
时间:2019-05-12 17:37:52下载本文作者:会员上传


In answer to your questions, Action Appliances has been manufacturing top quality appliances for 15 years now.We began selling rice cookers from one small shop in Taipei.At that time, we were strictly a mom-and-pop operation.To keep up with overwhelming customer response, the company expanded rapidly.We improved our R&D department and enlarged our product lines to include washers and dryers, refrigerators, and microwave ovens.Our appliances are geared toward households with high needs but minimal space.Taiwan is still our main market.As a matter of fact, you'll find at least one Action appliance in one out of three households in Taipei alone.With a strong home base, we feel we're ready to move overseas.Recent consumer research efforts prove that over 40% of the appliance market in Canada and the United States consists of highly efficient, compact products.You'll find that our appliances meet these needs.中文翻译






mom-and-pop 家庭式的,小型的这个词组原指由家庭经营的小店,引申来泛指‘小型的营运’。“mom”和 “pop”是英文中对妈妈、爸爸的昵称。

When I was a kid, my neighborhood streets were lined with mom-and-pop stores.我小的时候,邻近的街道都是家庭经营的小店。

keep up with 配合,保持


We must keep up with demand if we're going to remain a profitable company.如果我们公司仍想赚钱,就得配合市场需求。

R&D 研究发展(部门)

这是“research(研究)and development(发展)”的简写,是公司企业中专门负责开发新产品的部门,有时亦可指此类计划。

We need to increase funding to our R&D department if we are going to compete with other innovative companies.假如我们要和其它有创意的公司竞争,就要增加对研发部门的投资。

gear toward 专门朝向某事发展


Our textbooks are geared toward the business students.我们的教科书是专为商科学生设计的。

home base 主要市场、总部


I'll report back to home base after I complete the meeting with the European buyers.等我跟欧洲买主商谈之后,我会向总公司报告结果。


● 开场白

1.In answer to your questions, Action Appliances has been manufacturing top quality appliances for 15 years now.2.Regarding your questions, Action Appliances has been in business for 15 years.3.In response to your questions, Action has been producing top quality products for 15 years now.一开始就直接回答问题,不仅使晤谈进行顺利,并表示你对客户的问题定不回避。“regarding”及 “in response to”都有针对…的意思,皆可作为响应询问的开头语;并用现在完成式表示从过去到现在,一直从事的业务。

● 说明成长

1.To keep up with overwhelming customer response, the company expanded rapidly.2.Customer response was overwhelming, so we were able to expand steadily.3.We grew quickly and steadily due to a strong customer response.说明公司刚开始营运时,顾客的热烈反应,以及公司因应的方式。“customer response”,顾客反应。

● 市场占有率

1.As a matter of fact, you'll find at least one Action appliance in one out of three households in Taipei alone.2.In fact, our appliances are used in one out of three households in Taipei.3.Actually, you'll find at least one Action appliance in one out of three households in Taipei.本段应以明确的例子及统计数字,说明产品如何受欢迎,以支持公司的形象。用“as a matter of fact”, “in fact”及 “actually”做为句子开头语,使谈话口语化,同时加强语气。● 公司的目标

1.Recent consumer research efforts prove that over 40% of the appliance market in Canada and the States consists of highly efficient, compact products.2.Marketing studies show that a market exists in Canada and the States for our compact products.3.Recent consumer research leads us to believe that a market exists in Canada and the States for our appliances.以公司的目标作为谈话的总结,同时以明显直接的事实来证明公司的目标正确,有发展潜力。关键句型为“… prove that …”,‘证明出…’。












Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers.

畅销全球 selling well all over the world

典雅大方 elegant and graceful

定型耐久 durable modeling

方便顾客 making things convenient for customers

方便群众 making things convenient for the people;to suit the people's convenience

方便商品 convenience goods


bringing more convenience to the people in their daily life;providing amenities for the people;making life easier for the population

各式俱全 wide selection;large assortment

顾客第一 Customers first

顾客是我们的皇帝 We take customers as our Gods.

规格齐全 a complete range of specifications;complete in specifications

花样繁多 a wide selection of colours and designs

货色齐全 goods of every description are available.

客商第一,信誉第一 clients first, reputation first

款式多样 a great variety of models

款式活泼端庄 vivid and great in style

款式齐全 various styles

款式新颖 attractive designs;fashionable(in)style;novel(in)design;up-to-date styling

款式新颖众多 diversified latest designs

美观大方 elegant appearance

美观耐用 attractive and durable

品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购 excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome.

品种多样 numerous in variety

品种繁多 great varieties

品种齐全 complete range of articles;a great variety of goods

让我们的商品走向世界 Let our commodities go to the world.

色彩鲜艳 bright in colour

色泽光润 bright luster

色泽艳丽 beautiful in colour

深受顾客欢迎 We have won praise from customers;to win warm praise from customers.

深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉 to win a high admiration and is widely trusted at home and abroad.供不应求 in short supply;Demand exceeding supply

光洁度高 highly polished

回味隽永 pleasant in after-taste

货源充足 ample supply and prompt delivery

技术先进 modern techniques

技艺精湛 exquisite craftsmanship;Fine craftsmanship

价格公道 reasonable price;Street price;moderate price

价格适中 moderate cost

价谦物美 high quality and inexpensive;less expensive, high quality goods;high quality and low overhead

节日送礼之佳品 ideal gift for all occasions

洁白纯正 pure whiteness

洁白如玉 jade white

洁白透明 pure white and translucent

结构坚固 sturdy construction;Firm in structure

经久耐用 structural disabilities

精打细算 be shrewd in money matters;Careful calculation and strict budgeting

居同类产品之魁首 to rank first among similar products

具有传统风味特色 distinctive for its traditional properties

具有中国风味 possessing Chinese flavors

抗冲击强度高 excellent in cushion effect

抗热耐磨 strong resistance to heat and hard wearing

科学精制 by scientific process

口味鲜美 delicious

in taste

快干 drip-dry

买一送一 buy one give one;buy one get one free

免烫 non-ironing

能多次翻新 can be repeatedly remolded.

您想购买中国土特产品吗? Do you want to buy some Chinese native produce?

烹制简便 convenient to cook

品质优良 excellent(in)quality

清仓大拍卖 clearance price

清货大减价 big clearance sale

清香爽口 pleasant to the palate

请君常购中国绿茶 always buy Chinese green teas.

韧硬兼顾 to have both the quality of tenacity and hardness

入口和醇 mild and mellow

软硬适中 neither too hard nor too soft

散热迅速 rapid heat dissipation

色泽光洁,柔软防滑 lustrous, soft and antislippery

色泽清澈 limpid in sight

设计合理 professional design

设计新颖 modern design

生意兴隆 driving a roaring trade

使用方便 easy to use

使用极便 utmost in convenience

使用寿命长久 long performance life

岁末大减价 year-end bargain sale

甜而不腻 agreeable sweetness

外观色泽透明 bright and translucent in appearance

外型永葆如新 to ensure a like-new appearance


维修简易 easy to repair

味道纯正 good taste

味鲜可口 agreeable to taste

物价稳定 price remains stable

夏季特别大减价 special summer sale

香浓可口aromatic character and agreeable taste

香气馥郁 fragrant aroma


elegant in smell

香味纯和 pure and mild flavor

香味浓郁 aromatic flavor;fragrant(in)flavor

性能可靠 dependable performance

性能可靠 reliable performance

性能无与伦比 unequal in performance

性能优越 superior performance

选材精良 superior


选料讲究 high quality materials

选料考究 choice materials

沿用传统的生产方式 with traditional methods

易于润滑 easy to lubricate

用料精选 carefully

selected materials

用料上乘 selected material

优质西瓜,消暑解渴 top watermelons, quell summer thirst

制作精巧 skilful manufacture

制作精巧 perfect in


质量高,卫生严 high standard in quality and hygiene

众所喜爱品尝之佳品 delicacies loved by all

走时准确 punctual timing

最新工艺 latest technology

做工讲究 exquisite(in)workmanship

做工精细 fine workmanship

our company has 70 modern factories worldwide, and has established branches and distributor network across 100 countries in 4 continents.250,000 quality products are produced from Danfoss each day, and over 23,600 well-educated employees are engaged in providing sales and

services to our customers globally.Company' promise of energy efficiency, comfort, safety and environmental friendliness has laid a solid basis for our leading position within the industryperipherals such as keyboards and mice, and Sony-developed monitors and televisions.Other Dell-branded peripherals such as scanners and printers are often designed in-house with production outsourced.Dell also distributes third-party hardware such as gaming consoles from Sony, Nintendo, and Microsoft.Often Dell will market via the company website third-party devices that compete with it's own products, such as the Palm Tungsten handheld that competes with Dell's own Axim line.









在中国的市场更加深入地融入到国际经济社会之中时,国内人才市场由于大批外资公司的登陆,对商务英语的人才的需求也愈来愈大。不过我们再次要说明商务英语并不是万能的,也不是独立存在的,许多外企需要员工具有更加专业性的英语能力--“职业英语”,比如ETS的TOEIC和TOPE,也有人把TOEIC统称为商务英语,其实二者是有区别的,他们的含义与作用都不同。对于职业英语而言,学员参加某一项测试并得到一定的分数来证明其对英语语言的应用能力。学生需要和得到的是一个分数,证明其有能力承担相关的工作。而事实上,比如托福,得到高分的考生并不证明其拥有了相对应的能力。而商务英语,作为一种特定的教程,强调的不仅仅是语言的水平,而是一种实际综合素质的提高。B E C会帮助学员学会如何利用英语语言达到更高的职业目标。例如西方的管理理念、工作心理、如何与外国人打交道等等,实际的在工作中给学员以帮助。





2010-06-24 14:37:03


1。CEO:Chief Executive Officer首席执行官

2。COO:Chief OperatedOfficer首席运营官

3。CFO:Chief FinacialOfficer首席财务官

4。CTO:Chief Technology Officer首席技术官

5。CIO:Chief Information Officer首席信息官


CEO(Chief Executive Officer)首席执行官COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官CFO(Chief Financial Officer)首席财务官CIO(Chief Information Officer)首席信息官HRD(Human Resource Director)人力资源总监 OD(Operations Director)运营总监MD(Marketing Director)市场总监OM(Operations Manager)运作经理PM(Production Manager)生产经理PG(Product Manager)产品经理GM(General Manager)总经理VP(Vice President)副总裁

FVP(First Vice President)第一副总裁AVP(Assistant Vice President)副总裁助理Master of Business Administration 企业管理硕士

Marketing and Sales(市场与销售部分)

Vice-President of Sales 销售副总裁Senior Customer Manager 高级客户经理Sales Manager 销售经理

Regional Sales Manager 地区销售经理Merchandising Manager 采购经理Sales Assistant 销售助理Wholesale Buyer 批发采购员Tele-Interviewer 电话调查员Real Estate Appraiser 房地产评估师Marketing Consultant 市场顾问

Marketing and Sales Director 市场与销售总监 Market Research Analyst 市场调查分析员Manufacturer's Representative 厂家代表Director of Subsidiary Rights 分公司权利总监Sales Representative 销售代表

Assistant Customer Executive 客户管理助理Marketing Intern 市场实习Marketing Director 市场总监Insurance Agent 保险代理人

Customer Manager 客户经理 Vice-President of Marketing 市场副总裁

Regional Customer Manager 地区客户经理Sales Administrator 销售主管Telemarketing Director 电话销售总监Advertising Manager 广告经理Travel Agent 旅行代办员Salesperson 销售员Telemarketer 电话销售员Sales Executive 销售执行者Marketing Assistant 市场助理

Retail Buyer 零售采购员Real Estate Manager 房地产经理Real Estate Broker 房地产经纪人Purchasing Agent 采购代理Product Developer 产品开发Marketing Manager 市场经理Advertising Coordinator 广告协调员Advertising Assistant 广告助理

Ad Copywriter(Direct Mail)广告文撰写人Customer Representative 客户代表Computers and Mathematics(计算机部分)Manager of Network Administration 网络管理经理

MIS Manager 电脑部经理Project Manager 项目经理Technical Engineer 技术工程师Developmental Engineer 开发工程师Systems Programmer 系统程序员Administrator 局域网管理员Operations Analyst 操作分析

Computer Operator 电脑操作员 Product Support Manager 产品支持经理

Computer Operations Supervisor 电脑操作主管

Director of Information Services 信息服务主管 Systems Engineer 系统工程师Hardware Engineer 硬件工程师

Applications Programmer 应用软件程序员Information Analyst 信息分析LAN Systems Analyst 系统分析Statistician 统计员

Human Resources(人力资源部分)Director of Human Resources 人力资源总监Assistant Personnel Officer 人事助理Compensation Manager 薪酬经理Employment Consultant 招募顾问Facility Manager 后勤经理

Job Placement Officer 人员配置专员Labor Relations Specialist 劳动关系专员 Recruiter 招聘人员

Training Specialist 培训专员 Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁

Assistant Vice-President of Human Resources 人力资源副总裁助理

Personnel Manager 职员经理Benefits Coordinator 员工福利协调员Employer Relations Representative 员工关系代表

Personnel Consultant 员工顾问Training Coordinator 培训协调员Executive and Managerial(管理部分)Chief Executive Officer(CEO)首席执行官Director of Operations 运营总监Vice-President 副总裁Branch Manager 部门经理Retail Store Manager 零售店经理HMO Product Manager 产品经理Operations Manager 操作经理Assistant Vice-President 副总裁助理Field Assurance Coordinator 土地担保协调员Management Consultant 管理顾问District Manager 市区经理

Hospital Administrator 医院管理Import/Export Manager 进出口经理

Insurance Claims Controller 保险认领管理员Program Manager 程序管理经理Insurance Coordinator 保险协调员Project Manager 项目经理

Inventory Control Manager 库存管理经理Regional Manager 区域经理

Chief Operations Officer(COO)首席运营官General Manager 总经理

Executive Marketing Director 市场行政总监Controller(International)国际监管Food Service Manager 食品服务经理Production Manager 生产经理Administrator 医疗保险管理Property Manager 房地产经理Claims Examiner 主考官Controller(General)管理员Service Manager 服务经理Manufacturing Manager 制造业经理Vending Manager 售买经理

Telecommunications Manager 电信业经理Transportation Manager 运输经理Warehouse Manager 仓库经理Assistant Store Manager 商店经理助理Manager(Non-Profit and Charities)非盈利性慈善机构管理

首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer(CEO)


商务英语 如何向客户介绍自己的公司


In answer to your questions, Action Appliances has been manufacturing top quality appliances for 15 years now.We began selling rice cookers from one small shop in Taipei.At that time, we were strictly a mom-and-pop operation.To keep up with overwhelming customer response, the company expanded rapidly.We improved our R&D department and enlarged our product lines to include washers and dryers, refrigerators, and microwave ovens.Our appliances are geared toward households with high needs but minimal space.Taiwan is still our main market.As a matter of fact, you'll find at least one Action appliance in one out of three households in Taipei alone.With a strong home base, we feel we're ready to move overseas.Recent consumer research efforts prove that over 40% of the appliance market in Canada and the United States consists of highly efficient, compact products.You'll find that our appliances meet these needs.让我回答您的问题:Action电器生产一流的家电产品已有十五年的历史了。公司最早在台北以贩卖电饭锅起家,我们当时只是小成本的家庭电器行。





mom-and-pop 家庭式的,小型的这个词组原指由家庭经营的小店,引申来泛指“小型的营运”。“Mom”和 “pop”是英文中对妈妈、爸爸的昵称。

When I was a kid, my neighborhood streets were lined with mom-and-pop stores.我小的时候,邻近的街道都是家庭经营的小店。

keep up with 配合,保持


We must keep up with demand if we're going to remain a profitable company.如果我们公司仍想赚钱,就得配合市场需求。

R&D 研究发展(部门)

这是“research(研究)and development(发展)”的简写,是公司企业中专门负责开发新产品的部门,有时亦可指此类计划。

We need to increase funding to our R&D department if we are going to compete with other innovative companies.假如我们要和其它有创意的公司竞争,就要增加对研发部门的投资。

gear toward 专门朝向某事发展


Our textbooks are geared toward the business students.我们的教科书是专为商科学生设计的。

home base 主要市场、总部


I'll report back to home base after I complete the meeting with the European buyers.等我跟欧洲买主商谈之后,我会向总公司报告结果。


● 开场白

1.In answer to your questions, Action Appliances has been manufacturing top quality appliances for 15 years now.2.Regarding your questions, Action Appliances has been in business for 15 years.3.In response to your questions, Action has been producing top quality products for 15 years now.一开始就直接回答问题,不仅会使晤谈进行顺利,也表示你对客户的问题不回避。“Regarding”及 “in response to”都有“针对„„”的意思,皆可作为响应询问的开头语;并用现在完成式表示从过去到现在,一直从事的业务。

● 说明成长

1.To keep up with overwhelming customer response, the company expanded rapidly.2.Customer response was overwhelming, so we were able to expand steadily.3.We grew quickly and steadily due to a strong customer response.说明公司刚开始营运时,顾客的热烈反应,以及公司应对的方式。“Customer response”,顾客反响。

● 市场占有率

1.As a matter of fact, you'll find at least one Action appliance in one out of three households in Taipei alone.2.In fact, our appliances are used in one out of three households in Taipei.3.Actually, you'll find at least one Action appliance in one out of three households in Taipei.本段应以明确的例子及统计数字,说明产品如何受欢迎,以支持公司的形象。用“as a matter of fact”, “in fact”及 “actually” 做为句子开头语,使谈话口语化,同时加强语气。

● 公司的目标

1.Recent consumer research efforts prove that over 40% of the appliance market in Canada and the States consists of highly efficient, compact products.2.Marketing studies show that a market exists in Canada and the States for our compact products.3.Recent consumer research leads us to believe that a market exists in Canada and the States for our appliances.以公司的目标作为谈话的总结,同时以明显直接的事实来证明公司的目标正确,有发展潜力。关键句型为“„prove that„” 意为“证明出„„”。













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