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2008-11-19 17:46

页面功能 【字体:大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】


1.The True,Peaceful Face of Islam

There are 1.2 billion Muslims in the world,and Islam is the world's fastest-growing religion.If the evil carnage we witnessed on Sept.11 were typical of the faith,and Islam truly inspired and justified such violence,its growth and the increasing presence of Muslims in both Europe and the U.S.would be a terrifying prospect.Fortunately,this is not the case.The very word Islam,which means surrender,is related to the Arabic salam,or peace.When the Prophet Muhammad brought the inspired scripture known as Koran to the Arabs in the early 7th century A.D.,a major part of his mission was devoted precisely to bringing an end to the kind of mass slaughter we witnessed in New York City and Washington.Pre-Islamic Arabia was caught up in a vicious cycle of warfare,in which tribe fought tribe in a pattern of vendetta and counter-vendetta.Muhammad himself survived several assassination attempts,and the early Muslin community narrowly escaped extermination by the powerful city of Mecca.The Prophet had to fight a deadly war in order to survive,but as soon as he felt his people were probably safe,he devoted his attention to building up a peaceful coalition of tribes and achieved victory by an ingenious and inspiring campaign of non-violence.When he died in 632,he had almost single-handedly brought peace to war-torn Arabia.Because the Koran was revealed in the context of an all-out war,several passages deal with the conduct of armed struggle.Warfare was a desperate business on the Arabian Peninsula.A chieftain was not expected to spare survivors after a battle,and some of the Koran injunctions seem to share this spirit.Muslims are ordered by God to slay [enemies] wherever you find them!。Extremists such as Osama bin laden like to quote such verses but do so selectively.They do not include the exhortation to peace,which in almost every case follow these more ferocious passages: Thus,if they let you be,and do not make war on you,and offer you peace,God does not allow you to harm them.Islam is not addicted to war,and jihad is not one of its pillars,or essential practices.The primary meaning of the word jihad is not holy war but struggle。It refers to the different effort that is needed to put God's will into practice at every level-personal and social as well as political.A very important and much quoted tradition has Muhammad telling his companions as they go home after a battle.We are returning from the lesser jihad [the battle] to the greater jihad,the far more urgent and momentous task of extirpating wrongdoing from one’s own society and one's own heart.——Time,October 1st 2001.2.Women at work

Throughout American history,the proportion of women who work to provide for themselves or their families has always very high,What has changed——and has changed dramatically——is how many women earn a wage.After the rise of industrial capitalism in the nineteenth century,men increasingly sold their labor on the market.Most American women,however,continued to work without pay inside the home or on the family farm.This has changed.Most Americans now regard the rigidly enforced isolation of women from the labor force as out of step with contemporary business and culture.For over a century,at any given time more than 80 percent of men have earned a wage or salary.One hundred years ago,only about 20 percent women earned a wage or salary.Today,over 70percent do.Historians will report that the entrance of large numbers of women into the labor force was the most profound shift in the demographic composition of U.S.workers in the twentieth century.Indeed,it could be argued soundly that it was the century's preeminent sociocultural change as well.Wage-earning women in the industrial democracies today have greater earning power than women have ever had in the history of the West.Many see the World War II ear,with its tight labor market and Rosie the Riveter campaigns as the watershed period for women's first beginning to work for wages in large numbers.Such exclusive attention to the temporary upsurge cause by the war,though,risks ignoring how there has been a trend toward increasing labor force participation throughout the development of the American market economy.There can be little doubt that,on balance,a woman's expectation to earn a wage has been liberating.The labor power of today’s women allows personal and professional choices to be made that were unavailable in the past.Some worry,however,that the economic agency that women have gained by entering the labor force is culturally hollow,At very least,the grand social transformation that many feminists hoped would follow after large number of hours outside the home still earn less on average than their male coworkers and are often excluded from positions of authority,yet continue to bear disproportionate responsibility for completing household chores.——America by the Numbers

3.The Knowledge Economy

Economists continue to search for the foundations of economic growth.Traditional production functions focus on labor,capital,materials and energy; knowledge and technology are external influences on production.Now analytical approaches are being developed so that knowledge can be included more directly in production functions.Investments in knowledge can increase the productive capacity of the other factors of production as well as transform them into new products and processes.And since these knowledge investments are characterized by increasing(rather than decreasing)returns,they are the key to long-term economic growth.The most visible sign of the knowledge-based economy is the emergence of the information society。Information technology has speeded up the codification of knowledge,transforming it into a market commodity:large chunks of knowledge can be codified and transmitted over computer and communications networks.The use of personal computers has more than doubled in the last decade.These computers can be linked nationally and internationally.Through computer networks,knowledge is more accessible to a wider group of people and cheaper to acquire.Knowledge itself is becoming a more marketable product,and its spread is transforming other goods and services and creating new markets.The spiraling number of information services available on the Internet,raging from job searches to medical advice,is one example.The transformation of several disciplines—measurements,navigation,chemistry,music,surgery,telecommunications—by laser technology is another.And as the stock of knowledge accessible to the world economy swells,it is driving economic growth.The increase in knowledge accessibility and lower barriers to entry are also enhancing the role of the entrepreneur.——The Knowledge Economy

4.Capacity to Be a Principal

Nor every person or entity may be a principal.To be a principal,one must have the capacity to execute a contract.Minors,incompetents,and other natural persons with limited contractual capacity may be restricted in their ability to be a principal or even prohibited entirely from becoming a principal.Adult persons of limited mental capacities or adults who are temporarily incapacitated(for example,while intoxicated)are not permitted to appoint agents freely.Under modern legal theory,minors have contractual capacity for necessities and thus may be principals and appoint agents for any item deemed to be necessary(food,shelter,and so on)。This complicated by the fact that there is no uniform definition of what falls within the term necessary。Consequently,the practical result is that very few people are willing to contract with minors for anything,and even fewer people will deal with the agent of minor.A corporation has contractual capacity and can be a principal.The corporation's ability to appoint an agent is limited to the scope of activities authorized in its articles of incorporation.This caused some problems in the past because lawyers used to draft the articles of incorporation to encompass only those activities contemplated by the incorporations(for example,to operate a railroad)。However,since modern legal practice is to create a corporation with the ability to conduct any business the law allows,there are few limitations on a corporation’s capacity to act as a principal.Partnerships can usually act as principals,although there are two legal theories to explain how.Where the law does not treat a partnership as a legal entity,the partnership itself is not technically capable of being a principal.In these jurisdictions,because the partnership lacks

contractual capability,the individual partners are deemed to be the principal and the partnership's agent is really the agent of the partners.In the jurisdictions where a partnership is a legal entity,this fiction need not be observed,and the partnership can act directly as a principal through its agents.——McGill's Legal Aspects of Life Insurance

5.Financial Derivatives

In the past two decades,we have witnessed the revolutionary period in the trading of financial derivatives or contingent claims in financial markets around world.A derivative security may be defined as a security whose value depends on the values of other more basic underlying variables,which may be the prices of traded securities,prices of commodities or stock indices.The two most common derivative securities are futures and options.A forward contract(called a futures contract if traded on exchange)is an agreement between two parties to buy or sell an asset at a certain time in the future for a predetermined price while an option gives the holder the right(but not the obligation)to buy or sell an asset by a certain date for a predetermined price.Options are classified either as a call option or a put option.A call(or put)is a contract which gives the holder the right to buy(or sell)a prescribed asset,known as the underlying asset,by a certain date(expiration date)for a predetermined price(commonly called the exercise price or the strike price)。Since the holder is given the right,but not the obligation,to buy or sell the asset,he will make the decision depending on whether the deal is favorable to him or not.The option is said to be exercised on the expiration date,then the option is called a European option,while the exercise is allowed at any time prior to the expiration date,then it is called an American option(these term have nothing to do with their continental origins)。The simple call and put options with no special features are commonly called plain vanilla options.Also,we have options coined with names like Asian option,lookback option,barrier option etc.The other party to the holder of the option in the contract is called the writer of the option.The holder and the writer are said to be in the long and short positions of the option contract,respectively.Unlike the holder,he writer does have an obligation with regard to the option contract,say,the writer must sell the asset if the holder chooses in his favor to buy the asset.This is zero-sum game.The holder gains from the loss of writer or vice versa.——Mathematical models of financial derivatives



2008-11-20 11:35

页面功能 【字体:大 中 小】【打印】【关闭】

1.The Battle to Be Your Online Bill Collector

-------------Bankers hope cyberbilling can give them a toehold on the Net

Every year,American business sends out 29 billion bills.And by any measure,the exercise isn't much fun.For companies,printing,processing and posting a tipical consumer bill runs about

90.And for recipients ,there's not only a demand for payment,there 's a wad of solicitations that nearly everyone throws away.But for banks trying to make it on the Internet,bills are cool.Bankers see bills as surefire eyeball-grabbers in an environment where it's tough to command consumer attention——and a key to protecting their existing business managing cash for big companies.Increasingly,banks are battling high-tech competitors for control of Internet billing,or electronic-bill presentment,as it is called.To be sure,this is a fight over a business that is in its infancy.Few bills are now sent via the Net,and online payment systems often involve a paper check.But the technology exists to send bills from business to customers and route payments back on the Net.By the end of next year,industry analysts estimate upwards of 4.5 million households will be receiving bills online.What's more, sending and handling bills over the Net should be about 40% cheaper than paper delivery, says the Gartner Group, a research firm in Stamford, Conn.The question is who will become the bill collector on the Net.Bankers reckon that if they can turn their Web sites into mailboxes for electronic bills ,they can become key entry points on the Net-portals,even.That would enable them to sell other financial services online.The fear is that existing portals,such as Yahoo!or even American Online,will become centers of bill payment and , in turn ,siphon off existing bank business.banks have been slow to get into this, says Kenneth J.Kerr,a Garter analyst in Durham,N.C.But they realize there is a threat here and they need to get aboard.Banks have their advantages.They can offer custumers simultaneous access to their bills and their money.Banks have long relationships with the billers,such as utilities and retailers,and centuries of experience in protecting people's money.Big banks also are worried that technology companies offering bill presentment could muscle into one of their fastest-growing business-managing cash for big companies.After all ,distributing and collecting bills is a close cousin to cash management.At this point,predicting how the industry will shake out is premature.Banks and technology

companies already have formed several alliances aimed a delivering bills on the net.More combinations are likely.What's clear, though , is the banks know they are running out of time to get their Internet billing act together._____From Business Week/July 19,1999

2.Principles of Regulation

The following quotation describes the scope of regulation and how it affects individuals and businesses participating in a market.All market and transactions are in practice regulated by some kind of government laws or regulations , and without regulations of any kind,most markets and types of transactions would cease to exist.Without laws, the terms of many types of agreement and transaction between individuals would be unenforceable and would cease.The choice facing individuals and society is not between regulation and no regulation ; it is how much regulation and what kinds of regulation are desirable.This description portrays regulation as fully encompassing the systems of government and law with the power to control all markets and transactions.Economists and politicians would typically take a much narrower view of regulation,concentrating more on the targets of regulatory action or the regulatory process itself.An economist, focusing on thetargets of regulatory action, might describe regulation as government policy that exerts control over a firm to elicit a desired behavior as a producer of goods or employer of labor.An economist or politician focusing on regulatoty process, however, might express a view similar to the following:

Through regulation,society attempts to substitute the decidion-making process of a regulatory commission for the action of the market mechanism……It is clear that the'process' of regulation is to substitute administrative judgment for market-place judgement.In effect, an economic environment of legal rules and regulations is used as a surrogate for the free market,and economic decisions are made by a political process.The above description portrays regulation as a political process, substituting asministrative judgement for marketplace judgement.The description identifies the important interaction between regulation and the market and raised an important issue:when, if at all, should marketplace judgment be replaced with as ministrative judgement?

Various answers to this question have been proposed.Of primary importance is the market being considered.Different market require different amounts and types of regulation.____From The Regulation of Insurance

3.Intervention Arrangements in the European Monetary System

Bilateral exchange rates within the European Monetary System have never been literally fixed; rather, they have fluctuated within specified limits called margins.Since August 1993 the margins for most bilateral exchange rates have been +_15 percent,although they were narrower before then.Each participating currency is also assigned a central exchange rate against the European Union currencies.When a currency's market xchange rate against the ECU diverges sufficiently from its cegogo the currency is expected to intervene and possibly take other actions to correct the situation.In return for contributing 20 percent of their gold and dollar holdings to a European Monetary Institute,central bank in the EMS receive equivalent holding of ECUs.ECUs can be used, along with other types of international reserves, to purchase domestic currency from member central banks that acquire it in intervention opertations but do not wish to hold it.Intervention burdens may be shared symmetrically within the EMS, but they need not be.If the French franc depreciates to its lower limit against the DM, for example,the French central bank must rectify the situation by selling DM reserves; at the same time, the German central bank must lend the necessary DM to the Bank of France.EMS rules thus call for a symmetric intervention procedure when an exchange rate reaches the limit of its range, one in which the weak-currency country loses reserves and the other gains them.Much intervention takes place within the EMS exchange rate margins, however,and such intervention does not oblige other central banks to take action.If the bank of France buys DM assets and adds them to its reserves, for example, the Bundesbank is not require to intervene as long as the franc stays within its margins.In addition, the symmetry of intervention at the margins is no guarantee that the resulting adjustments in national money supplies are symmetric.There is little at present to prevent a central bank from trying to shift the burden of monetary adjustment onto its EMS partners by sterilizing its foreign intervention.________From c Economics-Theory and Policy,4th Edition

4.Freedom of Contract

The main principle of the law relating to commercial transactions is based on the freedom of the contracting parties to agree as they wish.This principle comprises the freedom to choose whether one wants to enter into a contract at all, the freedom to choose one's contracting party and to agree on the contents of the contract and its general and specific terms.However, any freedom of contract is necessarily controlled by some fundamentals principles of the applicable national law which determine how contractual rights come into being and the effect on contractual undertaking of fraud, misleading statements, duress,coercion, mistake or other invalidating causes.It should also be observed that it may be impossible to obtain enforcement of some contracts and that the modalities of enforcement may differ in different jurisdictions.Generally one cannot expect enforcement of contracts which are illegal in the jurisdiction concerned or which may have such an object that redress to enforcement authorities is unavailable.This is true for most illegal contracts as one cannot very well expect organs of the state to extend a helpful hand to those who have engaged in prohibited of undesirable activities.The same reluctance may well apply to contracts which are not illegal but merely of such a nature that the contracting parties should have to arrange their affairs without the assistance of the authorities, e.g.wagering contract or games for money.In modern commerce, it would normally be impracticable to let the contracting parties individually negotiate each and every contract term.Instead, they would in most cases use ready-made texts appearing in different standard forms or clauses.It is also possible to use computerized texts available for different types of contracts.If so, it is only theoretically possible to base contract interpretation on the actual will and intention of the contracting parties themselves.Such standardised text have to be interpreted objectively and reference to contractual intent represents no more than a lip-service to the traditional paradigm of deriving the contents of contract solely from the will of the parties.The standard to be used is to assess how a reasonable person would understand the text rather than to examine how the actual contracting parties understood it, if they even thought about it at all.Such standardised texts originate from different sources.In some cases they are unilaterally prepared by one of the contracting parties and, in other cases,they are elaborated under the auspices of various trade organisations usually only representing one of the parties in a particular type of contractual relationship.However, trade organisations representing both parties in the contractual relationship may also have agreed on a standardised text, which is then usually called an agreed document.International organisations,such as the International Chamber of Commerce, Promote the elaboration of standard texts and principles which could be incorporated into commercial contracts by reference, In some cases, such standardised texts and principles could attain the status of international usage of trade and, if so, they could be deemed to govern the contracting relationship even in the absence of express reference.________From Igogo, by ICC




金融学院 金融专业英语 试题


1.What is a bank?

As important as banks are to the economy as a whole and to local communities, there is much confusion about exactly what a bank is.Certainly banks can be identified by the functions(services or roles)they perform in the economy.The problem is that not only are the functions of banks changing, but the functions of their principal competitors are changing as well.Indeed, many financial institutions including leading security dealers, brokerage firms, mutual funds, and insurance companies arc trying to be as similar as possible to banks in the services they offer.Bankers, in turn, are challenging these nonblank competitors by lobbying for expanded authority to offer real estate and full-service security brokerage, insurance coverage, investments in mutual funds, and many other new services.The result of many legal and regulatory changes is a state of confusion in the public’s mind today over what is or is not a bank.The safest approach is probably to view these institutions in terms of what types of services the offer the public.Banks are those financial institutions that offer the widest range of financial services especially credit, savings, and payment services and perform the widest range of financial functions of any business form in the economy.This multiplicity of bank services and functions has led to banks being labeled“financial department store”.2.The Adoption of Indirect Instruments of Monetary Policy

In the late 1970s, industrial countries began phasing out the direct instruments some of them used to operate monetary policy-including credits controls, interest rate ceilings, and sometimes directed credits-and began moving toward full reliance on indirect instruments, such as open market operations, rediscount facilities, and reserve requirement.In more recent years, there has been also an increasing tendency for the developing countries and the economies in transition to adopt such instruments.The greater use of indirect monetary instruments can be seen as the counterpart in the monetary area to the widespread movement toward enhancing the role of price signals in the economy more generally.Both have the same objective of improving market efficiency.Perhaps even more critically, moves to indirect instruments are taking place in an increasingly more open economic environment, with widespread adoption of current account convertibility.In such an environment, direct instruments have become increasingly ineffective, leading to inefficienciesand disintermediation.In the absence of indirect instruments of monetary policy, the authorities would, therefore, be unable to counter any problems of excess liquidity, which would impede their efforts to stabilize the economy.3.Why banks are so heavily regulated?

Why are banks so closely regulated? There are number of reasons for this heavy burden of government supervision, some of them centuries old.First, banks are among the leasing repositories of the public’s savings especially the saving of individuals and families.While most of the public’s saving are placed in relatively short-term, highly liquid deposits, banks also hold large amounts of long-term savings in individual retirement accounts(IRAs).The loss of these funds due to bank failure or bank crime would be catastrophic to many individuals and families.But, many savers lack the financial expertise and depth of

information needed to correctly evaluate the riskiness of a bank.Therefore, regulatory agencies are charged with the responsibility of gathering and evaluating the information needed to assess the true financial condition of banks in order to protect the public against loss.Banks are also closely watched because of their power to create money in the form of readily spendable deposits by making loans and investments.Changes in the volume of money created by banks appear to be closely correlated with economic conditions, especially the growth of jobs and the presence or absence of inflation.Banks are also regulated because they provide individuals and businesses with loans that support consumption and investment spending.Regulatory authorities argue that the public has a keen interest in an adequate supply of loans flowing from the banking system.Moreover, where discrimination in the granting of credit is present, those individuals who are discriminated against face a significant obstacle to their personal well-being and an improved standard of living.This is especially true if access to credit is denied because of age, sex, race, national origin, or similar factors.Finally, banks have a long history of involvement with government federal, state, and local.Early in the history of the industry governments relied upon cheap bank credit and the taxation of banks to finance armies and to supply the funds they were unwilling to raise through direct taxation of their citizens.More recently, governments have relied upon banks to assist in conducting economic policy, in collecting taxes, and in dispensing government payments.4.Financial Futures

A financial futures contract is an agreement between buyer and a seller reached today that calls for the delivery of particular security in exchange for cash at some future date.The market value of a futures contract changes daily as the market price of the security to be exchanged moves over time.As a result, futures contracts are “marked to marker” each day to reflect the current value of the assets subject to eventual delivery under each futures contract, and a cash payment may have to be made(usually to a broker)by one or the other party to the contract in order to protect against possible loss.The financial futures markets are designed to shift the risk of interest rate fluctuations from risk-averse investors, such as commercial banks, to speculators willing to accept and possibly profit from such risks.Futures contracts are traded on organized exchanges(such as the Chicago Board of Trade or the London Futures Exchange), where floor brokers execute orders received from the public to buy or sell these contracts at the best prices available.Then a bank contacts an exchange broker and offers to sell futures contracts(I, e., the bank wishers to “go short” in futures), this means it is promising to deliver securities of a certain kind and quality to the buyer of those contracts on a stipulated date at a predetermined price.Conversely, a bank may enter the futures market as buyer of futures contracts(i.e., the bank chooses to “go long” in futures), agreeing to accept delivery of the particular securities named in each contract and to pay cash to the exchange clearinghouse the day the contracts mature, based on their price at that time.5.Offshore Financial Center(OFC)

An offshore financial center(OFC)may be defined as jurisdiction in which transactions with non-residents far outweigh transactions related to the domestic economy.They have developed by offering an attractive tax, legal and/or regulatory environment.In particular, the absence of inheritance, wealth, withholding or capital gains taxes can make the environment in OFCs very favorable to, for example, internationally mobile individuals.Zero or low direct taxes can make it

attractive for companies conducting business with non-residents to incorporate in OFCs.Ina similar vein, the corporate legal environment may facilitate speedy adoption of new financial products or allow greater flexibility in restructuring and refinancing options.Political and economic stability and the presence of high quality professional(eg legal and accounting)and supporting services are also important in attracting business from other major financial centers.A number of important OFCs are small island states, with few domestically owned financial institutions, a large number of “brass-plate” institutions and little non-financial economic activity.The Cayman Islands and the British Virgin Islands are obvious examples.But the distinction between OFCs and other financial centers is not clear-out.Some economies.Such as Hong Kong and Singapore have a significant volume of entrepot business alongside domestically orientated financial intermediation.The term “OTC” is , furthermore, sometimes also used in connection with special tax and/or regulation zones that are established within the borders of a country to attract non-resident business(for example Labuan in Malaysia, or the International Financial Services Center in Dublin).1. 银行是什么?





























学校的学术研究在我国对外经贸科研领域占有重要地位,设有100多个研究单位,其中中国WTO研究院是全国唯一的研究世界贸易组织的国家级人文社科重点研究基地。学校图书馆文献总量150余万册(件)。学校主办并公开发行多种学术刊物,其中《国际贸易问题》、《国际商务——对外经济贸易大学学报》、《日语学习与研究》、《Journal of WTO and China》(WTO与中国)等享有较高的学术地位。学校出版社每年出书百余种,在高校出版社中享有较高声誉。学校也是国家培训高级经济管理干部的基地之一,设有政府委托或与外国合办的多个高级在职培训机构。





专业类型 专业名称 专业层次 专业名称 专业层次

文学类 汉语言文学 本科 英语 本科


俄语 朝鲜语 商务英语 对外汉语 西班牙语 葡萄牙语 法学

本科 本科 本科 本科 本科 本科 本科

德语 日语 翻译 法语 意大利语 阿拉伯语 国际政治

本科 本科 本科 本科 本科 本科 本科

理学类 信息与计算科学 本科工商管理


管理学类 信息管理与信息系统 本科


电子商务 会计学 人力资源管理 公共事业管理 工商管理 经济学

本科 本科 本科 本科 本科 本科

市场营销 财务管理 行政管理 公共管理 劳动与社会保障 国际经济与贸易

本科 本科 本科 本科 本科 本科

金融学 金融工程 经济学

本科 本科 本科

保险 投资学

本科 本科



硕士研究生入学考试参考书目:见附录二。四:专业硕士生导师介绍博士生导师名单(97人)区域经济学(2)王强洪俊杰 财政学(2)

孔淑红 郑俊田 国际贸易学(23)

王林生 王绍熙 薛荣久 林桂军 白树强黄晓玲 唐宜红郭飞卢进勇杨长春夏友富赵忠秀 王健葛盈刘东升孙玉琴朱明侠赖平耀 殷晓鹏王强洪俊杰裴长洪*张宏霖*金融学专业(28)

刘亚邱兆祥吴军陈进于瑾孙华妤 蒋先玲丁建臣叶陈刚王国军齐天翔郭敏 郭红玉丁志杰奉立城刘立新王稳吕文栋 吴卫星陈欣门明史燕平刘园刘树林 徐信忠*蔡浩仪*胡怀邦*张晓慧*产业经济学(10)

赵忠秀张新民林汉川夏友富陈进邵祥林* 王微* 王强黄晓玲魏巍贤 企业管理专业(18)

贾怀勤徐子健 马春光 余恕莲范黎波林汉川 张新民张建平雷光勇王斌王玉荣汤谷良 郑建明张杰王秀丽蒋屏傅慧芬尹建华 世界经济专业(10)

张汉林桑百川戴长征华晓红杨荣珍杨言红 陈文敬*李钢*张金生*李琨* 国际法学(8)

沈四宝王 军黄勇丁丁石静霞鲍禄 高西庆*焦津洪* 民商法学(6)

梅夏英冀宗儒苏号朋徐海燕李玫王晓川 注:姓名后带“*”号的为外聘导师。硕士生指导教师名单


杨晓泉 刘 园 史燕平黄敬阳 门 明 孙华妤 吴 青 于 瑾 蒋先玲 郝旭光 姚得骥许施智丁建臣朱忠明 冯 彬 罗 兴刘 亚邱兆祥 吴 军郭红玉 粟 勤 高清霞 李 琦 严渝军 郭 敏 史 薇 奉立城 陶存文 曾立新 邹亚生 孙东升 高 洁 齐天翔 宋国良白 薇 王国军 丁志杰王 稳张 颖荆涛卫新江何自云何丽芬田秀娟赵霜卓刘光灿刘立新国际贸易学(64)

薛荣久 李 诗 杨逢华 宋 沛 石玉川 于俊年 朱明侠夏友富 郑俊田 林桂军 李 青 王福明王伟力郑宝银 卢进勇章昌裕许文凯 孙秀峰 赵秀臣 杨长春 梁 蓓 杜奇华 黄晓玲 王 健 张汉林 舒玉敏 韩 琪 蒋德恩 刘东升 何晓兵赵 苏张 玮 白树强 冷柏军 王全火 孙玉琴 薛书武 孔淑红 施 丹 刘晓惠 唐宜红 赵忠秀 桑百川 金 燕 刘树林 刘文丽 华晓红 郭 飞 赵京霞 曹红月 王 强 叶东亚 徐进亮 叶 梅 张家瑾 魏铁梅 韩立华 杨荣珍 贾保华 陈永红 高 巍 俞雄飞 王晓东 潘红宇


蒋汉生 李大丰 李 肖 曹 健 陈恭和 王丽娟 赵杏梅 席宁华 邹志红 王朝培 刘瑞林 曹淑燕 陈立波 陈 进杨尚群 赵杰民 张福德 徐嘉震国际法学(20)

沈四宝 高西庆 陆志芳 王 军 焦津洪 王晓川 孙 利 金渝林 张 红唐丽子 盛建明 黄 勇 丁 丁 鲍 禄 石敬霞 李 玫 李 莘刘刚仿 李 俊边永民 民商法学(4)

冀宗儒 王国平徐海燕 董 灵 英语专业(43)

黄震华 程海波 陈苏东 吴 芬 王关富 李正中 王恩冕 蒋显璟 赵中源 李柱国 陈准民 赵贺田 常 力 贾文浩

隋 云阎善明李平谢毅斌 岑 华 张 静 常玉田黄 豪 陈俐丽 左放军 陈小全 张佐成 张翠萍 蒲卫宁 江 春羡锡彪 杨玉功俞利军丁崇文沈素萍窦卫霖 金冰康 晋王淑芳魏啸飞周 玲张海森武姜生朱美慧(英语)外语专业(31)

黄美波 张 晶 郑文彬 刘宝义 张 萍 刘 军(法语)(6)杨言洪 葛铁鹰 叶文楼(阿拉伯语)(3)

徐永彬 金秉运 洪成一 朴淑子(朝鲜语)(4)朱 凯杨仲林赵雪梅(西班牙语)(3)张 宓 王天清 周莉莉(意大利语)(3)

陈健平任国强 李伯杰 杜景林 卢 谌 潘亚玲 黄燎宇

戴英杰 史世伟 冯小虎 日语语言文学(6)

姚莉萍 李爱文 李二敏 企业管理(22)

马春光 贾怀勤 徐子建 张 杰 杜学孔 刘耀威 蒋 屏 高 懿 熊 伟 郭铭华 王正富(德语)(12)傅 荫马 骏郭德玉 傅慧芬 余恕莲 张新民 张建平安玉华 杨恭辅 王玉荣 王秀丽 范黎波 刘宝成 刘子安刘春英

刘玉新 会计学(6)

张学谦 吴 革 李相志 导师简介见附录三











































China is counting on the infrastrure investment--railway particular, to prompt its economy and boost employment to find off the effect of the global economic downturn.the major steel mills will continue cut off their output in December, while the experts say they will report losses in the fourth quarter.China's milk industry still weak from the fallout of the moal-mined poisoned scandal, which involves nearly all the country's milk company2、汉译英




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