今年暑假,我有幸参加了南京爱德基金会甘肃省白银市暑期中小学英语教师口语培训。本次活动由白银市教育局承办,靖远师范学校主办,并由爱德基金会选派的四位美国籍教师Loretta, Olivia, Jim and Mr.Wallace和中国留美博士伍辛夷授课,实行小班教学。外教先进的教学理念、细致灵活的教学设计,使我们在浓厚的西方历史文化氛围中感受英语、享受英语,充分感悟到有效英语课堂的无穷魅力。整个培训过程紧张而充实,下就这次学习的情况和感受做一汇报:
一. 培训学习情况:
这四名外籍教师只有一位是小学校长,其他三位是并非专业教师,且Olivia和 Mr.Wallace夫妇年龄较大。他们经常对教学计划和内容都准备非常精心,而且带很多教学资料和工具,以便在较短的时间内使每个学员的英语听和说的能力有较大的提升。他们每天上午四小时,下午三个半小时,有时晚上还有晚会,对我们来说,这样的工作量也是超负荷的,但他们却说不累,并且看起来精力充沛,课间就坐在讲台上休息一会。他们对待我们以极大的热情和耐心,对工作的这种一丝不苟的态度强烈地感染了我们,他们以自身的动行对我们进行着爱和善的教育。
课堂组织形式灵活,课堂气氛活跃。课堂上,外教运用多种教学方法提高教学效率,丰富课堂活动,激发我们学习和表达的动机。如在组织话题讨论时,外教常用小组讨论汇报、竞赛、采访等方法,增加口语练习机会;在介绍圣诞习俗时,外教通过实物展示、唱歌、开圣诞联欢会、圣诞戏剧表演等活动;在介绍婚礼习俗时,则让学员扮演角色,举行模拟婚礼,在近似真实的情境中交际,感受异国历史文化。这些以学员为中心的教学方法创造了大量老师与学员、学员与学员之间的交际活动,有效促进了学员口语水平,也给我们在教学方法特别是新课程理念下教学方法的运用起到较好的启发作用。同时,外教风趣幽默,情绪饱满,对我们热情而有耐心。“Good!"“Wonderful!” “Good job!” “You are so smart!”等热情而又略带夸张的鼓励性言语不绝于耳。这些教学风格深深地感染着每一位学员,激励我们踊跃发言,也使课堂气氛轻松活跃。
The Most Useful Thing
During this summer vacation, something good happened to me.Four dear American friends came to our city, Chu Zhou, bringing their knowledge, happiness and kindness to us English teachers in this small beautiful city.It’s a great honor to be a student of them.We have stayed together with them for about three weeks, during which time we all studied effectively and got along well with each other.The four friends are so friendly and helpful that we all feel at ease with them.In these three weeks, I learnt many certain kinds of knowledge, such as, American money, marriage, press, pollutions, health, Christmas, Easter, Thanks Giving, the rules of playing baseball, the Bible stories, the effective ways of teach English, many kinds of food and animals, many pieces of sweet songs and interesting games.Also, I learnt how to live peacefully and happily side by side with people who come from different culture and custom.The most important thing is to respect each other and then try to understand each other.All of these are what I have learnt in these days.And the most useful thing that I learnt is this: If you want others do something first, you first.You may wonder what the meaning is.I will get it across by the following sentences.Love your neighbors, love yourself.If you want to be loved, you should make yourself lovely first.Treat others the way you want to be treated.If you want to be a good teacher, you should be a good learner first.So I think I can explain it in this way.As a teacher, I should always respect and love my students.I should always have confidence in them.I should be responsible for them.I would like myself be the
bear her words in my mind.I
will try my best to be a good
English learner and make my
classes more interesting
and challenging.I will love
them as I love myself.In a
word, I expect myself to be
An unforgettable moment a good teacher as you Peggyare.On the afternoon of July
7, I was asked to have an
English oral test in room My Suggestions on This 306.When it was my turn, I Program
entered the classroom,where I first met Peggy.She This program, which is asked my name and my family intended to benefit us, the first.Then she asked me to small city teachers, worked read some sentences.Later, out quite good.Many thanks she asked me a question: Do to you, our dear American you love your students, love friends.You devoted your teaching? valuable time and energy.The answer is yes.“My Your enthusiasm aroused our students are young boys and deep interest in learning young girls, who are in different culture and their late teens.They are languages.Thank you very desire for knowledge.They much!Now I will present my are diligent, brilliant and own ideas on this program.creative.She listened carefullySeveral young teachersmore speeches on certain It would be better if topics are needed badly.several young teachers Peggy’s classes on how to participated in this teach English well and program.But it is all right Loretta’s topics on marriage, without them, because Peggy Christmas, press and health is younger than anyone else, are all good ones.isn’t she? She is so-Less classes a daylovely and smart that It’s really a difficult job everyone loves her.That’s for four dear American great!
friends to give four classes-A final oral test
continuously in such hot I think it is necessary for summer, especially for you to give us a final test Richard. To me, giving two after we have learnt so many
days.Everyone who comes here everyday is eager to improve his/her oral English.Before entering the tiger classroom, we had an oral test.Why can’t we have another one as a good ending for this program?
Above are some of my suggestions.Please take them into consideration.Thank you very much!
Your student:
Wang Meiling
July 25, 2007
The Most Useful Thing
During this summer vacation, something good happened to me.Four dear American friends came to our city, Chu Zhou, bringing their knowledge, happiness and kindness to us English teachers in this small beautiful city.It’s a great honor to be a student of them.We have stayed together with them for about three weeks, during which time we all studied effectively and got along well with each other.The four friends are so friendly and helpful that we all feel at ease with them.In these three weeks, I learnt many certain kinds of knowledge, such as, American money, marriage, press, pollutions, health, Christmas, Easter, Thanks Giving, the rules of playing baseball, the Bible stories, the effective ways of teach English, many kinds of food and animals, many pieces of sweet songs and interesting games.Also, I learnt how to live peacefully and happily side by side with people who come from different culture and custom.The most important thing is to respect each other and then try to understand each other.All of these are what I have learnt in these days.And the most useful thing that I learnt is this: If you want others do something first, you first.You may wonder what the meaning is.I will get it across by the following sentences.Love your neighbors, love yourself.If you want to be loved, you should make yourself lovely first.Treat others the way you want to be treated.If you want to be a good teacher, you should be a good learner first.So I think I can explain it in this way.As a teacher, I should always respect and love my students.I should always have confidence in them.I should be responsible for them.I would like myself be the 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。
bear her words in my mind.I will try my best to be a good English learner and make my classes more interesting and challenging.I will love them as I love myself.In a word, I expect myself to be An unforgettable moment a good teacher as you Peggy are.On the afternoon of July 7, I was asked to have an
English oral test in room My Suggestions on This 306.When it was my turn, I Program entered the classroom, where I first met Peggy.She This program, which is asked my name and my family intended to benefit us, the first.Then she asked me to small city teachers, worked read some sentences.Later, out quite good.Many thanks she asked me a question: Do to you, our dear American you love your students, love friends.You devoted your teaching? valuable time and energy.The answer is yes.“My Your enthusiasm aroused our students are young boys and deep interest in learning young girls, who are in different culture and their late teens.They are languages.Thank you very desire for knowledge.They much!Now I will present my are diligent, brilliant and own ideas on this program.creative.She listened carefullySeveral young teachers more speeches on certain It would be better if topics are needed badly.several young teachers Peggy’s classes on how to participated in this teach English well and program.But it is all right Loretta’s topics on marriage, without them, because Peggy Christmas, press and health is younger than anyone else, are all good ones.isn’t she? She is soA final oral test continuously in such hot I think it is necessary for summer, especially for you to give us a final test Richard. To me, giving two after we have learnt so many 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。
days.Everyone who comes here everyday is eager to improve his/her oral English.Before entering the tiger classroom, we had an oral test.Why can’t we have another one as a good ending for this program?
Above are some of my suggestions.Please take them into consideration.Thank you very much!
Your student: Lucy Wang Meiling 王美玲 July 25, 2007 博学之,审问之,慎思之,明辨之,笃行之。4
最让我羡慕的是Alex老师在教学中对英文歌曲的运用,这是一名能歌善舞的老师,她很热情,她的歌声很美,她能在课堂上恰当的运用歌曲教学激发学生的兴趣,让学生在歌中学会英语。她教了我们很多歌曲,例如:《I’ll be home for Christmas》,《 Folsom Prison Blues》,《 Sweet Pea 》等等。
在小学英语教学中,英语歌曲有着不可替代的作用。音韵优美和谐、节奏轻快鲜明的英语歌曲,能激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调节学习情绪,促进对所学内容的内化和吸收,是学生学习的好帮手。我认为以英语歌曲来进行英语教学,是一种成功的、行之有效的教学方法。上Sheila和Deanna 的课也很有趣。她们常常会让我们在课堂上画画。让我们用英语来描述自己的画。常常做一些有趣的游戏。游戏教学可以激发和培养学生学习英语的兴趣,提高学生的语言运用能力。因此,在教学实践中,我们会设计各种游戏活动并使之贯穿于课堂。学生们也喜欢这样的课堂。通过这次培训学习,让我认识到在平时的教学活动中也应该多采用游戏教学。