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Ambassador Locke’s Statement on Serving as U.S.Ambassador to China


Wednesday, 20 November, 2013


Serving as the U.S.Ambassador to China has been the honor of a lifetime.I am profoundly grateful to President Obama for providing me the opportunity to serve as his representative in Beijing these past two and a half years – and to be the first Chinese-American to hold this position.Helping manage one of the most vitally important bilateral relationships for the United States, with so many critical American interests at stake, has been an immense and rewarding challenge.And living in China while representing the United States has truly been an exciting privilege for our entire family.担任驻华大使是我一生的荣耀,我非常感谢总统奥巴马给予我到北京履职的机会。在过去的两年半时间里,我是第一个担任此职位的华裔。为美国帮助管理世界上最重要的双边关系之一是一个巨大的、有回报的挑战。代表美国在中国居住对我的家庭也是令人激动的特权。

When I met with President Obama earlier this month, I informed him of my decision to step down as Ambassador in early 2014 to rejoin my family in Seattle.当我在本月初见到奥巴马时,我告知他决定2014年年初卸任,回到西雅图与家人团聚。

I am extremely proud of the work of our staff at the U.S.Embassy and Consulates in China and what we have been able to accomplish together on behalf of the American people and for U.S.-China relations.我对美国大使馆和领事馆的人员在中国的工作感到非常骄傲。我们在一起代表美国人民共事,为中美关系作出贡献。

Our efforts have focused on job creation in America by increasing exports to China, opening more markets for American companies, and promoting Chinese investment in the U.S.We have significantly increased Chinese business and tourism travel to the U.S.by dramatically reducing wait times for a visa to 3-5 days from historical highs of 70-100 days.And we have advanced American values by meeting with religious leaders and human rights lawyers, and visiting Tibetan and Uighur ethnic minorities in Tibet and Xinjiang.我们致力于通过提高美国对华出口来增加美国国内的就业机会,为美国企业打开更多的市场,增加中国在美投资。通过将签证获取的等待时间从历史最高的70至100天降至3到5天,我们得以大幅度提高了中国到美国的商务和观光旅行的数量。[略]

Finally, as I reflect on my tenure as Ambassador, I do so knowing that U.S.-China relations continue to grow stronger.While our bilateral relationship is a complex one, I remain confident in the ability of our leaders to manage differences and increase cooperation in areas of mutual concern to the benefit of not just our two great peoples, but the entire world.最后,当我回顾我作为驻华大使的任期时,我知道中美之间的关系会进一步增强。尽管我们的双边关系相当复杂,我相信两方的领导能够处理好我们的分歧,在共同关心的领域加强合作,为不仅仅是中美两方,而是整个世界带来益处。



Ambassador Locke’s Statement on Serving as U.S.Ambassador to China 骆家辉辞职声明:担任驻华大使是其一生荣耀 Wednesday,20 November,2013 2013年11月20日 星期三

Serving as the U.S.Ambassador to China has been the honor of a lifetime.I am profoundly grateful to President Obama for providing me the opportunity to serve as his representative in Beijing these past two and a half years – and to be the first Chinese-American to hold this position.Helping manage one of the most vitally important bilateral relationships for the United States,with so many critical American interests at stake,has been an immense and rewarding challenge.And living in China while representing the United States has truly been an exciting privilege for our entire family.担任驻华大使是我一生的荣耀,我非常感谢总统奥巴马给予我到北京履职的机会。在过去的两年半时间里,我是第一个担任此职位的华裔。为美国帮助管理世界上最重要的双边关系之一是一个巨大的、有回报的挑战。代表美国在中国居住对我的家庭也是令人激动的特权。When I met with President Obama earlier this month,I informed him of my decision to step down as Ambassador in early 2014 to rejoin my family in Seattle.当我在本月初见到奥巴马时,我告知他决定2014年年初卸任,回到西雅图与家人团聚。I am extremely proud of the work of our staff at the U.S.Embassy and Consulates in China and what we have been able to accomplish together on behalf of the American people and for U.S.-China relations.我对美国大使馆和领事馆的人员在中国的工作感到非常骄傲。我们在一起代表美国人民共事,为中美关系作出贡献。

Our efforts have focused on job creation in America by increasing exports to China,opening more markets for American companies,and promoting Chinese investment in the U.S.We have significantly increased Chinese business and tourism travel to the U.S.by dramatically reducing wait times for a visa to 3-5 days from historical highs of 70-100 days.And we have advanced American values by meeting with religious leaders and human rights lawyers,and visiting Tibetan and Uighur ethnic minorities in Tibet and Xinjiang.我们致力于通过提高美国对华出口来增加美国国内的就业机会,为美国企业打开更多的市场,增加中国在美投资。通过将签证获取的等待时间从历史最高的70至100天降至3到5天,我们得以大幅度提高了中国到美国的商务和观光旅行的数量。[略]

Finally,as I reflect on my tenure as Ambassador,I do so knowing that U.S.-China relations continue to grow stronger.While our bilateral relationship is a complex one,I remain confident in the ability of our leaders to manage differences and increase cooperation in areas of mutual concern to the benefit of not just our two great peoples,but the entire world.最后,当我回顾我作为驻华大使的任期时,我知道中美之间的关系会进一步增强。尽管我们的双边关系相当复杂,我相信两方的领导能够处理好我们的分歧,在共同关心的领域加强合作,为不仅仅是中美两方,而是整个世界带来益处。



Serving as the U.S.Ambassador to China has been the honor of a lifetime.I am profoundly grateful to President Obama for providing me the opportunity to serve as his representative in Beijing these past two and a half years – and to be the first Chinese-American to hold this position.Helping manage one of the most vitally important bilateral relationships for the United States, with so many critical American interests at stake, has been an immense and rewarding challenge.And living in China while representing the United States has truly been an exciting privilege for our entire family.When I met with President Obama earlier this month, I informed him of my decision to step down as Ambassador in early 2014 to rejoin my family in Seattle.I am extremely proud of the work of our staff at the U.S.Embassy and

Consulates in China and what we have been able to accomplish together on behalf of the American people and for U.S.-China relations.Our efforts have focused on job creation in America by increasing exports to China, opening more markets for American companies, and promoting Chinese investment in the U.S.We have significantly increased Chinese business and tourism travel to the U.S.by dramatically reducing wait times for a visa to 3-5 days from historical highs of 70-100 days.Finally, as I reflect on my tenure as Ambassador, I do know that U.S.-China relations continue to grow stronger.While our bilateral relationship is a complex one, I remain confident in the ability of our leaders to manage differences and increase cooperation in areas of mutual concern to the benefit of not just our two great peoples, but the entire world.



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