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Class: 08本二班

Name:李秀清 NO:200841010234 page: 1

Afterthought of “Shuang Leng Chang He”


Recently, I read a book named „Shuang Leng Chang He‟which is written by Yu Qiuyu.There are some essays about philosophic theory of human life in this book.However, I was attractive by the essay of friendship for I was told the essence of friendship and learnt how to make friends with others.Friendship is an eternal theme we examine and explore.But what is friendship? What is the real meaning of friendship? As we know, friendship is a life-long treasure.With friends, we share our joys and tears.Friendship is not a commodity with a price, nor should we alienate our friends by questioning or judging their virtues.In traditional culture of China, most of the literary men admire the friendship between Yu Boya and Zhong Ziqi.They hold the point that mountain stream with a knowing ear is the luckiest thing and looking forward to this kind of friendship in their whole life.However, a bosom friend is not easy to find in the real world.It usually comes that the person is your friend today, and tomorrow would be your enemy.Even more, when a person was deceived or betrayed by his friends, he would never trust any friends.Usually, people will try their best to help their friends, even their lives when needed.However they find it hard to forgive the friend who betrayed them.Hence, how to establish friendly relationship is very important and necessary for human beings.There is a Chinese saying goes, you depend on your parents when you stay at home, and you depend on your friends when you go out.This kind of saying indicates that the importance of friends, at the same time it means the value of friends is for dependence.Therefore, will you make friends with a person who has no use for you? Or anyone helped you can become your friends? What do we expect from our friends? From my point of view, a real friend does not care your background, your wealth, your appearance.The truest friend of all is one that reads your very soul, one who is always there when needed.A real friend does not expect something from their friends or depend on his friends.Friendship is an in-depth relationship combining trust, communication, and understanding.Some people hold the idea that finding a friend is like coming home.When you come “home” to a friend, you can relax;unbosoming you pains and sorrows and you needn‟t pretend or act tough.But do not forget one point that is keeping distance between you.Most people of China are likely to ignore this kind of problem, which sometimes causes some unnecessary troubles.From my point of view, we should better keep proper distance with our friends if you want keep a stable relationship.Generally, as a Chinese, people would rather receive excessive kindness than say “NO‟‟ to their friends.In their opinion, a good friend should not turn down their friends, if this happened, their friends would be regarded that they were looked down by their friends and felt loosing face.For example, one of your friends is afraid of exam and he asks for your help during the examination.What would you do? To be or not to be? Even though you are unwilling to cheat in the exam, you still promise to offer help and endure the suffering yourself from treating.Every man alone is sincere.At the entrance of a second person, hypocrisy begins.Emerson said “A friend is a person with whom I may be sincere.I do not wish to treat friendship daintily, but with roughest courage.” From these words, we know that friendship is built on sincerity, and sincerity is based on equality of personality.Without sincerity and equality of personality, people will not trust others and make friends with others in heart.In addition to this, Aristotle also said that wishing to be friends is quick work, but friendship is a slow-ripening fruit.Maybe it only takes one second time to be friends, but you will spend more time to establish friendly relationships.Pure friendship without judgment can enrich our life.We have our own judgments on our friends according to their virtues.Though you find virtues in your friends, he was your friend before you found them.If you choose your friends on the ground that you are virtues and want virtuous company, you are no nearer to true friendship than of choosing them for commercial reasons.Though you may choose the virtuous to be your friends, they may not choose you as a friend.Nevertheless, without judgment does not mean that you should ignore what is right and wrong to support you friends without condition.Unquestioning support will bring disaster finally.From this article, people may feel that it is not easy to find a real friend.In fact the problem is we require too much from friendship, such as the sense of belonging, obligation and other virtues.If we get rid of this kind of demand and fetter, we will understand the friendship clearly and enjoy it completely.Friendship is just like a seed which we should look after carefully.Cherish is a virtue.A friend is a friend;you should cherish the relationship maintain it with hearts.What‟s more, we should

learn how to keep distance, how to keep the independence of spirit and personality;learn to distinguish what is right and what is wrong and make the exact choice.Person whom possesses his own idea and character would win the real friendship.Last but not least, no matter how eager we are to make friends with others, we should not forget the point, that is, action is one of the best ways of expression of your sincerity.Beautiful words do not give any sense.An action is better than thousands words.2011年 3月20日


英文读书报告(BOOK REPORT)的格式

1.Introductory Paragraph

The first sentence should state for which instructor and class the book-report is being written.The second sentence should state the title of the book and the author's name.The third sentence should tell how many pages the book has and the name of the publisher.The fourth sentence can state basic bibliographic information about the book.Bibliographic information means not only the author and title but also what company published the book, what year it was published in and any other relevant information such as the edition and if the book has been translated, simplified or abridged.(see copyright page and the back of the title page.)

The next sentence should state the reason(s)you decided to read this book.Why did you choose this particular book? Typical reasons might be:

o You like the author.o You like this type of book(i.e.mystery, western, adventure or romance, etc.).o Someone recommended the book to you.o It was on a required reading list.o You liked the cover.These reasons do not have to be complex.Most people choose the books they read because they like the author or somebody recommended it to them.If you chose the book because you like the author, then state why you like that author.An optional sentence can be used if the cover(back cover)of the book gives you any additional information then add a sentence with that information.o Was the book a best seller?

o Are there X million copies in print?

o Did it win any major awards?

2.Main Character(s)Paragraph

The first sentence of this paragraph should state who the main character or characters of the book are, and why they are important.Refer to this person or these persons as the Main Character or Main Characters.You will need at least a complex sentence for this, and probably more than one sentence.3.Other Characters Paragraph

You should compose at least one sentence for each of the other prominent or important characters in the book.State the name of each of the other important characters, and the key role that each one plays in the book

Most books have five or six prominent characters besides the main character, so simply listing each one and stating their role in the book will give you a good sized paragraph.4.Plot Summary Paragraph

This is perhaps the hardest paragraph to write in five sentences or so.If you have to write a bit more don't worry.Here are the main points to cover:

o State the type of book(Mystery, Western, etc.).o What place or country was the book set in?

o What time period was the book set in?(19th century, the present, ancient Rome, the 23rd century).o Other physical locations which are important, like: ships, airplanes, houses, or buildings.o Other notable attributes of the book.(Was it violent, scary, fast paced, etc.).o What is the main character trying to do?

o What is the outcome of the book?

o etc.Make sure you cover all of the major parts of the plot.You might have to go back through the book, chapter by chapter, and make a few notes.5.Personal Impressions and Conclusion Paragraph

Simply talk about what you liked or did not like about the book.Use this paragraph as your conclusion.It should summarize your overall impressions of the book and bring the report to a close.o Start with a sentence that states that you are now writing a conclusion.(For example: “My final thoughts on 'A Fine Balance' are that it is a fascinating book but I am not entirely sure if I completely understood the thematic message of the book.”

o Restate your reasons why you liked and/or disliked the book using different words.o Write two sentences that talk about the books good points and weak points.o Write a sentence or two about what you learned from the book.o Close with a sentence that states whether you would recommend the book to others.Don't be afraid to give your own honest impressions of the book.After all, if you've read the book thoroughly, you are entitled to your own interpretation of it.Typically, your book report should not exceed two double-spaced pages, and it should be somewhere between 600 and 800 words in length.Book report on Robinson Crusoe

gone with the wind

第三篇:读书报告 傲慢与偏见 英文




学号 _2011013041____姓名___潘圣玲______ 班级___英语118班___专业____英语_________ 完稿日期_2012/12/8___成绩______________________

Title: Pride and Prejudice

I.Bibliographical information

Author(s):_ Jane Austen______Edition:_ 段鸿欣编译__________

Year of publication:____ 2010年6月_______________

Place:___ 北京复兴门外大街2号___ Publisher:___ 中国国际广播出版社____

II.Information about your reading

1.The reasons why you selected the book:(≥20words)_ because Jane Austen was hailed as a truly great British novelist by critics and literary historians in

twentieth century and the novel is regarded as the most classic sense of the novel.2.The amount of time you spent reading the book:two weeks

3.If you finished reading the entire book, sign your name here:__潘圣玲

If you did not finish reading the book, how many pages did you read? ______

III.A brief summary of the book(≥150words)

Pride and Prejudice is the story of four marriages in British country of 18th century.Jane Austen shows the pictures of the current social life in Britain through the marriage matter, it also reflects her views on marriage.The book describes the

virtuous and emotional entanglements among the single young Darcy and the second Miss.Elizabeth, and the wealthy single Bingley and the eldest Miss.Jane.The most important love story naturally happens between Elizabeth and Darcy.There’re three marriages interspersed in it.Collins and Charlotte’s business marriage just satisfies their dreams.Collins wants a wife, and Charlotte wants a husband.Wickham and Lydia’s frivolous marriage just meets their benefits.Lydia completes her “pursuit”, and Wickham gains some money.Bingley and Jane’s marriage is happy with true

feelings, like Darcy and Elizabeth’s.They have feelings for each other in the ball, and have deeper contacts with each other.But they two can’t determine the other’s mind;Bingley is persuaded by Darcy to give the affection and he leaves Jane.Jane lives in sadness.So does Bingley.He comes back to chase Jane and the lover immerses in the joy.They two are all gentle persons, so their marriage will be comfortable and filled with tender and sweet.(207 Words)

IV.Comments on the book

1.What are the strengths and weaknesses of the book?(≥50words)

Although Austen’s theme is narrow, the story is quite dull, but she is good at

shape distinctive characters in ordinary daily things.Whether Elizabeth and Darcy that the author thinks should be positive character, or Collins this kind of being the object of sarcasm, she presents themin a real way.At the same time, Austin’s language is after temper, she in a dialogue art exquisite humor, satire, often with funny witty language to foil character's personality.This kind of artistic

innovation made her works have their own characteristics

2.What is the part of this book that had the greatest impact on you? Why?(≥


With the revealing of the truth, Elizabeth’s prejudice on Darcy becomes deeper.Until when Elizabeth refuses Darcy’s long love letter, she experiences the fierce shock.After undergoing a period of painful and profound thought, she could not help but to shout how despicable she is。When we see the blame from heart, we find her

shortcomings and the courage that she could face herself directly.It is her bringing that plays a role;she starts to give up the bias caused by self-esteem, truly and seriously understand Darcy.Elizabeth wouldn't believe the shameless lies about

Darcy said by Han and eliminate the misunderstanding and prejudice.She finally falls in love with Darcy.Is the writing effective, powerful, difficult, or beautiful?(≥50words)

I think it is helpful.The different treatments and attitudes towards these marriages reflect Jane Austen’s views on marriage.It’s wrong for marriage to pursue property,money and high status.She stresses the importance of an ideal marriage and takes the feelings of both men and women as the cornerstone of the ideal marriage.We also learn that pride and prejudice are the very common problems and weaknesses in human’s personality.Everyone is easy to be driven by their own subjective

consciousness or other people’s wrong comments.It may cause a misunderstanding toward a thing or a person.What we should do is to avoid these weaknesses and make them under good regulation.Everything must be based on objective sense and commented with a deeper understanding.1.If you could talk to the author, what would you say?(≥50words)

In this great book, you amply demonstrates your point about love and marriage.And you let me know that at that time, according to the social conditions in

Britain, a good marriage for a young woman was critical.And in the 19th

century, women were not well respected compared with the ones in the present society.There was no equality.between woman and man.Women were

considered to be inferior to men in terms of intelligence and capacity.Now

through this book I find the courage to show ourselves.What did you learn about yourself as a result of reading this book?(≥50words)Thank you.after reading your book I form a positive attitiud to the marrige.now, I thinklove and marriage only by appreciating the marriage founded on the basis of mutual understanding and true love, but also by satirizing the marriage founded on the basis of origin and desire.The marriage based on social position and money can’t bring happy life.3.Note down five useful expressions you learned from your reading and make

on sentence for each expression.1)[Useful expression](p.6)She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper.[Sentence you made]: He is a man in possession of a good fortune.2)[Useful expression](p.4)``My dear Mr.Bennet,'' replied his wife, ``how can you be so tiresome!You must know that I am thinking of his marrying one of them.''

[Sentence you made]: From the fact that after 100,000 years or a million years or whatever it is, eventually life would grow tiresome, that hardly shows that life has grown tiresome after 50 years or 80 years or 100.3)[Useful expression](p.60)``Indeed I have, Sir,'' was her answer.``She is a great deal too ill to be moved.Mr.Jones says we must not think of moving her.We must trespass a little longer on your kindness.'

[Sentence you made]: I will trespass on your hospitality

4)[Useful expression](p.124)``I remember hearing you once say, Mr.Darcy, that you hardly ever forgave, that your resentment once created was unappeasable.You are very cautious, I suppose, as to its being created.'’

[Sentence you made]: I remember hearing you once say , that you hardly ever forgave, that your resentment once created was unappeasable

5)[Useful expression](p.292)Elizabeth could not repress a smile at this, but she answered only by a slight inclination of the head.[Sentence you made]: However, because they don’t have the emotional tools to integrate the hurt caused by abusive adults, they often repress their feelings as their first line of defence.General remarks:(≥200words)

The writer Jane Austen disclosed mid-class young ladies’ different ideas of marriage and love through describing the different ways in which the Bennet girls doing with their marriage problems, and this undoubtedly shows the writer’s idea about love and marriage: it’s wrong to get married just for property, wealth and status while neither would it be without caring about those elements.Jane Austen just attached great

significance to marriage through her novel by telling people that marriage should be regarded carefully because it is not a game you could just enjoy without prudent

consideration.She also wanted to deliver information that marriage should be based on real love between the lovers.The female subject Elizabeth is a mid-class girl, and Darcy proposed to her regardless of the gap between them, but Elizabeth refused

because of his pride had formed Eli’s prejudice.Cause Darcy’s pride was a suggest of status gap between he and Eli, he wouldn’t have the same thought with Eli and

consequently the ideal marriage.But later Darcy’s doings especially his change of the prideful manner eliminated Eli’s misunderstandings and prejudice about him, and Eli accepted his proposal.Those two opposite attitudes reflect females pursue of

independent personality and equality.I think Elizabeth has personality ethic which caused her independent idea about love and marriage and in consequence she earned a happy life.There’re also Eli’s sisters’ love stories served as contrasts to the female subject’s ideal marriage, such as Charlotte and Collin’s life: they do had a luxury life, but there’s noreal love between them and this kind of marriage is surely a tragedy of society.(_270_ Words)

Author’s Statement

The undersigned hereby warrants that the reading report is original and that he/she is the author of the reading report.Signature: ______________




















马贡多是一座由玻璃和镜子建造而成的城市,它不仅折射了哥伦比亚的现实,拉丁美洲的现实,更折射了作者内心世界中的现实。篇三:book report-one hundred years of solitude one hundred years of solitude this book was writed by gabriel garcía márquez, latin-american journalist, novelist and short story writer, a central figure in the so-called magic realism movement.he is considered one of the most significant authors of the 20th century.he was awarded the nobel prize in literature in 1982, and is the earliest winner of this prize to be still alive.one hundred years of solitude is an epic work: a long narrative fiction with a scope which holds up for our inspection a particular cultural moment in the history of a people.the novel is the history of the founding, development, and death of a human settlement, macondo, and of the most important family in that town, the buendias.reading though one hundred years of solitude, im impressed by the novels contact structure and in-depth description of humans character.the roles in the novel are so naive and primitive that the book reads like a magic show with a colorful background, and a bit childish.maybe i am at a very late age reading the novel.his is a story without love but yet romantic.everyone is using their own approach to resist solitude-participating in the revolution, repeating manual labour, addicting to lust and sex, reading and translating books......this book contains the all possible ways for human to resist solitude.t篇四:百年孤独读书报告






学号:111110046 参考资料:马克思主义基本原理概论


拉丁美洲,这片广袤的土地,蕴含着无穷的神秘,创造过辉煌的古代文明,自十九世纪中期到二十世纪七十年代的一个多世纪,这片神秘的土地经历了百年的风云变幻„ „ 从1830年至上世纪末的70年间,哥伦比亚爆发过几十次内战,使数十万人丧生。本书以很大的篇幅描述了这方面的史实,并且通过书中主人公带有传奇色彩的生涯集中表现出来。政客们的虚伪,统治者们的残忍,民众的盲从和愚昧等等都写得淋漓尽致。作家以生动的笔触,刻画了性格鲜明的众多人物,描绘了这个家族的孤独精神。在这个家族中,夫妻之间、父子之间、母女之间、兄弟姐妹之间,没有感情沟通,缺乏信任和了解。尽管很多人为打破孤独进行过种种艰苦的探索,但由于无法找到一种有效的办法把分散的力量统一起来,最后均以失败告终。这种孤独不仅弥漫在布恩地亚家族和马贡多镇,而且渗入了狭隘思想,成为阻碍民族向上、国家进步的一大包袱。作家写出这一点,是希望拉美洲民众团结起来,共同努力摆脱孤独。所以,《百年孤独》中浸淫着的孤独感,其主要内涵应该是对整个苦难的拉丁美洲被排斥现代文明世界的进程之外的愤懑和抗议,是作家在对拉丁美洲近百年的历史、以及这块大陆上人民独特的生命力、生存状态、想象力进行独特的研究之后形成的倔强的自信。


关键词:人生发展 历史事件 社会存在 重大影响

(一)主人公介绍 ●人生发展:何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚是西班牙的后裔,住在远离海滨的一个印第安人的村庄。他与乌尔苏拉新婚时,由于害怕像姨母与叔父结婚那样生出长尾巴的孩子,乌尔苏拉每夜都穿上特制的紧身衣,拒绝与丈夫同房。因此遭到邻居普鲁邓希奥·阿基拉尔的耻笑,于是一次比赛中何塞·阿尔卡蒂奥·布恩迪亚杀死了普鲁邓希奥·阿基拉尔。从此,死者的鬼魂经常出现在他眼前,鬼魂那痛苦而凄凉的眼神,使他日夜不得安宁。他们只好离开村子,外出寻找安身之所。经过了两年多的奔波,来到一片滩地上,由于受到梦的启示决定定居下来。后来又有许多人迁移至此,建立村镇,这就是马孔多。布恩迪亚家族在马孔多的历史由此开始。
















关键字:本质 社会历史

●主人公本质: ●社会历史:





3、革命精神(及其儿子); 3、19世纪自由党人与保守党人之间的战争


4、孤独性; 4、19世纪之前拉丁美洲的封闭性。


关键字:自我价值 社会价值



● 社会价值:





● 自我价值:




● 二者的关系:





关键字:英雄人物 社会历史





人民群众是历史创造者,但需要一定的智力支持和精神保障来完成历史任务,而英雄人物凭借其出色的思想来倡导和发起运动; 马孔多的人民创造了全新的马孔多,但是在布恩迪亚智慧英勇的率领下完成的,布恩迪亚对这场革新运动发挥了其智慧和领导的作用。




(三)其重大决策往往对历史进程有重大的促进作用,加速了历史任务的解决: 若没有布恩迪亚的重要决策,短时间内就不会爆发这么轰轰烈烈的拓荒革新运动,加速了整个族人社会的发展进程。




《百年孤独》这本书,就这样勾起了我对童年的回忆。在我读过的小说中,没有一本小说有过如此强烈的体验。在我列出的最爱读的十本书中,《百年孤独》位居第二。其理由是:“此书想象奇特,意象丰富,大量运用荒诞和魔幻手法,就象是从哈哈镜和魔镜的角度反映了一个斑驳陆离的南美洲,折射了拉丁美洲传统文化和现代西方文明之间的冲突。这是一个家族的百年沧桑史。和《红楼梦》一样,书中也写到了一位老人乌苏拉,就象《红楼梦》中的贾母一样。两人亡故后,家族迅速衰败下去了”。正如墨尔基阿德斯拽着两块磁铁锭:“挨家串户地走着,大伙儿惊讶地看铁锅、铁盆、铁钳、小铁炉纷纷从从原地落下,木板因铁钉和镙钉没命地挣脱出来而嘎嘎作响,甚至连那些遗失很久的东西,居然也从人们寻找多遍的地方钻了出来,成群结队地跟在墨尔基阿德斯那两块魔铁后面乱滚”。马尔克斯的文字却比磁铁更具有吸引力,它赋于了文字一切的魔力和灵性,把读者的情感、思想、梦境和个人的经历,以及对这个世界的看法完全来了一个彻底的颠覆:任何东西都有生命,关键是如何唤醒它们的灵性。很显然,磁铁是无法吸附金子的,所以,当奥雷良诺*阿卡迪奥用它寻找金子一无所获时,而马尔克斯却用有魔力的文字唤醒了我们比金子更宝贵的岁月记忆,让我们像那些铁锅、铁盆、铁钳一样,跟在它的身边旋转,曾经遗忘的那些童年往事,像隐藏在房间阴暗角落里那些木板中的铁钉,抹去时光的蛛网,抖掉岁月的尘埃,被这种充满磁性的神奇文字吸引出来而“嘎嘎作响”,纷纷复活。本书第一章,以一句精彩绝伦的句子开头:“许多年以后,面对行刑队,奥雷良诺*布恩迪亚上校将会回想起,他父亲带他去见识冰块的那个遥远的下午”。作者唐山采薇在《马尔克斯的时间馅饼》中写道:“马尔克斯先生写在《百年孤独》中开头的一句,创造出一个时间奇迹。它带给读者的震撼和新鲜感胜过易安居士‘只恐双溪蚱蜢舟,载不动许多愁’。清照的高明在于她让抽象的“愁”有了一种重量感。马尔克斯先生的更高明处在于,他让比“愁”更抽象难解的“时间”有了一种空间感。”未来,过去和现在,被这句话全部涵盖其中。实际上,作者只是用一个文字魔术跟大家玩了一个时间上的障眼法:用未来“面对行刑队”和过去“认识冰决”两件事,掩盖了现在正在发生的事。也就是说,现在被忽略不计了。那么现在正在发生什么呢? 马贡多是一个原始的村落,清澈的河水急急的流过,河中有恐龙蛋似的巨石,用泥巴和芦苇盖成的房子就排在河边。“这块天地如此之新,许多东西尚未命名,人们提起它们还得用手指指点点。”自从吉普赛人来了之后,打破了这里的宁静。霍塞*阿卡迪奥*布恩迪亚用磁铁寻找金子,结果找遍了整个地区,唯一发掘出来的就是从河底捞起了一副十五世纪的生了锈的盔甲;他用放大镜发明阳光战术,把自己置身于太阳光的焦点之下,结果自己被灼伤;他还用墨尔基阿德斯送给他的观象仪、罗盘和六分仪进行研究,结果计算出“地球是圆的,像橘子一样”,当他一本正经地向家人宣布这个伟大的发现时,却被他的老伴乌苏拉大声斥责“你要发神经病,就一个人去发”,后来,他率着村里的男人去寻找大陆和另一个世界的文明,却被一片大海困住,只好又重新返回。这些吉晋塞人带来的最新发明和西方文化让村里的男人兴奋不已,而女人却激烈反对。男人充满好奇探险精神,而女人大多固守传统,安 于现状。

一种是极其落后,一种是极为先进,这种跨越式的发展,省去了中间环节的过渡,是从原古到现代的直接冲撞,就像是本文开头的那一句,是从过去到未来的直接对话,必然在时间上给人造成眩晕,在空间上给人带来混乱。在这种矛盾的生活中,自然闹出许多笑话。曾经看过一部电影〈古今大战秦俑情〉:由张艺谋饰演的古代卫士骑着马追逐火车,去寻找他相爱的一个宫女(巩俐饰演),结果在火车上看到一个护士给化身成现代女性的“宫女”打针,他抢过针头,好奇地问:“这是什么暗器?”全场顿时笑成一片。当我看到阿卡迪奥*布恩迪亚说出“地球是圆的,就像橘子一样”时,也不禁乐翻了天。类似这种笑话,满篇皆是。生长在热带地区的马贡多居民,没有冬天,水晶般清澈的激流从未结冰。所以,当马贡多在经过了一系列的折腾之后,末尾又有了一个惊人的发现。这个发现与本文开头相呼应。当吉普赛人给他们带来冰决时,从未见过冰块的他们竟然不知其为何物,奥雷良诺的父亲说那是钻石。而奥雷良诺第一次触摸冰块时,竟然像是在摸一块被太阳晒得发烫的石头。他说:“煮开着呢!”冰块竟然像开水一样沸腾,这种感受奇妙又荒诞。我们感到奇怪,冷和热,两种截然不同甚至尖锐对立的感觉,为什么会发生在同一件物体——冰块上面呢? 联想到开头的那句话,过去和未来的直接面对,我们恍然大悟:原来灼热和冰凉这两种感觉,也是可以互相转化的。马尔克斯,仅仅用两句话,就把这个世界给“和谐”了,从而引发了我们对这个世界更多的思考:生和死,婴儿和老人,男人和女人,热爱和仇恨,过去和未来??男人和女人做爱结合为一;生和死的距离缩短为零;热爱和仇恨集于一身;过去和未来直接面对。“身无彩凤双飞翼,心有灵犀一点通”,爱情消除了隔膜,让心灵相通:“渡尽劫波兄弟在,相逢一笑泯恩仇”,兄弟反目,但终将握手言和;“海内存知己,天涯若比邻”友情浓缩了空间的距离;“万物一府,生死同状”(庄子),生与死虽然遥远,一个是起点,一个是终点,但它们划出了一个共同的圆。








(1)在盖茨黑德府苦难的童年(1—4章)梗概: 简.爱在出生不久便父母双亡,舅舅收养了她,但不久舅舅也亡故了。舅妈一直视简.爱为一家人的沉重负担,并极其讨厌她的一举一动。于是,在舅妈家度过的童年时期,简.爱遭受了巨大的磨难。最终,在十岁那年,她被送到了洛伍德义塾。(2)在洛伍德义塾艰难环境中的成长(5—10章)梗概:洛伍德义塾是一个教规严厉、条件极为艰苦的地方。简.爱刚到这里的第一年便赶上了一场突如其来的瘟疫,眼看着一个个同学在这里倒下,特别是好友海伦.彭斯的离去,使简爱幼小的心灵体会到了生命的残酷。随后简爱在这里又做了六年学生、二年老师。期间的八年中,谭普尔小姐成为简爱敬仰和感激的至爱之师和人生挚友。之后她的离去,使简爱决定到一个陌生的环境里担当新职务,过一种新生活。




梗概:当简.爱满怀激情与希望回到她阔别一年的桑菲尔德府时,她万万没有想到呈现在眼前的只是一堆早已坍塌的废墟。她四处打听罗切斯特先生的下落,并最终在芬丁庄园一个凄凉的处所找到了他。可这时的罗切斯特先生因在他离开后不久的一场火灾中烧伤了眼睛导致双目失明。突如其来的惊人变故并没能阻止简.爱与罗切斯特相爱的脚步,他们安静地举行了婚礼,过着宁静幸福的生活。四.读后感 在读完《简爱》后,我发现主人公简爱虽然身材瘦小,相貌平凡,无金钱,无地位,却有着不平凡的气质和非常丰富的情感世界。她在生活的磨练中抛弃了女性天生的懦弱与娇柔逐渐养成了坚强独立的个性。她不会在表兄残暴面前甘心被辱,而是据理力争。即使结果不尽人意,却始终如一没有低头。在魔鬼般冷酷的布洛克尔赫斯先生的折磨下,她不会表现出任何恐惧,而是从容的扛下来,独立坚强的活下来。

我喜欢简爱在地位比她高的所谓上流社会人士面前表现出的那种不卑不亢的态度,喜欢她在面对爱时表现出的的那种自尊自强的精神。面对罗切斯特的轻视,她说出了那句“你以为就因为我穷,低微,不美,我就没有心,没有灵魂吗?我跟你一样有灵魂,也完全一样有一颗心。要是上帝也赐予我美貌和财富的话,我也会让你难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样!”这句话震撼了多少人?试问在距离她所处的年代进步了几百年的现代,又有几个女子有勇气为了自己的尊严而对一个心爱又富有的男子说不呢?而在面对爱情时简爱是理智的,是智慧的。没有被爱情蒙蔽双眼,没有因利益而牺牲感情。简爱善良热心,宽容大度。她最终原谅了她的舅妈,接受了她临终的忏悔。她并没有因曾拒绝了圣约翰的求婚而畏手畏脚,反倒是身为牧师的圣约翰感到愧对简爱。在简爱的世界,让我感受到了爱情的浪漫,亲情的温馨,友情的坚强。与她所经历的一切相比,我们生活的环境是多么的美好?有亲人的疼爱,有学校的教导,有朋友的的陪伴,生活在科技发达,丰富多彩的花花世界里?可为什么有时候现在人们常常还会感觉到失落?感觉到不满足?为什么时常会对一些小事斤斤计较?为什么往往会在失去后才懂得珍惜?为什么有些爱情和友情变得更加的不长久?读完《简爱》我想对所以的朋友说:世界是美好的,我们要懂得用心去感受,要慢慢学会去相信,去体会生活的价值。我们要为自己的灵魂而活,不为利益,不为物质,只为自己活得更有价值,活得舒心。珍惜身旁我们该珍惜的人,帮助一些需要帮助的人,面对一些不好的事与人,我们要学会包容,感激,那时我们会感觉到自己学到了更多的东西,感觉到生活变得更加的美好!无论面对什么,我们都应坚守自己尊严,追从我们自己的心,用真实的自我从容的面对一切,那时我们会体会到原来幸福很简单,会发现幸福可以使一件很小的事物,可以无处不在!^^ 五.总结【收获】 无论我们经历怎样的挫折,我们都可以拥有自己的尊严,只要我们坚持不懈,每一个挫折都有解决的方法,只要我们乐观的对待一切,相信我们微笑的面对世界,世界也会微笑着对我们!

六.我喜欢的句子段落 1.你以为我穷、卑微、普通、渺小,就没有灵魂没有感情了吗? 你以为,因为我穷、低微、不美、矮小,我就没有灵魂没有心么?你想错了!——我的灵魂跟你的一样,我的心也跟你的完全一样!要是上帝赐予我一点美和一点财富,我就要让你感到难以离开我,就像我现在难以离开你一样。2.我总觉得生命太短促,不应该把它化在怀恨和记仇上。在这尘世上,我们人人都有一身罪过,而且不可能不是这样。但我相信,不久就会有那一天,我们摆脱了腐朽的躯壳,也就摆脱了这种罪过。堕落和罪孽会随着这个累赘的血肉之躯一起离开我们,只留着生命的火花---生命和思想的无形源泉,纯洁的就像它当初离开造物主给人生命时一样。3.整座房子寂静无声,因为我相信,除了圣·约翰和我自己,所有的人都安息了。那一根蜡烛幽幽将灭,室内洒满了月光。我的心砰砰乱跳,我听见了它的搏动声。突然一种难以言表的感觉使我的心为之震颤,并立即涌向我的头脑和四肢,我的心随之停止了跳动。这种感觉不象一阵电击,但它一样地尖锐,一样地古怪,一样地惊人。它作用于我的感官,仿佛它们在这之前的最活跃时刻也只不过处于麻木状态。而现在它们受到了召唤,被弄醒了。它们起来了,充满了期待,眼睛和耳朵等候着,而肌肉在骨头上哆嗦。篇二:简爱 读书报告 心得体会




读这本书我仿佛读了一遍《圣经》,西方人对宗教笃深的感情与真诚的信仰,真很令人敬佩。现在的中国是一个缺乏信仰的时代。在读《简爱》时候,让我感受到在拥有宗教哺育下才可以得到的人情的纯美,在现在的中国这真的很难得。其实,很多圣经里的教诲与中国的孔儒的经典思想是相通互补,而现在国人却往往忽视了祖先的睿智。比如圣经里劝人从善,劝人宽忍,劝人感恩,与孔老夫子劝国人礼义仁,两者是相同的。在读《简爱》的时候,我时常被圣经里的美好的思想启迪着,让我联想到中国的现状,心中似乎收获许多。让我坚信,对于中国的儒家文化真的需要重新审视。篇三:简爱 世界名著 全英文读后感 全英文读书笔记 英语专业 大学 本科 feelings of reading jane eyre useful expression 1)[useful expression](p.47)if all the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends.2)[useful expression](p.231)prejudices, it is well known, as most difficult to eradicate from the heart whose soil has never been loosened or fertilized by education: they grow there, firm as weeds among stones.3)[useful expression](p.40)life appears to me too short to be spent in nursing animosity or registering wrongs.the type of materials in this book is written in english, and the topic area is literature.i spent reading the book for 2 months.in the world history of literature, some many classical famous works are going to be immortal, but jane eyre deeply enters peoples soul deeply, it by irresistible intrinsic deep has attracted the tens of thousands of readers deeply, has affected peoples inner world, is in the world history of literature the eternal classics.班级:信息升华0801班 学号:0909080215 姓名:刘兴森 jane eyre by charlotte bronte(book report)然而,有极大的慈爱和温暖在史诗般的爱情故事,这是反对华丽的背景中约克郡荒野上。这本书,《简爱》,告诉我们,简的生活中充满痛苦和痛苦,直到时间的年轻人,但是最后她赢得真正的爱。简的父亲是一个可怜的牧师,不幸的是,她的父母去世时,还只是一个非常年轻的女孩。简·爱被送到姑姑家,在她的手中有钱阿姨和堂兄妹,她遭受童年和不尊重和尊严,作为“一个位置甚至低于的仆人”进行了这本书。后来,简·爱被送到罗沃德学校接受教育。虽然她的生活是再接再励,更悲惨,她发现爱和关怀来源于海伦烧伤和坦普尔小姐。简,作为一个孤儿,受到各种obloquy和耻辱,然后她变成一个女孩的自助、自尊和自信。在她毕业之后,她呆在学校作为一个教师,只有两年,她离开了学校,因为它的孤独和apartness,然后找到一个工作是一个私人家庭教师在桑菲尔德了。简成为自由和独立,就像春天已经进入她的生活。

简不仅发现尊重、爱、朋友和金钱,同时发展一个强大的关系与冷,脾气都很坏的主人,罗切斯特先生。他们爱上了对方。像一朵鲜花,他们的爱开始开花。不久,他们决定结婚。在当天的婚礼,简发现罗切斯特先生哈哈 for me, the nature of goodness is one of the most necessary character for a person.goodness is to humans what water is to fish.he who is without goodness is an utterly worthless person.on the contrary, as the famous saying goes, ?the fragrance always stays in the hand that gives the rose?, he who is with goodness undoubtedly is a happy and useful person.people receiving his help are grateful to him and he also gets gratified from what he has done, and thus he can do good to both the people he has helped and himself.to my disappointment, nowadays some people seem to doubt the existence of the goodness in humanity.they look down on people?s honesty and kindness, thinking it foolish of people to be warm-hearted.as a result, they show no sympathy to those who are in trouble and seldom offer to help others.on the other hand, they attach importance to money and benefit.in their opinion, money is the only real object while emotions and morality are nihility.if they cannot get profit from showing their ?kindness?, they draw back when others are faced with trouble and even hit a man when he is down.they are one of the sorts that i really detest.francis bacon said in his essay, ?goodness, of all virtues and dignities of the mind, is the greatest, being the character of the deity, and without it, man is a busy, mischievous, wretched thing, no better than a kind of vermin.? that is to say a person without goodness is destined to lose everything.therefore, i, a kind person, want to tell those ?vermin-to-be? to learn from the kind oliver and regain the nature of goodness.对我来说,处于善性的品德是其中一个最必要的个性的一个人。善良是人类就像鱼儿离不开水一样。他是一个谁是没有善尽毫无价值的人。相反,正如著名的谚语所说,“香味的手总是待在给玫瑰”,他与善良无疑是一种快乐和有用的人。收到他的帮助是感恩的人,他也得称心的从他所做的,他做的好事,因此两人,他帮助和他自己。令我失望的是,如今,一些人似乎怀疑中善良的存在的人性。他们瞧不起人的诚实善良,思维是很愚蠢的民众的热心。作为一个结果,这些数据并未显示出同情那些身处困境的人,很少提供帮助别人。另一方面,他们重视金钱和利益。他们认为,钱是唯一真正的对象,而同时情感和道德是虚无。如果他们无法获利显示了他们的爱心”,就退后了,当别人面临麻烦,甚至落井下石。他们是种类,以致于我真的讨厌。弗朗西斯·培根在文章中说:“良善,所有的美德与尊严的头脑,是最大的,是神的性格,没有它,人是一个忙,调皮,可怜的东西,没有比一种害虫。“这就是说一个人没有良善是注定要失去一切。因此,我,一个善良的人,想告诉那些“vermin-to-be的学习和恢复类奥利弗处于善性的品德。



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