
时间:2019-05-12 00:50:48下载本文作者:会员上传


1、丝绸之路(the Silk Road)是历史上连接中国和地中海的一条重要 贸易路线。因为这条路上的丝绸贸易占绝大部分,所以在1877年它 被德国的一位地理学家命名为“丝绸之路”。这条古道从长安开始,经过河西走廊(the Hexi Corridor),到达敦煌后分成三条:南部路线,中部路线和北部路线。这三条路遍布新疆维吾尔自治区(Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region),然后扩展到巴基斯坦(Pakistan),印度,甚至罗马。

The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route between China and the Mediterranean.Because silk comprised a large proportion of trade along this road, in 1877, it was named the Silk Road by an eminent German geographer.This ancient road begins at Chang’an, then by way of the Hexi Corridor,and it reaches Dunhuang, where it divides into three, the Southern Route,Central Route and Northern Route.The three routes spread all over the Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, and then they extend as far as Pakistan, India and even Rome.2、上个月中国服务产业有了较快增长,这加快了国家经济增长。根据北京国家统计局(Beijing-based National Bureau of Statistics)和中 国物流与采购联合会(China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing)的 数据,非制造业釆购经理人指数(the non-manufacturing Purchasing Managers“ Index)二月份的时候从54.5上升到55.6,而摩根斯坦利亚太指数(the HSBC Holdings Pic and Markit Economics indexes)从 52.1上升到54.3,达到5月以来的最高水平。

The Chinese service industries grew at a faster pace last month which helped to accelerate the nation’s economy growth.According to the figures from Beijing-based National Bureau of Statistics and China Federation of Logistics and Purchasing, the non-manufacturing Purchasing Managers’ Index rose to 55.6 from 54.5 in February, while the HSBC Holdings Pic and Markit Economics indexes rose to from 52.1 to 54.3, its highest level since May.3、中国是一个文化、语言、风俗和经济水平都很多样化的地方。经济格局尤其多样化。大城市如北京,广州和上海是现代的,相对 富裕的。然而,约50%的中国人仍然生活在农村地区,尽管中国只 有10%的土地是可耕地(arable land)。数百万农村居民仍然依靠体 力劳动或役畜(draft animal)耕作。两三百万农民迁到城镇寻找工作。一般来说,南部和东部沿海地区比内陆地区更富有,西部和北部,以及西南部是非常不发达的地区。

China is a very diverse place with large variations in culture, language, customs and economic levels.The economic landscape is particularly diverse.The major cities such as Beijing, Guangzhou and Shanghai are modem and comparatively wealthy.However, about 50% of Chinese still live in rural areas even though only 10% of China’s land is arable.Hundreds of millions of rural residents still farm with manual labour or draft animals.Some 200 to 300 million former peasants have23?migrated to townships and cities in search of work.Generally the southern and eastern coastal regions are wealthier while inland areas, the far west and north, and the southwest are much less developed.4、中国旅游研究院(China Tourism Academy)表示,大陆游客(mainland tourist)在海外旅游上花费了 420亿美元。同时,海外游客(overseas tourists)只花了 380亿美元在中国大陆,同比下降7%。虽 然2009的官方统计数据还没有公布,研究院估计2009年的旅游赤字将是4亿——中国


China Tourism Academy, said that mainland tourists spent some $42 billion in overseas destinations.At the same time,overseas tourists spent only $38 billion on the mainland, down by 7 percent year-on-year.Though official statistics for 2009 are yet to be released, the academy estimated that the tourism deficit will stand at $4 billion in 2009 —the first ever tourism deficit in China.5、几个世纪以来,中国在自然中寻求灵感和自知之明(self-knowledge)。因此,在中国园林中引发自然世界。由于城市土地一直昂贵,中国城市的园林相对都比较小,但是每一个中国园林都致力于岩石、植物、水看起来比它实际上要更好,因为中国的园林设计 师用巧妙的方式带领游客从一个独特的有利视角(vantage point)到另有利视角。

For centuries, the Chinese have sought inspiration and self-knowledge in nature.Hence, the gardens in China evoke the natural world.Because land has always been expensive in cities,urban China gardens are relatively small, but the space of every Chinese garden devoted to rocks,plants and water seems much greater than it actually is because of the clever ways in which Chinese garden designers lead the visitor from one unique vantage point to another.6、孙大圣是中国古典文学名著《西游记》(Journey to the West)中 的一个主要的人物。他是唐僧(Tang Monk)第一个徒弟。其实在中国,他最受欢迎的名字不是“孙大圣”,而是“孙悟空”,这是教他72变的第一个师傅给他起的名字。“悟”的意思是“启迪”。“空”的意思是“无”,这是佛学(Buddhism)中最重要的一个认识。在佛学中,人必须放弃欲望和所有对财富、名声的渴望,以培养自己为佛。

Monkey King is one of the main characters in Chinese classic literature masterpiece “Journey to the West”.He is the first disciple of Tang Monk.Actually in Chinese,his most popular name is not “Monkey King” but “Sun Wukong,,which was given by his first Master who taught him the 72 supernormal abilities.“Wu” means enlightening.“Kong” means emptiness,which is one of the most important understandings in Buddhism.In Buddhism, one has to give up every human desire and all attachments including the attachments to wealth and fame etc, in order to cultivate oneself into a Buddha.7、在传统的中国家庭文化中,同一祖先的几代后裔(descendants)居住在一起,形成一个大家庭。这种自治(autonomous)家族制度是中国传统社会的基本单位。中国的孩子们跟随他们父亲的姓。这和西方文化是一样的。如今在中国,孩子跟父亲的姓或母亲的姓在法律上都是合法的。除了那些因为结婚加入到家庭中的人以外,人们的姓氏都是一样的。

In traditional Chinese family culture, descendants of several generations from the same ancestor lived together and formed a big family system.This kind of autonomous family system was the basic unit of traditional Chinese society.Chinese children follow their father’s family name.This is the same as western culture.Nowadays in China it is legally fine for a child to follow either father’s family name or mother’s family name.Within each family system, of course people except those who joined this family system through marriage all have the same family name.8、中医(Chinese medicine)是世界医学的遗产。中医有比西方医学更好的治病方法。因为中医的效果和医治方式,在世界上中医现在越来越流行了。中医起源于古代,已经发展了很长一段时间,它收集了治疗不同疾病的各种方法。传统中医讲究人们身体系统的平衡。这是说,一旦人的身体系统


Chinese medicine is a heritage of world medicine.Traditional Chinese medicine has a power to heal people better than the western ones.China medicine now is more and more popular in the world due to its effect and its way to heal people.Originated from the ancient time,the Chinese medicine has developed in a long time and it has collected various ways to treat different illness.The traditional Chinese medicine pays attention to the balance the body system of people.It is said that once the system of people is in balance, the illness will disappear.The damage of the body system is the source of disease.9、剪纸(paper cutting)是中国最为流行的传统民间艺术形式之一。中国剪纸有一千五百多年的历史,在明朝和清朝时期(the Ming and Qing Dynasties)特别流行。人们常用剪纸美化居家环境。特别是在 春节和婚庆期间,剪纸被用来装饰门窗和房间,以增加喜庆的气氛。剪纸最常用的颜色是红色,象征健康和兴旺。中国剪纸在世界各地 很受欢迎,经常被用作馈赠外国友人的礼物。

Paper cutting is one of China’s most popular traditional folk arts.Chinese paper cutting has a history of more than 1,500 years.It was widespread particularly during the Ming and Qing Dynasties.People often beautify their homes with paper cuttings.During the Spring Festival and wedding celebrations, in particular, paper cuttings are used to decorate doors,windows and rooms in order to enhance the joyous atmosphere.The color most frequently used in paper cutting is red, which symbolizes health and prosperity.Chinese paper cutting is very popular around the world and it is often given as a present to foreign friends.10、为消费者提供所需是每一个企业成功的关键。为此,企业需要 为如何吸引并留住客户制定计划。影响这种计划的因素很多,比如 客户关系、广告、声誉、定价、性价比(value for money)以及售后服务等。除此之外,一个企业还需要高效、经济、安全地运营,因为 这些方面是与客户和雇员直接相关的。

Providing what the customer requires is the key to any successful business.To do this, a business needs to have a plan for attracting, and keeping,their customers.There are several factors involved in developing a workable plan, such as, customer relations, advertising, reputation,pricing,value for money and after sales service.On top of that, businesses need to be run, efficiently, economically and safely because all these aspects relate to both their customers and their employees.11、尽管音乐对每个人来说,都再熟悉不过了,但是几乎每个人对 这门艺术都有自己的观点看法。什么音乐算是好的音乐,这是见仁见智的。各个音乐风格都有自己的经典音乐作品流行的并不完全等 于经典的。一个好的音乐作品,是创作者(creator)和演奏者(performer)双方共同努力的结果,二者相辅相成,缺一不可。

While music is familiar to virtually everyone it is an art, about which everyone has an opinion.What defines “great” music is, very much, a personal issue.There is “great” music in every style but what is popular does not always define the quality.Music is a joint effort between the creator and the performer and one cannot exist without the other.12、尽管图书的种类多种多样,但从本质上说,它们都可以被分为两大类,即纪实题材(fact)与小说题材。有时二者之间很难辨别,因为许多小说都是围绕着(mixed)现实事件和真实人物来进行创作的。纪实题材的书籍包括:历史书,教科书,旅行手记,手册指南(manual)和自传(autobiography)


There are many, many different types of books but, essentially, fliey come in two categories, fact or fiction.Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between the two, because some fiction stories are mixed around true event and refer to real life people.The types of books that are included in the factual category are history books, text books, travel books, manuals and autobiographies.13、在现代社会,交通工具巳经成为了社会健康持续发展的关键因素。但令人遗憾的是,这些交通工具在为我们提供便利的同时,是要我们付出代价的。越是发展现代交通,我们所要付出的代价也越大。如果人类社会按照这个模式发展下去的话,将来就会付出更高的成本,受到的打击也越大。

Transportation in all modem societies has become a critical necessity for the continued well being of the community.Unfortunately, the development of these transportation systems has come at a price,in relation to the convenience they provide.The further society goes down that same path, the more expensive, and damaging, it will become.14、少林功夫(Shaolin Kungfu)是河南登封少林寺信奉佛教文化的和尚们练习的_种武术(martial arts)。少林寺,建于北魏(the Northern Wei Dynasty)太和期(Taihe Period)十九年,是少林功夫发展的文化空间。少林功夫最初是佛教僧侣练习的,他们的职责是保护寺庙。现在经过1500多年的发展,少林功夫已逐步发展成为一种完美技术和丰富含义相融合的艺术,在全世界享有声誉。

Shaolin Kungfu is a kind of martial arts practiced by monks under the special Buddhist culture of the Shaolin Temple in Dengfeng City, Henan Province.The Shaolin Temple, built in the Nineteenth year of Taihe Period during the Northern Wei Dynasty, is a cultural space for the development of the Shaolin Kungfu.The Shaolin Kungfii, which is originally practiced by the Buddhist monks whose duties were to protect the temple, has been gradually developed into an art of perfect technology, abundant meanings and high reputation in the whole world after more than 1500 years of development.15、洛阳是地处中原的河南省西部一个地级市(prefecture-level city)。它东部舭邻省会郑州,南接南阳,西连三门峡(Senxia),北邻济源。在唐代(the Tang Dynasty),洛阳是东都(Dongdu),东部首都,其人口最多的时候有100万左右,仅次于当时世界上最大的城市——长安。在短暂的五代(Five Dynasties)时期,洛阳是后梁(Later Liang),后唐(Later Tang)和后晋(Later Jin)的首都,后来,北宋(the North Song Dynasty)时期,洛阳是西部首都,也是宋朝的建立人赵匡胤的出生地。

Luoyang is a prefecture-level city in western Henan province of Central China.It borders the provincial capital of Zhengzhou to the east, Nanyang to the south, Sanmenxia to the west, and Jiyuan to the north.During the Tang Dynasty, Luoyang was Dongdu(东都),the “Eastern Capital' and at its height had a population of around one million, second only to Chang,an,which, at the time,was the largest city in the world.During the short-lived Five Dynasties, Luoyang was the capital of the Later Liang, Later Tang, and Later Jin.During the North Song Dynasty,?Luoyang was the “Western Capital” and birthplace of Zhao Kuangyin, the founder of Song Dynasty.





在阅读题和词汇语法题中,有这几个词的选项肯定是答案:beyond, entitle, availabel, bargain, lest, except for

在“自然科学”阅读中,有这几个词的选项肯定要排除:all, only, totally, compalatly, unlimiely.在“态度题”中,有这两个词的选项要排除:indiffrent(漠不关心的),subject(主观的)



come go keep hold get put make turn bring look call ask stand lay run live



bargain(见了就选)except for(见了就选)offer(录取通知书)effects(个人财物)gap(不足、差距)mark(污点、做标记)mind(照料、看管)moment(考了8次)present(拿出)inquire deliberate advisable accuse anything but but for consume with extensive at intervals origin preferable to procedure profitable property pace point range refuse refer to relief religion relatively release rise single sole spoil stick suit surprise urgent vary tense tolerant trace vacant weaken wear off


1.call off(取消、放弃)和 call up(召集、唤起)2.adapt to 和 adopt

3.arise 和 arouse 4.count on = rely on 5.cope with = deal with

6.no doubt 和 in doubt 7.employee 和 employer 8.general 和 generous

9.instant 和 constant 10.lie(及物)和 lay(不及物)11.regulate 和 regular

12.supply(有目的提供)和 offer(无目的提供)


1. 虚拟语气:

表示建议的几个词:wish, would rather, had rather;

it is time that + 过去式;

it is high time that + 过去式;

but for、lest、as if、as though、would、should、could、might +动词原型。

2. 非谓语动词:

最常考:不定式 表示主动、将来,通常爱做后置定语;

其次考:分词 现在分词表示主动进行,过去分词表示被动完成。通常做状语。

再次考:动名词 动词名词化,做主语和宾语。

3. 时态:


4. 语态:












网络的利弊 ----------------------------(最有可能!)








提示:读什么选什么。*只要有 all 或only 的选项就排除。


1. 转折原则:出现but、however肯定出题;

2. 原因原则:出现because、reason、witse(由于)、be dule to(由于)肯定出题;

3. 比较原则:在读文章时,遇到比较原则的特征词做出标记,以便定位;







1. 文章议论顺序和出题顺序一致;

2. 从题干中寻找典型的特征词回原文中定位;


3. 从选项当中寻找一个与所定位内容意思最接近的作为正确答案。


* **选项中有以下几个词则排除:totally, compalatly, unlimitely.------态度题:




中立: objective(客观的)在自然科学文章中常作正确选项





1. 文章的topic(议论对象、说明对象)必须存在于正确答案当中;


2. 排除:文章所谈的细节内容和段落内容永远不可能成为答案;

3. 主题句的出处:文章首句 或 首段末句 或 二段首句。


1. 基本原则:从选项当中寻找一个与原文意思最相近的作为正确答案;

2. 从选项下手,运用排除法。


1. 指代:在文章中找到位置往前找,离它最近的名词、词组和句子;

2. 词汇:从该词附近的定语从句、同位语、同位语从句、逗号和破折号中间的插入语并列结构去猜词。

(一)听力题型分析 i、a节(section a)1、问题类型

a节每组对话一般是在一男一女之间进行的一问一答。问题一般由先讲话的人提出。题目均以问句形式出现,其中多数是特殊疑问句。这些问题涉及的内容大致归纳如下: a、多用来问以下内容:

1)问“是什么、要什么、讨论什么、什么种类”等,如: what is the man''s answer? what does the woman want for lunch? what are they talking about? what kind of books does the man want to borrow? 2)问“做什么”,如:

what does the woman tell the man to do first? what are the speakers doing now? what will happen if john fails the exam? 3)问“什么含义”,如:

what does the man mean(imply)? what does the woman''s answer suggest? 4)问“从对话中能获得什么信息或结论”,如: what can we learn from the conversation? what can be concluded from this conversation? 5)问“对某人或某事有什么看法”,如: what does the man think of miss brown? what does the woman think of the plan? b、a节中用提出的问题主要问“对话可能是在什么场所发生的”,即: where does this conversation most probably take place? where does this conversation most likely occur? where are the man and woman? c、可能问以下几个方面的情况: 1)问钟点(可用替换),如:

man(m): what time did yesterday''s football match start? woman(w): it was supposed to start at a quarter to 7, but it was delayed an hour.question(q): when did the game finally start? 2)问在哪个星期或星期几(后者可用替换),如:

w: i thought to go to town now.i have some shopping to do.m: don''t spend too much, i won''t get paid until next week.q: when will he be paid? 3)问日期,如:

when will the winter vacation begin? d、用提问的问题可以问原因,也可以问目的,如: why is the man late? why did the man repair the car by himself? e、可能问对话者某一方的身份、对话人之间的关系或对话中涉及到的其他人的情况,如: w: may i help you ,sir? m: i hope so.it''s my watch.i brought it in to be repaired, but i''ve lost the receipt.q: who is the man? f、主要针对以下内容提问:

1)问做某事的方式、方法或使用的交通工具,如: how did the teacher usually begin his class? how does the man usually go to work? 2)问“对某事的感受如何”,如: how does the man feel about the movie? how do you like the film? g、问“多少”,属于涉及数字的题,可能有以下几种形式: how many persons...? how many dozens of...does...want? how much does...? how old is...? how long does it take...to...? a节的问句根据疑问词划分,大致可以归为以上七类。a节中偶尔也有个别一般疑问句。但也可能出现其它类型的问句,(如以whom,whose,which提问),或针对以上未归纳的内容进行提问。


若按对话内容分类,则可分为以下几种类型: a、时间类:包括直接型和计算型。如:

w: your library books are due on december 13th.if you have not finished using them by then, you may renew them once.m: thank you very much.i only need them for a few days.q: when must the man return his books to the library? b、数字类:包括直接型和计算型。如: w: do you live in a college dormitory? m: yes, i do.it''s a six-man suite, but at the moment only four of us live there.q: how many people share the suite now? c、地点类:包括直接型和含蓄型。如: m: i need to cash this check? w: will you step right over to the teller''s window, please? q: where is the conversation most probably taking place? d、否定类:

此类对话既可以含有not,no,neither,nor等否定词,也有 but,although等转折词,或由would rather,too...to结构及虚拟语气等表达。因此,对于后者要特别加以注意。如: m: ann, do you have any extra money you could loan me? w: i wish i could help you.i went shopping yesterday.now i have only two dollars till the end of the week.q: will the man borrow any money from the woman? 此题的答案肯定是no。听这段话时要抓住i wish i could help you.这一关键话语。这句话虽然从表面上看是肯定式,但却隐含着i''m sorry i can''t help you.的意思。e、人物类:

包括人物关系、人物身份两类。此类对话提供一个情节,能反映所涉及的人的关系或身份。如: m: good evening, madam.there is a table for two over there.this way, please.w: thank you.could i see the menu, please? q: what''s the relationship between the man and woman? a)husband and wife.b)waiter and customer.c)salesman and customer.d)host and guest.f、活动类:

这一类谈话内容可涉及上课、娱乐、工作、日常生活等各种 情况。如:

w: are you going to new york next weekend? m: yes, i''m going to look up bill while i''m there.q: what''s the man going to do? 这类对话中往往先后出现几种情况,要注意听问句是什么,然后再作出选择。


a节中的对话虽然简短,但多数情况下,往往不能从听到的内容中找到与选择项内容完全相同的部分,即对话中一般没有现成的答案。因此,在听的时候要注意抓住选择项的同义或反义词(组)用辨别法答题(解活动类多用此方法),或根据对话内容采用归纳、推论或辨别的方法回答。用这种方法答题,类型不仅仅限于诸如“what does the man mean?”这样的题目,其它如含蓄人物类、人物身份类、含蓄地点类、否定类题目也与此类似。如:

w: how do you like the play you saw last night? m: well, i should have stayed at home.q: what does the man think of the play? a)it is exciting.b)it is boring.c)he didn''t see the play.d)he like it very much.对话中“i should have stayed at home.”(我真该待在家里),这句话已婉转地表明他不喜欢这出戏,而对没有待在家里表示遗憾、后悔(should have done something这种结构可用来表示“对应该发生而实际上没有发生的事情表示遗憾、后悔或谴责)。能使他产生此感想的原因自然是”the play is boring.“(演出令人厌烦),因而b是正确的答案。否定类题目多含有虚拟语气、语气否定、暗示比喻、强化意见等形式。这一节属于此数字类题目的对话中,多出现两处,甚至三、四处数字或时间,因此,除了用辨别方法外,有时必须用计算方法才能得出正确答案.(四)四六级英语写作类型

1. 体裁:说明文,议论文 最近几年的四六级作文的体裁以说明文和议论文为主。说明文如:how to succeed in a job interview(2000,12,四级), how i finance my college education(2000,1 四级), practice makes perfect,haste makes waste(97,1 六级)议论文如:don''t hesitate to say ”no“(99,1 四级和六级), can money buy happiness(95,1 四级), is a test of spoken english necessary?(2000,6 四级)reading selectively or extensively?(99,6六级),do ”lucky numbers“ really bring good luck?(98,6 四级和六级)

2.段落类型:比较/对比,列举,程序等 说明和议论文章所采用的文章扩展模式一般以比较/对照,举例、列举、因果、程序等者居多。如:don''t hesitate to say ”no“, reading selectively or extensively等很多四六级写作中都涉及到两种观点的对比,整体的段落类型为对照型。practice makes perfect, harmfulness of fake commodities等可采用因果行的段落结构模式,也可以采用举例说明的结构模式。advantages of a job interview则应采用列举的段落扩展模式。

3. 出题方式:提纲式写作,中文提纲,一般为三句或两句。如:99年1月份考题directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: don''t hesitate to say ”no“.you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in chinese)below.1.别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”。2.为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”。3.该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处。

再如:98年一月分考题directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: harmfulness of fake commodities.you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in chinese)below.1.目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种情况2.举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。

(五)论文类的常考思路: 1.题目难拟 2.资料难查 3.打字(机房总被占用)涉及词汇: 打字: laptop 手提电脑 坏了

打印: type it out -->printer/computer 摘要: do some research -->labrary 【research】 1.论文 2.报纸 3.文件 4.纸张 考点词汇: 演讲:(speech,address,report)-->考点:1.提问难 2.应穿着正式的衣服(对话涉及)3.感到紧张(feeling nervous)图书管题目常考思路: 1.想借的书借不到 2.想还的书(已经过期)考点词汇: 关于费用:fare 交通费 rent 租金 fee 杂费 utilities 水电费 postage 邮资 tuition 学费 tuition feee 学杂费 罚款:fine 餐厅问题的常考思路: 校内食堂 cafeteria 关于make a reseration/book/reserve a table/menu/order/ 餐厅:fansy restanrant(豪华的)/meal ticket(饭票)/plate(盘子)/helpings(一人一份)机场内题目常考思路: 1.票已经卖完 2.接人晚点 3.送人伤感 考点词汇: board 登机

airplane/direct flight/first class(头等舱)/economy class(经济舱)/seat belt/take over/land(降落)/ wing(1.附楼 2.机翼)/terminal 1.终端 2.终点站 3.后机厅 交通类题目常考思路: 交通阻塞:1.traffic jam 2.back up 罚款(fine):1.break rules 2.go speeding 交通晚点:1.behind schedule = delay 2.on schedule = on time 打电话场景考试思路: 1.要约会的人约不到 2.约会去不了 3.电话打不通或者打错电话 考点词汇: coin:wrong out of coins ->cut off(被动)->hang up(主动)->hook(挂钩)->receiver(话筒)-> slot(硬币投币口)过程: look up/pick up/drop coin in the slot/dial 医院类的题目思路: 1.医生难找 2.病情如何 getting better/worse 3.有病耽误 miss the class {reason:1.get ill 2.over sleep 3.traffic jam




在阅读题和词汇语法题中,有这几个词的选项肯定是答案:beyond, entitle, availabel, bargain, lest, except for

在“自然科学”阅读中,有这几个词的选项肯定要排除:all, only, totally, compalatly, unlimiely.在“态度题”中,有这两个词的选项要排除:indiffrent(漠不关心的),subject(主观的)



come go keep hold get put make turn bring look call ask stand lay run live



bargain(见了就选)except for(见了就选)offer(录取通知书)effects(个人财物)gap(不足、差距)mark(污点、做标记)mind(照料、看管)moment(考了8次)present(拿出)inquire deliberate advisable accuse anything but but for consume with extensive at intervals origin preferable to procedure profitable property pace point range refuse refer to relief religion relatively release rise single sole spoil stick suit surprise urgent vary tense tolerant trace vacant weaken wear off


1.call off(取消、放弃)和 call up(召集、唤起)2.adapt to 和 adopt

3.arise 和 arouse 4.count on = rely on 5.cope with = deal with

6.no doubt 和 in doubt 7.employee 和 employer 8.general 和 generous

9.instant 和 constant 10.lie(及物)和 lay(不及物)11.regulate 和 regular

12.supply(有目的提供)和 offer(无目的提供)


1. 虚拟语气:

表示建议的几个词:wish, would rather, had rather;

it is time that + 过去式;

it is high time that + 过去式;

but for、lest、as if、as though、would、should、could、might +动词原型。

2. 非谓语动词:

最常考:不定式 表示主动、将来,通常爱做后置定语;

其次考:分词 现在分词表示主动进行,过去分词表示被动完成。通常做状语。

再次考:动名词 动词名词化,做主语和宾语。

3. 时态:


4. 语态:










独生子女的利弊 外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com


网络的利弊 ----------------------------(最有可能!)








提示:读什么选什么。*只要有 all 或only 的选项就排除。


1. 转折原则:出现but、however肯定出题;

2. 原因原则:出现because、reason、witse(由于)、be dule to(由于)肯定出题;

3. 比较原则:在读文章时,遇到比较原则的特征词做出标记,以便定位;






1. 文章议论顺序和出题顺序一致;

2. 从题干中寻找典型的特征词回原文中定位;


3. 从选项当中寻找一个与所定位内容意思最接近的作为正确答案。


* **选项中有以下几个词则排除:totally, compalatly, unlimitely.------态度题:




中立: objective(客观的)在自然科学文章中常作正确选项





1. 文章的topic(议论对象、说明对象)必须存在于正确答案当中;


2. 排除:文章所谈的细节内容和段落内容永远不可能成为答案;

3. 主题句的出处:文章首句 或 首段末句 或 二段首句。


1. 基本原则:从选项当中寻找一个与原文意思最相近的作为正确答案;

2. 从选项下手,运用排除法。

------词汇和指代合在一起(出一题): 外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com

1. 指代:在文章中找到位置往前找,离它最近的名词、词组和句子;

2. 词汇:从该词附近的定语从句、同位语、同位语从句、逗号和破折号中间的插入语并列结构去猜词。

(一)听力题型分析 i、a节(section a)1、问题类型

a节每组对话一般是在一男一女之间进行的一问一答。问题一般由先讲话的人提出。题目均以问句形式出现,其中多数是特殊疑问句。这些问题涉及的内容大致归纳如下: a、多用来问以下内容:

1)问“是什么、要什么、讨论什么、什么种类”等,如: what is the man''s answer? what does the woman want for lunch? what are they talking about? what kind of books does the man want to borrow? 2)问“做什么”,如:

what does the woman tell the man to do first? what are the speakers doing now? what will happen if john fails the exam? 3)问“什么含义”,如:

what does the man mean(imply)? what does the woman''s answer suggest? 4)问“从对话中能获得什么信息或结论”,如: what can we learn from the conversation? what can be concluded from this conversation? 5)问“对某人或某事有什么看法”,如: what does the man think of miss brown? what does the woman think of the plan? b、a节中用提出的问题主要问“对话可能是在什么场所发生的”,即: where does this conversation most probably take place? where does this conversation most likely occur? where are the man and woman? c、可能问以下几个方面的情况: 1)问钟点(可用替换),如:

man(m): what time did yesterday''s football match start? woman(w): it was supposed to start at a quarter to 7, but it was delayed an hour.question(q): when did the game finally start? 2)问在哪个星期或星期几(后者可用替换),如: w: i thought to go to town now.i have some shopping to do.m: don''t spend too much, i won''t get paid until next week.q: when will he be paid? 3)问日期,如:

when will the winter vacation begin? d、用提问的问题可以问原因,也可以问目的,如: 外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com

why is the man late? why did the man repair the car by himself? e、可能问对话者某一方的身份、对话人之间的关系或对话中涉及到的其他人的情况,如: w: may i help you ,sir? m: i hope so.it''s my watch.i brought it in to be repaired, but i''ve lost the receipt.q: who is the man? f、主要针对以下内容提问:

1)问做某事的方式、方法或使用的交通工具,如: how did the teacher usually begin his class? how does the man usually go to work? 2)问“对某事的感受如何”,如: how does the man feel about the movie? how do you like the film? g、问“多少”,属于涉及数字的题,可能有以下几种形式: how many persons...? how many dozens of...does...want? how much does...? how old is...? how long does it take...to...? a节的问句根据疑问词划分,大致可以归为以上七类。a节中偶尔也有个别一般疑问句。但也可能出现其它类型的问句,(如以whom,whose,which提问),或针对以上未归纳的内容进行提问。


若按对话内容分类,则可分为以下几种类型: a、时间类:包括直接型和计算型。如:

w: your library books are due on december 13th.if you have not finished using them by then, you may renew them once.m: thank you very much.i only need them for a few days.q: when must the man return his books to the library? b、数字类:包括直接型和计算型。如: w: do you live in a college dormitory? m: yes, i do.it''s a six-man suite, but at the moment only four of us live there.q: how many people share the suite now? c、地点类:包括直接型和含蓄型。如: m: i need to cash this check? w: will you step right over to the teller''s window, please? q: where is the conversation most probably taking place? d、否定类:

此类对话既可以含有not,no,neither,nor等否定词,也有 but,although等转折词,或由would rather,too...to结构及虚拟语气等表达。因此,对于后者要特别加以注意。如: m: ann, do you have any extra money you could loan me? w: i wish i could help you.i went shopping yesterday.now i have only two dollars till the end of the week.q: will the man borrow any money from the woman? 此题的答案肯定是no。听这段话时要抓住i wish i could help you.这一关键话语。这句话虽然从表面上看是外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com

肯定式,但却隐含着i''m sorry i can''t help you.的意思。e、人物类:

包括人物关系、人物身份两类。此类对话提供一个情节,能反映所涉及的人的关系或身份。如: m: good evening, madam.there is a table for two over there.this way, please.w: thank you.could i see the menu, please? q: what''s the relationship between the man and woman? a)husband and wife.b)waiter and customer.c)salesman and customer.d)host and guest.f、活动类:



w: are you going to new york next weekend? m: yes, i''m going to look up bill while i''m there.q: what''s the man going to do? 这类对话中往往先后出现几种情况,要注意听问句是什么,然后再作出选择。


a节中的对话虽然简短,但多数情况下,往往不能从听到的内容中找到与选择项内容完全相同的部分,即对话中一般没有现成的答案。因此,在听的时候要注意抓住选择项的同义或反义词(组)用辨别法答题(解活动类多用此方法),或根据对话内容采用归纳、推论或辨别的方法回答。用这种方法答题,类型不仅仅限于诸如“what does the man mean?”这样的题目,其它如含蓄人物类、人物身份类、含蓄地点类、否定类题目也与此类似。如:

w: how do you like the play you saw last night? m: well, i should have stayed at home.q: what does the man think of the play? a)it is exciting.b)it is boring.c)he didn''t see the play.d)he like it very much.对话中“i should have stayed at home.”(我真该待在家里),这句话已婉转地表明他不喜欢这出戏,而对没有待在家里表示遗憾、后悔(should have done something这种结构可用来表示“对应该发生而实际上没有发生的事情表示遗憾、后悔或谴责)。能使他产生此感想的原因自然是”the play is boring.“(演出令人厌烦),因而b是正确的答案。否定类题目多含有虚拟语气、语气否定、暗示比喻、强化意见等形式。这一节属于此数字类题目的对话中,多出现两处,甚至三、四处数字或时间,因此,除了用辨别方法外,有时必须用计算方法才能得出正确答案.(四)四六级英语写作类型

1. 体裁:说明文,议论文 最近几年的四六级作文的体裁以说明文和议论文为主。说明文如:how to succeed in a job interview(2000,12,四级), how i finance my college education(2000,1 四级), practice makes perfect,haste makes waste(97,1 六级)议论文如:don''t hesitate to say ”no“(99,1 四级和六级), can money buy happiness(95,1 四级), is a test of spoken english necessary?(2000,6 四级)reading selectively or extensively?(99,6六级),do ”lucky numbers“ really bring good luck?(98,6 四级和六级)

2.段落类型:比较/对比,列举,程序等 说明和议论文章所采用的文章扩展模式一般以比较/对照,举例、列举、因果、程序等者居多。如:don''t hesitate to say ”no“, reading selectively or extensively等很多四六级写作中都涉及到两种观点的对比,整体的段落类型为对照型。practice makes perfect, harmfulness of 外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com

fake commodities等可采用因果行的段落结构模式,也可以采用举例说明的结构模式。advantages of a job interview则应采用列举的段落扩展模式。

3. 出题方式:提纲式写作,中文提纲,一般为三句或两句。如:99年1月份考题directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: don''t hesitate to say ”no“.you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in chinese)below.1.别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”。2.为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”。3.该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处。

再如:98年一月分考题directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: harmfulness of fake commodities.you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in chinese)below.1.目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种情况2.举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。

(五)论文类的常考思路: 1.题目难拟 2.资料难查 3.打字(机房总被占用)涉及词汇: 打字: laptop 手提电脑 坏了

打印: type it out -->printer/computer 摘要: do some research -->labrary 【research】 1.论文 2.报纸 3.文件 4.纸张

考点词汇: 演讲:(speech,address,report)-->考点:1.提问难 2.应穿着正式的衣服(对话涉及)3.感到紧张(feeling nervous)

图书管题目常考思路: 1.想借的书借不到 2.想还的书(已经过期)考点词汇: 关于费用:fare 交通费 rent 租金 fee 杂费 utilities 水电费 postage 邮资 tuition 学费

tuition feee 学杂费 罚款:fine

餐厅问题的常考思路: 校内食堂 cafeteria

关于make a reseration/book/reserve a table/menu/order/ 餐厅:fansy restanrant(豪华的)/meal ticket(饭票)/plate(盘子)/helpings(一人一份)

机场内题目常考思路: 1.票已经卖完 2.接人晚点 3.送人伤感 考点词汇: board 登机

airplane/direct flight/first class(头等舱)/economy class(经济舱)/seat belt/take over/land(降落)/ wing(1.附楼 2.机翼)/terminal 1.终端 2.终点站 3.后机厅 外语下载中心http://down.tingroom.com

交通类题目常考思路: 交通阻塞:1.traffic jam 2.back up 罚款(fine):1.break rules 2.go speeding 交通晚点:1.behind schedule = delay 2.on schedule = on time

打电话场景考试思路: 1.要约会的人约不到 2.约会去不了 3.电话打不通或者打错电话 考点词汇: coin:wrong out of coins ->cut off(被动)->hang up(主动)->hook(挂钩)->receiver(话筒)-> slot(硬币投币口)过程: look up/pick up/drop coin in the slot/dial

医院类的题目思路: 1.医生难找 2.病情如何 getting better/worse 3.有病耽误 miss the class {reason:1.get ill 2.over sleep 3.traffic jam




在阅读题和词汇语法题中,有这几个词的选项肯定是答案:beyond, entitle, availabel, bargain, lest, except for

在“自然科学”阅读中,有这几个词的选项肯定要排除:all, only, totally, compalatly, unlimiely.在“态度题”中,有这两个词的选项要排除:indiffrent(漠不关心的),subject(主观的)作文题目强烈推荐-----“网络的利弊”


come go keep hold get put make turn bring look call ask stand lay run live



bargain(见了就选)except for(见了就选)offer(录取通知书)effects(个人财物)gap(不足、差距)mark(污点、做标记)mind(照料、看管)moment(考了8次)present(拿出)inquire deliberate advisable accuse anything but but for consume with extensive at intervals origin preferable to procedure profitable property pace point range refuse refer to relief religion relatively release rise single sole spoil stick suit surprise urgent vary tense tolerant trace vacant weaken wear off


1.call off(取消、放弃)和 call up(召集、唤起)2.adapt to 和 adopt

3.arise 和 arouse 4.count on = rely on 5.cope with = deal with

6.no doubt 和 in doubt 7.employee 和 employer 8.general 和 generous

9.instant 和 constant 10.lie(及物)和 lay(不及物)11.regulate 和 regular

12.supply(有目的提供)和 offer(无目的提供)


1. 虚拟语气:

表示建议的几个词:wish, would rather, had rather;

it is time that + 过去式;

it is high time that + 过去式;

but for、lest、as if、as though、would、should、could、might +动词原型。

2. 非谓语动词:

最常考:不定式 表示主动、将来,通常爱做后置定语;

其次考:分词 现在分词表示主动进行,过去分词表示被动完成。通常做状语。

再次考:动名词 动词名词化,做主语和宾语。

3. 时态:


4. 语态:












网络的利弊 ----------------------------(最有可能!)阅读:







提示:读什么选什么。*只要有 all 或only 的选项就排除。


1. 转折原则:出现but、however肯定出题;

2. 原因原则:出现because、reason、witse(由于)、be dule to(由于)肯定出题;

3. 比较原则:在读文章时,遇到比较原则的特征词做出标记,以便定位;







1. 文章议论顺序和出题顺序一致;

2. 从题干中寻找典型的特征词回原文中定位;


3. 从选项当中寻找一个与所定位内容意思最接近的作为正确答案。

排除法:1。分清有无,2。分清强弱,3。分清主次,4。分清正反,5。分清宽窄,6。分清全偏。* **选项中有以下几个词则排除:totally, compalatly, unlimitely.------态度题:




中立: objective(客观的)在自然科学文章中常作正确选项





1. 文章的topic(议论对象、说明对象)必须存在于正确答案当中;


2. 排除:文章所谈的细节内容和段落内容永远不可能成为答案;

3. 主题句的出处:文章首句 或 首段末句 或 二段首句。


1. 基本原则:从选项当中寻找一个与原文意思最相近的作为正确答案;

2. 从选项下手,运用排除法。


1. 指代:在文章中找到位置往前找,离它最近的名词、词组和句子;

2. 词汇:从该词附近的定语从句、同位语、同位语从句、逗号和破折号中间的插入语并列结构去猜词。


i、a节(section a)





what is the man''s answer?

what does the woman want for lunch?

what are they talking about?

what kind of books does the man want to borrow?


what does the woman tell the man to do first?

what are the speakers doing now?

what will happen if john fails the exam?


what does the man mean(imply)?

what does the woman''s answer suggest?


what can we learn from the conversation?

what can be concluded from this conversation?


what does the man think of miss brown?

what does the woman think of the plan?


where does this conversation most probably take place?

where does this conversation most likely occur?

where are the man and woman?



man(m): what time did yesterday''s football match start?

woman(w): it was supposed to start at a quarter to 7, but it was delayed an hour.question(q): when did the game finally start?


w: i thought to go to town now.i have some shopping to do.m: don''t spend too much, i won''t get paid until next week.q: when will he be paid?


when will the winter vacation begin?


why is the man late?

why did the man repair the car by himself?

e、可能问对话者某一方的身份、对话人之间的关系或对话中涉及到的其他人的情况,如: w: may i help you ,sir?

m: i hope so.it''s my watch.i brought it in to be repaired, but i''ve lost the

receipt.q: who is the man?



how did the teacher usually begin his class?

how does the man usually go to work?


how does the man feel about the movie?

how do you like the film?


how many persons...?

how many dozens of...does...want?

how much does...?

how old is...?

how long does it take...to...?





w: your library books are due on december 13th.if you have not finished using them by then, you may renew them once.m: thank you very much.i only need them for a few days.q: when must the man return his books to the library?


w: do you live in a college dormitory?

m: yes, i do.it''s a six-man suite, but at the moment only four of us live there.q: how many people share the suite now?


m: i need to cash this check?

w: will you step right over to the teller''s window, please?

q: where is the conversation most probably taking place?


此类对话既可以含有not,no,neither,nor等否定词,也有 but,although等转折词,或由would rather,too...to结构及虚拟语气等表达。因此,对于后者要特别加以注意。如:

m: ann, do you have any extra money you could loan me?

w: i wish i could help you.i went shopping yesterday.now i have only two dollars till the end of the week.q: will the man borrow any money from the woman?

此题的答案肯定是no。听这段话时要抓住i wish i could help you.这一关键话语。这句话虽然从表面上看是

肯定式,但却隐含着i''m sorry i can''t help you.的意思。


包括人物关系、人物身份两类。此类对话提供一个情节,能反映所涉及的人的关系或身份。如: m: good evening, madam.there is a table for two over there.this way, please.w: thank you.could i see the menu, please?

q: what''s the relationship between the man and woman?

a)husband and wife.b)waiter and customer.c)salesman and customer.d)host and guest.f、活动类:



w: are you going to new york next weekend?

m: yes, i''m going to look up bill while i''m there.q: what''s the man going to do?



a节中的对话虽然简短,但多数情况下,往往不能从听到的内容中找到与选择项内容完全相同的部分,即对话中一般没有现成的答案。因此,在听的时候要注意抓住选择项的同义或反义词(组)用辨别法答题(解活动类多用此方法),或根据对话内容采用归纳、推论或辨别的方法回答。用这种方法答题,类型不仅仅限于诸如“what does the man mean?”这样的题目,其它如含蓄人物类、人物身份类、含蓄地点类、否定类题目也与此类似。如:

w: how do you like the play you saw last night?

m: well, i should have stayed at home.q: what does the man think of the play?

a)it is exciting.b)it is boring.c)he didn''t see the play.d)he like it very much.对话中“i should have stayed at home.”(我真该待在家里),这句话已婉转地表明他不喜欢这出戏,而对没有待在家里表示遗憾、后悔(should have done something这种结构可用来表示“对应该发生而实际上没有发生的事情表示遗憾、后悔或谴责)。能使他产生此感想的原因自然是”the play is boring.“(演出令人厌烦),因而b是正确的答案。否定类题目多含有虚拟语气、语气否定、暗示比喻、强化意见等形式。这一节属于此数字类题目的对话中,多出现两处,甚至三、四处数字或时间,因此,除了用辨别方法外,有时必须用计算方法才能得出正确答案.(四)四六级英语写作类型

1. 体裁:说明文,议论文 最近几年的四六级作文的体裁以说明文和议论文为主。说明文如:how to succeed in a job interview(2000,12,四级), how i finance my college education(2000,1 四级), practice makes perfect,haste makes waste(97,1 六级)议论文如:don''t hesitate to say ”no“(99,1 四级和六级), can money buy happiness(95,1 四级), is a test of spoken english necessary?(2000,6 四级)reading selectively or extensively?(99,6六级),do ”lucky numbers“ really bring good luck?(98,6 四级和六级)

2.段落类型:比较/对比,列举,程序等 说明和议论文章所采用的文章扩展模式一般以比较/对照,举例、列举、因果、程序等者居多。如:don''t hesitate to say ”no“, reading selectively or extensively等很多四六级写作中都涉及到两种观点的对比,整体的段落类型为对照型。practice makes perfect, harmfulness of

fake commodities等可采用因果行的段落结构模式,也可以采用举例说明的结构模式。advantages of a job interview则应采用列举的段落扩展模式。

3. 出题方式:提纲式写作,中文提纲,一般为三句或两句。如:99年1月份考题directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: don''t hesitate to say ”no“.you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in chinese)below.1.别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”。2.为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”。3.该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处。

再如:98年一月分考题directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: harmfulness of fake commodities.you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in chinese)below.1.目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种情况2.举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。


1.题目难拟 2.资料难查 3.打字(机房总被占用)


打字: laptop 手提电脑 坏了

打印: type it out -->printer/computer

摘要: do some research -->labrary

【research】 1.论文 2.报纸 3.文件 4.纸张


演讲:(speech,address,report)-->考点:1.提问难 2.应穿着正式的衣服(对话涉及)3.感到紧张(feeling nervous)


1.想借的书借不到 2.想还的书(已经过期)


关于费用:fare 交通费 rent 租金 fee 杂费 utilities 水电费 postage 邮资 tuition 学费tuition feee 学杂费



校内食堂 cafeteria

关于make a reseration/book/reserve a table/menu/order/

餐厅:fansy restanrant(豪华的)/meal ticket(饭票)/plate(盘子)/helpings(一人一份)


1.票已经卖完 2.接人晚点 3.送人伤感


board 登机

airplane/direct flight/first class(头等舱)/economy class(经济舱)/seat belt/take over/land(降落)/ wing(1.附楼 2.机翼)/terminal 1.终端 2.终点站 3.后机厅


交通阻塞:1.traffic jam 2.back up

罚款(fine):1.break rules 2.go speeding

交通晚点:1.behind schedule = delay 2.on schedule = on time


1.要约会的人约不到 2.约会去不了 3.电话打不通或者打错电话


coin:wrong out of coins ->cut off(被动)->hang up(主动)->hook(挂钩)->receiver(话筒)-> slot(硬币投币口)

过程: look up/pick up/drop coin in the slot/dial


1.医生难找 2.病情如何 getting better/worse 3.有病耽误 miss the class {reason:1.get ill

2.over sleep 3.traffic jam


课后学习网www.xiexiebang.com 英语四级资料:新东方的笔记资料

在阅读题和词汇语法题中,有这几个词的选项肯定是答案:beyond, entitle, availabel, bargain, lest, except for

在“自然科学”阅读中,有这几个词的选项肯定要排除:all, only, totally, compalatly, unlimiely.在“态度题”中,有这两个词的选项要排除:indiffrent(漠不关心的),subject(主观的)



come go keep hold get put make turn bring look call ask stand lay run live



bargain(见了就选)except for(见了就选)offer(录取通知书)effects(个人财物)gap(不足、差距)mark(污点、做标记)mind(照料、看管)moment(考了8次)present(拿出)inquire deliberate advisable accuse anything but but for consume with extensive at intervals origin preferable to procedure profitable property pace point range refuse refer to relief religion relatively release rise single sole spoil stick suit surprise urgent vary tense tolerant trace vacant weaken wear off


1.call off(取消、放弃)和 call up(召集、唤起)2.adapt to 和 adopt

3.arise 和 arouse 4.count on = rely on 5.cope with = deal with

6.no doubt 和 in doubt 7.employee 和 employer 8.general 和 generous

9.instant 和 constant 10.lie(及物)和 lay(不及物)11.regulate 和 regular

12.supply(有目的提供)和 offer(无目的提供)


1. 虚拟语气:

表示建议的几个词:wish, would rather, had rather;

it is time that + 过去式;

it is high time that + 过去式;

but for、lest、as if、as though、would、should、could、might +动词原型。

2. 非谓语动词:

最常考:不定式 表示主动、将来,通常爱做后置定语;

其次考:分词 现在分词表示主动进行,过去分词表示被动完成。通常做状语。

再次考:动名词 动词名词化,做主语和宾语。

3. 时态:


4. 语态:













网络的利弊 ----------------------------(最有可能!)








提示:读什么选什么。*只要有 all 或only 的选项就排除。


1. 转折原则:出现but、however肯定出题;

2. 原因原则:出现because、reason、witse(由于)、be dule to(由于)肯定出题;

3. 比较原则:在读文章时,遇到比较原则的特征词做出标记,以便定位;






1. 文章议论顺序和出题顺序一致;

2. 从题干中寻找典型的特征词回原文中定位;


3. 从选项当中寻找一个与所定位内容意思最接近的作为正确答案。


* **选项中有以下几个词则排除:totally, compalatly, unlimitely.------态度题:




中立: objective(客观的)在自然科学文章中常作正确选项





1. 文章的topic(议论对象、说明对象)必须存在于正确答案当中;


2. 排除:文章所谈的细节内容和段落内容永远不可能成为答案;

3. 主题句的出处:文章首句 或 首段末句 或 二段首句。


1. 基本原则:从选项当中寻找一个与原文意思最相近的作为正确答案;

2. 从选项下手,运用排除法。



1. 指代:在文章中找到位置往前找,离它最近的名词、词组和句子;

2. 词汇:从该词附近的定语从句、同位语、同位语从句、逗号和破折号中间的插入语并列结构去猜词。

(一)听力题型分析 i、a节(section a)1、问题类型

a节每组对话一般是在一男一女之间进行的一问一答。问题一般由先讲话的人提出。题目均以问句形式出现,其中多数是特殊疑问句。这些问题涉及的内容大致归纳如下: a、多用来问以下内容:

1)问“是什么、要什么、讨论什么、什么种类”等,如: what is the man''s answer? what does the woman want for lunch? what are they talking about? what kind of books does the man want to borrow? 2)问“做什么”,如:

what does the woman tell the man to do first? what are the speakers doing now? what will happen if john fails the exam? 3)问“什么含义”,如:

what does the man mean(imply)? what does the woman''s answer suggest? 4)问“从对话中能获得什么信息或结论”,如: what can we learn from the conversation? what can be concluded from this conversation? 5)问“对某人或某事有什么看法”,如: what does the man think of miss brown? what does the woman think of the plan? b、a节中用提出的问题主要问“对话可能是在什么场所发生的”,即: where does this conversation most probably take place? where does this conversation most likely occur? where are the man and woman? c、可能问以下几个方面的情况: 1)问钟点(可用替换),如:

man(m): what time did yesterday''s football match start? woman(w): it was supposed to start at a quarter to 7, but it was delayed an hour.question(q): when did the game finally start? 2)问在哪个星期或星期几(后者可用替换),如: w: i thought to go to town now.i have some shopping to do.m: don''t spend too much, i won''t get paid until next week.q: when will he be paid? 3)问日期,如:

when will the winter vacation begin? d、用提问的问题可以问原因,也可以问目的,如: why is the man late?

课后学习网www.xiexiebang.com why did the man repair the car by himself? e、可能问对话者某一方的身份、对话人之间的关系或对话中涉及到的其他人的情况,如: w: may i help you ,sir? m: i hope so.it''s my watch.i brought it in to be repaired, but i''ve lost the receipt.q: who is the man? f、主要针对以下内容提问:

1)问做某事的方式、方法或使用的交通工具,如: how did the teacher usually begin his class? how does the man usually go to work? 2)问“对某事的感受如何”,如: how does the man feel about the movie? how do you like the film? g、问“多少”,属于涉及数字的题,可能有以下几种形式: how many persons...? how many dozens of...does...want? how much does...? how old is...? how long does it take...to...? a节的问句根据疑问词划分,大致可以归为以上七类。a节中偶尔也有个别一般疑问句。但也可能出现其它类型的问句,(如以whom,whose,which提问),或针对以上未归纳的内容进行提问。


若按对话内容分类,则可分为以下几种类型: a、时间类:包括直接型和计算型。如:

w: your library books are due on december 13th.if you have not finished using them by then, you may renew them once.m: thank you very much.i only need them for a few days.q: when must the man return his books to the library? b、数字类:包括直接型和计算型。如: w: do you live in a college dormitory? m: yes, i do.it''s a six-man suite, but at the moment only four of us live there.q: how many people share the suite now? c、地点类:包括直接型和含蓄型。如: m: i need to cash this check? w: will you step right over to the teller''s window, please? q: where is the conversation most probably taking place? d、否定类:

此类对话既可以含有not,no,neither,nor等否定词,也有 but,although等转折词,或由would rather,too...to结构及虚拟语气等表达。因此,对于后者要特别加以注意。如: m: ann, do you have any extra money you could loan me? w: i wish i could help you.i went shopping yesterday.now i have only two dollars till the end of the week.q: will the man borrow any money from the woman? 此题的答案肯定是no。听这段话时要抓住i wish i could help you.这一关键话语。这句话虽然从表面上看是肯定式,但却隐含着i''m sorry i can''t help you.的意思。

课后学习网www.xiexiebang.com e、人物类:

包括人物关系、人物身份两类。此类对话提供一个情节,能反映所涉及的人的关系或身份。如: m: good evening, madam.there is a table for two over there.this way, please.w: thank you.could i see the menu, please? q: what''s the relationship between the man and woman? a)husband and wife.b)waiter and customer.c)salesman and customer.d)host and guest.f、活动类:



w: are you going to new york next weekend? m: yes, i''m going to look up bill while i''m there.q: what''s the man going to do? 这类对话中往往先后出现几种情况,要注意听问句是什么,然后再作出选择。


a节中的对话虽然简短,但多数情况下,往往不能从听到的内容中找到与选择项内容完全相同的部分,即对话中一般没有现成的答案。因此,在听的时候要注意抓住选择项的同义或反义词(组)用辨别法答题(解活动类多用此方法),或根据对话内容采用归纳、推论或辨别的方法回答。用这种方法答题,类型不仅仅限于诸如“what does the man mean?”这样的题目,其它如含蓄人物类、人物身份类、含蓄地点类、否定类题目也与此类似。如:

w: how do you like the play you saw last night? m: well, i should have stayed at home.q: what does the man think of the play? a)it is exciting.b)it is boring.c)he didn''t see the play.d)he like it very much.对话中“i should have stayed at home.”(我真该待在家里),这句话已婉转地表明他不喜欢这出戏,而对没有待在家里表示遗憾、后悔(should have done something这种结构可用来表示“对应该发生而实际上没有发生的事情表示遗憾、后悔或谴责)。能使他产生此感想的原因自然是”the play is boring.“(演出令人厌烦),因而b是正确的答案。否定类题目多含有虚拟语气、语气否定、暗示比喻、强化意见等形式。这一节属于此数字类题目的对话中,多出现两处,甚至三、四处数字或时间,因此,除了用辨别方法外,有时必须用计算方法才能得出正确答案.(四)四六级英语写作类型

1. 体裁:说明文,议论文 最近几年的四六级作文的体裁以说明文和议论文为主。说明文如:how to succeed in a job interview(2000,12,四级), how i finance my college education(2000,1 四级), practice makes perfect,haste makes waste(97,1 六级)议论文如:don''t hesitate to say ”no“(99,1 四级和六级), can money buy happiness(95,1 四级), is a test of spoken english necessary?(2000,6 四级)reading selectively or extensively?(99,6六级),do ”lucky numbers“ really bring good luck?(98,6 四级和六级)

2.段落类型:比较/对比,列举,程序等 说明和议论文章所采用的文章扩展模式一般以比较/对照,举例、列举、因果、程序等者居多。如:don''t hesitate to say ”no“, reading selectively or extensively等很多四六级写作中都涉及到两种观点的对比,整体的段落类型为对照型。practice makes perfect, harmfulness of fake commodities等可采用因果行的段落结构模式,也可以采用举例说明的结构模式。advantages of a job interview则应采用列举的段落扩展模式。

3. 出题方式:提纲式写作,中文提纲,一般为三句或两句。如:99年1月份考题directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: don''t hesitate to say ”no“.you

课后学习网www.xiexiebang.com should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in chinese)below.1.别人请求帮助时,在什么情况下我们会说“不”。2.为什么有些人在该说“不”的时候不说“不”。3.该说“不”时不说“不”的坏处。

再如:98年一月分考题directions: for this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic: harmfulness of fake commodities.you should write at least 100 words and you should base your composition on the outline(given in chinese)below.1.目前社会上有不少假冒伪劣商品(fake commodities)。为什么会有这种情况2.举例说明假冒伪劣商品对消费者个人、社会等的危害。

(五)论文类的常考思路: 1.题目难拟 2.资料难查 3.打字(机房总被占用)涉及词汇: 打字: laptop 手提电脑 坏了

打印: type it out -->printer/computer 摘要: do some research -->labrary 【research】 1.论文 2.报纸 3.文件 4.纸张

考点词汇: 演讲:(speech,address,report)-->考点:1.提问难 2.应穿着正式的衣服(对话涉及)3.感到紧张(feeling nervous)

图书管题目常考思路: 1.想借的书借不到 2.想还的书(已经过期)考点词汇: 关于费用:fare 交通费 rent 租金 fee 杂费 utilities 水电费 postage 邮资 tuition 学费

tuition feee 学杂费 罚款:fine

餐厅问题的常考思路: 校内食堂 cafeteria

关于make a reseration/book/reserve a table/menu/order/ 餐厅:fansy restanrant(豪华的)/meal ticket(饭票)/plate(盘子)/helpings(一人一份)

机场内题目常考思路: 1.票已经卖完 2.接人晚点 3.送人伤感 考点词汇: board 登机

airplane/direct flight/first class(头等舱)/economy class(经济舱)/seat belt/take over/land(降落)/ wing(1.附楼 2.机翼)/terminal 1.终端 2.终点站 3.后机厅

交通类题目常考思路: 交通阻塞:1.traffic jam 2.back up 罚款(fine):1.break rules 2.go speeding 交通晚点:1.behind schedule = delay 2.on schedule = on time

课后学习网www.xiexiebang.com 打电话场景考试思路: 1.要约会的人约不到 2.约会去不了 3.电话打不通或者打错电话 考点词汇: coin:wrong out of coins ->cut off(被动)->hang up(主动)->hook(挂钩)->receiver(话筒)-> slot(硬币投币口)过程: look up/pick up/drop coin in the slot/dial

医院类的题目思路: 1.医生难找 2.病情如何 getting better/worse 3.有病耽误 miss the class {reason:1.get ill 2.over sleep 3.traffic jam



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