
时间:2019-05-12 13:42:32下载本文作者:会员上传



Travel is a very good means of broadening a person's perspective.It makes you come into contact with different cultures, meet people of different colors and go through peculiar rites and ceremonies.Travelling much, you will not only enrich your knowledge and experiences, but also be aware of the vastness of nature.Travel may also relieve person of boredom and gloom.Travel brings you enjoyment and attraction.It gives you a pleasant experience, which will disperse your boredom and make you forget whatever annoys you.Travel broadens your mind and leaves you good memories.Later, you may go over these memories and enjoy your past experiences, thus keeping a fresh and sunny mind.The field's his study, nature was his book.Travelers can choose different modes of transportation which have advantages and disadvantages.Airplanes are the fastest but also the most expensive.Buses and trains are less expensive, but they soon make you feel cramped and uncomfortable.Ships provide you with comfort unless you get seasick.Most people can afford traveling by bicycle, which, although slow, can limber up your muscles and get you closer to nature.


with the improvement of peoples living standards, more and more people tend to travel to relax and enjoy their life.in daily life, we are often very busy with our work and other things.so travel is a good way for us to relax.by traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places.we will see many places read of in books with our own eyes, and visit some famous cities and scenic spots.we can get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people.in a word, travel will not only help us to gain knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge, but also will help us keep healthy and make us less narrow-minded.travel does benefit us both mentally and physically.but travel also has some negative impacts.for example, too many tourists would increase litter, noise and pollution and so on.and the more tourists, the more difficult to protect heritage and environment.and some low-morality tourists would damage the culture relic while they are visiting the place.anyway, travel is very important for us despite it has some negative impacts.travel with your body as well as your heart, you will gain a lot.


With the improvement of people's living standards, more and more people tend to travel to relax and enjoy their life.In daily life, we are often very busy with our work and other things.So travel is a good way for us to relax.By traveling we can enjoy the beautiful scenery in different places.We will see many places read of in books with our own eyes, and visit some famous cities and scenic spots.We can get ideas of the conditions and customs of other people.In a word, Travel will not only help us to gain knowledge of geography and history and other knowledge, but also will help us keep healthy and make us less narrow-minded.Travel does benefit us both mentally and physically.But travel also has some negative impacts.For example, too many tourists would increase litter, noise and pollution and so on.And the more tourists, the more difficult to protect heritage and environment.And some low-morality tourists would damage the culture relic while they are visiting the place.Anyway, travel is very important for us despite it has some negative impacts.Travel with your body as well as your heart, you will gain a lot.

第四篇:英语作文travel language

Traveling in a foreign country and communicating with the locals just wouldn't seem as easy as it is at home.It may require patience, open-mindedness and respect.The struggles of effective communication are what make doing almost anything including to learn the local language in a foreign country that much more memorable and efficient.So learn a language to help us traveling, furthermore, learn a language while we travel!

Traveling in a country whose language is unfamiliar to you does not mean that you do need to take a language course before you depart.All you really need to know are a few of the basics: yes, no, hello and good-bye, and be able to count up to around five.Add please and thank you to your language list and you will make conversing with the local residents easier.Of cause, the ability to speak even a little bit of the language will add to the enjoyment of your trip and will improve your relations with the local residents.At the same time, language travel is the most popular way to study a foreign language in recent years.As it known that the most difficult problem to learn a foreign language is the culture circumstance.But if we are traveling in a foreign country, as there are no disturbances from our mother tongue, it is easier for us to improve our language, especially in our pronunciation.Indeed, language travel has so many advantages except some safety and financial problems that has attracted much more attention to it.

第五篇:英语作文:Theway to travel

The way to travel

出外旅游,任何一位旅游者最先需要考虑的是选择到那里去旅游?采用何种旅游方式?旅游目的地是首选,旅游方式是必须同时考虑的内容。随着时代的发展现代旅游的发展演绎出多种多样的方式: Outdoor travel, is the first need to consider any other tourists choose to travel there? Adopt what kind of tourism way? Tourism destination is first selection, the content of the tour is a must to be considered at the same time.Along with the development of the era of the development of modern tourism deduce a variety of ways:

[1]团队旅游: group travel


Team travel that we normally say most, the most traditional way of tourism tuxedo to swim, it is through the combined some aspire to the same place tour of people and formed a team to tourist destination, the biggest benefit of this way is to save the unnecessary trouble, especially if you're on the local tourism situation, ethnic customs, etc are not familiar with, tuxedo is undoubtedly the best choice, it effectively use time to visit places of interest, can go to the individual cannot place, group operation safer, no language barriers, number and group Tours, lower cost, is suitable for most tourists.But tuxedo has its ills, all listen to command, that is relatively few of their free time.[2]自助旅游:


People usually use according to whether need through travel agency and other tourist agencies to tourists and the individual division team, but with the development of the tourism service forms and enrich tourism intermediary service project, the way people arrange travel, great changes have taken place in the individual market is a group show common features obviously different from the general individual, people will travel behavior of this group is called self-help travel.Self-help travel is a kind of fashionable way of travel, can be expressed as: in order to “make public individual character, the close nature, loosen body and mind” as the goal, fully independent choice and arrange travel activities, now all the self-service travel and there are four different levels:

A.全自助游:指抵达旅游区后,住宿、车票等一切由自己安排。这种方式因为住宿没有折扣和 购买车票浪费时间等,目前只适用于个别“背包旅游者”。

A.all Tours: refers to after arriving at the resort, accommodation, tickets, etc all arranged by

themselves.This way because there is no discount and accommodation to buy tickets to waste time, etc., currently only applies to individual “backpack tourists”.B.半委托方式:指抵达旅游区后,由旅游单位安排您的住宿、车票等部分项目。这种方式因为住宿可以有20-60%的折扣和行程紧凑等优点,目前已非常普遍。旅游单位的服务项目有: ①接送服务(飞机场、火车站、汽车站、码头)②代办、确认和改签世界各地之间的机车船票③订房、订餐④提供导游⑤办理签证或签证延期⑥出租旅游车辆及其他旅游用具⑦代客设计旅游路线⑧代客计算旅游价格⑨免费咨询

B.half entrust way: after arriving at the tourist area, by the travel unit to arrange your accommodation,tickets and other part of the project..This way because of accommodation can be 20-60% discount and schedule etc, is now very common..Unit of tourism services are:(1)transport services(airport, railway station, bus station, wharf)(2), confirm or change agents around the world between the locomotive tickets(3)reserve,(4)provide the guide(5)visa or visa extension 6 rental cars and other tourism appliance 7)valet design tourism routes valet calculate travel price pet-name ruby consulting for free

C.准全委托方式:指出发前,旅游单位已为您安排了住宿、车票;出发后或抵达旅游区后,就由 导游(此种导游称“全陪”)带队,由游客自己决定饮食标准(或自行就餐)、交通档次、参观内容、住宿天数、要否当地导游(此种导游称“地陪”)等。这种方式因为考虑到游客的不同兴趣和不同经济条件,因此,此种方式的游客数目和国别正在日益增加。

C.must entrust way: all pointed out before, travel unit has arranged accommodation, tickets for you;Or arrived after the start of the tourist area, then By a tour guide(the tour guide said “all accompany”)solver, decided by the tourists themselves diet standard(or dinner), visit the content, accommodation, transportation, class number, and no local tour guide, the tour guide said “local guide”), etc.This way because of considering the tourists of different interests and different economic conditions, therefore, this way is increasing the number of visitors and national identity.C.全委托方式:指出发前,旅游单位已为您安排了住宿、车票等一切项目;出发后或抵达旅游区后,就由全陪带队,旅游单位按与游客的协议提供饮食、车辆和地陪,并按行程表活动。这种方式下,游客只需跟着导游乘车、参观、购物、就餐、住宿、娱乐等,非常轻松。

c.all entrust way: pointed out before, travel unit has arranged accommodation and tickets for you all projects;Or arrived after the start of the tourist area, then by all with led, tourism unit according to the agreement to provide food, vehicles with tourists and local guide, and according to the schedule

activities.This way, visitors just guided by bus, visit, shopping, dining, accommodation, entertainment

and so on, very easy.自助旅游按交通方式可分为:自驾车旅游,自行车旅游和徒步旅游,按旅游目的可分为休闲度假自助游和专业目的自助游两类,而专业目的自助游又包括修学求知自助游、极限探险自助游、特殊兴趣自助游(如摄影、登山)等。

Self-help travel according to the transportation can be divided into: self-drive travel, bicycle traveling and hiking, according to the tourism can be divided into leisure Tours and professional purposes of two types of self service travel, purpose and professional Tours Tours, including the study of knowledge, extreme adventure Tours, special interest Tours, such as photography, mountain climbing, etc.[3]生态旅游:



In addition to the above several, and short leisure camping, hiking, and emerging way of rural tourism.



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