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Part VWriting(30 minutes,15 points)

Directions:You are to write in no less than 120 words about the title “What I Consider Important in Life”.Your composition should be based on the Chinese outline given below.

1.人生有不同的目标:富有、名气、地位、幸福的家庭等… 2.其中我认为重要的是…;理由是… 3.结论… 范文

What should a person live for? The answer to this question varies from person to person.Some live to seek wealth, some live to seek fame...In a word, everybody should have a goal in his life.We can achieve nothing without a realistic goal.Aimless life wastes our energy and time.Whatever goal you might have, the primarily important thing you should have in life is health.It is universally true that everyone needs good health.With our society becoming more competitive, it is important to stay healthy.For one thing, people with good health can do work with full energy and their excellence in work in turn contributes to their health and happiness.For another, an unhealthy person is seldom able to show interest in everything around him and there~ fore he loses many opportunities to achieve success.2003

Part VIWriting(30 minutes, 15 points)

Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words about the title “Lifelong Learning”.You should base your composition on the Chinese outline given below:



In today’s society, life-long learning has become very important for everyone.This is because one needs to renew his knowledge continuously in order to meet the needs of his work and fast development of the society.There are several ways for one to take a life-long learning.One way is to take a part-time education program.It means that one is learning part time while he is working.The program could be at undergraduate level or graduate level.The second way is to study by oneself.You can learn whatever you need for your work on your own.You can learn from books, from TV programs or from Internet or radio.In my opinion, life-long learning is necessary for us.We should choose one of the ways mentioned above, which depends on your own personal preference and interest.I prefer the first one because this kind of learning is systematic and formal.With the help of the teachers, it is easier to learn and quicker to get what you need for your work.2004

Part VIWriting(30 minutes,15 points)

Directions:You are to write in no less than 120 words on the title of “College Students Should(Not)Be Permitted to Live Off Campus”.You are totake a position, either for or against the matter, and give your reasons.You should base your composition on the following Chinese outline.


1.你对这个问题的观点是… 2.理由是…… 3.结论…… 范文

In recent years, the number of college students who live off campus has been increasing, which attracts the widespread attention in the whole society.As to this special phenomenon, different people have different opinions.As a person who was a student, I think this behavior should be banned.My reasons are as follows:

The first and the most important one is that living off campus is not beneficial to study.Being college students, young people should spare no effort to study hard to broaden their horizons.Living off campus means they are away from classroom, library and laboratory.So it may bring much more trouble to them.Second, when college students live off campus they will be estranged from their classmates, which is harmful to their ability to communicate with others.Thus, majority of them don’t have good friends so that they are easy to feel lonely and unhappy.Third, their living off campus will put a financial burden on their family and themselves.In general, college students are still financed by their family.If they want to live off campus, they have to ask more money from their family and make money in their spare time.It is a heavy burden they have to shoulder.In a word, I don’t approve of college students’ living off campus.It will disturb the students’ normal life.Therefore colleges should establish rules to ban college students’ living off campus.2005

PART VI Writing(15 points)

在家所在的社区附近建一个购物中心, 是否同意, 并列举理由。

作文: Do you need a shopping center in your neighborhood? 范文

Large shopping centers are very convenient because we can find almost everything we need there.They are also good places to spend free time because they usually offer some form of entertainment such as movie theaters.However, large shopping centers can also bring some disadvantages, and for this reason I would oppose the building of one in my neighborhood.One disadvantage of having a large shopping center in the neighborhood would be a great increase in traffic.More cars would not only bring traffic congestion, but also noise and parking problems.Another disadvantage is that a large shopping center requires a lot of space.In order to build one in my neighborhood, some open space would have to be sacrificed.We might no longer have room for a park or sports ground.And finally, if there were a shopping center in the neighborhood, people might visit it every day.They would no doubt spend too much money and ignore other ways of spending their leisure time.Due to the above disadvantages, I would oppose any plan to build a large shopping center in my neighborhood.Although I enjoy visiting shopping centers on occasion, I don't need to go very often.I would rather spend some time traveling to one than live next door to one.My neighborhood is a peaceful and quiet place and I hope it will stay that way.2006

Part VIWriting(30 minutes, 15 points)

Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words about the topic “On the

Significance of the Qing-Zang Railroad”.Your composition should be based on the

Chinese clues given below.青藏铁路于今年7月1日通车。请简单地谈谈青藏铁路建成和通车的重大意义,如经济、文化、旅游等方面。

注:西藏:Tibet;西藏的、西藏人、藏语:Tibetan 范文

It is in Qinghai on July 1 that the Qing-Zang Railroad was completed and open to traffic officially.And in the same day, our President Hu Jingtao cut the ribbon personally at the opening ceremony.This great event made every Chinese all over the world

extremely cheerful.As a main artery to Tibet and western regions, the Qing-Zhang Railroad is of great significance to China and Chinese people.Undoubtedly the significance of the Qing-Zang Railroad can be clearly seen not only in economy and culture but also in tourism.To begin with, the Qing-Zang Railroad will drive the economic development of the western part of China and attract more and more investors to invest in these areas.In addition, the Qing-Zang Railroad will foster the cultural and tourist development of Qinghai and Tibet.An increasing number of people from all over the world will come to Tibet and Qinghai for traveling, which will provide a good chance for the people in the world to know Tibet and Qinghai.As shown in our previous discussion, we may reasonably come to the conclusion that the Qing-Zang Railroad will bring China historic and realistic significance.Of course, we should not neglect the environmental and ecological protection while making full use of the Qing-Zang Railroad.(211)2007 Part Ⅵ Writing(30 minutes,15 points)Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic” Entering College: Help the Needy Youngsters to Achieve Their Dreams'.Your composition should be based on the Chinese clues given below.中央电视台“圆梦行动”的公益节目旨在动员社会力量捐助贫困学子圆大学之梦。你的作文可以:



Though great importance is attached to public education, many qualified students in poverty-stricken regions fail to enter university due to economic reasons.These students are generally from the least developed part of our country.Only higher education can change their fate: they will be otherwise just like their forefathers toiling in the fields day after day and seeing no future, which simply means the whole region will be stuck in a vicious circle and its further development will be impossible.If the needy youngsters are to get support from the society, the whole situation will be different.In universities, they will have access to more information and advanced technology.Consequently, they can equip themselves with innovative creativity and adequate skills to serve their hometown and to return the support they benefit from the society.2008 作文:




3、结论 范文

There is a trend that more and more people incline to surfing the Internet.They, in a relatively faster way, search update news, seek information they need, or download literary works such as love stories and science fictions.However, it is impossible for Internet to take the place of paper media.Internet reading is indeed faster and easier, bringing the effects of not only entertaining but transience.As to the academic study, it can provide one-sided and superficial explanations or analysis

instead of a comprehensive knowledge system.As to the information, you cannot cast your full trust on Internet because it can be

anonymous and without any censorship.Many college graduates, who preferred to the method of Internet reading, have to hurry to

make up for further knowledge in some field.This is just the result of “reading malnutrition” caused by only reading on Internet.Therefore, it is undeniable that Internet plays a more and more important role in the modern society, whether in the daily life or

study, but there is no way for it to replace the traditional paper books.And we have to emphasize more on the paper media to keep a balanced way of reading, then the function of both methods can be played to the full extent.2009

Part VI Writing(30 minutes, 15 points)

Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic of “A Threat(Threats)to Endangered Animals”.You may base your composition on the clues given below:

Many animals are now in danger of becoming extinct....Among the threats to endangered animals is(are)....The way to cope with the threat(threats)....Conclusion.(Note: endangered—濒危)

Many wild animals face common threats.For example, loss

of habitat threatens the tiger, butterfly, and hundreds of other animals.Over fishing threatens whales and many fish species.Chemical

poisoning is responsible for declines in animal populations.In many cases there are solutions to these threats.Here is a brief list of common problems and solutions.Problems: poisoning from chemicals, loss of habitat,environmental pollution, warming of climate, accidents with vehicles and ships, noise pollution, over fishing, overgrazing, off-road vehicles, loss of food source

Solutions: bans on harmful chemicals;captive breeding programs;ecotourism to promote people's awareness of living

animals;controls on noise pollution, limits on over fishing and over hunting;limits on exotic pet collecting;protection of habitats from overdevelopment and misuse, protection of food supplies, creation of reserves.2010

Part VI Writing(30 minutes, 15 points)

Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic of “The Country I Would Like to Visit”.You may base your composition on the clues given below:


With the development of the society, People have more chance to travel abroad.As to me, the country I would like to visit is Ireland.Even though it is the first choice for most Chinese people, I still want to visit there.A number of factors are accountable for my choice.First of all, Ireland is one of ancient countries in Europe, whose culture is attractive.When I was a college student, the literatures and music impressed me, such as the Oscar Wild’s stories and the Enya’s songs.I desire to see the places where they were born and grew up and feel the environment.Secondly, Ireland is an intense green, or rather mixture of greens, which changes little between summer and winter;the grasslands flourish in all seasons.I have views a number of Irish pictures, now I dream to see them with my own eyes and feel it directly.Last but not least, I want to try the local Irish Whisky, especially Baileys.It is Ireland that is my dream country.And it would be my choice, if I had chance to travel abroad for fourteen days.(2011)

Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic of “What Do I Do to Stay Healthy ? ”.You may base your composition on the Chinese clues given below and put your composition on the


为了健康,最重要的是要…… 我个人保持健康的做法是……

People today become increasingly concerned about health, a state of physical and mental well-being.For human beings, to be healthy means to be free from physical illness and mental or psychological problems.To say healthy , it’s of great importance to develop good lifestyles and behaviors, and to cultivate positive mentalities as well as individual abilities.Studies have shown that people can improve their physical health via regular exercise, adequate sleep, balanced diet, and absence of alcohol, smoke, and drugs.Also, people can keep mentally healthy if they have a positive mentality of optimism, confidence, resolution, broad vision and so forth.This kind of mentality will contribute quite a lot to their ability to cope with stresses and problems, overcome difficulties and obstacles and meet challenges, which , in turn, ensure a fruitful and happy life.This mentality will also result in strong character and personal satisfaction.To me, health means equal significance.I have made great efforts to try to stay health.Often, I do regular exercises to help strengthen my body and character.Also, I have tried to build healthy self-esteem and confidence, which helps me to see all my abilities and weaknesses together, accept them, and do my best with them.Finally, I always try to be optimistic to help me deal with all the frustrations and stresses in my life.With all this, I am confident to maintain both physical and mental health.(2012)

Directions: You are to write in no less than 120 words on the topic of “what would you consider an ideal work environment''.You may base your composition on the Chinese clues given below and put your composition on the ANSWER SHEET.工作环境包括很多方面:空间、设施、温度、光线、噪音、人员…… 我想要的理想的工作环境是…… 理想的工作环境的效果是……

What Would You Consider an Ideal Work Environment

Most people will take the work environment into consideration when they make decision whether to accept a job offer.Work environment, including many aspects such as work space, equipments, temperature, light, noise and personnel, is also important for people to work efficiently.In my opinion, an ideal environment for work should be soul-warming and clean, which bring the people inside a sense of belonging.Some green plants are indispensable, for those will not only ease people’s nervousness but clean the air as well.Furniture and equipments fit into the space well to save room for people to walk around conveniently.Comfortable is another important factor, no matter how big or modern the environment is.Certain regulations are also needed for people to abide by because maintaining a good work environment is everyone’s responsibility.An ideal work environment can enhance people’s efficiency with pleasant state of mind, and thus create good interpersonal relationship.翻译


Since 1981,farmers in Holland have been encouraged to adopt“green”farming techniques that were thought to benefit plant and bird life.Farmers who have voluntarily adopted thesemeasures are compensated by the European Union.The goal of the program is to work against the negative effects of modem fanning,such as declines in species diversity and the disturbance of local nesting grounds.

The“green”methods of farming cost the European Union about 1.7 billion Euros annually.This is about 4 percent of the budget for“Common Agricultural Policy,”and the compensation is expected to rise to 10 percent within the next few years.

Various forms of“green farming”employed around the world have proved successful, and all new methods thought to be environmentally sensitive should be subject to sound scientific evaluation to determine whether they are actually meeting the intended goals.


The generation gap is so great in Hong Kong that the teenagers there rarely turn to their parents or teachers for advice on anything.Whether it be sex, AIDS, school worries or family problems, adults are not considered up to the job.Until now, no one has asked Hong Kong youth, “What do you think?” Some understanding of the emotions of Hong Kong’s youth, however, has come from the work of Dr.Jeffrey Day-at the University of Hong Kong.His survey of young people does not focus, for example, on how many drugs they take-but tries to answer the question why.Dr.Day hopes the results, which he plans to explain in full next week, will reveal what troubles-as well as pleases-today’s high-school students.Conclusions will be passed on not only to government departments but back to the schools which took part.在香港,代沟的问题很严重,十几岁的孩子很少向父母或老师征询意见。不管是性、艾滋病、学校中遇到的麻烦,还是家庭问题,他们都认为大人们是帮不上任何忙的。



One of the really nice features about e-mails is that they allow us to send files as attachments to other users.This is a very good thing.If I’m working with a colleague and want to send him an image file or a word file,I can do so very quickly and easily,without having to fax it to him.This saves on long distance bills and printing costs.It also,however,presents a problem,because attachments can take a long time to download.For those of us who pay by the hour for Internet service,unwanted attachments can be quite costly and time-consuming.I once had someone send me fifteen large image files,and it tied up my computer for 20 minutes just to download one of them.So,in short,if you’re going to send an attachment,get

permission first.

电子邮件真正的优点之一就在于它允许我们以附件的形式给其他的用户发送文件,这一点非常好。比如,我和一个同事一起工作的时候,我想发一份图象文件或是文字文件给他,通过电子邮件就可以很方便很快捷地 搞定,而不必使用传真。这就节省了长途费用和打印成本。但是,电子邮件也会带来问题。因为附件的下载可能需要很长时间。对于我们这些按小时支付网费的人来说,多余的附件可能是相当耗费时间和金钱的。我曾经接收过15个大的图片文件。我的电脑竟用了20分钟才载下来一个图片。所以,简言之,如果你要发附件给别人的话,事先一定要争得对方的许可。(2005)

Drinking water and water for domestic use often come from groundwater.In order to protect this water, local water authorities can apply to local administrative authorities to mark certain locations as water protection areas.The size of these areas is calculated in such a way that the quantity of groundwater taken from them corresponds to the actual rainfall going into them.In the water protection areas certain uses of the land and activities on the land are banned or restricted.Water protection areas fall into three zones.Zone 3 is the outermost zone with a diameter of 4 kilometers around the groundwater well.Here no chemical works or the use of pesticides(杀虫剂)are allowed.Zone 2 is determined around the so-called 50-day line.It is assumed that after 50 days in the groundwater harmful bacteria will have died off.Here settlements and fertilizer storage are forbidden.Zone 1 marks the ten-meter boundary around the well.Here,any use of the land,as well as access by unauthorized persons,is forbidden.饮用水和家庭用水常取自地下水。为保护地下水源,地方用水管理机构可向地方政府提出申请,将某些区域标记为水保护区。水保护区的面积用以下方法计算:从水保护区抽取的地下水数量相当于实际渗入水保护区的雨水流量。在水保护区,土地的某些用途和地面的某些活动将被禁止或受限制。水保护区分为三个区。第三区是外区,以地下水井为中心,直径4公里。在该区,不得修建化工厂或使用杀虫剂。第二区围绕所谓“50天线”确定。人们设想,地下水中的细菌在50天内将全部死亡。在该区,不得修建住宅和储存化肥。第一区是以地下井为中心10米以内的地域。在该区,不得以任何形式使用土地,任何人未经许可不得进入。(2006)

Each year in the United States more people are killed or i~ured in accidents--at home,atwork or school,at play,or while traveling-than were killed orinjured in the Vietnam war.Inthe earlv 1990s,about half of these accidental deaths were the result of motor—vehicle accidents.Other maj or causes of accidental deaths were falls,fires,and poisoning.On a worldwide basis,accidents involving motor vehicles are the primary cause of accidental deaths,followed by acci—

dents in industry and in the home.

Efforts to lessen or to eliminate the hazardous conditions that cause accidents are known as

saletv measures.Safety is a growing concern around the world,and safety skillS are being taken

more seriouslv today than ever before.People have come to realize that safety skills can be learn—ed,and most safety experts agree that it is possible to predict,and take steps to prevent,the ma—joritv of accidents.Few accidents simply“happen”.Most are caused by ignorance,carelessness,neglect,or 1ack of skill.


Getting a proper amount of rest is absolutely essential for building your energy resources.If you frequently work far into the night or have a poor sleep, it stands to reason that you may start to feel a little run down.Though everybody is different, most people need at least seven to eight hours of sleep per night in order to function at their best.If you have been lacking energy, try going to bed earlier at night.If you can wake up feeling well-rested, it will be an indication that you are starting to get an appropriate amount of sleep at night.If you sleep more than eight hours every night but still don't feel energetic, you may actually be getting too much sleep.Once in while, you are bound to have nights where you don't get an adequate amount of sleep.When your schedule permits you can also consider taking a short sleep during the day, for sometimes taking a nap is the perfect way to recharge your batteries.获得适量的休息对于积聚你的体能而言是绝对必要的.如果你经常工作到深夜或





Globally, most smokers start smoking before the age of 18, with almost a quarter of those beginning before the age of 10.The younger children are when they first try smoking, the more likely they are to become regular tobacco users and the less likely they are to quit.A strong link between advertising and smoking in young people has been proven.The more aware and appreciative young people are of tobacco advertising, the more likely they are to smoke or say they intend to.As a result, the tobacco industry spends billions of dollars worldwide each year spreading its marketing net as widely

as possible to attract young customers.Tobacco companies market their products wherever youth can be easily accessed—in the movies, on the Internet, in fashion magazines, and at music concerts and sports events.In response to this threat, World No Tobacco Day 2008 campaigns for a total ban on all forms of tobacco advertising, promotion and sponsorship by the tobacco industry.从全球范围来看,大多数吸烟者在18岁之前开始吸烟,他们当中几乎有四分之一的人10岁前就开始吸烟。孩子开始吸烟的年龄越小,越有可能成为普通抽烟者,而且越不可能戒掉。已经证明,广告和年轻人抽烟之间有一种紧密的联系。年轻人对于烟草广告知道得越多,鉴赏力越好,他们越有可能会抽烟。结果烟草公司每年花费数十亿美元在全球传播其营销网络,尽可能广泛地吸引年轻消费者。烟草公司的产品在年轻人很容易得到的所有场所销售——电影院、互联网、时尚杂志以及音乐会和体育比赛。作为对这一威胁的回应,2008年“世界无烟日”由烟草业宣传并赞助发动了全面禁止各种各样烟草广告的活动。(2009)

The office desk, as we know it, may have had its day.A large study on the future of work in the UK predicts the rise of the ”mobile

worker“ moving with notebook computer and mobile phone between office, home, hotel, airport or highway service station as the needs of a job demand.Today, more than five million people already spend some time working at home or on the move, according to a recent report.That number will rise dramatically over the coming decades, with mobile work becoming one of the fastest-growing types of employment.According to the study ”Working in the Twenty-First Century ", individuals will not necessarily see themselves as working from home.They could equally be working from the office, but they will be on the move from place to place, working at various times of the day, for much of the week.For a large proportion of workers, work in twenty years' time will be more about movement than staying in one place.众所周知,办公桌办公的时代也许已经结束了。关于英国未来工作模式的一项大型研究预测,由于工作需要,在办公室、家、饭店、机场或高速公路服务站中,用笔记本电脑和手机工作的流动型员工将越来越多。根据最近的一份报告显示,现今已有500多万人在家里,或是在去某地的路上花时间工作。鉴于流动型工作成为增长最快的职业之一,在未来几十年里,这个数字还将显著增长。


Human friends may come and go, but a horse could be one of your most loyal, long-term friends if you treat it right.Horses understand words better than expected, since horses can hear the human voice better than even dogs can, due to their particular range of hearing.And scientists predict that trainers could have greater success if they use more verbal commands in their horse training programs.Horses possess excellent memories, which allow horses to not only recall their human friends after a long period of separation but also to remember some complex human instructions for ten years or more.The bonds with humans are likely an extension of horse behavior in the wild, since horses value their own horse relatives and friends, and are also open to new, non-threatening acquaintances.Horses maintain long-term bonds with several members of their family group, but they also interact temporarily with members of other groups when forming herds.人类交友有合有分,而马却不同,如果好好待它,它可能成为你最忠实而长久的伙伴。



One of the keys to speaking English like a native is the ability

to use and understand casual expressions , or idioms , American English is full of idioms.You won’t learn these expressions in a standard textbook.But you will hear them all the time in everyday conversations.You’ll also meet them in books ,newspapers , magazines , and TV shows.Idioms add color to the language.Master idioms and your

speech will be less awkward , less foreign.You’ll also understand more of that you read and hear.Often a student of English tries to

translate idioms word-for-word ,or literally.If you do this ,you can end up asking ,”what could this possibly mean ?” This is why idioms are difficult : they work as groups of words ,not as individual words.If you translate each word on its own , you’ll miss the meaning and in many cases end up with nonsense.要把英语说得像本族人那么地道,关键之一是能够理解和使用通俗用语或习语。美式英语中有大量习语。这些惯用语在一般教材中学不到,在日常对话里却可以经常听到,在图书、报纸、杂志和电视节目里也会碰到。


We all know that the most powerful force in our lives is love.In addition to providing us with soul-warming companionship, the emotion of love is truly inspiring.Of course, the facts of our lives tell a somewhat sad story.We have a very hard time making love last.The divorce rate in the U.S.is still around 50 percent.That figure doesn't even cover the many couples that live together without marriage and whose unions are even more likely to dissolve.Relationships fail because people have the misconception about what to expect in marriage.The fantasy is that everything will be wonderful as long as you find the perfect person-your missing half.But marriage is a team sport.It's one team with two people, with two different minds.The difficulty is that these two people disagree all the time.They need to know nondestructive ways of expressing differences and must also be prepared for the inevitable disappointments that come from living with another person.我们都知道,我们生活中最强大的力量是爱。除了能提供给我们温暖灵魂的陪伴,爱的情感能真正地鼓舞人心。当然,生活中的事实讲述了有点悲哀的故事,最后到了难以制造爱的地步。美国的离婚率仍然在50%。这个数字还不包括未婚同居的和很有可能要解体的婚姻。婚姻关系之所以失败,是因为人们对婚姻的期望值有所误解。人们幻想只要找到了那个完美的人---你缺失的另一半,万事都是完美的。但是,婚姻只是一个团体游戏。这个团队里,两个人,两种不同的思想。困难在于这两个人一直都不合。他们需要找到表达不同意见的非破坏性的方式,同时也必须接受和另一个人共同生活中难以避免的失望。

第二篇:研究生 英语翻译

Let children learn to judge their own work.A child learning to talk does not learn by being corrected all the time: if corrected too much, he will stop talking.He notices a thousand times a day the difference between the language he uses and the language those around him use.Bit by bit, he makes the necessary changes to make his language like other people’s.In the same way, children learning to do all the other things they learn to do without being taught — to walk, run, climb, whistle, ride a bicycle — compare their own performances with those of more skilled people, and slowly make the needed changes.But in school we never give a child a chance to find out his mistakes for himself, let alone correct them.We do it all for him.We act as if we thought that he would never notice a mistake unless it was pointed out to him, or correct it unless he was made to.Soon he becomes dependent on the teacher.Let him do it himself.Let him work out, with the help of other children if he wants it, what this word says, what the answer is to that problem, whether this is a good way of saying or doing this or not

If it is a matter of right answers, as it may be in mathematics or science, give him the answer book.Let him correct his own papers.Why should we teachers waste time on such routine work? Our job should be to help the child when he tells us that he can’t find the way to get the right answer.Let’s end all this nonsense of grades, exams, marks.Let us throw them all out, and let the children learn what all educated persons must some day learn, how to measure their own understanding, how to know what they know or do not know.

















消息来源: 时间:2009-10-14 10:14:54 中国科学技术大学管理学院拥有十余年开展MBA、MPA专业学位教育的经验,目前上述各类研究生已毕业2600余人,毕业生普遍受到社会和用人单位的好评。各学位点在国务院学位办组织的教学评估中均获得较高评价。

近年来,项目管理已渗透到国民经济各个领域和各类组织之中,大量应用领域急需精通项目管理方法、解决实际问题能力强、擅长项目决策与运作的高级项目管理人才。项目管理工程硕士(Master of Project Management, 简称MPM)教育致力于培养从事项目决策、计划、实施、评估等项目全寿命期管理工作的复合型、应用型高级工程管理人才;主要涉及信息工程、制造工程、建设工程、国防工程、金融工程、农业工程、国际项目等诸多行业项目和相关服务项目。■ 招生人数:80人。

■ 培养目标:能独立从事各类工程管理领域项目决策和评估、项目融资、项目组织、项目实施和控制、项目风险管理、项目团队管理等工作;具有战略意识,能够适应全球化竞争的高级复合型、应用型人才。

■ 报考条件:国民教育序列大学本科毕业后工作三年或国民教育序列大学专科毕业后工作五年。工龄计算截至2010年9月1日。

■ 报名程序:网上报名、现场确认、资格审查等环节。网报时间:2009年10月16-31日。网报地址:http://yz.chsi.com.cn或http://yz.chsi.cn

■ 入学考试:入学考试包括初试和复试。首先,获准报考者,需参加全国研究生入学统考。考试时间2010年1月下旬,具体时间及考试地点以准考证为准;考试科目包括:政治理论(100分)、英语二(100分)、数学二(100分)、管理学(100分)。各科考试时间均为三小时;其次,初试合格者须参加我校组织的复试,按总成绩择优录取。2010年9月入学。■ 复试分数:复试分数线由本校自主划定。

■ 学习时间:基本学制三年,优异者可申请二年毕业。上课方式可选择全日制或周末上课。■ 专业方向:项目决策与评估、项目风险管理、项目运作管理和国际项目管理等。

■ 学历学位:学完规定的学分,考试成绩合格,完成硕士学位论文并通过答辩者,由中国科大授予项目管理工程硕士毕业证书和项目管理工程硕士学位证书。■ 培养费用:全部学费2.6万元,分两次付清。

咨询电话:0551-3492022,3492103 联系人:罗老师、钱老师


消息来源: 时间:2009-10-14 10:16:56 MBA(Master Of Business Administration——工商管理硕士)教育最早产生于1908年的美国,上百年来培养了无数优秀企业家和各类精英人才,无论在校园还是在社会上,MBA都是一门显学,为有志之士提供了平步青云的第一个台阶。












咨询电话:0551-3492022,3492103 联系人:罗老师、钱老师


消息来源: 时间:2009-10-14 10:19:59 中国科大是全国首批的24所试办公共管理硕士(MPA)专业学位教育的高等院校之一。2001年开始招生,目前累计招收MPA研究生1500多人。


■ 招生人数:150人。

■ 培养目标:致力培养具有和谐管理理念与引领应用创新的公共事业领导者和管理者。■ 报考条件:国民教育序列大学本科毕业后工作三年或国民教育序列大学专科毕业后工作五年。工龄计算截至2010年9月1日。

■ 报名程序:网上报名、现场确认、资格审查等环节。网报时间:2009年10月16-31日。网报地址:http://yz.chsi.com.cn或http://yz.chsi.cn

■ 入学考试:入学考试包括初试和复试。首先,获准报考者需参加全国研究生入学统考,考试时间为2010年1月下旬(具体时间和地点以准考证为准),考试科目为英语二(100分)和综合能力(200分),两科考试时间均为3小时;其次,初试合格者需参加由中国科大自行组织的复试(复试内容主要包括政治理论、英语应用能力、心理素质、专业知识、综合能力等)。初试和复试成绩加总后择优录取,2010年9月入学。■ 复试分数:复试分数线由本校自主划定。

■ 学习时间:基本学制三年,优异者可申请二年毕业。上课方式可选择周末上课或月度集中上课。■ 专业方向:科技政策与管理、公共安全与管理、公共事务管理、区域战略管理、廉政管理等。■ 学历学位:学完规定的学分,考试成绩合格,并完成硕士学位论文和通过答辩者,由中国科大授予公共管理硕士毕业证书和公共管理硕士学位证书。■ 培养费用:全部学费3万元,分两次付清。

咨询电话:0551-3492022,3492103 联系人:罗老师、钱老师


消息来源: 时间:2010-10-22 16:50:21










五、参考书目及试题覆盖范围: 348 文博综合 参考书目

《中国考古学通论》,张之恒主编,南京大学出版社,2009; 《科技考古学概论》,赵丛苍等,高等教育出版社,2006; 《博物馆技术》,格林.汤姆森,吉林大学出版社,1989。(点击http://yz.ustc.edu.cn/userfiles/201010/***1968.pdf下载)


点击 http://yz.ustc.edu.cn/article_288.htm下载。


中国科学技术大学文物与博物馆硕士专业学位中心 联系电话:0551-3602484,3602861 E-mail:zhaist@ustc.edu.cn 联系人:翟老师




消息来源: 时间:2010-10-20 15:57:49




中国科学技术大学新闻与传播专业学位点主要依托中国科学技术大学科技传播与科技政策系开展,招收新闻与传播全日制专业学位硕士。新闻与传播硕士(英文名称为“Master of Journalism and Communication”,简称:MJC)的培养目标是:培养具备良好的政治思想素质和职业道德素养,具有现代新闻传播理念与国际化视野,深入了解中国基本国情,熟练掌握新闻传播技能与方法的高层次、应用型新闻传播专门人才。

★ 招生人数


★ 接受推荐免试生 我校新闻与传播专业学位点面向全国新闻与传播类专业应届本科毕业生招收推荐免试生,接收推免生名额为5人。凡获得所在院校推荐免试资格、符合报考专业要求的应届本科毕业生均可申请。申请人请完整阅读本招生简章,详情点击查阅中国科学技术大学研究生院主页(http://gradschool.ustc.edu.cn/),按照相关要求申请。

★ 参加全国统一考试考生:















考试包括初试和复试两个阶段。初试为国家统考,时间: 2011年1月左右(具体见教育部有关报名公告通知),考试科目如下 :





专业考试参考书目:《传播理论:起源、方法与应用》,沃纳塞·佛林等著华夏出版社 2001 《传播学教程》,郭庆光著中国人民大学出版社,1999 《新闻学概论》,李良荣著复旦大学出版社 2003 《新闻采访与写作》,丁柏铨主编高等教育出版社 2004 复试时间一般在3月下旬,获得复试资格的考生应在复试前到中国科学技术大学研究生院网页(http://gradschool.ustc.edu.cn/)下载相关表格,按规定时间提供可以证明自身研究潜能的各种材料。符合复试基本要求的同等学力考生须笔试两门所报考专业的本科主干课程。具体复试科目请关注中国科学技术大学新闻与传播专业学位中心http://mjc.ustc.edu.cn 通过复试的考生,根据相关通知参加入学体检。









中国科学技术大学新闻与传播专业学位中心 电话:0551–3602620;3607132 联系人:李老师、于老师

地址:安徽省合肥市包河区金寨路96号 中国科学技术大学 223楼 邮编:230026

安 徽 大 学







三、报名办法 第一步 网上报名:所有报考者须满足所报考学位类别应具备的条件,在网上填写报名信息前,报考者要进行资格自审,必须认真阅读所报考学位类别应具备的条件,确定自己是否符合报考资格。如不满足相关条件或提供虚假信息,即使报名参加了考试,我校不予录取,责任由考生自负。符合报考条件的报考考生在7月1日至14日期间登录“中国学位与研究生教育信息网”(以下简称“学位网”,http://www.xiexiebang.com),按要求填写、提交报名信息和本人电子照片。考生网上报名成功后,打印报名系统生成的《2011年在职人员攻读硕士学位报名登记表》。

第二步 现场确认:在7月15日至18日,到各省级学位与研究生教育主管部门指定地点(网上报名成功后会有具体地点信息提示)缴纳报名费、校验身份证件、签字确认报考信息。现场确认时,考生须持规定的身份证件(第二代居民身份证或护照)至现场确认点,由工作人员核验,通过第二代居民身份证鉴别仪验证报名信息,并拷贝第二代居民身份证内数码照片文件(持护照者除外),本人在报名系统打印生成的《2011年在职人员攻读硕士学位报名登记表》上签字确认。报名信息一经签字确认,一律不得更改。

第三步 资格审查:考试成绩发布后,通过我校公布的复试分数线的考生登录学位网下载本人《2011年在职人员攻读硕士学位全国联考资格审查表》,本人签名后将该表交所在单位人事部门(或档案管理部门),核准表中内容、填写推荐意见,并在电子照片上加盖单位人事部门公章。考生应于复试报到时到我校进行资格审查,复试报到时间约在2011年12月中下旬,具体时间请关注本网站通知。届时须出示以下材料:




四、考试科目 入学考试分为初试和复试两个部分。




全国联考的时间为2011年10月29日、30日。考试地点见准考证(说明: 现场确认工作完成后,省级学位与研究生教育主管部门检查汇总有效报名数据,为考生编制准考证,并将相应数据回传至学位网。10月15日后,考生可在学位网下载准考证,准考证不再寄发)。









安 徽 大 学









第一步 网上报名:所有报考者须满足所报考学位类别应具备的条件,在网上填写报名信息前,报考者要进行资格自审,必须认真阅读所报考学位类别应具备的条件,确定自己是否符合报考资格。如不满足相关条件或提供虚假信息,即使报名参加了考试,我校不予录取,责任由考生自负。符合报考条件的报考考生在7月1日至14日期间登录“中国学位与研究生教育信息网”(以下简称“学位网”,http://www.xiexiebang.com),按要求填写、提交报名信息和本人电子照片。考生网上报名成功后,打印报名系统生成的《2011年在职人员攻读硕士学位报名登记表》。

第二步 现场确认:在7月15日至18日,到各省级学位与研究生教育主管部门指定地点(网上报名成功后会有具体地点信息提示)缴纳报名费、校验身份证件、签字确认报考信息。现场确认时,考生须持规定的身份证件(第二代居民身份证或护照)至现场确认点,由工作人员核验,通过第二代居民身份证鉴别仪验证报名信息,并拷贝第二代居民身份证内数码照片文件(持护照者除外),本人在报名系统打印生成的《2011年在职人员攻读硕士学位报名登记表》上签字确认。报名信息一经签字确认,一律不得更改。

第三步 资格审查:考试成绩发布后,通过我校公布的复试分数线的考生登录学位网下载本人《2011年在职人员攻读硕士学位全国联考资格审查表》,本人签名后将该表交所在单位人事部门(或档案管理部门),核准表中内容、填写推荐意见,并在电子照片上加盖单位人事部门公章(政府部门管理人员须由省级人事部门签署推荐意见)。考生应于复试报到时到我校进行资格审查,复试报到时间约在2011年12月中下旬,具体时间请关注本网站通知。届时须出示以下材料:









全国联考的时间为2011年10月29日、30日。考试地点见准考证(说明: 现场确认工作完成后,省级学位与研究生教育主管部门检查汇总有效报名数据,为考生编制准考证,并将相应数据回传至学位网。10月15日后,考生可在学位网下载准考证,准考证不再寄发)。





























-----------南通乔际第三方教育 陈老师



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