疯狂英语句子速成 1A

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第一篇:疯狂英语句子速成 1A


[00:06.03]2.Absolutely impossible!


[00:15.49]3.All I have to do is learn English.[00:20.22]我所要做的事就是学英语。

[00:24.95]4.Are you free tomorrow?


[00:32.39]5.Are you married?


[00:39.08]6.Are you used to the food here?


[00:47.62]7.Be careful.[00:50.93]小心/注意。

[00:54.23]8.Be my guest.[00:57.44]请便。

[01:00.66]9.Better late than never.[01:04.84]迟到总比不到好。

[01:09.02]10.Better luck next time.[01:13.40]祝你下一次好运。

[01:17.79]11.Better safe than sorry.[01:22.40]小心不出大错。

[01:27.01]12.Can I have a day off?


[01:39.40]13.Can I help?


[01:46.58]14.Can I take a message?


[01:56.22]15.Can I take a rain check?


[02:06.80]16.Can I take your order?


[02:16.83]17.Can you give me a wake-up call?


[02:28.58]18.Can you give me some feedback?


[02:39.71]19.Can you make it?


[02:47.26]20.Can I have a word with you?


[02:57.03]21.Catch me later.[03:01.39]过会儿再来找我。

[03:05.76]22.Cheer up!


[03:13.18]23.Come in and make yourself at home.[03:19.21]请进,别客气。

[03:25.24]24.Could I have the bill,please?


[03:35.38]25.Could you drop me off at the airport?


[03:48.21]26.Could you speak slower?


[04:00.27]27.Could you take a picture for me?


[04:12.40]28.Did you enjoy your flight?


[04:22.48]29.Did you have a good day today?


[04:34.36]30.Did you have a nice holiday?


31.Did you have fun?


[00:08.59]32.Dinner is on me.[00:12.98]晚饭我请客。

[00:17.37]33.Do you have a room available?


[00:27.82]34.Do you have any hobbies?


[00:37.59]35.Do you have some change?


[00:47.86]36.Do you mind my smoking?


[00:58.12]37.Do you often work out?


[01:07.71]38.Do you speak English?


[01:18.24]39.Don't be so modest.[01:23.44]别这么谦虚。

[01:28.63]40.Don't bother.[01:32.09]不用麻烦了。

[01:35.56]41.Don't get me wrong.[01:40.08]别误会我。

[01:44.59]42.Don't give up.[01:48.77]别放弃。

[01:52.95]43.Don't jump to conclusions.[01:59.17]不要急于下结论。

[02:05.39]44.Don't let me down.[02:10.09]别让我失望。

[02:14.79]45.Don't make any mistakes.[02:19.74]别出差错。

[02:24.69]46.Don't mention it.[02:28.83]不必客气。

[02:32.97]47.Don't miss the boat.[02:37.02]不要坐失良机。

[02:41.07]48.Don't take any chances.[02:45.89]不要存侥幸心理。

[02:50.71]49.Don't take it for granted.[02:55.69]不要想当然。

[03:00.66]50.Don't worry about it.[03:04.87]别担心。

[03:09.07]51.Easy come,easy go.[03:14.43]来得容易,去得快。

[03:19.78]52.Enjoy your meal.[03:23.74]请慢慢享用吧。

[03:27.70]53.Easier said than done.[03:32.83]说时容易做时难。

[03:37.97]54.First come,first served.[03:42.94]捷足先登。

[03:47.92]55.For here or to go?


[03:58.63]56.Forget it.[04:02.34]算了吧。

[04:06.05]57.Forgive me.[04:09.85]请原谅我。

[04:13.65]58.Give me a call.[04:18.19]给我打电话。

[04:22.74]59.Give my best to your family.[04:28.80]代我向你们全家问好。

[04:34.86]60.Have him return my call.[04:40.22]让他给我回电话。

61.Have you ever been to Japan?


[00:14.55]62.Have you finished yet?


[00:24.76]63.Have you got anything larger?


[00:36.52]64.Have you got that?


[00:45.56]65.Have you heard from Mary?


[00:57.63]66.He is in conference.[01:02.92]他正在开会。

[01:08.21]67.Help yourself,please.[01:13.09]请自己用。

[01:17.98]68.Hold your horses.[01:22.61]耐心点儿。

[01:27.25]69.How can I get in touch with you?


[01:42.03]70.How do I look?


[01:50.94]71.How is it going?


[02:00.66]72.How late are you open?


[02:11.50]73.How long did it last?


[02:22.34]74.How long will it take me to get there?


[02:39.50]75.How much is it?


[02:48.54]76.How often do you eat out?


[03:01.55]77.I apologize.[03:06.34]我很抱歉。

[03:11.14]78.I appreciate your invitation.[03:18.01]感谢你的邀请。

[03:24.88]79.I assure you.[03:29.49]我向你保证。

[03:34.10]80.I bet you can.[03:39.21]我确信你能做到。

[03:44.31]81.I can manage.[03:49.26]我自己可以应付。

[03:54.21]82.I can't afford it.[03:59.39]我买不起。

[04:04.56]83.I can't believe it.[04:10.37]我简直不敢相信。

[04:16.18]84.I can't resist the temptation.[04:22.83]我不能抵挡诱惑。

[04:29.48]85.I can't stand it.[04:35.45]我受不了了。

[04:41.42]86.I can't tell.[04:45.65]我说不准。

[04:49.88]87.I couldn't agree more.[04:55.98]我完全同意。

[05:02.08]88.I couldn't get through.[05:07.37]我打不通电话。

[05:12.66]89.I couldn't help it.[05:18.04]我没有办法。

[05:23.42]90.I didn't mean to.[05:28.49]我不是故意的。

91.I don't know for sure.[00:06.06]我不能肯定。

[00:12.12]92.I enjoy your company.[00:18.09]我喜欢有你作伴。

[00:24.06]93.I enjoyed it very much.[00:30.96]我非常喜欢。

[00:37.85]94.I envy you.[00:42.83]我羡慕你。

[00:47.80]95.I feel like having some dumplings.[00:55.82]我很想吃饺子。

[01:03.84]96.I feel terrible about it.[01:10.78]太对不起了。

[01:17.71]97.I feel the same way.[01:24.24]我也不同感。

[01:30.78]98.I have a complaint.[01:36.84]我要投诉。

[01:42.90]99.I have nothing to do with it.[01:50.88]那与我无关。

第二篇:疯狂英语句子速成 sentences1-99

00:00.00]Li Yang Crazy English Sentences Crash course;李阳疯狂英语 口语速成系列之 句子速成[00:07.92]365 key sentences for international Chinese.;国际化中国人必备 英语365句.[00:29.24]Li Yang's words.李阳的话.;

[02:14.75]This is Kim.And I'm telling you teacher Li is right.;我是Kim.李老师说得对.[02:19.36]365 key sentences for international Chinese;国际化中国人必备365句

[02:24.25]can make huge difference in your English.;能使你的英语发生巨变.[02:27.07]One sentence a day can give you the power to be an international Chinese.;一天一句给你成为国际化 中国人的力量.[02:40.20]Li Yang's words.李阳的话.;



[03:17.06]3.All I have to dois learn English.;3.我所要做的是就是学英语.[03:26.66]4.Are you freetomorrow?;4.你明天有空吗?

[03:33.86]5.Are you married?;5.你结婚了吗?

[03:40.35]6.Are you used tothe food here?;6.你吃得惯这儿的饭菜吗?

[03:48.54]7.Be careful.;7.小心/注意.[03:55.15]8.Be my guest.;8.请便.[04:01.25]9.Better late thannever.;9.迟到总比不到好.[04:09.43]10.Better luck nexttime.;10.祝你下一次好运.[04:18.02]11.Better safe thansorry.;11.小心不出大错.[04:27.26]12.Can I have a dayoff?;12.我能请一天假吗?

[04:39.76]13.Can I help?;13.要我帮忙吗?

[04:47.00]14.Can I take amessage?;14.要我传话吗?

[04:56.40]15.Can I take arain check?;15.你能改天在请我吗?

[05:06.49]16.Can I take yourorder?;16.你要点菜吗?

[05:16.71]17.Can you give mea wake-up call?;17.你能打电话叫醒我吗?

[05:28.41]18.Can you give mesome feedback?;18.你能给我一些建议吗?

[05:38.98]19.Can you make it?;19.你能来吗?

[05:46.49]20.Can I have a wordwith you?;20.我能跟你谈一谈吗?

[05:56.23]21.Catch me later.;21.过会儿再来找我.[06:05.00]22.Cheer up!;22.高兴起来!振作起来!

[06:11.82]23.Come in and makeyourself at home.;23.请进,别客气.[06:24.15]24.Could I have thebill,please?;24.请把帐单给我好吗?

[06:34.09]25.Could you drop meoff at the airport?;25.你能载我到飞机场吗?

[06:46.71]26.Could you speakslower?;26.你能说得慢一点儿吗?

[06:57.68]27.Could you take apicture for me?;27.你能帮我照张相吗?

[07:09.57]28.Did you enjoyyour flight?;28.你的飞机旅途愉快吗?

[07:19.43]29.Did you have agood day today?;29.你今天过得好吗?

[07:31.23]30.Did you have anice holiday?;30.你假期过得愉快吗?

[07:41.57]31.Did you have fun?;31.你玩得开心吗?

[07:49.95]32.Dinner is on me.;32.晚饭我请客.[07:58.60]33.Do you have aroom available?;33.你们有空房间吗?

[08:08.72]34.Do you have anyhobbies?;34.你有什么爱好吗?

[08:17.99]35.Do you have somechange?;35.你有零钱吗?

[08:28.04]36.Do you mind mysmoking?(I sure do.);36.你介意我抽烟吗?(当然介意)

[08:50.61]37.(Here's a good one for me.)Do you often work out?;37.(这句话对我很好)你经常锻炼身体吗?

[09:01.22](About four times a week.Yep,four times a week.;(大约一周四次。对,一周四次。)

[09:04.63]38.Do you speakEnglish?;38.你会说英语吗?

[09:14.85](Do you speak Chinese, Jim? Yes,a little.);(吉姆,你会说中文吗? 会说一点点。)

[09:27.61]39.Don't be somodest.;39.别这么谦虚.[09:37.65](Jim,I think I need to improve my English.My English is very,very poor.;吉姆,我认为我的英语还 需要提高.我的英语太糟

[09:49.96]Oh,Li Yang,don't be so modest.Your English is very good.Thank you.;哦,李阳,别这么谦虚.你的英语很好.谢谢.)

[09:57.73]I have to say this a lot to Chinese people.;我经常要跟中国人说这 句话.[10:10.79]Well,I don't have to say it very often to Americans.;而跟美国人就不必常说 这句话了.[10:19.64]40.Don't bother.;40.不用麻烦了.[10:26.12]41.Don't get mewrong.;41.别误会我.[10:37.13]42.Don't give up.;42.别放弃.[10:47.21]43.Don't jump toconclusions.;43.不要急于下结论.[10:59.27]Jim,I think I simply can't learn English well.;吉姆,我想我就是学不 好英语.[11:06.21]Oh,don't jump to conclusions.If you are patient,you work hard, you will.;哦,不要急于下结论.如果你耐心,你努力, 你会学好的.[11:34.36]44.Don't let medown.;44.别让我失望.[11:46.34]Sounds great.Yep,this is a song from the Beetles.;唱得不错!这是甲克虫乐队的一首歌

[11:50.71]45.Don't make anymistakes.;45.别出差错.[11:59.86]46.Don't mention it.;46.不必客气.[12:08.14]47.Don't miss theboat.;47.不要坐失良机.[12:15.98]48.Don't take anychances.;48.不要存侥幸心理.[12:25.43]49.Don't take it forgranted.;49.不要想当然.[12:35.26]50.Don't worry aboutit.;50.别担心.[12:43.77]51.Easy come,easygo.;51.来得容易,去得快.[12:54.45]52.Enjoy your meal.;52.请慢慢享用吧.[13:02.51]53.Easier said thandone.;53.说时容易做时难.[13:12.49]54.First come,first served.;54.捷足先登.[13:22.29]55.For here or togo?;55.在这儿吃还是带走?

[13:32.70]56.Forget it.;56.算了吧.[13:40.11]57.Forgive me.;57.请原谅我.[13:47.44]58.Give me a call.;58.给我打电话.[13:56.41]59.Give my best toyour family.;59.代我向你们全家问好.[14:08.01]60.Have him returnmy call.;60.让他给我回电话.[14:18.89]61.Have you everbeen to Japan?;61.你去过日本吗?

[14:33.00]62.Have you finishedyet?;62.你做完了吗?

[14:43.07]63.Have you gotanything larger?;63.有大一点儿的吗?

[14:52.24]I ask this question all the time here.Yeah.;在这里我经常问这个问题

[14:54.64]Have you got anything larger?;有大一点儿的吗?

[14:59.57]64.Have you got that?;64.你明白我的意思吗?

[15:08.54]Jim,could you please teach me this sentence? Have you got that?;吉姆,你能教我这个句 子吗? 你明白我的意思吗?

[15:19.55]Correct.Sure.It means 'Do you understand?';对.当然可以.它的意思是: 你明白我的意思吗?

[15:26.86]65.Have you heardfrom Mary?;65.你收到玛丽的来信了吗?

[15:38.46]66.He is inconference.;66.他正在开会.[15:46.36]This is a good sentence for you.;这对你来说是个好句子.[15:48.28]If somebody calls you and you don't want to talk,you just say 'He is in conference.';如果有人给你打电话而你 不想接,就让人说他正在 开会.[15:54.13]May I speak to Jim? Sorry,he is in conference.;我可以跟吉姆讲话吗? 对不起,他正在开会.[16:00.86]So,slowly again.;再来一遍慢速的.[16:02.82]He is in conference.;66.他正在开会.[16:10.45]67.Help yourself,please.;67.请自己用.[16:19.92]68.Hold your horses.(Be patient.);68.耐心点儿.[16:35.40]69.How can I get intouch with you?;69.我怎样能跟你联系上?

[16:49.81]70.How do I look?;70.我看上去怎么样?

[16:57.06]That's a very vain question,isn't it? Yeah.;这是个很无聊的问题, 是吧? 是.[17:00.66]Yeah.How do I look? Who cares?How do I look?;是.我看上去怎样? 谁在意?我看上去怎样?

[17:11.39]71.How is it going?;71.情况怎么样?

[17:20.60]72.How late are youopen?;72.你们营业到几点?

[17:31.35]73.How long did itlast?;73.持续了多久?

[17:42.99]74.How long will ittake me to getthere?;74.到哪儿要多长时间?

[18:00.13]75.How much is it?;75.多少钱?

[18:09.35]76.How often do youeat out?;76.你隔多久在外面吃一次饭?

[18:22.44]77.I apologize.;77.我很抱歉.[18:31.86]78.I appreciate yourinvitation.;78.感谢你的邀请.[18:45.49]OK,Jim,I'm a very slow learner.I am very forgetful.;好,吉姆,我学东西很慢.我很健忘.[18:54.27]So could you please teach me this sentence 'I appreciate your invitation.';所能请你教我这个句子 '感谢你的邀请.'吗?

[19:10.56]Right!Could you please teach me word by word?;对!你能一个词一个词地教 我吗?

[19:14.97]Because I can't imitate your whole sentence.OK.;因为我无法全句模仿.好的.[19:23.40]I appreciate your invitation.;感谢你的邀请.[19:35.49]Right.Thank you.You're welcome.;对.谢谢.不客气.[19:37.96]79.I assure you.;79.我向你保证.[19:47.22]80.I bet you can.;80.我确信你能做到.[19:56.98]81.I can manage.;81.我自己可以应付.[20:06.58]82.I can't affordit.;82.我买不起.[20:16.52]83.I can't believeit.;83.我简直不敢相信.[20:27.95]84.I can't resistthe temptation.;84.我不能抵挡诱惑.[20:41.00]85.I can't stand it.;85.我受不了了.[20:52.59]86.I can't tell.;86.我说不准.[21:01.00]87.I couldn't agreemore.;87.我完全同意.[21:12.81]88.I couldn't getthrough.;88.我打不通电话.[21:23.13]89.I couldn't helpit.;89.我没有办法.[21:33.79]90.I didn't mean to.;90.我不是故意的.[21:44.71]91.I don't know forsure.;91.我不能肯定.[21:56.74]92.I enjoy yourcompany.;92.我喜欢你作伴.[22:08.38]93.I enjoyed it verymuch.;93.我非常喜欢.[22:22.20]94.I envy you.;94.我羡慕你.[22:31.92]95.(I say this onea lot.)I feel like havingsome dumplings.;(我经常说这句话.)我很想吃饺子.[22:49.83]96.I feel terribleabout it.;96.太对不起了.[23:03.26]97.I feel the sameway.;97.我也有同感.[23:15.93]98.I have a complaint.;98.我要投诉.[23:27.70]99.I have nothing todo with it.;99.那与我无关.[23:43.50]This is the end of side A.Now let's go on to side B.Good luck!;A面到此结束.我们来 继续听B面.好运!




Ten steps to Tackle a Sentence!


2. 然后,给每个单词注音标。

3. 接着开始疯狂嘴巴操练。首先注意五大发音要点(1)双元音、长元音饱满;(2)短元音收小腹,短促有力;(3)连读;(4)省略;(5)咬舌头。切记不要乱喊乱叫!

4. 三最口腔肌肉训练:最大声,最快速,最清晰。

5. 一口气:一口气之内重复尽可能多遍。训练底气,气势压人!

6. 反复地、自然地说出优雅的、摸模糊糊的英文。达成英美人士的境界!

7. 想象语言环境。想象在什么情况下,这个句子可以卖弄出去。

8. 举一反三,融会贯通。

9. 纸条漫天飞,环境随身带。把操练完的句子抄写在纸条上,随身携带!





1.Absolutely.(用于答话)是这样;当然是;正是如此;绝对如此。本辑超级重点Top American Movie Lines!




A strong affirmation.表示一种强烈的肯定语气。



Kim's Note: Absolutely is such a useful word for many reasons.It shows confidence, it can answer a question in one word, and like any strong and powerful word, it makes you instantly sound like a native speaker!


In fact, the word absolutely has become overused in America.Many people say it automatically without thinking.Everything they hear is answered by the same word “Absolutely”.【李阳疯狂英语“三最”记录为:14秒】




A: You agree, I suppose?


B: Oh, absolutely!


A: That's a wonderful movie.(那场电影真棒。)

B: Absolutely!


A: Could you call her and tell her everything?


B: Absolutely!


A: She's really pretty, isn't she?


B: Absolutely!


A: Are you sure you can help me?


B: Absolutely.(肯定。)

A: Sanya is the most beautiful place in the world.(三亚是世界上最漂亮的地方。)

B: Absolutely!


A: I think George Bush is too stupid to be the president of such a powerful country.(我想乔治布什太愚蠢了,不能胜任那么强大的国家的总统。)

B: Absolutely!I couldn't agree more.(绝对的!你说的太对了。)



Of course.(当然。)

That's right.(是那么回事。)

Sure./ Yes.(是的。)


No problem.(没问题。)

学了“Absolutely!”之后,你就不用每次给别人予肯定回答时都“Yes”个不停了,你完全可以充满自信地喊出“Absolutely!”。当然,如果你还想再充满自信、斩钉截铁地给别人一个否定回答的话,学好下面的“Absolutely not!”

























请在 网上 申请报名”

第四篇:李阳疯狂英语 音标速成 完整版

李阳疯狂英语 音标速成 完整版 文本(建议:还是买书为好。本文仅供参考)[00:46.06]No.1 [01:00.72]关键词:feel [01:00.90]今天你觉得怎么样?

[01:01.05]A: How are you feeling today? [01:01.17](今天你觉得怎么样?)[01:01.31]B: I feel a lot better, thanks for

asking.[01:01.47](我感觉好多了。谢谢你的关心。)[01:01.96]【发音秘诀】请注意,are, lot, better, [01:02.22]thanks和ask都是典型的美国发音。它们的“

发音外号”请查表。[01:02.89] [01:03.68]No.2 [01:18.15]关键词:people [01:18.36]关键句: The Chinese are a great


[01:18.66]A: The Chinese are a great people.[01:18.81](中华民族是伟大的民族。)[01:19.12]B: I completely agree with you.[01:19.46](我完全同意。)【发音秘诀】completely


习“completely”!和它对应的中文是“ [01:20.22]彻底,完全,十分”。下面给你两个纯正美国


[01:20.49]1)Oh, my God!I completely forgot![01:20.97](噢,上帝!我彻底给忘记了!)[01:21.15]2)Your progress in English is

completely amazing.[01:21.32](你在英语上的进步简直是太惊人了。)[01:21.74] [01:22.18]No.3 [01:38.18]关键词:give [01:38.34]关键句:She gives me a big headache.[01:38.50]她让我头痛。

[01:38.68]A: She gives me a big headache.[01:38.84](她让我头痛。)

[01:38.97]B: I know.It's really annoying.[01:39.16](我知道,真的很烦人。)


共有多少了“短衣音”。[01:39.65] [01:40.45]No.4 [01:55.39]关键词:little [01:55.57]关键句:I feel a little sick today.[01:55.73]今天感觉有点不舒服。[01:55.91]A: What's wrong with you? [01:56.06]你怎么啦?

[01:56.20]B: I feel a little sick today.[01:56.34]今天感觉有点不舒服。



[01:56.86]“I feel a little sick today.”![01:57.12] [01:57.54]No.5 [02:17.75]关键词:expensive [02:17.92]关键句:Everything is so expensive in


[02:18.24]A: Everything is so expensive in Japan.[02:18.41](在日本什么东西都那么昂贵。)[02:18.56]B: I can't even afford to go there for

a week.[02:18.70](我甚至无法负担去那里一星期的费用。)[02:19.04]No.6 [02:36.46]关键词:friend [02:36.64]关键句:She is my best friend.[02:36.78]她是我最好的朋友。

[02:36.93]A: Who is that girl with you last

night.[02:37.07](昨晚和你在一起的女孩是谁?)[02:37.28]B: She is my best friend.[02:37.50](她是我最好的朋友。)[02:37.73] [02:38.15]No.7 [02:53.88]关键词:happy [02:54.05]关键句:I have a very happy family.[02:54.21]我有一个很幸福的家庭。[02:54.37]A: I have a very happy family.[02:54.52](我有一个很幸福的家庭。)[02:54.66]B: You are lucy man.[02:54.79](你是个幸运儿.)[02:55.13] [02:55.46]No.8 [03:09.16]关键词:bad [03:09.34]关键句:that`s too bad.[03:09.49]太糟糕了。

[03:09.64]A: I lost my job yesterday.[03:09.78](在日本什么东西都那么昂贵。)[03:09.92]B: that`s too bad.[03:10.04](太糟糕了。)[03:10.50] [03:10.95]第二节:中元音 [03:13.54]No.9 [03:25.80]关键词:love [03:25.98]关键句:I love money.[03:26.14]我喜欢钱。[03:26.30]A: I love money.[03:26.46](我喜欢钱。)

[03:26.61]B: Everyone loves money.[03:26.74](每个人都喜欢钱。)[03:27.09]No.10 [03:40.68]关键词:lucky [03:40.85]关键句:I'm just lucky.[03:41.00]我只是运气好。

[03:41.15]A: How did you become so successful? [03:41.29](你是如何取得如此大的成功的?)[03:41.43]B: I'm just lucky.[03:41.62](我只是运气好。)[03:41.97]No.11 [03:54.40]关键词:work [03:54.57]关键句:Did it work? [03:54.72]这行得通吗? [03:54.88]A: Did it work? [03:55.03](这行得通吗?)[03:55.17]B: I'm not sure yet.[03:55.31](我还不确信。)

[03:55.69]【发音秘诀】“Did it”要连读。“work”是经

典的“重读卷舌音”。[03:56.00]No.12 [04:09.31]关键词:perfect [04:09.48]关键句:Nobody's perfect.[04:09.62]没有十全十美的人。[04:09.78]A: You made a mistake![04:09.92](你犯了一个错误。)[04:10.07]B: Nobody's perfect.[04:10.22](没有十全十美的人。)




重读卷舌音”。[04:10.89]No.13 [04:26.02]关键词:matter [04:26.20]关键句:What's the matter? [04:26.35]什么事?

[04:26.51]A: What's the matter?(什么事?)[04:26.65]B: Nothing is the matter.Everything is fine.[04:26.80](没什么。一切顺利。)



[04:27.35]No.14 [04:46.27]关键词:teacher [04:46.44]关键句:Our English teacher is great.[04:46.59]我们的英语老师很好。

[04:46.74]A: Our English teacher is great.[04:46.89](我们的英语老师很好。)[04:47.03]B: You're so lucky to have a good

teacher.[04:47.17](你们有这样一位好老师真是幸运。[04:47.43]No.15 [04:59.86]关键词:about [05:00.03]关键句:Forget about it.[05:00.19]忘记它吧。

[05:00.33]A: I'm sorry I'm late.(很抱歉,我来迟


[05:00.47]B: Forget about it.(忘记它吧。)[05:00.71]No.16 [05:22.68]关键词:together [05:22.84]关键句:China and America should work


[05:23.14]A: China and America should work

together.[05:23.31](中美应该携手合作。)[05:23.45]B: You're exactly right.[05:23.93](你说得太对了。)

[05:24.53]李阳疯狂英语国际音标 第三节:后元音 [05:26.73]No.17 [05:48.27]关键词:father [05:48.43]关键句:My father has never traveled


[05:48.74]A: My father has never traveled abroad.[05:48.89](我父亲从未出国旅行过。)

[05:49.04]B: My father lived in America for three

years.[05:49.19](我父亲在美国住了三年。)[05:49.61]No.18 [06:10.43]关键词:calm [06:10.59]关键句:Keep calm, It's nothing

serious.[06:10.74]保持冷静,没什么大不了的事。[06:10.88]A: Keep calm, It's nothing serious.[06:11.02](保持冷静,没什么大不了的事。)[06:11.20]B: But I'm so worried.I don't know

what to do.[06:11.50](但我很担心,我不知道该怎么办。)[06:11.74]No.19 [06:34.16]关键词:after [06:34.33]关键句:How about the day after

tomorrow? [06:34.48]后天怎么样?

[06:34.64]A: How about the day after tomorrow? [06:34.80](后天怎么样?)

[06:34.95]B: I'm busy then.How about Friday? [06:35.10](后天我很忙,星期五怎么样?)[06:35.46]No.20 [07:00.74]关键词:last [07:00.91]关键句:You've made the same mistake as

last time.[07:01.07]你犯了和上次一样的错误。

[07:01.22]A: You've made the same mistake as last

time.[07:01.38](你犯了和上次一样的错误。)[07:01.53]B: I'm sorry.I'm still learning.[07:01.69](我很抱歉,我还在学嘛。)[07:25.38]No.21 [07:43.17]关键词:charge [07:43.33]关键句:Who's in charge here? [07:43.50]这儿谁负责?

[07:43.66]A: Who's in charge here? [07:43.81](这儿谁负责?)

[07:43.95]B: Our manager is in charge of this

department.[07:44.09](我们经理负责这个部门。)[07:44.50]No.22 [08:02.52]关键词:hard [08:02.68]关键句:What makes you work so hard? [08:02.83]什么使你这样卖命?

[08:02.98]A: What makes you work so hard? [08:03.12](什么使你这样卖命?)[08:03.26]B: I am determined to succeed.[08:03.39](我决心成功。)[08:03.76]No.23 [08:25.36]关键词:confidence [08:25.52]关键句:He has a lot of confidence.[08:25.66]他充满了自信。

[08:25.81]A: What do you think of Bill Clinton? [08:25.96](你认为比尔?克林顿怎么样?)[08:26.11]B: He has a lot of confidence.[08:26.26](他充满了自信。)[08:26.60]No.24 [08:46.26]关键词:impossible [08:46.43]关键句:Nothing is impossible.[08:46.58]没有做不成的事。

[08:46.74]A: It's impossible for me to speak

English.[08:46.89](要我说英语是不可能的。)[08:47.02]B: Nothing is impossible.[08:47.15](没有做不成的事。)[08:47.51]No.25 [09:07.74]关键词:talk [09:07.90]关键句:I need to talk to you.[09:08.05]我要和你谈谈。

[09:08.21]A: I need to talk to you.[09:08.36](我要和你谈谈。)

[09:08.51]B: Sure.Do you want to talk now? [09:08.66](行,你想现在谈吗?)[09:09.01]No.26 [09:27.22]关键词:call [09:27.39]关键句:I will call you later.[09:27.55]回头我给你电话。[09:27.72]A: I will call you later.[09:27.88](回头我给你电话。)

[09:28.03]B: OK.I'll be waiting for your call.[09:28.17](好,我等你电话。)[09:28.57]No.27 [09:53.40]关键词:more [09:53.56]关键句:I really can't stand it any


[09:53.86]A: The traffic is terrible in Beijing.[09:54.02](北京的交通太糟糕了。)[09:54.17]B: Yeah, I really can't stand it any

more.[09:54.32](我真的无法忍受了!)[09:54.97]No.28 [10:11.98]关键词:for [10:12.14]关键句:I'm looking for Mr.Li.[10:12.29]我要找李先生。

[10:12.46]A: I'm looking for Mr.Li.[10:12.57]我要找李先生。

[10:12.72]B: Oh, he's just over there.[10:12.85](哦,他就在那儿。)[10:13.26]No.29 [10:34.49]关键词:good [10:34.66]关键句:My mother is a good cook.[10:34.80]我的妈妈是一位好厨师。[10:34.96]A: My mother is a good cook.[10:35.11](我的妈妈是一位好厨师。)[10:35.26]B: My mother is a terrible cook.[10:35.40](我的妈妈是一位差劲的厨师。)[10:35.74]No.30 [10:53.43]关键词:look [10:53.61]关键句:You look great today.[10:53.76]你今天看上去棒极了。[10:53.91]A: You look great today.[10:54.07](你今天看上去棒极了。)[10:54.20]B: I'm flattered.Thanks.[10:54.36](你过奖了,谢谢。)[10:54.68]No.31 [11:17.84]关键词:improve [11:18.02]关键句:I want to improve my poor


[11:18.32]A: I want to improve my poor English.[11:18.47](我想改进我的破烂英语。)

[11:18.60]B: Then you should study Crazy English.[11:18.72](那你应该学习疯狂英语。)[11:19.09]No.32 [11:39.27]关键词:truth [11:39.44]关键句:You must tell the truth.[11:39.60]你必须说出真相。

[11:39.74]A: You must tell the truth.[11:39.88](你必须说出真相。)

[11:40.01]B: But I'm afraid to tell the truth.[11:40.14](但我怕说出真相。)

[11:41.12]李阳疯狂英语国际音标 第四节:合口双元音 [11:43.72]No.33 [12:00.69]关键词:pain [12:00.85]关键句:No pain, no gain.[12:01.01]没有付出,就没有收获。

[12:01.15]A: You have to work long hours to make

money.[12:01.30](要想挣钱,你得长时间工作。)[12:01.44]B: You're right.No pain, no gain.[12:01.76](你说得对。不劳无获。)[12:01.99]No.34 [12:16.95]关键词:mistake [12:17.10]关键句:I made a mistake.[12:17.25]我犯了一个错误。[12:17.40]A: I made a mistake.[12:17.53](我犯了一个错误。)

[12:17.67]B: Everyone makes mistakes.[12:17.79](人人都犯错误。)[12:18.04]No.35 [12:38.52]关键词:shy [12:38.69]关键句:Don't be shy, just try.[12:38.85]不要害羞,尝试一下。

[12:39.01]A: I'm so afraid to speak English.[12:39.16](我真害怕说英语。)[12:39.30]B: Don't be shy, just try.[12:39.63](不要害羞,尝试一下。)[12:39.98]No.36 [12:58.15]关键词:mind [12:58.32]关键句:Do you mind if I smoke? [12:58.47]如果我吸烟你介意吗? [12:58.62]A: Do you mind if I smoke? [12:58.75](如果我吸烟你介意吗?)[12:58.90]B1: No, not at all.Go ahead.[12:59.08](不,我不介意。你尽管抽。)[12:59.23]B2: Yes, I do.Thanks for asking.[12:59.36](是啊,我介意。谢谢你问我。)[12:59.70]No.37 [13:20.50]关键词:join [13:20.67]关键句:B: Ask him to join us for

lunch.[13:20.82]请他来和我们一起吃午饭。[13:20.98]A: That boy looks so lonely sitting

there by himself.[13:21.13](那男孩一个人坐在那儿,看起来很孤独。)

[13:21.27]B: Ask him to join us for lunch.[13:21.39](请他来和我们一起吃午饭。)[13:21.79]No.38 [13:38.73]关键词:enjoy [13:38.89]关键句:Enjoy your stay here.[13:39.04]祝你在这里过得愉快。[13:39.19]A: Enjoy your stay here.[13:39.34](祝你在这里过得愉快。)[13:39.49]B: Thanks, I'm sure I will.[13:39.63](谢谢,我相信我一定会的。)[13:40.00]No.39 [14:01.59]关键词:hope [14:01.76]关键句:I hope I can see you again.[14:01.91]我希望我能再次见到你。[14:02.04]A: I hope I can see you again.[14:02.17](我希望我能再次见到你。)

[14:02.29]B: Then let's get together again soon.[14:02.46](那让我们找个时间再聚吧。)[14:02.80]No.40 [14:21.07]关键词:know [14:21.23]关键句:I don't know what to do? [14:21.38]我不知道做什么? [14:21.53]A: I don't know what to do? [14:21.67](我不知道做什么?)

[14:21.81]B: Don't worry.Everything will work out.[14:21.95](别担心。一切都会解决的。)[14:41.26] [14:46.41] [14:48.46]No.41 [15:07.10]关键词:about [15:07.26]关键句:No doubt about it.[15:07.43]毫无疑问。[15:07.59]A: China will host a great Olympics? [15:07.75](中国要主办奥运会吗?)[15:07.90]B: No doubt about it.[15:08.30](毫无疑问。)[15:07.61]No.42 [15:26.29]关键词: sound [15:26.46]关键句:That sounds great.[15:26.64]听起来不错.[15:26.79]A: How about going out for dinner

tonight? [15:26.94](今晚出去吃怎么样?)[15:27.09]B: That sounds great.[15:27.25](听起来不错.)[15:27.50] [15:28.15]No.43 [15:43.96]关键词:here [15:44.11]关键句:Do you live near here? [15:44.26]你住在附近吗?

[15:44.42]A: Do you live near here? [15:44.57](你住在附近吗?)[15:44.71]B: Yes, I live very near.[15:44.84](是的,我住得很近。)[15:45.00]No.44 [16:04.97]关键词:year [16:05.15]关键句:We've been friends for years.[16:05.31]我们是多年的好朋友。

[16:05.47]A: How do you know Liyang? [16:05.63](你怎么认识李阳的?)[16:05.79]B: We've been friends for years.[16:05.90](我们是多年的好朋友。)[16:06.30]No.45 [16:27.22]关键词:care [16:27.39]关键句:I don't care what you do.[16:27.55]你做什么我都不管。

[16:27.69]A: I'm going to quit my job.[16:27.84](我准备辞掉我的工作。)[16:27.98]B: I don't care what you do.[16:28.11](你做什么我才不在乎呢。)[16:28.46]No.46 [16:44.32]关键词:where [16:44.48]关键句:Where are you from? [16:44.63]你从哪儿来?

[16:44.79]A: Where are you from? [16:44.93](你从哪儿来?)

[16:45.08]A: I'm from America.Where are you

from? [16:45.21](我是美国来的。你从哪儿来?)[16:45.60]No.47 [17:06.95]关键词:poor [17:07.12]关键句:He is from a very poor family.[17:07.27]他出身于一个非常贫困的家庭。[17:07.43]A: He is from a very poor family.[17:07.58](他出身于一个非常贫困的家庭。)[17:07.73]B: I'm so surprised to hear that.[17:07.86](这真让我惊讶。)[17:08.02]No.48 [17:26.18]关键词:sure [17:26.33]关键句:Are you sure you can do it? [17:26.49]你肯定你能做好这件事吗? [17:26.63]A: Are you sure you can do it? [17:26.78](你肯定你能做好这件事吗?)[17:26.94]B: Sure.It's a piece of cake.[17:27.08](当然,小菜一碟。)

[17:27.79]李阳疯狂英语国际音标 第六节:爆破音 [17:29.77]No.49 [17:42.88]关键词:problem [17:43.05]关键句:No problem.[17:43.22]没问题。

[17:43.37]A: Do you think you can help me? [17:43.53](你想你能帮我吗?)[17:43.67]B: No problem.[17:43.82](没问题。)[17:44.16]No.50

[18:01.94]关键词:popular [18:02.11]关键句:He's a popular president.[18:02.26]他是一位受欢迎的总统。

[18:02.42]A: What do you think of Bill Clinton? [18:02.56](你认为比尔?克林顿怎么样?)[18:02.73]B: He's a popular president.[18:03.02](他是一位受欢迎的总统。)[18:03.21]No.51 [18:18.39]关键词:busy [18:18.56]关键句:I'm very busy now.[18:18.71]我现在很忙。[18:18.87]A: How are you? [18:19.02](你好吗?)

[18:19.17]B: I'm very busy now.[18:19.31](我现在很忙。)[18:19.62]No.52 [18:40.25]关键词:trouble [18:40.41]关键句:He is in a lot of trouble.[18:40.57]他有许多麻烦。

[18:40.73]A: He is in a lot of trouble.[18:40.87](他有许多麻烦。)[18:41.03]B: Why? What did he do? [18:41.19](为什么?他做了些什么?)[18:41.52]No.53 [18:59.50]关键词:today [18:59.66]关键句:Today is a great day.[18:59.81]今天棒极了。

[18:59.96]A: Today is a great day.[19:00.10](今天棒极了。)[19:00.25]B: I completely agree.[19:00.39](我完全同意。)[19:00.75]No.54 [19:19.44]关键词:get [19:19.62]关键句:Let's get together sometime.[19:19.78]让我们找一天聚一聚。

[19:19.93]A: Let's get together sometime.[19:20.10](让我们找一天聚一聚。)[19:20.23]B: OK.How about next week? [19:20.37](好啊,下周怎么样?)[19:20.54]No.55 [19:43.00]关键词:kind [19:43.16]关键句:What kind of job do you have? [19:43.31]你是做什么工作的?

[19:43.48]A: What kind of job do you have? [19:43.62](你是做什么工作的?)[19:43.76]B: I'm a computer programmer.[19:43.99](我是个电脑程序员。)[19:44.30]No.56 [20:06.21]关键词:different [20:06.38]关键句:I'm different from my sister.[20:06.54]我和我的妹妹不一样。

[20:06.70]A: I thought you and your sister were

exactly alike.[20:06.85](我以为你跟你妹妹长得完全一样呢。)[20:07.00]B: I'm different from my sister.[20:07.12](我和我的妹妹不一样。)[20:07.46]No.57 [20:27.08]关键词:weak [20:27.23]关键句:I feel a little weak today.[20:27.38]我感觉有点全身无力。

[20:27.53]A: How are you feeling today? [20:27.69](你今天感觉怎么样?)[20:27.84]B: I feel a little weak today.[20:27.99](我感觉有点全身无力。)[20:28.26]No.58 [20:50.22]关键词:question [20:50.39]关键句:May I ask you(a)question? [20:50.55]我可以问个问题吗?

[20:50.71]A: May I ask you a question? [20:50.87](我可以问个问题吗?)[20:51.03]B: Sure.Go right ahead.[20:51.19](当然可以,问吧。)[20:51.37]No.59 [21:09.40]关键词:go [21:09.56]关键句:I've got to go now.[21:09.73]我该走了。

[21:09.89]A: I've got to go now.[21:10.03](我该走了。)

[21:10.18]B: It's getting late I have to go too.[21:10.54](这么晚了,我也该走了。)

[21:20.56]下节:李阳疯狂英语国际音标 第七节:摩擦 音


[00:17.62]No.60 [00:42.36]关键词:big [00:42.51]he is a big man in the company.[00:42.67]他是这个公司的重要人物.[00:42.80]who`s that gay in the mercidy Benz.[00:42.93]那辆奔驰车你的家伙是谁? [00:43.06]he is a big man in the company.[00:43.44]他是这个公司的重要人物.[00:43.73]李阳疯狂英语国际音标 第七节:摩擦音 [00:45.75]No.61 [01:02.49]关键词:life [01:02.65]关键句:Life is beautiful.[01:02.81]生活是美好的。

[01:02.96]A: Why are you so happy all the time? [01:03.11](你怎么一直都这么快乐呢?)[01:03.24]B: Life is beautiful.[01:03.39](生活是美好的。)[01:03.77]No.62 [01:26.41]关键词:food [01:26.58]关键句:What is your favorite food? [01:26.73]你最喜欢吃什么? [01:26.89]A: What is your favorite food? [01:27.05](你最喜欢吃什么?)

[01:27.19]B: I have a lot of favorite foods.I

can't choose just one![01:27.35](我有很多喜欢吃的东西。我不能只选一种


[01:27.78]No.63 [01:49.76]关键词:very [01:49.90]关键句:It's a very nice view.[01:50.06]景色真美。

[01:50.22]A: What do you think of the view from

here? [01:50.39](你认为这儿的景色怎么样?)[01:50.56]B: It's a very nice view.[01:50.71](景色真美。)[01:51.03]No.64 [02:10.86]关键词:vacation [02:11.03]关键句:Have a nice vacation![02:11.18]祝你度假愉快!

[02:11.33]A: Have a nice vacation![02:11.47](祝你度假愉快!)

[02:11.61]B: Thanks, I will.I'll see you when I

get back.[02:11.98](谢谢,我会的。我回来就去看你。)[02:12.22]No.65 [02:29.58]关键词:serious [02:29.75]关键句:Are you serious? [02:29.91]你是认真的吗? [02:30.07]A: Are you serious? [02:30.22](你是认真的吗?)

[02:30.37]B: Yes.I'm completely serious.[02:30.50](是啊,我绝对认真。)[02:30.72]No.66 [02:51.47]关键词:service [02:51.64]关键句:A: Service is good in that


[02:51.94]A: Service is good in that restaurant.[02:52.10](那个餐馆的服务很好。)[02:52.26]B: The food is great too.[02:52.39](食物也很好。)[02:52.79]No.67 [03:15.17]关键词:pleased [03:15.32]关键句:A: My father was pleased with

my success.[03:15.47]我的父亲对于我的成功是满意的。[03:15.62]A: My father was pleased with my

success.[03:15.78](我的父亲对于我的成功是满意的。)[03:15.93]B: I'm sure he was.[03:16.08](我相信他会的。)[03:16.46]No.68 [03:36.10]关键词:business [03:36.25]关键句:Business is business.[03:36.42]公事公办。

[03:36.58]A: Why did you make your friend sign a

contract? [03:36.73](你怎么让你的朋友签个合同呢?)[03:36.87]B: Business is business.[03:37.02](公事公办。)

[03:36.81]No.69 [03:57.96]delicious [03:58.13]this fish is so delicious.[03:58.39]please help yourself to some more.[03:58.76] [03:59.28]No.70 [04:21.72]show [04:21.88]let me show you around the city.[04:22.05]thanks for the offer [04:22.40] [04:22.65]No.71 [04:37.94]pleasure [04:38.11]thank you for helping me for my

english.[04:38.26]it`s my pleasure.[04:38.53] [04:38.80]No72 [05:03.61]usually [05:03.77]i usually get up at 7:00.[05:03.93]what time should i call you tomorrow

morning.[05:04.08]i usually get up at 7:00.[05:04.37] [05:04.66]No.73 [05:28.97]thank [05:29.14]i don`t know how to thank you enught.[05:29.30]you really don`t have to thank me.[05:29.45] [05:29.79]No.74 [05:53.15]health [05:53.31]health is better than wealth.[05:53.48]you can say that again,nothing is more

important than health.[05:53.63] [05:53.99]No.75 [06:12.14]weather [06:12.31]the weather is good today.[06:12.47]then let`s go for a walk.[06:12.75] [06:12.95]No.76 [06:35.28]that [06:35.47]i`m glad to hear that.[06:35.97]my wife is feeling much better thanks

for asking.[06:36.21]i`m glad to hear that.[06:36.22] [06:36.43]No.77 [06:58.24]hide [06:58.41]where have you been hiding lately.[06:58.56]i`m just been really busy lately.[06:58.72] [06:59.07]No.78 [07:10.25]hate [07:10.41]i hate her [07:10.56]why don`t you talk to her anymore.[07:10.69]i hate her [07:10.82] [07:11.07]No.79.[07:33.96]right [07:34.12]you have no right to do that.[07:34.27]i`m go to cancel the meeting.[07:34.43]you have no right to do that.[07:34.57] [07:34.74]No.80 [08:03.17]morning [08:03.32]my parents are arriving tomorrow

morning.[08:03.47]woo!you must be very excited.[08:18.34] [08:43.74]李阳疯狂英语国际音标 第八节:破擦音 [08:46.57]No.81 [09:05.59]关键词:cheap [09:05.75]关键句:That watch looks cheap.[09:05.90]那块手表看起来质量很差。[09:06.05]A: That watch looks cheap.[09:06.20](那块手表看起来质量很差。)[09:06.36]B: Then I guess I shouldn't buy it.[09:06.50](那我想我不该买它。)[09:06.90]No.82 [09:31.84]关键词:which [09:31.99]关键句:Choose which you like best.[09:32.15]挑选你最喜欢的。

[09:32.29]A: Would you like to go out for Chinese

food or western food? [09:32.44](你想出去吃中国菜还是西餐?)[09:32.59]B: Choose which you like best.[09:32.72](挑选你最喜欢的。)[09:33.09]No.83 [10:02.09]关键词:job [10:02.26]关键句:She's looking for a part time job.[10:02.41]她在寻找兼职工作。A: She's looking for

a part time job.[10:02.58](她在寻找兼职工作。)

[10:02.72]B: Good idea.It's hard to study and

work at a full time job.[10:03.05](好主意。做全职工作很难兼顾学习。)[10:03.28]No.84 [10:18.65]关键词:change [10:18.81]关键句:Here's your change.[10:18.95]这是你的零钱。

[10:19.10]A: Here's your change.[10:19.25](这是你的零钱。)

[10:19.40]B: Thanks, but you can keep the change.[10:19.54](谢谢,不过不用找了。)[10:20.55]No.85 [10:37.78]minute [10:37.93]wait a minute.[10:38.08]i`m leaving now ,goodbye![10:38.21]wait a minute.[10:38.55] [10:38.80]No.86 [11:02.21]money [11:02.36]he makes a lot of money.[11:02.51]it`s a good thing.because his wife

spends a lot of money.[11:02.81] [11:03.25]No.87 [11:22.57]nice [11:22.74]nice to have you with us.[11:22.91]well.it`s nice to be here.[11:23.08] [11:23.24]No.88 [11:46.09]between [11:46.28]keep it between you and me.[11:46.46]don`t warry ,i won`t tell anyone.[11:46.62] [11:46.79]No.89 [12:07.47]think [12:07.65]i think i`m underpayed [12:07.83]why are you looking for a new job.[12:08.01]i think i`m underpayed.[12:08.17] [12:08.34]No.90 [12:24.56]nothing [12:24.73]it`s nothing seriuous.[12:24.90]i heard you were sick.[12:25.13]it`s nothing seriuous.[12:25.28] [12:25.45]No.91 [12:50.38]living [12:50.56]he is living on easy street.[12:50.73]how is you friend tom doing.[12:50.90]he is living on easy street.[12:51.04] [12:51.23]No.92 [13:09.26]look [13:09.44]look before you lep.[13:09.61]thanks for your advise.[13:09.85] [13:10.29]No.93 [13:33.25]school [13:33.42]what did you learn at school today? [13:33.59]not too much.[13:33.78] [13:34.12]No.94 [13:58.12]cool [13:58.30]that`s a cool car.[13:58.52]thanks ,do you what to go for a ride? [13:58.78] [13:58.99]No.95 [14:24.20]woman [14:24.37]she is a wonderful woman.[14:24.53]what is your mother like? [14:24.71]she is a wonderful woman.[14:24.88] [14:25.09]No.96 [14:46.10]why [14:46.26]why did you do that? [14:46.43]i really don`t know why.[14:46.65] [14:47.02]No.97 [15:12.81]yell [15:12.98]we yelled english together everyday.[15:13.15]how did you both learn to speak such a

good english [15:13.33]we yelled english together everyday.[15:13.48] [15:13.67]No.98 [15:31.19]yesterday [15:31.36]where were you yesterday? [15:31.51]i took the day off.[15:31.67]完


1.Saying is easy.Doing is difficult.说起来容易,做起来难。2.Seeing is believing.眼见为实。3.Teaching is learning.教学相长。4.driving is exciting.开车真是刺激。5.Lying is a bad habit.说谎是一个坏习惯。

6.Getting daily exercise is important.每天锻炼很重要。7.Listening to his speech is boring.听他的演讲很无聊。8.Parking is prohibited here.此地禁止停车。

9.Raising children is a big responsibility.养育孩子是一项重大责任。

10.Walking in the rain is romantic.雨中漫步很浪漫。11.Climbing the mountain in winter is dangerous.冬季登这座山很危险。

12.Driving to Shenzhen will take us 2 hours.冬季开车去深圳要2小时。

13.Asking a woman’s age is impolite in my country.在我们国家,问女士的年龄是不礼貌的。

14.Riding with a drunken driver is a risk.乘坐一个喝醉酒的司机的车是一种冒险。

15.Speaking in public is a challenge to a lot of people.对许多人来说,公众演讲是一大挑战。

16.Finding your office isn’t easy.你们办公室真是难找。17.Hearing the other side of the story would be interesting.听听这个故事的另一面可能会很有意思。

18.Reading newspapers in the morning has become a routine for me.早晨读报已经成为我每天必做的一件事。

19.Owning a car is becoming more and more common in China.拥有汽车在中国越来越普通了。

20.Losing someone you love is a painful experience.失去你深爱的人是非常痛苦的遭遇。

21.Meeting new people makes me nervous.与陌生人见面使我很紧张。

22.Working hard will produce good results.努力工作将产生好结果。

23.Making money is everybody’s dream.赚钱是每个人的梦想。24.Complaining doesn’t solve problems.抱怨解决不了问题。25.Falling in love is easy.Staying in love is hard.一见钟情很容易,长相厮守很难。

26.Eating to live is more meaningful than living to eat.为了活而吃比为了吃而活更有意义。

27.Shouting English is very helpful conquering your shyness.大喊英语对克服你的羞怯心理很有帮助。

28.Arguing with you all the time makes me tired.老是跟你争吵使我厌烦。29.Eating too much can make you fat.吃得过多会使你发胖。30.Smoking causes a lot of health problems.吸烟会导致多种健康问题。

31.Having a cold isn’t much fun.患感冒可不是什么好玩的。32.Getting married costs a lot.Getting divorced costs much more.结婚很贵,离婚更贵。

33.Understanding each other is essential for a good relationship.相互理解是维持良好关系的关键所在。

34.Spending money is easier than making money.花钱比赚钱容易。

35.Learning English needs persistence.学英语要持之以恒。36.You are great!你真棒!37.You are crazy.你疯了!38.You are hopeless!你没救了!

39.You are out of your mind!你脑子有病!40.You are too much!你太过分了!41.You’re impossible!你没救了。42.You are disgusting.你真恶心!43.You are such a nuisance.你真讨厌!44.You are the worst.你是最差劲的。45.You are abnormal.你变态!

46.You are so frustrating.你真让我感到泄气。47.You are so foolish.你太傻了。48.You are beyond hope.你没希望了。49.You are nothing/nobody.你狗屁都不是!50.You are useless/worthless.你真没用。

51.You are good for nothing.你真没用!/你真是饭筒!52.You are such a jerk.你这个混蛋!53.You are daydreaming.你做白日梦!54.You are a pain in the ass.你是个讨厌鬼!55.Hey!You are a big help.嘿!你阵是帮了个大忙。56.You are a loser!你输定了!

57.You are the stupidest guy I have ever met!你是我见过的最愚蠢的家伙!

58.You are too careless!你太不小心了!59.You are getting on my nerves!你真让我烦!60.You are so selfish.你真自私。61.You are so annoying.你真烦人。62.You are to blame.都是你的错。63.You are going to make it.你准行!64.You are going to win.你会赢的!65.You are my only hope.你是我的希望。

66.You are almost there.Keep trying.stick to it.你马上就要成功了,坚持,坚持下去!67.You are the best.你真是顶呱呱!68.You are fantastic.你太棒了!69.You are special.你真特别!70.You are amazing.你真了不起!

71.You are incredible.=You are so great.你真难以置信。72.You are one in a million.你是万中挑一。73.You are so clever.你真聪明!74.You are perfect!你太好了!75.You are a genius.你真是个天才!76.You are a nice guy.你是个不错的小伙子。77.You are really something.你真了不起!78.You are a lucky dog!你真幸运!79.You are everything to me.你是我的一切。80.You are so sweet.你可爱!81.You are my angel.你是我的小天使!82.You are so kind.你真好!

83.You are so considerate!你真体贴!84.You are the one for me.你是我的梦中情人。

85.You are the prettiest girl in the world 你是世界上最漂亮的姑娘。

86.You are mind.I’m yours.你属于我,我属于你。87.You are breaking my heart.你让我心碎。88.You are sexy.你真性感!89.You are so hot.你真撩人!

90.You are turning me on.你真让我动心!91.You are kidding.你开玩笑!

92.You are making fun of me.你在开我玩笑!93.You’re a liar.你骗人!94.You are a snake.你真阴险!

95.You are unbelievable.=You are a good kisser or lover.你真令人难以置信。

96.You are always wrong.你总是犯错误。97.You are always in trouble.你总是惹麻烦。98.You are a mess.你搞得一团糟。

99.You are shame to our family.你是我家的耻辱。

100.You are an embarrassment.=Your behavior is unacceptable.你真丢脸。

151.I wonder if they can make it.我不知他们能否办到。152.I wonder if you could pass me the salt? 能不能把盐递给我一下。

153.I wonder if there’s a pay phone in this building.我不知道这栋大楼里有没有付费电话。

154.I wonder if it will snow tomorrow.我想知道明天会不会下雪。155.I wonder if we can catch the first train.我想知道我们能否赶上第一趟车。

156.I wonder if that store accepts credit cards.我不知道那家商店是否接受信用卡。

157.I wonder if the library is open today.我不知道图书馆今天是否开放。

158.I wonder if your mother likes me.我不知道你母亲是否喜欢我。

159.I was wondering if I could use your computer.我在想我是否能用一下你的电脑。

160.I was wondering if you could give me some information about places to visit in the area? 你能不能帮我推荐一下这一带比较好玩的地方?

161.I was wondering if you were busy Saturday night.If not,would you like to come to the movie with me? 我不知道星期六晚上你有没有时间。如果有空的话,能不能跟我一起去看场电影? 162.I wonder if I can learn to speak good English in a year.我不知道能否在一年内学会说一口流利的英语。

163.I wonder who called me then bung up when I answered.我不知道是谁打了电话给我,等我去接时,又挂掉了。

164.I wonder if he knows what he is doing.我想知道他是否知道自己在做什么。165.I wonder if she is married.我想知道她是否结婚了。166.I guess so.我想是的。

167.I guess it’s going to rain.我想要下雨了。168.I guess not.我不这么想。

169.I guess you’re right.我想你是对的。

170.I guess I need a doctor.我想我得去看医生。我保证立即去做。

228.I promise I’ll be home bu 10 o’clock.我保证10前赶回家。

229.I promise I’ll be good.我保证做个好孩子。

230.Mom,I promise I’ll study hard.妈妈,我保证更加努力学习。

231.I promise I will remember your birthday this time.我这次保证记住你的生日。

232.I promise I won’t hurt you.我保证不会伤害你。233.I promise I won’t let you down.我保证不会让你失望。234.I promise I’ll come back to China.我保证会回到中国。235.Dear,I promise I’ll get a better job.I promise I’ll make more more money.Don’t leave me!亲爱的,我保证会找个更好的工作。保证会挣更多的钱。不要离开我。

236.I promise I’ll pay more attention to you.我保证今后对你更加关心。237.I promise I won’t make you angry again.我保证不会再惹你生气。

238.I promise I’ll never leave you.我保证不会离开你。239.I promise I’ll keep my promises from now on!从现在开始我保证信守诺言。

240.I’ll try my best,but I can’t promise anything.我会尽力而为,但我不能做任何保证。

241.Please forgive me,I promise I won’t be late again.请原来我,我在也不会迟到了。







18,LetmeexplainwhyIwaslate.让我解释迟到的理由。19,Let’shaveabeerorsomething.咱们喝点啤酒或看它什么吧。20,Whereisyouroffice? 你们的办公室在哪里? 21,Whatisyourplan? 你的计划是什么?

22,Whenisthestoreclosing? 这家店什么时候结束营业?

23,Wouldyoucaretoseeit/sitdownforawhile? 你要不要看一看?

24,Areyousureyoucancomebyatnine? 你肯定你九点能来吗?

25,AmIallowedtostayoutpast10? 我可以十点过后再回家吗?


28,CanyoucoverformeonFriday/helpme/tellmehowtogetthere? 星期五能不能请你替我个班/你能帮我吗/你能告诉我到那里怎么走吗? 29,Couldyoudomeabigfavor? 能否请你帮我个忙?


31,Canyouimaginehowmuchhepaidforthatcar? 你能想像他那部车付了多少钱吗? 32,CanyoubelivethatIboughtaTVfor$25? 你相信我用25美元买了一台电视机吗?

33,Didyouknowhewashavinganaffair/cheatingonhiswife? 你知道他有外遇了吗?

34,Didyouhearaboutthenewproject? 你知道那个新项目吗?

35,Doyourealizethatalloftheseshirtsarehalfoff? 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价吗? 36,DoyoumindifItaketomorrowoff? 你介意我明天请假吗?


38,DidyouknowthatStoneendedupmarryinghissecretary? 你知道吗?石头最终和他的秘书结婚了。39,Let’sgettogetherforlunch.我们一起吃顿饭聚一聚吧。40,I’mgettinganewcomputerforabirthdaypresent.我得到一台新电脑,作为我的生日礼物。41,Howdidyoudoonyourtest? 你这次考试的结果如何? 42,Doyouthinkyoucancome? 你认为你能来吗? 43,Howwasyourweekend? 你周末过得怎么样? 44,Hereismycard.请接受我的名片。

45,Heisusedtoeatingoutallthetime.他已经习惯了在外面吃饭。46,HaveyoueverdrivenaBMW? 你有没有开过“宝马”?

47,Howaboutifwegotomorrowinstead? 我们改成明天去怎么样? 48,HowdoyoulikeHongkong? 你喜欢香港吗?

49,Howdoyouwantyoursteak? 你的牛排要几分熟?

50,HowdidMarymakeallofhermoney? 玛丽所有的钱是怎么赚到的? 51,Howdidthegameturnout? 球赛结果怎么样? 52,Howwasyourdate? 你的约会怎么样?

53,Howareyoudoingwithyournewboss? 你跟你的新上司处得如何? 54,HowshouldItellhimthebadnews? 我该如何吿诉他这个坏消息? 55,Howmuchmoneydidyoumake? 你赚了多少钱?

56,Howmuchdoesitcosttogoabroad? 出国要多少钱?

57,Howlongwillittaketogettoyourhouse? 到你家要多久?

58,Howlonghaveyoubeenhere? 你在这里多久了?

59,Hownice/pretty/cold/funny/ stupid/boring/interesting!真好!

60,Howaboutgoingoutfordinner? 出去吃晚餐如何?


64,Isitokaytosmokeintheoffice? 在办公室里抽烟可以吗? 65,Itwaskindofexciting.有一点刺激。


67,Isthatwhyyoudon’twanttogohome? 是因为这个原因你才不想回家的吗? 68,I’msurewecangetyouagreat/gooddeal.我很肯定我们可以帮你做成一笔好的交易。69,Wouldyouhelpmewiththereport? 你愿意帮我写报告吗?





83,Iseverythingundercontrol? 一切都在掌握之中吗?





请大家注意一下。94,Thisisgreatgolfing/ swimming/picnicweather.这是打高尔夫球/游泳/野餐的好天气。95,Thanksfortakingmetothemovie.谢谢你带我去看电影。96,Iamtootiredtospeak.我累得说不出说来。97,ThereisaTVshowabout AIDSonrightnow.电视正播映一个有关爱滋病的节目。98,Wouldyoutellmeyourphonenumber? 你能告诉我你的电话号码吗? 99,WheredidyoulearntospeakEnglish? 你从哪里学会说英语的呢?

100,Whatdoyouthinkofhisnewjob/thismagazine? 你对他的新工作/这本杂志看法如何? 101,Whatmakesyouchangeyourmind?


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