
时间:2019-05-12 16:30:16下载本文作者:会员上传



2012年即将到来之际,美国总统奥巴马发表新年贺词称,新的一年将迎来“艰难的争论”和“困难的斗争”,但他真心希望美国人民会团结一心发展经济,并加强中产阶级的力量。With the New Year just around the corner, President Obama said there will be “difficult debates” and “tough fights” ahead but that he’s hopeful the American people will come together to grow the economy and strengthen the middle class.奥巴马在夏威夷与家人度假时发表每周演讲说:“毫无疑问,2012年会带来更多变革。在我们迈向新年时,我真心希望我们能够应对这些变革,并且变得更加强大,发展经济,创造就业,加强中产阶级的力量。”

“There’s no doubt that 2012 will bring even more change,” the president said in his weekly address from Hawaii, where he’s vacationing with his family.“As we head into the New Year, I’m hopeful that we have what it takes to face that change and come out even stronger – to grow our economy, create more jobs, and strengthen the middle class.”

奥巴马继续将2012年描述为对中产阶级来说“成败攸关”的一年,解释说:“在未来几个月里我们的行动将决定美国成为什么样的国家,以及我们希望子孙在怎样的世界中成长。” Obama continued to describe the year to come as a “make-or-break” moment for the middle class, explaining “the actions we take in the months ahead will help determine what kind of country we want to be, and what kind of world we want our children and grandchildren to grow up in.”


The president said he’s optimistic about the upcoming year, in part because of the way lawmakers came together to extend the payroll tax cut and because the American public got involved.“It was good to see members of Congress do the right thing for millions of working Americans.But it was only possible because you added your voices to the debate,” he said as he enlisted Americans’ help in the challenges ahead.“You had the courage to believe that your voices could make a difference.And at the end of the day, they made all the difference.” 奥巴马祝美国民众“新年快乐”。他说:“我相信,只要我们团结一致,让美国政府官员知道什么才是最重要的,我们就能让国家继续前进,并保证每个美国人都能得到应得的机会。” “I’m confident that if we work together, and if you keep reminding folks in Washington what’s at stake, then we will move this country forward and guarantee every American the opportunities they deserve,” Obama said as he wished Americans a “happy new year.”


Weekly Address: Democrats and Republicans Have Shared Responsibility to

Move America Forward

President Barack Obama Weekly Address The White House January 1, 2011


Hello, everybody.As we close the books on one year and begin another, I wanted to take a moment today to wish you a very Happy New Year and talk a little bit about the year that lies ahead.At the start of 2011, we’re still just emerging from a once-in-a-lifetime recession that’s taken a terrible toll on millions of families.We all have friends and neighbors trying to get their lives back on track.We are, however, riding a few months of economic news that suggests our recovery is gaining traction.And our most important task now is to keep that recovery going.As President, that’s my commitment to you: to do everything I can to make sure our economy is growing, creating jobs, and strengthening our middle class.That’s my resolution for the coming year.Still, even as we work to boost our economy in the short-term, it’s time to make some serious decisions about how to keep our economy strong, growing, and competitive in the long run.We have to look ahead – not just to this year, but to the next 10 years, and the next 20 years.Where will new innovations come from? How will we attract the companies of tomorrow to set up shop and create jobs in our communities? What will it take to get those jobs? What will it take to out-compete other countries around the world? What will it take to see the American Dream come true for our children and grandchildren?

Our parents and grandparents asked themselves those questions.And because they had the courage to answer them, we’ve had the good fortune to grow up in the greatest nation on Earth.Now it’s our turn to think about the future.In a few days, a new Congress will form, with one house controlled by Democrats, and one house controlled by Republicans – who now have a shared responsibility to move this country forward.And here’s what I want you to know: I’m willing to work with anyone of either party who’s got a good idea and the commitment to see it through.And we should all expect you to hold us accountable for our progress or our failure to deliver.As I’ve said since I first ran for this office, solving our challenges won’t be quick or easy.We have come through a difficult decade;one of new threats and new trials we didn’t expect when it began.But a new year and a new decade stretch out before us.And if we just remember what America is capable of, and live up to that legacy, then I’m confident that we are poised for a period of progress – one in which our economy is growing, our standing in the world is rising, and we do what it takes to make sure America remains in the 21st century what it was in the 20th: the greatest country in the world.












MP3: http://www.xiexiebang.come in the new year, by joining together, we can continue to help grow the economy and create jobs across the country.President Obama will keep working to ensure that everyone has a fair shot and does their fair share, and as we enter into 2012, all Americans should remind Washington of what is at stake for the middle class.By adding their voices to the debate, Americans have already proven that they can make a difference, and in the new year, we can continue to work together to put the country first and help every American find the opportunities they deserve.Hello, everybody.As 2011 comes to an end and we look ahead to 2012, I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.The last year has been a time of great challenge and great progress for our country.We ended one war and began to wind down another.We dealt a crippling blow to al-Qaeda and made America more secure.We stood by our friends and allies around the world through natural disasters and revolutions.And we began to see signs of economic recovery here at home, even as too many Americans are still struggling to get ahead.There’s no doubt that 2012 will bring even more change.And as we head into the New Year, I’m hopeful that we have what it takes to face that change and come out even stronger – to grow our economy, create more jobs, and strengthen the middle class.I’m hopeful because of what we saw right before Christmas, when Members of Congress came together to prevent a tax hike for 160 million Americans – saving a typical family about $40 in every paycheck.They also made sure Americans looking for work won’t see their unemployment insurance cut off.And I expect Congress to finish the job by extending these provisions through the end of 2012.It was good to see Members of Congress do the right thing for millions of working Americans.But it was only possible because you added your voices to the debate.Through email and Twitter and over the phone, you let your representatives know what was at stake.Your lives.Your families.Your well-being.You had the courage to believe that your voices could make a difference.And at the end of the day, they made all the difference.More than anything else, you are the ones who make me hopeful about 2012.Because we’ve got some difficult debates and some tough fights to come.As I’ve said before, we are at a make-or-break moment for the middle class.And in many ways, the actions we take in the months ahead will help determine what kind of country we want to be, and what kind of world we want our children and grandchildren to grow up in.As President, I promise to do everything I can to make America a place where hard work and responsibility are rewarded – one where everyone has a fair shot and everyone does their fair share.That’s the America I believe in.That’s the America we’ve always known.And I’m confident that if we work together, and if you keep reminding folks in Washington what’s at stake, then we will move this country forward and guarantee every American the opportunities they deserve.Thanks for watching, and from Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo and myself, Happy New Year.



Working Together in the New Year

Hello everybody.As 2011 comes to an end and we look ahead to 2012, I want to wish everyone a happy and healthy New Year.大家好!2011接近尾声,2012马上来临。值此新春之际,我祝愿大家新年快乐,健康幸福!

The last year has been a time of great challenge and great progress for our country.We ended one war and began to wind down another.We dealt a crippling blow to al-Qaeda and made America more secure.We stood by our friends and allies around the world through natural disasters and revolutions.And we began to see signs of economic recovery here at home, even as too many Americans are still struggling to get ahead.过去的一年我们国家遇到了很大的挑战也取得了很大的成就。我们结束了一场战争,另一场也接近尾声。我们重创了基地组织,让美国更加安宁。我们与全球的伙伴和盟友们一起面对自然灾害和变革。尽管还有很多的人依然要艰苦支撑,但我们很欣慰的看到美国的经济有了复苏的迹象。

There's no doubt that 2012 will bring even more change.And as we head into the New Year, I'm hopeful that we have what it takes to face that change and come out even stronger – to grow our economy, create more jobs, and strengthen the middle class.毫无疑问,2012将带来更多改变。在我们进入新年之际,我真心希望我们能应对这些改变,而且变得更加强大——促进经济增长,创造就业,巩固中产阶级地位。I'm hopeful because of what we saw right before Christmas, when Members of Congress came together to prevent a tax hike for 160 million Americans – saving a typical family about $40 in every paycheck.They also made sure Americans looking for work won't see their unemployment insurance cut off.And I expect Congress to finish the job by extending these provisions through the end of 2012.我之所以充满希望,是因为我们看到在圣诞节前,国会议员一起努力避免1.6亿美国人民的税负上升——这为一般家庭在每份薪水单上节省了40美元。他们还确保了美国人民在失业时的保险不被终止。我期待着国会能在2012年将这些工作完成好。It was good to see Members of Congress do the right thing for millions of working Americans.But it was only possible because you added your voices to the debate.Through email and Twitter and over the phone, you let your representatives know what was at stake.Your lives.Your families.Your well-being.You had the courage to believe that your voices could make a difference.And at the end of the day, they made all the difference.很高兴能看到国会议员们为千百万工薪人员做些好事情。但这是因为有你们参加的辩论,发表了自己的意见,这一切才成为可能。通过电邮、推特、或电话,你们让你们的代表知道什么才是最重要的。那就是你们的生命、你们的家庭和你们的幸福。你们有勇气相信自己的声音会带来改变。在一天结束时,这些让一切都发生了改变。More than anything else, you are the ones who make me hopeful about 2012.Because we've got some difficult debates and some tough fights to come.As I've said before, we are at a make-or-break moment for the middle class.And in many ways, the actions we take in the months ahead will help determine what kind of country we want to be, and what kind of world we want our children and grandchildren to grow up in.更重要的是,你们让我对2012充满期待。因为我们还将面临很多艰难的辩论和艰苦的斗争。如同以前我所说过的,我们处在对中产阶级而言不成则败的关键时期。从许多方面来说,在未来几个月里我们的行动将决定我们将成为什么样的国家,以及我们希望我们的子孙在什么样的世界中成长。

As President, I promise to do everything I can to make America a place where hard work and responsibility are rewarded – one where everyone has a fair shot and everyone does their fair share.That's the America I believe in.That's the America we've always known.And I'm confident that if we work together, and if you keep reminding folks in Washington what's at stake, then we will move this country forward and guarantee every American the opportunities they deserve.作为总统,我承诺我将竭尽全力让美国成为辛勤劳动和责任心受到奖励的地方——成为每个人都享有公平的机会并承担公平的义务的地方。这是我所信赖的美国。这也是大家所熟知的美国。我相信,只要我们团结一致,让华盛顿知道什么才是最重要的,那么,我们就能让国家继续前进,并保证每个美国人都能得到应得的机会。Thanks for watching, and from Michelle, Malia, Sasha, Bo and myself, Happy New Year





Promoting the wellbeing of the world's people together

--2011 New Year Speech delivered by Hu Jintao, President of the People's Republic

of China December 31, 2010

女士们,先生们,同志们、朋友们,Ladies and gentlemen, comrades and friends,新年钟声即将敲响,人类就要进入2011年。在这辞旧迎新的美好时刻,我很高兴通过中国国际广播电台、中央人民广播电台和中央电视台,向全国各族人民,向香港特别行政区同胞、澳门特别行政区同胞、台湾同胞和海外侨胞,向世界各国的朋友们,致以新年的祝福!

The New Year's bell is about to ring, and 2011 will soon begin.At this beautiful moment of bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new, via China Radio International, China National Radio and China Central Television, I am delighted to extend New Year greetings to Chinese of all ethnic groups, to compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao Special Administrative Regions and Taiwan, to overseas Chinese and to friends all over the world!


The year of 2010 has been a very unusual and uncommon one for the Chinese people.Facing difficult domestic and international situations, Chinese people of all ethnic groups united in one heart and one mind, with perseverance, successfully dealt with the disasters brought about by the Yushu earthquake in Qinghai Province and the Zhouqu mudslide in Gansu Province.We successfully held Shanghai World Expo and Guangzhou Asian Games.We maintained a stable and relatively fast economic growth, and successfully completed the goals set up in the 11th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development.The living standard of the Chinese people has been further improved.The economic strength and the overall national strength have been further strengthened.The Chinese people conducted friendly exchanges and pragmatic cooperation with the rest of the world, actively participated in efforts by the international community to deal with the global financial crisis, climate change, and nuclear safety, and made further contributions to world peace and development.在这里,我谨代表中国政府和人民,向今年以来在各方面给予我们大力支持的各国政府和人民,表示衷心的感谢!

Here on behalf of the Chinese government and people, I would like to express the most sincere thanks to the governments and people of all the countries that have supported us in the past year!

2011年是中国进入―十二五‖时期的开局之年。在新的一年里,中国人民将继续高举中国特色社会主义伟大旗帜,以邓小平理论和―三个代表‖ 重要思想为指导,深入贯彻落实科学发展观,以科学发展为主题,以加快转变经济发展方式为主线,实施积极的财政政策和稳健的货币政策,加快推进经济结构调整,着力保障和改善民生,不断深化改革开放,保持经济平稳较快发展,促进社会和谐稳定。我们将坚持―一国两制‖、―港人治港‖、―澳人治澳‖、高度自治的方针,紧紧依靠广大香港同胞、澳门同胞,努力保持香港、澳门长期繁荣稳定。我们将坚持―和平统一、一国两制‖的方针,牢牢把握两岸关系和平发展主题,继续推进两岸交流合作,不断造福两岸同胞。

The year 2011 marks the beginning of China's implementation of the 12th Five-Year Plan for Economic and Social Development.In the upcoming year, we will unswervingly uphold the great banner of socialism with Chinese characteristics, deepen the implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development under the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the important thought of Three Represents, pursue a path of scientific development, accelerate the change of development mode and structural adjustment, and maintain a proactive fiscal and stable monetary policy.We will pay more attention to deepening the reform and opening up and further improving people's welfare.We will make overall plans to guarantee a stable and relatively fast economic growth and social harmony and stability.We will uphold the principles of “one country, two systems”, “Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong” and “Macao people governing Macao” with a high degree of autonomy.We will work together with our compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao to maintain long-term prosperity and stability in the two Special Administrative Regions.We will adhere to the Principles of “peaceful reunification and one country, two systems”, and firmly grasp the theme of cross-Straits relations and peaceful development, strengthen the cross-Straits exchanges and cooperation, and bring continuous well-being to compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait.当前,世界多极化、经济全球化深入发展,科技创新孕育新突破,但世界经济复苏进程仍将艰难曲折,气候变化、能源资源安全、粮食安全、公共卫生安全等全球性问题更加突出,国际和地区热点问题此起彼伏,世界和平与发展面临的机遇和挑战都前所未有。加强国际合作,携手应对人类共同面临的严峻挑战,符合各国人民共同利益。借此机会,我愿重申,中国将继续高举和平、发展、合作旗帜,坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,始终不渝走和平发展道路,始终不渝奉行互利共赢的开放战略,在和平共处五项原则的基础上积极发展同各国的友好交往和互利合作,积极参与应对全球性问题的国际合作,继续同各国人民一道推动建设持久和平、共同繁荣的和谐世界。

At present, the world is moving further towards multi-polarity and globalization while the innovation of science an technology is brewing new breakthroughs.But, at the same time, the recovery of world economy is still facing many hardships;global issues such as climate change, energy, resources, food and public sanitary security are prominent;and international and regional hot spots are popping up.World peace and development face grave challenges.To strengthen global cooperation and meet the challenges in a joint way is to the best interest of the people of all countries.I would like to take this opportunity to reaffirm that China will uphold the banner of peace, development and cooperation and adhere to an independent and peaceful foreign policy.We will unswervingly take the road of peaceful development and implement a strategy of opening up for mutual benefit and win-win situation, actively develop friendly cooperation with all countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, actively participate in efforts by the international community to deal with the global issues, and strive to build a harmonious world with lasting peace and common prosperity.此时此刻,世界上还有不少民众经受着战火、贫困、疾病、自然灾害等带来的苦难。中国人民对他们的不幸遭遇抱着深深的同情,衷心希望他们早日摆脱困境。中国人民将一如既往向他们提供力所能及的帮助。我相信,只要各国人民携手努力,世界发展前景一定会更加美好,各国人民福祉一定会不断增进。

At this moment on this planet we inhabit, there are still people who are suffering the effects of war, poverty, sickness and natural disasters.The Chinese people have great sympathy for their pain, and are always willing to do all we can to help them overcome the difficulties.I believe, with sustained efforts of people of all countries, the world is sure to progress, and humanity's well-being is certain to improve.最后,我从北京祝大家在新的一年里幸福安康!

Finally, from here in Beijing, I would like to wish you all happiness, peace and health in the New Year!



THE PRESIDENT: Well, good morning, everyone.AUDIENCE: Good morning.THE PRESIDENT: We are gathered in the heart of our nation’s capital, surrounded by memorials to leaders and citizens who served our nation in its earliest days and in its days of greatest trial.Today is such a time for America.Over the past two years, we have faced the worst recession since the Great Depression.Eight million people lost their jobs.Tens of millions saw the value of their homes and retirement savings plummet.Countless businesses have been unable to get the loans they need and many have been forced to shut their doors.And although the economy is growing again, too many people are still feeling the pain of the downturn.Now, while a number of factors led to such a severe recession, the primary cause was a breakdown in our financial system.It was a crisis born of a failure of responsibility from certain corners of Wall Street to the halls of power in Washington.For years, our financial sector was governed by antiquated and poorly enforced rules that allowed some to game the system and take risks that endangered the entire economy.Unscrupulous lenders locked consumers into complex loans with hidden costs.Firms like AIG placed massive, risky bets with borrowed money.And while the rules left abuse and excess unchecked, they also left taxpayers on the hook if a big bank or financial institution ever failed.Now, even before the crisis hit, I went to Wall Street and I called for common-sense reforms to protect consumers and our economy as a whole.And soon after taking office, I proposed a set of reforms to empower consumers and investors, to bring the shadowy deals that caused this crisis into the light of day, and to put a stop to taxpayer bailouts once and for all.(Applause.)Today, thanks to a lot of people in this room, those reforms will become the law of the land.For the last year, Chairmen Barney Frank and Chris Dodd have worked day and night--(applause)--Barney and Chris have worked day and night to bring about this reform.And I am profoundly grateful to them.I would be remiss if I didn't also express my appreciation to Senator Harry Reid and Speaker Nancy Pelosi for their leadership.It wouldn’t have happened without them.(Applause.)Passing this bill was no easy task.To get there, we had to overcome the furious lobbying of an array of powerful interest groups and a partisan minority determined to block change.So the members who are here today, both on the stage and in the audience, they have done a great service in devoting so much time and expertise to this effort, to looking out for the public interests and not the special interests.(Applause.)And I also want to thank the three Republican senators who put partisanship aside--(applause)--judged this bill on the merits, and voted for reform.We’re grateful to them.(Applause.)And the Republican House members.(Applause.)Good to see you, Joe.(Applause.)Now, let’s put this in perspective.The fact is, the financial industry is central to our nation’s ability to grow, to prosper, to compete and to innovate.There are a lot of banks that understand and fulfill this vital role, and there are a whole lot of bankers who want to do right--and do right--by their customers.This reform will help foster innovation, not hamper it.It is designed to make sure that everybody follows the same set of rules, so that firms compete on price and quality, not on tricks and not on traps.It demands accountability and responsibility from everyone.It provides certainty to everybody, from bankers to farmers to business owners to consumers.And unless your business model depends on cutting corners or bilking your customers, you’ve got nothing to fear from reform.(Applause.)Now, for all those Americans who are wondering what Wall Street reform means for you, here’s what you can expect.If you’ve ever applied for a credit card, a student loan, or a mortgage, you know the feeling of signing your name to pages of barely understandable fine print.What often happens as a result is that many Americans are caught by hidden fees and penalties, or saddled with loans they can’t afford.That’s what happened to Robin Fox, hit with a massive rate increase on her credit card balance even though she paid her bills on time.That’s what happened to Andrew Giordano, who discovered hundreds of dollars in overdraft fees on his bank statement –-fees he had no idea he might face.Both are here today.Well, with this law, unfair rate hikes, like the one that hit Robin, will end for good.(Applause.)And we’ll ensure that people like Andrew aren’t unwittingly caught by overdraft fees when they sign up for a checking account.(Applause.)With this law, we’ll crack down on abusive practices in the mortgage industry.We’ll make sure that contracts are simpler-– putting an end to many hidden penalties and fees in complex mortgages-– so folks know what they’re signing.With this law, students who take out college loans will be provided clear and concise information about their obligations.And with this law, ordinary investors-– like seniors and folks saving for retirement –-will be able to receive more information about the costs and risks of mutual funds and other investment products, so that they can make better financial decisions as to what will work for them.So, all told, these reforms represent the strongest consumer financial protections in history.(Applause.)In history.And these protections will be enforced by a new consumer watchdog with just one job: looking out for people-– not big banks, not lenders, not investment houses-– looking out for people as they interact with the financial system.And that’s not just good for consumers;that’s good for the economy.Because reform will put a stop to a lot of the bad loans that fueled a debt-based bubble.And it will mean all companies will have to seek customers by offering better products, instead of more deceptive ones.Now, beyond the consumer protections I’ve outlined, reform will also rein in the abuse and excess that nearly brought down our financial system.It will finally bring transparency to the kinds of complex and risky transactions that helped trigger the financial crisis.Shareholders will also have a greater say on the pay of CEOs and other executives, so they can reward success instead of failure.And finally, because of this law, the American people will never again be asked to foot the bill for Wall Street’s mistakes.(Applause.)There will be no more tax-funded bailouts--period.(Applause.)If a large financial institution should ever fail, this reform gives us the ability to wind it down without endangering the broader economy.And there will be new rules to make clear that no firm is somehow protected because it is “too big to fail,” so we don’t have another AIG.That's what this reform will mean.Now, it doesn’t mean our work is over.For these new rules to be effective, regulators will have to be vigilant.We may need to make adjustments along the way as our financial system adapts to these new changes and changes around the globe.No law can force anybody to be responsible;it’s still incumbent on those on Wall Street to heed the lessons of this crisis in terms of how they conduct their businesses.The fact is every American-– from Main Street to Wall Street –-has a stake in our financial system.Wall Street banks and firms invest the capital that makes it possible for start-ups to sell new products.They provide loans to businesses to expand and to hire.They back mortgages for families purchasing a new home.That’s why we’ll all stand to gain from these reforms.We all win when investors around the world have confidence in our markets.We all win when shareholders have more power and more information.We all win when consumers are protected against abuse.And we all win when folks are rewarded based on how well they perform, not how well they evade accountability.In the end, our financial system only works –-our market is only free –-when there are clear rules and basic safeguards that prevent abuse, that check excess, that ensure that it is more profitable to play by the rules than to game the system.And that’s what these reforms are designed to achieve--no more, no less.Because that’s how we will ensure that our economy works for consumers, that it works for investors, that it works for financial institutions-– that it works for all of us.This is the central lesson not only of this crisis but of our history.Ultimately, there’s no dividing line between Main Street and Wall Street.We rise or fall together as one nation.So these reforms will help lift our economy and lead all of us to a stronger, more prosperous future.And that’s why I’m so honored to sign these reforms into law, and I’m so grateful to everybody who worked so hard to make this day possible.Thank you very much, everybody.(Applause.)(The bill is signed.)(Applause.)【相关中文报道】






With this law, we’ll crack down on abusive(辱骂的,滥用的)practices in the mortgage industry.We’ll make sure that contracts are simpler-– putting an end to many hidden penalties and fees in complex mortgages-– so folks know what they’re signing.With this law, students who take out college loans will be provided clear and concise information about their obligations.And with this law, ordinary investors-– like seniors and folks saving for retirement –-will be able to receive more information about the costs and risks of mutual funds and other investment products, so that they can make better financial decisions as to what will work for them.So, all told, these reforms represent the strongest consumer financial protections in history.(Applause.)In history.And these protections will be enforced by a new consumer watchdog with just one job: looking out for people-– not big banks, not lenders, not investment houses-– looking out for people as they interact with the financial system.And that’s not just good for consumers;that’s good for the economy.Because reform will put a stop to a lot of the bad loans that fueled a debt-based bubble.And it will mean all companies will have to seek customers by offering better products, instead of more deceptive(欺诈的,迷惑的)ones.Now, beyond the consumer protections I’ve outlined, reform will also rein in the abuse and excess that nearly brought down our financial system.It will finally bring transparency to the kinds of complex and risky transactions that helped trigger the financial crisis.Shareholders will also have a greater say on the pay of CEOs and other executives, so they can reward success instead of failure.And finally, because of this law, the American people will never again be asked to foot the bill(负担费用)for Wall Street’s mistakes.(Applause.)There will be no more tax-funded bailouts--period.(Applause.)If a large financial institution should ever fail, this reform gives us the ability to wind it down without endangering the broader economy.And there will be new rules to make clear that no firm is somehow protected because it is “too big to fail,” so we don’t have another AIG.That's what this reform will mean.Now, it doesn’t mean our work is over.For these new rules to be effective, regulators will have to be vigilant(警惕的,注意的).We may need to make adjustments along the way as our financial system adapts to these new changes and changes around the globe.No law can force anybody to be responsible;it’s still incumbent on those on Wall Street to heed the lessons of this crisis in terms of how they conduct their businesses.The fact is every American-– from Main Street to Wall Street –-has a stake in our financial system.Wall Street banks and firms invest the capital that makes it possible for start-ups to sell new products.They provide loans to businesses to expand and to hire.They back mortgages for families purchasing a new home.That’s why we’ll all stand to gain from these reforms.We all win when investors around the world have confidence in our markets.We all win when shareholders have more power and more information.We all win when consumers are protected against abuse.And we all win when folks are rewarded based on how well they perform, not how well they evade(逃避)accountability.In the end, our financial system only works –-our market is only free –-when there are clear rules and basic safeguards that prevent abuse, that check excess, that ensure that it is more profitable to play by the rules than to game the system.And that’s what these reforms are designed to achieve--no more, no less.Because that’s how we will ensure that our economy works for consumers, that it works for investors, that it works for financial institutions-– that it works for all of us.This is the central lesson not only of this crisis but of our history.Ultimately, there’s no dividing line between Main Street and Wall Street.We rise or fall together as one nation.So these reforms will help lift our economy and lead all of us to a stronger, more prosperous future.And that’s why I’m so honored to sign these reforms into law, and I’m so grateful to everybody who worked so hard to make this day possible.Thank you very much, everybody.(Applause.)(The bill is signed.)(Applause.)END 11:48 A.M.EDT




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