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Section A(3 periods): A Test of True Love

1st---2nd periods: Pre-reading activities(theme-related questions for warming up;)

While-reading activities(cultural notes;useful words and expressions;

difficult sentences)rd3period: While-reading activities(text structure;main ideas)

Post-reading activities(comprehension questions;exercises)


1.Pre-reading Activities

1)Check the homework


1.What do you think very important in someone whom you will love?(For example, do you care very much about his/her appearance?)

2.Have you ever seen a movie or read a novel about love that moved you deeply?

3.What kind of love do you expect in your life?

2.While-reading Activities

1)Use questions as a means of clarifying the organization of this passage.Check the Ss’ understanding of the text with following questions

1.Why was John Blandford staying in Grand Central Station in New York?

He was waiting to see a woman who had filled a special place in his life for the past thirteen months.2.How did John get connected to the woman?

3.How was John’s first response to the woman different from that of his friends?

4.What had the woman, Hollis Meynell, done in the past thirteen months?

She had faithfully written to John.Even when his letters did not arrive, she wrote anyway, without decrease.5.How did he feel as long as he received her letters?

6.When he asked her for a photo, what did she do?

7.Did Hollis Meynell come to the station as they had arranged?

Yes, but she had asked a lady well over forty to wear the rose on her coat.8.Why did Hollis Meynell want to test John Blandford?

2)Language Points:

1.without fail:(Line 6)① when you tell sb to do sth without fail, you are telling them that they must do it;with complete certainty 务必,一定 ② always 总是,必定

I want you here by two o’clock without fail.我要你两点钟务必来到这里。

He writes every week without fail.他每周必定写信。

2.Soon after he volunteered for military service, he had received a book from this woman.(Para.2)

Meaning: Not long after he joined the military, he had received a book from this woman.volunteer: offer to do sth without being forced to do it or without getting paid for it 自愿做,义务做,无偿做volunteer(sth)(for/as sth)

John volunteered to organize a petition.约翰自告奋勇组织请愿/上访。

He volunteered his services as a driver.他自愿服务充当司机。

Several staff members volunteered for early retirement.几位职员自愿提前退休。

volunteer(for sth): join the army, etc.without being forced to 自愿参军,当志愿兵

volunteer for military service / for the navy 自愿服兵役;自愿参加海军

volunteer:(n)a person who does a job without being paid for it 义务工作者,志愿者;a person who offers to do sth without being forced to do it 自告奋勇者,主动做某事的人

3.And while they all got strength from it, and appreciated her support of their cause, John Blandford was the only person to write Ms.Meynell back.(Para.2)

while:(used at the beginning of a sentence)although;in spite of the fact that…(用于句首)虽然,尽管

While I am willing to help, I do not have much time available.尽管我愿意帮忙,但是没有多少时间。

While(he is)respected, he is not liked.他虽受人尊敬,却不受人喜爱。

write(sb)back;write back(to sb): write sb a letter replying to their letter(给某人)写回信,复信

I’m afraid I never wrote back.我恐怕从未写过回信。

She wrote back saying that she couldn’t come.她回信说她来不了。

I wrote back accepting their offer.我回信表示接受他们的提议。

4.overseas:(Line 13)(ad)in or to a country across the sea;abroad 在国外,在海外

The product is sold both at home and overseas.这个产品行销国内外。

This is Obama’s first visit overseas since taking office.这是奥巴马就职后的首次海外之行。live/work/go overseas在国外生活/工作;出国

overseas :(adj)coming from or happening abroad 外国的,海外的overseas markets/trade 海外市场,海外贸易

overseas students/visitors 海外/外国留学生,海外/外国游客

5.During the difficult days of war, her letters nourished him and give him courage.(Para.3)Meaning: During the difficult days of war, her letters gave him strength and courage.Here, the verb “nourish” is used metaphorically, meaning “maintain, encourage, strengthen sth”.Nourish: allow a feeling, an idea, etc.to develop or grow stronger 培养,助长(情绪、观点等)By investing in education, we nourish the talents of our children.我们通过教育投资,培养孩子们的才能。

Letters of love only nourished her longing for him.情书只是增加了她对他的思念。

University study nourished his ability to think critically.大学学习培养了他的批判性思维能力。

6.But when he asked her for a photo, she declined his request.(Para.4)

Meaning: But when he asked her for a photo, she refused politely.decline: ① refuse a request or offer, usually politely 谢绝,婉言拒绝

I offered to give them a lift but they declined.我主动邀请他们搭车,但他们婉言谢绝了。Their spokesman declined to comment on the allegations.他们的发言人拒绝对这些指控加以评论。

decline an offer/invitation 谢绝对方的主动帮助/邀请

②(v.)become smaller, fewer, weaker, etc.减少,下降,衰弱,衰退

The number of tourists to the resort declined by 10% last year.去年到这个胜地旅游的人数减少了10%。

Her health was declining rapidly.她的健康状况迅速恶化。

7.Either way, I would forbid myself from loving you.(Para.4)

Meaning: In either situation, I would keep myself from loving you.forbid:(vt)order sb not to do sth: order that sth must not be done 禁止,不准

Her father forbade the marriage.她父亲不允许这桩婚事。

You are all forbidden to leave.你们都不准离开。

He forbade them from mentioning the subject again.他不准他们再提到这个问题。

8.One minute to six … Blandford’s heart leaped.(Para.5)

Meaning: The time was one minute to six o’clock … Blandford was so excited that his heart beat fast.9.fancy:(Line 34)(n)[sing.] a feeling of liking sb or sth 喜爱,迷恋

Take a fancy to sb/sth:(esp BrE)start liking sb/sth, often without an obvious reason 喜欢上,爱上(常指没有明显原因)

I have taken a fancy to that dress.10.She was standing almost directly behind the girl, a woman well past forty, and a fossil to his young eyes, her hair sporting patches of gray.(Para.10)

Meaning: The woman who he thought was Hollis Meynell was standing just behind the girl.The woman, in her forties, was quite old in his young eyes and she had patches of gray hair.sport: wear sth or have hair in a particular style;have or wear sth in a proud way so that everyone can see 惹人注目地穿戴,触目地蓄着(胡须),故意显示,夸示,炫耀

sport a beard / a diamond ring / a flower in your buttonhole


Summer or winter he sports a white suit.不论冬夏,他都惹人注目地穿着一身白色西服。

Many of them sported beards and moustaches.他们当中有好多人留着触目的大胡子和小胡子。

11.She was more than fat;her thick legs shook as they moved.(Para.10)

Meaning: She was very fat, so her thick legs shook as they moved.more than: very;extremely 十分,非常

This expression is often followed by an adjective to show that the adjective itself is not adequate enough to modify the subject.I’m more than happy(= extremely happy)to take you there in my car.我非常乐意用我的车带你去那儿。

She was more than a little shaken(= extremely shaken)by the experience.这次经历对她产生了极大的震动。

12.vanish:(Line 43)(vi)disappear or go suddenly out of sight(莫名其妙地)突然消失 The magician vanished in a puff of smoke.魔术师在一股烟雾中突然不见了。

My glasses seem to have vanished.我的眼镜似乎不翼而飞了。

He seems have vanished without trace.他似乎消失得无影无踪。

13.compress(sth)(into sth):(Line 44)press or squeeze sth together or into a smaller space;be pressed or squeezed in this way(被)压紧,压缩

compress sth(into sth): reduce sth and fit it into a smaller space or amount of time 精简,浓缩,压缩

She compresses her nostrils.她捏紧鼻孔。

Her lips compressed into a thin line.他的双唇抿成了一道缝。

The main arguments were compressed into one chapter.主要的论证被压缩进了一个章节。

He compresses a lifetime as a soldier into a few sentences.他把一生的戎马生涯压缩成几句话。

14.… yet so deep was his longing for the woman whose spirit had truly companioned and brought warmth to his own…(Para.11)

Meaning: … but his wish to meet this woman, whose spirit had truly been with him and made him feel warm, was so strong…

longing:(Line 46)n.[C,U] ~(for sb/sth)︱ ~(to do sth): a strong feeling of wanting sth/sb(对…的)渴望,热望

a longing for home/peace 对故乡的思念,对和平的渴望

The young writer has a strong longing for fame.那位青年作家强烈渴望出名。

She was filled with longing to hear his voice again.她热切希望再听到他的声音。

15.resist:(Line 49)refuse to accept sth and try to stop it from happening;prevent oneself from having or doing sth 抵制,阻挡;忍住,抗拒,They are determined to resist pressure to change the law.他们决心顶住要求改革法律的压力。The bank strongly resisted cutting interest rates.银行强烈反对降低利率。

I found the temptation to miss the class too hard to resist.我抵挡不住逃课的诱惑。

3.Post-reading Activities


Ask the Ss to discuss the following questions:

1.If you were John Blandford, would you invite the forty-year-old lady to dinner? Why or why not?

2.Do you think love needs testing? Give your reasons.2)Assignment

Review the key points of Section A

Finish the exercises after class

Finish online homework





Module 3 Unit 2第一课时教案 Teaching aims: 1.Using present tense to talk about your life.2.Using simple past tense to talk about yesterday.3.Learning the sentence pattern: I usually __________.But I didn’t __________ yesterday.Teaching key point: Using simple past tense to talk about yesterday.Teaching difficult point: Learning the sentence pattern: I usually __________.But I didn’t __________ yesterday.Teaching aids: Computer, tape recorder, teaching cards Teaching methods: TPR, Audio Lingual Approach Teaching process: Step 1 greeting T: Good afternoon, boys and girls!How are you today? Step 2 warm up 1.Let’s sing a song!2.Free talk T: Well done!Children!So what day is it today? What’s the weather like today? What day was it yesterday? What was the weather like? Step 3 presentation 1.Flying phrases Let’s play a game!wash trousers, get up, watch TV, help mum, finish homework, clean the room, play basketball, play football, cook noodles, paint a picture, phone grandma, walk to school, ride bike, stay at home 2.Teaching: ride bike A.read after me B.act and read stay at home T: On Sundays, Lingling usually rides bike.But it’s rainy!So she didn’t ride bike.She stays at home.Read: stay at home 3.Teaching the sentence pattern T: Today we are going to learn Module 3 Unit 2 I didn’t play football.Then read after me Let’s make the sentence longer: I usually play football.But I didn’t play football.→I usually ________.But I didn’t _______ yesterday.Then practice more about this sentence pattern 4.Talk about the picture T: What can you see in the picture? Step 4 practice Listen and repeat Listen to the tape, try to repeat out the sentences.Step 5 consolidation 1.fill in the blanks On Sundays, I usually ______in the park.But I didn’t ______ yesterday.And I usually _________.But I didn’t _______ yesterday.It was rainy!I __________.2.act and read work in groups then show 附:blackboard design Module 3 Unit2 I didn’t play football.ride bike I usually _________.stay at home But I didn’t _______ yesterday.《I didn’t play football.》教学反思 说教材:我们所使用的是外研社出版的新标准英语一年级起始第七册,本册书的教学重点是巩固和强化表示过去的行为和状态的语言,学习用英语简单讲述故事。同时,总结归纳一些单词的发音,学习一些基本的读音规则。而本课是第二单元第一课时,在过去时态的基础上代入usually 一般时态的综合练习。




Step 1:Warming up

1.An activity named “Are you smarter than a pupil of Grade Three?”

(本堂课对英语课堂现状的一种颠覆,课堂中,让学生看老师“出丑”,考倒老师,让老师说:I am not smarter than a pupil of Grade Three.确实吸引了听课老师的注意力,但是是不是值得推广,还是值得思考的。)

Step 2 pre-task preparation

A.Select one of the listed items and try to solve the problem.B.Organize a contest between the students and teachers.Step 3 While-teaching procedures

A.Elicit the mascot of Beijing Olympic games.B.Help students to get familiar with Fuwa.C.Encourage the students to express their desire of cherish the animals.(接下来,通过看一段福娃的录像,让学生学习五个单词 panda swallow, fish, Tibetan antelope 来教学I like animals.T: Do you like…..?

S: I like


Step 3 Assignment

Make a chant and chant it together.(然后将这些串成一个说唱,在说唱的结束再加上了中文。也是少见的chant.整堂课让所有的学生和老师都互动一起了。充分利用做到了教学资料的整合。)







今天听了两位老师的课,各有特色。其中一位老师的课给我留下了很深的印象。课堂上她和每一位学生的关系都很融洽,不像是师生关系,更像是朋友关系,让我感到学生和老师之间没有距离感,学生也都很喜欢她的课,听从她的指挥。一节课下来学生不仅学到了知识,也收获了快乐,这也就是体现了 Play Our Play的本意吧。

本节课教授了儿歌 How Old Are You?,六个单词,并学写了字母A 的写法。整个过程复习,呈现新词汇,操练和输出四部分。老师通过儿歌,游戏,多种认读方式使整个课程就这样愉快的结束了,感觉上下来是一种很享受的过程。老师会通过轻声或高声读引起学生的注意。儿歌的教唱先是认读开始的扫清障碍词汇,再听的基础上逐步学习,确保每一个词都能让学生听懂。然后边做动作变听歌,老师和学生同步进行。整个过程都有加分机制,每一个环节做的好的同学都会得到小星星,变相不好的同学就会失去小星星,这个增加了学生认真听讲的主动性。整个课堂看起来很有活力,而且纪律也维持得不错。在输出部分有木头人游戏和学生表演等环节。老师通过口型纠正和强调几个特殊字母的发音。四组动词短语通过老师的师示范和学生之间的互动完成。









Unit5:Why do you like koalas? Section A: 1a—1c 主要内容: Step1:Greetings Step2:Teaching aims 1.learn animals 2.Descriptions: cute,fun,interesting,smart,lazy,beautiful,scary 3.tell the reason Step3:Lead in

Let the students say out the pictures:cat,dog,koala,panda,elephant, giraffe,lion,tiger Step4:Play a game Go to the zoo to get close to the animals.Can you guess? What are they? You can ask like this.For example:----Is it a dog?

-----No,it isn’t.-----Is it a giraffe?

-----Yes,it is.Step5:Pairwork(practice the dialogue with the pictures on the blackboard)--What animals do you like?--I like pandas.--Why do you like pandas?--Because they are cute.How about you?--I like pandas , too.--Oh , let’s see the pandas first!--That sounds good!--OK.Let’s go!

Step6:Do 1a(Match and read the dialogue)Step7:Listen 1b Step8:Read 1c Step9:Do the exercise Step10:Make a conclusion.(Just as the teaching aims)1.Animals 2.Descriptions: cute fun interesting smart

lazy beautiful scary(a little=kind of

very)3.Make a dialogue 4.重点语法:

▲ why----because ▲let + V原形

▲ kind of= a little 有点儿

▲ a kind of


▲ kinds of


Step11:Learn more meaning from this lesson from a piture.(Animals are our friends.We should treat them well.---“Love animals ,Love ourselves!”)Step12:Homework Recite the words in this unit and do the exercise book in period 1.重点与难点: 1.重点:The words of animals and descriptions(cute,fun,interesting,smart,lazy,beautiful,scary)2.难 点

: Pairwork(practice the dialogue with the pictures on the blackboard 评:这堂课的教学中黄老师用的教法有:1.使用多媒体;2.制作有关动物的卡片;3.用Pairwork的方法来练习对话,从而进一步的掌握动物和描述动物的形容词;4.练习题紧跟,及时巩固本节所学知识点。优点如下:1.备课认真,准备充分;2.教法新颖,男女生PK始终;3.让学生去教堂前表演Pairwork;4.师生互动、生生互动。缺点如下:1.针对男女生PK,课尾最好表扬获胜方;2表示动物的形容词操练不足;3.容量优点大,需要删减;4.老师有点拘谨,紧张,需放开点。



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