Address at the Opening Ceremony of the China-US Tourism Cooperation Forum
中华人民共和国国务院副总理 汪洋
H.E.Wang Yang, Vice Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China
2014年12月17日 芝加哥 Chicago, December 17, 2014
Distinguished Secretary of Commerce Penny Pritzker, Trade Representative Michael Froman, ladies and gentlemen,非常高兴出席今天的论坛。首先,我谨代表中国政府,对论坛的举办表示热烈的祝贺,对论坛的组织者表示衷心的感谢。对为中美旅游合作做出贡献的各界人士致以崇高的敬意。
It’s my great pleasure to attend this forum.Firstly, on behalf of the Chinese government, I would like to congratulate and thank the organizers for successfully convening this forum.I also extend the great respect to the persons of all circles who have contributed to the tourism cooperation between China and the US.中美旅游合作论坛是本届商贸联委会改革的―幸运儿‖。今年年中,普利茨克部长向我提议,在本届联委会举办一场专题合作论坛,我深表赞同,并建议选择旅游合作这个主题,因为旅游合作是双方共识最多、矛盾最少、投入最低、效果最好的领域。
This forum is a good result of the US-China Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade’s(JCCT’s)reform efforts.By the middle of this year, Mrs.Pritzker proposed to hold a cooperation forum during this session of JCCT.I simply couldn’t agree more with his proposal and recommended tourism cooperation as the theme of the forum.That’s because this field is where China and the US share the most consensuses, have the least conflicts and can achieve the best effects with the lowest inputs.―国之交在民相亲。‖加强旅游合作,不仅是两国政府的共识,更是两国人民的心愿。上个月,奥巴马总统访问北京的时候,中国的新华网和腾讯网联合开展了一项民意调查,大约有9万名网民参与了调查,调查里边有一个问题是―做什么才能让中美两国和谐相处?‖51%的人选择了―中美民众增进了解‖这个答案,居第一位。这反映了两国人民都有一个美好的愿望,就是多走动、多接触,架起友谊与合作的桥梁,而旅游是最好的平台。
Since ―two countries’ relation relies on people-to-people exchanges‖, the enhancement of China-US tourism cooperation has been not only agreed by the two countries’ government but also wished by their people.Last month when President Obama visited Beijing, China’s xinhuanet.com and qq.com carried out a joint opinion poll participated by about 90,000 netizens.In the poll, there is a question saying how China and the US can get along with each other.The option of ―enhancing the mutual understanding of the Chinese and US people‖ has been chosen by 51% of the persons surveyed, ranking the first place.Such a result reflects that the two countries’ people want to make more contacts and exchanges so as to build up a bridge of friendship and cooperation.To this end, tourism is for sure the best platform.旅游是高品位的人生活动。西方哲人说过,世界就像一本书,不旅行的人只读了其中第一页。中国著名旅行家徐霞客说过一句名言:读万卷书,行万里路。现在喜爱旅游的中国人说,读万卷书,不如行万里路。
Tours are human activities which reveal refined tastes.One Western philosopher ever said, ―The world is a book and those who do not travel read only one page.‖ As a famous saying by the renowned traveller of ancient China Xu Xiake goes, ―Read 10,000 books and travel 10,000 miles‖.Now the Chinese travelling enthusiasts say that ―Travelling a lot is better than reading a lot.‖
Tourism cooperation has become the most active and potential part of China-US economic & trade cooperation and their cultural & people-to-people exchanges.In the last decade, the tourists travelling between China and the US have topped 28 million, growing at an average annual rate of 10%.There are averagely 250 flights flying between the two countries per week and those from Chicago to China alone exceeded 30.The continuous advancement in tourism cooperation brings the two sides economic profits and enhances their people’s understanding and friendship, laying a solid public opinion foundation for a better China-US relationship.女士们、先生们:
Ladies and gentlemen,当前,中国人均GDP约7000美元,城乡居民消费需求快速升级,出国旅游意愿显著增强,旅游业正迎来黄金发展期。中国现在已经颁布了旅游法,出台了《国民旅游休闲纲要》,推出了一系列促进旅游发展的政策,目的是将旅游业培育为中国经济发展的支柱产业。美国刚刚将中国游客短期旅游签证有效期从一年延长至10年,这是中美旅游合作的重大的利好消息,预示着两国旅游合作将迎来前所未有的机遇,我们应乘势而上,全面提升两国旅游合作水平,尽快实现双方游客往来突破500万人次,向着1000万人次的目标前进。
Currently, China’s per-capita GDP has stood at about USD 7,000 and the spending demands of both urban and rural residents are increasing rapidly.Against such a background, the Chinese people demonstrate a remarkably increased willingness to travel abroad and the tourism also steps into a golden period for development.To foster tourism into a pillar industry, China has promulgated the Tourism Law, issued the Outline for National Tourism and Leisure, and introduced a series of tourism-boosted policies.Recently, the United States has increased the validity of short-term tourist visas for the Chinese applicants from one to ten years.This is a piece of great news and indicates unprecedented opportunities for the tourism cooperation between China and the US.Therefore, we will seize these opportunities to push the number of tourists between the two countries to exceed 5 million and move towards 10 million as soon as possible.——我们要营造更加便利的旅游环境。中方鼓励更多城市对美国游客实行72小时过境免签政策,也希望美国进一步简化出入境手续,采取更加便利的签证措施,让游客乘兴而来,满意而归。中方支持双方航空公司继续增加直航城市和航班,鼓励发展旅游包机业务,便利游客出行。鼓励美国企业到中国推介旅游产品,使中国人更加了解美国,支持双方的企业开展旅游市场和旅游产品的联合开发。
– We will create more convenient travelling environment.China will encourage more cities to carry out the 72-hour visa free transit policy for the US tourists and meantime hopes the US can further streamline its entry and exit formalities and take more efficient visa measures so that tourists can have a perfect travelling experience throughout the entire process.Meanwhile, China will support the two sides’ airlines to increase the number of cities where travellers can fly non-stop and the number of direct flights and boost the development of tourist chartered flights, allowing tourists to travelling more conveniently.The US companies are encouraged to promote tour products in China and help the Chinese people know better about the US.The companies of the two countries are expected to jointly develop traveling markets and products.——我们要扩大旅游业双向投资合作。中国愿意放宽美国旅行社到中国投资股比限制,鼓励美国房车、游艇等旅游装备制造企业到中国投资,我们也鼓励中方企业到美国投资酒店、景区等旅游基础设施,支持中国旅游企业到美国上市,希望美方为此创造条件。
– We will expand cooperation in tourism investment.We are ready to lift the control over the proportion of shares by the US travel agencies while investing in China and attract the US manufacturers of travel gears like motor homes and yachts to make investment in our country.Meanwhile, we also encourage the Chinese companies to build tourism infrastructures including hotels and scenic spots in the US and the tourism enterprises to go public there.We hope the US can make it possible for China’s companies to do so.——我们要共享旅游业发展经验。美国在旅游规划、项目创意、市场开发、智慧旅游、旅游管理、文物和生态环境保护等方面经验丰富,还有近300所大学开设旅游课程,中国愿意学习借鉴美国的先进经验,提升中国旅游业的发展水平。中国在文化旅游、乡村旅游等方面也积累了一些经验,愿意与美方分享。
– We will share experience in tourism.The US is experienced in such as tourism-related aspects as tourism planning, creative design, marketing, smart travel, tourism management, and heritage and environment protection.Besides, it has nearly 300 colleges and universities running tourism courses.China is eager to learn advanced experience from the US so as to better develop its tourism.At the same time, China has also gathered some experience in cultural and countryside tours and is willing to share that with the US.——我们要健全旅游合作机制。中美省州旅游局长合作发展对话会议已经举办八届,是两国旅游合作的重要平台,这项合作现在已经覆盖了中美所有的省州,今后还可以向二、三线城市和重点景区推广,缔结更多的旅游伙伴关系。双方还可以探讨建立旅游日常工作联系机制,及时通报信息,解决旅游纠纷、安全、保险、救援等问题,保障两国旅游持续健康发展。
– We will build a sound tourism cooperation mechanism.A cooperation development meeting among tourism heads of Chinese provinces and US states has been held for eight sessions.As an important platform to promote tourism cooperation, this meeting has covered all Chinese provinces and US states and in the future will expand to their tier two and tier three cities as well as major scenic spots so as to establish more tourism partnerships.Besides, to promote the sustained and sound development of tourism, the two sides may discuss how to set up a routine liaison mechanism where they can report information, settle disputes, address issues related to safety, insurance and rescue in a prompt manner.——我们要扩大青少年的旅游交往。让两国青少年更多地了解两国的历史、文化,增进彼此的认同感。
– We will encourage tours and exchanges between the two countries’ young people so that they can know more about each other’s history and culture.女士们、先生们:
Ladies and gentlemen,中国旅游局局长李金早先生刚上任一个多月,这次来芝加哥,是他上任后的首访首站,可见对美国旅游市场的高度重视,中国有句俗语:新官上任三把火。他正在谋划推动中国旅游业加快发展的新思路、新举措,这是中美拓展旅游合作的好时机。希望两国政府和企业以本次论坛为新起点,开创中美全方位、高水平的旅游合作新格局,充实中美两国新型大国关系的内涵。
Mr.Li Jinzao has been named as Chairman of China National Tourism Administration(CNTA)for about one month.This is his first visit since coming into office and also reveals the high importance the Chinese side attaches to the US tourism market.―A new broom sweeps clean and a new official takes strict measures,‖ as an old Chinese saying goes.He is mulling new plans and measures to boost the growth of China’s tourism.This is a good opportunity to expand China-US cooperation in tourism.The Chinese and US governments and the two countries’ companies are expected to take the forum as a new start where they can create a brand-new, all-round, high-level cooperation pattern and enrich the new-type relationship between the two major powers.最后,诚挚邀请美国朋友到中国旅游、做客,谢谢大家!
In closing, I would like to invite all of you to visit China.Thank you!
C-E CI Week Seven
上个世纪中叶以来,经济的全球化的进程深刻改变着并重塑了我们世界,商品和生产要素在全球的范围内进行了流动与优化配臵,加深各国间 的相互联系和依赖,提高了经济效率,促进了全球经济发展,大量的民众因此而摆脱贫困,世界经济发展不平衡的问题也在很大程度上得到了改善。顺应全球化的大趋势,特别是发挥全球化在经济增长、收入分配和宏观经济稳定方面的作用,要求各国继续提高开放的水平,坚持贸易投资自由化和便利化的基本原则。改革开放以来,中国的经济快速的融入了经济全球的分工,与世界互动加深,实现了经济快速发展。在这一过程中,美国对华投资起到了十分重要的作用,对中国加快产业结构的调整和优化升级,促进技术进步以及扩大就业都做出了贡献。但目前来看,中美两国的投资规模还不大,中国对美国的直接投资存量不足一百亿,甚至远远低于一些小型的经济体对美国的投资,美国在中国的直接投资存量约700亿美元,也只占中国吸收外国直接投资总量的不大的比例,这与中美两国在世界经济中的地位很不相符,从投资的数量看,两国之间也还面临着比较明显的投资不平衡的问题。根据经济理论界的研究,投资不平衡容易导致两国的贸易不平衡以及经济的失衡。
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C-E CI Week Seven 中美双向投资规模小,有中国和美国双方面的原因,从美国对华投资来看,美国投资者有一些诉求,特别是在服务业市场准入,知识产权保护,政府采购和自主创新政策方面,这些诉求其中有一些是合理的,中国将会在进一步改革开放的政策中重点的进行考虑和解决。部分跨国公司 认为中国的投资环境在变,变差,甚至担心中国的开放政策发生变化,应该说中国政府始终坚持互利共赢的开放战略,一贯致力于对外界创造 更加开放、更加优化的投资环境。我们欢迎具有先进技术和管理经验的外国公司来华投资兴业。
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C-E CI Week Seven 调整中找到利益的共同点,发挥各自的优势,挖掘经济合作的潜力,提升中美两国投资水平需要两国政府和商业界加强合作,特别是要在政治、经济领域建立互信,加强对经济、社会发展模式、治理理念和意识形态的理解和沟通,为两国企业投资创造一个良好的气候和氛围。
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共同推动中马互利合作再上新台阶 ——在中马经贸投资合作论坛上的致辞 中华人民共和国国务院总理 温家宝(2011年4月28日,吉隆坡)
第五篇:Wu Bangguo在中美经贸合作论坛开幕式上的致辞
中国全国人大常委会委员长 吴邦国
2009年9月8日 菲尼克斯
Speech at the Opening Ceremony of the China-US Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum
by Chinese NPC Chairman Wu Bangguo
September 8, 2009Phoenix
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Friends:
Good morning, everyone!
I am very happy that in the first leg of my US visit, I have the opportunity to attend the China-US Economic and Trade Forum, meet new and old friends, and, together with them, discuss the question of strengthening and improving China-US economic and trade cooperation under the new situation and jointly promoting cooperation between the two countries' enterprises.First of all, I would like to express my warm congratulations on the successful opening of the forum, my sincere regards and good wishes to personages from various circles, and my heartfelt thanks for the efforts of the two countries' relevant parties in this respect.国际金融危机的蔓延和深化,给中美两国经济造成重大冲击,也严重影响了中美经贸合作尤其是企业合作。据统计,今年1至7月份,中美贸易额同比下降了16.1%,美在华投资同比下降19.1%。尽快遏制和扭转这一下滑势头,实现中美经贸合作的可持续发展,是摆在我们面前的共同任务。在当前困难的形势下,要完成这一共同任务,首先也是最重要的,就是要提振合作信心。朋友们也许会问,面对困难局面,信心从何而来。我想告诉朋友们的是,虽然世界经济复苏的迹象还不明显,国际金融危机的长远影响也不可忽视,但中美经贸合作前途光明。
The spread and deepening of the international financial crisis have caused major impacts on the two countries' economies and have also seriously affected China-US economic and trade cooperation, particular enterprises'
cooperation.According to statistics, from January to July this year, China-US trade volume decreased by 16.1 per cent as compared to the same period of last year;US investment in China dropped by 19.1 per cent as compared to the same period of last year.Curbing and changing such a decline as soon as possible and bringing about sustainable development in China-US economic and trade cooperation are our common tasks.To accomplish such common tasks in the current difficult situation, the most important is to boost our confidence in cooperation.Our friends here may
ask: In front of such a difficult situation, where does confidence come from? I would like to tell our friends that although the indications for world economic recovery are not prominent yet and the long-term impact of the international financial crisis is not to be overlooked, the prospect of China-US economic and trade cooperation is bright.一是中美经贸合作的大势不会改变。这里包括两个方面:一方面中美经济互补优势没有改变。中国是世界上最大的发展中国家,发展是中国的第一要务。改革开放30年来,中国经济年均增长9.8%,即使今年上半年也实现了7.1%的增长,全年有望实现8%左右的增长目标。中国正处在工业化、城镇化加速推进的过程中,有大量的投资需求,还有13亿人的消费市场。中国的发展、中国巨大的市场,为包括美国在内的各国经济复苏与发展提供不竭的商机与动力。美国是世界上最大的发达国家,国内生产总值占世界总量的18.3%,国民消费占世界消费品市场总额的43%,对外贸易额居世界首位,尤其是在科技、人才、管理、营销等方面具有明显优势。中美经济这种互补优势并没有因为国际金融危机的影响而改变。另一方面中美经贸合作基础良好。2008年双边贸易额达3337.4亿美元,已互为第二大贸易伙伴。在过去的5年间,美对华出口年均增长20%,去年中国从美国进口的大豆和棉花,分别占美出口总量的49%和34%。美在华投资项目累计达5.7万多个,投资额超过610亿美元。今年1至7月份,中美签订技术引进合同888项,合同金额达32.6亿美元,同比增长41.3%,占中国技术引进合同总额的25.3%,在中国技术引进来源地中列第一位。虽然今年上半年中美贸易额同比下降,但降幅低于中国外贸总额降幅近7个百分点。这些数据足以说明,中美经贸关系已经形成合作共赢的基本格局,这一基本格局没有因为国际金融危机的影响而改变。
First, the general trend of China-US economic and trade cooperation will not change.This includes two aspects: On the one hand, the complementary nature between China's and US economies has not changed.China is the largest developing country in the world.Development is a task of primary importance for China.In the last 30 years of reform and opening up, China's economy has grown by 9.8 per cent annually on the average.Even in the first half of this year, it registered a 7.1-per cent increase.It is hopeful of reaching an 8-per cent increase or so for the whole year.China is amid industrialization and urbanization acceleration process, which requires large amounts of investment.In addition to this, China has a consumption market of 1.3 billion people.China's development and huge market provide
inexhaustible business opportunities and propelling force for various countries' economic recovery and development, including the United States'.The United States is the largest developed country in the world.Its GDP accounts for 18.3 per cent of the world's total.Its national consumption accounts for 43 per cent of the aggregate amount of the world's consumer products markets.Its foreign trade volume ranks first in the world.It enjoys even more notable advantages in science, technology, talented personnel, operation, and marketing.Such a complementary nature between China's and US economies has not changed because of the international financial crisis.On the other hand, China and the United States have a good foundation in economic and trade cooperation.In 2008, bilateral trade reached $333.74 billion and both became each other's second largest trade partners.In the last five years, US export to China has increased by 20 per cent.Last year China's imports of soybeans and cotton respectively accounted for 49 and 34 per cent of the US total export.There were a total of 57,000 US investment projects in China, with an aggregate investment of over $61 billion.From January to July this year, China and the United States signed 888 technology import contracts, with a total amount reaching $3.26 billion, an increase of 41.3 per cent over the same period of last year, accounting for 25.3 per cent of the total amount of China's technology import contracts, ranking first among places of origin for China's imports.China-US trade volume dropped in the first half of this year as compared to the same period of last year, but the rate of decrease was nearly 7 per cent lower than the rate of decrease in China's total foreign trade volume.These figures fully suggest that China-US trade relations have
presented a basic pattern of cooperation and win-win.And this basic pattern has remained unchanged despite the impact of the international financial crisis.二是中美两国实施的刺激经济增长计划带来新的合作商机。为应对国际金融危机的冲击,保持国民经济平稳较快发展,中国政府实施积极的财政政策和适度宽松的货币政策,推出了进一步扩大内需、促进经济增长的一揽子计划,包括大规模增加政府公共投资和实行结构性减税,制定和实施产业调整振兴规划,大力拓展国内消费市场尤其是农村市场,开展重点民生工程建设和铁路、电信、水利等基础设施建设,大幅度提高社会保障水平,着力改善低收入家庭生活。为摆脱经济危机困扰,美国政府也推出了自上世纪30年代以来力度最大的刺激经济复苏计划,涉及金融、房地产、税收、基础设施、汽车、环保、能源、科技、医保改革等众多领域。中美两国刺激经济增长计划的实施,给两国经贸合作带来了新的商机。在今天的论坛前,两国企业和有关方面又签署了41项投资和经济技术合作协议与合同,总额达123.8亿美元,涉及新能源及原材料、通信、电子、机械、旅游等领域。这再次说明双方合作的机会很多,只要善于危中觅机,是可以大有作为的。
Second, the implementation of China's and US stimulus economic plans has brought about new business cooperation opportunities for both countries.To counter the impact of the international financial crisis and maintain steady and relatively fast national economic development, the Chinese Government has implemented a proactive financial policy and a moderately relaxed monetary policy and introduced a whole package of plans to further expand domestic
demand and promote economic growth, including increasing government investments in public facilities, carrying out structural tax reductions, formulating and implementing industrial adjustment and invigoration programmes,vigorously expanding domestic markets, particularly rural markets, conducting key livelihood-related construction projects as well as railways, telecommunications, and water conservancy projects, enhancing the level of social security by a wide margin, and making efforts to improve the lives of low-income families.To recover from the economic crisis, the US Government has also introduced the strongest stimulus economic recovery plan since the 1930s, which involves the financial sector, real estate, taxation, infrastructural facilities, automobiles, environmental protection, energy, science, technology, and medical insurance reform.The implementation of China's and US
stimulus economic plans has brought about new business opportunities for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.At today's forum, enterprises and the relevant departments of the two countries have signed 41 investment and economic and technological cooperation agreements and contracts, with a total amount of $12.38 billion, involving new energy, raw materials, telecommunications, electronics, machinery, and tourism.This has once again proved that both sides have many opportunities for cooperation;as long as both sides are good at seeking opportunities, there is a lot they can do.三是中美两国经济结构调整战略将拓展新的合作领域。虽然中美两国经济发展阶段不同,但都面临艰巨的调整任务。要看到,即使没有国际金融危机也面临经济发展方式调整的压力,只是国际金融危机使调整任务变得更加迫切。据说美国公众普遍认为,过度依靠超前消费的增长方式是不可持续的。美国政府提出把应对金融危机与解决发展模式问题结合起来,以绿色技术作为促进经济增长、提高国际竞争力和创造就业的根本。同样,中国在努力保持经济平稳较快发展的同时,注重把解决当前困难与实现可持续发展结合起来,着力调整经济结构、促进产业升级,下大决心扩大国内需求特别是消费需求,促进经济发展方式转变。也就是说,中美两国经济结构调整,将使低碳经济、可再生能源和清洁能源、洁净煤和碳捕捉及封存、智能电网、建筑能效、新能源汽车等方面的合作,成为中美经贸合作尤其是经济技术合作与企业合作新的增长点。我们高兴地看到,前不久在华盛顿举行的首轮中美战略与经济对话,再次重申《中美能源环境十年合作框架文件》下的各项行动计划,拟就关于加强气候变化、能源和环境合作的谅解备忘录,进一步表达了双方在上述领域加强合作的愿望,预示着两国经贸合作前景更加广阔。
Third, China and the United States will explore new spheres of cooperation in strategy for economic structural
adjustments.Although China and the United States have different economic development stages, they are facing an arduous task of adjustments.We should understand that even if there were no international financial crisis, we are also facing the pressure of economic development mode adjustment, only the international financial crisis has made
the task of adjustments even more urgent.As reported, the US public generally believes that a growth mode of hyper-consumption type is not sustainable.The US Government proposed dealing with the financial crisis in combination with resolving the development mode, and using green technology to promote economic growth,improve international competitiveness, and create job opportunities.For the same reason, China, while maintaining steady and relatively fast economic development, is making efforts to adjust the economic structure and promote industrial upgrades and is strongly determined to expand domestic demand, particularly consumption demand, and stimulate the transformation of the economic development mode.In other words, the two countries' economic
structural adjustments will help turn cooperation in low-carbon economy, renewable energy, clean energy, clean coal, carbon capture and storage, smart electricity grids, energy efficiency buildings, and new energy automobiles into China-US economic and trade cooperation, particularly into new growth points in economic and technological
cooperation as well as enterprises' cooperation.We are pleased to see that the first round of China-US strategic and economic dialogue held in Washington not long ago reiterated various action programmes under the China-US 10-Year Energy and Environment Cooperation Framework, drew up a memorandum of understanding on
strengthening cooperation in climate change, energy, and environmental protection, and further expressed both sides' wish to strengthen cooperation it these fields.These indicate that both sides have broader prospects for economic and trade cooperation.女士们,先生们,朋友们:
Ladies, Gentlemen, and Friends!
经贸合作是中美关系的物质基础,也是两国关系持续充满活力的重要保障。要克服当前困难,把双方加强和改善经贸合作的愿望转化为现实,很重要的一条是要充分发挥企业在经贸合作中的主体作用。希望双方企业发挥各自优势,积极探索合作的新途径,通过开展联合研究、建设示范工程、共同开发技术、扩大相互投资等形式,共同开拓合作的新领域。希望两国政府及有关方面把企业合作作为加强和改善中美经贸合作的优先方向,积极为企业合作牵线搭桥,加强知识产权保护,努力改善政策和法制环境,推动双边贸易和投资便利化。在当前情况下,尤其要坚持自由贸易原则,防止各种形式的贸易保护主义。应充分发挥中美战略与经济对话以及商贸联委会等其他相关机制的作用,从中美经贸合作大局出发,及时妥善解决合作中出现的问题,为两国经贸合作尤其是企业合作创造良好的环境、提供更多的便利。我相信,经过中美两国企业和有关方面的共同努力,一定能够战胜眼前的困难,迎来中美经贸合作更加美好的明天。Economic and trade cooperation is the material foundation of China-US relations and is also an important guarantee for the two countries' relations to remain full of vitality.We should overcome the current difficulties and turn into reality both sides' wish to strengthen and improve economic and trade cooperation.An important point in this respect is to bring into full play the principal role of enterprises in economic and trade cooperation.We hope that both sides' enterprises will display their respective strong points, actively explore new ways for cooperation, and jointly widen new spheres of cooperation through conducting joint research, building pilot projects, developing technologies, and expanding mutual investments.We hope that the two countries' governments and relevant departments will use enterprises' cooperation as a priority direction in strengthening and improving China-US economic and trade
cooperation, actively build bridges for enterprises' cooperation, strengthen intellectual property rights protection, make efforts to improve policy and legal system environments, and promote the facilitation of bilateral trade and investment.In the current situation, it is particularly necessary to uphold the principle of free trade so as to prevent all forms of trade protectionism.There is a need to bring into full play the role of China-US strategic and economic dialogue, the Joint Commission on Commerce and Trade, and other mechanisms.Proceeding from the overall
situation of China-US economic and trade cooperation, there is a need to promptly and appropriately resolve problems
in cooperation as well as create a good environment and provide more convenience for the two countries' economic and trade cooperation, particularly for cooperation between both sides' enterprises.I believe that with the joint efforts of both sides' enterprises and the relevant departments, we will be able to overcome the current difficulties and usher in a better tomorrow for China-US economic and trade cooperation.最后,祝中美经贸合作论坛取得成功!
To conclude, I wish the China-US Economic and Trade Forum every success!