
时间:2019-05-12 11:10:32下载本文作者:会员上传



1It is+adj.+for sb.to do sth.

(It is importantfor us to learn a foreign lan guage.)

(It may be necessary for her to have an operation.)

2It is+adj.+that clause.(that从句)

(It is vitally importantthat you understand the difficulties that you are facing.)

3It is said+that clause.(that从句)

(It is said that Mr.Wang has got a good job.)

4It is a pity+that clause.

(It is a pity that they didn’t think of that earlier.)

5It is well known to every one+that clause.

(It is well known to everyone that China is the largest developing country in the world.)6I“be”glad/happy /pleased/proud/sorry+to do sth.

(I am very glad to meet you.)

(I’d be happy to stay here for one more day.)

(I’m pleased to hear aboutyournew job.)

(She was proud to be a studentof this university.)

(I’m sorry to inform you that FlightNo.BA103has been canceled due to storm.)

7Nomatter how/where /when/what/who clause+main clause.(No matter从句+主句)

(Nomatter how hard he tried,he couldn’t get her to change her mind.)

(My parents always waited up for me,no matter what timeI got home.)

8noun+attributive clause(名词后加定语从句)

(This is the book you asked for.)

9If clause+(then)main clause(条件状语从句+主句)

(If I have time,I will comeagain tomorrow.)(注意这个句套子的时态搭配)

10When clause+main clause(时间状语从句+主句)

(When I cameinhe was reading a book.)(注意这个句套子的时态搭配)


学术论文的语言表达 2006-10-30 16:26 总则



时态是个比较复杂的问题虽然有一般的规则,但往往在实际文章中很难把握总体的规则,已在前边讲过需要重申的是在同一段落中要避免时态跳跃详见学术论文的写作。最常见的描述一般现象的时态是一般现在时有时也用一般过去时或一般将来时,需要注意的语法In recent years 作时间状语时通常要用完成时。In recent years, Plesch and coworkers have concluded that many so-called cationic polymerizations do not proceed through intermediates of an ionic nature.二、数

数也有其复杂化,特别是在学术论文里有是很难顾及数上的逻辑,但一般不将逻辑上的问题视为语法错误。只须注意在一个句子中的数和谓语动词的统一即可.以下是需要注意的语法不规则变化的单复数。单数 复数

criterion criteria 依据 phenomenon phenomena 现象 medium media 介质 radius radii 半径 index indices 指数 appendix appendices 附录 stimulus stimuli 刺激 basis bases 基础 synthesis syntheses 合成 matrix matrices 基体

Novel biomaterials with improved, specific biological action are being developed using polymers that are responsive to environmental stimuli.一些数有特殊性的名词:data, kinetics 通常作复数名词;research, work: 不可数名词

The data in Table 1 are obtained from the reactions at different temperatures.The kinetics of polymerization within each droplet are the same as those for the corresponding bulk polymerization.Much research has been done to redirect the tropism of retroviruses by engineering the envelope glycoprotein.Most research on poly(ortho esters)has focused on the synthesis of polymers.一些结构的数 <主谓的统一> one of 复数名词单数 none of 复数名词复数

none of 单数名词/不可数名词单数 no 复数名词复数

no 单数名词/不可数名词单数

a kind of 单数名词单数 this/that kind of 单数名词单数 these kinds of 复数名词复数 复数名词 of this/that kind 复数 sort 与kind 类似 a type of 单数名词单数 a series of 复数名词复数 a class of 复数名词复数 the number of 复数名词单数 a number of 复数名词复数

Ara-C is one of most important antitumor agents, especially used in the treatment of various leukaemias.One of possibilities for enhancing the pharmacological properties is to link it to a carrier.Biocompatibility is one of the main criteria for the selection of a particular biomaterial.Controlled drug delivery technology represents one of most rapid advancing areas of science in which chemists are contributing to human health care.Several models have been proposed but none appear to be generally applicable.None of the presently used ones are applied rigorously.Thus far no studies have conclusively demonstrated long-term value of any of the cardiac gene therap approaches.This type of termination is often referred to as spontaneous termination.A number of polymer backbones that are potentially degradable are detailed in the text.The number of mechanisms which have been proposed to explain the stereopecificity of Ziegler-Natta catalysts.* The number of 复数名词: 整个做主语时谓语应为单数;但此句的动词have 是从句的谓语 而从句是形容mechanisms.在其它的从句谓语中也是同样如: One of the mechanisms which have been……

A series of telomers reported in table 1 were then synthesized.A diverse range of mechanisms have been developed.Polymers are a promising class of biomaterials that can be engineered to meet specific end-use requirements.The most important class of poly(amides)for controlled release are the poly(amino acids).The majority of poly(anhydrides)are prepared by melt-condensation polymerization.A wide variety of natural and synthetic polymers have been used to fabricate tissue-engineering matrices.后面通常要用复数名词对可数名词而言 various different most all many several one of many of kinds of a number of the number of a(wide)variety of a class of a series of a wide range of Dozens of different types of receptors are present on the average mammalian cell.In a number of special applications(e.g.contact lenses and skin-grafting materials), additional requirements such as transparency should be considered when selecting a polymer.Many of these transmembrane proteins are receptors.Some polymers are highly crystalline primarily because their structure is conductive to packing, while others are crystalline primarily because of the secondary forces.For still other polymers, both factors may be favorable for crystallization.形容可数名词的量词 a few many a number of 形容不可数名词的量词

a great/small/certain amount of a great/good deal of 形容可数和不可数名词均可的量词 a lot of lots of Although a few polymers may be completely amorphous and a few completely crystalline, most polymers are partially or semi-crystalline in character.The use of IPNs has received a great deal of attention in recent years and different kinds of IPN have been synthesized with different compositions.The major amount of work on size distributions has been on polyesters and polyimides.A sizeable amount work has been published on the copolymerizations of various cyclicmonomers.以下结构的谓语的数由前一个决定, as well as…… 由较靠近谓语动词的决定 not only……but also…… either……or…… neither……nor……



单数名词前一般要加冠词a , the 等 但有些情况可不加复数名词前一般可不加冠词也可加the, these, those.The molecular weight of a polymer is of prime importance in its synthesis and application.The rate constant can be expressed by an Arrhenius type relationship K = A e-E/RT Where A is the collision frequency factor, E the Arrhenius activation energy, and T the Kelvin temperature.A plot of lnK versus 1/T allows the determination of both E and A from the slope and intercept, respectively.When a water-insoluble or only slightly water-soluble monomer is added, a very small fraction dissolves and goes into solution.A large but still small portion of the m onomer enters the interior hydrocarbon part of the micelles.The largest portion of the monomer is dispersed as monomer droplets.被修饰的名词前要加the: There has been a rapidly increasing effort in the last ten to fifteen years toward the synthesis of new polymers with markedly higher temperature resistance than those previo usly available.The catalysts usually must be prepared at the low temperatures since most of them become heterogeneous when prepared at or warmed up to the temperatures above abou t-40.四、从句分词不定式


Applications in the relatively new field of tissue engineering, where polymers are used to assist regeneration of three-dimensional tissue structures, are more and more int egrated with biological demands.There are three general synthetic approaches that have been used to produc e polymers with increased thermal stability.If certain symmetry requirements are met, the molecules are able to pack into an ordered, lattice arrangement and crystallization occurs.The temperature at which this occu rs is Tm.There are at least two mechanisms through which the infectivity of a vector can be blocked.Biodegradable polymers containing ˋ hydrolysable ˊ groups in their chains, which are susceptible to biodegradation to low molecular weight, nontoxic products, have also been considered for controlled drug delivery systems.Polymers possessing high strength, solvent and chemical resistance, and serviceability at high temperatures would find a variety of uses.The challenge facing cell and molecular biologists is to decipher how cellular events occur.A general problem encountered in many of the polymerization systems has been a difficulty in obtaining polymers of sufficiently high enough molecular weight to have reasonable strength properties.Another approach to obtain rigid polymer chains is by the synthesis of spiro polymers.五、标点

英文中一句话结束要用句号注意避免过长的句子这点与汉语中常用逗号的习惯不同,请注意以下结构的标点 …… such as A and B …… …… such as A, B and C …… …… , such as A, …… …… , for example, …… …… , for example …… …… ,e.g., …… …… ,i.e., …… ……, respectively.六、掌握一些学术论文常用的短语结构可大大降低写作的难度 In order to meet all of these criteria, the vector must deliver the gene accurately.To overcome this problem, it would be advantageous to pseudotypelentiviral vectors with targeted MLV envelopes.Besides identifying suitable proteases for targeting, the success of this protease-targeting strategy relies on the accessibility of the linker to protease cleavage.We have focused our investigations on the in vitro and in vivo biological response of a mouse cell line.On the contrary, the homotelomer derivative 11 exhibits no substantial loss of cytotoxicity compared to free Ara-C.After more than three decades of development, in which numerous polymers have been used to replace body parts, clinical success is still relatively rare.In some cases, polymeric materials for drug delivery must satisfy additional requirements, such as environmental responsiveness(e.g.pH-or temperature dependent phase or volume transformations.)Owing to the nature of these interactions, surface modification strategies have been used to optimize specific surface properties.Several approaches to surface modification exist.In general, both chemical and physical modifications of the polymeric surface may significantly increase the biocompatibility.A host of new polymers have been developed specially for surgical applications, particularly drug delivery.For roughly the past three or four decades, biology has been undergoing a revolution toward a quantitative mechanistic understanding of cell and organism behavior.They offer improved mechanical properties and ease of synthesis.Specific gel systems are described in more detail in the following sections.Perhaps the strongest motivation for polymeric delivery systems is that many of the more recently discovered molecules require delivery at a very localized level due to their mechanism of action.A particular challenge in addressing materials issues for tissue engineering is that the biological processes are not yet understood well enough to allow a clear set of design parameters to be specified a priori.Over $20 billion is spent annually on therapeutic management of CHF treatments alone but the overall outcome is not highly successful.Unless tissue-specific gene targeting techniques have been developed, intravenous injection of recombinant viral vectors is unlikely to be the choice of gene delivery due to systemic infection and low efficiency of gene transfer.In most instances, there is some molecular weight range for which a given polymer property will be optimum for a particular application.The control of molecular weight is essential for the practical application of a polymerization process.Solid polymers differ from ordinary, low molecular weight compounds in the nature of their physical state or morphology.On the other hand, the highly flexible chain leads to very low values of Tg and Tm.Molecular symmetry of polymer chains also plays an important role in determining Tg and Tm.The reason for this is that the extent of crystallinity developed in a polymer is both kinetically and thermodynamically controlled while the melting temperature is only the rmodynamically controlled.This explains clearly why even the moderately high degree of syndiotacticity present in a polymer such as PMMA is not enough to allow it to crystallize extensively.Polymers vary widely in their mechanical behavior depending on the degree of crystallinity, the degree of crosslinking, and the values of Tg and Tm.The general order of thermodynamic stability of different sized ring structures is, thus, given by 3,4,8 to 11 < 7,12 and larger < 5 < 6 There are two important aspects with regard to the control of molecular weight in polymerizations.The rate constants for these reactions are orders of magnitude greater than those for the corresponding reactions of the diacid or diester reactants.The discussions until this point have been concerned with the polymerization of bifunctional monomers to form linear polymers.Of the polymers discussed in the previous section, only the polyimides have been far into the desired …

This corresponds to a two-or three-fold rate increase for a 10°C temperature increase.While the H values vary over a wide range for different monomers, the S values are insensitive to structure –being relatively constant within the range of 20-30cal/K mol.Some polymerizations show a rapid rise in Rp followed by a rapid decrease to the steady-state polymerization rate.Emulsion polymerization refers to a unique process employed for some radical chain polymerization.To a large extent, the molecular weight and polymerization rate can be varied independently of each other.The system undergoes a very significant change after only a few percent of the total monomer has been converted to polymer.As a consequence the monomer droplets are no longer stable and will coalesce if agitation is stopped.Each of the curves in Fig.1 is relatively typical of emulsion polymerization behavior.The mechanism is not well understood due to the experimental difficulties involved in the study.The monomers have been arranged in Table 1 in their general order of reactivity.The classification of a ring-opening polymerization as a chain or step polymerization can be made on two bases.This is explainable in terms of the differences in the reaction mechanisms involved.学术论文中避免语言等错误的建议,在稿件寄出前请按以下程序分别检查各项内容: 是否有人称和动词的不统一第三人称单数的动词是否都加了-s 2 是否有时态的错误 3 是否有数的错误 4 是否有冠词的错误 5 是否有单词拼写的错误 6 是否有大小写的错误 7 是否有标点的错误 8 是否有标题格式编号错误 9 是否有文献格式的错误 是否有页码的错误有无 ┮ 颠倒<包括全文和附图表> 11 是否有寄信的地址姓名的拼写的错误



1.宝剑锋从磨砺出,梅花香自苦寒来 2.天行健,君子以自强不息




5.谁伴我归田卸甲,谁陪我相守天涯,谁又负我一生韶华? 6.谁的指间,流转的是你淡淡的娇颜? 7.用我一世凄凉,换你一生欢颜。


9.路 还 是 要 走 , 只 是 不 再 回 头.10.当世界从华丽到荒芜,请放心我还是你的信徒。11.花开花谢,潮涨潮落,是谁的相思染红了那如酒的夕阳 12.苍白的文字续写我卑微的青春

13.说腻的我爱你,你还会继续听么。Tired said I love you, you will continue to listen to What.14.不管未来怎样,请你记得时至今日、我如此爱你。15.睡眠是一门艺术——谁也无法阻挡我追求艺术的脚步!16.一个人的单程旅途,一个人的朝朝暮暮,一个人的韶华倾负。17.那一次刻骨铭心的相许,那一刻为谁声声催天雨。18.燃尽的风华,为谁化作了彼岸花? 19.明天太阳依旧升起,转角我们能否相遇? 20.当泪水化作雨水,那一刻,谁的誓言还能轮回?


23.没 了 太 阳 , 向 日 葵 该 如 何 寻 找 她 的 方 向 ? 24.心情不好的时候,喝水都有醉意。25.尘世了斑驳、零碎谁的寂寞?


27.寻仙音 偿还前缘 终离别 怎料缘灭

盛世纷繁 曲终人散成幻 却道是 此生 不悔

28.如果、方向错了,那么、停下来就是前进„„ 29.怀念过去,你们给的在乎。30.时间,抹杀了历史,抹杀了爱。




34.星星对天空的诺言,是永远守护苍穹,但是当流星划过的那一刹那,一切都是戏言 35.会有那么一天,我站在时光的裂缝上,想着自由奢侈而明亮的童年,泪流满面 36.我一直向左,别人都往右。我一点点都不孤单,因为我是在向着你的地方。37.那首关于我们的歌、你把结局唱给了谁听。38.只有你要,只要我有„„


40.闭上眼睛,听着我们曾哼过的唱,想着我们曾在一起的回忆。41.见证了无数的聚散离合后,我们消散了年少时的勇敢。42.成长是一场残忍的掠夺,抢去天真,夺走单纯 43.沙漏记得,我们遗忘的时光。

44.我放下了尊严,放下了个性,放下了固执,都只是因为放不下你。45.何时面对你才会像面对陌生人一样平静呢? 46.那所谓的坚强,只是对死亡的麻木



53.信念倒塌的那一刹那,我瘫坐在路上,想一个迷失的孩子一样。54.一 个 人 躲 在 角 落、默 写 舍 不 得。55.没有你 我不会如此深爱这个世界 56.等闲变却故人心,却道故心人易变

57.因为你只是在角落里不高明的演戏,诸如聋子听见哑巴说„„ 58.你 给 的 笑、别 人 都 代 替 不 了

59.蹲 下 来。抚 摸 自 己 的 影 子。对 不 起。让 你 受 委 屈 了。60.素颜如水,流年未逝,已成殇。秋叶如年,素颜未见,已成一世凋零 61.我若向前一步,请你不要退后三步

62.缘份就像一本书,翻的不经意会错过童话,读得太认真又会流干眼泪 63.摇摆的秋千,来回终究要停在原点。


65.生命走到最后,除却微薄闪烁的过往片段,其实我们,一无所有。66.究竟,谁的记忆,碎了一地的地久天长。谁的温情,挽了一世的地老天荒。67.曾经的海枯石烂,抵不过你最后一句好聚好散。68.因为太害怕失去你、所以愿意包容你的一切。69.红颜一笑,终不抵那似水流年 70.故事的最后,你一句话也没有留。












我们都明白,既不回头,何必不忘? 91.微笑的背后,不为人知的承受。

92.如果爱情可以挽回,我不会去试途去回首,如果爱情有轮回,我宁愿在荒冢中长眠 93.你从未看到我流泪的样子其实我没有你想的那么坚强

94.身未死 心已碎 形未散 泪先葬 缘已尽 分终灭 苦追逐 空余憾

95.上 帝 不 断 的 将 我 们 身 边 的 东 西 拿 走,以 示 提 醒 我 们 得 到 的 太 多 了。


97.最后的歌儿,我依旧坚持唱给你听。怀着我一份不变的虔诚,慢慢的,悠悠的98.开始和结束都有了继续纠缠连自己都觉得贪婪。99.在我的信仰当中,你永远是不可缺少的一部分```` 100.请在要离开我时,教会我如何忘记。


102.我 们 不 该 把 自 己 托 付 给 触 不 及 的 未 来。102.我 们 不 能 体 谅 彼 此 的 爱 情 还 能 撑 多 久 ? 103.与其到处找借口,不如直接说一句我不爱了。

104.似乎等待了一百年,忽然明白,即使再见面,成熟的表演,不如不见。105.越 是 在 乎 的 人 越 是 猜 不 透 106.原来形同陌路,是我们最后的默契

107.华 丽 上 演,却 发 现 台 下 没 有 观 众。

108.梅雨时节浇熄了从前泥泞了一地的岁月,你我又能拥抱住几片风雪 109.我 的 野 心 并 不 大,只 想 做 你 世 界 里 的 王。110.我并非别无选择,只是不想再错 112.恨时间的手„总把相爱写成相爱过 113.孤独的生,寂寞的死,你已不在,我何等想念



117.没有什么过不去,只是再也回不去...118.等 你 的 视 线 里,慢 慢 的,没 有 了 我 的 存 在,你 会 不 会,有 一 点 点 失 落 ?

119.亲 爱 的,没 有 了 你 的 世 界,连 空 气,都 是 冷 的。

120.一 辈 子,那 么 短,短 到 我 还 没 有 适 应,还 没 有习惯 它 的 节 奏。转 眼 间,烟 消 云 散,你 给 的 承 诺。如 今,变 成 了 谎 言,是 我 太 天 真,还 是 你 太 无 情。


122.走过的路,留下了一地繁花,却埋没了繁华,繁华落尽,海市蜃楼都不曾拥有,到最后,只留下那份,浅浅的追忆,落寞吞噬了属于我的浅蓝色挽留。最后,我们只剩一声,奢侈的再见,随风迁徙到那陌生的天空„„ 123.童话已经结束,遗忘就是幸福。

124.忘记了时间,忘记了过去,忘记了记忆,唯独,没有忘了是你的名字 125.我和你便若内相交直线,走进、走进、片刻相遇终敌不过命运 126.如果能让你记住我辈子,即使是恨一悲子,我也愿意 127.演绎尽一切角色,却迷失了自己。

128.或许我们的相遇,只是为了见证一场盛大的流离。129.奥斯卡少了你,是他们永远的遗憾。130.玫瑰的开放只是为了埋葬 131.亏欠把时光铭刻,眼泪将悲伤淡去 132.虚 伪 的 世 界,我 们 太 假 133.把心放在心里的时候,它喜欢蹦着去寻找快乐。把心放在另外一个人的身体里的时候,它会不安分的去寻找刺激。

134.忘记了时间,忘记了地点,那张模糊的面孔不知道是否还在,忘记了发生过的那些事,那些人,点点滴滴的回忆不知道还能否贯穿思路,不知道还能否守护那永远的曾经。135.回 忆 再 美 那 也 只 是 曾 经。就 如 你 爱 我 仅 仅 也 只 是 曾 经。136.人从一开始就会慢慢改变,改变了本质,却改变不了那刻骨铭心的孤独。人从一开始就会慢慢学会如何去成长,可是成长了,才发现一切都还是那么的寂静。137.你走了我不会去送你,你回来了,我会去接你 138.当心事错落在彼岸,一个人的等待被另一个人拿来挥霍




143.曾 经 发 了 疯 的 想,如 今 拼 了 命 的 忘



146.如 果 连 誓 言 都 已 经 不 再 重 要,还 有 什 麽 事 值 得 你 去 骄 傲 147.曾经的曾经,毕竟已经成为了过去,过去的时光不再了,现在的日子也将过去,未来没人能预测,人生很短,何必忧心,何苦执着。


149.曾经的爱恋,曾经的执著,曾经的诉说,强迫自己去遗忘,确发现在折磨自己 150.放弃你,我不后悔!对不起,让你内疚的活着!相信我,我是故意不想让你忘记我!151.我在被你遗忘的角落里,等着你的归来 152.当你心碎时,我愿在你身旁捡拾那些碎片。153.荆棘鸟的歌声,是我在为你而唱


155.莫问今朝,何时潦倒,来时怎知退时潮,不愿退却,无处可逃,可惜早已不年少„ 156.寒风如刀,飘散了你的迹,湿了我的眸

157.红尘俗世扰心弦,怎断三千烦丝入空门?岁月无情催人老,繁华过后终成土。158.君入轮回永不回,一念轮回永不悔 159.心中有座坟,葬者未亡人

160.人生就像剥洋葱,总有一片会让人流泪 161.快乐才刚刚开始,悲伤却早已潜伏而来





166.身随磐石静,心随海浪空。167.爱到心碎,只因相遇太美 168.沉默,因为心上漂着淡淡的忧伤

169.你曾为花,绚烂凋零,我却为你,浮沉一世!170.轻声细雨、一抹柔情谁与共„„ 171.我在怀念,你不在怀念的

172.旋转木马 停下了不属于人们的爱情 173.你们都在说谎,凭什么要我诚实? 174.月 消 璃 殇,那 场 凄 凉 的 不 完 美,划 下 完 美 的句 点。175.无意走过雨季,伞下还有你残留的芬芳!幸福如期而至时,黑暗中我却来不及抓紧你的手„„



179.挥手告白曾今的岁月,转角,你不在我身边 180.微笑,与快乐无关 181.淡然的微笑 苍白了的忧伤

182.明明很想哭,却还在笑。明明很在乎,却装作无所谓„„ 183.忧伤是我的天性,寂寞不是借口。是玩伴,我没心没肺。。184.你是否能拿去我一部分的遐想,让我不至于泛滥如此 185.不是我忘不了你,是我还想等你。

186.“当我最后才明白”“而你总是太晚才明白” 187.理想归理想 得不到也等于妄想

188.习惯了一个人的多愁善感,朝花夕拾,独坐一隅 189.忘了世界,忘了你,忘了我。就是忘不掉回忆 190.从前 现在 过去了就不再来 191.爱情,原是含笑饮毒酒。192.那些散落的誓言, 戏弄了我的青春 193.也许,我只是你流浪过的一个地方 194.此情终难寄,相思不曾闲 195.我步行千里,只为见你一面 196.想念最伤心,但却最动心

197.等我们都幸福的那一天,再说曾经的往事 198.No one is in charge of your happiness except you.199.耳 没有喧闹 眼 没有缤纷 嘴 沉默不语 200.累了 却没办法回头 心已经迷惑 201.微笑的背后,不为人知的承受~~~~~ 202.没有人知道,若无其事的背后究竟藏着多少的忧伤,微笑后到底有多少悲伤,莫非,我真的已经习惯了沉默~~~ 203.能够不变,就是一种最难得的幸福

204.变 了!都 变 了。决定放弃她了,毕竟那是没有结果的!205.悄悄的 或许舍不得 默默地 或许很值得 我还在某处守候着

206.有些人,你想象不到有多虚伪„我,愚昧的配合着你的虚伪。原来,我只能独自哭泣„ 207.恋爱是容易的 成家是困难的 相爱是容易的 相处是困难的 决定是容易的 可是等待是困难的


209.我很好。不吵不闹不炫耀。不要委屈,不要嘲笑。也不要别人知道。210.如果时间是圆。那么我们可否还会相见„ 211.主动久了,我也会累„

212.有时候,分手不是不爱,是知道没有结果„ 213.千百年后,依旧记得,你给的爱,只是怜惜„ 214.别在扬起你虚伪的脸跟我说,我们是朋友„ 215.只身步步海天涯、路无归、霜满颜。216.剧情再美终究是戏。

217.如花美眷,似水流年 年少轻狂,幸福时光 218.哗众取宠,总有一天会失宠。


221.为你我努力改变一切,但是最后悲哀的发现却改变不了你的心 222.在你冷漠的转身刹那,身处炎炎夏日的心便陷入绝对零度 223.没有你的日子,寂寞如雪的人生,有谁懂我


225.不奢求你的思念,逝去的时光有你的身影已是最好的礼物 226.思念无声无息在心底 227.今生,牵谁的手,一起老去, 228.忧郁,是曾经的落笔一字一句,遗留的伤痕,经年的习惯 229.爱,一定需要相濡以沫的理解和支持 230.没有如意的生活,只有看开的人生

231.人生没有彩排,每天都是现场直播。你要做的,就是演好每一场戏 232.有时候,你说的话可能会伤到别人,但有时候,你的沉默会让人伤得更深 233.当你没有空休息的时候,就是你该休息的时候。234.我可以不爱任何人。我最爱的,只有我自己。

235.如果你喜欢的人不喜欢你,那么就算全世界的人都喜欢你,你还是觉得很孤独吧 236.我想我总是不知道要如何去学会放弃,现在我知道。其实,有些是你根本就无法掌控的,不是你不去放弃,而是你根本就抓不住

237.当我们发现了生活的真相,却依然像昨天那样的热爱它,这样的我们才活的精彩 238.你要相信世界上一定有你的爱人,无论你此刻正被光芒环绕被掌声淹没,还是当时你正孤独地走在寒冷的街道上被大雨淋湿,无论是飘着小雪的清晨,还是被热浪炙烤的黄昏,他一定会穿越这个世界上汹涌着的人群,走向你。他一定会怀着满腔的热,和目光里沉甸甸的爱,走到你的身边,抓紧你。239.可惜不是你,陪我到最后。

240.我从来都不知道永远有多远。也许都是很短暂的 241.因为伤口被肆意地展览,所以已经失去了疼痛 242.失去了缘分的人,即使在同一个城市里也不太容易碰到。








251.他说,我们的生命中也许都会有很多次的爱情。但是它们往往无疾而终。就像在风中打开的花朵。她在寒风中看他。如果一朵花能永远地开下去。它就不再真实。所以凋谢是唯一的出路。只有一再的分离,才能提醒再次的爱情 252.我们是没有未来的人。不断地寻找,不断地离开。253.一世轮回,一世遗忘。我依旧孤单前行,你在哪? 254.风儿卷走沙,就像我对你的思念





259.其实任何一个人离开我们的生活。生活始终都还在继续。没有人必须为我们停留。我们也不会为任何人停留。想清楚了,不会有任何怨言。260.生命是一座恢弘华丽的城堡。轻轻一触,如灰尘般溃散 261.旅行,就是要一直地走。一直地走。不说话地行走。


264.想你,在那繁花盛开的季节。思念,犹如跳动的音符。天空被蓝色晕开,我躲在人群里发着呆。看见你走过来,怀疑美好的现在,是否应该有期待。太阳照着你好温柔,还记得我说过喜欢看你笑的样子么?那时候真的好让人怀念。你微笑时好美,让我如此心动„„ 265.一切都好像很完美„„直到有一天,我长大了。266.不必为昨夜的泪,去弄湿今天的阳光


268.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。269.将爱变为恨,其实很简单 270.你不懂的珍惜,我亦学会放弃

271.可不可以多了解我多那么一点点,只要一点点就够 272.永 远 不 放 弃,我 爱 你 的 权 利。273.如有来世,如有来世,我必守你一生

274.有时候我们蒙住眼睛。就可以欺骗自己,世界很黑,很安全。275.我在流浪,却从未想过要去别的地方。276.当天空不再有飞鸟飞过,我才学会忍受寂寞. 277.黑夜终结白昼,就像用追忆软禁自由 278.眼睛能装下世界,为何却装不下眼泪? 279.一刻间,才明白,喜欢风的理由:是孤独在飘,是思念在飞,是爱你的心在动!280.人生激不起浪花,是多么的遗憾„„ 281.我的笑容,你还我„„

282.是否记得,那年、那天、摩天轮上对你许下的誓言? 283.有一种心情、叫思念,有一种姿态、叫落寞„„ 284.处于一个不羁的年龄、却失去了一颗不羁的心

285.没 有 了 愤 怒 与 悲 伤,微 笑 只 不 过 是 种 姿 势

286.向天发问,问而无解,所以“尴尬”;既然无解,索性放下,于是“释怀” 287.有时侯,连那些乞都让我我羡慕,起码他们找到了自己生活的方向。288.只为这段青春的时光,这段青春的年少,这场有你参与的盛宴。289.人生没有如果,只有后果

290.其实,你舍得„ 对你任性,已不是我的专利。291.你都如何回忆我,带着笑或是很沉默 292.心中有猛虎,细嗅蔷薇。

293.承让,这一次我坚决的放弃.一如既往的冷酷.294.想要为你唱一首歌,全世界都陪你听着„„ 295.如果没有你,没有过去,我不会有伤心.296.已经习惯我的双手,给你想要的那种温柔。297.我带着我的倔强对你说,愿你安好。298.广告看的好好的,突然蹦出个电视剧。



302.喜欢独处,喜欢安静,讨厌周围嘈杂锝声音,心慢慢锝冰冷 把自己层层包裹起来,以各种借口拒绝所有真情的目光往心灵深处探索、无奈的徘徊。303.那年,那天,那种诗一般简单的情绪,如果,不曾改变 304.学着长大,别让自己那么累„„

305.你有令天地动容的执着,却无力说服命运的苛刻„„ 306.暗之焰火、三途河边、接引之花,双手祈愿,蒙蒙细雨,眼泪滑落„ 307.墙角的蔓珠沙华,无力的瑟缩,把一抹尘世的绯红、洒满殷园 308.花儿的翅膀,要到死亡,才懂得飞翔„„ 309.理想中的生活:醒掌天下权,醉卧美人膝


Do not be disappointed on the journey of life.There are friends in the world.Seize you chance and value your opportunities.May our friendship be everlasting!人生路上何须惆怅,天涯海角总有知音.把握机会珍惜缘份,祝愿我们友谊长存!

I have three wishes:May our friendship warm our hearts!May joybe always with you and me!May we often meet each other!我有三愿:一愿友情温暖我们心田,二愿欢乐永驻你我之间, 三愿我们常常相见!

If I should meet thee,After long years,How should I greet thee?With silence and tears!多年离别后,抑或再相逢,相逢何所语?泪流默无声!

Oh,my friend,do you like stars?If you feel lovely far away from home,look up at the stars in the sky,where there is a star for luckthat I have seed you!朋友,你喜欢星空吗 ?如果有一天你在远方流浪时感到孤独,忧郁,请抬头看看星空,那儿有我送你的幸运星!

Time does not water down the wine of friendship;distance does not separate our hard of longing.Wishing you happiness forever!时间冲不淡友情的酒,距离拉不开思念的手,祝福你 ,永远永远!

Time is flying away,and years are passing by.Only our friendship is always is my heart.Farewell,my friend!Take care,my friend!流水匆匆,岁月匆匆,唯有友情永存心中.朋友, 再见!朋友,珍重!

.For all you do the whole year through


I'm grateful for the special love you show in different ways--love that gives a special touch to ordinary days



1)love you not because of who you are, but because of who I am when I am with you.我爱你,不是因为你是一个怎样的人,而是因为我喜欢与你在一起时的感觉。

2)No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won‘t make you cry.没有人值得你流泪,值得让你这么做的人不会让你哭泣。

3)The worst way to miss someone is to be sitting right beside them knowing you can‘t

have them.失去某人,最糟糕的莫过于,他近在身旁,却犹如远在天边。

4)Never frown, even when you are sad, because you never know who is falling in love with your smile.纵然伤心,也不要愁眉不展,因为你不知是谁会爱上你的笑容。关于感恩的英文句子

5)To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world.对于世界而言,你是一个人;但是对于某个人,你是他的整个世界。

6)Don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn‘t willing to waste their time on you.不要为那些不愿在你身上花费时间的人而浪费你的时间。

7)Just because someone doesn‘t love you the way you want them to, doesn‘t mean they don‘t love you with all they have.爱你的人如果没有按你所希望的方式来爱你,那并不代表他们没有全心全意地爱你。

8)Don‘t try so hard, the best things come when you least expect them to.不要着急,最好的总会在最不经意的时候出现。

9)Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.在遇到梦中人之前,上天也许会安排我们先遇到别的人;在我们终于遇见心仪的人时,便应当心存感激。

10)Don‘t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。

Maybe God wants us to meet a few wrong people before meeting

the right one, so that when we finally meet the person, we will know how to be grateful.或许上帝希望我们,在遇到真爱之前,遇到一些错误的人,这样当我们最终遇到所谓伊人时,我们会懂得如何去感激

One Minute to say “I love You”,One Hour to explain it,A whole life to prove it

用一分钟说”我爱你”,一小时去解释这句话,用一生去证明这句话May the joy of Christmas be with you throughout the year.愿圣诞佳节的喜悦,伴随您在度过新的一年。

Wishing you and yours a merry Christmas this holiday season.值此佳节,祝你全家圣诞快乐。



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