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Theme: Pursuit

Thesis: Effort is involved in pursuing any goal valuable, even if the goal is not reached.Subject: Van Gogh Vincent


In his early years, Van Gogh Vincent clerked in a bookshop in Dordrecht;then, he convinced that the ministry ought to be his vocation, and entered a religious seminary in Brussels.He left 3 months later to become an evangelist in a poor mining section of Belgium, the Borinage.Van Gogh exhibited the zeal and devotion of a martyr, even giving away his clothes, but his religious fanaticism and a lack of charisma as a preacher marked him for failure despite his humanitarian intentions and his sincere devotion to the poor and the sick.Because of his eccentricities alienated the miners, and he was dismissed in July, 1879.This period was a dark one for Van Gogh.He wished to give himself to others but was constantly being rejected.5 W+ F.F.x$ `2 c.J

After experiencing a total spiritual crisis, he found a clear direction in the future: he strongly, even obsessively, eagered to be an artist, an ideal to which he devoted the rest of his short life.



The Century’s Greatest Minds

Albert Einstein

The scientific touchstones of the modern age——the Bomb, space travel, electronics, Quantum physics——all bear his imprint.Einstein had conjured the whole business, it seemed.He did not invent the “thought experiment”, but he raised it to high art.Imagine twins , wearing identical watches;one stays home, while the other rides in a spaceship near the speed of light „ little wonder that from 1919, Einstein was——and remains today——the world’s most famous scientist.In his native Germany he became a target for hatred.As a Jew, a liberal, a humanist, an internationalist, he attracted the enmity of rationalist and anti-semites.His was now a powerful voice, widely heard, always attended to , especially after he moved to the U.S.He used it to promote zionism, pacifism, in his secret 1939 letter to Franklin D.Roosevelt, the construction of a uranium bomb.Meanwhile, like any demigod, he made bits of legend: that he failed math in school(not true).That he opened a book and found an uncashed $1,500 check he had left as a bookmark(maybe---he was absentminded about everyday affairs).That he was careless about socks, collars, slippers „ that he couldn’t even remember his address: 112 Mercer Street in Princeton, where he finally settled.He died there in 1955 And after the rest of Einstein had been cremated, his brain remained, soaking for decades in a jar of formaldehyde belonging to Dr.Thomas Harvey.No one had bothered to dissect the brain of Freud, Stravinsky or Joyce, but in the 1980s, bits of Einsteinian gray matter were making the rounds of certain neurobiologists, who thus learned „ absolutely nothing.It was just a brain——the brain that dreamed a plastic fourth dimension, that banished the ether, that released the pins binding us to absolute space and time, that refused to believe God played dice.In embracing Einstein, our century took leave of a prior universe and an erstwhile God.The new versions were not so rigid and deterministic as the Newtonian world.Einstein’s.God was no clockmaker, but the embodiment of reason in nature.This God did not control our actions or even sit in judgment on them.(“Einstein, stop telling God what to do,” Niels Bohr Finally retorted.)This God seemed rather kindly and absentminded, as a matter of fact.Physics was free, and we too are free, in the Einstein universe which is where we live.(小马过河国际教育)

第三篇:赛达写作素材之two horses

SAT写作素材之two horses

想要写一篇好的SAT作文实在不容易,所以小马过河SAT频道小编为大家分享一篇有关two horses的写作素材,来提高写作水平的。小马过河国际教育

A long time ago, there was a Chinese merchant.Once he gained two horses.One of them is a pure breed horse that can sustain long-distance rides, but the other one is ordinary has no good quality.The merchant took them home, and try to make them tame.The ordinary horse was pretty docile;it followed all orders that were given by its master.On the contrary, the talented horse was very wild and intractable.When the merchant firstly rode the horse, the animal became furious and cast the merchant off.Although, the horse was not docile, the merchant gave the best forage to it instead of the ordinary one.Because he knew that no matter how talented horse behaves, the real treasure would never be buried.The ordinary horse’s loyalty and good behaviors are useless to the merchant.In this case, we see that talent is much more important than morality.Some people afraid of the objects which can not be totally control.I think this ideology makes them always emphasize that one’s morality is more important than talent.However, in my opinion, morality is the criterion made by the majority, and sometimes it likes a cage that restricts people’s creation.For instance, in the 17th century, the church controlled people’s ideology severely.All citizens have the same morality.The people who waked up and started to do researches in science field were regarded as immoral, guilty and should be punished.This is the morality that existed in 17th century Europe.But at present, everyone knows that this morality is ridiculous.Thus, we can see that morality can be changed and amended with the passing of time.As a government agent, talent is more significant than morality.Those agents are elites in society and work in the country’s central institutions.They must have talent to deal with all problems they meet.Some people might say that loyalty is the quality may more important than talent.But I think if a agent has no talent, or so this loyalty should be called blind loyalty which is utterly useless.I am convinced that the government agent should have his own thinking.A straight-arrow agent will never make any contribution.Morality always changes, but talent remains forever.A talented agent likes a horse that can run a long distance.He is the diamond and shinning always.On the contrary, a person who only has morality is a good citizen, but not the one who has talent and we call them the elite.







反对“地心说”提出“日心说”的Nicolas Copernicus;

质疑Adam Smith的观点并创立《博弈论》从而获得1993年诺贝尔经济学奖的John Nash;反对奴隶制,并通过《解放黑奴宣言》给予黑人自由和平等的Abraham Lincoln等等。


为了美国长远发展,忍辱负重签署《杰伊条约》的George Washington;


为南非争取和平和世界关注而献身的Nelson Mandela等等。



Is the opinion of the majority-in government or in any other circumstances-a poor guide?

【大部分人的意见是不是一个不好的导向?】 该题目让考生对群体意见的优劣性给出看法,考生如果有自由的看法固然很好,但是在考场中有限的时间内给出精彩的自由回答是不容易的。假如这时候我们从以上的分类去看,必然能够得出群体意见不好的观点,再经过正反的延伸,就可把上题解读成“好的导向是个人的意见,而大众的观点往往具有误导性”。林肯时代,他所反对的是来自于奴隶主及大部分人白人的意见;约翰·纳什反对整个经济学术界对于亚当斯密的信仰;达尔文反对生物学界对于生命起源的看法;哥白尼则挑战了罗马天主教会对于大众思想的控制。由此,我们通过定位题目的类型,将对于这道题目的回答和例子全部推理出来。这样就极大简化了后半部分的写作过程。由于篇幅有限,这里建议考生可使用此方法来分析解答其他类似题目。(小马过河国际教育)
















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