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1.四位数的年份,一般前两个数为一个单位,后两个数为一个单位,依次按基数词读出。如: 1763年写作:1763读作:seventeen sixty-three或seventeen hundred and sixty-three

2006年写作:2006读作:two thousand and six

2063年写作:2063读作:twenty sixty-three或twenty hundred and sixty-three

1050年写作:1050读作:ten fifty或ten hundred and fifty

2.三位数的年份,可以按基数词读出,或者第一个数字为一个单位,后两个数字为一个单位,按基数词读出。如: 385年写作:385读作:three hundred and eighty-five或three eighty-five

509年写作:509读作:five hundred and nine或five O nine


应试作文的评分标准尽管描述语言不同,但都可以分为内容、组织和语言三个方面,如果是应用文,还要看语域(主要指语言使用是否符合场合)和格式。新cet46/“ target=”_blank">四级作文的评分标准也不能脱离以上三大方面:内容按照题目提纲扩展即可;组织除了要注意段与段之间的连贯与衔接之外,还要特别注意考生最容易忽略的句与句之间的逻辑性;最难提高的是语言,即用词的丰富性和句子的复杂性。要拿到新四级写作高分,就必须在语言上有所起色,语言是绕不过去的一个心结,那么语言突破之路,到底在何方呢?答曰:简单句。

这是从广大考生的实际出发给出的回答。因为学了很多年的英语,大部分考生还是能够写出一些东西的,最起码能够写出一些英语的简单句吧。简单句包括s+v(主谓句),s+v+o(主谓宾), s+v+o+o(主谓宾宾),s+v+o+c(主谓宾宾补), s+v+c(主系表),复杂一些的句子无不是由这些简单句演变而来的。



例如写这句话:大学生刚刚毕业就想立刻找到高薪的工作是不可能的。看到这样的汉语句子,一般我们的反应是要用it is impossible for sb.to do sth„„ 这样的句型,然后想着往里填词:在sb.的位置填上“刚刚毕业的大学生”,在不定式的位置填上“找到高薪的工作”,如下所示: it is impossible for刚刚毕业的大学生to找到高薪的工作.那么“刚刚毕业的大学生”怎么写?英语里面好像找不到一个表示“刚刚毕业的”形容词放在大学生前面,所以就要用定语从句,写成college students who have just graduated,如果graduated不会写,先写成left;然后怎么写“高薪的”,英语里面也没有这样一个形容词放在jobs的前面,所以用定语从句,写成to find jobs which can give them a lot of money.这样这个句子将写成:it is impossible for college students who have just graduated to find jobs which can give them a lot of money.这样将两个定语从句放在这个句型里面,实在是太容易犯错了。实际上,刚刚毕业的大学生可以写成:newly-graduated students, 而高薪的工作可以写成well-paying jobs, 将这两个短语放进去,成为:it is impossible for newly-graduated students to find well-paying jobs,与上面的定语从句相比会获得更高的分数。不过试问,能写出这两个短语的有几人呢? 我们能不能换一种思路,想得简单点,把上面一句话拆分成为四句: ①每年,都有很多大学生毕业。




我相信这样的句子大部分考生很快就可以写出来: ①every year, many college students graduate.②they all want to find jobs.③these jobs can give them a lot of money.④this is impossible.第一句话属于五种简单句中的主谓句,第二句是主谓宾,第三句是主谓间宾直宾,第四句是主系表。

下面我们看看能不能润色一下:第一句话我们将熟悉的many改为heaps and heaps of(一批一批的),这是换词;然后?:from universities;又想到还有独立的学院,再加上and institutes.第一句话变成:every year, heaps and heaps of college students graduate from universities and institutes.这句话这样一改,便成气候了。

第二句和第三句可以用定语从句连接起来,因为第三句的主语是第二句最后jobs的重复,所以②+③成为:they all want to find jobs,which can give them a lot of money.再润色,我们发现give可以改为offer,a lot of money可以改为handsome salaries.利用学过的语法知识我们可以让这个句子更加复杂,给定语从句中加一个插入语:they hope,放在which后面,这样这句话就成为:they all want to find jobs,which they hope can offer them handsome salaries.第四句话也可以和前两句连在一起,这次不采用主从复合句,而采用并列句,因为意思发生转折,故用but连接,而impossible太绝对了,改为hardly possible,于是成为:they all want to find jobs,which they hope can offer them handsome salaries,but this is hardly possible.所以最初的那句话,经过拆解、加工(换词和连句)形成了下面的一组句子:every year, heaps and heaps of college students graduate from universities and institutes.they all want to find jobs,which they hope can offer them handsome salaries,but this is hardly possible.上文总共32个词,与我们刚才认为很难达到的那个句子it is impossible for newly-graduated students to find well-paying jobs(10个词)相比,气势上毫不逊色,但是哪一种写法更适合广大考生的情况呢?当然是从熟悉的东西着手改造更为可取,像newly-graduated和well-paying这样的天外来客式的词组需要积累,或者自己有意去搜寻。再强调一下:上面这组句子是我们从简单句变过来的。这说明:简单句这只丑小鸭也可以变成白天鹅!这是对四级考生写作应试方面最大的启示!笔者坚定地认为,写好四级作文,切勿好高骛远,一下子就想写出来很复杂的句子可能会搞得遍体鳞伤。所以,要从可以掌控的东西出发,即将复杂的汉语思想分解成为简单句,或者说,学会想简单的句子,然后表达成为简单句,进而对之进行再加工,要么换词,要么连句,如此润色,写作可成矣!简单句写作思路

英文写作的思维就像一个黑洞,似乎深不可测,但如果我们将写作的过程视为一个看不见的汉译英的过程就会简单明了得多。根据笔者的经验,英文写作一般是先想主语,因为主语是一句话的开头;再想谓语,谓语中应该会先写助动词,所以先想用什么时态、语态、情态;接下来是动词,动词要考虑的是用及物动词还是不及物动词,是系动词还是实义动词。如果是及物动词就要考虑跟宾语,系动词就要考虑跟表语。如下图所示: 系动词跟表语


例一: 国际旅游业创造了很多就业机会。

这句话比较简单。首先想想写这句话主语应该是什么?应该是“国际旅游业”,谓语应该是“创造”,还要带一个宾语“就业机会”。这句话的主干应该是:旅游业创造就业机会。对应的简单句句型应该是主谓宾s+v+o.先写主语:international tourism;下面考虑时态,这应该是一个经常反复发生的动作,故用一般现在时,create这个动词应该加s;create是及物动词,所以后面加上many job opportunities, 写成:international tourism creates many job opportunities.例二:外出工作让母亲们没法照顾好孩子。

这是一个稍微难的句子,先想主语,是“外出工作”,在主语的位置要用动名词,写成working outside:“让”不能写成let,要用make, 时态用一般现在时,故make要加s;make是及物动词,后跟宾语mothers, “没法照顾好孩子”就成为宾语补足语,构成s+v+o+c的句型,宾语补足语用形容词,写成unable to take good care of their children, 全句成为:working outside makes women unable to take good care of their children.当然还可以写成: working outside makes it impossible for women to take good care of their children.这句话将原句进行了适当变通,使之成为“外出工作让母亲们照顾好孩子成为不可能”,然后活用了it作为形式宾语,将不定式后置。相比之下第一种写法稍显生硬。

第三种写法:working outside deprives women of the chance to take good care of their children.这句话将原句进行了适当变通,使之成为“外出工作剥夺了母亲们照顾好孩子的机会”,活用了deprive sb.of 这个句型。所以英语写作有很多可能,可选择自己最有把握的句子写出来。





You said it.你说的真对。

You just did right things.你做得对。

Don't be so miserable!


Keep your chin up.别灰心。

Come on.It's still not the end of the world, isn't it?


I knew you could do it.我知道你能做到的。

I really admire your decision-making ability.我很钦佩您的决策能力。

That makes perfect sense.这真是太有道理了。

Things are never as bad as they seem.事情往往不像看上去的那么糟。

Let's look on the bright side.我们来看看它好的一面。






自我介绍:叙述个人年龄、经验 Introducing Oneself: About Age and Experience

1.I have been for over five years in the employ of an exporting company.本人曾经前后五年被受雇于出口贸易公司。

2.I have been in the business for the last ten years, and worked as the superintendent in the personnel department.本人在过去十年在商界担任人事部主任迄今。

3.I have had five years' experience with a company as a salesman.本人曾在某一公司担任推销员,前后有五年之久。

4.For the past three years, I have been in the office of the Brothers Trading Co., where I have been and still am an accountant.本人曾经在兄弟贸易公司服务三年,担任会计工作,现仍在职中。

5.I am twenty years of age, and have been employed for the last two years by the Green Trees Co., in the general clerical work of the office.我今年20岁,曾于绿林公司服务两年,担任一般文员工作。

6.I am 25 years of age, and have had two years' experience in my present post, which I am leaving to better myself.我今年25岁,已在目前的职位工作两年,兹为寻找更上一层楼,准备离开此职位。

7.I am nineteen years of age, female and have had two years' experience in a company's delivery office.我今年19岁,女性。曾在某家公司担任收发工作两年。

8.I am just leaving school, and am eighteen years of age.本人18岁,不久即可毕业。

9.I am twenty years of age, and am anxious to settle down to office work.本人20岁,希望能找到一个公司,以便安定下来。

10.Since my graduation from the school two years ago, I ahve been employed in the Green Hotel as a cashier.两年前,自从离校后,在格兰酒店担任出纳员。


1.Good morning everyone.大家早上好。

2.Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.先生们,女士们下午好。

3.Good evening, teachers and fellow students.老师们,同学们晚上好。

4.It’s my great honor to introduce myself to you here.很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

5.It’s my pleasure to introduce myself to you here.我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

6.I’m very happy to introduce myself to you here.我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

7.I’m very glad to introduce myself to you here.我很高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

8.I feel very honored to introduce myself to you here.我感到很荣幸在这儿向大家作自我介绍。9.It is a great pleasure for me to introduce myself to you here.我是如此的高兴在这儿向大家作自我介绍。

10.It is a privilege to be speaking to you today.今天能跟你谈话真是我三生有幸。

11.I am very proud to be addressing you this evening.今晚能在此应邀讲话我深感荣幸。

Basic information

2.1.My name is Michelle.我叫Jojo.2.I am Cindy.我叫Cindy.3.I am 25.我二十五岁了。

4.I am from Hong Kong.我来自香港。

5.I come from Singapore.我来自新加坡。


1.My home is the home of peace.我的家是和平之家。2.My home is the home of joy and delight.我的家是欢乐和喜悦之家。

3.My home is the home of laughter and exultation.我的家是充满笑声和欢欣之家。

4.Whosoever enters through the portals of this home must go out with gladsome heart.不管谁进入这家的门槛,他将带着一颗开心的心回去。

5.This is the home of light;


6.Whosoever enters here must become illumined.不管谁进入这家的将会受到启发。

7.This is the home of knowledge;


8.The one who enters it must receive knowledge.进入这家的人将会学到知识。

9.This is the home of love;


10.Those who come in must learn the lessons of love;


11.Thus may they know how to love each other.从而他们将知道如何去互相友爱。

3.Family members

1.I have a big and happy family.我有一个快乐的大家庭。

2.There are three people in my family.我们家有三口人。

3.My father works for a bank.我爸爸在一家银行工作。

4.My father used to work for a trading company.我爸爸曾经为一家贸易公司工作。

5.My mother teaches in a high school.我妈妈在一所中学教书。

6.My mom loves teaching little kids.我妈妈特别喜欢教小孩儿。

7.I have an older sister.我有一个姐姐。

8.My older brother is going to get married in May.(bride, bridegroom, groom, best-man, bridesmaid, ceremony, banquet, anniversary…)The term groom is more common than bridegroom in American English.我哥哥准备五月结婚。(新娘,新郎,伴郎,伴娘,仪式,宴会,周年纪念„)

9.I have a twin brother.我有一个双胞胎兄弟。

10.My little brother is in the elementary school.我弟弟在念小学。

11.My cousin works for Air China.我表姐在中国航空公司工作。12.My niece works for a toy company.我侄女儿在一家玩具公司工作。

13.My nephew works for a bakery…


14.I am an only child.我是独生子。

15.My grandparents live with us, so we are an extended family.我的祖父母和我们住,因此我们有个大家庭。

16.My grandparents are retired.我的祖父母都已退休了。


1.My dad is very tall


2.My mom is very short.我的妈妈很矮。

3.My dad wears glasses.我的爸爸戴副眼镜。

4.My older sister is very elegant.我姐姐很文雅。

5.My little sister is slim.我妹妹很瘦。6.My big brother is very handsome.我哥哥很帅。

7.My mom is very beautiful.我妈妈很漂亮。

8.My grandma has a very kind smile.我的奶奶有一幅很慈祥的笑容。

9.My grandpa looks very healthy.我爷爷看起来很健康。

10.I look very cute.我看上去很可爱。

Living condition

1.I live downtown.(another common sentence pattern: I live in the downtown area.)


2.I used to live in a small village near the ocean.我曾住在靠海的一个小村庄里。

3.I want to live in the suburbs.我想在郊区居住。

4.I live in a very beautiful area with great neighborhood.我住的小区特别漂亮,附近的街道也很漂亮。

5.My house has a gorgeous view of the ocean.我家可以看到很漂亮的海景。6.There are three bedrooms in my house.我们家有三间卧室。

7.Our house is the most expensive one in my area.我们家的房子在我们小区是最贵的。

8.Our house needs to be redecorated.我们的房子需要重新装修。

9.Our house is in a very convenient area.我们的房子在一个很方便的小区。

10.It is very close to subway stations and bus stops.离地铁站和公交车站很近。

11.It is not far from supermarkets and schools.离超市和学校不远。

12.We have a small, but efficient apartment with everything in it.我们的公寓很小,但是很实用,里面什么都有。

13.Our house is small, but comfortable.我们的房子很小,但很舒适。

14.We live in the outskirts of the city.我们住在市郊。

15.Our neighborhood is peaceful and quiet, but not boring.我们住的地方很和谐并且很安静,但是不无聊。

16.We live in a high-rise apartment downtown.我们住在市中心的大厦里的公寓里。17.Our neighborhood is busy, but I love the activity.我们住的地方很热闹,但是我很喜欢这种活跃的气氛。


1.My school is very beautiful.我的学校很漂亮。

2.My school is the most beautiful building our village.我的学校是我们最最漂亮的建筑物。

3.Our country has paid great attention to education.我们国家对教育特别关心。

4.We have very good studying environment.我们有很好的学习环境。

5.All my teachers are well-educated, kind, patient, loving…


6.My favorite subject is English.我最喜欢的一课是英语。

7.I am best at math..我数学最好。

8.I am an elementary school student.我是一个小学生。

9.I am a 7th Grade student in No.3 high school in Shandong.我是山东第三中学初一的学生。10.I am a Grade 11 student in No.80 high school in Beijing.我是北京第八十中学高二的学生。The terms junior 1 or senior 2 would not be understood in North America.Junior 1 would translate to 7th Grade, Senior 2 would be 11th grade.An additional note, 7th Grade is the common pattern for Americans, while Grade 7 is the common pattern for Canadians.Both forms are widely accepted.11.Our school has several foreign teachers.我们学校有几位外教。

12.They come from all over the world.他们来自世界各地。

13.Our school library has an excellent selection of books for entertainment and studying.我们学校图书馆有特别丰富的书以供我们娱乐和学习。

14.Our gym is very well equipped.我们体育馆的设备很齐全。

15.My school has an excellent music program.我们学校有很棒的音乐节目。


1.I have friends from all walks of life.我的朋友来自不同的背景。.2.I have friends from all over the world.我的朋友来自世界各地。

I have many friends.我有很多朋友。

3.I go out and play with my friends very often.我和我朋友经常出去玩儿。

4.We do homework together.我们一起做作业。

5.We help each other whenever we have problems.当我们有问题时,我们互相帮助。

6.My best friend in my school is Linda.我在学校最好的朋友是Linda.7.She appreciates whatever she has in her life.她感谢她生命中所拥有的一切。

8.My classmate Ben is very good at Chinese.我同学Ben的语文很好。

9.During breaks, I like to hang out with my friends in the school yard.在课间休息时间,我喜欢和我的朋友们在学校的操场上玩儿。

10.On weekends, my friends and I like to hang out at the mall.在周末的时候,我和朋友们去逛街。


1.My hometown is a in a big city


2.My hometown is a small village close to the ocean.我的家乡是在一个靠近海的小村庄。

3.I lived there when I was 4.我在那儿住到四岁。

4.I still consider it as my hometown.我把那儿当作我的家乡。

5.I go back to our hometown with my parents once a year.我每年和我父母回我们家乡一次。

6.People in my hometown are very friendly.我家乡的人都很有好。

7.My grandparents are still live in our hometown.我的祖父母仍然住在我们的家乡。

8.When I was small I lived in America.我小的时侯住在美国。

9.When I was small I lived in Australia.我小的时侯住在澳大利亚。

10.My hometown is not very modern, but it’s beautiful.我的家乡并不很现代化,但是很漂亮。

11.We moved a lot when I was young.在我很小的时候我们经常搬家。

12.I grew up in an industrial town.我在一个工业城市长大。

13.When I was young, I lived on an island.我小的时候,我住在一个岛上。

14.I live in the city now, but I used to live on a farm.我现在住在城里,但是我曾住在一个农场。

Interest and hobbies


1.I love reading.我特别喜欢看书。

2.I can’t go to sleep without reading for a couple of minutes.睡觉前不看几分钟的书我就不能睡。

3.I can finish three or four books a week

在一周内我能看完三到四本书。.4.I love to read some good books on weekends.在周末,我喜欢看一些好书。

5.This book is the most touching book I have ever read.这本书是我看过最感人的一本书。

6.I’ll read anything I have in my hands.我手里只要有书,不管什么书我都看。

7.I love to read detective fiction best.我最喜欢看侦探小说。

8.My favorite book is “ The Pride and The Prejudice”


9.I go to the library everyday.我每天都去图书馆。

10.Reading can stretch your mind and open the world to you.看书能拓展你的智慧,扩大你的视野。

11.The last book I read was a real page turner.上本书我看得特别的快。

12.It was so interesting, I couldn’t put it down.它太有趣儿了,我爱不释手。

13.My favorite author is Stephen King.我最喜欢的作家是斯蒂芬.金。


1.I am a movie buff.我是个电影迷。

2.I am interested in documentary films.我对纪录片很感兴趣。

3.The Oscar is the most famous film award in the world.奥斯卡是世界上最出名的影片奖。

4.I hope the main actor in “Harry Potter” can win an Oscar this year.我希望“哈里.波特”的主角能获得今年的奥斯卡奖。

5.I don’t miss a single Indian movie.我从不错过一部印度电影。

6.I want to watch a movie every night but I have to study…


7.Titanic is one of my all-time favorite flicks.<<铁达尼号>>一直都是我最喜欢的电影之一。Flick is a common slang term for movie.8.I like DVDs, but I prefer seeing movies in the theater.我喜欢看影碟,但我更喜欢在电影院看电影。

9.I’ll watch anything directed by Steven Speilberg.只要是斯蒂芬.斯皮尔伯格导演的电影我一部也不会错过。

10.Tom Hanks is my favorite actor.汤姆.汉克斯是我最喜欢的男演员。

11.Kate Winslet is my favorite actress.凯特.温斯莱特是我最喜欢的女演员。


1.I am a music fan.我是个音乐迷。

2.I am a jazz fan.我是个爵士迷。

3.I love to go to all kinds of music concerts.我喜欢去各种音乐会。

4.I can’t imagine how my life would be if there is no music in my life.我不敢想象如果我的生命里没有音乐会怎么样。

5.I love all kinds of music like: Blues, Jazz, Country music, pop music, folk music, hip-hop, classical music…


6.I have a comprehensive range of music from Beethoven to Chinese folk songs.我有很全面的音乐收集从贝多芬到中国民乐。

7.I love listening to Jazz music.我特别喜欢听爵士乐。

8.My favorite musician is Beethoven.我最喜欢的音乐家是贝多芬。

9.I play very piano very well.我的钢琴弹得很好。

10.My dad plays French horn very well.(cello, guitar, violin…


11.My friends are musicians and we like to jam together.我的朋友们都是音乐家,我们很喜欢聚在一起。

12.My friends are excellent musicians.我的朋友们都是很出色的音乐家。

Dancing and singing

1.I like singing.我喜欢唱歌。

2.I am not good at singing


3.I sing out of tune very often.我唱歌经常走调。The term “off key” is also commonly used to mean

4.I have a very good voice.我的嗓子很好

5.I am a member of the choir in our school.out of tune.”“


6.I listen to English songs most of the time.我的大部分时间我都听英文歌。

7.I have studied ballet for more than eight years.我学过八年的芭蕾舞了。

8.I am learning modern dance in school.我在学校学跳现代舞。

9.I love folk dancing.我特别喜欢民间舞。

10.I go to a dancing party every Friday night at my friend’s house.…


11.My friend can’t dance very well.He has two left feet.我的朋友不是很会跳舞。他没有一点节奏感。

12.He also likes to sing karaoke, but he also has a tin ear.他也喜欢唱卡拉ok,但是他不会唱。


1.My mom loves gardening.我妈妈特别喜欢园艺工作。

2.My grandfather loves potted plants.我的祖父特别喜欢盆栽。

3.I like ikebana very much and I take classes in it.我很喜欢插花,并且我由参加插花的课程。

4.I help my mom to trim the garden in our house very often.我经常帮助我妈妈修理我们家的花园。

5.My parents helped me to plant a small tree in our backyard when I was very small.It is very huge now.在我很小的时候,我父母帮助我一起在我们家后院种了一棵小树。现在已经很大了。

6.We have just planted some tulips in our backyard garden.我们刚在我们后院种了一些郁金香。

7.We should plant more trees since they are good for our health and it will beautify our world.我们应该种更多得树,因为他们对我们的身体很好而且能美化我们的世界。

8.Last Arbor Day I planted two trees.去年的植树节,我种了两棵树。

9.I love to help my mom with some gardening work.我特别喜欢帮助我妈妈做一些园艺工作。

10.Our garden looks very beautiful all year round.我们的花园一年四季看起来都很漂亮。


1.I love going fishing very much.我特别喜欢钓鱼。

2.I go fishing once a week.我每周钓一次鱼。

3.I go fishing with my friends on the shore very often, but sometimes we rent a boat to go the middle of the lake.我经常和我朋友们在湖边钓鱼但是有时我们租船去湖中心钓鱼。

4.We take buses or subways to go to different lakes to fish.我们坐车或地铁去不同的湖去钓鱼。

5.I like fresh water fishing.我喜欢在淡水湖里钓鱼。

6.It seems there are less fish around nowadays since fishing is becoming more and more popular.现在鱼似乎越来越少了,因为钓鱼变得越来越受欢迎了。


1.I love all kinds of sports.我喜欢各种各样的运动。

2.I am good at playing basketball, football, volleyball, baseball…


3.I play basketball everyday after school.我每天放学后都打篮球。

4.I go swimming two or three times a week.我每周游泳两三次。

5.I was told that playing basketball makes people grow taller.别人告诉我说打篮球能使人长得高一些。

6.My favorite soccer player is Beckham.我最喜欢的足球队员是贝克汉姆。

7.I can stay up a whole night to watch live coverage of football.我可以坐一个通宵看足球实地转播。

8.I don’t go to the gym to watch live basketball games very often.I usually I watch them at home.我不是很经常去体育馆看篮球比赛,我经常在家看。


1.Hiking is very good for you.远足对你身体很好。

2.Last summer vacation I went hiking on a mountain with my friends.去年暑假,我和朋友去爬山了。

3.It was very tiring, but I was very happy since I saw beautiful scenery and was with my friends.爬得很累,但是看到美丽的风景,又和朋友在一起,感到很愉快。

4.People spend too much time either in their offices or their homes.人们大部分时间要不是办公室就是呆在家里。

5.I think it is important for people in the city to get more contact with nature.我觉得对住在都市里的人来说,和自然接触是很重要的。

6.Hiking may look easy, but it can be a very good workout.徒步旅行可能看来很简单,但他是一种特别好的健身方式。


1.I love cooking.我特别喜欢做饭。

2.I often go to the supermarket to shop for food.我经常去超级市场买菜。

3.I enjoy window shopping.我很喜欢逛街。4.When I feel upset, I go shopping.当我不开心的时候,我就购物。

5.I think all the girls love window shopping.我认为所有的女孩子都喜欢逛街。

6.My brother hates shopping with me.我弟弟不喜欢和我逛街。

7.Unlike girls, boys tend to hate shopping.不像女孩儿,男孩儿往往是讨厌逛街。

Stamp collecting

1.I am very interested in stamp collecting.我很喜欢集邮。

2.Those little stamps are very interesting.那些小邮票很有趣儿。

3.I have stamps from all over the world.我有来自世界各地的邮票。

4.I like collecting stamps from all over the world.我喜欢收集来自世界各地的邮票。

5.I sort them out according to where they come from.我按它们来自哪儿来分类。

6.I have 4 albums full of stamps.我有四本满满的邮集。

7.Whenever my father goes on a business trip, he brings me back all different kinds of stamps.每次我爸爸出差都给我带回各种各样的邮票。

8.I am in a stamp collector’s club, and we exchange our spare stamps.我参加了一个邮票收集者的俱乐部,我们交换多余的邮票。

9.I feel it is fantastic that those little stamps can go every where in this world.我觉得这些小邮票太神奇了,它们可以去世界各地。


1.I love animals.我爱动物。

2.I have a dog called GG.我有一只狗叫GG.3.I clean my bird’s cage every two days.我每两天帮我的鸟清理笼子。

4.I feed my cat everyday.我每天都为我的猫。

5.I believe animals have their own language.我相信动物们都有他们自己的语言。

6.I always tell my friends that a dog is man’s best friend.我经常告诉我的朋友狗是人类最好的朋友。

7.I taught my dog to do tricks.我教了我的小狗一些小把戏。

8.He can fetch a stick, shake a paw, and play dead.他能拿棍子,挥舞它的爪子,和装死。Swimming

1.I love swimming.我特别喜欢游泳。

2.I don’t know how to swim.我不知道怎么游泳。

3.I just love being in the water.我就喜欢呆在水里。

4.I learned to swim when I was in elementary school.我在小学的时候就学会游泳了。

5.I am good at the breast stroke.我最擅长的就是蛙泳。

6.I went swimming with my family in the sea last summer.去年夏天我和我家人去了海里游泳。

7.I go to the indoor swimming pool once a week.我每周去一次室内游泳池泳。

8.I am in the swimming club.我加入了游泳俱乐部。

9.My coach says I swim like a fish.我的教练说我游泳的时候像条鱼。


1.I love traveling very much.我特别喜欢旅行。2.Traveling has become more and more popular now.旅行现在越来越受欢迎了。

3.I love to meet new people and learn about their different cultures.我特别喜欢认识新朋友,学习他们不同的文化。

4.There are many people traveling during the weekends.有很多人利用周末时间去旅行。

5.It is fun to meet new people when you go traveling.在你旅行的时候认识新面孔很有意思。

6.I’d love to travel around the world.我想周游世界。

7.I have traveled to many places in the world.我旅行过世界上的很多地方。

8.Many travel agencies arrange tours for people to travel abroad.很多旅行社帮人包办出国旅游。

9.I don’t mind tours, but I prefer to discover places on my own.我不介意跟团旅行,但我更喜欢我自己去探索新的地方。

10.I like to avoid tourist traps.我尽量少戴旅行物品。

11.I plan to travel to Australia next year.我打算明年去澳大利亚旅行。

12.Traveling is very educational.旅行很有教育意义。



thanks a million.i really appreciate it.万分感谢,真的是帮了我大忙啦。

i really appreciate what you’ve done for me these days.我真的很感激这些天来你对我的帮助。

it’s very kind of you to help me.你能帮助我真是太好了。

i really don’t know what i would have done without your help.真不知道没有你的帮助我该怎么办。

hank you for one of the most enjoyable visits we have had in many months.在您处的参观访问,是我们几个月中最愉快的一次。谨向您表示感谢。

thank you for contributing so much to the pleasure of our stay in...感谢您使我们在……停留期间的愉快所作的许多努力。

thank you so much for your generous hospitality.非常感谢您慷慨的款待。

you must give me the chance to return your kindness when you visit here.希望您光临我处,使我能答谢您的盛情。

thank you very much(ever so much)(most sincerely)(indeed)(from the bottom of my heart).很(非常)(最真诚地)(确实)(衷心)感谢您。

thanks a million(ever so much).万分(非常)感谢。

it's generous of you to take so much interest in my work(to give me so much of your time)(to show me so much consideration).承蒙您对我的工作如此操心(为我花费这么多时间)(对我如此关怀)。

at the outset, i want to thank you for your kindness to me and for your compliments.首先,我要感谢您对我的友爱和问候。



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