
时间:2019-05-12 11:48:31下载本文作者:会员上传




















Franklin’s project of arriving at moral perfection really impressed me a lot.He succeeded in taking all the careful-chosen 13 moral virtues, such as temperance, silence, and so on, and became the best man ever in America.There are three important things that deserve pondering deeply.First, it is Franklin’s awareness of virtues.Nowadays, most of people’s attention is paid to the wealth and virtue is something far behind their mind.Therefore, there rises so many social problems.For example, due to some people’s lack of sincerity, the issue of food safety is getting increasingly grave and no one can eat the food without worrying about its ill effects on his health for its inferior quality.Given that the people’s focus can be shifted, even just a little bit of, to the virtues, the society could be much better.Second, it is Franklin’s perseverance in accomplishing his project.To be honest, when looking at his enumerations of the moral virtues, I belive that most of the average people is able to list them out, or maybe even more.I also think that quit a few people may explain the meaning of each virtue better than Franklin does.However, seldom have such amazing willpower as Franklin does and manage to act according to their project.Take myself as an example.I have made many similar plans, but none of them had ever been kept more than one month.Making a plan is one thing, but persevering in carrying it out is another.Only those who

have a determined will have the winning game.Third, it is Franklin’s “one at a time ” method.He did not force himself to attempt the whole at once, which might distract his attention.On the contrary, he only paid heed to one virtue at a time, and wouldn’t move to the next until this one was acquired.It is a very intelligent and efficient approach to gain one’s aim.Very often people’s failureof doing something is owing to their diffuseness of the energies.If there are many a task, just concentrate on only one at a time and then conquer them one by one.Though long have he passed away, Franklin’s awareness of virtues, unflinching will and the “one at at time” method are worth thinking deeply about.









《 富兰克林自传》是一本影响了几代美国人的励志书籍。包含了富兰克林一生的真知灼见。告诉人们远离平庸,追求理想,热爱学习,才是改变生活质量的真理。
















另外对富兰克林遇到的总督基思印像非常深刻,因为感觉他太像自己转载自百分网转载请注明出处,谢谢!The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin Summary

How It All Goes Down

In Part 1, Franklin talks about his reasons for writing the Autobiography, saying that since you can't live your life over again, the next best thing is to recapture it by writing it down.He describes his early life in Boston, his love for reading, and his job training.Franklin apprentices as a printer to his brother James, but he hates working for him, and runs away to Philadelphia at age sixteen.In Philadelphia, Franklin begins working for a printer named Keimer.The governor, Sir William Keith, offers to set Franklin up on his own as a printer and sends him to England to get supplies.Once in England, though, Franklin finds out that Keith's a liar and a cheat – and he's stuck in London without money or a way to get back to America.Franklin works hard at Watts' printing shop, learns about his craft, and makes some important

connections.After he saves up enough money, he returns to America with his friend Mr.Denham, who's offered him a job.Franklin works hard for Denham until his employer dies, and then he has to go back to Keimer.That doesn't last long, because Franklin quits.He decides to start his own business with another former Keimer employee, Hugh Meredith.Even though there's competition, they get a couple of lucky breaks, like printing the Pennsylvania Gazette.After Meredith bows out, Franklin gets some contracts to print paper money, and his rival Keimer retires.As the business really starts to take off, Franklin marries his old flame Deborah Read.He also helps found a gentleman's club called the Junto, which is for

talking about and debating philosophical and scientific ideas.One of their first big projects is creating a subscription library.Franklin stops writing here because of the American Revolution.Part 2 begins with Franklin writing from Passy, France, receiving letters from two of his

friends, Abel James and Benjamin Vaughan.They basically tell Franklin that he is awesome, that his life story is awesome, and he should keep writing it.Franklin's persuaded.Let's face it: we probably would be too.He goes back to where he stopped in Part 1 and tells us more about how the Junto created the Library system, then about his personal work on achieving the virtues of modesty and thrift.Franklin writes a list of virtues and works on them daily.He says he doesn't go to church, but prays by himself: he leaves religion out of his virtue list and says he'll get to it later in a book called The Art of Virtue, which he never writes.He ends this section by saying pride is the hardest virtue to overcome, and he's still working on it.Part 3 picks up five years later, with Franklin in Philadelphia.He writes Poor Richard's Almanac;it and his newspaper, the Pennsylvania Gazette, are really successful.His business continues to expand.Franklin develops his ideas about religion in two

encounters with preachers, both of whom he likes.The first, Samuel Hemphill, advocates virtue, but he's cast out by the public because he copies other guys' sermons in his own(yeah, that's plagiarism).The second, George Whitefield, is a great traveling preacher who, Franklin says, has amazing rhetoric.Franklin's club, the Junto, gets bigger and founds the first American fire department.On a personal level, Franklin reconciles with his brother James, who's dying, and explains how his own son Francis died of smallpox.Professionally, Franklin is made General Assembly Clerk and Postmaster.He decides Pennsylvania needs two things: a better military and a better institution for higher education.Franklin writes Plain Truth, which calls for a better military, but turns down a position as colonel;however, he's still got a lot of influence over Pennsylvania's militia.He also talks about the problems Quakers face as pacifists trying to contribute to a system of defense.With the Junto, he founds the University of Pennsylvania.Franklin also works on creating the first American public

hospital, better paving for Philadelphia's streets, and a better system for dusting London's streets.The French and Indian War is coming.Franklin writes a plan for uniting all the American colonies, but it doesn't go over well.They stay organized by individual colony.He helps General Edward Braddock get military supplies on credit from Pennsylvania citizens;since they don't know Braddock, Franklin has to put up collateral.This will bite him in the butt, though.In the middle of doing important military stuff – preparing for a battle at

Monongahela to take over Fort Duquesne – Braddock doesn't listen to Franklin's advice.They lose the battle and Braddock is killed.Luckily, he gives Franklin a large chunk of the money before that happens.Another general, Shirley, comes through for Franklin with more of the money.(Franklin never gets the rest.)Meanwhile, Franklin helps build forts in Pennsylvania for defense against the Native Americans and learns about the Moravian religion.He's briefly honored as a colonel, but turns down a position as general.Franklin also has scientific success: he works on experiments in electricity with his friends

Peter Collinson and Ebenezer Kinnersley.Collinson tells the Royal Society about

Franklin's ideas, and his work is published.He gets into a scholarly fight with Abbé Nollet, who has competing ideas, but the scientific public promotes Franklin's as the best.He's made a member of the Royal Society.The new governor, Denny, is having problems with the Pennsylvania Assembly.The

Assembly wants to pass a law that taxes colonists and Proprietors(the guys who own the colonies)more fairly to gather money for defending the colonies, part of which will be under the direction of General Loudon, but Denny won't sign it.Despite being delayed by Loudon, Franklin finally gets to go to London on behalf of the Assembly to work on mediation.(He never gets the rest of the money he covered for Braddock.)

In Part 4, Franklin consults with his friend Dr.Fothergill about the problem the Assembly's having and meets with Lord Granville, head of the King's privy council, about it.Lord Granville says the King makes laws just by talking, but Franklin argues that he can only approve/deny the colonists' laws once – he shouldn't be able to go back on his word.Lord Granville disagrees.Franklin and the Proprietors meet at Thomas Penn's house to talk about the dispute, and Franklin has to argue with the other side's attorney, Ferdinand Paris.He and the colonists spend one year waiting for the decision.Meanwhile, the Assembly and Governor Denny finally agree on the bill.The Proprietors petition to keep the bill from happening, because they don't want to be tasked, and everyone goes to court.There, Lord Mansfield mediates the case, and everyone comes to an agreement.The autobiography ends with the Assembly celebrating Franklin and firing Governor Denny.The colonists try to sue him, but don't succeed – he's too well connected.



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