know.也许是晨吐 Probably morning sickness.实际上你现在温度越来越高了 Oh, you're burning up, actually.艾格尼丝用一根针刺了我 Ah!Agnes stuck me with a needle.被诅咒的物品是在很久之前被制作出来的 Ugh!Cursed objects were created a long time ago.我们利用它们这样我们使用魔法 We use them so we don't get busted
就不会被马塞尔发现 by Marcel for doing magic.她用的那个叫做哀伤之针 The one she used is called the needle of sorrows.是在年被下咒 It was cursed in , when--
跳过数十年直接告诉我们它的作用吧 Jump ahead a few decades and tell us what it does, luv.它只有一个作用 It has one purpose--
升高她的血液温度以杀掉她肚里的孩子 to kill a child in utero by raising her blood temperature.为了让她流产 It's for a miscarriage.我们还有多少挽救的时间 So how much time do we have to fix this?
今晚涨潮时这个物件就会发挥它应有的作用 It'll do what it's meant to by tonight's high tide,相信我这绝对有效 And--believe me--it will work.我曾见她在一个小孩身上用过类似的物件 I saw her use a similar object on a kid
让他发疯并杀掉了一群牧师 who went mad and killed a bunch of priests.我想找这个艾格尼丝聊聊 I'd like to have a little chat with this Agnes.在哪能找到她 Where can I find her?
你找不到的 You won't.她有无数的藏身之处来等待事情结束 There are a thousand places she could hole up to wait it out.这正是我们为什么要切断你与海莉的联系 That's precisely why we need to unlink you from Hayley,不能再让她或孩子受到伤害 no more danger towards her or the child.等等
你说什么 No.What?
如果我失去了跟海莉的联系 If I am not linked to Hayley,我就没有任何筹码了 I lose my leverage on you.我们做了交易的 We got a deal.我们不是盟友
索菲·德弗罗 We are not on the same side, Sophie Deveraux.我们的交易不再有效了 Our deal no longer stands.这意味着你要赦免我吗 Does this mean you're pardoning me?
你知道我不能那样做 Aw, you know I can't do that.你违反了我最重要的规矩 You broke my number-one rule.你杀了一个吸血鬼
蒂埃里 You killed a vampire, T.如果我不惩罚你
别人会觉得我很软弱 I let that go, it'll make me look weak.我早就警告你小心克劳斯了 I warned you about Klaus.是啊
我该听你的 Yeah.I should've listened.这家伙来到我的地盘几个月了 This guy has been in my town for months
却从不让人知道他落脚的地方 but hiding where he lays his head at night.我想知道他还隐藏了些什么 What else is he hiding is what I want to know.之前我没有听你的 I didn't listen to you before,但我现在一定会相信你 but I sure as hell am now.告诉我那晚到底发生了什么 Tell me about the night that got you put in here,狂欢节的时候说不定你就能出去了 and you might find yourself out by Mardi Gras.化装舞会那天晚上 The night of the masquerade party,你让我们去女巫那骚扰她们 you sent us rousting in the cauldron to mess with the witches.当麦克斯过去时 So when Max came in rousting,他直接咬上了凯蒂的喉咙 he went right for Katie's throat.你只是说骚扰
没说杀人 Now, you said to roust.You didn't say to kill.他是个夜行者
而我是日行者 Now, he's a nightwalker.I'm a daywalker.我让他住手
但他不听 I told him to stop, and he wouldn't.所以我制止了他 So I stopped him.那天晚上的那一幕一直在我脑海中回旋 That night is on an endless loop in my head.我想麦克斯可能被控制了 I think Max was compelled.不可能
我的手下体内都有马鞭草 No.All my guys are on vervain.如果克劳斯放了他们的血就没有了 Not if Klaus drained them.麦克斯在骚扰行动前 Max went missing for a couple of days
不是吗 before the rousting, right?
他们在你女友的商店里 T., they found stuff you and your girl
搜到了你们偷我的东西 stole from me in her shop.你去过灰色花园吗 Have you ever been to the Jardin Gris?
那里面伸手不见五指 You can't find your own hand in front of your face in there.尽管如此
有人进去 And yet somehow someone went in there,只过了短短几分钟 and after a couple of minutes,就找到了被偷窃的物品 they found some stolen goods?
亲眼看看 Go there, see for yourself.但我告诉你
除了麦克斯 But I'm telling you, besides Max,你的人里肯定还有别人被控制了 somebody else in the crew had to be compelled.小心自己人 Watch your back.欢迎N滥用药物互助会
没问题 So a few tourists go missing, ok.我们能掩饰过去
不是难事 We can spin it, no problem,但你知道有多难才能 But do you know how hard it is to sell
在一大片教堂窗户神秘爆炸后 a gas-leak story to the city council
让参议会相信这是一起煤气泄漏事件吗 when a bunch of church windows magically explode?
市长先生 Come on, Mr.Mayor.您当这是竞选辩论吗 What is this, an electoral debate?
我会对付他 Marcel overstepped.I will handle it.说得轻松 Easier said than done.马塞尔可不是那么好对付的 Marcel is quite the little warrior.你是哪位 Who the hell are you?
我叫克劳斯 My name is Klaus,你们就是那伙...and you lot are the faction--
维系着城市超自然生物平衡的 pillars of the community who maintain
社区中的栋梁者吧 the city's supernatural balance.我该知道的 I should know.我创立了这个组织
只不过在我那时 I created this group, only in my day,全是一帮海盗和腐败的政治家们 it was a bunch of pirates and corrupt politicians.看上去一切都没变 Looks like nothing has changed.有一件事情变了 One thing has.现在只接受人类 It's exclusively human now--
尤其是吸血鬼始祖 no vampires allowed, especially no originals.我不是要来加入的 I haven't come to join.我是来请你们动用你们丰富的资源 I've come to ask this group to utilize its considerable resources
去帮我找一个叫艾格尼丝的女巫长老 to find a witch elder named Agnes.我只需要一个地址 All I need is an address.为什么我们要帮你 And why would we want to help you?
如果我告诉你艾格尼丝能解开 What if I told you that Agnes was the answer to a question
自你逃离这个城市后一直想解答的疑问 you've been asking since you ran screaming from this town,她就是对你侄子肖恩 that she is the witch
施术的女巫呢 who hexed your nephew Sean?
-我没有时间I don't have time...我也不喜欢别人让我等待 nor do I like being asked to wait.或许你可以吓唬住 You may have all the vampires
这个城市所有的吸血鬼 in this town cowering in fear.但现在你是跟人类在打交道 But right now, you are dealing with the humans.除非你想杀掉我们所有人 And unless you plan on killing all of us,不然我建议你照我说的做 I politely suggest you do as I say
给我们时间去讨论 and give us time to discuss it.神父
我最喜欢的就是 You know, what I like about you, Father,你明知道我的名声 is, you're aware of my reputation
却仍然不惧与我作对 and yet still you stand tall against me.我很敬佩 It's admirable.你有一小时 You have one hour.找到那个女巫 Track down that witch--
警察局的同伙什么的 cell phone records, our guys in the th.为了那个吸血鬼吗 For the vampire?
是为了我 No, for me.[咒语] Phesmatos, omnio ligor
[咒语] coldate sangorium.别小题大做了
行吗 Stop fussing, will you?
以利亚马上就回来 Elijah will be here any minute.我觉得好像被放进了微波炉一样 I feel like I've been microwaved.就算你怀着孩子 Hey, just because you're carrying a baby
也不代表你就能像个小孩一样任性 doesn't mean you get to act like one.我想我的小侄女一定已经在治疗你了 I'm sure my little niece is healing you up as we speak.她为什么会在这里 What the hell is she doing here?
你正是让我们陷入这一切的罪魁祸首 You're the reason we're in this bloody mess.为什么我们还没 Why aren't we unlinked
以利亚 with this witch already, Elijah?
让她试试 Rebekah, let her do what she can.我或许有种方法能退烧 I may know a way to slow the fever down,但我需要一些特殊的草药 but I'm gonna need some special herbs.我会给你短信发一个清单 I'll text you a list.好吧
很乐意为你们跑腿 Fine.Happy to play the fetch girl.这不是凯蒂的商店吗 Isn't this Katie's shop?
她在遗嘱里写了把钥匙给你 She leave you the keys in her will,还是今天是自助购物日呢 or maybe it's just help yourself tuesday?
你来这干什么 What are you doing here?
我听说如果将艾叶与鼠尾草混合在一起 You know, I read that if you mix mugwort with sage,就能得到一种强力的驱吸血鬼药 you've got quite the vampire repellant,就算对最顽固的那种也有效 wards off even the most resilient pest.你又为什么来这里 Why are you here?
保护我的城市免受小偷和流氓的破坏 Just keeping my city safe from thieves and vandals,但每当我稍微松懈时 but every time I turn around,总有一个始祖吸血鬼被我抓个正着 I catch an original with their hand in the cookie jar.对你来说辛运的是 Well, luckily for you, your cookies
我对你没有兴趣 are the last thing on my mind.我知道 Oh, I can see that,但我记得
以前似乎并不是这样 though I remember a time when things were different.或许有那么一次
但不会再发生了 Maybe once.Not anymore.樟脑
找到了 Camphor.Found it.夏博内街
要出去吗 Going somewhere?
你来早了 You're early.还好我来得早 Well, it's a good thing I am.看上去你正准备独自一人 You seem hell-bent on enacting vengeance
去实施你的复仇大计 all on your lonesome.问题是
在你送她去见上帝之前 The trouble is, I need something from Agnes
我要从她手上拿点东西 before you send her off to meet her maker.我提议咱们来个交易 So I propose we strike a deal.把她带来 Bring her here.作为回报 In exchange,我会保证你的侄女卡米的安全 I'll even ensure your niece Cami remains safe.真不愿将她牵涉进这一切 Mm.I would so hate for her to get caught up in all this.太过分了
我犯了什么罪 This is outrageous.What's the charge?
艾格尼丝 Please, Agnes.你知道马塞尔统治着这个城市的吸血鬼 You know that Marcel runs the vampires in this town.你觉得是谁在控制其他的一切呢 Who do you think runs everything else?
我想这就是你要找的东西 I believe this is what you're looking for.你好
艾格尼丝 Hello, Agnes.你竟然和他做交易 You made a deal with him?
你竟然狠心对肖恩痛下毒手 After what you did to Sean,即使是与恶魔结盟我也要让你受尽折磨 I'd deal with the devil himself just to see you suffer.你不能伤害我 You can't hurt me.所有的女巫都不会放过你的 The entire witch community will turn against you.够了 Enough!
够了 Please.Enough.我不在乎你们女巫的阴谋 I don't care about witch politics.我也不在乎你们那 I don't care about your ridiculous,荒诞的收获祭仪式 little harvest ritual.我在乎的是这个小玩意 What I care about is this trinket.解除诅咒
否则我会让你比死更难受 Undo its curse, or I'll show you things worst than death.黑暗魔物可不会自带解除装置 Dark objects don't come with an off switch.诅咒施在索菲身上 The curse took root in Sophie.她与你的恶魔之子相联 She's linked to your devil child.诅咒生效只是时间的问题 It's just a matter of time.她体温越来越高
我们得马上开始 She's burning up.We need to do this now.把她放进水里 Get her in the water.我不明白午夜畅泳能起什么作用 I don't see how a midnight swim is supposed to help.她的体温极高 Her temperature is sky high,水再加上草药 and the water, with the help of the herbs,应该能把体温降下来 should cool us down.喝下去 Drink this.你要让她心跳放缓 You're gonna have to get her heart rate down.你说我要怎么做 And how do you suggest I do that?
抱住她 Hold her.为自救放缓心跳以及降低血压 It's a natural human remedy to slow the heart rate
是人类的本能 and reduce blood pressure.这肯定行不通 This is never gonna work.达维娜会打破这联系 Davina will break that link.我们只需要一点时间 We just need time.[咒语] Phesmatos, omnio ligata soluto.-我不能呼吸
-别怕Ok.深呼吸 Take long, deep breaths.海莉
看着我深呼吸 Hayley, look at me.Long, deep breaths.把注意力集中在我的声音上 Just focus on the sound of my voice.你会没事的你会没事的 You'll be ok.You'll be ok.[咒语] Phesmatos, omnio ligata soluto.[咒语] Vingulia cordit.我感觉到联系被消除了 I just felt it lift.来
上岸吧 Com on.Let's go.以利亚...Elijah...一旦你弟弟发现 As soon as your brother finds out
联系被打破了 that the link is broken,他一定会杀了艾格尼丝 he'll kill Agnes.我知道你不欠我什么 I know you don't owe me anything,但请你别让他杀了她 but please don't let him kill her.以利亚
她是我们 Elijah, she's our only access
与生存所需的力量间唯一的桥梁 to the power we need to survive.答应我你会阻止他 Promise me that you'll stop him.是我你在哪 It's me.Where are you?
我马上过去 Don't hurt her.I'll be there shortly.我答应你最后一件事 I'll make you one last promise.我不会让我弟弟杀了艾格尼丝 I won't let my brother kill Agnes.我知道你利用我只是为了拯救你的族人 I know you were just using me to save your people,但若再有下次
我会杀了你 but try it again, I'll kill you.联系被打破了 The unlinking worked.也许现在我们可以计划...Maybe now we can make plans...现在不行
丽贝卡 Not now, Rebekah.这事能等我回来再谈吗 Can we discuss this when I return?
你回来的时候我就不在了 I won't be here when you return.这听起来像是告别 That sounds like a good-bye.就是告别 I guess it is.我来新奥尔良只是为了确保你的安全 I only came to New Orleans to make sure you were safe.你现在安全了 You are.我本想说服你跟我一起走 I thought that I might be able to convince you to come with me,但你却急着投身于 but here you are, rushing off
马塞尔和女巫们的 into whatever Klaus and Marcel
纠缠不清 and the witches have cooked up,我终于明白 And I finally get it.你永远不会离开这城市 You'll never leave this city.你永远不会离开克劳斯 You'll never leave Klaus.那你就该留下 Then you should stay.你与克劳斯和马塞尔间的纠缠 This thing that you and Klaus and Marcel have,我不想扯上关系 I want no part of it.我只想自由自在地生活 I just want to be free.那就去吧 Well, then go.你是自由的 You are free.丽贝卡 Rebekah.一晚两次相会 Twice in one night.又是什么风把你吹来了 To what do I owe the pleasure?
也许是我的作风老派 Call me old-fashioned,但我认为告别还是亲自来的好 but I believe farewells are best in-person.你救回了以利亚 Got Elijah back,现在你们俩要抱团夹尾而逃吗 and now you're both gonna tuck tail and run.真是个聪明的女孩 Smart girl.祝你幸福 Have a nice life.他要留下来
我的离开也并非逃跑 He's staying, and I'm not running.我只是在沉船前趁早脱身 I'm disembarking a sinking ship.自我小的时候起 People been saying the city has been sinking
人们就一直在说这城市会没落 since I was a boy.如今照样一派欣欣向荣 It ain't going anywhere,临别前来喝一杯怎么样 But, hey, how about one for the road?
你想把我灌醉 Why, so you can liquor me up
然后说服我留下来吗 and convince me to stay?
你为什么要来 Why else did you come here?
我来说再见 I came to say good-bye.那就说吧 Then say it.总算摆脱这了 Good riddance.你是个狠角色
艾格尼丝 You're a piece of work, Agnes,但你知道吗 but guess what,我也不是好惹的 I'm quite a piece of work myself.你知道吗
我打算以你的残骸 You know, I contemplated leaving bits of you
装饰你家族的墓园 artfully arranged outside your family's tomb.我想这下该能以儆效尤 I thought it would leave a fitting message.不许伤害我的家人 Don't touch my family.放开她 Leave her.我许下了承诺 I gave my word.你许下诺言的时机 You tend to give your word
哥哥 at the most inopportune times, brother.今天所有人一直照你的指示行动 We've been doing things your way all day.来嘛 Come on.轻轻一拧
就能把艾格尼丝送上西天 Just one little snap, and it's toodle-loo, Agnes.这是她罪有应得 She deserves it.尼克劳斯
别轻举妄动 Niklaus, do not make another move.你想要我的原谅 You have asked for my forgiveness.我可以原谅你 I will grant you that forgiveness,但不要让我违背诺言 but do not make me break my word.我高尚的兄长 My noble brother.这算是显著的成长吧 How's that for personal growth, eh?
你还是一如既往地爱扫我兴 Still, it is just like you to spoil my fun.这可不一定 Oh, not necessarily.我许下的诺言是 I swore you would not die
你不会死在我弟弟手上 by my brother's hand.我可没说过 I said nothing
你不会死在我手上 of my own.没人在伤害我的家人后能安然无恙 No one hurts my family and lives.谁也不能 No one.我离开将近百年 I've been away from this home almost
丝毫未变 and you haven't changed a thing in my bedroom.我想我也许是为了等你回来 I guess I was holding out hope that you'd come back to it,但这的床应该没有 Although I imagine it's not quite as comfortable
皇家宫殿旅馆来得舒服吧 as those beds at the Palace Royale.怎么会
这床很舒服 It's plenty comfortable.我饿了 I'm famished.我不喜欢吃苹果 Nah.Apples aren't my thing.这曾经是你的最爱 They were your favorite once upon a time.是的曾经是 Yeah.They were.我在果园劳作时 Get my ass beat if I ever
若敢偷吃苹果会被打个半死 ate them working on that plantation,即使是腐坏的也不例外 even spoiled ones.现在它们只会让我忆起 Now they just remind me of a time
我一无所有的曾经 when I couldn't have things.如今你能获得想要的一切 Well, now you can have whatever you want.跟我一起走 Come with me.跟你去哪
丽贝卡 And go where, Rebekah?
去任何我们想去的地方 Wherever we want to.我们可以共筑属于你我的家庭 We can build a home together.把克劳斯
这座城市 We can leave behind Klaus and this city
还有那些孤女安妮般的吸血鬼都抛诸脑后 and those Orphan Annie vampires.那些孤女安妮般的吸血鬼是我的家人 Whoa, those Orphan Annie vampires are my family,这座城市是我的家园 and this city is my home.这也曾是我的家园
我离开了 It was my home, too, once.I left.你逃离了
我留下了 You ran.I stayed.这个帝国因我而兴旺 This empire, it thrives because of me,你却想让我弃它而去 and you want me to run.人不会逃离自己的家 A man does not run from his home.我比你活得久得多
马塞勒斯 I have lived a lot longer than you, Marcellus.我见证过王朝的兴衰 I have seen kings rise and fall.如果说我有什么确定的事情 If there is one thing I know to be true,那就是不论你的王国有多庞大 it is that no matter how big your empire becomes,无人与你分享的话
那些都是虚无 it is nothing if you have no one to share it with.你想要新奥尔良
那就拿去 You want New Orleans, have it.我不会阻止你 I won't be here to stop you.他在哪
我找了他一整天了 Where is he? I've been trying to find him all day.马塞尔知道尼克劳斯没有告诉他真实的住处 Marcel knows that Niklaus lied about where he lives.我可不是他的监护人
乔什 I'm not his damn keeper, Josh.好吧
那就让他打给我拜托了 Fine.Just tell him to call me, please.好吧 Ok.什么情况
乔什 Oh, what the hell, Josh?
我是马塞尔 Hi there.I'm Marcel.我们好像没见过 I don't think we've met.你来有什么事 What are you doing here?
记得我对你的承诺吗 Do you remember the promise I made you?
不记得 Promise? No.想起来了 Yes.你答应我你会查出肖恩到底怎么了 You promised you'd find out what happened to Sean.我信守了承诺 And I kept my word.你孪生兄弟的行为不是他自己的意愿 Your twin brother's behavior was not born of natural causes.一个女巫施咒让他杀了那些人然后自杀 A witch hexed him to commit those murders and to kill himself.我就知道 I knew it.我就知道他没有疯 I knew he wasn't crazy.那个女巫是谁 Who is this witch?
你不用再纠结这件事了 Oh, you needn't trouble yourself over her.她已经为此血债血偿了 She has already paid for her actions in blood.什么
你杀人了 What? Wait.You killed somebody?
我确实帮了把手 Well, I had a hand in the matter, yeah.原谅我有些吃惊你会这样反应 Forgive me if I'm a little surprised by your reaction.那我应该怎么反应 How the hell am I supposed to react?
你把我牵扯到一个我从没想过的复仇中 You just made me culpable in a revenge murder I never asked for.我活了数千年 我向你保证 I've been alive for a thousand years, and, I can assure you,很多人死于更微不足道的理由 many people have died for far less.而且
该好受一些了 Besides, now you can find comfort in the truth.真相
你精神控制了我 The truth? You compel me.你让我平静的接受了一些 You make me at peace with something
本该让我撕心裂肺的事情 that should be tearing me up inside.虽然不知道方法
但我会 I don't know how, but I will undo
想尽一切办法解除它 whatever the hell it is you've done to me,那个时候
你会后悔见过我 and when I do, you're gonna wish you never laid eyes on me.卢梭餐吧
你去哪了 Hey...Where you been?
你不是还在为我们的那次小争吵生气吧 Not still mad about our tiff the other night, are you?
过去的都过去了 Water under the bridge.如果你还感兴趣的话
卡米归你了 Cami is all yours if you're interested.我觉得我现在 I'm feeling like now is not the right time
不太适合谈恋爱 for me to pursue a relationship.时机就是一切
你懂吗 Life is all about timing, you know?
我之前去你住处拜访了一下 Speaking of, I swung by your place earlier
想去跟你喝杯酒宽慰你一下 to commiserate over a drink,但你可能刚好不在 but I must've just missed you.皇家宫殿旅馆不太适合我 Oh, the palace royale didn't suit me.几周前我搬家了 I moved on weeks ago.不
我是说你另一个住处 No.I mean your other place.海莉 Hayley.有意思的落脚地 Interesting location to put down your roots,就在我当奴隶的地方 same plantation where I was a slave.我想这就是你从来没邀请我过去的原因吧 I guess that's why you never invited me over.失礼了
我会跟以利亚说一下 Well, how rude of me.I'll speak to Elijah.我相信他肯定很愿意接待你和达维娜 I'm sure he'll be pleased to host you and Davina for the evening,特别是你曾经如此热情招待过他的情况下 especially after you were so hospitable to him.非常好 Good.我很期待 I look forward to it.再见就是再见
以利亚 Good-bye means good-bye, Elijah.她和你在一起么 Is she with you?
你在说什么 What the hell are you talking about?
她在哪 Hayley is gone.Where is she?
什么 What?
马塞尔来过 Marcel was here.
看电影学英语 Titanic 《泰坦尼克号》
-Lewis: Thirteen meters.You should see it.meter: 米
-Brock: Okay, take her up and over the bow rail.take up: 举起【(使)向上】 bow rail: 船头栏杆 bow: 船头 rail: 栏杆 好吧,升上去,越过船头。
-Lewis: Okay, Mir-2, we're going over the bow.Stay with us.go over: 越过 stay with:(口语)与…并驾齐驱
-Brock: Okay, quiet.We're rolling.Seeing her coming out of the darkness like a ghost ship…
quiet: 安静 roll:(机器)运转 come out of: 从…中出现 darkness: 黑暗 ghost: 鬼,幽灵
still gets me every time.每次都令我心头一颤。
To see the sad ruin of the great ship, sitting here…where she landed at 2:30 in themorning of April 15, 1912…
ruin: 废墟 land: 着陆 April: 四月
after her long fall…from the world above.fall: 沉没 above: 在上面
-Lewis: You're so full of shit, boss.full of: 充满 shit: 胡说八道 boss: 老板,上司
-Brock: Dive six.Here we are again on the deck of Titanic.Two and a half miles down, 3,821 meters.dive: 潜水 deck: 甲板 mile: 英里 meter: 米
The pressure outside is three and a half tons per square inch.pressure: 压力 ton: 吨 per:(表示比率)每 square:平方 inch: 英寸 潜艇外的水压是每平方寸3.5吨。
These windows are nine inches thick and if they go…it's sayonara in two microseconds.thick: 厚 sayonara: 日语中再见(さようなら)的发音 microseconds: 微秒 这些窗户的厚度是9寸,要是破裂…所有的人转眼就没命。
All right, enough of that bullshit.Just put her down on the roof of the officers' quarters likeyesterday.enough: 足够的 bullshit: 胡说 put down: 降落 roof: 顶部 officer: 船长 quarter:(航海学)船员岗位
-Sub Pilot: Sure.没问题。
-Brock: Okay, Mir-2, we're landing right over the Grand Staircase.You guys set to launch?
land: 着陆 grand: 宏伟的 staircase: 楼梯 guy:(男)人,家伙 set to: 开始认真做 launch: 使下水
Tech A: Yeah, Brock, launching Dunkin now.Go, Charlie.是的,正在放出Dunkin(水下机器人)。开始吧,Charlie。
-Tech A: All right, tether out.tether: 系绳,栓绳
-Charlie: Tether out.放缆绳。
-Tech A: Okay, Brock, we're dropping down along the hull.drop down: 顺着…向下移动 hull: 船身
-Brock: Yeah, roger that.Okay, drop down, and go into the first-class gangway door.roger:(无线电通信)已收到 first-class: 一等舱的 gangway: 舷门 知道了。继续向前,下潜。从头等舱入口进去。
I want you guys working the D deck reception area and the dining saloon.deck: 层面 reception: 接待处 area: 区域 dining: 进餐 saloon: 大厅 先在D层的接待厅和餐厅进行搜索。
-Tech A: Copy that.Tether out.Tether out.copy: 复制【了解】 tether: 栓绳
-Brock: Okay, now left.Now left.Left, left.好,现在向左。向左。往左。
-Tech A: Snoop Dog is on the move.We're headed down the stairwell.snoop: 窥探 move: 移动 head down: 向下 stairwell: 楼梯井
-Brock: Okay, Lewis, drop down to B deck.drop down: 向下移动
-Lewis: A deck.Give me some rope, captain.rope: 绳索,缆 captain: 船长
-Brock: B deck.Get in there.Watch the door frame.Watch it.watch: 当心 frame: 框,框架
-Lewis: I see it.I Got it.We're good.Just chill, boss.chill: 寒冷【冷静】
-Brock: Okay, make your turn.turn: 转弯
-Lewis: Cable out, captain.cable: 缆绳
-Brock: Make your turn.Watch the wall.转弯。小心别撞上墙。
-Tech A: Brock, we're at the piano.You copy?
piano: 钢琴 copy: 复制【收到】
-Brock: Copy that.Right there.That's it.That's the bedroom door.bedroom: 卧室
-Lewis: I see it.I see it.We're in.We're in, baby.We're there.知道了。我看到了。进来了。我们进入卧室了。我们到了。
-Brock: That's Hockley's bed.That's where the son of a bitch slept.son of a bitch:(俚语)混蛋
-Lewis: Oops.Somebody left the water running.哦。这里有人忘了关水龙头。
-Brock: Hold it.Just a second.Go back to the right.That wardrobe door.Get closer.hold it: 等一下 just a second: 【等等】 go back to: 回去 wardrobe: 衣柜 close: 靠近的停下。等一下。回到右边。那是衣柜。靠近一点儿。
-Lewis: You're smelling something, boss?
smell: 嗅出 boss: 老板
-Brock: I want to see what's under it.我想看看下面。
-Lewis: Give me my hands, man.All right.等我打开机械臂,伙计。好了。
-Brock: Take it easy.It might come apart.Okay.Okay, go.Flip it over.Go.Turn over.Keep going.take it easy: 小心,仔细 apart: 成碎片 flip over: 翻过来 turn over: 翻转
开场白(opening remarks)
Good afternoon, all the teachers, boys and girls!(各位老师、同学们,下午好!)Firstly, Merry Christmas to all of you!(首先,祝大家圣诞节快乐!)With great joy, we see the rings of time usher in the Christmas Day this year.(怀着喜悦的心情,我们迎来了一年一度的圣诞节。)I am greatly honored to be with you today to have the Christmas Party.(我非常荣幸能与你们同在这样的圣诞聚会)Thank you all very much!(非常感谢大家!)
结束语(This Is The Time)
We cannot stop time fly, but we can control the state of mind.(虽然我们无法阻拦时间的流逝,但是我们可以主宰自己的心情。)In the festival full of joy, blessing strung together a poem, a melody.(在这充满喜悦的佳节里,祝福串成一首诗、组成一曲旋律。)Our teachers here are silent and cultivated , and our students here are hard-working.(我们的老师辛勤耕耘,我们的学子孜孜以求。)you are creative and lifeful.(大家个个都活力四射,精力充沛。)We believe that tomorrow will be better.(因此,我们相信明天会更好。)The Christmas Party is over.(今天的圣诞活动到此结束。)Thank you all for your excellent performance!(感谢大家的精彩表演!)
Kung Fu Panda script 功 夫 熊 猫
Tales of a legendary warrior他的功夫出神入化
He traveled the land in search of worthy foes你丫挺喜欢吃啊
Maybe you should chew on my face!战士一言不发 因为正忙着吃
then he swallowed“别废话 动手吧!”
He was so deadly in fact that his enemies would go blind只有瞠目结舌的份儿
my eyes..他太彪悍了!and attractive...我们何以回报
There is no charge to awesomness or attractiveness破瓦冲天!
It mattered not how many foes he faced, they were no match for his for density从没有哪只熊猫能让人如此恐惧
and so lovedthe furious five也心怀敬意地拜倒在这位大师脚下
We shall hang out没错
But hanging out would have to wait因为尚有万千暴徒待铲除
There's only one thing that it matters那就是..Paul快起床
You 'll be late for work什么?..---------------2------------Paul家里---------------Paul , get up嗨,肥波 你磨蹭啥呢? Ah..nothing.肥波, 快点!都误了生意了.Coming...对不起, 老爸
Sorry doesn't make the noodles你在楼上搞什么名堂, 稀里哗啦的Oh nothing , just had a crazy dream什么梦? Uh ?梦到什么了?
What was I , ah, I was dreaming about...uh...面条
Noodles ? You were really dreaming about noodles? 面条?你真梦见面条了? Uh yeh , What else would I be dreaming about ?哦 小心 那个镖很 锋利
Oh...happy day..我儿子终于做了个面条梦了
You don't know how long I 've been waiting for this moment这是个好兆头, 肥波
Ahh..a sign of what?我终于可以把我的秘之又秘
and then you’ll fulfill your destiny and take over the restaurant私酿密汤的配方传给你了
Just as I took it over from my father, who took it over from his father这店可是爷爷玩麻将从朋友手里赢来的Dad Dad Dad, it was just a dream不 这是注定的梦
We are noodle folk, broth runs though our veins可是,老爸, 你有没有...I don't know ,wanna do something else ? something besides noodles其实, 我还是个愤青的时候
I thought about running away and learning how to make Doufu(豆腐)那你干吗不做?
Oh , because it was a stupid dream你能想象我做豆腐的样子吗? Hahahaha...Doufu...别提了!
We all have our place in this world , mine is here ,and yours is...我知道了 也是面条命
No, it’s at table 2,5,7and12 , service with a smile唉...---------------3------------JADE PALACE---------------Well done, students阿虎 力道要更强
monkey quicker speed皮猴 速度要更快
crane hike, viper subtlety鹤儿 更高, 小蛇 细腻
mantis...螳郞...Master Shifu!插什么嘴?
Ahhh!it..it..it’s master oogway , he wants to see you-啊!乌..乌..乌龟大师来了, 他想见您
--------------4-----------SACRED HALL OF WARRIOR---------------
Master oogway, you summoned me , is something wrong?为何非要出事 才能与老友相聚呢? So , nothing is wrong?我倒也没这么说
(oogway 's breathing and puffing to blow out the candles one by one)[呼呼呼吹蜡烛] You’re saying...我看见了些幻相
Tailung will return这不可能, 他还在牢里呢
Nothing is impossible小曾 马上飞到桃岗天牢去
and tell them to double the guards, double the weapons什么都加倍
Tailung does not leave that prison遵命!师傅大师
One often meets his destiny on the road he takes to avoid it我们不能无动于衷
We can't just let him marching on the valley, and take his revenge..心如此水 老朋友 乱则不明
but if you allow it to settle , the answer becomes clear但若心如止水 答案便尽现眼前
The dragon scroll是时候了...But who , who is worthy to be trusted with the secret to limitless power我亦不知
---------------5------------PAUL家的面档---------------Excuse me, excuse me, sorry....嘿..看着点走, 肥波
Sorry...Sorry..A dozen pardon...什么?
HA, Master oogway's choosing the dragon warrior?!Today!大伙们, 大家们快去, 去极宫
One of the five is gonna get the dragon scroll千年等一回啊 吃完就快去啊!This is the greatest thing in kungfu history!别操心付账了 快去吧!Paul , where are you going?去..极宫
But you're forgeting your noodle car!整个山谷的居民都会去
and you'll sell noodles to all of them卖面?
But,dad..you know I was kinda thinking maybe I..嗯?
I was kinda thinking maybe I..我想我可不可以...Uh huh?真是个好孩子 I told you that dream was a sign没错, 呵呵..去了再说吧
---------------6------------去JADE PALACE的路上---------------I could not find where我也是
Shan Dulian ascended the sky [听不太清楚]我们走
uh yeah , almost there什么?!不会吧!不!...不!
sorry paul , we 'll bring you back a souvenir..不, 我要自己带纪念品下来
---------------7------------JADE PALACE的广场上---------------it is a historic day是吧, 乌龟大师?
yes , and one I feared I would not live to see好了, 乌龟大师
now know this , old friend不管我选了谁 不仅是给山谷带来平和
but also to you也是给你
let the tournament begin噢..耶!哈哈
oh no , no no no wait我来了!等等!oh god嗨, 把门打开!让我进去!citizens of the valley of peace我深感荣幸 为你们介绍
tigeress, viper, crane,monkey,mantis虎妞 小蛇 鹤儿 皮猴 螳郞
the furious five “盛怒五杰”
and the furious five战士们 准备
第五篇:6 文明家庭
习近平同志《在会见第一届全国文明家庭代表时的讲话》 强调:中华民族历来重视家庭。正所谓“天下之本在家”。尊老爱幼、妻贤夫安,母慈子孝、兄友弟恭,耕读传家、勤俭持家,知书达礼、遵纪守法,家和万事兴等中华民族传统家庭美德,铭记在中国人的心灵中,融入中国人的血脉中,是支撑中华民族生生不息、薪火相传的重要精神力量,是家庭文明建设的宝贵精神财富。