
时间:2019-05-12 01:28:27下载本文作者:会员上传








部分学生在读图方面缺乏训练,以为读图就是把图画解释一遍,没有把“助人为乐”的主题表达出来。如:有的学生这样说:The picture shows: there are two hands, one hand holds a rose , this hand offers another hand a rose…


书面表达题的开头提示的很好,命题者希望学生用句式:Some people think…, others…,但许多学生不去看,只顾自己写,如:As we can see in the picture, 因而出现了和提示语不承接的现象





如:while you help those people are same as to help you

I think the word is very truth.2.手错误语感和语流的影响造成错误

如:As the picture is show,from helping others, we can find happy

it is happiness to help others…


















1.I’m Li Hua, a customer who bought…from your website several days ago.I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction about/with….2.I’d like to / I wish to make a complaint about…/ I wish to express my dissatisfaction with/at/about…

3.I have been content/satisfied with your service for years but I am writing to express my dissatisfaction about…

中间段:投诉内容/ 反映问题(要点)

4.The problems are as follows.Firstly, … Secondly,… What’s worse, ….(What’s worse=Worse still=To make the matter worse)5.I am completely disappointed to find… 当我发现…我彻底失望了。6.I can hardly put up with it any more.(put up with=stand=bear=tolerate)结尾段:期待对方改进+盼望回复

7.I sincerely hope that/It is my sincere hope that you will look into/investigate the matter/incident seriously and proper measures should be taken to prevent such an incident happening again.我真诚地希望你能认真调查这件事情,以及采取恰当的措施防止类似事件再次发生。8.I would appreciate it very much if you could take measures to deal with/solve the problem as soon as possible.9.I do hope that the problems will be solved as soon as possible.10.I hope my suggestions will be taken into consideration so as to improve the situation.范文背诵(附中三模):

I’m Li Hua, a senior 3 student eager to improve my English.Having paid 200 yuan, I registered on your English learning website and became one of your club members.Now I’m writing to express my dissatisfaction about some problems in your club.Firstly, the style of web pages is dull due to the lack of the wonderful artistic design, which greatly affects the readers’ interest in reading.Secondly, it takes too long to get our problems solved online, which makes us doubt if the registration pay is worthwhile.What’s worse, till today we have never seen any foreign teachers or experts as you have promised, which undoubtedly makes us disappointed a lot.I sincerely hope that you can deal with these problems listed above as soon as possible.I do hope the problems will be solved as soon as possible.I’m looking forward to your early reply.二、求助信。

开头段:(问候)+(自我介绍)+写作目的 1.How are you? / How are you doing? / How are you getting on recently?/ How is everything going? 你好吗?

2.I’m writing to ask you to do me a favor.(do sb.a favor= help sb.=give sb a hand= lend a helping hand to sb.)3.I wonder if you could help me…

4.I’m eager to get your timely help./ I’m eager for your timely help.中间段:说明求助内容+联系方式(要点)5.My puzzle is that I don’t know… 6.I wonder how to deal with the problems.7.What bothers me is that I don’t know what to do.8.Faced with so many difficulties, I have to turn to you for help.(turn to sb.for help=ask sb.for help)9.Please do feel free to contact me by e-mailing or phoning me at any time.10.If you want to know further information, do let me know.Thank you.结尾段:盼望回复

范文背诵(附中月考3+2011全国卷1+ 2013年全国卷2): Dear Sir or Madam, I’m so grateful for your good service during my stay in Travel Inn Atlanta, But I’m writing to ask you to do me a favor to find and send back my pack left in your hotel.I checked in on Oct.1 and out on Oct.6.Setting off in a rush to the airport, I left my pack in Room 202.It’s a medium-sized, black backpack containing some reference books for my mid-term exam, a white iPad, a credit card and some cash.All in the pack matters to me, especially the iPad, a precious gift from my father on my 15th birthday.If you find it, would you please post it to me? The address in on the envelop.I would appreciate it if you could give me your earliest reply.Thank you for anything you can do for me.Yours,三、约稿信

开头段:(自我介绍)+(写作背景)+写作目的 1.I’m writing to ask you to write an article for… 中间段:稿件内容要点

2.Would you please write something about…? 3.An article about…is especially welcomed.4.…words or so would be fine.(or so:大约)5.Could we have your article before…? 结尾段:盼望回复 I’m looking forward to hearing from you.范文背诵(2015全国卷1):



1.I’m writing to ask you some relevant questions.(relevant 相关的)2.I’d like to acquire some information related to….3.I’m writing to see if it’s possible for you to provide me with information about/ regarding/ concerning/ with regard to…)4.I’m Li Hua, a student in China… I wonder if you could provide me some specific information about…


5.Firstly.I’d like to know something about… I would also like to inquire…(inquire咨询)6.Another point I am not certain about is…

7.I wonder / I am wondering if you could let me know something about… 结尾段:盼望回复

范文背诵(2005全国卷1+ 2014全国卷1):



1.I’m writing to express my thanks for your… / I’m writing to convey my gratitude to you for… 2.I am writing to express my thanks for(your)helping me improve my spoken English.3.I would like to take this opportunity to express my great appreciation for your timely support and assistance.我谨借此机会感谢您给予我们的及时支持和帮助 中间段:要感谢的内容要点 结尾段:再次感谢+盼望回复

4.Thanks again for your kind help./ Again, I'd like to express my thanks to you.5.I will be more than pleased if I have the opportunity to repay your kindness by… 范文背诵:(一中三模)Dear Matty, I ‘ve heard that you will go back to the U.S.A.in less than a month.I just can’t hear you leaving.It is my honor to be one of your students.I learnt so much from you during the past year.You taught us not only the knowledge itself, but also the theory of life.It’s a great pleasure to listen to your classes.You always teach us patiently and warm-heartedly.Whenever I made mistakes you would tell me the proper way to construct a good sentence or how to pronounce a word correctly.Without your help, I couldn’t have made so much progress in English.I never said thanks to you when you were teaching us.But now, I must listen to the voice of my heart and express my gratitude to you.How I wish you could come back and give us more lectures!Looking forward to seeing you again in China.Yours;Dear Miss Wang, I am writing to express my thanks for helping me improve my English.Without your help, I would not be a student of South China Normal University.I still remember the days when you taught me English in Grade 3 of senior school.My English was once poor, but you were very patient with me and tried to tutor me after class.My English was greatly improved because of your encouragement.Without your help, I wouldn’t have realized my dream.I wish more and more of your students could go to their ideal colleges.Wish you have a healthy body and lead a happy life!Again, I sincerely thank you for your help!



1.I am writing to apologize to you for … /I am writing to say sorry for… 2.I’m truly sorry that…

3.I’m writing to express/ convey my heartfelt apology to you.4.I’m writing to make an apology to you for not being able to….5.I’m sorry for not being able to… due to the fact that… 中间段:要道歉的内容要点 6.The reason why I fail to… is that… 结尾段:再次道歉+盼望回复 7.Please accept my sincere apology.8.I sincerely hope you can understand my situation and accept my apology.9.Once again, I am sorry for any inconvenience caused.对于造成的不便我再次表示歉意。范文背诵:(十三校联考2)Dear Mr Brown, I am Li Hua, your student in Class 12.I am indeed very sorry that I can't go to Yuelu Mountain with you next week.I feel uneasy about it and want to tell you what happened.Just now, my cousin, Xiao Ming, who went to Australia for his further study last year, informed me that he would return next Saturday morning.He wanted me to pick him up at the airport.You know, we haven't seen each other for nearly a year, so I can't spare the time to go out with you.I sincerely hope you can accept my apologies and understand my situation.I would appreciate it if you could allow me to make another date to go there and have fun together with you.六、申请信/求职信

开头段: 自我介绍+写作背景+写作目的

1.I learned from your advertisement/ website that you are in need of.../ you are looking for… 2.Having learned from your advertisement that you are looking for…, I’m more than pleased.= I’m more than glad/pleased/ delighted to hear/learn that…

3.I’m quite interested in it.Therefore, I’m writing to apply for the position of… 4.I’m writing to apply to be … 中间段:自我优势/申请资历

5.I’m confident that I’m suitable for the job.Firstly/ To begin with,… Secondly, … Last but not least, …

6.I do think I’m qualified for the job due to the following reasons.结尾段:感谢+盼望回复

7.I would appreciate it if I have the chance of doing / to do….8.I’d greatly appreciate it if you could take my application into consideration.(I’d appreciate it if you could…= I would be very grateful/ thankful if you could…)范文背诵:(附中月考七+2012全国卷1)Dear Sir or Madam, I’ve read the news on the Internet that the World Horticultural Exposition will be held in Tangshan from May to October in 2016.I’m writing to apply for working as an English volunteer in July and August.I’m presently a student of Senior 3, but I’ll graduate in June this year.So I’ll be free in July and August.English is my favorite subject and I can speak English fluently and I ‘m often praised for my English writing as well., I’m an active and enthusiastic person who enjoys working with different people and can adapt well to new situations.Tangshan Horticultural Exposition will be a good chance to show Chinese culture, where I can meet visitors from all over the world.Therefore, being a volunteer there will be a wonderful practice for me.I’ll be willing to send you further information if you consider my request.Thank you for your time and consideration.I look forward to your reply.Sincerely,七、邀请信

开头段: 自我介绍++写作目的

1.We’re going to have/ throw/hold a party for… this Sunday.I’m writing to invite you to the party.2.It’s my honor to invite you to… / I would feel honored if you could come.3.I wonder if you would like to come to…/ join us.4.We’re having/ planning …on…(date)and we feel it would be a great idea if you could join us.我们将于…(日期)举行…(活动),如果你能来就太好了。中间段:活动安排

5.Here are some details about this activity./ The following are some details about this activity./ Some details about this activity are as follows.6.To begin with, we will… Besides, there will be a lot of activities such as… which will… 7.I’m sure you will have a good time/ have fun/ enjoy yourself together with us.结尾段:希望对方接受邀请+盼望回复

8.I would appreciate it if you could accept my invitation.9.We hope that you will accept our invitation if it is convenient for you.范文背诵:(长郡中学二模 +2012全国卷2+2015全国卷2)Dear Mr.Smith, New Year’s Day is approaching.Our school will hold some activities to enrich our after-school life.There will be a singing competition, a hand-writing competition and book sales for charity.These days we are devoted to the preparation work for a book sale and I think we are sure to learn a lot from the activity.The book sale is arranged at 2 p.m on December 31st at Ri Xin square this weekend and there is no doubt that many teachers and students would like to come.I ‘m writing to invite you to the sale.All my friends will appreciate it you are coming.By the way, any book with teacher’s signature will be popular with us.So would you please bring a book with your signature for sale? I can’t wait to see you then.Best wishes!


开头段: 问候+写作背景+写作目的

10.Having read your letter, I know you have trouble in…..Now, I’m writing to give you some useful suggestions here.11.In your last letter,you asked me for advice with regard to / regarding… and I will try to make some useful/ constructive suggestions here.12.I’m glad to receive your letter asking for my advice on/ about… 13.I’m writing to give you some suggestions/ give you a hand.My suggestions are as follows 中间段:具体建议

14.When it comes to / As for…, I would like to suggest / recommend ….15.Here are three useful tips.16.You may/might as well do…(might as well = had better 你最好做某事)17.It’s important to do… as/because/ for the reason that….18.It’s also a good idea to….., which will benefit you a lot/ which will bring great benefit to you.19.It also helps to do… which will….做…也有帮助,这将… 20.If I were you, I would….21.In my opinion / Personally / As far as I’m concerned, it would be wise to take the following action.22.I hope you will find these suggestions helpful./ I hope my suggestions will be of great help/ benefit to you.23.I feel that it would be beneficial/ great if you stick to… 我认为,如果你坚持。的话,会有益处的。结尾段:希望对方接受建议+盼望回复

24.I hope you will take my advice into consideration.范文背诵:(长郡中学月考3+2008全国卷2)Dear Li Mei, Your letter came as a surprise to me yesterday.I didn’t know you were suffering so much lately.I should have written to you earlier!We must admit that life sometimes is not so easy.Failure is part of life, especially when we are growing up, right? Your classmate laughed at your failure? Forget it!It is probable that he or she didn’t mean to hurt you.If possible, have a chat with him or her, telling him or her what you are feeling inside.Never say you want to drop out of school, because it is not a good way to solve the problem.What you should do right now is to calm yourself and try to think of the things that make you happy.Just cheer up whenever you face problems.九、告知信 / 介绍信

开头段: 问候+写作背景+写作目的

1.Thank you for your letter asking about ….Here I’ like to tell you something about it./ I’d like to tell you some information about it./ I’ m writing to tell you some details about it./ I’ d like to tell you some detailed information about it.中间段:告诉对方的具体要点。

Yours sincerely, 结尾段:盼望回复

范文背诵:(附中二模+ 2004全国卷1+2004全国卷2+2006全国卷1+2007全国卷1+2007全国卷2+2009全国卷2+2013全国卷1)Dear Susan, I’m very glad to hear that you will come to Changsha for an exchange visit.In your letter, you asked me about Century Hotel, in which you are supposed to stay for a couple of days.Now I’d like to tell you some detailed information about it.Century Hotel is located at Xiangjiang Road, where you can enjoy a beautiful view of the river nearby.Traffic and shopping center are very convenient for there with the subway station just a few steps away and the nearest shopping center also within a walking distance.The accommodation fee for each guest is 200 yuan per day, including a free breakfast served from 7 am to 9 am.If you need further information, please call the reception desk on the ground floor at 0731-84270288.Looking forward to seeing you soon.考前熟记下列词组(语法填空+短文改错)1.冠词的固定搭配。

in a mess 乱七八糟 in a hurry 匆匆忙忙 in a …condition 处于……状态 as a matter of fact 事实上 the other day 几天前 come to an end 结束 have a gift for 在……有天赋 at a loss 不知所措 all of a sudden 突然 once in a while 偶尔 once upon a time 从前 go on a diet 节食 keep a diary 写日记 do sb.a favor 帮某人一个忙 give sb.a lift 给某人提供顺风车 as a result 结果 keep an eye on 照看 have a word with 和某人谈话 a waste of 浪费 a series of 一系列 make the most / best of 充分利用 on the spot / scene 在现场 at the moment 此时此刻 take the place of 取代;替代 in the daytime 在白天 in the distance 在远方 in the end 最终 on the whole 总体上 on the left / right 在左/右边 at the same time 同时 in the air / sky 在空中 for the time being 暂时 in a word 总之 in the 1980s 二十世纪八十年代 all over the world 全世界 in the beginning 起初 by the way 顺便说一下 at noon 在中午 at night 在晚上 at dawn 在黎明 at dusk 在黄昏 in public 当众 by bus 坐公共汽车

make great progress 取得很大的进步

Yours, 2.介词的固定搭配(以with为例)be angry with sb.因某事而生某人的气 be filled with 装满;充满 be strict with sb.在……对某人严格 be crowded with 拥挤 be connected with 连接 be flooded with 充斥;涌入 be familiar with 对……熟悉/ 不熟悉 be compared with 比较 be popular with 流行;受欢迎 be covered with 覆盖 be patient with 对……有耐心 be faced with 面临 be concerned with 关于;与..有关 be concerned about 担心;关心 be busy / occupied with 忙于

be fed up with 厌倦

be pleased / satisfied / content with 对……满意 catch up with 追赶,put up with 容忍

keep up with 与…保持一致, come up with 提出,…to doing sth汇总 look forward to doing sth, devote oneself to doing sth.life to doing sth,pay attention to doing sth,be used to doing sth, doing,stick to doing sth.坚持做……,adapt to doing sth.devote one’s

be accustomed to admit to doing sth,apply to doing sth, be addicted to doing sth.be dedicated to doing sth.致力于;献身于, be indifferent to doing sth

be opposed to diong sth.be similar to doing sth.get down

lead to doing to doing sth.give one’s mind to doing sth.give rise to doing sth.sth.object to doing sth.prefer doing A to doing B

respond to doing sth.take to doing sth.喜欢上;从事;养成…的习惯;沉湎于… turn to doing sth.求助;转而从事于

in addition to doing sth.in汇总 in danger, in trouble, in surprise, in black and white,in brief/short/ summary/ conclusion/a word,in case in case of, in that case,in charge of, in the charge of, in common, in depth,in fact, in effect, in favor of, in future, in general, in hand, in order,in order to do sth in order that… in other words,in pairs,in person, in private,in public, in progress,in rags, in reality, in return, in high spirits,in spite of = despite, in sum/total, in store for sb,in terms of, in the air=in the sky, in the end,in truth,in turn,in vain, in view of, in want of, in need of, in one’s twenties, interest sb.in sth.doing sth.be interested in sth.doing sth, in low voices have difficulty in doing sth,succeed in doing sth.spend some time in doing sth, be weak in sth.doing sth.do well in sth.doing sth.be lost in be absorbed in in(full)bloom 盛开,in blossom 盛开,in ruins, in rough,in that在于, 3.连接词的固定搭配。

either… or… 要么……要么…… neither…nor… 既不……也不……

whether…or… 是/不论……还是…… not only…, but(also)… 不但……而且…… when it comes to… 当涉及到…… from… to … 从…….到……

on the one hand ….on the other hand … 一方面……另一方面…… not…but…不是…而是…...…was / were doing sth.when… 正在做某事,突然…… be about to do sth when… 正要做某事,突然…… be on the point of doing sth.when… 正要/即将做某事,突然 ……hardly …when = no sooner…than 一…就 There was a time when… 有一段时间;曾经 4.代词的固定搭配

take it for granted that… 认为……理所当然 make it a rule that… 把……作为规定 make it clear that… 声明 make it +adj.for sb.to do sth.令某人去做某事很…… find / think / consider it+adj.to do sth.发觉/认为做某事很…… make oneself +过去分词 使自己被…… 5.非谓语的固定搭配

judging from / by 由……判断 all things considered 全盘考虑;整体看来 only to see/ find/ discover 结果却看见/发现 to make things worse 更糟糕的是 7.名词为复数形式的固定搭配。

shake hands with 和……握手 make friends with 与……交朋友

make preparations for 为……做准备 be in high / low spirits 情绪高涨/低落 to make things / matters worse 更糟糕的是 be as follows 如下 have effects on / have an effect on 对……有影响 make efforts to do / make an effort to do 努力做某事 make contributions to / make acontribution to 为……做贡献 8.固定的特殊句型

There is no denying that… 毋庸置疑

There is no need to do sth.没必要做某事 generally speaking 笼统来讲 be worth doing 值得做某事 to tell you the truth 实话实说 weather permitting 天气允许的话

There is no point in doing sth 做某事没有意义 It is no use / good doing sth.做某事没用/不好 It is / was…that / who… 正是…… It was not long before… 很快…… It’s(high)time that sb.did / should do sth 该是某人做某事的时候了 It is / was the+序数词+time that sb.has / had done sth.某人第……次做某事 9.以下动词加-ed或-ing要双写最后一个字母

regret(regretted, regretting)后悔 control(controlled, controlling)控制 admit(admitted, admitting)承认 occur(occurred, occurring)出现 prefer(preferred, preferring)宁愿 refer(referred, referring)提到 forget(forgetting)忘记 permit(permitted, permitting)允许 equip(equipped, equipping)装备

注意:quarrel, signal, travel中的l可双写(英国英语)也可不双写(美国英语)10.易错的动词-ing形式

1.live 2.stop 3.study 4.teach 5.write 6.lie 7.lay 8.die 9.carry 答案:1.living 2.stopping 3.studying 4.teaching5.writing 6.lying 7.laying 8.dying 9.carrying 11.常考不规则动词的过去式和过去分词

1.put 2.set 3.read 4.go 5.take 6.come 7.make 8.get 9.bring 10.keep11.hold 12.buy 13.think14.teach 15.sell 16.catch 17.sit 18.spend 19.build 20.find 21.hear 22.tell 23.feel 24.break 25.know 26.grow 27.see 28.drive 29.draw 30.give 31.fall 32.write 33.ride 34.forbid 35.lie 36.lay 12.不规则形容词和副词的比较级和最高级

1.good/well 2.bad/ill 3.many/much 4.little 5.old 6.far 答案:1.better;best 2.worse;worst 3.more most 4.less;least 5.older/ elder;oldest/eldest 6.farther/further;farthest /furthest 13.常见形容词的副词形式

rude 11.wide 12.true 13.safe 14.gentle 15.probable/possible 16.terrible 17 gentle 18 instant 19 immediate 20 regular 21 most 答案:1.happily 2.simply




6.hurriedly 7.unexpectedly 8.increasingly 9.surprisingly 10.rudely 11.widely 12.truly 13.safely 14.gently 15.probably/possibly 16.terribly 17 gently 18 instantly immediately 20 regularly 21 mostly



There is a widespread concern over the issue whether students should make friends on line.But it is well known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person.Some people hold the belief that students should make friends on line.The reason is that the Internet helps make many new friends.What’s more, while Chatting on line, students can freely express their feelings and opinions, and even get help with their foreign language studies.Others, however, just have the opposite opinion.For one thing, they say making friends on line is a waste of time that should be spent more meaningfully on study.For another, some students get cheated on line.Therefore, there is no doubt that students had better not make friends on line.

As far as I’m concerned, every coin has two sides.First of all, students should put their study, health and safety at first.As for friendship, we can find it among our classmates and other people around us as well as on line.

第四篇:2014 潍坊二模书面表达阅卷总结


要点一:建议他来中国 好词好句:

1.I subscribe to the view that you can come to China to get a job which is of great benefit to you.2.As far as I’m concerned, it’s a good choice for you to work in China.3.You asked for my advice about whether you come to China for a job or not.It’s my pleasure to give my suggestions as follows.典型错误:

1.You said you will come China to find a work.As far as I concerned, work in China is good.My advices are following.2.I suggest you to come to China.要点二:阐述理由 1)就业机会多 好词好句:

1.When it comes to working in China ,there is no doubt that you will have many alternatives.2.China is a large country where you won’t find it tough to get a job.典型错误:

1.China is easy to find a work.2.There have many works for you to chose.3.The chances to find a job is very large.2)专业受欢迎 好词好句:

1,You major in Internet is very popular.2.You have a good command of English ,which will help a lot in finding a job.3.What you are majoring in is popular in China, which will benefit you a lot.典型错误:

1.Your knowledge is popular with China.2.You learn English is good.3)不同的文化体验 好词好句:

1.In terms of developing yourself, you can experience different cultures ,which contributes to broaden your horizons and enrich your knowledge.2.What is more attractive is that you could enjoy a different culture in China.典型错误:

1.You can experienced different culture to rich you knowledge.2.China culture is differ from the England.要点三:承诺可提供帮助 好词好句:

1.What I’d like to tell you is that I’ll do all I can to help you when you are in trouble.2.Don’t hesitate to turn to me whenever you get into trouble.3.Whenever you have trouble in China ,I will spare no efforts to help you out.典型错误:

1.I promised to help you when you need.2.I will can try help you if you have trouble.总体评价 优点:多数作文,要点全,段落结构清晰,让人一看就明确本段写得是哪一个要点。缺点:1.部分作文,内容看似充实,但很多句子与题目主题没有太大的联系,特别是要点二阐述理由部分,为什么建议Mike来中国?原因就是与在英国工作相比,在中国工作所具有的的优势,而一些同学用大量篇幅描述中国,这使内容看似充实; 2.还有一些作文不分段,一段到底,较难辨别要点;


4.大小写混乱,特别是在单个的副词或短语之后的单词首字母大写。如:Now, You …,In my opinion, It …

分要点评价 要点一

好词好句:congratulations.Congratulate you on your graduation.The reasons why I advise you to come to China are as follows: 典型错误:as far as you/I concerned,I heard about you go to China.I writting you to … 要点二

好词好句:quantities of

There is no doubt that …

As time goes by, …

What’s more, moreover, furthermore, last but not least…

典型错误:at the first

The China is develop quickly.There are many chance/opportunity.You will welcome in China.You could have different culture experience.要点三

好词好句:in short I would appreciate it if you accept my advice.I will spare no effort to help you.典型错误:I sure I will help you.Looking forward your reply.学生优秀句子 信开头

1.I’m writing to give you some suggestions, which I hope might be of some help to you.2.I could express my happiness on hear that you intend to work in China.3.Hearing that you will graduate and decide to seek for a job in China, I feel very delighted.建议部分

1.In my opinion, it’s a good choice to work in China.2.Considering you are good at Chinese, I strongly recommend you to find a job in China.3.You may as well make the best of your qualifications to find a job here.原因部分 1.Not only will you enrich your knowledge but you will also experience a variety of cultures.2.There is no doubt that you have an advantage over others in terms of language and knowledge.3.There being more job opporunities here, you are more likely to find a suitable job.4.In addition, you will also have the chance to make the aquaintance of the Chinese culture.5.There is a wide range of jobs to choose from, so it’s not necessary for you do worry about what to do.帮助祝愿部分

1.If you have difficulty adjusting to the new surroundings, don’t hesitate to turn to me for help.2.I promise that I will offer help whenever necessary 3.I sincerely hope these suggestions will meet with your approval.4.All in all, it is beneficial for you to ry a new lifestyle.5.I would appreciate it if you could take my suggestions into account.6.I can give you a hand whenever and wherever you geit into trouble.高三英语二轮模拟考试作文精彩句式 精彩句式


1.What puzzled you most is whether you should come to China after your graduation.2.The reason for this is not far to seek.3.The reasons are as follows.4.My suggestion is that you should …

1.As far as I am concerned , It’s a wise decision for you to come to China to find a job.2.Knowing that you’ll gradute soon , I strongly recommend that you should come to China to find a job.(二)要点二

1.With the development of economy, there is no denying that there are a lot of challenges and chances in China, which is of great benefit for you to find a suitable job.1.Compared to England ,China has more opportunity to hunt for a job,which means that you can choose what ever you like.2.It’s what you major in that makes you stand out.(三)要点三

1.Taking all the factors above into consideration, working in China is really a good choice for you..2.Tough as it may be when you come to a foreign country, it is worthwhile to do it..1.I promise to do you a favour when you have difficulty in adapdting to the surroundings.2.Whenever you get into trouble, don’t hesitate to tell me.I will spare no efforts to help you.典型错误:

1.suggest 后的宾从没有用虚拟语气。

2.advise/advice 词性分不开,并且advice是不可数名词的特点没有掌握。3.look forward to doing 使用错误 4.chances 拼写错误,拼写成了changes 5.writing 拼写错误 6.major in 使用错误


1.词性不分:different与difference 2.名词混用:major与majority 3.介词省略:look forward to的to 4.固定词组误用:look forward to doing 用成look forward to do 5.首行未缩进


要点一:1.As far as I am concerned , It’s a wise decision for you to come to China to find a job.2.Knowing that you’ll gradute soon , I strongly recommend that you should come to China to find a job.要点二:1.Compared to England ,China has more opportunity to hunt for a job,which means that you can choose what ever you like.2.It’s what you majir in that makes you stand out.要点三:1.I promise to do you a favour when you have difficulty in adapdting to the surroundings.2.Whenever you get into trouble, don’t hesitate to tell me.I will spare no efforts to help you.二轮阅卷总结



在本次阅卷过程中发现的学生的闪光点和亮点明显比以往要突出,主要体现在: 1.最突出的让人感到高兴的地方是,学生的书写相比以往有了极大的提高和改善,让人赏心悦目的好卷面比比皆是。2.相当一部分学生的书面表达的整体性和逻辑性有了改善和提高,也就是说,一篇文章看上去更像一篇文章了,让人感觉是一个整体,不再是语言点的罗列或堆砌,而且,行文逻辑更加流畅,部分学生的文章从整体上给人一种浑然天成的感觉。3.学生书面表达中的高级词汇有了体现,很多学生的文章中应用了高级词汇。4.学生对习语的使用更加熟练。








1.there be 句型的运用,出现there have sth.的问题以及多个谓语动词的出现; 2.没有段落的区分;




我们学校的试卷和前几次相比,书写有了很大提高;学生普遍能用first of all,what’s more,last but not least等来表达层次,但是其他的连词少得可怜。好词靓句在学生的作文中几乎无迹可寻,都是一些朴素无华的词汇,能用对已是不错。所以还是借鉴其他学校的吧。




2.不要急于求成, 要坚持投入





Dear classmates,I’m happy to stand here to share with you my idea on ___________.参考答案:

Dear classmates,I’m happy to stand here to share with you my idea on how to improve your English effectively.First, you should set a goal.Then you will be motivated to do your utmost to achieve your goal.Second, always keep in mind that Rome was not built in one day.As long as you devote yourself to your English study every day, your efforts will pay off sooner or later.Third, in English study, we cannot emphasize the importance of laying a solid foundation too much.Therefore, you’d better form a habit of memorizing the important points in time.Last but not least, it’s universally acknowledged that practice makes perfect.Doing more exercises will enable you to put into use what you have learned in class and understand them better.I wish everybody success in your English study!



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