
时间:2019-05-12 21:41:18下载本文作者:会员上传



41.That trumpet player was certainly loud.But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness ____ by his lack of talent.

A.so much asB.rather thanC.asD.than

答案:A参考译文:那个喇叭手的确引人注意,但与其说我讨厌他的吵闹,倒不如说他没天分。试题分析:本题考查的是固定搭配的用法。详细解答:not so much „as意为“与其说是,倒不如说是”。故选项A为正确答案。

42.____, I’ll marry him all the same.

A.Was he rich or poorB.Whether rich or poor

C.Were he rich or poorD.Be he rich or poor

答案:D参考译文:无论他贫贱与否,我都会嫁给他。试题分析:本题为语法题,考查的是虚拟语气的固定用法详细解答:Be he rich or poor 相当于whether he is rich or poor。故选项D为正确答案。

43.The government has promised to do ____ lies in its power to ease the hardships of the victims in the flood-stricken area.



44.____ if I had arrived yesterday without letting you know beforehand? 

A.Would you be surprisedB.Were you surprised

C.Had you been surprisedD.Would you have been surprised答案:A参考译文:如果昨天没有提前通知你,我就来了,你会觉得奇怪吗?试题分析:本题考查的是虚拟语气的用法。详细解答:这是一个错综时间条件句。条件从句表示的动作和主句表示的动作,发生的时间是不一致的,动词的形式要根据表示的时间来调整。

45.If not ____ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.

A.being treatedB.treated

C.be treatedD.having been treated

答案:B参考译文:如果没有受到他觉得应得的尊敬,杰克的脾气就会变得很坏,并且不停地抱怨。试题分析:本题考查的是非谓语动词的用法。详细解答:条件状语从句中的主语和谓语动词被省略了,全句应为 “If(Jack is)not treated„”.故选项B为正确答案。

46.It is imperative that students ____ their term papers on time.1

A.hand inB.would hand in 

C.have to hand inD.handed in

答案:A参考译文:学生必须按时上交他们的终期论文。试题分析:本题考查的是虚拟语气。详细解答:It is imperative/necessary/important 等结构后的主语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气,should加动词原形,should可省。

47.The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, ____ to the truck

A.the greater stress isB.greater is the stress

C.the stress is greaterD.the greater the stress

47.答案:A参考译文:地表和载满货物卡车的接触面越小,卡车的压力就越大。试题分析:本题考查的是形容词的固定搭配。详细解答:the more/less „ the more 句型,表示“ „越 „,„就越 „”。故选项A为正确答案。

48.The Minister of Finance is believed ____ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.

A.that he is thinkingB.to be thinking

C.that he is to thinkD.to think

答案:B参考译文:人们认为财政部长正在考虑通过征收新税来增加政府的额外岁入。试题分析:本题考查的是非谓语动词的用法。详细解答:用动词不定式的现在进行时:to be doing,意为“正在考虑”。

49.Issues of price, place, promotion, and product are ____ conventional concerns in planning marketing strategies.

A.these of the mostB.most of those

C.among the mostD.among the many of

答案:C参考译文:价格,地点,促销,产品,是营销策略计划中最常规的考虑因素。试题分析:本题考查介词among的用法。详细解答:among the most conventional concerns是指“包括最常规的考虑因素”。又如:among the largest cities是指“最大城市之一”。

50.____ both sides accept the agreement ____ a lasting peace be established in this region.A.Only if, willB.If only, would

C.Should, willD.Unless, would

51.Mr Wells, together with all the members of his family, ____ for Europe this afternoon.

A.are to leaveB.are leavingC.is leavingD.leave 答案:A参考译文:只有双方都接受和约,永久的和平才有、可能建立起来。详细解答:本题考查的是倒装结构的掌握。试题分析:only if意为“只有„„才„„”,如放在句首,句子须倒装 ;而if only意为“只要,要是„多好”。故选项A为正确答案。

答案:C参考译文:Mr Wells和他的家人下午要去欧洲。试题分析:本题考查的是主谓语一致。详细解答: 如果主语是单数,即使后面有with, together with, as well as, 等引起的短语,谓语动词还是用单数。

52.It was suggested that all government ministers should ____ information on their financial interests.


答案:D.参考译文:所有的部长都得公开关于他们财政税收的信息。试题分析:本题是动词近义词辨析题。详细解答:disclose意为 to make known publicly,“(公开的)说出,透露”;而discover意为“发现”;uncover意为“揭露,发现”,与discover意思接近。故选项D为正确答案。

53.As my exams are coming next week, I’ll take advantage of the weekend to ____ on some reading.

A.catch upB.clear upC.make upD.pick up

答案:A参考译文:下星期就要考试了,周末我会抽时间赶做些阅读。试题分析:本题考察的是动词词组的搭配。详细解答:catch up(on)赶上(进度);而选项B, C, D都不能和on搭配,clear up意为“解释;整理”;make up意为“捏造”;pick up意为“获得”。由此可知,选项A为正确答案。

54.I’m surprised they are no longer on speaking terms.It’s not like either of them to bear a ____


答案:C参考译文:我很惊奇他们竟然不再和对方说话了,他们都不像是那种记仇的人。试题分析:本题考查的是名词近义词的辨析。详细解答:grudge意为“怨恨,不满,嫌隙”,且bear a grudge/grudges意为“(对人)怀恨在心”,是固定搭配;而 disgust意为“厌恶,反感,作呕”;hatred意为“仇恨,憎恶”;curse意为“诅咒”。根据句意,选项C为正确答案。

55.Mary hopes to be ____ from hospital next week.

A.dismissedB.dischargedC.expelledD.resigned 答案:B参考译文:玛丽希望下星期出院。试题分析:本题考查的是动词近义词的辨析。详细解答:discharge意为“离开,放(某人)走”;而dismiss意为“派遣,解散”;expel意为“抵制”;resign意为“辞职”。根据句意,选项B为正确答案。

56.Once a picture is proved to be a forgery, it becomes quite ____.A.invaluableB.pricelessC.unworthyD.worthless

答案:D参考译文:一旦一张画被证明是赝品,它就不值钱了。试题分析:本题考查的是形容词辨析。详细解答;worthless意为“没有价值的”;而 invaluable意为“非常昂贵的,价值连城的”;priceless意为“无价的,贵重的”,故选项D为正确答案

57.Jimmy earns his living by ____ works of art in the museum.


答案:B参考译文:吉米靠修复在博物馆的艺术品来度日试题分析:本题考查的是动词辨析。详细解答: restore意为“(使)恢复原样,修复(健康,家具,艺术品)”:而


58.I couldn’t sleep last night because the tap in the bathroom was ____.



59.The book gives a brief ____ of the course of his research up till now.


答案:A参考译文:这本书给了我们一个关于他迄今为止所做研究的简单纲要。试题分析:本题考查的是名词近义词辨析。详细解答:outline意为“要点,纲要”;reference意为“参考”;frame意为”框架”;outlook意为 “前景”。根据句意,选项A为正确答案。

60.She was standing outside in the snow, ____ with cold.



61.All the rooms on the second floor have nicely ____ carpets, which are included in the price of the house.A.adaptedB.equippedC.suitedD.fitted

答案:D参考译文:二楼房间的地板都有详细解答:fitted意为fixed in place“装好的”;而adapted意为“适应的”,equipped意为“装配的”,suited意为“合适的,合身的”,根据句意,选项D为正确答案。

62.He plays tennis to the ____ of all other sports.


答案:B参考译文:他只打网球,其它的体育项目一律不参加。试题分析:本题考查的是固定搭配。详细解答:to the exclusion of意为“把„排斥在外”;而选项A, C, D都没有这种搭配用法。因此B项是正确答案。

63.She answered with an ____ “No” to the request that she attend the public hearing.A.eloquentB.effectiveC.emotionalD.emphatic

答案:D参考译文:她以断然的“不”拒绝了她出席听政会的要求。试题分析:本题考查的是形容词的辨析。详细解答:empathic意为“断然的,有力的”;eloquent意为“雄辩的”;effective意为“有效的”;emotional意为“情绪激动的,动人的”; 根据句意,选项D为正确答案。

64.Everyone who has visited the city agrees that it is ____ with life.


答案:A参考译文:每个游览过这个城市的人都觉得它充满生机。试题分析:本题考查的是形容词辨析。详细解答:vibrant意为有“活力的、活跃的”,如:a city vibrant with life;violent意为“侵犯的”;energetic意为“精力充沛的” 根据句意,选项A为正确答案。

65.We met Mary and her husband at a party two months ago.____ we’ve had no further communication.

A.ThereofB.TherebyC.ThereafterD.Thereabouts 答案:C参考译文:我是在两个月前的一个晚会上遇见玛利夫妇的,从那以后,我们就没有进一步联系了。试题分析:本题考查的是副词辨析。详细解答:thereafter 意为“从那后”; 而thereof意为“其”;thereby 意为“由此、因而”;thereabouts 意为“大约”.



41.She did her work _________her manager had instructed.A.asB.untilC.whenD.though 答案:A 【参考译文】她按照经理的指示办事。【试题分析】本题考查关系词的用法。【详细解答】 as可做关系词引导方式状语从句;until和when都引导时间状语从句;though引导让步状语从句。根据句意,此处应用关系词引导方式状语从句,故选项A为正确答案。

42._______ of the twins was arrested, because I saw both at a party last night.A.NoneB.BothC.NeitherD.All

答案:C【参考译文】那对双胞胎都没被捕,因为我昨晚在一个晚会上看见了他俩。【试题分析】本题考查代词的用法。【详细解答】根据句意,此处指那对双胞胎都没被捕,所以可排除B、D项; none表示“没有(人或物)”,后常跟of短语,作主语时谓语动词可用单数或复数形式;neither表示“(二者之中)哪个也不”,后跟of短语,作主语时谓语动词须用单数形式。此题中指双胞胎两个人中哪个也没被捕,故选项C为正确答案。

43.For some time now, world leaders _______ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.A.had been pointingB.have been pointing

C.were pointingD.pointed

答案:B【参考译文】一段时间以来,世界各国首脑一直在不断地指出达成武器裁减协议的必要性。【试题分析】本题为语法题,考查对时态的掌握。【详细解答】由句中时间状语“for some time now”可知,这里要用现在完成时;选项B为现在完成进行时,表示动作从过去某一时间一直持续到现在,故为正确答案。

44.Have you ever been in a situation ______ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him?

A.by whichB.thatC.in whereD.where



45.We’ve just installed two air-conditions in out apartment,1

_______should make great differences in our life next summer.A.whichB.whatC.thatD.they


46.AID is said _________ the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that region.A.beingb.to beC.to have beenD.having been


【试题分析】本题考查对非谓语动词的掌握。【详细解答】由句中的时间状语“over the past few years”可知动作发生在谓语动作之前,故应用不定式的完成式作宾语。

47.She managed to save ______ she could out of her wages to help her brother.A.how little moneyB.so little money

C.such little moneyD.what little money

答案:D【参考译文】她设法从工资中攒了如此少的钱来帮助她的哥哥。【试题分析】本题考查副词的用法。【详细解答】本句只能选what 用作关系形容词,表示“尽可能多地”。

48.Fool ____ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.A.whoB.asC.thatD.like


49.The experiment requires more money than _____.A.have been put inB.being put in

C.has been put inD.to be put in

答案:C【参考译文】该实验还需要投入更多资金。【试题分析】本题为语法题,考查more„than这一结构的用法。【详细解答】在more„than这一结构中,than后面应跟动词原形,又因为主语是the experiment,所以谓语用单数,故选项C为正确答案。

50._______ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.A.Had it not beenB.Hadn’t it been

C.Was it notD.Were it not


51.“ What courses are you going to do next semester?”

“ I don’t know.But it’s about time _______ on something.”

A.I’d decideB.I decidedC.I decideD.I’m deciding 答案:B【参考译文】——下学期你打算修哪些课程?——还不知道。不过该是作决定的时候了。【试题分析】本题为语法题,考查对考虚拟语气的掌握。【详细解答】 It’s(about)time(that)„ 是虚拟语气句式,其谓语动词要用一般过去式,因此B项是正确答案。

52.The police have offered a large ________for information leading to the robbers arrest.A.awardB.compensationC.prizeD.reward


【试题分析】本题为名词词义辨析题。【详细解答】 award意为“奖品,奖金”;compensation意为“补偿金”;prize意为“奖品,奖赏”; reward意为“报酬,赏金”。根据句意,选项D为正确答案。

53.I arrives at the airport so late that I ______ missed the plane.A.onlyB.quiteC.narrowlyD.seldom

答案:C【参考译文】我赶到机场的时候已经迟了,仅此片刻之差就错过了飞机。【试题分析】本题为副词词义辨析题。【详细解答】 only意为“只不过,仅仅”; seldom意为“很少”,为频度副词;quite意为“完全,彻底”;narrowly修饰动词miss, lose等,意为“几乎,仅差一点”。

54.The popularity of the film shows that the reviewers’ fears were completely ______

A.unjustifiedB.unjustC.misguidedD.unaccepted 答案:A【参考译文】这部电影如此受欢迎,这说明影评家的担心是完全没有根据的。【试题分析】本题为形容词词义辨析题。【详细解答】unjustified意为“没有理由的”;unjust意为“不公正的”; misguided意为“误入歧途的”;unaccepted意为“不被接受的”。根据句意,选项A为正确答案.55.The head of the Museum was ____ and let us actually examine the ancient manuscripts.A.promisingB.agreeingC.pleasingD.obliging 答案:D【参考译文】博物馆长非常热心,带我们参观了古代的手抄本。【试题分析】本题为形容词词义辨析题。【详细解答】promising意为“有希望的,有前途的”;agreeing不是形容词,用法错误;pleasing意为“令人喜爱的,使人愉快的”;obliging意为“乐于助人的,恳切的”。根据句意,选项D为正确答案。

56.The multinational corporation was making a take-over _____ for a property company.A.applicationB.bidC.proposalD.suggestion

答案:B【参考译文】那家跨国公司正提议接管一家地产公司。【试题分析】本题为名词词义辨析题。【详细解答】 application意为“申请,请求”; bid意为“投票,报价”,make a bid for意为“出价买,企图获得”; proposal意为“提议”; suggestion意为“建议”。根据句意,选项B为正确答案。

57.The party’s reduced vote was ______ of lack of support for its policies.A.indicativeB.positiveC.revealingD.evident

答案:A【参考译文】该党选票减少表明它的政策不受支持。【试题分析】本题为形容词词义辨析题。【详细解答】 indicative意为“指示的,表明的”; positive意为“积极的”; revealing意为“暴露的,显露的”;evident意为“明白的,明显的”。根据句意,选项A为正确答案。

58.There has been a ______ lack of communication between the union and the management.A.regretfulB.regrettableC.regrettingD.regretted 答案:B【参考译文】令人遗憾的是工会和管理层之间一直缺乏沟通。【试题分析】本题为词语辨析题。【详细解答】A项regretful意为“遗憾的”,一般指某人;regrettable

意为“令人遗憾的,可惜的”; regretting和regretted为分词形式,不能修MAR AND VOCABULARY41.答案:A饰名词。故选项B为正确答案。

59.The teacher ________ expects his students to pass the university entrance examination

A.confidentially B.proudly C.assuredly D.confidently

答案:D【参考译文】这位老师满有把握地期待他的学生们通过大学入学考试。【试题分析】本题为副词词义辨析题。【详细解答】 confidentially意为“机密地,保密地”; proudly意为“自豪地”;assuredly意为“无疑地,一定”;confidently意为“确信地,有把握地”。根据句意,选项D为正确答案。

60.The ______ family in Chinese cities now spends more money on housing than before.A.normalB.averageC.usualD.general

答案:B【参考译文】中国城市的普通家庭在住房上的开销比以前要多。【试题分析】本题为形容词词义辨析题。【详细解答】 normal意为“正常的,标准的”; average意为“普通的,中等的”; usual意为“通常的”; general意为“一般性的,普遍的”。根据句意,选项B为正确答案。

61.The new colleague ____ to have worked in several big corporations before he joined our company.A.confessB.declaresC.claimsD.confirms



62.During the reading lesson, the teacher asked students to read a few ______ from the novel.A.piecesB.essaysC.fragmentsD.extracts

答案:D【参考译文】在阅读课上,老师要求学生读小说的摘录。【试题分析】本题为名词词义辨析题。【详细解答】piece指“张,件”;essays指“论文”;fragments指“碎片,片断”; extracts指“摘录,选录”。根据句意,选项D为正确答案。

63.During the summer holiday season it is difficult to find a(n)_____ room in the hotels here.A.emptyB.vacantC.freeD.deserted


64.The old couple will never ______ the loss of their son.A.get overB.get awayC.get offD.get across

答案:A【参考译文】这一对老夫妇永远不能从失去儿子的痛苦中恢复过来。【试题分析】本题为动词短语词义辨析题。【详细解答】get over意为“痊愈,恢复”,指恢复健康、快乐等;get away意为“逃走”,常与from连用;get off意为“(使)不受惩罚,开脱”,常与with连用;get across意为“使人了解,使人明白”。根据句意,选项A为正确答案。

65.Scientific research results can now be quickly ________ to factory production.A.usedB.appliedC.triedD.practiced 答案:B【参考译文】现在的科学研究成果可以被很快地应用于工业生产中。【试题分析】本题考查对考固定搭配的掌握。【详细解答】apply to意为“应用到”,句中to是介词,C、D项都不能与介词to搭配; be used to+名词/动名词,意为“习惯于„„”,不符合句意。故选项B为正确答案。


1.nothing but意为“仅仅,只不过”;anything but意为“除…以外的任何事”;none other than意为“不是别人,正是…”;no more than意为“不过,仅仅”。

2.A.taxesB.payment付款C.fees 手续费、入场费、会费D.premium津贴酬金


4.No one would have time to read or listen to an account of everything ____going on in the world.

A.it isB.as isC.there is在以there be为谓语动词的定语从句中,如关系代词作主语,则关系代词便可省略D.what is

5.A.set out开始 as/in/onB.set off使做某事C.set up开业 ,开始经商 D.set about开始、着手

6.proliferation 扩散 fair庙会、交易会

7.tumble to 突然察觉 come to意为“降临,发生

8.understand better than...意为“对…非常理解”

9.go with意为“与…相配”;go by意为“根据…作出判断”;go through意为“通过;经历”;go out意为“过时” go into意为“叙述;讨论

10.on principle意为“根据行为准则;按照原则”;in principle意为“原则上;基本上;大体上”。for和by不与principle搭配。

11.take over意为“接收,接管”;take up意为“开始采用;采取,承担”;take off意为“脱去;拿掉”;take to意为“开始从事;开始沉湎于”。

12.know better than to do sth应该知道不该做某事

13.in one’s honor 为…的荣誉on one’s honor以名誉担保a point of honor 涉及荣誉的事

14.might as well后接动词原形,意为“不妨,何不”

15.call for意为“要求,需要”;call on意为“号召,请求”;call up意为“使人想起” ;call off意为“取消,停止做”。

16.put up意为“宿夜”;put in 意为“度过,消磨(时间等)”;put down意为“写下,记录”;put on 意为“上演,演出”

17.pay back 回报,报答pay for 为…付出代价pay up 全部付清pay off还清债务

18.technical意为“技术的,技能的”;technological 意为“技术学的,工艺学的”;technique意为“技术,技能”,是名词;technology意为“技术(学),工艺(学)”,也是名词

19.look out意为“向外看”;look around意为“环顾”;look up 意为“抬头望,查检”;look on意为“旁观”。

20.forsake 抛弃 take it out on sb.意为“拿某人出气 have no business doing /to do something 意为“没有权力,没有理由做某事”

21.lay up 意为“因痛(或伤残)卧床”,常用被动语态; lay out 意为“摆出,展开”;lay by 意为“储存”;lay down意为“牺牲,献出”

22.fragment 意为“碎片,碎块”;piece意为“块,片”;bit意为“小片;小段”;slice意为“薄片;切片”

23.live up to 意为“遵守,实践(诺言,原则)”;live on 意为“以…为生”;live through意为“度过,经历过”;live with 意为“忍受;容忍”

24.appeal to 意为“有感染力,有吸引力”;look into 意为“调查,观察”;give rise to意为“引起,导致”;go in for意为“爱好;从事,参与”

25.delicate棘手的 impart意为“告诉;传授”

26.The man sitting opposite me smiled dreamily, as if +不定式____something pleasant in the1


A.to rememberB.remembered

C.having been rememberedD.remembering

27.It pains sb.to see...意为“看到…使某人感到痛心”

28.lose track of 意为“失去与…的联系;失去…的线索”;trace意为“痕迹,遗迹”;trail 意为“踪迹;臭迹;足迹”;touch意为“接触”。


30.productivity 意为“生产力;生产率”;production意为“生产;制造”;product意为“产品”;produce意为“农产品”



33.come up with意为“提出”;come out意为“结果是”;come round意为“来,前来”;come up to意为“达到,比得上”

34.with reference to意为“有关,关于”;with the exception of意为“除…之外”;with the purpose of意为“目的是”; with a view to意为“目的是,为了(后跟动名词)”

35.cope with意为“应付”;put up with意为“忍受,容忍”; submit to意为“服从,屈从”;comply with意为“照…办”



38.cope with意为“应付”;settle down意为“安居,专心于”;intervene in意为“介入,干涉”;interfere with意为“干涉,妨碍

39.tangle with与…吵架

40.correlate相互依存 undermine意为“暗中破坏;逐渐损害commence意为“开始

41.culminate in意为“告终”,但强调以高潮结束;end in意为“以…而告终”;end up 意为“最后成了…”;come to可表示“苏醒,发生”等之意



44.hamper意为“妨碍,阻碍,牵制”,搭配词组有:hamper sb.from(doing)/in sth.意为“妨碍某人(干)某事”

45.affiliate意为“使隶属于”;conflict 意为“冲突”;inflict和afflict容易混淆,前者指将不受欢迎的事强加于(人),而后者指引起身体或精神上的痛苦。


47.catch on意为“理解”,用于口语;snatch up意为“抓住某物”;summon up意为“鼓起(勇气

等);watch out意为“当心,监视,注意”


49.go in for意为“从事,进行”;go back on 意为“违背”;go through with意为“将…进行到底”;go along with意为“赞同,支持”

50.cut short意为“打断(某人)”;put somebody through意为“为某人接通电话”;turn someone out意为“驱逐某人,使某人离开”;give someone up 意为“把某人交给,招供出某人”


52.see to意为“负责处理”;prey on意为“捕食,折磨”;take on意为“承担”,后接表示“任务”之类的词”;get at意为“意指,意思是”

53.keep off意为“远离”;take off意为“起飞”;get off意为“(从汽车、火车等交通工具)下来;set off意为“激起,引起,动身,启程”


55.compact意为“小巧的 ingenious意为“奇妙的 liability意为“不利条件”


57.scale down意为“按比例缩减,相应缩减”;look down upon意为“看不起,轻视”;break down意为“捣毁,拆除”;keep down意为“压缩,限制”


59.be situated in(on)意为“座落在…;位于…”;lie变成lied时,不是“座落,位于”的意思,而是“撒谎”;station意为“驻扎”;place意为“放置,安置”




63.continuous 意为“连续不断的,接连的”;constant 意为“不断的;连续发生的”,强调事物的永恒性;long 意为“长久的,长时间的”;continual 意为“从不间断的”。

64.pass through 意为“通过,穿过”;pass by 意为“从…旁边走过”;pass over 意为“(故意)不注意,忽略”;pass away 意为“停止,消逝;去逝”

65.break into 意为“突然发生…”;break through 意为“冲破,突围;突破”;break up 意为“打碎”;break out 意为“爆发”

66.look on 意为“看作;看待”;look for 意为“寻找,寻求”;look over 意为“察看,参观”;look up 意为“查检”

67.on board 意为“在船上,在飞机上”;at most意为“至多,不超过”;on schedule意为“按时间表,准时”;at random 意为“胡乱地;任意地,随便地”


69.wear out意为“使疲乏;使厌倦;使耗尽”;wear down意为“使消瘦,使厌烦”;wear off意为“渐渐减少;消逝”;wear away意为“消磨,打发,虚度;(时光等)流逝”


71.set down意为“写下,记录,记下”;set off意为“出发,动身”;set about意为“开始忙碌,着手工作”;set up意为“开办,建立,设立”




75.If only意为“只要,但愿”,后边引出的句子往往用虚拟语气,表示与将来事实相反或将来不可能发生的事情时谓语通常采用(should)+动词原形。

76.error意为“失误,(行为,信仰的)错误”,fall into error意为“误入歧途”;mistake意为“错误,过失;误解”;fault 意为“缺点,过失,小毛病”;defect意为“缺陷,缺点”


78.variable“易变的,多变的,反复无常的”;various 意为“不同的,各种各样的”;alternative 意为“供选择的,供替代的”;conventional意为“习惯的,惯例的”

79.expire意为“满期,届满,(期限)终止,成为无效”; adjoin意为“邻接,与…毗连”;boost 意为“推动,提高,增强”;concede意为“容许,授予,让与”

80.let off 意为“放过,宽恕,对…从轻处理”; let down意为“使人失望”;let out 意为“发泄,放开”; let alone意为“更不必说,不管”

81.economic 意为“经济的,与经济有关的”。economical 意为“节约的,不浪费的”。economy意为“经济”。economics意为“经济学”


83.scatter意为“使分散”;divide意为“分隔,把…隔开”;separate 意为“使(两者)分开,分离”;space意为“(用间隔)分隔开”


85.contribute to意为“有助于,促成,是…的部分原因”;answer for 意为“负有责任,需作交待”;consist of 意为“组成,构成”;double up意为“笑弯了腰”

86.as well as 意为“除…之外,还要…”


88.give off散发 give over托付、交托give away送掉、分发(奖品等)

89.put emphasis on 重视 put onto提供、介绍 put in 安装设备,花费时间或精力做某事;插话;选举,提出 put over传达想法或感情

90.pick up得到 step up 加紧 put aside 储存 set aside留出

91.something or other 诸如此类的事等 so on and so forth 等等

92.inquire about 询问有关情况 inquire after问安 inquire for 求见 inquire into探究

93.no more than正如…不是…也不是

94.see that 留意 负责 务必

95.go into 叙述;讨论 come into 继承 卷入 开始 进入



97.the instant 一…就… for an instant 一瞬间 on the instant 立即 in an instant 很快、马上

98.to the exclusion of 把…除外、排斥dubious 可疑的、含糊的 obscure 晦涩的 费解的99.split up 分裂、离婚 break down 垮掉 健康变得衰弱 崩溃 fall through 失败 成为泡影 knock out 使筋疲力尽

100.as is /was the case with 用具体事例说明主句的概括和结论


102.scramble扰乱、捣乱; thereafter此后; thereof由此 及其; thereby因此从而; thereabouts大约、近于(数目、时间)、在附近的某地

103.tune in收听,常与to连用;tune up 调弦、调准音调


105.break off终止、中断;break away 脱离关系、逃脱 break out 爆发、发生 break through突围突破、取得重大成果

106.climax兴趣、情绪或重要性的最高点或戏剧、小说等情节的高潮;submit顶点、最高处、成就的顶峰;pitch 音调、音高标准;highlight最突出的部分、精彩场面、height距离、高度、peak 最高峰、山顶

107.tendency是自然因素决定的趋势、倾向 trend指在外界压力下事物必然的发展趋势,大的潮流,强调外界压力和人的作用。

108.favorable赞成的、有利的accounts赞誉之词favored受优惠的、有特权的 favorite 偏爱的、特别喜爱的109.identify oneself with 与…密切联系,到…中去

110.It is impossible后需借不定式做句子的主语for there to be

111.change one’s tune 改变了态度或看法 hatch策划、拟为 gear进行调节以适合某种需要112.expel排出空气等,eject逐出、从(内部)喷射,排出(弹壳)

113.prominent著名的杰出的突出的,in a prominent position 突出的或显眼的位置 distinguished 卓越的、著名的114.be indispensable to 对…来说是必不可少的115.constant不断的、永恒的change;continuous连续的、不间断的beach连绵不断的沙滩;continual时断时续的、频繁的practice;continued 连续的、继续的story

116.a veil of 一层(fog), a coating of 一层覆盖在表面的外层、涂层(snow);a film of 薄薄的一层dust;a shade of 一层、少许(difference)

117.as yet/so far/thus far/up to now 都表示到目前为止,但在否定句和疑问句中常用as yet.118.take over 接收、接管 take up 开始采用、采取、承担;take off 脱去、拿掉,take to开始从事、开始沉湎于


120.pay for 付出代价、受到惩罚pay back 偿还、回报;pay off 偿清、向…报复

121.status地位、身份 statue雕像、塑像 state状态 stature身高

122.in perspective正确地、合理地

123.weigh against 权衡、斟酌

124.near in color to yours, near to that of the gasoline engine和…差不多

125.opaque不透明的、晦涩的 say 比方说 sheer十足的、完全的 shear剪 sheet被单、薄片;shield盾、防护物

126.bring down降低、打倒,bring off 完成、使成功 bring up养育、培养 bring back记起、归还

127.pull through克服困难、度过难关 pull out 拔出、取出 pull up 使停下 pull over 开到路边、(衣服)从(头上)套上

128.retrieve检索 reclaim开垦、回收 reconcile和解、接受 reassure安慰,使安心

129.dispose使易于、易感染 dispose of sb/sth;infectious传染的、感染的 beaccessible to易受影响的、易懂得的


英语专业四级语法练习题 Mary is _______ than Alice.A.more experienced a teacher

B.a more experienced teacher C.more an experienced teacher

D.more experienced teacher an experienced teacher, 比较级加在形容词前,因此B。_______ the two, Bob is ________ student.A.Of, more diligent

B.In, more diligent C.Of, the more diligent

D.In, the more diligent the +比较级+ of the two,因此C。

Western Nebraska generally receives less snow than _______ Eastern Nebraska.A.in B.it receives in C.does D.it does in



(1996)完整形式应该是:than Eastern Nebraska receives snow,省去了部分谓语,保留了主语和助动词,可以倒装,因此C。

The indoor swimming pool seems to be a great more luxurious than _______.(1998)A.is necessary B.being necessary C.to be necessary D.it is necessary 这个句子是一个由than引导的比较状语从句,既然是从句那么可以排除BC;than引导的从句中省略了的主语应该是the indoor swimming pool,为避免重复,一般省略,不需要用it来指代。A。

There ought to be less anxiety over the perceived risk of mountain climbing than ______ in the public mind today.(1999)A.exists B.exist C.existing

D.to exist 省略了的主语是anxiety,因此谓语动词用第三人称单数:A The experiment requires more money than _______.(2002)A.have been put in

B.being put in

C.has been put in

D.to be put in than引导的从句中省略了的主语应该是money,因此谓语动词要用第三人称单数,C。The less the surface of the ground yields to the weight of a fully-loaded truck, _______ to the truck.(2003)A.the greater stress is

B.greater is the stress C.the stress is greater

D.the greater the stress “地表和载满货物卡车的接触面越小,卡车对地面的压强就越大。”A。as Some dieters find that after their dieting is over, they ate twice _______ they did before their diet.(1993)A.more than B.as many as C.much than D.as much as D,“饭量是以前的两倍”。A是指“三倍”,不合常理。

Language belongs to each member of the society, to the cleaner ___ to the professor.(1998)A.as far as B.the same as C.as much as D.as long as C,as much as“达到与„„一样的程度”,完整的后半个句子应是:language belongs to the cleaner as much as it belong to the professor “语言属于社会的每个成员,既属于清洁工,也属于教授”;as far as“一直到某个程度”;the same as“与„„一样”;表示“清洁工和教授是一样的”,意思不妥;as long as“只要”。

She did her work ______ her manager had instructed.(2002)A.as



D.though as可表示方式,意思是“按照,如同”;“她依照经理的指示办事。”A。

The trumpet player was certainly loud.But I wasn’t bothered by his loudness ______ by his lack of talent.(2004)A.so much as B.rather than C.as

D.than A考点是not „ so much as句型,表示“与其说是,倒不如说是”、“更多的是,而不是”。“毫无疑问,那个喇叭手的号声吵死了,但与其说我烦他的声音大,倒不如说烦他没吹号的天分。”

His remarks were ________ annoy everybody at the meeting.(2005)A.so as to

B.such as to

C.such to

D.as much as to such as为固定搭配,意为“到如此程度以致”,又如:His illness is not such as to cause anxiety.他的病还没有严重到令人担心的地步。Twelve is to three _______ four is to one.(1998)A.what



D.like 水对鱼的关系就像空气对人的关系一样:Water is to fish what air is to man.A is to B what C is to D Intellect is to the mind ______ sight is to the body.(2001)A.what



D.like 智力对于思想,犹如视力对于身体一样。not + 比较级 + than, no + 比较级 + than John is _______ hardworking than his sister, but he failed in the exam.(1998)A.no less B.no more

C.not less

D.no so A,“约翰的用功绝不亚于他姐姐,可是这次考试他却没及格。”not less than只是比较约翰和他姐姐,没有强调约翰非常用功。

Fat cannot change into muscle _______ muscle changes into fat.(1999)A.any more than B.no more than C.no less than D.much more than A,“脂肪不能转变为肌肉,就像肌肉不能转变为脂肪一样。”not „ any more than意思是“和„同样都不„”。as / though / much as David Singer, my friend’s father, ______ raised and educated in New York, lived and lectured in Africa most of his life.(1993)A.who



D.though D,表示转折。答案C while只是表示同时并列的转折。如:While I understand your views, I can’t agree with you.______ he needed money for a new car, he decided not to borrow it from the bank.(1998)A.Much as

B.Much though C.As much D.Though much A, much as可看作是固定词组,作连词,引导让步状语从句,表示“尽管,虽然”。如Much as I should like to see you, I am afraid you could not come.Fool _____ Jane is, she could not have done such a thing.(2002)A.who



D.like B,有倒装,a./n.+ as + 主语 + 助动词be,如:Patient as he is, he can’t bear it any longer.______ I like economics, I like sociology much better.(2003)A.As much as

B.So much C.How much D.Much as D, 同18题。______, Mr.Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.(2005)A.Although he is a socialist

B.Even if he is a socialist C.Being a socialist

D.Since he is a socialist 虽然韦尔斯先生是一个社会主义者,但他对工人阶级却没有什么同情心。表转折含义的只有A项。

定 语 从 句

Above the trees are the hills, ________ magnificence the river faithfully reflects on the surface.(2003)A.where

B.of whose

C.whose D.which C,关系代词在从句中做定语。“树的上面是山,它的倒影忠实地映照在河面上。” Only take such clothes _______ really necessary.(1994)A.as were

B.as they are

C.as they were D.as are D,as引导定语从句,先行词是clothes,as在从句中作主语,所以BC不对,因为they是多余的;A的时态与主句不搭配。

______ is often the case with a new idea, much preliminary activity and optimistic discussion produced no concrete proposals.(1994)A.That



D.As D,as作关系代词,引导非限定性定语从句,表达整个主句的意思。“正如一种新的观念产生时一样,人们总是做许多准备活动和积极的讨论,却拿不出具体的建议。”

This company has now introduced a policy _____ pay rises are related to performance at work.(1996)A.which


C.whether D.what B,“公司现在提出了一项新政策,依照新政策,工资增长与工作业绩挂钩。”

The Physicist has made a discovery, _______ of great importance to the progress of science and technology.(1997)A.I think which is B.that I think is C.which I think is D.which I think it is C,I think是插入语,which在从句中就是主语,D中it是多余的。I have never been to London, but that is the city ______.(1997)A.where I like to visit most

B.I’d most like to visit C.which I like to visit mostly

D.where I’d like most to visit B, 首先排除A,因为the city在从句中作宾语,不能用where引导;C中mostly表示“通常,大部分”,意思不通顺;表示“最想”,用most like,不是like most, most是much的最高级,much一般不修饰不定式,多用于修饰分词。He was much pleased.She remembered several occasions in the past ___ she had experienced a similar feeling.(98)A.which



D.when D,从句有自己的主语和宾语,因此不选AC,when引导定语从句在句中作时间状语。B项不合语法,因为主句的时态是一般过去时,从句却是过去完成时。I’ve never been to Lhasa, but that’s the city ______.(1999)A.I’d most like to visit

B.which I like to visit mostly C.where I like to visit

D.I’d like much to visit A,同27。

Firms that use computers have found that the number of staff ______ is needed for quality control can be substantially reduced.(2000)A.whose



D.that D,that在从句中作主语。使用电脑操作的工厂已经发现可以大大减少质检员工的数量。We’ve just installed two air-conditioners in our apartment, ______ should make great differences in our life next summer.(2002)A.which



D.they A,指代前面的整个句子。

They overcame all the difficulties and completed the project two months ahead of time, ______ is something we had not expected.(2003)A.which



D.what A,同上。“他们克服一切困难,提前两个月完成了工程,这是我们没有料到的事。” 名 词 性 从 句

We can assign the task to ______ is capable and trustworthy.(1994)A.whomever



D.whoever D,介词to后面是个宾语从句,从句缺主语;whom和whomever虽然可以接宾语从句,但它们不能在从句中作主语,AC不对;whoever语义比who强烈,更贴切。The team can handle whatever _____.(1997)A.that needs handling

B.which needs handling C.it needs handling

D.needs to be handled D,whatever引导的分句作handle的宾语,又在从句中作主语,因此不需要再加任何其他主语,ABC都有多余的主语成分。

After __ seemed an endless wait, it was her turn to enter the personnel manager’s office.(99)A.that



D.it C,after在句中时介词还是连词?如果是连词,从句中的时态通常为完成体,所以排除连词的可能性。既然after是介词,那么后面必定是宾语从句,后面的从句缺主语,只有what既引导宾语从句,又在宾语从句中作主语;BD都不能引导宾语从句。A虽然可以引导宾语从句,但不在从句中充当任何语法成分。

Have you ever been in a situation _____ you know the other person is right yet you cannot agree with him?

(2002)A.by which


C.in where D.where B,situation后的从句是对situation作出具体的解释,因此是同位语从句。非 限 定 动 词(不定式、动名词、分词)____ is not a serious disadvantage in life.(2001)A.To be not tall B.Not to be tall C.Being not tall D.Not being tall D.AC不对是因为动词不定式和动名词的否定结构形式应为not to do, not doing;B动词不定式短语作主语通常表示特定的具体的行为,特别是表示将来的或一次性的行为,To skate on real ice is his dream.D动名词作主语表示抽象一般的概念。Skating on real ice is great fun.This may have preserved the elephant from being wiped out as well as other animals _____ in Africa.(1996)A.hunted


C.that hunted D.are hunted A,完整结构应为:the elephant from being wiped out as well as other animals(from being)hunted in Africa;“此举也许既能保护非洲的其他动物不被猎杀,又能使大象免受灭族之灾” The Clarks haven’t decided yet which hotel ______.(1998)A.to stay

B.is to stay C.to stay at D.is for staying C,stay是不及物动词,必须接介词才能跟宾语。

In international matches, prestige is so important that the only thing that matters is to avoid _____.(1996)A.from being beaten B.being beaten C.beating D.to be beaten B,avoid后接动名词做宾语。被动,因此B。“避免被对手打败” He resented _____ to wait.He expected the minister _____ him at once.(1995)A.to be asked, to see B.being asked, to see C.to be asked, seeing D.being asked, seeing B,resent后接动名词,expect后接不定式。

I never regretted _____ the offer, for it was not where my interest lay.A.not to accept

B.not having accepted C.having not accepted

D.not accepting

(1993)D, regret doing sth.表示“后悔做过某事”,事情已经发生了,常用动名词的一般形式表示动作已经发生了。

He noticed the helicopter hovering over the field.Then to his astonishment, he saw a rope ladder _____ out and three men climbing down it.(1995)A.throwing

B.being thrown C.having thrown D.having been thrown B,see可与现在分词或不定式连用,平行结构,后面用了现在分词,这里也用分词;绳梯是被扔出飞机,因此要用被动结构,排除AC;see, watch, hear, feel, notice, observe,等词一般不跟分词的完成形式连用。

Professor Johnson is said ____ some significant advance in his research in the past year.(99)A.having made

B.making C.to have made D.to make C,主语补足语的动作在谓语动词之前发生,用完成时。

AIDS is said _____ the number-one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that region.(2002)A.being

B.to be

C.to have been D.having been C, 同上。

The Minister of Finance is believed _____ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.(04)A.that he is thinking B.to be thinking C.that he is to think D.to think B,“人们认为财政部长正在考虑通过征收新税来增加政府的额外税入。”B“正在考虑” The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, _____ by the police each time.(1999)A.had been captured

B.being always captured C.only to be captured

D.unfortunately captured C,“这三人多次企图偷偷越过边界进入邻国,不料每次都被警察抓住。”only to表示出乎意料,通常是不愉快的结果。

This missile is designed so that once ______ nothing can be done to retrieve it,(1995)A.fired

B.being fired C.they fire

D.having fired A,once连词,一旦,被动,所以A。This missile is designed so that once it is fired „ ______ , he can now only watch it on TV at home.(1998)A.Obtaining not a ticket for the match

B.Not obtaining a ticket for the match C.Not having obtained a ticket for the match D.Not obtained a ticket for the match C,分词短语的动作在主句动作之前发生,用分词的完成形式。Arriving at the bus stop, ______ waiting there.(1994)A.a lot of people were

B.he found a lot of people C.a lot of people

D.people were found B,空处的逻辑主语与arrive保持一致。_____ regular training in nursing, she could hardly cope with the work at first.(1994)A.Not received B.Since receiving

C.Having received D.Not having received D,receive的主语是she,因此应是主动,A不对;receive的动作在主句谓语动词之前发生,所以要用分词的完成形式,否定应是not having done.__B__ at in this way, the present economic situation doesn’t seem so gloomy.(2000)A.Looking


C.Having looked D.To look There __ nothing more for discussion, the meeting came to an end half an hour earlier.(2000)A.to be

B.to have been C.being

D.be C.前面分句构成独立主格结构。

_____ no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his room.(1996)A.There was B.Since


D.There being D.C中的现在分词短语的逻辑主语不是主句的主语。

The country’s chief exports are coal, cars and cotton goods, cars _____ the most important of these.(1994)A.have been B.are


D.are being C.ABD都会使后半部分构成完整的句子,但句中用的是逗号,不能是完整句子。

Agriculture is the country’s chief source of wealth, wheat _____ by far the biggest cereal crop.(2003)A.is



D.being D,同上。“农业是这个国家的主要财源,目前小麦是谷物中产量最大的。”

If not _____ with the respect he feels due to him, Jack gets very ill-tempered and grumbles all the time.(2004)A.being treated B.treated C.be treated D.having been treated B,If(Jack is)not treated„“如果没有受到他觉得应得的尊敬,杰克的脾气就会变得很坏,并且不停地抱怨。”

Time _____, the celebration will be held as scheduled.(2003)A.permit



D.permits B,“时间允许的话,庆祝活动将按计划进行”。time和permit是主动关系。虚 拟 语 气

_____ for the fact that she broke her leg, she might have passed the exam.(2002)A.Had it not been B.Hadn’t it been C.Was it not

D.Were it not A,前半句是与过去事实相反的推测。If it had not been „倒装

If you have really been studying English for so long, it’s about time you _____ able to write letters in English.(1999)A.should be


C.must be

D.are B,it’s about time that sb.did sth._____, I’ll marry him all the same.(2004)A.Was he rich or poor

B.Whether rich or poor C.were he rich or poor

D.Be he rich or poor D=whether he is rich or poor If your car _____ any attention during the first 12 months, take it to an authorized dealer.(98)A.shall need

B.should need

C.would need D.will need B,与将来事实相反的虚拟语气,“如果你的车在一年内有任何问题,可送到获得授权的经销商那儿去” It is imperative that students _____ their term papers on time.(2004)A.hand in

B.would hand in C.have to hand in D.handed in A,学生必须按时上交他们的学期论文。

If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ________ able to advise you much better than I can.(2005)A.would be

B.will have been


D.were A,if从句是对现在情况的假设。情 态 动 词

You ______ Jim anything about it.It was none of his business.(2004)A.needn’t have told B.needn’t tell C.mustn’t have told D.mustn’t tell A,needn’t have done表示本不必做而做了。没有mustn’t have done的形式,但可以说can’t have done,表示不大可能。

He ______ the 8:20 bus because he didn’t leave home till 8:25.(1994)A.couldn’t have caught

B.ought to have caught C.shouldn’t have caught

D.must not have caught A,couldn’t have done表示不可能做了某事。

He _____ unwisely, but he was at least trying to do something helpful.(1999)A.may have acted B.must have acted C.should act D.would act A,may have done表示过去可能做过某事,B表示一定做过,推测的可能性很大。时 态

How can I ever concentrate if you _____ continually ____ me with silly questions?

(97)A.have … interrupted

B.had … interrupted

C.are … interrupting

D.were … interrupting

C,现在进行时与always, continually, constantly连用表示某种带有感情色彩,经常发生的动作。本句暗含责备之义。

Come and see me whenever ______.(97)A.you are convenient

B.you will be convenient C.it is convenient to you

D.it will be convenient to you C,whenvever引导的时间状语从句用一般现在时表将来;convenient一词只能说it is convenient to sb.For some time now, world leaders __ out the necessity for agreement on arms reduction.(02)A.had been pointing B.have been pointing C.were pointing D.pointed B,现在完成进行时表示动作从过去某一时间开始延续到现在,并可能继续。

Jack _____from home for two days now, and I am beginning to worry about his safety.(03)A.has been missing B.has been missed C.had been missing D.was missed A,同上。“杰克离家两天(到现在还没回),我开始担心他的安全。” _________ conscious of my moral obligations as a citizen.(05)A.I was and always will be

B.I have to be and always will be C.I had been and always will be

D.I have been and always will be D,ABC三项前后两个时态不一致,只有D项中现在完成时与将来时搭配一致。倒 装

So badly _____ in the car accident that he had to stay in hospital for a few months.(94)A.did he injure B.injured him C.was he injured D.he was injured C,倒装,将助动词提到主语前,被动。He is not under arrest, ______ any restriction on him.(95)A.or the police have placed

B.or have the police placed C.nor the police have placed D.nor have the police placed D,AB中的or表示“否则”,与题意不符;nor放在句首要倒装。

___ both sides accept the agreement ___ a lasting peace be established in this region.(04)A.Only if, will B.If only, would C.Should, will D.Unless, would A,only if表示“只有。。才”,放在句首,句子要倒装;“只有双方都接受和约,永久的和平才有可能建立起来”。if only表示“要是。。多好” 反 意 疑 问 句

A hibernating animal needs hardly any food all through the winter, _____?

(92)A.need it

B.needn’t it

C.does it

D.doesn’t it C,need是实义动词不是情态动词,hardly是否定副词,因此前面的分句是否定句。You and I could hardly understand, ______?

(95)A.could I

B.couldn’t you

C.couldn’t we

D.could we D,hardly的解释同上。

When you have finished with that video tape, don’t forget to put it in my drawer, ___?(97)A.do you

B.will you C.don’t you

D.won’t you B,前面句子是第二人称祈使句时,后面要用will(would)you或won’t you;本题中,前面的句子是否定句,因此后面用肯定的。Do help yourself to some fruit, _____ you?




D.won’t D,同上。

She would have been more agreeable if she had changed a little bit, _____?

(03)A.hadn’t she

B.hasn’t she

C.wouldn’t she

D.didn’t she




If you explained the situation to your solicitor, he ____ able to advise you much better than I can.(2005-51)

B.will have beenC.wasD.were

If only I _____ play the guitar as well as you!(2006-52)


It’s high time we _____ cutting down the rainforests.(2006-54)

B.had to stopC.should stopD.stop

It is imperative that the government _____ more investment into the shipbuilding industry.(2006-59)

A.attractsB.shall attractD.has attract

If only the patient _____ a different treatment instead of using the antibiotics, he might still be alive now.(2007-54)

A.had receivedB.receivedC.should receiveD.were receiving

It is absolutely essential that William ______ his study in spite of learning difficulties.(2007-65)

A.will continueB.continuedD.continues

Had Judy been more careful on the maths exam, she ____ much better results now.(2008-52)

A.would be gettingC.must getD.would get

If there were no subjunctive mood, English _____ much easier to learn.(2009-52)

A.could have beenC.will beD.would have been


_____, Mr.Wells is scarcely in sympathy with the working class.(2005-52)

A.Although he is a socialistB.Even if he is a socialist

C.Being a socialistD.Since he is a socialist

He asked me to lend him some money, which I agreed to do, ______ that he paid me back the following week.(2005-64)

A.on occasionB.on purposeD.only if

_____ dull he may be, he is certainly a very successful top executive.(2006-51)

A.AlthoughB.WhateverC.AsMen differ from animals ____ they can think and speak.(2008-54)

A.for whichB.for thatC.in thatD.in which

____ he wanted to go out with his friends at the weekend, he had to stay behind to finish his


A.Much thoughC.As muchD.Though much

I enjoyed myself so much ____ I visited my friends in Paris last year.(2008-56)


_____ the boss says, it is unreasonable to ask me to work overtime without pay.(2009-54)B.WheneverC.WhicheverD.However


His remarks were _____ annoy everybody at the meeting.(2005-53)

A.so as toC.such toD.as much as to

Linda was _____ the experiment a month ago, but she changed her mind at the last minute.(2007-55)

A.to startC.to be startingD.to have been starting


James has just arrived, but I didn’t know he ____ until yesterday.(2005-54)

A.will comeC.had been comingD.came

_____ conscious of my moral obligation as a citizen.(2005-55)

A.I was and always will beB.I have to be and always will be

C.I had been and always will beThe committee has anticipated the problems that ______ in the road construction project.(2007-58)

A.ariseB.will ariseC.aroseThe student said there were a few points in the essay he ______ impossible to

comprehend.(2007-59)B.will ariseC.aroseD.have arisen

In his plays Shakespeare _____ his characters live through their language.(2008-63)

A.would makeB.had madeC.madeD.makes


I went there in 1984, and that was the only occasion when I ____ the journey in exactly two days.(2005-57)

A.must makeB.must have madeD.could make

Loudspeakers were fixed in the hall so that everyone _____ an opportunity to hear the speech.(2006-56)

A.ought to haveB.must haveD.should have

I am surprised _____ this city is a dull place to live in.(2006-57)

B.by what you are thinking

C.that you would thinkD.with what you were thinking

“ You _____ borrow my notes provided you take care of them,” I told my friend.(2007-53)


She ______ fifty or so when I first met her at the conference.(2007-56)

A.must beB.had beenC.could beHe would have finished his college education, but he ______ to quit and find a job to support his


A.had hadB.hasD.would have

Which of the following sentences expresses “probability”?(2008-65)

A.You must leave immediately.B.You must be feeling rather tired.C.You must be here by eight o'clock.D.You must complete the reading assignment on time.She _____ fifty or so when I first met her at a conference.(2009-53)

A.had beenB.must beC.has been


Do you know Tim’s brother? He is _____ than Tim.(2005-59)

A.much more sportsmanC.more of sportsmanD.more a sportsman

It was ______ we had hoped.(2006-64)

A.more a success thanB.a success more than

C.as much of a success asD.a success as much as


I know he failed his last test, but really he’s _____ stupid.(05-58)

A.something butB.anything butC.nothing butD.not but

Our association, which has consistently pressed for greater employment opportunities for the disabled, will publish ____ proposals in the near future.(2008-51)



The meeting was put off because we _____ a meeting without John.(2005-62)

A.objected havingB.were objected to having

C.objected to have


____ you ____ further problems with your printer, contact your dealer for advice.(2005-63)

A.If, hadB.Have, hadD.In case, had

十、there be存在句

What’s the chance of ____ a general election this year?(2005-61)

B.there to beC.there beD.there going to be

It is not uncommon for there ______ problems of communication between the old and the young.(07-63)

A.beingB.would beC.be


The party, _____ I was the guest of honor, was extremely enjoyable.(2006-53)

A.by whichB.for whichC.to whichThere are as good fish in the sea _____ ever came out of it.(2007-51)

I was very interested in _____ she told me.(2009-56)B.all whichC.all whatD.that



Susan is very hardworking, but her pay is not _____ for her work.(2006-58)

A.enough goodC.as good enoughD.good as enough

My daughter has walked eight miles today.We never guessed that she could walk ____ far.(2006-61)



Land belongs to the city;there is _____ thing as private ownership of land.(2006-60)

A.no such aB.not suchC.not such aD.no such

Which of the following is INCORRECT?(2008-57)

A.All his lectures were boring.C.Her few friends are all fond of dancing.B.Half his money was gone.D.He invited many his friends to the party.十四、主谓一致

The statistics _____ that living standards in the area have improved drastically in recent times.(2006-62)

A.provesB.is provingC.are provingAll the President’s Men_____ one of the important books for historians who study the Watergate Scandal.(2007-52)书名

A.remainC.remainedD.is remaining


There are only ten apples left in the baskets, _____ the spoilt ones.(2006-63)

A.not countingB.not to countC.don’t countD.having not counted What a nice day!How about the three of us _____ a walk in the park nearby?(2009-51)

A.to takeB.takeC.takingD.to be taking


There used to be a petrol station near the park, _____?(2006-65)

A.didn’t itB.doesn’t itC.usedn’t it.didn’t there

When you have finished with that book, don't forget to put it back on my desk, _____?(2008-58)

A.do youB.don't youC.will youD.won't you


It is not ______ much the language as the background that makes the book difficult to



Overpopulation poses a terrible threat to the human race.Yet it is probably ______ a threat to the

human race than environmental destruction.(2007-62)

A.no moreC.even moreD.much more

The square itself is five hundred yards wide, five times ____ the size of St.Peter's in

Rome.(2008-64)B.that ofC.which isD.of

A new laptop costs about _____ of a second-hand one.(2009-55)

A.the price of three timesB.three times the price

C.as much as the three times priceD.three times more than the price


The research requires more money than ______.(2007-61)

A.have been put inC.being put inD.to be put in


______ at in his way, the situation doesn’t seem so desperate.(2007-64)

A.LookingB.LookedC.Being lookedD.To look


Nine is to three _____ three is to one.(2008-53)


Quality is ____ counts most.(2008-62)



57.We consider ______ he should have left without telling anyone beforehand.(2009-57)

A.strange whyB.it strange whatC.it strange thatD.that strange

58.It is going to be fine tomorrow._______.(2009-58)B.So it is.C.So it does.D.So does it.59.Little _____ about her own safety, though she herself was in great danger.(2009-59)

A.she caredB.she may careC.may she care60.The couple had no sooner got to the station _____ the coach left.(2009-60)


61.Aren't you tired? I ____ you had done enough for today.(2009-61)A.should have thoughtB.must have thought

C.might have thoughtD.could have thought

62.“It seems that she was there at the conference.” The sentence means that(2009-62)

A.she seems to be there at the conference.B.she seemed to be there at the conference.D.she seemed to being there at the conference.



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