
时间:2019-05-12 11:56:28下载本文作者:会员上传



:“work experience” is the type of work you‘ve done in the past.If you haven‘t started working yet you can say “Right now I‘m still a student.” or “I‘m a recent grad and Ihaven‘t started working yet.” In the second sentence, “recent grad” is short for “recent graduate” and means that you have just finished school.请告诉我你过去的工作经验,工作经验就是你过去所做的工作。如果尚未开始工作,就可以回答“Right now I‘m still a student.”(现在我还是个学生。)或者说“I‘m a recent grad and I haven‘t started working yet.”(我刚刚毕业,还没有开始工作。)“recent grad”是“recent graduate”的缩写,意思是刚刚毕业。

Second One: What‘s your greatest weakness?

This is a popular question that western employers like to ask to make candidates nervous!In fact, they ask this to know how you respond to a difficult question.You shouldn‘t answer by telling your greatest weakness since you might not get the job!Instead, you can tell them something that isn‘t directly related to the job position.你最大的缺点是什么?西方老板特别爱问这个问题,让面试者感到很紧张。事实上,他问这个问题是看你对棘手问题的反应。你没必要如实回答你的弱点,因为那有可能让你得不到这份工作。相反,你可以告诉他们一些与工作不直接相关的事情。

Third One: Why do you feel you are qualified for this job?

This question is a good opportunity to brag a little bit.You should talk about some extra skills you have that maybe wasn‘t included in your resume, or talk about your greatest strength in more detail.你为什么觉得自己胜任这份工作?这时候你要充分发挥你的“自夸”本领。你可以讲述一些简历资料里面没有包括的技能;或者是再详细强调一下你的特长。

Fourth One: What kind of salary did you have in mind?

Salary is how much money you earn, usually per year.When asked this, it‘s best to answer with a salary range or approximation and not an exact figure.This shows that you are familiar with the industry if you know what the approximate salary should be.你期望的薪水是多少?“salary”就是你赚多少钱,通常是年收入。回答这个问题时,最好说出一个大致范围,而不是一个确切的数字。如果你能说出这个工资范围,那就说明你对此行业非常了解。

Fifth One: If hired, when could you start work?

When answering this it‘s best not to say you can start right away.This might make you seem very desperate for a job.A safe answer would be “I can start at the beginning of next month.”

如果雇佣的话,你什么时候开始工作?回答这个问题时。一定要注意!不要说我马上可以工作。那会让对方认为你非常迫切地需要这份工作。一个非常保险的回答可以是“I can start at the beginning of next month.”(我下月初可以开始上班。)

Sixth One: What kind of work does the posi-tion involve?

You can ask this to clarify exactly what kind of work you‘ll be doing.这个职位包括哪些工作?通过问这句话,你可以清楚地了解到你的工作内容。

















新会计准则构成了一个新的核算基础体系,对财务报表的经营成果产生了较大的影响。1 在所得税方面,一方面,新准则要求企业在取得资产、负债时,应当确定其计税基础,而在旧会计准则下,大多企业采用应付税款核算。执行新标准后,所得税采用资产负债表债务法核算,这将使本期递延所得税资产增加,本期利润增加。另一方面,新准则规定对于亏损产生的所得税利益,应当以很可能获得用来抵扣亏损和税款抵减的未来应纳税所得额为限,确认递延所得税资产,增加利润。2 在公允价值方面,按照新准则要求,企业在利润表中单独设置“公允价值变动损益”科目,用于核算交易性金融资产、房地产等公允价值变动对企业损益的影响。在非经常性损益中,新准则未把公允价值变动收益列入其中。另外,出售金融资产的公允价值变动对企业业绩的影响主要表现在对资本公积的影响和净利润的影响。3 在债务重组中,重组的收益计入利润表。非同一控制下的企业合并中被收购企业的资产及负债在合并时采用购买法,按公允价值进行计量,商誉及使用年限不确定的无形资产每年进行减值测试,不再摊销,重组的收购折价于发生时确认为收益。


企业所得税税率改革前,企业所得税率是33%,新的<中华人民共和国所得税法>规定一般企业所得税的税率为25%, 非居民企业在中国境内未设立机构、场所的,或者虽设立机构、场所但取得的所得与其所设机构、场所没有实际联系的,应当就其来源于中国境内的所得缴纳企业所得税。税率为20%.符合条件的小型微利企业,减按20%的税率征收企业所得税。国家需要重点扶持的高新技术企业,减按15%的税率征收企业所得税。企业所得税率的降低对国内企业来说有一个很好的推动作用,使得企业的竞争环境更加公平和有利。

























































朋友的公司想招聘几位会计人员,过来请我帮忙,让我替其公司出一份测试应聘者会计业务水平的试卷。我的建议是:“你们招聘的只是会计核算岗位的人员,应聘条件又要求具备会计类专业中专以上学历,组织个面试就够了。我帮你出三道面试题,测试一下应聘者的会计基本功。”我告诉他,这三道面试题都是会计专业中最基础的问题,看似简单,但要答好也不容易。现在很多学生,学知识囫囵吞枣,即使专业考试成绩优秀,也多是凭死记硬背的,其理解分析能力比较差。这会计面试须知的三道题正是用来考核他们的专业知识是否扎实。我出的三道面试题是:首先问:流动资产和非流动资产的划分依据是什么?(30分)如果应聘者能按标准答案的意思作答,你可以追问他:这个划分依据,出自哪一个具体准则?如果他能答出是《企业会计准则第30号—— —财务报表列报》,你可以给他再加5分的附加分。







I’m glad to introduce myself to you.My Chinese name is Ma Lin, but you can call me Rock, my English name.I chose Rock to be my English name because I want to be as tough as a rock, hehe.I was born and raised in Guangdong, so I speak both Cantonese and Mandarin.I’ll soon graduate from Zhongshan University, majoring in accounting.I think you may have interviewed quite a lot of students from our school, so you know this major prepares us for CGA and most courses are taught in English.My GpA is 3.6, it ranks number 9 in the 115 students in my grade.And I’ve passed 15 exams in CGA, I anticipate I will get the CGA qualification in 2009.Besides having good academic performance, I was actively involved in student activities.I was in charge of Student Welfare(生活委员)in my class, and in the Student Union of our school.I enjoyed this position because what I did was very important to everybody, although it was mostly small details.I had a three-month internship in Guangdong Zhengzhong Accounting Firm.I did the inventory check and helped the accountants to make the auditing reports.My boss was pleased with my performance and he asked me to recommend my classmate to join our team.KpMG is my dream company.What’s more, I have great interest in joining the Tax Department as my long term career goal is to be a tax consultant.I wish my dream could come true today.Thank you!(英文面试只注重事实,不谈“dream”。)












My name is XXX, this year 27 years old, graduated from XX school, I was born in the beautiful scenery of the border town of river, I with honors in 97 and was admitted to the jilin university of technology institute of economic management, opened a new chapter of my life.I have served as a class since the entrance of competitive person, busy work not only cultivate and exercise my ability to work, more exercise my ability to solve problems.My major is accounting, bachelor degree, major in the university four years I have passed the English four levels of tests, the computerized accounting and accounting practitioners qualification certificate, trying to learn about every financial discipline, able to skillfully use the computer, in the past two years has been worked in XX company, experience in cashier, settlement and accounting work, and tax filing work of financial management process there are quite a rich experience, familiar with all kinds of financial software, is enthusiastic about his work, always adhere to the professional knowledge of learning, and intends to one-time pass accounting intermediate test within this year.I outgoing personality, being active, willing to accept all challenges, served as student body President, during the university is at the same time cultivating a.I have a strong sense of responsibility, the execution and leadership took part in the student union during the university, have strong communication skills and ability, work conscientiously, and strong learning ability and adaptability, positive enterprising, race to the top.In life, my hobby is widespread, like history, in particular to all previous dynasties

celebrity biography charting, I also like sports, and organization skills, good at badminton sports.In order to broaden their knowledge, I also participated in the study of accounting computerization, grasp the basic application of accounting software, EXCEL application, etc.In order to make their own major knowledge can combine with actual, I also taught himself about the case of materials, such as strategic management, corporate management, financial management, capital operation, etc., and apply it to their internship.If I have the opportunity to be employed, I will be able to work in a workout and realize their own value, elite claim work, be qualified employees.At the same time, I also recognize that the relationship between work and is built on the basis of self-awareness, I think I have the ability to also have the confidence to do the accounting work.


my name am wang li, this year big four, my specialty was the accounting, the undergraduate course school record, university four years i already is smooth through the english four levels of tests, has obtained accountant the computerization and accountant is employed the credentials, studied diligently about financial each discipline, could utilize the computer skilled, in university period participated in the student association, had the strong communication ability and the power of expression, the work is diligently earnest, also strong learning capability and compatibility, positive enterprising, strove to get the upper hand


I am Kevin,aged 27.I graduated from XX.In the last five years I have been working in XX company, serving as cashier and settlement accountant.I have rich experience in finance management system and tax paying application, and I am proficient in various kinds of finance softwares.I am self-motivated, and have been focusing on my own major knowledge, in the hope of passing Medium Level Accountant Examination in this year.I am confident to accept every challenge.The history of college serving as the chairman in Student Union cultivated my strong responsibity feeling, executing ability and leading power.In my spare time, I engage in many sorts of hobbies, especially for history.I also love sports, and organize my friends in office to play

games.The badminton is my strength.


My name am wang li, this year big four, my specialty was the accounting, the undergraduate course school record, university four years i already is smooth through the english four levels of tests, has obtained accountant the computerization and accountant is employed the credentials, studied diligently about financial each discipline, could utilize the computer skilled, in university period participated in the student association, had the strong communication ability and the power of expression, the work is diligently earnest, also strong learning capability and compatibility, positive enterprising, strove to get the upper hand.


I’m glad to introduce myself to you.My Chinese name is Ma Lin, but you can call me Rock, my English name.I chose Rock to be my English name because I want to be as tough as a rock.I was born and raised in Guangdong, so I speak both Cantonese and Mandarin.I’ll soon graduate from Zhongshan University, majoring in accounting.I think you may have interviewed quite a lot of students from our school, so you know this major prepares us for CGA and most courses are taught in English.My GPA is 3.6, it ranks number 9 in the 115 students in my grade.And I’ve passed 15 exams in CGA, I anticipate I will get the CGA qualification in 2009.Besides having good academic performance, I was actively involved in student activities.I was in charge of Student Welfare in my class, and in the Student Union of our school.I enjoyed this position because what I did was very important to everybody, although it was mostly small details.I had a three-month internship in Guangdong Zhengzhong Accounting Firm.I did the inventory check and helped the accountants to make the auditing reports.My boss was pleased with my performance and he asked me to recommend my classmate to join our team.KPMG is my dream company.What’s more, I have great interest in joining the Tax Department as my long term career goal is to be a tax consultant.I wish my dream could come true today.Thank you!


I am XX,aged 27.I graduated from XX.In the last five years I have been working in XX company, serving as cashier and settlement accountant.I have rich experience in finance management system and tax paying application, and I am proficient in various kinds of finance softwares.I am self-motivated, and have been focusing on my own major knowledge, in the hope of passing Medium Level Accountant Examination in this year.I am confident to accept every challenge.The history of college serving as the chairman in Student Union cultivated my strong responsibity feeling, executing ability and leading power.In my spare time, I engage in many sorts of hobbies, especially for history.I also love sports, and organize my friends in office to play games.The badminton is my strength.




Everybody is good, very honored to attend this interview.I am an accounting professional fresh graduates, four years of professional learning for me to have a solid grasp the professional knowledge.Can be familiar with word, excel, ufida U8 financial software and ERP management system.I am a man of stable character and have the patience to do things, with steadfast diligent, bears hardships and stands hard work, positive attitude.Accounting professional study more cultivated my careful, rigorous learning attitude to life.The school with a good relationship between teachers and students, good team cooperation spirit, has the strong logical thinking ability and strong sense of responsibility, and will continue to be in the later work.It is because of this kind of personality factors, I like it very much accounting work.Practices, in financial software practice class, we modify employee data input to the customer, business process, documents drawn up, and statements of production output has done a lot of practice.Through practice accounting accounting process simulation, learned from collecting original vouchers, filling in accounting vouchers, registration books, invoicing, to the whole process of making statements.Through professional learning, I more determined the choice of the accounting of this industry, I think is fit for the job, and hope that in the course of accounting career achievement!

I is now in the junior accountant and certified public accountant, hope to enrich accounting expertise, efforts to develop to become a qualified accountant.I hope to find a financial job, can let I will give full play to the leadership, improve the ability of the accounting business, contribute a strength for the company.Passion for the financial work extremely and the spirit of persistence is the biggest factor that I have confidence to do a good job of accounting!


hello, my professors.it’s a fine day today,and i’m very pleased to meet you here.first of all,i’d like to introduce myself to you.my name is ***,my hometown is ***,which is a really beautiful city.even when i was a young boy,i was very interested in accounting.every one may have a dream,and i still remember that my dream is to be a accountant.still today i think that interest is the best teacher in one’s whole life(and knowledge comes from practice).second, i will introduce my major.my major is accounting in *** university.and my major,which lays more stress on practical use, seems to be at the end of it.when both of them interact well enough,the discovries and theories in biology science can be soon turned into products in all of the modern industry.four years’ university education gives me a lot of things to learn,a lot of chances to try,and a lot of practices to improve myself.it teaches me not only what to study and how to think,but also to see the importance of practical ability(such as doing expriment as much as possible).in the university life,i have made many good friends.they help me improve my study and research ability, do ererything just like a man,and often give me good example to follow.besides what i have introduced myself above,i also have many interests in my spare time.i like playing football,which is an effective way i think to improve my body health,and it can teach me how to join in a group and deal with other people.drawing and writing is another favor to me.above all,i choose the major in order to broad my view in accounting ,and enhance my research ability.i will do my best to join the new group and be good at postgraduate study.会计面试英文自我介绍篇三:

My name is XXX, this year 27 years old, graduated from XX school, I was born in the beautiful scenery of the border town of river, I with honors in 97 and was admitted to the jilin university of technology institute of economic management, opened a new chapter of my life.I have served as a class since the entrance of competitive person, busy work not only cultivate and exercise my ability to work, more exercise my ability to solve problems.My major is accounting, bachelor degree, major in the university four years I have passed the English four levels of tests, the computerized accounting and accounting practitioner's qualification certificate, trying to learn about every financial discipline, able to skillfully use the computer, in the past two years has been worked in XX company, experience in cashier, settlement and accounting work, and tax filing work of financial management process there are quite a rich experience, familiar with all kinds of financial software, is enthusiastic about his work, always adhere to the professional knowledge of learning, and intends to one-time pass accounting intermediate test within this year.I outgoing personality, being active, willing to accept all challenges, served as student body President, during the university is at the same time cultivating a.I have a strong sense of responsibility, the execution and leadership took part in the student union during the university, have strong communication skills and ability, work conscientiously, and strong learning ability and adaptability, positive enterprising, race to the top.In life, my hobby is widespread, like history, in particular to all previous dynasties celebrity biography charting, I also like sports, and organization skills, good at badminton sports.In order to broaden their knowledge, I also participated in the study of accounting computerization, grasp the basic application of accounting software, EXCEL application, etc.In order to make their own major knowledge can combine with actual, I also taught himself about the case of materials, such as strategic management, corporate management, financial management, capital operation, etc., and apply it to their internship.If I have the opportunity to be employed, I will be able to work in a workout and realize their own value, elite claim work, be qualified employees.At the same time, I also recognize that the relationship between work and is built on the basis of self-awareness, I think I have the ability to also have the confidence to do the accounting work.会计面试英文自我介绍





my name am wang li, this year big four, my specialty was the accounting, the undergraduate course school record, university four years i already is smooth through the english four levels of tests, has obtained accountant the computerization and accountant is employed the credentials, studied diligently about financial each discipline, could utilize the computer skilled, in university period participated in the student association, had the strong communication ability and the power of expression, the work is diligently earnest, also strong learning capability and compatibility, positive enterprising, strove to get the upper hand



My name am wang li, this year big four, my specialty was the accounting, the undergraduate course school record, university four years i already is smooth through the english four levels of tests, has obtained accountant the computerization and accountant is employed the credentials, studied diligently about financial each discipline, could utilize the computer skilled, in university period participated in the student association, had the strong communication ability and the power of expression, the work is diligently earnest, also strong learning capability and compatibility, positive enterprising, strove to get the upper hand.我叫王莉,今年大四,我的专业是会计,学历,大学四年我已经顺利通过英语四级考试,取得了会计电算化和会计从业资格证书,努力学习关于财务的每门学科,能熟练运用计算机,在大学期间参加了学生会,有较强的沟通能力和表达能力,努力认真,又较强的学习能力和适应性,积极进取,力争上游。

I am Kevin,aged 27.I graduated from xx.In the last five years I have been working in xx company, serving as cashier and settlement accountant.I have rich experience in finance management system and tax paying application, and I am proficient in various kinds of finance softwares.I am self-motivated, and have been focusing on my own major knowledge, in the hope of passing Medium Level Accountant Examination in this year.I am confident to accept every challenge.The history of college serving as the chairman in Student Union cultivated my strong responsibity feeling, executing ability and leading power.In my spare time, I engage in many sorts of hobbies, especially for history.I also love sports, and organize my friends in office to play

games.The badminton is my strength.我的英文名叫凯文,今年27岁,毕业于xx学校,在过去的5年中一直就职于xx公司,从事过出纳、结算会计等工作,对财务管理流程及纳税申报工作有相当丰富的经验,熟练掌握各种财务软件,对工作充满热情,一直坚持专业知识的学习,并打算在今年内一次性通过会计中级考试。




I am xx,aged 27.I graduated from xx.In the last five years I have been working in xx company, serving as cashier and settlement accountant.I have rich experience in finance management system and tax paying application, and I am proficient in various kinds of finance softwares.I am self-motivated, and have been focusing on my own major knowledge, in the hope of passing Medium Level Accountant Examination in this year.I am confident to accept every challenge.The history of college serving as the chairman in Student Union cultivated my strong responsibity feeling, executing ability and leading power.In my spare time, I engage in many sorts of hobbies, especially for history.I also love sports, and organize my friends in office to play games.The badminton is my strength.我的英文名叫xx,今年27岁,毕业于xx学校,在过去的5年中一直就职于xx公司,从事过出纳、结算会计等工作,对财务管理流程及纳税申报工作有相当丰富的经验,熟练掌握各种财务软件,对工作充满热情,一直坚持专业知识的'学习,并打算在今年内一次性通过会计中级考试。




Good morning, everyone.I am zhao lin, age 26.Since my graduation in 20xx, Ive been working in finance and auditing.With my 2-year experiences in government auditing, 1-year in external auditing, 1-year in internal auditing, and many years in finance and management, I am very experienced in financial analysis and management.I am applying for the position of financial analyst.With my experiences I believe that I am fully qualified for this position.And Im sure I would be an asset to your company if I were chosen.早上好,我的名字叫赵琳,今年26岁。我自从20xx年毕业以来,一直从事财务与审计工作。我有2年政府审计、1年外部审计、1年的内部审计工作经验和多年的财务及管理经验,积累了丰富的财务分析及管理知识。我有意应聘贵公司的财务分析师一职,我认为我的资历和经验与贵司该岗位的要求相符,我一定能为贵司发展做出贡献。



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    会计面试英文自我介绍 my name am wang li, this year big four, my specialty was the accounting, the undergraduate course school record, university four years i al......