
时间:2019-05-12 12:27:47下载本文作者:会员上传





专业科目及代码:宏观经济学,微观经济学 850





























专业科目及代码:宏观经济学,微观经济学 862











近两年来,我国经济遭受了国际金融危机的冲击。请结合IS-LM模型分析我国 应采取的宏观经济政策。







1,什么是完全竞争市场?在完全竞争市场条件下,长期均衡的条件是什么? 2,试比较基数效用论和序数效用论有关消费者均衡的条件?【2011年原题】 3,厂商实现利润最大化的条件是什么?并予以证明。







专业科目及代码:宏观经济学,微观经济学 858





























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Unit1 News:Outrageous shopping bills are a familiar nightmare for many compulsive shoppers.And contrary to the popular opinion,men suffer that nightmare nearly as often as women.A new survey finds that both genders are almost equally likely to suffer compulsive buying disorder, a condition marked by uncontrollable, unnecessary and unaffordable shopping sprees.Researchers used to estimate that between 2 and 16 percent of the US population suffered compulsive buying disorder, and that 90 percent of sufferers were female.But a 2004 telephone survey of more than 2,500 American adults found that 6 percent of women and about 5.5 percent of men are compulsive shoppers;that's more than 1 in 20 adults.The sexes do not shop at the same aisles though.Experts say that women are more likely to binge buy things like clothes or gilts for other people, while men tend to buy expensive electronics.This survey is the first to find such a high number of compulsive shoppers in the general population.Study authors hope that this finding can convince doctors of how many people are hurt by the disorder, so they can make finding a cure a priority.I'm Bill Blakemore in New York.S.C.1.W: Do you have a hobby, Kevin?

M: Yes.Sure.I have more than one hobby.W: And do you agree that some hobbies are good while some are bad7

M: Well, in my opinion, yes.Good hobbies are those that give you the opportunity to develop new skills.Bad hobbies, on the other hand, may result in bad habits.Q: What does Kevin say about hobbies? A)He has only one hobby and no bad hobbies.B)He thinks he can learn skills from good hobbies.C)He has both bad hobbies and good ones.D)He thinks one can tam bad hobbies into good ones.2.W: Wow, Stephen, your collection of coins is really amazing.You must be proud o f it.M: Yes.They are ray babies.Collecting these has taught me a lot.It teaches me to be systematic and careful, because I need to sort the coins according to their value and dates.W: And that's why you're a good accountant.Q: What can you learn about Stephen? A)Stephen is good at taking account of everything.B)Stephen's babies are interested in collecting coins.C)Stephen learns to be systematic from his hobby.D)Stephen collects coins because they are valuable.3.W: Did you go fishing today? M: Yes.By the lake, all by myself W: But Roy, every tame you go out fishing, you come back with an empty bag.Why not give it up or try something else, like basketball?

M: No.Carol, you don't understand.Fishing makes me happy, because I love sitting alone and doing nothing at all.Q: What can be learned from the conversation? A)Roy often empties his bag when he returns home.B)Roy is trying to persuade Carol to go fishing with him.C)Roy is only interested in catching fish.D)Roy’s real interest in fishing is sitting alone and doing nothing.4.W: Harry, have you heard about a 44-year-old farmer from the village whose hobby is to make machines?

M: Yes, Tina.l know he is the inventor and the “father” of the robots in his village.His high-tech products really bring lots of benefits to his family and neighbours.W: The most impressive thing is, while making robots, he has suffered two major disasters.One explosion nearly destroyed his two fingers, and a fire burnt all his belongings.M: And the idea of giving up never occurs to him.Actually, that's the part that touches me most.Q: What impresses Harry and Tina most? A)The farmer makes robots without much knowledge about high-tech.B)The farmer has held on to his hobby even though he met with great difficulties.C)The farmer's hobby has brought great changes to his village.D)The farmer started his hobby at the age of 44.5.M: Marilyn, have you thought about this question? Among all the evil addictions, which is the worst?

W: Addiction is addiction, no matter what it is.Drugs, alcohol, smoking, or gambling.And don't forget the Internet.Any addiction comes with pain and sadness.So my answer to your question is, all of them.M: I can't agree.You see, drug addicts don't get much sympathy.Drugs destroy health, family, feelings, and friendships.It makes you live like trash.That's the worst.W: Daniel, any addiction may lead to that.Q: What's Marilyn's attitude towards various addictions? A)She thinks drug addiction is the most dangerous.B)She thinks Internet addiction is the most harmful.C)She thinks addictions that make you trash are the worst.D)She thinks every addiction is as bad as the other.Unit2 S.C.1.W: Can we really afford a holiday? We're paying for this house and we have a loan for the furniture.M: Listen.You work hard and I work hard.We're not talking about whether we can have a vacation.We're talking about where and when.Q: What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A)A Husband and wife.B)Customer and salesman.C)Father and daughter.D)Co-workers.2.W: You look tired.Why not take a vacation for a change?

M: A vacation for a change? Don't you know “no man needs a vacation so much as the man who has just had one”?

Q: What does the man mean? A)No one needs a vacation as much as he does.B)He has just had one.C)A vacation is incredibly good for a change.D)A vacation is even more exhausting 3.W: I’ve packed clothes, toiletries, a sleep mask and a camera, is there anything special I have to take?

M: Oh I’ll give you a list of necessities to take.Of course, the coach space is limited.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? A)The woman is preparing presents for her coach B)The woman is packing for her coach.C)The woman is packing for a visit to her coach.D)The woman is packing for her bus tour.4.W: What kind of holiday have you had? M: Terrible.Quite, quite terrible.We certainly won't go on a bus tour again.W: What exactly was the matter? M: The bus itself for a start.It was so old and battered.The only place it was fit for was a museum.Q: What do you learn from the conversation? A)The bus should be kept in the museum.B)The bus was too worn out and uncomfortable.C)The man was taken to only one place to see the sight.D)The bus was too old to be started.5.W: What's the time for your flight? M: I will leave Tokyo on May 21 at 5:30 p.m.on Northwest Airlines Flight 255.It will arrive in Hong Kong SAR at 8:35 p.m.W: I'll meet you at the airport.Q: How long is the flight from Tokyo to Hong Kong SAR? A)3 hours or so.B)9 hours or so.C)21 hours or so.D)5 hours or so.Unit3 Reporter:

In Vail, Arizona, a new school with a new idea: no textbooks.White other students might be reading books, Empire students will read on their laptops.Jeremy Gypton, a history teacher at Empire High School in Vail, Arizona.Mr.Gypton, tell us about the assignment that you've already given, that might otherwise have involved a textbook,but in this case involves a computer.Mr.Gypton: Well, with the, with history I try to use as many primary source documents as possible.I actually just recently had my students, studying...my American History students, studying the French-Indian War and its impact.And that sort of document is just not available in a traditional textbook, I would have to say, “Go online or go to a library and find a copy”, whereas with the laptops and with the resources they're using, they have immediate access to it.Reporter: What's the point here? Is it to get Io primary sources or is it to use a medium that youngsters today are more familiar with? How do you, how do you describe what you arc doing'? Mr.Gypton: When it comes to our, I guess, our reasoning, these are the students who've grown up with the computer, with the Internet, er, as, as kind of organic to their environment.It's not an add-on, like it, like it was to me.And this is normal for them.And so, limiting them, by like sort of a traditional, maybe thousand page textbook is, from their perspective, I think a little bit abnormal, because they are used to being able to reach out, and view one topic from 20 different angles, as opposed to just the one angle that a textbook would present.Reporter: Jeremy Gypton, thank you very much for talking with you.Mr.Gypton: Thanks so much for your time.S.C.1.W: Mr.Williams, where did you receive your Bachelor's degree in engineering? M: From Iowa University.And I am now working on my Master's.That's part of the reason I applied for this position.W: Oh, that's a good engineering college.You have very impressive qualifications.Q: What's the man doing? A)He is taking an entrance examination.B)He is working as an engineer.C)He is receiving his Bachelor's degree.D)He is at a job interview.2.W: Mr.Carlson, I tried to memorize the script but i keep forgetting the lines.I'm worried I might be a burden to the cast if l keep forgetting them during the rehearsals.M: Look, Jane, you will be just fine if you stop putting so much pressure on yourself.Practice makes perfect, and I'm sure you will get them in no time.Q: What does the man suggest the woman do? A)He suggests the woman keep trying until she gets it right.B)He suggests the woman take a break.C)He suggests he may be able to help her practice her lines.D)He suggests that the woman give up if she is always having these problems.3.W: I'm going to Professor Wilson's office to ask for his help.Do you want to join in? M: I tell you what.I'll study in the lab by myself, and see how it goes.Self-education!Don't you remember what the instructor has always suggested?“ W: Yes, but that's for advanced learners.We are still at the intermediate level!Q: What does the woman advise the man to do?

A)To ask for help from advanced learners.B)To receive assistance from the teacher.C)To study by himself in the lab.D)To join in at the intermediate level.4.M: How long has your husband been studying Chinese culture? W: Him? Forever.He has been totally caught up in it since high school when we first met.M: No kidding!So many years!W: He always says one is never too old to learn.Q: What can you learn about the woman's husband? A)He has been teaching in high school for a long time.B)He is completely lost in a foreign culture.C)He thinks he will never get old.D)He wants to keep learning all his life.5.M: Education is of no use to us.Look, I've got a great idea---we can form a new school of artistic movement.W: You must have lost your mind.Artists usually get rich after they die, I mean, it's an accumulation stuff M: Trust me, that way we will be rich and famous in two years.W: There's a mental clinic around the comer down the street.Q: What does the woman mean? A)It will take them many years to get rich and famous.B)There's a new school of artistic movement around the comer.C)The man's idea is not feasible at all.D)The man has gone mentally insane.Unit 4 News: Beijing Opera is largely seen as a dying art in China.Louisa Lira wants to introduce us to an unlikely new champion for Chinese opera.He's a British man who has devoted more than a decade to bringing Chinese opera to new audiences.Ghaffar: And I saw a Beijing Opera in London in 1993.And that just shocked me.It really moved me.Louisa: Ghaffar Pourazar is British, born to Iranian Azeri parents.At the age of 32, he gave up his life as a computer animator and enrolled in a Beijing Opera school, drawn by the difficulty of mastering this art form.Ghaffar: And there is no other culture which has put that much discipline into training the perfect performer.That is what the Beijing Opera is about, the perfect performer.Louisa: On stage, the actors not only act, they sing and dance at the same time as performing heart-stopping feats of acrobatics and sword fighting.Once the show begins, it's clear that Pourazar has taken a Chinese classic and made it his own.The cast is partly non-Chinese.And there's a lot of explanation in English.The story is the much-loved legend of the Monkey King, a mischievous monkey ham from a stone, who learns supernatural skills and uses them to challenge the emperor of heaven.Pourazar is the multilingual monkey.(Singing)Ghaffar: It's within the rules of the art form that you perform for that audience.What I have done is, by taking it to London, to change the spoken parts into English.And that's, that's within the rules of the opera.(Singing)Louisa: That even means adding a bit of comedy rap opera to the mix.(Singing)Louisa: And this hybrid bilingual opera wins good reviews from both Western and Chinese audience members.A Man: And that's really Chinese stuff, expressing the more acceptable way.So it'll be more popular.Louisa: But the popularity of Beijing Opera is fading fast, with young Chinese audiences turning to karaoke, DVDs and the Internet.Much to Pourazar's sorrow.S.C.1.M: What channel do you watch on TV?

W: I watch mainly news programmes mid classic movies.I hate commercials.There is a lot more advertising than there used to be.M: Nowadays, whatever you're doing in your daily life, it's quite difficult to get away from ads in one tbrm or another.They're all around you!Advertising has always been part of our life.Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? A)The woman is unhappy about too many advertisements on TV.B)The man is complaining about difficulties in his daily life.C)The woman is very interested in the advertisements around her.D)The man dislikes TV advertisements as the woman does.2.W: Excuse me.Can you tell me what your lecture is about? M: Oh, I'm going to lecture on photography of cities.W: Is that about architectural styles of various buildings? M: Well, not exactly.The theme in my photography is ”the history contained in cities“.I spend quite a large amount of time trying to depict life in the city, trying to build a history of cities visually.Q: What is file man interested in? A)He is interested in the progress of architecture.B)He is interested in writing the history of cities.C)He is interested in the history of cities shown in pictures.D)He is interested in giving lectures on photography.3.W: Hey, listen to this interesting quiz: ”When the host introduces you to a group of people at a party, what's your typical meet-and-greet smile? Are your ]ips closed over your teeth, or with lips open and teeth revealed?“ M: What? What kind of quiz is that? W: It's a quiz about your character by testing your body language.My Chinese friend did the quiz, and her answer shows she is a shy and withdrawn person.M: I wonder whether that works for us Englishmen.Q: What is the quiz about? A)It is about how to give appropriate smiles at parties.B)It is about how to overcome shyness in social life.C)It is about cultural differences between English and Chinese people.D)It is about personality evident in an individual’s gestures.4.M: I really don't understand why Jerry was so cold yesterday when I came to his office, I know I was late.But it was only 20 minutes.W: Well, that's your problem.Jerry is a typical American.He must feel slighted and think you are a rude person.M: In my country, it's normal to be late by 30 minutes.W: But you are not in Brazil now.Q: What do you know about the man? A)The man is a Brazilian.B)The man makes a habit of being late.C)The man has a bad temper.D)The man is rude to his friends.5.W: Hi, Frank, have you just been to your kung fu class? With your.Chinese friends? M: Yes.It's amazing.Speed, power, balance and timing, that's kung fut.We strike with the fist, hand, the elbow, the knee, the foot, the heel, and the bottom.W: So, does that mean you are so tough that nobody can beat you in a right?

M: I don't do it for righting, but for exercise.I do this martial art in a gym, not on a battlefield.Q: Why does the man takes a kung fu class? A)He wants to make his body stronger.B)He wants to get the upper hand in a fight.C)He wants to make friends with people in class.D)He wants to learn more about Chinese culture.Unit 5 News: Christopher Reeve: 1996 Democratic National Convention Address Thank you very, very much.Well, I just have to start with a challenge to the President: Sir, I have seen your train go by, and I think I can beat it.I'll even give you a head start.And over the last few years we have heard a lot about something called ”family values“.And like many of you, I have struggled to figure out what that means.And since my accident, I've found a definition that seems to make sense.I think it means that we’re all family.And that we all have value.Now, if that's true, if America really is a family, then we have to recognize that many members of our family are hurting.And just to take one aspect of it, one in five of us has some kind of disability.You may have an aunt with Parkinson's disease, a neighbor with a spinal cord injury, or a brother with AIDS, and if we're really committed to this idea of family, we've got to do something about it.Now first of all, our nation cannot tolerate discrimination of any kind.And that's why the Americans with Disabilities Act is so important It must be honored everywhere.It is a Civil Rights Law that is tearing down

barriers, both in architecture and in attitude.Its purpose its purpose is to give the disabled access not only to buildings but to every opportunity in society.Now, I strongly believe our nation must give its full support to the caregivers who are helping people with disabilities live independent lives.S.C.1.W: Mark, what’s wrong with you? You look so tired.M: Oh, the party was so exciting, I couldn't go to sleep after that.Alice, 1 expected to see you at the party yesterday.W: If I had known that you were going, I would have gone.Q: What do we know about the woman'? A)She didn’t go to the party yesterday.B)She didn't remember seeing the man at the party.C)She left the party before the man arrived.D)She didn't want to see the man.2.M: Hi, Morn.This is Jack.I just got back from the Grand Canyon.The trip was really gorgeous!W: Did you have to wait very long before the plane took off? M: No sooner had we got on the plane than the engine started.Q: What does the man mean? A)They didn't have enough time to get their seals on the plane.B)The pilot had trouble starting rite engine.C)The engine started as soon as they got on the plane.D)They were delayed at the airport.3.M: Professor, could I arrange to take a make-up exam? I won't be able to come to clam on the day of the test.W: And why is that, Jason? M: Well...my dad's having surgery that day, and I want to be there at the hospital.W: Oh, I'm sorry to hear that.I hope it all goes well.Certainly, we can work something out about the exam.Q: What does the woman mean? A)Jason will have to work a little harder.B)She's certain he can work on something else.C)Jason can take the test on another day.D)Jason can skip the test and won't have to make it up.4.M: They called me this morning saying that they couldn't hire me.You know that's nay fourth interview this month.I'm beginning to think nobody will employ me.W: Come on Tom, you just have to be patient.M: It's just so hard to be positive when I keep getting doors slammed in my face all the time.W: I know how you feel.But keep your chin up.The next job you go for could be the one.Q: What does the woman imply? A)Come on time and you could be employed next time.B)Be positive about people slamming doors in your face.C)Cheer up and you would be able to get a job soon.D)Keep your chin up and be proud of yourself.5.M: is the last time I will drive your mother anywhere!I've never met a worse back at driver in my life!W: Honey, Mum's been nervous just getting behind a wheel ever since that guy ran into her.M: That doesn't give her the fight to criticize my driving the whole way!Honestly!Next you need to take your mother somewhere, do me a favor and drive her yourself, Q: Why was the man annoyed? A)He had a worse driver in the back seat of his car.B)He got wit nervous when sitting behind the wheel C)He cannot drive the mother anywhere next time.D)He was criticized by the woman’s mother all the way.Unit 6

Acid Rain Damage from acid rain is widespread not just in eastern North America, but throughout Europe, Japan, China, and Southeast Asia.Is the rain that's falling on your umbrella acidic?

A listener's question on today's ”Earth and Sky“.JB: This is ”Earth and Sky“.with a question from Sandra Renee of Olive Hill, Kentucky.She asks, ”How do you know when it rains that it's not acid rain, and what exactly acid rain'?“ DB: Sandra, you need a pH meter to reliably measure the acidity of rain or snow.But in certain parts of the US--especially in the Northeast--you can probably assume that most rain will be at least somewhat acidic.Westerly winds move pollutants eastward, so the eastern US gets more acid rain.JB: Acid rain happens when airborne acids fail down to earth in rain.Electrical utility plants plaints that bum fossil fuels emit chemicals into the atmosphere that react with water and other chemicals in the air to form sulfuric acid, nitric acid--the ”acid“ in acid rain You don't have to live next door to a power plant to get showered by acid rain.The~ acid pollutants reach high into the atmosphere and can travel with wind currents for hundreds of kilometers.DB: The acids in acid rain are corrosive chemicals that leach nutrients from the soil slow the growth of trees, poison lakes and combine with other chemicals to form urban smog.The simplest way to curtail acid rain is to use less energy from fossil fuels.JB: Special thanks today to the Camille & Henry Dreyfus Foundation, a private foundation dedicated to advancing research and education in the chemical sciences.We're Block Byrd for ”Earth and Sky".S.C.1.W: Did you know that we waste hundreds of gallons of water every day, simply because people don't turn off their taps properly? M: The problem is that people can't see that by turning off their taps, or switching off a light in their house, they are saving gallons of water and hundreds of trees.Q: What is mainly talked about in this dialogue?

A)How to turn off taps properly.B)How to save water every day.C)How to switch off light in the house.D)How to protect water and trees in nature.2.M: I think government should do whatever is necessary to create more wild animal preserves.They should raise money through environmental awareness campaigns.W: Maybe people could make voluntary contributions when they file their taxes.M: That's a good idea.That way whoever wants to contribute can, but it's not obligatory Q: What does the man mean? A)It is a good idea to set up more wild animal preserves.B)It is necessary to raise money through awareness campaigns.C)It is a good idea for people to make voluntary contributions.D)It is people's obligation to contribute money.3.W: I heard about the tornado on the radio in Texas.M: Was it as bad as the one in Louisiana? W: It was much worse.A hundred people were killed.M: That's twice as many people.Q: What do we know about the tornado in Louisiana? A)Louisiana tornado was as terrible as the one in Texas.B)Louisiana tornado killed 50 people.C)Louisiana tornado killed 200 people.D)Louisiana tornado was much worse than the one in Texas.4.W: 1 sincerely Peel that animals should not be used for research purpose.M: I don't really agree, I seriously doubt that medical research could be done without animals.W: We seem to be in a dilemma to decide what to do, protect the environment or develop Q: What attitude does the man hold towards using animals for research purposes? A)He is doubtful about medical researches with animals.B)He is in agreement with the woman not to use animals in research.C)He feels it necessary to use animals in medical researches.D)He feels in a dilemma whether to protect the environment or not 5.W: Scientists say that water pollution is the biggest problem in the environment.M: Do you believe that'? W: Well, scientists base their statements on studies, don't they? What do you think is the biggest problem? M: Air pollution, because they're always talking about it in the news, aren't they? W: True, but can you always believe what they say in the news? Q: What can be inferred from the conversation? A)The two speakers agree water pollution is the biggest environmental problem.B)The two speakers think air pollution is the biggest environmental problem.C)The two speakers always believe what is talked about in the news.D)The two speakers have different opinions about the biggest pollution problem.



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