1.对外承包工程保函风险专项资金(Outward Guarantee Under Government Special Fund For Overseas Construction)由中央财政出资设立,为符合规定的对外承包工程项目开具的投标、履约、预付款保函提供担保、垫支赔付的专项资金。本专项资金项下的保函业务由财政部、商务部委托我行及授权分行独家承办。
2.对外劳务合作备用金保函(Retention Guarantee For Labor Cooperation)银行根据《对外劳务合作备用金暂行办法》为开展对外劳务合作业务的企业向商务主管部门出具的,保证企业在解决外派劳务人员突发事件中支付一定款项的书面文件。
3.履约保函(Performance Guarantee)银行应客户申请向工程承包项目中的业主或商品买卖中的买方出具的,保证申请人严格履行承包合同或供货合同的书面文件。
4.投标保函(Tender Guarantee/Bid Bond)在以招标方式成交的工程建造和物资采购等项目中,银行应招标方的要求出具的、保证投标人在招标有效期内不撤标、不改标、中标后在规定时间内签定合同或提交履约保函的书面文件。
5.预付款保函(Advance Payment Guarantee)银行应客户申请向工程承包项目中的业主或商品买卖中的买方出具的,保证申请人在业主或买方支付预付款后履行合同义务的书面文件。
6.融资保函(Financing Guarantee)银行应借款人申请向贷款人出具的,保证借款人履行借贷资金偿还义务的书面文件。
7.付款保函(Payment Guarantee)银行应合同买方申请向卖方出具的,保证买方履行因购买商品、技术、专利或劳务合同项下的付款义务面出具的书面文件。
8.为境外投资企业提供的融资性对外担保(Financing Guarantee For Overseas Investment)银行应企业国内母公司的申请,为其境外全资附属企业或参股企业向当地金融机构融资或取得授信额度而出具的担保,保证境外企业履行贷款本息偿还义务或授信额度协议规定的资金偿还义务。
9.海事保函(Marine Guarantee)银行应船东、船公司、船东互保协会或保险公司的申请向海事法院或海事仲裁机构出具的,保证其被扣留的船只或财产被释放后,能够按照法院的判决书或仲裁结果上列明的赔款金额做出赔付的书面文件。
10.预留金保函(Retention Money Guarantee)银行应工程承包方或供货方的申请,向业主或买方出具的保证申请人在提前支取合同价款中的尾款部份后继续履行合同义务的书面文件。
11.关税保函(Customs Guarantee)应申请人要求向海关出具的,保证申请人履行缴纳关税义务的书面文件。
12.诉讼保函(Litigation Guarantee)银行应原告申请向司法部门出具的,保证原告在败诉的情况下履行损失赔偿义务的书面文件。
13.质量/维修保函(Quality/Maintenance Guarantee)银行应工程承包方或供货方的申请,向业主或买方出具的保证申请人履行保修期或维修期内合同义务的书面文件。
14.加工贸易税款保付保函(Taxation Guarantee For Processing Trade)银行应加工贸易企业的要求,向海关出具的保证加工贸易企业在海关核定的加工贸易合同手册有效期内,履行产品出口或按规定缴纳税款的书面保证。
15.网上支付税费担保(E-Taxation Guarantee)根据海关总署2005年第40号公告等有关规定,为满足纳税义务人在海关办理先放行货物后缴纳海关税费的网上支付业务需求,向海关出具的保证纳税义务人在海关规定的期限内向海关缴纳到期应缴税费的书面担保。
16.加工贸易进口料件保证金台账业务(Taxation Guarantee for Processing Trade)经营加工贸易的单位或企业凭主管海关核准的手续,按合同备案料、件金额向主管海关所在地的中国银行申请设立加工贸易进口料件保证金台账,加工成品在规定的加工期限内全部出口,经海关核销合同后,再由中国银行核销保证金台账。若企业在合同规定的加工期内未能及时出口或经批准转内销的,海关将会同税务部门和中国银行对企业进行税款追缴。对于逾期不向海关办理核销手续的加工贸易企业,中国银行不再为其开设新台账。加工贸易企业设立台账时分为“实转”和“空转”两种。
17.租赁保函(Lease Guarantee)银行应承租人的申请向出租人出具的,保证承租人按期支付租金的书面文件。根据租赁方式的不同,可分为融资租赁和经营租赁保函。
Bank Guarantee Form for Advance Payment预付款银行保函格式
To:(name of the Purchaser)致:(买方名称)
(name of the Contract)(合同名称)
Gentlemen and/or Ladies:先生们和 / 或女士们:
In accordance with the provision of clause 20 of the Terms and Conditions of Contract,(name and address of the Supplier)(hereinafter called “the Supplier”)shall deposit with the Purchaser a bank guarantee to guarantee its proper and faithful performance under the said Clause of the Contract in an amount of(amount of guarantee in figures and words).根据合同条款第20条中的规定,(卖方名称、地址)(以下简称“卖方“),向买方提交总额为(币种、以文字和数字表示的保函金额)的银行保函,以保证卖方将正确和忠实地履行所述的合同条款。We,(name of bank), as instructed by the Supplier, agree unconditionally and irrevocably to guarantee as primary obligator and not as surety merely, the payment to the Purchaser on its first demand without whatsoever right of objection on our part and without its first claim to the Supplier, in the amount not exceeding(amount of guarantee in figures and words).我行,(银行名称),根据卖方的要求,无条件地和不可撤销地同意作为第一责任人而不仅仅作为保证人,保证在收到买方的第一次要求就支付给买方不超过(币种、以文字和数字表示的保函金额)的金额,我行无权反对和不需要先向卖方索赔。
We further agree that no change or addition to or other modification of the terms of the Contract to be performed thereunder or of any of the Contract Documents which may be made between the Purchaser and the Supplier, shall in any way release us from any liability under this guarantee, and we hereby waive notice of any such change, addition, or modification.我行进而同意,双方同意的对将要履行的合同条款或合同文件的更改、增补或修改均不能免除我行在本保函下的任何责任。我行在此表示上述更改、增补或修改无需通知我行。
This guarantee expires 30 days after the last contractual delivery date.本保函从卖方收到合同预付款起直至最后一批货物交货后30天内有效。
Name and Position of Guarantors: 保证人姓名和职务
Signature and seal of Guarantors: 保证人签字、盖章
Name of Bank:银 行 名 称
12.Specimen of Letter of Credit12-1.信用证样本
Option A(in case 100% payment is made at one time)(一次支付100%的情况)Date:日期:
To:(The Supplier)致:(卖方)
This Letter of Credit is forward through(name of bank)本信用证通过(银行名称)转递。
We open an irrevocable Letter of Credit No.in your favour by Order of(name of the Purchaser)for account of ,to the extent of available against your draft(s)drawn at sight on(name of the Purchaser)for 100% of the invoice value,accompanied by the following documents: 我方应(买方名称)要求为贵方开具(信用证号码)号不可撤销的信用证,限于(币种、金额)。贵方可凭100%发票金额开具以(买方名称)为付款人的即期汇票,并附以下单据:
1.Four(4)copies of commercial invoice(indicating Contract No.).1.签字的商业发票4份(应注明有关的合同编号0.2.Clean on board Ocean Bills of Lading marked “freight prepaid” and made out to order, blank endorsed and notifying at the port of Destination.2.标有“运费已付“的全套已装船清洁海运提单,按顺序理好,空白背书,并通知目的港。
3.Four(4)copies of Packing List and/or weight Memo showing quantity and gross and net weight of each package.3.装箱单和/或重量单4份,说明每一包装箱的数量、毛重和净重。
4.Four(4)copies of Certificate of quality issued by the manufacturer.4.制造商出具的质量证书4份。
5.Your letter stating that extra bills have been dispatched according to contract terms.5.你方出具的一封信函正式额外的单据已按照合同条件发送。
6.Your certified copy of fax dispatched to the account within forty eight(48)hours after shipment advising name of vessel, quantity, weight, value and date of shipment.6.你方在启运后四十八(48)小时发送的通知船名、数量、重量、金额和启运日期的电报复印件一份。
7.Your letter stating prior approval of the nationality of the vessel by the Purchaser.7.你方证实承运船只的国籍已经买方批准的信函。
8.Insurance policy or certificate covering one hundred and ten percent(110%)of invoice value against all risks and war risks.8.按发票金额百分之一百一十(110%)投保的运输一切险和战争险保险单或保险证明。
9.Five(5)copies of certificate of country of origin.9.来源国证书一式五份。
10.Sight drafts to be drawn on the Purchaser to(name of bank).10.以买方为抬头的致(银行名称)的即期汇票。
EVIDENCING SHIPMENT OF: Goods under the Contract No.证实合同号(合同号)的货物已启运。
Price Terms: 价格条件(CIF/FOB)。
An extra certificate should be issued by you confirming that all the contents in the bills under this letter of credit comply with the above-mentioned contract terms.要求你方自己出具额外的证明,确认本信用证下提交的全部单据的内容符合上述合同条件。
Shipment from to 从(启运港)启运至(目的港)
Not later than 不迟于(交货的最后期限)
Partial shipment allowed Transhipment allowed部分装运(是否)允许,转运(是否)允许。
This Credit remains valid in until(inclusive)and all draft(s)must be marked that they are drawn under this Letter of Credit.本证书直至(年、月、日、时、分)在(地点)有效,和全部汇票必须标注是在本信用证下出具的。
We hereby undertake that against presentation of the drafts and shipping documents drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Credit, the same shall be negotiated subject to special instructions item 1 and 2 stated
1.Negotiations of drafts under this Credit are restricted to the above-mentioned advising bank.1.本信用证下的汇票议付只限于上述通知行(银行名称)。On negotiation, the negotiating bank should claim reimbursement from by cable provided all terms and conditions stipulated herein have been complied with and simultaneously the negotiation bank should dispatch all documents to us in One Lot by first available airmail.在议付时,议付行须以电报向(银行名称)要求报帐,单前提条件是在此规定的条件和条款要得到满足,同时,议付行还应将一套完整的单据按一类邮件航空邮寄我方。
2.All banking charges outside of the PRC and interest charges for negotiation are to be borne by the beneficiary.2.中华人民共和国境外发生的全部银行手续费和利息均由受益人承担。
12.Specimen of Letter of Credit12-2 信用证样本
Option B(in case installment payment is made)(分期付款的情况)
To:(the Supplier)致:(卖方)
This Letter of Credit is forwarded through(name of bank)本信用证通过(银行名称)转递。
We open an irrevocable Letter of Credit No.in your favor by order of(name of the purchaser)for account of to the extent of available against your drafts
drawn at sight on(name of the Purchaser)and permit the payments as follows: 我方应(买方名称)要求为贵方开具(信用证号码)号不可撤销的信用证,限于(币种、金额),贵方可开具以(买方名称)为付款人的即期汇票,并按以下方法支付:
A.Payment of % of the total Contract Price on presentation of the following documents: A.提交下列单据后支付合同价的 %。
1.One photostated copy of valid export license issued by the relevant authorities of the Supplier’s country authorizing the Supplier to export the Goods of the contract or a certificate issued by the Supplier stating that an
export license is not necessary;1.卖方国家有关当局出具的出口许可证复印件,允许卖方出口合同项下的货物或由卖方出具的证书。
2.An irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Advance Pavement issued by the
Supplier’s Bank in favor of the Purchaser, covering % of the total price of the Contract;2.卖方银行以买方为抬头的不可撤销的担保函,金额为合同价的 %。
3.Five(5)copies of proforma invoice covering the total price of the Contract;3.金额为合同总价的形式发票一式5份。
4.Sight draft to be drawn on the Purchaser to(name of bank).4.以买方为抬头的(银行名称)即期汇票。
5.Five(5)copies of commercial invoice.5.商业发票一式5份。
B.Payment of % of the total Contract Price prorate % of the value of each shipment on presentation of the following documents: B.提交下列单据后按合同总价的 %支付每次启运货价。
1.Three(3)original and two(2)copies of clean on board Ocean Bills of Lading marked “freight prepaid” in CIF Contract and made out to order, blank
endorsed and notifying at the port of Destination.1.对于到岸价(CIF)合同,标有:“运费已付”的全套已装船清洁海运提单3份和2份副本,按顺序理好,空白背书,通知目的港。
2.Five(5)copies of commercial invoice covering % of the relevant amounts for the delivered Goods for the Contract.2.金额为有关合同货物交货价的 %的商业发票一式5份。
3.Five(5)copies of Packing List showing contents of the Goods.3.详细的装箱单5份。
4.Five(5)copies of Certificate of quality issued by the manufacturer.4.制造商出具的质量证书5份。
5.Sight drafts to be drawn on the Purchaser to(name of bank).5.以买方为抬头(银行名称)的即期汇票。
6.A copy of telex advising shipment according to SCC Clause 7 of this Contract.6.根据本合同条款第7条的规定通知启运的电传复印件。
7.A Supplier’s letter attesting that the name and nationality of the carrying vessel have been approved by the Purchaser.7.你方证实承运船只的名称和国籍已经买方批准的信函。
8.Insurance policy or certificate covering one hundred and ten percent(110%)of invoiced value against all risks and war risks in one(1)original and four(4)copies.8.按发票金额百分之一百一十(110%)投保的以买方为受益人的运输一切险和战争险保险单1份正本,4份副本。
9.Five(5)copies of certificate of country of origin.9.卖方出具的来源国证书5份。
C.Payment of % of the total Contract Price after the acceptance of all Contract Goods on presentation of the following documents: C.合同货物验收后提交下列单据支付合同总价的 %。
1.Five(5)copies of commercial invoice;1.商业发票5份。
2.Five(5)copies of acceptance certificate of the Contract Goods signed by the Purchaser and Supplier;2.由买方和卖方签署的合同货物验收证书5份。
3.Sight draft to be drawn on the Purchaser to(name of bank)3.以买方为抬头(银行名称)的即期汇票。
EVIDENCING SHIPMENT OF: Goods under the Contract No.: 证实合同号(合同号)的货物已启运。
Price Terms: 价格条件(CIF/FOB)。
An extra certificate should be issued by you confirming that all the contents in the bills under this letter of credit comply with the above-mentioned contract terms.要求你方自己出具额外证明,确认本信用证下提交的全部单据的细节符合上述合同条件。
Shipment from to 从(启运港)启运至(目的港)
Not later than 不迟于(交货的最后期限)
Partial shipment allowed.Transhipment allowed部分装运(是否)允许,转运(是否)允许。
This Credit remains valid in until and all drafts must be marked that they are drawn under this Letter of Credit.本证书直至(年、月、日、时、分)在(地点)有效,和全部汇票必须标注是在本信用证下出具的。
We hereby undertake that against presentation of the drafts and shipping documents drawn under and in compliance with the terms of this Credit, the same shall be negotiated subject to special instructions item 1 and 2 stated hereunder.我方在此承诺:根据下述特别说明的第1和第2条,按照本信用证下出具的符合本信用证条件的汇票和装运单据予以议付。
1.Negotiations of drafts under this Credit are restricted to the
above-mentioned advising bank.On negotiation, the negotiating bank should claim reimbursement from by cable provided all terms and conditions
stipulated herein have been complied with and simultaneously the negotiation bank should dispatch all documents to us in One Lot by first available airmail.1.本信用证下的汇票议付只限于上述通知行(银行名称)。在议付时,议付行须以电报向(银行名称)要求报帐,但前提条件是本条的全部条件和条款已得到满足,同时,议付行还应将一套完整的单据按一类邮件航空邮寄我方。
2.All banking charges outside of the PRC and interest charges for negotiation are to be borne by the beneficiary.2.中华人民共和国境外发生的全部银行手续费和利息均由受益人承担。
开立日期: 致:中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院(受益人名称及地址)
根据_北京博润新能电力科技有限公司(以下称“供货方”)与_中国能源建设集团广东省电力设计研究院(以下称“买方”)于 年 月 日签定的___________号合同之要求,供货方需向买方提供上述合同项下(货物名称)的履约保函,以保证供货方切实按照合同规定履行义务。
我们,中国光大银行 中关村支行,注册地,应供货方的要求,兹开立以你公司为受益人的不可撤销的、金额不超过RMB 84,000.00(金额大写:人民币 捌万肆仟元整 元整)的履约保函。
Performance Guarantee
To ____________(beneficiary’s name and address)Guarantee No._________ For Contract No._________ Issuing date___________
Whereas _______________________(hereinafter called “the Supplier”)has undertaken to supply _____________(goods)in pursuance of the contract No._____________ dated ___________with(hereinafter called the “Buyer”).And whereas it has been stipulated by the Buyer in the Contract that the Supplier shall furnish the Buyer with a bank guarantee issued by a recognized bank for the sum specified herein as security for the Supplier’s compliance with his performance obligations in accordance with the Contract;At the request of the Supplier, we, China Everbright Bank __________branch having our registered office at , hereby issue our irrevocable letter of guarantee No.__________ in your favor for the total amount not exceeding ___________(Say____________Only).We undertake to pay you, upon your first written demand declaring that the Supplier has been in default under the Contract, the amount not exceeding ____________(Say_____________Only)as aforesaid.The amount of this letter of guarantee shall be automatically decreased in proportion to the progress of supply made by the Supplier.This letter of guarantee shall become effective on ________,(or This performance guarantee will come into force only when the Seller has received a letter of credit acceptable to him,)and expire on __________, after which date this guarantee shall become null and void automatically, and shall be immediately returned to us for cancellation.Any action of maintaining the original of this guarantee or any of its amendments shall then give no right to the beneficiary for lodging any more claims hereunder.All claims made hereunder accompany THIS ORIGINAL GUARANTEE must be received by us on or before _____, after which date our liabilities hereunder will cease and this guarantee will be of no further effect.附件6
根据 公司(以下简称“卖方)与 公司(以下简称买方)于 年 月 日签定的 号合同,卖方向买方出售(货物名称),合同金额为RMB(金额大写:人民币 元整)。
我们,中国光大银行 分支行,注册地,应卖方的申请,兹开立以买方为受益人,金额不超过RMB____________(金额大写:人民币__________________元整)的不可撤销的预付款保函。
我行保证,如果卖方未能向买方提供合同项下的设备/货物,我行将在收到买方的书面索赔通知书的10个银行工作日内,立即无条件偿还买方预付的上述款项,但最高不超过RMB ______________(金额大写:人民币_____________元整)。
本保函自买方将预付款RMB(金额大写:人民币 元整)付至卖方在我行开立的 号帐户之日起生效。或者在预付款为分期付至的情况下,本保函将于申请人收到第一批预付款之日起生效,其项下的有效余额将与申请人实际所收到的预付款总额相等。担保金额在任何情况下均不能超过卖方实际收到的预付款项一致。
本保函有效期至 年____月___日为止。
Advance/Down Payment Guarantee
To: _____________(beneficiary’s name and address)
Guarantee No._______ For Contract No._______ Issuing date______
Whereas ___________________(hereinafter called the “Seller”)has signed contract No.___________ dated _____with _______________(hereinafter called the“Buyer”)for the amount of________(Say_________Only).At the request of the Seller, we, China Everbright Bank __________branch having our registered office at , hereby issue our irrevocable letter of guarantee No.__________ in favor of the Buyer.We undertake the guarantee as follows: 1.Our liability under this letter of guarantee shall be limited to________(Say_______Only)2.If the buyer declares in writing that the Seller fails to deliver all the equipment/goods in accordance with the contract terms, We shall, within ten(10)banking days after receipt of your first written demand, unconditionally refund to you the amount up to __________(Say__________________Only)The guarantee shall become effective as from the date when the Seller is in receipt of the advance payment of(Say Only)credited to the account No.with our bank.Or(for installments of advance payment by the buyer)The guarantee shall become effective as from the date when the Seller is in receipt of the first installment of the said advance payment credited to the Seller’s account No.with our bank, and the amount available hereunder shall always correspond to the total advanced sum the Seller has actually received.The guaranteed amount of this letter of guarantee shall be diminished automatically and proportionally in accordance with the value of each shipment as shown in the relevant invoices.This letter of guarantee expires on ______________, after which date this guarantee will become null and void automatically, and shall be immediately returned to us for cancellation.Any action of maintaining the original of this guarantee or any of its amendments shall then give no right to the beneficiary for lodging any more claims hereunder.All claims made hereunder accompany THIS ORIGINAL GUARANTEE must be received by us on or before ______________, after which date our liabilities hereunder will cease and this guarantee will be of no further effect.附件8
开立日期: 致:(受益人名称地址)
我们,中国光大银行 分支行,注册地,应买方的要求,兹开立以卖方为受益人,金额不超过RMB_____________(金额大写:人民币__________________元整)的不可撤销的担保函。
我行保证,在卖方向买方交付总计金额为RMB(金额大写:人民币 元整)的(货物名称)后,买方将按照上述合同条款之规定向卖方付款。
如果卖方履行了上述的合同义务,并按照合同的要求提供了买方可接受的单据,但是如买方未能在____年 月 日前按合同规定向卖方付款,我行保证在收到卖方声明买方拒绝付款的书面索赔通知、货运单据及________(其它所需单据或证明)后,在10个银行工作日之内付给卖方总额不超过RMB______________(金额大写:人民币_____________元整)的款项。
本保函担保的金额将随卖方逐批发运货物、按照发票中所显示的金额而自动递减。本保函从开立日期起生效,有效期至______年 月____日。
Payment Guarantee To:___________(beneficiary’s name and address)Guarantee No.__________
For Contract No.________ Issuing date__________ Whereas ________________________(hereinafter called “the Buyer”)has signed a contract No.____________ dated ______with __________________(hereinafter called “the Seller”)concerning the purchase from the Seller of the “goods” of the contract.At the request of the Buyer, we, China Everbright Bank __________branch having our registered office at , hereby issue our irrevocable letter of guarantee No._____________ in your favor for the total amount not exceeding ___________(Say____________Only).We guarantee that the payment shall be made by the Buyer according to the terms and conditions of the contract and hereby undertake with you as follows: Shall the Seller fulfill the above-mentioned contract obligations and provide the documents according to the stipulations of contract and found in order by the Buyer, but the Buyer fails to pay the amounts stipulated in the contract, then we undertake to effect such payment to the extent of the guaranteed amount hereunder for the unpaid value of goods the Seller delivered to the Buyer within ten(10)banking days after receipt of your first written demand stating that the Buyer has failed to pay the amounts stipulated in the contract.The amount of this letter of guarantee shall be automatically decreased in accordance with the payment made by the Buyer.This letter of guarantee shall become effective on ________, and expire on __________,after which date this guarantee shall become null and void automatically, and shall be immediately returned to us for cancellation.Any action of maintaining the original of this guarantee or any of its amendments shall then give no right to the beneficiary for lodging any more claims hereunder.All claims made hereunder accompany THIS ORIGINAL GUARANTEE must be received by us on or before _____, after which date our liabilities hereunder shall cease and this guarantee shall be of no further effect.附件10
保函编号: 开立日期: 致:(受益人名称地址)
根据(以下简称“卖方”)与(以下简称受益人)与 年 月 日签定(工程或货物名称)合同之规定,应卖方的申请,我们,中国光大银行___________分(支)行,注册地
附件11 Performance Guarantee for Project contracting Date: To:(beneficiary’s name and address)Dear Sirs, Know all men by these presents that we, China Everbright Bank xx Branch(hereinafter called the bank)having our registered office at , at the request of
(applicant)(hereinafter called contractor)and according to the terms of the contract No.xxxxxx(hereinafter called the contract)signed between your goodselves(name of the beneficiary)(hereinafter called the employer)and the contractor dated for the construction and completion of(hereinafter called the project), are held and firmly bound unto the employer in the sum of only for the payment of which sum to be well and truly made, we bind ourselves and our respective successors by these presents.The condition of this obligation is such that whereas the contractor has entered into the contract for the project now, therefore, if the contractor shall well and truly perform and fulfill all the obligations under the terms of the contract and any extensions thereof that may be granted by the employer with notice to the surety, and during the life of any guarantee required under the contract, and shall also well and truly perform and fulfill all modifications of the contract that may hereafter be made, then this obligation shall become null and void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue, our liability under this performance guarantee is limited to a sum not exceeding(say only).This guarantee shall come into force from the issuing date and remain valid up to(the expiry date of this performance guarantee), any claim in writing should be verified by the contractor accompany THIS ORIGINAL GUARANTEE and received by us within the validity period of this guarantee, otherwise, we shall be discharged from our liability, if any, under this guarantee.Upon expiry, this guarantee shall automatically become null and void and shall be returned to us for cancellation.Any action of maintaining the original of this guarantee or any of its amendments shall then give no right to the beneficiary for lodging any more claims hereunder.附件12
保函编号: 开立日期:
应(下称“申请人”)之申请,中国光大银行 分(支)行(下称“我行”),注册地,兹开立以 海关(下称“贵关”)为受益人,最高担保金额为RMB(金额大写:人民币 元整),有效期至 年 月 日的保函。
预 收 款 退 款 保 函 REFUND GUARANTEE
致受益人 :
TO: ___________(the “Beneficiary”)
(下称“保函申请人”)与你方签订了编号为 的
Whereas ________(the “L/G Applicant”)has entered into __________ [contract or agreement](No.________)with you and received advance payment from you in an amount of _______ [currency][amount(in words)] in accordance with the provisions thereunder, upon the request of the L/G Applicant, we hereby undertake to act as a guarantor in accordance with the following in respect of the refund by the L/G Applicant of such advance payment under the above contract or agreement:
The maximum amount guaranteed by us hereunder shall be ________ [currency][amount(in words)](the “Guaranteed Amount”).二、我行在本保函项下提供的保证为连带责任保证。Our guarantee liability hereunder shall be joint and several.三、本保函的有效期为以下第 种: 1.本保函有效期至 年 月 日止。2.。
The validity period of this L/G shall be item __ of the following: ending on the date of ________;or_______________________.四、在本保函的有效期内,如保函申请人违反上述合同或协议约定而未向你方退还预付款,我行将在收到你方提交的本保函原件及符合下列全部条件的索赔通知后 个工作日内,以上述保证金额为限支付你方索赔金额:
During the Guarantee Term, if the L/G Applicant fails to refund you the advance payment in accordance with the above contract or agreement, we shall pay you the amount up to but not exceeding the Guaranteed Amount within ___ working days after receiving from you the original copy of this L/G and the Demand for Payment satisfying all of the following requirements:
The Demand for Payment shall be in writing and set out the amount claimed, affixed with your company chop and signed by your legal representative(principal officer)or authorized representative;
2.证明保函申请人违反上述合同或协议约定而未向你方退还预付款以及有责任支付你方索赔金额的证 1 据。
The Demand for Payment shall be delivered together with: a.a written statement stating that the L/G Applicant or its agent has not paid you, directly or indirectly, any amount claimed;and b.evidence to prove that the L/G Applicant has failed to refund you the advance payment in accordance with the above contract or agreement and that it is obligated to pay you the amount claimed.(三)索赔通知必须在本保函有效期内到达以下地址:。
The Demand for Payment shall reach the following address within the Guarantee Term: ________________________.五、本保函保证金额将随保函申请人逐步履行保函项下合同约定或法定的义务以及我行按你方索赔通知要求分次支付而相应递减。
The Guaranteed Amount shall be reduced correspondingly when:(1)the L/G Applicant has performed any of its contractual or statutory obligations in relation to the contract or agreement underlying the L/G;and(2)we make any installment payment upon your Demand for Payment.六、本保函项下权利不得转让,不得设定担保。受益人未经我行书面同意转让本保函或其项下任何权利,我行在本保函项下的义务与责任全部消灭。
The rights hereunder shall not be transferred or assigned to any third party, nor shall they be offered as a security for other debts.七、本保函项下的合同或基础交易不成立、不生效、无效、被撤销、被解除,本保函无效;保函申请人基于保函项下的合同或基础交易或其他原因的抗辩,我行均有权主张。
If the contract or agreement mentioned above or the underlying transaction is null and void, becomes ineffective or invalid, or is revoked or terminated, this L/G shall become void.We are entitled to the same defenses as the L/G Applicant may have under the contract or agreement mentioned above, the underlying transaction or for any other reason.八、因本保函发生争议协商解决不成,按以下第 种方式解决:
(二)提交 仲裁委员会(仲裁地点为),按照申请仲裁时该会现行有效的仲裁规则进行仲裁。仲裁裁决是终局的,对双方均有约束力。
If the dispute arising hereunder can not be resolved through consultation, such dispute shall be resolved by means of ___:(i)(ii)submitting the dispute to the People’s court within the jurisdiction where we are located.submitting the dispute to _______ [name of the arbitration committee] for arbitration at ______ [place of arbitration] in accordance with the then prevailing arbitration rules.The arbitration award shall be final and binding.九、本保函有效期届满或提前终止,受益人应立即将本保函原件退还我行;受益人未履行上述义务,本保函仍在有效期届至或提前终止之日失效。
Upon the expiration or early termination of the Guarantee Term, out liabilities hereunder shall be extinguished and the Beneficiary shall immediately return the original copy of this L/G to us.This L/G shall be void on such expiration or early termination of the Guarantee Term even if the Beneficiary fails to perform the above obligation.十、本保函适用中华人民共和国法律。This L/G shall be governed by the laws of the People’s Republic of China.十一、其他条款: Miscellaneous Provisions:______________________________________
This L/G shall take effect upon signing by our principal officer or authorized representative and being affixed with our company chop.十三、如本保函的中文与英文发生冲突,以中文版本为准。
In case of any inconsistencies between the English and the Chinese versions, the Chinese version shall prevail.保证人(公章):
Guarantor(company chop):____________ 负责人或授权代理人(签字):
Principal Officer or authorized representative(signature):____________ 签发日期
****年**月**日 Date:_________________(d/m/y)
Date :
To :
________(Company Name)
That in consideration of(hereinafter referred to as “NPOG”)entering into a contract for the Construction, Commissioning and Handover of Field Surface
Facilities.(“CONTRACT”)dated________ day-of________ ________with________ hereinafter referred to as “CONTRACTOR(S)”'We, ________a company incorporated under the laws of ________with a principal business address at________(hereinafter referred to as “ GUARANTOR”)do hereby enter into the following undertakings with NPOG:
(a)Guarantee full and complete performance of all obligations of CONTRACTOR(s)under the said CONTRACT and all change orders thereunder and amendments thereof which may subsepuently be duly executed by CONTRACTOR(s).(b)Should CONTRACTOR in any respect fail to perform the said obligations
contained in the said CONTRACT or commits any breach thereof, we as GUARANTOR shall ourselves perform or take whatever steps as may be necessary to achieve
performance of the obligations thereof, in accordance with terms of the said CONTRACT and the GUARANTOR shall assume any loss, damages, costs and expenses arising from the said failure or breach for which CONTRACTOR(s)may be made available thereunder;MUGLAD BASIN OIL DEVELOPMENT PROJEDT
(c)we the GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from our undertakings hereunder by any waiver or forebearance by NPOG whether as to payment, time , performance, or otherwise.(d)In the event and for the duration that the GUARANTOR assumes the obligatinos of CONTRACTOR under the said CONTRACT above, the GUARANTOR shall be entitled to all of the rights and benefits to which CONTRACTOR is entitled under CONTRACT.(e)For the purpose of this Guarantee and the said CONTRACT, the CONTRACTOR does hereby agree to submit to the exclusive jurisdiction of the British Courts.(f)This Guarantee shall inure to the benefit of NPOG and its successors and assigns, and shall be binding upon the GUARANTOR and its successors and assigns.(g)This guarantee shall be effective as of the________ day of
____________199_____.IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE GUARANTOR has caused this Guarantee to be duly executed by its authorized representative on this ____________day of
____________199____________.For and on behalf:
signature : ____________
name :
designation :
Signature: ____________
Name: ____________
Designation: ____________
Date: ____________
1. 如果承包商在任一方面不能履行合同或违约,则根据NPOG第一次提出的不带证据和条件的要求,担保人在收到其要求后14天内,不论承包商或任何第三方是否有异议或反对,担保人都应立即支付总额为________美元的担保金。
2. 在征得或未征得担保人同意的条件下,无论承包商和NPOG间签订何种协议,或者无论承包商在合同项下的义务发生何种变化,或者无论NPOG对于付款时间、履行情况以及其他事项作出何种让步,或无论NPOG或承包商的名字组织机构发生何种改变,都不能免除担保人的担保重任。
3. 本保函持续有效,有效力将相应地保持到最终验收通知单签发日期,或合同终止后3个,二者以先为准。
4. 担保人同意,无论未偿还金额能否通过法律行为或仲裁方式获得,并且无论这笔偿还金额是否由于承包商亏损、损坏、花费以及由于NPOG的某些原因造成的,担保人同样给予担保。
TO: ____________(Company name),a company incorporated under the laws of and having its registered office at ____________(hereinafter called“ NPOG”)
(1)by an agreement for the ____________(hereinafter referred to as the of the one part and NPOG of the other part, the CONTRACTOR agrees to perform the WORKS in accordance with the CONTRACT.(2)one of the expressed conditions of the CONTRACT is the receipt by NPOG of this guarantee duly executed by(name of banker:)____________(hereinafter called the “ GUARANTOR”)who hereby irrevocably and unconditionally guarantees and undertakes to NPOG as follows:
i)if the CONTRACTOR shall in any respect fail to execute the CONTRACT or commit any breach of this obligations thereunder the GUARANTOR shall pay to NPOG on first demand without proof or conditions the sum of US.Dollar ____________(USD:
____________)within 14 days after receipt of the said demand notwithstanding any contestation or protest by the CONTRACTOR or any other third party.ii)The GUARANTOR shall not be discharged or released from this Guarantee by any agreement made between the CONTRACTOR and NPOG with or without the consent of the GUARANTOR or by any alteration in the obligations undertaken by the
CONTRACTOR or by any forbearance whether as to payment time, performances or otherwise, or by any change in mane or constitution of NPOG or the CONTRACTOR.iii)This guarantee is continuing security and accordingly shall remain in force until the issuance of the notice for final acceptance of three(3)months after the early termination of the CONTRACT, whichever is earlier.iv)The GUARANTOR agree that the grauantee is given regardless whether or not the sum outstanding occasioned by the loss, damages costs ,expenses or otherwise incurred
by NPOG is recoverable by legal action or arbitration.IN WITNESS whereof this guarantee has been duly executed by GUARANTOR the____________ day of ____________199 ____________.For and on behalf of ____________
(name of banker)
signature: ____________
name: ____________
banker' s seal: ____________