issue 常用替换词

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第一篇:issue 常用替换词


巨大: big-colossal/ enormous/ immense/ gargantuan/ grandiose/ massive/ monolithic/ prodigious/ titanic/ tremendous

小的: small-diminutive/ miniature/ miniscule

快的(副词):fastly—by leaps and bounds

加强: strengthen-bolster/ buttress/ consolidate/ reinforce/ intensify/ fortify(可以用在argument)强的: strong-brawny/ muscular/ sinewy/ impregnable/ invincible/ potent/ robust/ virile/ stalwart/ stout/ sturdy

强人: baron(巨头)magnate/ mogul

削弱: weaken-diminish / debilitate/ enervate/ sap/ undermine/perish/wane

弱的: weak—feeble/ decrepit/ frail/ flaccid/ impotent/ puny/ tenuous

重要的: important –consequential/ momentous/ eminent/ prominent/ pivotal/ substantial/ significant/ crucial/ essential/ fundamental

重要: importance—core/ hub/ essence/ gist/magnitude


居首位的: leading—foremost/ paramount/ overriding /predominant/ prevailing/ preeminent prevalent/ supreme

不重要的: unimportant—marginal/ peripheral/ negligible/ trifling/trivial

超过: surpass—eclipse/exceed/override/overwhelming/prevail/transcend/ be superior to/ outwit / outweigh /be inferior to(劣于)= be subordinate to

霸权: ascendancy/hegemony/supremacy

初始: beginning—debut/premiere/ prime/ genesis/ inception/ onset/ threshold/ lead off/ lead out(比to begin with好得多拉)

(或者说什么的到来:advent of something)

初始的: beginning--primitive//budding/ fledgling/ embryonic/(古老的意义解时archaic or antiquated or obsolescent or obsolete)

开始: begin/start—commence/ initiate/ embark/ inaugurate

开始:begin/start=undertake / embark upon

增长: grow—multiply/mushroom/proliferate/ sprout/accelerate/ burgeon(慢慢增长)

使其增长: increase--amplify/ magnify/add-augment/ supplement

加重,升级 aggravate(恶化)/ escalate/ exacerbate/ deteriorate/ impair

减少,减弱: decrease—abate/attenuate/ detract/ diminish/ slacken/curb/ curtail/(number)pare/ prune/ slash/ trim/ whittle/

减轻decrease---allay/ assuage/ mollify/ soothe/mitigate/

变弱decrease—dwindle/ ebb/ subside/ wane/ weaken/ impair

上升: ascend—lift / surge/ rocket/ boast/ soar/ boom

达到顶峰 culminate 顶点: peak—acme/apex/ pinnacle/ climax/ apogee n.远地点/ zenith(nadir最低点 or abyss深渊)(zenith&nadir特别适合用在比喻 强调两者的区别大~两个词的来源大家可以查查~两个对比强烈哦)

下降: descend/ plummet/ plunge/ slump/ tumble(fluctuate波动)

gather聚拢:accumulate/ amass/ assemble/ congregate/ garner/ glean/ muster/ rally(为反对或支持而召集)

group群组:battalion/ bevy/ cluster/ drove/ flock/ swarm/ throng

combination集合:assortment/ medley/ mosaic(马赛克)/ motley(五花八门:形容词也可以)a lot of/ a great many of= manifold 许多 – abundant/ ample(充足)/ copious(大量的)/ fraught with/ replete with/ numerous/ innumerable(不计其数)/myriad 很多/ a multitude of/ multitudes of/ a myriad of 无数的人们/ limitless无限的/ a deluge of/ beaucoup <法> adj.非常多的(很多同学都喜欢用~a lot of~a great number of~这里注意:numerous这里表达的不是无数很多那样~之表示一般的多~这一点从G猫老外改得一篇文章可以看到)

large quantity: 大量:avalanche/ spate(比喻意大量的某物)/ exodus大量流出/ 大量流入influx/ multitude大量 / plethora 比喻意:大量/ profusion 丰富,繁多

拥有大量:boast/ abound / deluge(被大量的某物所淹没)/ teem到处

散开:spread-dispel(驱散)/ disperse/ disseminate

稀少的:scarce/ meager/ scant/ scanty/ skimpy/ sparse/ dearth

节俭的:frugal/ thrifty/ miserly/

富裕的:rich-affluent/ lavish/ luxurious/ opulent/ sumptuous/ palatial

浪费的:improvident/ prodigal son(浪荡子)=improvident/ profligate

贫困的:poor= destitute/ impoverished/ impecunious/ indigent(形容人)

困难的:difficult= arduous/ strenuous/ daunting/ formidable/ exacting/ insuperable/ impassable/ onerous(issue中大量存在“困难”的表达)

困境:(陷入困难的处境就是困难)difficult situations= deadlock/ impasse/ stalemate/ dilemma/ predicament/ quandary/ mire泥沼/ morass/ swamp/ quagmire/ standstill停止,僵局/ labyrinth迷宫(很好的比喻的说法~可以说什么问题把我们陷入了一个迷宫~僵局等~)

陷入:reduce/ get bogged down/ plunge into

复杂的:complicated/ intricate/ complex/(这里介绍一个很好的押韵的方法:complex and perplexed/ complicate and intricate or sophisticated用在表达困难的地方可以显示出词汇的完善更能有一种押运修辞的效果~读起来琅琅上口)

复杂的事情:imbroglio/ mesh/ tangle/ labyrinth迷宫= maze

卷入复杂的境地:involve= embroil/ ensnare/ entangle

从复杂境地脱身:escape= extricate

难以理解:abstruse/ recondite/ intricate/ arcane只有少数人可以理解=esoteric/ cryptic 简短却令人迷惑/ enigmatic 谜一般的 enigma 形容词形式/ inexplicable无法解释/ inscrutable无法捉摸=unfathomable/ mysterious/ supernatural/ mystical/ extraterrestrial

(这里的词很多都表示 难以理解~ 很多题目学习类~教育类~社会类~历史类~艺术类~只要表示某某问题把我们难倒了都可以用)

迷mystery-puzzle= enigma/ conundrum/ riddle/迷宫labyrinth/ maze

令人迷惑:puzzle = baffle/ befuddle/ bewilder/ confound/ mystify/ perplex

令人沮丧:depressed= with depression/ frustrating/ daunting/ dismal/

使可以理解:clarify= elucidate/ enlighten启迪教化/ explicate阐明/ expound on/upon/illuminate照亮说清楚

可以理解的:intelligible = explicit/ lucid

阻碍:hindrance名次= fetter/ shackle/ trammel枷锁桎梏/ onus负担重任

阻碍:动词hamper = encumber造成负担/ foil/ stymie/ thwart阻碍或者挫败工作完成/ handicap/ hinder/ impede/ retard

压制:smother/ stifle 令人窒息,压制约束 suppress/ pin down

协助促进:aid = facilitate/ foster/ nurture/ buttress/

著名的:famous = celebrated/ renowned/ reputed/ distinguished/ illustrious/ prestigious/ outstanding/ distinctive/ eminent/ notable/ noticeable/ striking/ remarkable/ preeminent be famous for = take pride in

elite= meritocrat(meritocracy n.知识界精华)(用上的话超级有文采~嘻嘻)

有特色:feature = savor/ 因为什么而闻名可用famous一系列

臭名昭著:disreputable = infamous/ notorious/ nefarious因为极坏而臭名昭著

好的名声:reputation = esteem/ prestige

坏的名声:disgrace/ disrepute/ ignominy/ infamy/ odium/ opprobrium/ stigma 不好的声誉,耻辱。

尊重 名次:respect = reverence/ veneration/ homage

高尚的:noble = rarefied/ sublime/ lofty

不尊重 名次:disrespect = scorn蔑视

招人轻视的:contemptible = despicable

尊重:动词idolize/ worship/ lionize 对待名人一样的崇拜/ revere敬爱,敬畏

不尊重:动词 disrespect/ deride/ scoff嘲笑/ despise/ disdain/ slight/ snub

赞扬:名次praise= accolade赞美,奖项/ approbation/ encomium/ eulogy/ panegyric/ plaudit/ tribute/ tribute用来表示赞美的行为或者发言

赞美:动词praise = acclaim/ applaud/ hail欢呼/ commend/ extol/ laud高度的,常常带有美化成分的赞美


谴责:condemn= censure/ denounce/ reprimand/ decry/ deprecate/ deplore叹惋/ lament 叹惋 / remonstrate争辩,申辩

责备:admonish/ reproach/ reprove温和的责备

严厉责备:动词 berate/ castigate/ chastise/ chide/ excoriate/ inveigh/ rail/ revile/ upbraid 令人讨厌的事物:名次 anathema

谩骂的:abusive/ vituperative

有害的事物:harmful things=

contagion传染病瘟疫 epidemic/ pandemic也有流行的意思/pestilence/ plague

疾病:malady 瘴气:miasma比喻意为有害的气氛或者影响 灾患:scourge

不再害怕看到世界中心深处的毒气:unafraid to look deep into the miasma at the heart of the world.有害的:harmful = deleterious/ detrimental/ noxious/ toxic/ virulent/ monstrous/ murderous邪恶的:evil/ devil= cruel/ crude/ brutal/ wicked/ vicious/ malicious/ atrocious/ virulent/ venomous / sinister/ hafarious/ vicious/ pernicious/ destructive/ detrimental

致命的:fatal/ lethal前两个并非贬义/ pernicious极其有害的有益的:形容词:hygienic/ sanitary 广义的卫生的/ salutary/wholesome有益身心的有害的事物: bane致命的毒药 / blight植物的枯萎病/

损害:harm = blemish/ deface/ disfigure/ eviscerate/ impair减损/main mutilate毁伤肢体/ mar/spoil破坏 demolish

有益的事物:antidote 解毒药/ remedy药物:纠错/ panacea 万能良药 elixir 炼金药,万能药(有贬义含义)/ boon赐福blessing / tonic 补药

改善:improve = ameliorate/ amend/ 对法律的修改/ rectify/ redress/

毁坏,毁灭:destroy/ annihilate彻底消灭/ exterminate终结/ eliminate/ eradicate/ decimate/ demolish/ dismantle/ raze 彻底摧毁夷为平地/ devastate/ ravage/ wreck遭受重创,严重破坏/ obliterate擦去/ pulverize 磨成粉末状/ subvert 颠覆

可怕的:awful = horrible/ terrible/ tragic/ wretched / dire

复苏,复兴 动词:revive= rejuvenate/ resurrect/ resuscitate/ revive

动荡的,混乱的 形容词:tumultuous/ turbulent/

混乱:名词:chaos/ confusion/ disorder / mayhem/ disarray/ havoc大面积的破坏-混乱 pandemonium 撒旦居住的地方,比喻嘈杂,混乱的地方/ shambles废墟/ turmoil 混乱,动荡/ upheaval突发的巨变

灾难:calamity/ cataclysm/ catastrophe

危险 名词:danger/ hazard/ peril

危险的:hazardous/ perilous/ precarious/ treacherous

危及:动词 endanger/ compromise/ imperil/ jeopardize

保护:protect = safeguard


常用替换词总结 ★写作替换词库 一. 事物的特征

1.Important: essential, significant(=be of great significance), vital, crucial, profound, indispensable, critical, fundamental, primary, elementary,decisive 2.Big: gigantic, massive, enormous, immense, tremendous, titanic, giant, vast, huge 3.Many: numerous, innumerable, infinite, countless, a great number of, an ocean of, a host of 4.Many kinds of: various kinds of, all sorts of, diverse kinds of, a variety of, a wide range of 5.Good: marvelous, fabulous, gorgeous, spectacular, outstanding, distinguished, remarkable, incredible, unbelievable, magnificent, fantastic, terrific, excellent, great, wonderful, amazing, awesome, positive, favorable(有利的), rosy(美好的),promising(有希望的), pleasurable(令人愉快的),wholesome(健康的,有益的)6.Bad: awful, terrible, dreadful, defective, faulty, imperfect, inadequate, poor, substandard, unsatisfactory, harmful, damaging, deleterious, detrimental, hurtful, ruinous, unhealthy, evil, immoral 7.Clever: brilliant, knowledgeable, intellectual, intelligent, excellent, bright, smart 8.Happy: delightful, glad, overjoyed, pleased, joyful, 9.Beautiful: charming, attractive, gorgeous, pretty, sweet, adorable, eye-catching, handsome, hot, cute, good-looking, lovable,10.Fast:swift, quick, rapid, speedy, hasty 11.Easy: simple, effortless, uncomplicated, undemanding, a piece of cake(informal), 12.Clear: obvious, apparent, comprehensible, conspicuous, distinct, evident 13.Difficult: hard, tricky, complicated, complex, intricate, perplexing, puzzling 14.Dangerous: breakneck, hazardous, insecure, risky, unsafe, vulnerable 二.问题

1.表示“问题的产生”:create(cause, lead to, result in, be responsible for, give rise to)a problem 2.表示“…成为一个问题(威胁)”:pose a problem(threat)to sb., present sb.with a problem(threat)3.表示“严重的问题”:a serious(severe, grave)problem 4.表示“处理问题”:deal(address, tackle, combat)the problem 5.表示“解决问题”:solve(resolve, overcome)the problem 6.表示“使问题减轻”:ease(reduce, alleviate)the problem

7.表示“使问题变得更加严重”:make the problem worse, aggravate the problem, complicate the problem 三.数量(图表作文必用)

1.增加:increase/ raise/ rise/ go up/ accelerate 2.减少:decrease/ grow down/ drop/decelerate 3.波动:fluctuate/rebound/undulate/wave 4.稳定:remain stable/stabilize/level off 5.表示数据变化的单词或者词组:  rapid/rapidly 迅速的,飞快的,险峻的  dramatic/dramatically 戏剧性的,生动的  significant/significantly 有意义的,重大的,重要的

 sharp/sharply 锐利的,明显的,急剧的  steep/steeply 急剧升降的

 steady/steadily 稳固的,坚定不移的  gradual/gradually 渐进的,逐渐的  slow/slowly 缓慢的,不活跃的  slight/slightly 轻微的  stable/stably 稳定的 6.数字:number, figure, statistics 7.比例:proportion 8.百分比:percentage 四.引导结构

1.科学研究表明:According to a research,…/ A scientific research indicates…

2.数据表明:According to statistics,…, Statistics show(indicate, suggest)that…

3.引导事实:It is a well-known fact that…, It is widely believed that…, It is a widely-held belief that…, It is true that…, There is no denying the fact that…

4.比如,例如:like, such as, for example, for instance, take sth.for example, …is a perfect example, …is an illustrating example.五.议论文常用表达

1.表达个人观点(think): assume, argue, emphasize.insist, that, believe, deem, reckon, maintain, suppose, conceive, consider, perceive,insist, to my knowledge, when it comes to me, for my part, as for me, in my point of view, in the eyes of me, the way I see it,hold the(opinion/ belief/ position/stand point/idea)personally, from my personal perspective, as far as I am concerned, from my point of view, from my angle 2.重视:give weight to, give stress to, attach importance to 3.强调:place weight on, put emphasis on 4.赞同:approve of, vote for, stand by 5.反对:disapprove of, object to, be opposed to 6.努力:make every effort to do, many effort should be made to do, spare no effort to do 7.决心:be determined to do, make up one’s mind to do, be convinced to do 8.结论:sb.may come to a conclusion that…, sb.may arrive at a conclusion that…, sb.may reach a conclusion that…

9.坚持:adhere to, insist on, persist in 10.打算:mean to do, intend to do, attempt to do 11.认识到:be aware of, be conscious of, realize


Firstly: previously, beforehand, foremost, initially, originally, formerly, principally, mainly, essentially, basically, generally, commonly, universally, on the whole, fundamentally, to begin with, to start with Then: subsequently, afterward, thereafter, after that, secondarily, what is more, furthermore Lastly: ultimately, eventually, in conclusion, to conclude, as a final point, last of all, last but not least, finally Too: as well(句末), in addition, besides, moreover, additionally, to boot, excessively, also And: plus, as well as, along with, in addition, bonus, with Or: otherwise, if not, before, or else So(adv.): therefore, thus, consequently, accordingly, as a result, for that reason, hence, that’s why

Because: as, due to, since, as to, in that, for the reason that, for, now that But: however, moreover, nevertheless, nonetheless, on the contrary, on the other hand, 让步although, even thought, though, even if, while, as, despite the fact that Only: just, merely, barely, solely, rarely Without: excluding Very: extremely, exceedingly, absolutely, completely Actually: as a matter of fact, indeed, in fact, in point of fact, in reality, in truth, literally, truly


Show: convey, reveal, express, corroborate, justify, imply, verify, clarify, signify, exemplify, illuminate, substantiate, demonstrate, elucidate, denote, characterized as, instruct, display, disclose, indicate, means, explain, give an/a example(reason, explanation)of, bear out, point out, point toward… Know: realize, comprehend, identify, distinguish, discern, notice, perceive, recognize, see, understand, figure out, be acquainted with, be familiar with, Get: acquire, attain, acquire, achieve, obtain, gain Suggest: have a proposal in, Increase: magnify, expand, proliferate, mushroom, improve, enhance Impress: affect, inspire, engrave on Influence: impact, affect, guide, sway, Stop: halt, cease, conclude, desist, end, pause, put an end to, quit, refrain, shut down, terminate… Make: create, assemble, built, construct, form, manufacture;fore, cause, compel, constrain, drive, impel, induce, oblige, prevail, upon, require… Give: present, award, contribute, deliver, donate, grant, hand over, hand out, provide, supply Break:separate, burst, crack, destroy, disintegrate, fracture, fragment, shatter, smash, snap Destroy: ruin, raze, annihilate, crush, demolish, devastate, eradicate, shatter, wipe out, wreck, obliterate, weaken, undermine… Happen: occur, come about, come to pass, develop, result, take place



★ 形容词:

1.贫穷的:poor = needy = poverty-stricken 2.富裕的:rich = wealthy = well-to-do = well-off 3.优秀的:excellent = top = outstanding 4.积极的,好的:good = conducive = beneficial=advantageous 5.消极的,不良的:bad = baneful =undesirable 6.明显的:obvious = apparent = evident 7.健康的: healthy = sound = wholesome 8.惊人的:surprising = amazing = extraordinary 9.美丽的:beautiful = attractive = eye-catching 10.有活力的:energetic = dynamic = vigorous ★ 动词:

1.提高,加强:improve = enhance= promote = strengthen

2.引起:cause = endanger 3.解决:solve =resolve =address = tackle =cope with = deal with 4.拆除:destroy = tear down = knock down 5.培养: develop = cultivate = foster 6.激发,鼓励:encourage = motivate = stimulate = spur

7.认为: think = assert= hold = claim = argue 8.完成:complete = fulfill = accomplish= achieve 9.保留:keep = preserve = retain = hold 10.有害于:destroy = impair = undermine

11.减轻: ease = alleviate = relieve = lighten ★ 名词:

1.影响:influence= impact 2.危险:danger =hazard 3.污染:pollution = contamination [kənˌtæmɪ'neɪʃən] 4.人类:human beings= mankind = human race 5.老人: old people= the old = the elderly = the aged = senior citizens 6.幸福:happiness = cheerfulness = well-being 7.老师:teachers = instructors = educators = lecturers 8.教育:education = schooling = family parenting = upbringing 9.青少年:young people = youngsters = youths = adolescents 10.优点:advantage = merits = superiority [su:pɪəri’ɒrəti] = virtue 11.责任: responsibility = obligation = duty

12.能力: ability = capacity[kə'pæsətɪ] = power = skill 13.职业:job = career = employment = profession = pastimes = recreation= entertainment 15.孩子: children = offspring = kid

★ 短语:

1.充满了:be filled with = be full of 2.努力:struggle for = strive for = spare no efforts for 3.从事: take up = set about = go in for 4.在当代: in contemporary society = in present-day society= in this day and age 5.大量的: a host of = a vast number of = a vast amount of


1.individuals,characters,folks替换(people ,persons)2: positive, favorable, rosy(美好的),promising(有希望的),perfect, excellent, outstanding, superior替换good

3: dreadful, unfavorable, poor, ill(有害的)替换

bad, 如果bad做表语,可以有be less impressive替换

4: a slice of, quiet a few , several替换some

5: harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that,it is widely shared that,it is universally acknowledged that替think(因为是书面语,所以要加that)

6:affair ,business ,matter 替换thing 7: shared 代 common

8.reap huge fruits 替换get many benefits)

9: for my part ,from my own perspective 替换 in my opinion

10..beneficial, rewarding替换helpful,11.shopper,client,consumer,purchaser,换 customer 12.sth appeals to sb,fascination on sb 替换sb take interest in / interested in

13.capture one's attention替换attract one's attention.14.desire 替换want.15.bear in mind that 替换remember

16.enjoy, possess 替换have(注意process是过程的意思)

17.frown on sth替换 be against , disagree with sth name only a few, as an example替换 for example, for instance 恰当用词

1.accelerate: 后面接名词,表示“加速”,中性词,好事坏事都能用。

2.adequate: “足够的”,用来替代经常被使用的enough。

3.advance: 名词,“进步,发展”,用来替代文章开头经常使用的development,progress。

4.advisable / sensible: “合理的”,都可以替代reasonable。

5.cannot afford to: “不应当做”,不纯粹是我们说的“负担不起”。 alert to something: “对…保持警惕”,后面接消极概念。

7.alternative: “其他的选择或办法”,比如an alternative is that… 就相当于in addition(除此 之外)了。

8.approach / channel: “方法,手段”,用来替代我们经常使用的一些简单词汇,如method 等等。9.approve of something: “批准,同意”,注意不要


10.attach importance to something: 表示“重视,强调”,替代pay attention to。

11.ban / prohibit something: “禁止,杜绝”,表达这个含义时尽量不要使用stop。

12.barrier / obstacle: “障碍、阻碍”,名词,在写作考试中经常被用到。 / fund: 解决社会问题时一般都会提到需要投资,可以用到这两个单词,替代money。

Finance 金融 financial 14.challenging: “困难,有难度”,用来替代difficult。 such circumstances: “在这类情况下”,写作时用于总结某个内容。

16.considerable: “相当大,相当多的”,非常常用的修饰语,比如considerable changes就是相当大的变化。 contrast: “相反”,用来替代我们经常使用的on the contrary,on the other hand。

18.copy / repeat one’s experience / success: “借鉴别人的经验,成功经验”。

19.critical: “至关重要的”,用于替代已经被用滥的important。

20.currently: “目前”,用来替代now,nowadays。21.damage: 作为名词,含义是“损失、损失金额”,动词“损坏”的搭配能力非常强,和表示物品或抽象概念的词都可以放在一起使用,因此可以用来替代destroy。

22.decline: “衰退”,表示数字下降得比较缓慢,在图表作文中根据图表曲线的实际情况使用,替代我们使用的普通单词decrease。

23.demonstrate / illustrate: “说明,表明”,用在图表作文中替代show,reveal等单词。

24.drop: “下降”,用来替代decrease。这个词表示下降比较快,如果再用修饰语,应当是sharply,dramatically,drastically。这三个单词一般都用在消极的单词上。积极的用greatly。

25.emerge as: “逐渐崛起并成为”,这个词组虽然很短,但是含义非常复杂,可以用在文章的开头,表达某种事物或社会现象从无到有,并迅速传播。比如 Internet has emerged as a channel for people to exchange information。

26.employ: “采纳,采用”,与表示“观点,方法,政策,法令”等英语单词搭配使用,用来替代adopt。

27.enforce: “执行”法律法规,通常用于作文结束部分,对某个社会问题提出解决办法时使用。28.essential: “至关重要,核心的”,形容词,用来替代important。

29.It is generally established that: “众所周知,公认”。 这个词才是文化,教育等方面的“交流”,而不是communication。

expand: “扩大”,后面接影响,范围一类的词汇。

32.facet / factor: “方面,因素”,写作时尽量避免使用element,这个词中国人用得不是很好,aspect因为用的人较多,也可以避免。 to do: “没有能够”,可以适当替换带有cannot的句子。

34.frequently: “经常”,替代often,表示发生频率很高。

35.fresh / novel: “新的”,比如fresh idea等,都可以用来替代我们经常使用的new。36.fulfill: “完成,取得”,记住以下词组,fulfill the task, fulfill the dream, fulfill the role。

37.give priority to something: “重视,优先考虑”。

38.give rise to something: “引发,导致…的出现”,积极消极概念都可以使用。39.given that: “由于…原因”,可以用在句子的开始位置,后面接完整的句子,相当于 because。40.greatly / remarkably: “非常,相当”,作为褒义词,可以用在表示上升、前进、发展等积极含义的单词前面加强程度。41.household: “家庭”,这个词偏重的家庭生活中的设备,物质概念,因此,比如计算机,汽车等设备进入家庭,就应当用enter the household,而不是我们用的home或family。生活垃圾也可以表达为household wastes。 ignorant about something: “对…没有引起足够重视”,表示没有意识到。

43.increasingly: “越来越”,副词,可以用在动词和形容词前面,加深程度。

44.individualistic / selfish / self-centered: 都是“自私的”含义,可以交替使用。

45.inspire / stimulate: “鼓励”,替代encourage。46.for instance: “例如”,虽然这个词组我们经常见到,但很少有人在写作文时用它来替代for example。

47.instruct: “教育”,名词形式为instruction,同educate,education交替使用。

48.intend to do: “计划,打算”,可以替代be going to等词组,表达做事的意愿。49.make investment into: “投资,投入”,投资是解决社会问题的一个核心方式,因此这个词组在英语写作中经常会用到。

50.issue: “问题”,中性词,我们平常使用的problem是贬义词,因此比如网络问题等词组都应当用issue来表达。

51.launch a campaign to do something: “大力开展…活动”。

52.maintain: “一贯认为,坚持认为”,一般写成somebody maintains that,后面使用完整的句子,用来替代think, believe。

53.major: “主要的”,用来替代main。

54.misleading: “误导的,错误的”,替代wrong。55.observe: “遵守”,后面接名词,如法律法规等。 out of / be short of: “耗尽”/“短缺”,用来替代lack,同时提醒大家lack这个词的动词形式在英语中使用的很少。

57.outlook: “前景,未来”,用来替代future。当然,如果用future,就可以加个修饰语,比如

foreseeable future等等。

58.possess: “拥有”,用于替代have,既可以表示拥有具体事物,也可以说拥有抽象品质,特征。59.poverty-stricken: “贫困的,低收入的”,替代poor。

60.practice: “(广泛,大范围)的从事”,常与laws and regulations, policy或其他类似范畴的单词连用,用来替代carry out。

61.profit: “好处”,这个词本来是指经济上的利润,但现在可以用来替代benefit,表示广义的好处。

62.progress: “发展,进步”,可以同advance交替使用,以避免重复,并可以替代development。63.a range of / a series of / a string of: “一系列”,特别是后两个单词通常都可以用在消极概念前边,可以用作修饰语,增加文章长度。

64.relieve: “减轻,缓解”,用于消极概念前,词组为relieve somebody of something“消除某人的…。

65.remain: “一直处于某状态”,后面一般使用形容词。

66.resolve difference: “消除分歧,差异”,常用写作词组。

67.rewarding: “有收效,有回报的”,用在方法手段或政策法规的内容上。

68.shrink: 过去式和过去分词为shrank,shrunk,“缩小,减少”,用来替代我们经常使用的decrease。

69.slight / slightly: “稍微,有点”,这个词可以在我们写作文时做修饰语,比如slight difference或drop slightly,起到增加字长和提高单词水平的作用。

70.strategy: “策略”,其实也就是“方法手段”的含义,自然就可以替代method,way等单词。71.strengthen: “加强,巩固,改善”,同improve交替使用,以避免重复。

72.sufficient: “足够的”,用在资金,资源等单词前做修饰语,替代enough。

73.system: 这个词的搭配能力非常强,比如educational system, legal system, economic system等等,只要形容词后面加上这个词,其实就成了形容词本身可以变化的名词,上面三个例子就可以理解为教育,法律或者经济。74.threaten: “威胁到,危及”,后面接诸如环境,发展,进步等单词。

75.traditionally: “过去”,用于替代in the past。

76.when it comes to something: “当我们谈到…时”,用于文章开头。



architectural style建筑风格, 
have aesthetic value有美学价值, 
energy-efficient 节能的
functional 功能型的,实用的
historic site 历史遗迹
cultural relics 文化遗迹
national identity 民族特征
skyscraper 摩天大楼
courtyard dwellings 四合院
well-structured 结构完好的
representation n.代表
crystallization结晶/civilization 文明
exterior appearance 外表
interior 内部的
eye sore 丑的东西
demolish, pull down 拆除

environmental protection 环境保护
environmentally-friendly 环保的
preserve v.保护,保存 conserve 
Pollute= contaminate, pollutant 
垃圾: rubbish, garbage, trash, waste, litter
处理: dispose of, burn, bury(landfill), dump,recycle 
plastic bags, drinking cans
biodegradable packaging可降解包装, 
throwaway 可丢弃的
disposable 可丢弃的 ~ product 
discourage v.不鼓励
non-renewable 不可再生的
fossil fuels矿石燃料: natural gas, coal, petroleum
limited/finite natural resources 有限的自然资源
alternative energy替代能源
replace=substitute v.取代(wind power, hydropower水电, 
nuclear power核能 tidal power潮汐
radioactivity n.辐射性
use up, deplete, exhaust v.用光,耗尽
conserve v.节省,节约, 
consume less v.少消耗

damage natural habitat破坏自然栖息地, 
rare breed稀有物种, 
endangered species濒危物种, 
extinct adj.灭绝(die out, disappear), 
animal rights activist动物权益保护者 , 
natural reserve(giant panda大熊猫)自然保护区, 
protect wildlife保护野生动物, 
disastrous灾难性的, devastation破坏, 
have disastrous effect on…对。。有灾难性的影响
carbon dioxide二氧化碳, greenhouse gas emission destroy ozone layer 
acid rain酸雨(erode腐蚀)greenhouse effect温室效应(worsening, deteriorate, deterioration恶化)global warming全球变暖
ecological system=ecosystem生态系统
green belt绿化带, sand storm沙尘暴,(filter v.过滤)arouse people’s awareness/consciousness of environmental protection提高公众的环保意识

vivisection 活体解剖
perform/conduct experiments on animals 在动物身上做试验 1 
animal rights 动物权益
cruel and barbaric 残忍和野蛮的
inhumane 不仁道的
alternative methods替代方式,其他方式
torture 折磨
right to live 生命权
life-threatening diseases威胁生命的疾病
medical technique医疗技术
clinical research 临床研究
vaccine 疫苗


primary school/elementary school小学, 
secondary school中学教育
higher education高等教育 tertiary level

further education进修
教育: parenting, schooling,
enroll 入学admit 招收,录取
Parents are obliged to do…父母有责任、义务去做。。compulsory education 强制教育、义务教育selective,compulsory military service,minors 未成年人adolescence,teenager/teen,youth,youngster immature 不成熟的

learn skills学习技能
acquire knowledge学习知识,enrich knowledge丰富知识, 
widen horizon开阔视野, 
inspire interest激发兴趣, 
stimulate interest激发兴趣, 
cultivate v.培养 hobbies
develop potentials
conduce to mental development
lay a solid foundation for the future为将来打下坚实的基础

lack discipline缺少约束力/persistence毅力, 
test-oriented education应试型教育,teacher-centred education student-centred education money-oriented

quality education 素质教育
cram for examinations突击考试, 
stuff 塞

memorise背, memorisation, 
rote learning死记硬背
Test-taking techniques应试技巧

discourage critical thinking 打击评判性思维
students stop questioning what they 2 are being taught
conduce to academic performance有助学习表现
Adversely influence 负面地影响(动作)Exert adverse/unfavorable influence on对。。产生负面影响
Emphasis on memorisation adversely influences one’s academic performance.Creativity 创造性
Come at the expense/cost of creativity以牺牲创造力为代价
Lower/raise the standard of…降低了。。的水平

Full-time, part-time, casual job,white-collar, blue-collar, semi-skilled, self-employed, freelancer, 
收入: income, earnings, wages, salary,revenue

职业好: enjoyable, pleasant, fascinating令人着迷的
provide many opportunities for…提供各种。。的机会, 
give me a sense of satisfaction/accomplishment给我一种满足感、成就感, 
apply what I have learnt to my job把我学的用在工作中, 
put my talent into full play充分发挥我的天分, 
improve my interpersonal and communicative skills提高我的人际交往和交流能力, improve my independence独立能力,
benefit future development将来的发展, 
tiring累人的, exhausting令人筋疲力尽的,
routine work常规工作, 
work overtime/extra hours加班
repetitive strain injuries职业病, 
adverse conditions恶劣的工作条件, 
Personnel, human resources 人力资源,媒体
媒体: medium-media:

read newspapers
watch TV programs
surf the Internet
see movies
up-to-date information最新的信息, 
access v.n.接触
The internet enables people to have easy access to various information.记者:reporter, journalist, paparazzi 狗仔队(复数)tabloid 
报道:news coverage/TV coverage

provide us with rich information给我们提供丰富的信息, 
entertain us是我们得到娱乐, 
enable people to relax使人们得到放松, 
disseminate/spread knowledge传播知识, 
keep people well-informed使人信息灵通 download, upload, write your blogs, share your feelings with friends

information overload/explosion, 信息爆炸
Uncensored information corrupts children’s minds.未经审查信息腐蚀小孩的心灵。Violence n.暴力, pornography n.色情, 
obscene色情的, violent暴力的, pornographic色情的
objectionable content不良信息
cyber crime网络犯罪(financial crime)

net cafe 
Internet-addicted 上网成瘾的
isolation 孤立, isolated 孤立的
unsociable不善社交的 新闻审查制度: censorship
filter objectionable content过滤不良内容, 
provide a safe and pleasant cyber environment 提供一个安全美好的网络空间
invade one’s privacy侵犯隐私, 
deprive people of the freedom of speech剥夺人们言论自由, 
freedom of the press新闻自由
People are deprived of the freedom of speech.人们被剥夺了言论自由。

Means of public transport: airplane, ship, cruises, ferry, coach, shuttle bus, light rail
traffic conditions(worsen, deteriorate, go from bad to worse), 交通状况恶化
traffic regulations/codes交通规则(obey遵守, violate违背), 
traffic congestions, traffic jams, 
heavy traffic拥挤的交通
light traffic比较畅通的交通, 
crowded street拥挤的道路
Cars dominate our roads.车辆占满了我们的道路。vehicle车辆

Drink-driving酒后驾车 careless driving talking on a phone

adopt effective transport strategy采取有效的交通策略
traffic-calming measures减轻交通拥堵的措施
Relieve the pressure on traffic, 减轻交通方面的压力
encourage people to use public transport, 鼓励大家使用公交
build more cycle lanes 自行车道, 
encourage Park and Ride 停车换乘
raise the price of fuels 提高油价
impose higher tax 征收高额的税
Subsidise public transport 补贴公共交通
City council市政府
No other means of transport can be compared with airplanes for its convenience and 健康
healthy lifestyle健康的生活方式
sedentary lifestyle久坐的, 
an active lifestyle积极锻炼的, 
excessive intake of…吃过多的。fast food快餐
convenience food方便食品
diabetes, diarrhea腹泻, respiratory disease,
balanced diet均衡的饮食
mineral矿物质, high in...canned food

incurable disease绝症

stress-related diseases和压力有关的疾病
treatment 治疗
Relieve=ease=alleviate 减轻stress
aerobic exercises有氧运动
refresh your mind and body 提神
train 4 your muscle肌肉
improve blood circulation血液循环
increase flexibility提高灵活性
drain 排出
cultivate stamina and persistence培养耐力和毅力
develop teamwork spirit 培养团队合作精神
conduce to physical fitness身体健康
jeopardize= damage 危害 pesticide,genetic modification,genetically-modified food


commit crime犯罪, commit suicide 
robbery抢劫, murder谋杀, prostitution卖淫, gambling赌博, drug-dealing贩毒, drug dealer, heroin, marijuana, ecstasy, ADD/ADHD drug

social security社会治安stability稳定
capital punishment, death penalty死刑, 
sentence(v.)to death 判死刑
deter crimes威慑
right to life生存权,breadwinner经济支柱
rear a child养孩子
offense罪, offender罪犯, 
compulsory retirement 强制退休
nursery 托儿所
nursing house老人院
longer imprisonment 长期监禁

single-parent family单亲家庭, 
extended family大家庭, 
minors未成年人, adolescent青春期的, 
Peer pressure 同辈人的压力
foster, raise, bring up, rear a child抚养孩子, 
spoil溺爱, indulge放纵
run wild撒野, go astray走上歧途
juvenile delinquency青少年犯罪, 
obesity肥胖症, depression抑郁症, 
absenteeism缺席(truancy, play truant)父母应该:
give proper parental guidance父母的引导
set example for children为孩子树立榜样
encourage 鼓励
help build up confidence 帮助建立信心
motivate 鼓舞
discipline their children约束孩子
learn how to behave themselves学会行为得体
act properly 行为得体


breakthrough of technology科技突破, technology innovation科技创新, 
innovative 创新的renovate v.up-to-date/ up-to-minute/cutting-edge最新的accelerate/speed up the pace of life 加速生活节奏
reshape our life重新塑造我们的生活
improve life quality提高生活质量
assembly line流水线
give people more leisure time给人们更多休闲时间, 
The development of technology has made it possible for people to do 
increase life expectancy 增加平均寿命
find cures for some diseases
transplant organ 移植器官
two-edge sword/weapon 双刃剑
mass destruction weapons大规模杀伤性武器
chemical weapons化学武器 inspiration,inspire,promote space technology,heart pacemaker,freeze dried vegetables,microwave


cultural diversity文化多元化
cultural treasures文化宝藏
cross-cultural communication跨文化交流
cultural reconstruction文化重建
achievements of art艺术成就
human civilization人类文明
mainstream culture主流文化
cultural traditions文化传统
national pride民族自豪
local customs and practices风土人情
national identity and value民族特性和价值观
spread knowledge传播知识
nurture imagination培养想象力、be closely interrelated with…与…有密切关系
cause irreversible damage造成不可逆转的损失
remove prejudice and misunderstanding消除偏见和误解

lesser-used languages 使用很少的语言
language acquisition 语言习得
linguistics 语言学
linguist 语言学家
on the verge of extinction 处在灭绝的边缘
universal language 世界语
intellectual development 智力发展
grammatical rules语法规则
context 上下文
technical terms 专业术语
read between lines读懂暗含的意思 解决游客过多的措施

There are various solutions to these problems.The first one is to limit tourist

numbers, because fewer visitors will result in less damage.Another solution is to enforce strict rules about which areas people can visit and what they can do when they get there.For example, special paths can be built and people can be forbidden to walk off the paths.


经典替换词 individuals, characters, folks(people, persons)2 charming, decent, fascinating, desirable, prosperous, positive, favorable, rosy, promising, perfect, pleasurable, excellent, outstanding(good)3 wrong, plain, negative, useless, evil, dark side, nasty, dreadful, unfavorable, poor, adverse(bad)4 an army of, an ocean of, a sea of, a multitude of, many, if not most(many)注意查清 if not most 的用法 a slice of, quite a few, several(some)6 harbor the idea that, take the attitude that, hold the view that, it is widely shared that, it is universally acknowledged that(think)注意书面语that一般不省略 7 affair, business, matter(thing)8 shared(common)注意只是某些情况 9 reap huge fruits(get much benefit)10 for my part, from my own perspective(in my opinion)11 increasing(ly), growing(more and more)注意没有growingly,当修饰名词用increasing/growing。修饰副词用increasingly。另外参照红皮教材。12 little if anything, little or nothing(hardly)13 beneficial rewarding(helpful)14 shopper, client, consumer, purchaser(customer)15 exceedingly, extremely, rather, fairly, greatly, considerably, exceedingly(very)16 hardly unnecessary, inevitable(necessary)17 sth appeals to sb, sth exerts a tremendous fascination on sb(sb take interest in)18 capture one’s attention(attract one’s attention)19 facet, dimension, sphere(aspect)注意sphere用时要谨慎,facet更好用 be indicative of, be suggestive of, be fearful of(分别代替indicate, suggest, fear)21 give rise to, lead to, result in, trigger(cause)注意trigger引发一连串不好的事情 22 there are several reasons behind sth(reasons for sth)23 desire(want)24 pour attention into(pay attention to)25 bear in mind that(remember)26 enjoy, possess(have)注意possess是一个过程的感觉 27 interaction(communication)28 frown on sth(be against, disagree with sth)29 to name only a few, as an example, for instance(for example)next to/virtually impossible(nearly impossible)31 be interested, be fond of, crazy about, fanatical about, favorite,be keen on(like)32 fascinating, lovely, pure, handsome, promising, appealing(beautiful)33 modernization, globalization, industrialization, update, upgrade(development)34 significant, essential, substantial, play a vital part(important)35 argue, declare, admit, guess, reckon, conclude, I hold the opinion that, as far as I am concerned(think)36 discuss, talk about(say)37 means, measure, remedy, approach(method)38 notice, observe, be confronted with, witness(see)39 achieve, accomplish, implement, fulfill(finish, complete)40 reject, object, decline, the last thing, anything but(refuse)41 seek, chase, pursue, explore, trace(follow)查清搭配 42 alike, equivalent, identical, similar(same)43 slim, tiny, minute, minor, insignificant(small)44 obvious, transparent, known to all, well-believed, widely-held(clear)45 vacant, blank, idle, bare, hollow(empty)46 inspire, stimulate, impulse, motivate(encourage)47 disaster, misfortune, tragedy grief, sorrow(bad luck)48 sole, unique, single, lonely(only)49 illustrate, demonstrate, indicate, reveal, illuminate(show)50 flaw, error, fault, weakness, defect(mistake)51 obligation, responsibility, liability, charge(duty)52 accumulate, assemble, crowd(join)53 present, up-to-date, contemporary, nowadays(now)54 desirable, advisable, priceless, feasible(valuable)

国内考试作文常用表达(2008-10-10 12:01:54)



基本表达(Basic Elements of English Writing):

越来越:be increasingly adj., be on the rise, the growing number of 人们认为:it is generally/widely believed/held/agreed that 许多问题:a host of/a number of problems 引起人们注意:claim call/attract general/public/world attention to sth.意识到:there is a growing awareness/realization of/that, awaken the fact/danger 适应新的形势/变化:adapt/adjust/accommodate oneself to new environment/change 接触各种思想/经历:be exposed to new ideas/experiences/problems 接触社会:come into frequent/close contact with the world/society 获得成功:achieve/accomplish success 提出观点/建议:advance / put forward / come up with the arguments/ideas/suggestions 作出努力:make tremendous/persistent/sustained effort to do sth., take great pains to do(with work/study)影响学习/工作:interfere with studies/work 产生影响:have/exert a profound influence on life/personality, have a dramatic/undesirable effect on 较好地驾驭生活:be a better pilot of one's life 剥夺机会/权力:deprive oneself of the chance/right/opportunity 取代就的方式:substitute for/take the place of the old way 采取措施:take effective steps/measures to 控制我们的环境:take/gain increasing control over our own environment 躲避危险/挑战:shy/run away from the dangers/challenge 满足要求:meet/satisfy/accommodate the demand of 补偿损失:compensate for/make up for the loss/damage 解释某现象:account for/explain the phenomenon 对……很好的了解:have a better understanding/appreciation of, have a new perspective on.provide/gain an insight into 把某因素考虑进去:take sth.Into account(consideration), give much thought to 品位人生/自由/青春:savor the life/freedom/youth 培养对……的信心:develop/foster one's interest/confidence in 经历变化/困难/艰险:undergo/experience great changes/hardships/experience 表现出自信心等:project one's confidence/feeling/image 生活充满不公正的地方:life is full of minor irritation/injustice 追求学习/职业:pursue one's academic interest/professional career 学习知识/技术:pursue/acquire knowledge/technology/skill 被看作学习的……榜样:be held up as a good example 交流经验/知识:share experience/ideas/problems/knowledge 发挥/起到重要作用:play an(important/active/great)role/part 逃学/缺课:skip school/a class/a meeting/a lecture 知识/经验丰富:rich in knowledge/experience 确立/追求目标:set/pursue a goal/higher standard 到达目标:achieve/accomplish/stain the goal/aim/objective 克服困难:overcome obstacles/difficulty 面临危险/困难:be confronted/faced with/in the face of danger/difficulty 阻碍了成功:stand in the way of success, be an obstacle/barrier to success/growth 阻碍了发展:hamper/impede/stunt the development of The contents 持传统的看法:hold conventional wisdom 发表看法:voice/express one's opinion 持相反/合理的观点:take the opposite/fresh view 揭穿某种一贯的说法:shatter the myth of 求得帮助:enlist one's support/help 缩小差别:bridge/narrow/fill the gap/gulf(between city and country)把成功/错误归咎于:attribute/own the success/failure to 对……重要:be indispensable/important/vital to 施加压力:put/exert a academic pressure on 重视:assign/attach much importance/significance to 强调:place/put much emphasis/stress/value on 把注意力集中在:focus/concentrate one's attention/efforts/thoughts upon 提供机会/信息:provide/offer/furnish an opportunity/information for sb.抓住机会:grab/seize/take the opportunity 得到机会:enjoy/gain access to a opportunity/information 有可能:there is(little/much)possibility/likelihood that, chances/the odds are that 展开竞争:compete against/with sb.for the prize/position/control/the mastery of 开展运动:conduct(carryon/undertake/initiate/launch/wage)a(vigorous/nation-wide/publicity/advertising)campaign(for/against)对我很有/没有什么意义:make much/little sense to me 带来无穷的幸福/满足:be a source of happiness satisfaction/contentment/pride/complaint 献身于:devote/dedicate/commit oneself to a cause/career 大不(没什么)两样:make much(little/no)difference 真正重要的是:what really matters/accounts is … 改变生活旅程:change/alter the course of life 建立在大量的学习/实践上:built on tremendous amount of study/practice 进行调查/执行任务:conduct/carry out an study/task/experiment 辞去工作/学习:leave/quit one's job/work/school 参加考试/竞赛等:enter(for)the examination/contest, race 参加活动/讨论:take part/participate/be engaged in sports/activities/discussion 影响思想/态度/事件的形成:shape one's thinking/attitude 进入大学/社会/家庭/劳力市场/职业:enter a school/college/society/the work force/professionals 实现自己的理想/愿望:realize/fulfill/achieve one's dream(hops/wish/desire)减轻压力/紧张:reduce/alleviate/relieve the stress/pressure/tension 提高社会地位:enhance/improve/upgrade social status/position/standing rise to the position of leadership 提高技术/能力:sharpen(increase/improve/enhance/boost)one's skill/ability 加快/促进发展:accelerate/facilitate/advance/enhance/boost the development of 随着生活节奏的加快:with the quickening pace/rhythm/tempo of modern life/society 开阔眼界/兴趣:broaden one's interest/outlook, expand(broaden/enlarge)one's mental horizons 有助于了解/发展/宣传/解决:contribute much/little/greatly/to a better understanding of/the popularity of/the growth of/the solution of 有助于解决问题:go a long way to(towards)solving the problem 迷恋名利/分数:be obsessed/preoccupied with grades/fame/fortune 把时间花/浪费在:spend/waste time doing sth., put in hours doing sth.利用机会/技术:make(full/better)use of/take advantage of opportunity/time, tap/harness technology potential/skills/talent 把知识/经验运用到…:apply/put the theory/knowledge/experience… to practice/daily life/good use 取得进步:make much progress/strides/gains in 充分发挥潜力/能力:develop one's ability/potential to the full, give full play to one's ability 充满激情/渴望:have a burning desire/a great passion for


(一)(2008-10-10 14:34:22)



近日想到06年在东方的同事路程,实在是作文教学中的好手,却行卷求学于名校,无缘东方。痛惜。又温故而知新练习法也很多取材于此君,书于此以飨诸位。温故—— u 表达观点

1)have/hold/express opinions/views about/on/that 2)take/hold/have the attitude that/towards 3)in one’s opinion/view/point of view 注意:In my opinion, I think…是叠床架屋之举,删去一个。4)be convinced that 相当于firmly believe that 5)deem(正式)认为,视为。注意三种用法:

加从句:They deemed that he was a fool.加形容词:The novel was deemed successful.加名词:I deem it my duty to help the poor.6)presume 由某事推出某个结论:I presume from his accent that he is an American.7)suppose 侧重于主观推断,认为应该如何。I suppose that you have been there before.8)maintain, argue, assert, emphasize… u 表示同意

agree that/with/to/on 1)approve of sth.2)take a positive attitude towards that 3)consent of sth./to do sth.4)accede to sth.正式用语,(最初不同意)同意,答应。The government would not accede to public pressure.acced to a request/a proposal 这个词还有继职、就任的意思:accede to the minister 5)Support 6)vote / ballot for/against,cast one’s vote / ballot for / against

u 表示反对或意见不一 disagree 1)oppose/be opposed to 侧重于积极的对抗态度和行为,Congress is opposed to the military budget.2)object to sth.有强烈的不喜欢,逆反的涵义,Why do you always object to everything he wished to do for you? There’s nothing wrong with being painted in the nude;artists do it all the time.But our silly husbands have a way of objecting to that sort of thing.3)resist 有一种公开性,强调对外在威胁力量的驱除。抵制。They had resisted the and finally destroyed the Roman Empire.4)be divided over 在某件事情上有分歧。

u 表达应该做某事 should/ought to do 1)be supposed to do 2)be expected to do 3)be one’s duty/responsibility/obligation to 知新—— u 引起


The heavy rain _______ a flood.他的新建议引起了他人的好奇心。

His new suggestion _________the others’ curiosity.这部电影引起了我对童年的回忆。

This film __________ my memory of childhood.人口的增长引起了住房的不足。

The increasing population _________ the shortage of housing.1)cause 是“引起”的全方位对等值对应词。不管引起的是什么事物、现象或活动,一般均可用cause表示。尽管如此,cause在表意上仍然有侧重——不如意或意外的发生。

North China was hit by unexpected heavy rain which caused severe flooding.The earthquake has caused only slight damages of houses.Many diseases are caused by microbes.2)arouse 侧重对某些心理活动的激起,以使其变得更活跃、更明显。

His speech aroused public’s curiosity, suspicion.3)provoke

=to cause a feeling or attention This little article has provoked great interest of authorities.4)evoke

侧重意念a memory, 情感a feeling的激起。

That movie evoked nice memories of my childhood.(call up)The suggestion of the headmaster evoked a heated discussion.(stir up)5)whet 引起食欲。Nothing can whet my appetite.6)originate 侧重于起源,发源。

The use of steam originated many other reforms.Many other reforms originated in the use of steam.蒸汽为因,改革为果。7)give rise to, give occasion to, give birth to, lead to, set off, touch off, stir up, bring forth, call forth 多见于书面语中。

The increase in population gave rise to a shortage of houses.That remark gave occasion to a burst of laughter.The new plan called forth a good deal of criticism.The inclement weather brought forth a host of diseases.Mind it will set off a chain reaction.Conflict of interests between the imperialists gave birth to two world wars.8)result from, result in 侧重表示由于某一过程的长期延续而形成的必然结果。

Liver and kidney damages result from prolong usage of a number of drugs.Sickness often results from eating too much.9)be responsible for+事情,to+人 表示这层含义的时候,作主语的必须是表示人的主语。

The only reason responsible for the traffic accident is carelessness of the driver.u 负责


You are ___________ the affairs here.他对工作很负责。He is __________ 1)charge 相当于have the management of,倾向于管理。

be in the charge of, be left in charge of, take charge of, have charge of, put…under one’s charge How would it be for you to take charge of this class? She took charge of the family business when her father died.He has been in charge of the whole office for 10 years.Who is in the charge of this work? Who is having charge of this work? He is in full charge of security affairs.Mr.Wang was left in full charge of the company’s business while the boss was ill.The general manager put everything under my full charge.2)responsibility 对……负责,倾向于“责任”

bear responsibility for, take(up)responsibility, take the responsibility for/of doing sth.lack responsibility, admit responsibility for, shoulder the responsibility for, assume responsibility, accept/undertake the responsibility for Successful leaders are emotionally and intellectually oriented to the future-not wedded to the past.They have a hunger to take responsibility, to innovate, and to initiate.He is lacking responsibility in his work.We must bravely shoulder the responsibility for our own acts.All of us want to share the responsibility with you.3)responsible be responsible for sth., be responsible to sb., be responsible to sb.for sth.Hold oneself responsible to The pilot of the plane is responsible for the passengers’ safety.Who should be responsible for the accident? Our duty is to hold ourselves responsible to the people.We must be responsible to the people for their interests.Who is the person responsible? Your side will be responsible for all the consequences arising therefrom.All the members of the committee are responsible directly to the president.4)undertake/take up 承担某个特定任务,担负起做……事的责任,前者为书面,后者为口语

A friend undertook to tape the proceedings at the opening of the exhibition.He has taken up too much.5)answer for, be answerable for, 强调责任

be in control, be in one’s hands, 侧重对……的管理

see about, see to, call the shots, 安排或关照,后者可直译为“发号施令”,引申为对……事全权负责

rest on/upon one’s shoulders,句型。对……事担负起责任。这些词组多见于非正式场合。

Who is in control here?(语气较重)Who is in charge here?

Who is the person responsible here?

I cannot answer for other people’s mistakes.If anything goes wrong, you’ll have to answer for it.I’ll see about the fuel.You won’t be put to that trouble again;I’ll see to that.The matter is in your hands.The task rested squarely on our shoulders.I’m calling the shots here.u 决心做…… 1)to determine 程度较强。to be determined, to be bound,后一种多用于口语。都是下定决心,决心干某事的意思。

The PLA men were to bound to fulfill the task even at the risk of their lives.We are determined to get the work done before May Day.He has determined to learn English well.2)to make up one’s mind, 口语色彩

to make a point of doing make it a point to do sth.书面语。Everybody of us must make a point of being punctual.Xiao Wang made it a point to learn ten new words every day.Xiao Wang made it a point of learning ten new words every day.He’ s made up his mind to learn English well.3)to resolve, to make a resolve, to be resolved, to make good resolutions.语义较重,多用于书面语的表达。

We are resolved to fulfill the tasks set before us by the Party.The local residents resolved to have the flood checked.He makes good resolutions to do the word well, but he never keeps them.We resolve to become one with the masses.4)to pledge, to pledge oneself to 语义重,有庄严的语体色彩。

He pledged to complete his father’s unfinished task, whatever the cost might be.They pledged themselves to save their comrades.5)to set one’s mind on sth, /doing sth., to be set on/upon doing sth.口语中惯用的表达方式。

We set on/upon transforming the barren hills to well-cultivated land.He has set his mind on going to Oxford University.She set her mind on finding out who it was.6)vow, make a vow, be under a vow to do.誓言,发誓。有坚定不移的语义 We vow to build up our factory and make it a strong modern enterprise by the year 2008.He is under a vow to drink no wine.7)我们学过的一些简单表达法:shall, 简单实用。语气较弱。We shall be the champions!be ready to, 由“准备”这个意义引申。After hearing the story, we are ready to help others.decide to do…强调计划上将要做某事,“下决心”的意味没有determine强烈。u 发生

happen, occur 1)happen,强调偶然性的色彩,usually by accident.occur 暗示“某种现象的发生往往与人们的思想活动或一定的客观规律有关。” 两者都能与to连用。

happen为通用语体词,occur则为书面语体词,多用于正式场合。A leap year occurs every four year.It happened to me an hour ago.1)take place, come about与happen完全等值。前者口笔语通用,后者多用于口语。How did the accident come about? The accident took place on the highway.The media have flocked to the place where the event took place.4)witness, see 主语必须是年代或地点。

The year 1949 saw a great change in China.The city has seen quite a few earthquakes.Beijing witness many a great historic event.The year 1976 witness many earth-shaking events in China.5)succeed 继……之后,表示一系列事物或现象的连续发生。One event succeeded another.During my illness, one trouble succeeded another.6)turn up 强调突然或意外,多用于口语。

manifest oneself, 多指事物、现象的显露 be in the wind强调即将发生。

No such disease manifested itself in these years.Something unexpected has turned up.She was told that something unusual was in the wind.There is something in the wind.7)There be结构

There have been many such uprisings in the history of our country.写作练习方法----温故而知新

(二)(2008-10-10 14:36:34)

u 在于



2、指出关键所在:决定于,取决于。这件事成功与否在于他自己了。1)lie in, lie with, lie in the fact that 指出关键所在

The remedy lies in education.Where does the difficulty lie? It lies in the lack of full proof.The fundamental way our for agriculture lies in mechanization.Our difficulty lies in the fact that we don’t know English.It lies with his whether he will study or not.2)consist in: have…as the chief or only element Leadership consists in farsightedness and forgiveness.Happiness consists in contentment.Happiness consists in serving the people wholeheartedly.National strength consists not only in national armies.2)stem from 流行于美国英语中的说法。起源于,发生于,滋长于。有追根溯源的隐含意味。His error stems from selfishness.Our failure stems from the lack of experience.5)be 主语多为point, idea, trouble, reason, worry, argument, suggestion,等。正是,就是的意思。一般主语比较抽象,需要系动词后面的表语加以说明。The point in dispute is the title to this newly-found manuscript.The problem is how to reduce costs.The trouble is that we don’t know English.In his book, the function of television is to edify, not to entertain.u 安排

1)arrange 有事先作好准备的意思。

We have arranged two trips for the students.The leadership has arranged for Xiao Wang to attend the meeting.We have arranged visits and sightseeing trips for the foreign guests.Everything has been arranged.It is up to you to arrange for the conference.2)Make proper/ necessary/ excellent/ adequate/ last-minute/ make-shift/ all/ a few arrangements Please make proper arrangements in the light of the specific situation.We must make adequate arrangements for the daily life of the students.If arrangements could be made, I still hope you will come.Do you agree to this arrangement? What do you say to this arrangement? The school authorities have already made the arrangements.3)fix, manage前者有明显的口语色彩。后者有克服困难想方设法做到的隐含意味。Don’t worry.I’ll fix everything for you.If you want to meet them, I can fix it.Properly managed, the money can last them three months.I doubt whether they can manage everything in time.3)see about, see to 美国惯用语。原意是关照。但在某些情境下,就对应了中文的“安排”之意。I’ll see to it tomorrow.明天我把这件事安排一下。

We’ve been seeing about a job for you since last week.I have seen to it that the nurse did day duty only.There are all kinds of things that have to be seen about.4)lay on for, lay out 有明显的口语色彩。前者尤用在服务性句子中。后者有精心考虑的意味。Concerts were laid on(=arranged)for the foreign guests.The work for tomorrow is all laid out.(=is all well arranged)5)schedule 强调安排工作的时间性、程序性。在美语中常用。What’s your schedule for tomorrow? We want to schedule a match for the next week.8)get up, work things, 前者是褒义短语,强调工作做得井井有条。后者是arrange matters.This book has been got up very nicely by the designers and printers.I think I can work things, so there will be no problem.I’d like to ask you to get up a special performance for the new students.6)reset, budget 前者有重新安排的含义。后者强调精心使用。Arrange again, arrange properly The things are changing all the time, so we must reset our business hours.The examination is at hand, and you must budget your time.7)set aside+time, choose+time We set aside one afternoon in a week for vocational study.My suggestion is that we must set aside more time for oral practice.To choose time is to save time.u 情况

1)situation 在某一时期里一个单位或一个地区事物的全貌。尤指复杂状态或事态。It is very important to handle complex situations aptly.After hearing the report from below, the newly-appointed manager got a general picture of the situation in the company.I know very little about the situation there.How is the situation at the front? The situation admits of no delay.2)case 一个个具体的或暂时的情况。

Special cases, of course, need special consideration.Those are isolated cases.This rule does not reach the case.Those are two different cases.What is the practice in such cases? 3)matter, affair or things Matter,多指重要的事情或情况


The minister personally explained the matter to the ambassadors.How do matters /things stand with them? Things got much better later on.Things are well again with us.What’s the state of affairs? He told us how affairs stood in the countryside.3)facts, conditions 当“情况”在具体语境中有事实或条件的意味时,可酌情。

We must determine working policies in the light of actual conditions.Conditions are changing all the time.No uniformity should be imposed since conditions vary from place to place.In view of the above-mentioned facts, we wish to make the following proposals.4)circumstances 周围的事态状态。多用在作状语的惯用搭配中。Under no circumstances In/under certain circumstances In the present/prevailing circumstances Under such circumstances Under similar circumstances In these circumstances only three courses are open to us.Under the circumstances we had to give up the plan.In such circumstances we can’t afford to wait any longer.5)略而不译


please inform me as touching the matter.今天早晨病人的情况加重了。

The patient is getting worse this morning.u 管理

管理生产(公司。旅店,商店)___________ production, company, hotel, business 管理华侨事务 ___________ affairs concerning overseas Chinese 管理群众生活 _____________ the everyday life of the masses 管理家务 __________ the household 管理学校 ___________ a school 管理城市 _____________ a city 1)manager 侧重对business的管理,即对生产性企业或各类经济实体的管理

I don’t think he is able to manage such a big factory./farm,/store The hotel is badly managed.The major corporation is managed by a board of three directors.2)administer 侧重指对于affair的管理,因而与非生产性单位的行政事务有关的管理,则多用administer.有些句子兼有上述两种色彩,所以可以兼用。

A government that is badly administered can never be expected to last long.In our country it is people who administer the affairs of the state.In many Japanese homes the funds/the financial affairs are administered by the wife.3)run=be in the charge of 不管是对business还是affairs的管理,均可以用run表示。汉语“管理”和run有全方面对等的关系。有明显的口语色彩。

Mr.Wang has been running this factory/company/theatre/school/publishing house for more than 20 years.People have the right to run their own affairs.An old woman runs the house for me.4)govern法制管理,rule意志管理。两者都是权力性管理。而manager和administer是专业性管理和行政性管理。注意这句话:The country is ruled but not governed.In fact, the city is governed by nobody.The new president governs the beautiful country.The headmaster ruled the school with a firm hand.4)control/have control over 突出控制

look after,突出关照料理 regulate, 强调“调节” supervise,,突出督察

operate,作为“管理”的对等词,是美国人常用的表达法。我认为类似于中国人说的“运作” The new teacher has a good control over the graduation class.The Education Department effectively controls all the schools in the city.The department is operated directly by the president.Looking after the everyday life of the masses is of great importance.其他高频词汇—— u 各种各样

1)all kinds of, all sorts of, 2)all manner of多用于口语。

My grandfather has seen all manner of men.All manner of things were happening.All manner of questions, all manner of excuses for being late/absence Of every description/of all descriptions The department store has goods of all descriptions.There are people of all descriptions.Our library has magazines of every description.3)various, a variety of,侧重于指一种东西的两个或多个不同的品种,或不同的表现形式,或同一件事在细节上的差别。表明多样化的同时,又强调差别的意味。Various accounts of the incident were reported.Various interpretations were attempted to account for the experimental result but with no avail.Iron has a variety of use.4)diverse, a diversity,强调性质、品质或形式上的全然不同。The European people speak diverse languages.A person of diverse interests can talk on many subjects.5)mixed,常喻指事物的多样化或感情上的悲喜交织。

The play? It was a mixed experience.Some parts were a deadly bore, but others were interesting.A mixed feeling.u 大概

1)probably, presumably, maybe有……的可能性。可能。2)about, approximate, approximately, 3)or so, or thereabout, in the rough, more or less, before or after 4)a dozen or so The teacher is forty or thereabout The dictionary is worth ten yuan in the rough.I still have more or less twenty pages to cover.We’ll be through with our work before or after the end of this month.5)some, some around,后者为美国用法。It must be somewhere round 6.The delegation will arrive somewhere about 9 o’ clock.That was some twenty years ago.As to the attack plan, the commander gave us only a brief account.From the report we could draw only a general picture.The author of the article has made only a rough estimate about the situation.Everybody acknowledge that Newton was a great man;yet few people have more than the vaguest acquaintance with his living personality.u 非常

1)very, very much greatly, terribly, deeply, awfully, highly, frightfully, simply, badly, vastly, extremely, immensely, … We need this dictionary badly.I am awfully sorry for it.2)注意:most在某些情况下也有非常的意思,不用定冠词the的时候。

This is a most interesting film.就相当于我们中国人说,这是一部顶顶有趣的电影。并不表示最高程度,而是非常的意思。Iron is most useful.The design of an aircraft is a most complicated matter.3)but too…to, only too… to We are but too glad to do so.We are only too pleased to work together with the workers.I am only too glad to go there.We shall be only too pleased to hear from you.4)more than We are more than willing to see him here again.Everybody was more than happy to hear of your success in the experiment.The soldiers were more than brave.5)用反身代词itself表示终极概念。相当于我们中国人说“极其”。The newly built bridge is magnificence itself.To the people, he is loyalty itself.Our English teacher is patience itself.He boasted that his wife was beauty itself.6)另一些比较奇特的表达:

He is burning with jealousy.The little boy is burning with desire for study.This book is ever so interesting.Students are ever so diligent.He is even such a clever boy.It is even such a useful tool.Everybody enjoyed himself ever so at the evening party.Box at the opera costs no end.He has no end of books.I am hungry to death.I’m enjoying my trip up to the handle.He was tired to the world.7)As they come, as the day is long怎么翻译? Tom was as clever as they come.At that moment he felt as happy as the day was long.Away off in a big city there was a young girl.She was as pretty as the day way long.He is as happy as the day is long.He is as honest as the day is long.一般词典都找不到。但在20世纪现代英美文学作品当中,这些惯用语早已被广泛使用。程度比very, greatly重。

8)你可以使用一些词语,让表达更生动: They were working as blazes.That boy was running as hell.The enemies are all as tricky as monkey.That old man was as mad as the devil.Xiao Zhang is a storehouse of information.The professor is really a walking dictionary.Never mind about him.The man is a back number.u 量词的使用: 1)一口

a mouthful/drink/sip/gulp of water a sip of brandy/tea, a gulp of milk a mouthful/breath of fresh air a mouthful/morsel of food,后者是一小口的意思 taking a deep pull or two of smoke, he said, “…” a suck of wine/smoke/tea,不大的一口。a drain of beer/water/gin.a swallow of, 慢慢吞咽的一口,a draught of 一饮而尽的一口。2)一群

a crowd/group/host(许多大量)of people, a galaxy of,星系,天河,褒义,想想中文中的“灿若星河”。往往用来比喻出色或著名的人物的群。

A galaxy of talents, a galaxy of beauties A troop of, 正在进行中人或动物的群,a swarm of蜂拥而至

A multitude of animals/people/islands,不像crowd那样拥挤,have enough space A throng of people/ film fans,为数众多的挤在一处。

A band/gang of, 轻蔑色彩。+ gangsters, thieves, robbers, convicts A flock of sheep/geese/ducks/goats/hens…飞鸟家禽,羊群。A herd of cattle, buffaloes/elephants.大动物的群,牛马 A pack of wolves/hounds A swarm of ants/flies/bees A cluster of butterflies/bees/bright stars A school/shoal of fish 较为形象的一些量词:替代a large area of… a vast stretch of turf/woods an expanse of green crops

a cloud of dust a scene of prosperity/desolation/bumper harvest a hive of activity, a veil of silence 3)其他

a batch of books/ letters/ documents/ goods/recruits a stock of goods a load of goods/furniture a crop of promising football players.A whole set of policies/selected works of Lu Xun/stamps A pack/tissue of lies A loaf of cheese A nice cut of meat/pork A chop of beef一块带骨头的牛肉。

A bar of chocolate, a cake of soap/ clay A cube/lump(没有固定形状)of sugar A dollop of ice cream/ pudding/ cheese

a burst of laughter/merriment/tears/thunder/applause/crackers眼泪夺眶而出

an outburst of cheers/anger a flood of rain/light/tears/anger泪如泉涌 a spell of warm/cold/fine/bad weather/drought a fit of acute pain/rage/coughing/laziness/madness/despair疾病,感情

a gust of rain/smoke/fier/wind风雨雹烟火等猛烈突发 a stab of anxiety/envy/joy一阵突然而强烈的感情


喜欢,对……有兴趣have the appetite for adventure, a strong desire foràa keen appetite for 放弃desert, desert our ideals 坚持不懈的努力great effortàunremitting endeavor 存在competition would never enter in.很重要Achievement counts for a great deal.极其,非常overwhelming strong 美妙fantasyàecstasy 理解apprehend 管理governàhold sway above 我们应该it is well that… should 对……毫不在乎not give a fig for 不重要of small account 因为for the sake of 极度紧张a bundle of nerves 痛苦agonizing 你在想什么?What was going through your mind? 继续proceed with 震惊startle 同情compassion 生命逝去die, pass awayàLife flickers out.有益身心beneficial to both mind and bodyàwhole 藏hideàtuck away 普遍的natural beauty is an all-pervading presence.合适的congenial to 胜利triumph 远离keep away fromàshrink away from 不时sometimesàat intervals 总是time and time again 一见如故Peter and I clicked straight away.找出find outàfigure out 举个小小的例子to take a trivial instance 写下set down 有名的eminent 形容房间很舒服the room is cozy and invitingßcomfortable











10、社会热点类。需要说明的是,以上分类并不是具有绝对意义的,譬如一些身体健康类的话题也可能适合以论证观点的短文模板来套用。我们这里所说的是指大致的分类和适用范围。除了以上三项功能,我们还将在本部分的最后列出两个具有对比论证功能的模板。虽然自从1997 年以来的历年短文题目中没有出现要求进行对比论证的话题,但是考生仍然应该有所准备,因为对比论证是英文写作的一种重要写作手法,需要引起一定的重视。

1、身体健康类 模板1:

The picture.What is strikingly noticeable is , but it can be easily explained by shown in the picture.The discernable unhealthiness discloses a prevalent phenomenon that has long existed in the China’s.One the one hand,.On the other hand,.As a result, the integration of poor living conditions and work pressure leads naturally to their poor health and short life-span, just as the picture tells us.The situation is rather depressing because , and it is largely owing to.To solve the problem, I think there should be a thriving social trend , and those who should be rewarded with good living and working conditions.(参见范文2)


In the picture, we are amazed to find that.It clearly tells us that in the domain of , there are.has long been a problem since , and are turning to be an increasingly severe problem because of.Besides, there are more reasons responsible for this issue.Firstly,.Secondly,.Thirdly,.Judging from the analysis above, we may safely come to the conclusion that the daunting problem demands effective counter-measures.Most importantly, the government needs to implement sufficiently relevant laws and regulations in order to enhance the strength of.In addition, all residents should be aware of.(参见范文8)

2、职业道德类 模板1:

We can see from the picture that , but.If , he would surely express.There are three reasons to explain why it happens to.Firstly, , which resulted from.Secondly, though ,.Consequently,.Thirdly,.I maintain that effective measures should be taken to put an end to this phenomenon.Firstly, we need to endeavor to advocate.Secondly, strict regulations should be enacted and enforced to create a harmonious and orderly society.Only through the combined efforts can we eliminate this “tumor” forcefully and completely.(参见范文6)


As is shown in the cartoon,.Take in the cartoon for example.This phenomenon appears commonly in our daily life.Nowadays,.Instead, they only try their best to Such deeds not only , but also.Therefore, it is of great significance to take actions to change this phenomenon.First and foremost,.In addition,.All these steps can help guarantee a solid economic order and a harmonious society.(参见范文8)

3、人口增长类 模板1:

The picture depicts a scene in which.The scene is presented in an artistic and ironic manner.Crowds of people are crammed in.Further examination reveals that.Apparently, the picture symbolizes that humans, with such a huge population, may one day suffer from the exhaustion of earth resources.Take for example.Given the fact that , we find that.To make it worse,.If the conflict between population boom and shortage of resources is not properly controlled, we have every reason to hold a pessimistic perspective towards human’s future on Earth.Perhaps eventually we would face the situation suggested by the picture, that is,.Accordingly, I strongly recommend that the whole globe launch aggressive programs to address this fatal contradiction.(参见范文3)


Basically, what we see in this cartoon is.The interestingly echos the.while we can imagine.We can deduce from this picture that the artist is trying to attract our attention to the present exploding world population.The striking point is that.As a result,.On the contrary,.The simple picture is a wake-up call for the whole of human race..Hence, mankind should cooperate worldwide to control population by effective measures, in order to secure the prosperity of our future on this planet.(参见范文2)

4、环境保护类 模板1:

This is a very interesting piece of cartoon, in thanks to.Hence,.Though being a little exaggerating, the cartoon illuminates a serious fact that , and for that matter,.A recent report also supported this view by.On the contrary, we are sad to perceive that.Therefore, in my opinion, it is already high time for the whole world to form a solid cooperation fighting against , because not a single government or person can be exempt from its harm.A series of down-to-earth measures need to be urgently implemented to control.(参见范文2)


Nowadays, lots of people have the illusion that.Just as what is shown in the picture,.This is a very serious social problem.Compared with other countries, China.If everybody behaves in this way, it would be far beyond the country’s capacity to.Moreover, it was reported that.Meanwhile,.Also,.Though , it is never the only way.What’s important, to solve these problems depends largely on our responsibility for society and environment.If the sense of responsibility is greatly aroused, the achievement of harmony between man and the environment will not be far away.(参见范文7)

5、情感类 模板1:

As is shown in the picture above,.Obviously from we can surmise that.It goes without saying that the primary purpose of the picture lies in eulogizing the practice of.As a matter of fact, it is not rare to find in our everyday life deeds of similar nature.For instance,.Additionally, we can also hear many stories about.Not to mention those moving cases of.All in all, I firmly believe that a harmonious society is based on a.By , people not only harvest , but also gain that can never be purchased via money.(参见范文7)


, just as is depicted in the picture.It is not difficult to find that in today’s society, more and more people begin to.It is rather good news to.The picture reminds us that in China, due to ,.Moreover, there are.In addition, we should not a good way to express human love.To some extent, it also reflects individuals’ sense of social responsibility.It is also a feeling from deep heart that is beyond words and is difficult to obtain no matter how rich one is.Therefore, I strongly advocate that.I am sure our society will hence be more beautiful because of.6、文化交流类 模板1:

It is a very eye-catching photo in which.What makes this picture extraordinary is , which clearly indicates.The sense of that permeates this picture is representative of , that is, , and therefore,.China, in particular,.The effect of such communication can be best exemplified by.While people belong to nations, cultures know no not only featured by , but more importantly, by.I firmly believe that is contributing, and will contribute more to the world’s peace, development, and prosperity.(参见范文1)模板2:

What is presented here is a very interesting scenario..From the subtitle we can infer that.Conspicuously,.We can deduce from the picture that.It partly owes to , and partly to.Except the case reflected in the picture, there are numerous evidence demonstrating.For example,.From a personal point of view, I am delighted to witness.To sum up,.As for China,.Therefore, I can firmly conclude that in the long run, cultural exchanges will contribute to a flourishing Chinese and global economy, as well as diversified cultures.(参见范文3)

7、教育类 模板1:

As the title indicates, “ ”, the set of pictures apparently reminds us that.It is discernable that.The drawing virtually reminds its audience a widespread phenomenon existing negatively in the area of basic education in China, that is,.That is to say,.Such a practice is very harmful in terms of the following aspects.Firstly,.Secondly,.Last but not the least,.In my point of view, , but it is only part of the picture.On the other hand,.Therefore, it is an urgent task to.As children are the future of our nation, creating a good environment for their upbringing means creating a bright and promising future for our nation.模板2:

The picture shows.symbolizes.As is quoted in the picture,.It apparently mirrors an increasingly common social phenomenon in China— in contrast with.One the one hand, the problem partially attributes to.Sometimes.On the other hand,.For example, , while.In my opinion, the government needs to launch a reform in the education system with measures that can show immediate effect.proves to be most beneficial to students.Further, a large-scale reform in the macroeconomic level to is the basic solution of this issue.(参见范文4)

8、人生价值类 模板1:

As the old Chinese saying goes,.It echoes with this picture in which.The title of the picture further points out that.The picture is meant to.As far as I am concerned, I think.This universal truth can be particularly proved in the field of , where.A brief survey of history about also demonstrates the fundamental importance of., for example,.The same principle applies to common people as well, and I am sure everybody can benefit from.(参见范文5)


From the picture we can perceive that.What astonishes the drawing and the readers is that.It is known to all that , but it seems.The artist utilizes this artistic presentation to imply a spreading vogue that.Ultimately, the trend boils down to.Accordingly,.To worsen the problem, this behavior is evoking.In my point of view, we are in a prime time to curb the problem from deteriorating.First and foremost, the whole society should arrive at the consensus that.Besides, an awareness of should be infused into everybody’s mind.(参见范文6)

9、家庭关系类 模板1:

The cartoon reveals a very thought-provoking scene.The artist purposefully exaggerates.This picture reveals the in-depth problem of.In fact,.There are two reasons for this.The first and perhaps most important is that.The other reason is more serious from a practical point of view..It owes to.In my point of view, the trend goes quite against the genuine and original purpose of our.What I want to emphasize by the above analysis is that,.Therefore, I strongly contend that.模板2:

There is a popular Chinese song, named “ ”, which encourages.However,the in the picture does but for a very different reason—.From the facial expression of we can read.Sadly as it is, this phenomenon does not occur rarely in today’s society, for which are responsible.For one thing,.For another,.As a matter of fact, the boosting economic development in China sadly and ironically witnesses a deterioration of.The above analysis is best exemplified by.In my opinion, the awareness of is elementary for paving the way towards success.(参见范文6)

10、社会热点类 模板1:

The two pictures illustrate vividly.In the left picture , while in the right.From the two pictures we can sense a crazy tendency of.Aside from , another telling example is , which was so successful in that.The pictures also make it obvious that we should.Admittedly, it is natural that.Nevertheless, it is the responsibility of our government and society to.In my opinion, what’s the more important is to.In short,.(参见范文1)

模板2: It goes without saying that this picture aims at revealing a current problem:.In this drawing,.Even.It seems to me that the artist is sending a message about the importance of.Though the drawing is a little exaggerating, it is not rare for us to find in.If we let this situation of continues, it not only harms , but also prevents.Accordingly, we urgently call for.Though the government has already taken pains to implement regulations, it still failz to.In my opinion, this problem should be urgently solved so as to protect benefits.I expect the government will put forward more effective propositions as soon as possible.(参见范文5)

比较类 模板1:

According to the two pictures presented, it can be observed that.In the left picture,.A the same time, as the right one shows.Different people have different views on.Some people support by claiming that.In their opinion,.In addition,.Meanwhile, there are some people, especially young men, who.Their reasons are quite different, sometimes for , sometimes for , sometimes simply for.In my point of view, both sides are partly right.To thoroughly analyze this problem, we should take into consideration of all relevant aspects, so as to make the right decision.Therefore, my conclusion would be that.模板2:

From the drawing, we can learn that.It can be seen easily that..We can deduce from that people’s opinion on vary from person to person.Some people take it for granted that.For example, they firmly believe that.But they often neglect that fact that.Yet there are also another group of people who hold a different point of view.They think that.Beside,.Personally, my attitude for this matter is positive, with reasons as follows.Firstly,.Moreover,.Lastly,.Therefore,

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