
时间:2019-05-12 22:08:26下载本文作者:会员上传


How can we save the water(我们怎样节约用水)

Water is very important in our life.There will be no life without water.However, many rivers and lakes have gotten dirty.People in many places can‟t get enough water while some people are wasting water.It‟s time for us to do something to save water.First of all, we should try to use water more than once.We can do some things with the used water.For example, we should keep the water after we wash fruit and vegetables, and then use it to clean the floor or wash WC.Next, we should have a shower instead of a bath.Then, we should remember to turn off the tap while we‟re brushing our teeth.Finally, it is also helpful if we tell people around us to save water together.Let‟s start saving water right now.有关感恩的主题(“Mother’s love makes me strong”)Thank you, Mum

My mum is a beautiful woman.She is not very tall, she is kind.When I was a baby, she looked after me carefully.She never beat me and she took me to the places I wanted to go.She bought toys, books, delicious food for me.Then I became a young boy.She sent me to a good school.She always encouraged me when I was in trouble.Now she is older than before, and I should help her to do the things I can.I should get good marks and be a good boy, she will be happy.I won‟t forget your love, your smile.You gave me life and help me grow.Thank you, mum.Help others(助人为乐)

It‟s important for us to help others,a small help can give others warm and happy.When your classmate fails in an exam, you can encourage him and give him a sweet smile.When you find your father is tired after a day‟s work, you can give him a cup of tea.When you see an old woman is too weak to cross the road, you can go up to her and give her a hand.Although it‟s easy for us to do all the things above, it‟s exactly a great help for others.So, let‟s do our best to help others, then our daily life will be full of love!

How to protect/save our environment/world?(保护环境)

As we all know, the environment around us is getting more and more serious today.Water is polluted, we have no clean water to drink.Many trees are cutting down, some animals are getting less and less...Not only does it affect our lives and health, it also has a greatinfulencesin thefuture.People‟s health has been affected by air, noise and water pollution.In order to live a better life, something must be done to stop the pollution.It‟s our duty to protect our environment.We shouldn‟t throw away rubbish everywhere.Trees are very helpful and important for us.We should plant more and more trees in order to live better and more healthy in the future.If everyone can protect the environment, the world will become much more beautiful.In a word, if everyone pays more attention to our environment, there will be less pollution and our life will be better.“There is only one earth”, I hope everyone will protect our environment well.How to Keep Healthy怎样保持健康

As we know, keeping healthy is important to us.But what should we do to keep healthy?

First, we should eat healthy food, drink a lot of water and do more exercise.Foodcan give us energy.Doing exercise can make us strong.Second, we should change clothes often , wash hands often, keep the air fresh and clean and do house cleaning1

often to stop germsfrom getting into our bodies.At last, we should go to see a doctor at once if we don‟t feel well.Everyone in our school likes sports.Every morning, after we get up, we do morning exercises.And after the second class, we do exercises again.We only have PE classes twice a week, but we do sports at five every afternoon.We have school basketball, football and volleyball teams, and our teams often have matches with teams from other schools.Besides ball games, some of us like running, jumping and swimming.Once a year we have a sports meeting.Health is far more important than wealth.Good health enables us to enjoy our life and achieve what we hope for in our career.On the contrary, poor health leads to nothing.How can we keep healthy Here is some advice.Firstly, it is very important for us to take more fruits and vegetables because they provide vitamins, and we have to keep a balanced diet.So we should avoid food with lots of sugar and fat/which is rich in sugar and fat.Secondly, we'd better exercise every day to make our bodies strong.Besides, we have to avoid too much work pressure.Finally, we have to get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and smoking.In conclusion, if we stick to the advice given above, we will lead a healthy life.请你以“How to learn English well?”写份演讲稿80字左右.范文:

Dear classmates:

We have been learning English for over 6years and really love it.English is one of the most important languages in the world.It‟s necessary for us to learn it well.How do you study? Everyone learns English in different ways.I think the best way to improve your English is to improve your English skills.They are/include listening reading and writing.We should practice them every day.we should remember more words and grammar.Reading more English story books or novels Watching more English cartoon TVs or moves.Listening English tapes and repeating after the speaker.Second you are not afraid to make any mistakes you speak English as much as possible.Third you ask the teachers when you don‟t understand any knowledge.It‟s very good for you if you are interested in English.You will find studying English is interesting and helpful.One more thing remember “Practice makes perfect”!I hope everyone makes progress.Thanks!


My dearest Mother,The mother„s day is coming and I would like to say “Happy mother‟s day” in this letter.I love you and thank you so much for everything you did for me.This day,I will stay away and can„t give you my appreciation at home.I know I will watch myself,so don‟t worry about me.I am doing very well on my study.My schoolmates and teachers are all very nice.Though I can„t be at home,I hope you have a wonderful mother‟s day.Love,Your son

Dear mother :

I am writing to express my deepest thanks to you in Mother„s Day,dear mother,you devoteall of your energy and blood to our.you do not have any complaint about my brother and i.You love our though various different approaches such as study,work and life,consequently,our held on the belief that the mother is only lover.please accept our appreciate again

Ihope that you have happiness everyday.













A.禅让制 B.世袭制 C.分封制 D.科举制




A.玄奘 B.鉴真 C.张骞 D.郑和



A.迁都洛阳,采用汉族官制 B.重农抑商,推行县制 C.说汉话,穿汉服,改汉姓 D.鼓励鲜卑族与汉族通婚



A.《史记》 B.《资治通鉴》 C.《天工开物》 D.《本草纲目》


A.林则徐 B.魏源 C.左宗棠 D.邓世昌 6.第二次鸦片战争前后,某国先后强迫清政府签订一系列不平等条约,共侵占中国领土150多万平方千米。该国家是

A.英国 B.法国 C.日本 D.沙俄 7.1915年,一场高举“民主”“科学”大旗的思想解放运动——新文化运动在中国大地上


A.康有为发起“公车上书” B.陈独秀创办《青年杂志》 C.严复发表《天演论》 D.李大钊发表《庶民的胜利》

8.发生在1919年的五四爱国运动对中国近代历史发展影响深远,它是中国 A.近代史的开端 B.近代化的起步

C.新民主主义革命的开端 D.进入社会主义初级阶段的标志

9.今年是中国人民解放军建军90周年。追根溯源,与建军节有关的历史事件是 A.南昌起义 B.秋收起义 C.井冈山会师 D.红军长征

10.与图1信息相关的历史事件是 A.九一八事变 B.西安事变 C.七七事变 D.台儿庄战役


上,毛泽东号召全党:“下定决心,不怕 图1 牺牲,排除困难,去争取胜利”。会议为争取抗战的最后胜利奠定了基础。该会议是 A.中共一大 B.遵义会议 C.中共七大 D.中共十二大



A.转战陕北 B.百万雄师过大江 C.淮海战役 D.刘邓大军挺进大别山 13.抗战期间,通过自身努力,打破了外国公司的技术封锁和垄断,成功发明“联合制碱法”的我国著名化学家是

A.詹天佑 B.侯德榜 C.邓稼先 D.袁隆平14.1958年,中国大地上出现了这样一种现象,全国大约出动9000万人,大搞“小(高炉)、土(土法炼钢、炼铁)、群(群众运动)”。小土炉、小高炉遍地开花,全民大炼钢铁运

动在全国掀起。这一现象应该出现在下列哪一时期 A.土地改革时期 B.“一五计划”时期 C.“大跃进”运动时期 D.“文化大革命”时期 15.1978年12月召开的中共十一届三中全会,是建国以来党的历史上具有深远意义的伟大



A.解放思想,实事求是 B.“两个凡是” C.四项基本原则 D.“三个代表” 16.2017年4月26日,第一艘国产航母下水,显示了我国国防建设的巨大成就。新中国建


A.北洋水师 B.华东军区海军 C.北海舰队 D.南海舰队



①中美建交 ②恢复在联合国的合法席位

③2001年承办上海亚太经合组织会议 ④提出和平共处五项原则

A.①②③ B.②③④ C.①③④ D.①②④


狮身人面像 《汉谟拉比法典》石柱


种姓制度 种姓制度 C C


D D 19.马拉松赛跑已在云南多个城市举办,越来越多的发挥着凝聚公众的纽带作用。与马拉松


A.琅城起义 B.希波战争 C.亚历山大东征 D.布匿战争

20.美洲“新大陆”被发现与下列哪位航海家的航行活动有关 A.哥伦布 B.迪亚士 C.达·伽马 D.麦哲伦

21.与图2内容相符的历史文献是 A.《民法典》 B.《权利法案》 C.《人权宣言》 D.《独立宣言》



实现了由封建社会向资本主义社会转变的改革是 A.大化改新 B.废除农奴制改革 C.明治维新 D.百日维新

23.某同学在历史故事分享时讲到:5月21日,凡尔赛反动武装最终冲破了圣克鲁门„„ 27日,剩余的公社战士退守至拉雪兹神甫公墓„„28’日晚,公社战士高呼“公社万


A.五月流血周 B.宪章运动

C.攻占巴士底狱 D.彼得格勒武装起义



A.波兰灭亡 B.巴黎沦陷 C.慕尼黑阴谋 D.英国遭到空袭 25.“二战”结束后,中东地区长期动荡不安。中东问题的焦点是 A.巴以冲突 B.争夺水源 C.石油争夺 D.印巴冲突


二、非选择题(本大题共4小题,第26题10分,第27题15分,第28题13分,第29题 12 分,共50分)





1951年,西藏地方政府派出以阿沛·阿旺晋美为首席代表的代表团到达北京,与中央 人民政府谈判,双方达成了和平解放西藏的协议,西藏获得和平解放。

图4 西藏和平解放协议签字仪式






……为了巩固清朝统治,李鸿章提出变“成法”、立“奇业”的主张,即在不变更封建 制度的前提下,学习西方,略事变革,发展军事工业和民用工业,加强内部统治,对付新的


——白寿彝主编《中国通史》 材料二

辛亥革命不仅推翻了清朝政府,扫除了中国争取民族独立和社会进步道路上这个巨大障 碍;而且结束了统治中国几千年的君主专制制度,建立起中国历史上从未曾有过的共和政体。这无疑是一个巨大进步。

——摘编自《二十世纪中国史纲》 材料三

1921年注定照耀史册,它并非世纪起点的标志,却是一个全新时代的开始……中国共 产党领导中国人民找到了一条使中国走向民族独立和人民解放的正确革命道路,取得了新民 主主义革命的伟大胜利,建立了新中国。材料四

20世纪50年代中国共产党领导中国人民走上了社会主义道路,由此开始了中华民族在 社会主义道路上实现伟大复兴的历史征程。……十一届三中全会后,中国进入了改革开放和 现代化建设的历史新时期,农村经济体制改革和城市经济体制改革相继展开。(1)材料一中李鸿章“变‘成法’、立‘奇业”’的主张后来在哪一运动中付诸实践?这一








1919年巴黎和会暂时调整了帝国主义战胜国在西方的相互关系。但在远东、太平洋地 区,它们之间的矛盾仍很尖锐,各国海军军备竞赛加剧。1921年11月12日~ 1922年2月 6日在美国首都华盛顿举行了一次会议,参加国有美国、英国、日本、法国、意大利、比利 时、荷兰、葡萄牙和中国。会议实际是在美、英、日三国操纵下进行的。




当前,国际形势总体上已走向缓和,但是大国强权和霸权主义造成的地区争端以及恐怖 主义活动仍在威胁世界的和平与发展,国际社会只有用对话代替对抗,开展广泛的交流与合 作,才能真正避免战争,维护和平。








原始人类起初靠采集和渔猎获取食物,随着适应、利用和改造自然的能力的提高,原始 人类学会了种植庄稼、饲养牲畜、制作陶器、建造房屋,开始了原始农耕生活。材料二

18世纪60年代以后,伴随着科技革命的发展,蒸汽机的汽笛发出了第一声呜响,世界 展现出一派崭新的景象:工厂里机器在轰鸣,江河中轮船在航行,铁路上火车在奔驰……人 类进入了工业文明的新时代。材料三

这场革命包括两部分—一积累信息和传播信息……仅世界各地每24小时公布的科学信 息,其量之多,即可填满7套24卷一套的《不列颠百科全书》。同样空前的、爆炸性的是用 计算机储存和检索信息的速度。还有以光速——尤其是通过卫星——向全世界发送信息的速 度。任何国家中的任何人都能通过报纸、杂志、收音机、电视机或计算机得到这种信息。

——摘自斯塔夫里阿诺斯《全球通史》 材料四

文明史观认为,从本质上说,人类历史的发展过程就是人类创造、积累文明成果以及人 的自身文明化的过程……而不同的方面按不同的划分标准又可分为不同的阶段,如物质文明 史又可分为采集渔猎时代、农业时代、工业时代和信息时代几个阶段。各国各地区的人民创 造的优秀文明成果是人类的共同财富。

(1)根据材料一并结合所学知识,写出中国黄河、长江流域有代表性的原始农耕文化遗址 的名称。(写出两个即可。2分)






41(1)1细胞膜(2)线粒体 5叶绿体(3)3细胞核(4)液泡

42(1)禾谷类 鹰(2)非生物成分(3)减少(4)鹰 食物链

43(1)呼吸 淀粉(2)形成对照实验(3)溶解叶绿素(4)黄白 光

44(1)小肠 吸收 视网膜(2)氧气 动脉(3)房室瓣 D左心室

45(1)水 空气(2)空气1号(3)温度(4)胚

46(1)Ⅲ 显(2)dd和Dd(3)Dd50%

47(1)遗传物质(2)B(3)特异性 保护易感人群(4)注射的疫苗是抗原,注射的H7N9康复病人的血清是抗体



How can we save the water(我们怎样节约用水)

Water is like our eyes in our life.As we short of water now , saving water is our duty , but how can we save water in our daily life ?

In my opinion we should do as follows :

We should treasure water , stop wasting water, control properly and reduce our everyday use of water consciously.Turn off the water as soon as we finish using it.It is our duty to protect all our water resources from any pollution ,too.At the same time ,we shouldn’t pour waster water or throw litter into the river or lake.I think saving water is not only good for ourselves but for society and at last for our sons , daughters , grandsons and granddaughters and so on.If everyone does his best to save water , the world will be more and more beautiful.How to protect ourselves in danger(怎样在危险中保护自己)

Now , the social situation is very completed for students.many children are killed by some dangerous persons.We must learn how to protect ourselves in danger.First , we can’t make friends with the dangerous people , because they are very lazy.second , we mustn’t hang out alone in the evening , because the evening is dark and dangerous , many people lost their lives in the evening.And we must go home with some classmates together on time , but when we meet danger , we must call the police for help , the police will us to beat away the man who is going to disturb(打扰)us.third , we can’t go to net bar , too , because there are some dangerous persons in it , and the net bar is bad for our study.All in all , danger is in everywhere we should take care of ourselves , if we keep an eye on our around ,we will be in safe.If we give love to others(如果我们把爱给了别人)

There are many people need love in the world , they also need our help.If we give love to them , the whole world will be much better.Nowadays , some people who live on the earth are very poor.They don’t have enough food to eat , some of them have died because of the hunger , and some people in the world are disabled people , they can’t live as a normal person , some of them can’t speak , write , listen , walk or see , all of them need our love and help.If we give love to them ,they will live better.What can we do for them ? First , we can give our pocket money to charity , then charity will help them with our money.Second , we can be a volunteer to help them and so on.In a word , if we try our best to help others , we will be happy.If we give love to others , our life will be full of happiness.Nature and Human-beings(人和自然)

Now nowadays , there are more and more pollution on the earth.It’s very important for us to get on well with the nature.We should protect her carefully.Nature is like our mother ,she is so kind , she always gives us a lot of things that we need , she asks us for nothing , but she is ill now , all of us should take good care of her.What should we do ? First , we shouldn’t waste water and paper.Second , we should plant more trees and flowers.Third , we shouldn’t throw litters everywhere , if everyone can do so , the nature will be healthy again.Protecting the nature is our duty , if we try our best to protect the nature carefully , we will live much better.Save the earth(保护地球)

The earth is our homeland , we can’t live without the earth , we should save the earth.Now , our earth is ill.she is getting weaker and weaker , the trees on the earth are being cut down by many people , water is dirtier and dirtier now and the air around the earth is polluted , the animals are endangered ,something must be done to improve our homeland.We should save the water and plant many trees , we should go to work or school on foot instead of cars buses.If we don’t notice our action , we will become homeless persons in the future , or the last drops of water will be our tears.In fact , saving our earth is saving our homeland.Sharing happiness(分享快乐)

We have a lot of happy things in our life , I often share them with my friends.Last Sunday , we won the basketball , we beat class 16 , though we are weak , we are pleased , we are proud of our team , because , our class didn’t win them before.In the evening , we had a party in my family with some of my classmates , we sang and danced all the evening.we were all pleased.We all know the happiness is very important , but how to share it with friends is more important.Do you agree with me ?

Sunshine in my life(我生活中的阳光)

In my own life , sunshine is everywhere , it makes me feel warm all the time.Last year , our school held a Chinese speech contest , my spoken Chinese is very well , and all my classmates wished me to take part in it , they all believed I would win , I didn’t want to let them down , so I joined it , but in fact , I was very shy , I always got red face when I spoke in front of people.I told this to my best friend Lily.she said to me with a warm smile “Don’t worry , I believe you can win , whatever you do , I’ll behind you all the time.” After that , I became confident.And at last , I won the first prize in the contest.Sometimes , a warm word can make people feel warm , it is just like sunshine in my life.We should do something to beat the drought(我们应该做点事来抗击干旱)

Yunnan was a beautiful place , she was like spring all year round , but now ,she has been changed since last September ,2009.She is dry.As we live on the earth , we can’t live without water.Now , our hometown gets drier and drier , the rivers and lakes are dry.The fishes live in them have been dead and the plants died , too.Farmers get nothing in the fields , the drought is testing us.We should do something to protect our environment.we should save the water and recycle it.If we don’t save the water , the last drops of water will become our tears.We should take an action to save our earth , in fact , to save our earth is to save ourselves.We believe we will be better tomorrow if we try our best to beat the drought.Welcome to 2010 Shanghai Expo(欢迎到上海世博会来)

Shanghai is a very beautiful city in China , but do you know the Expo in Shanghai ? It is very great for every Chinese people.In Shanghai we can see many foreigners , many people volunteer to help them , Expo became the most important things in China , we will try our best to welcome the foreigners and help them.As a middle school student , we can’t become a volunteer in Shanghai , but we will always care about the news about Shanghai Expo.If I were a volunteer , I would try my best to make contribution for Shanghai Expo , the Shanghai Expo let us know our country are becoming stronger and stronger.Now , we will study better day by day to make contribution for China , if our dreams come true ,we think we can let China more and more beautiful in the future.







66.twice 67.wonderful 68.my 69.biggest 70.listener

71.basketball club 72.green cities 73.go fishing 74.turning down

75.instead of


My Plan for the Coming School Year My name is Lucy.I am 16 years now.I’m in Grade Nine.I will leave my mother school that named Polly Middle School.It’s a mountain school.There are 12 classes in our school.I miss my old school,but I must leave it for the coming school called Big mountain high middle school.In the high school,I will work harder at my English to improve it.I am going to listen it more.I am going to speak it more.I will read it more.I will write it more.I am going to translate it more.I am going to join English club to practice my English.I love English,love my English teachers.I want to be an English teacher.



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    云南省初中学业水平考试方案公开征求意见 2014年10月24日 云南网 为引导学校进一步落实执行国家课程方案,切实减轻学生过重的学业负担,结合国家和省教育综合改革要求,省教育厅......


    云南省2017年初中学业水平考试历史试题卷 一、选择题 1.传说禹治理水患三过家门而不入,最终治水成功,深得众望。舜年老后,将部落联盟首领的位置传给了禹。这一传说反映的是 A.禅......


    2018生物模拟测试题(一) (全卷两个大题,共47个小题,共8页:满分100分,考试用时90分钟) 第卷(选择题,共60分) 一、选择题(本大题共40小题,每小题1.5分,共60分。在每小题给出......


    2017年云南省初中学业水平考试 生物 试题卷 (全卷共两个大题,含47个小题,共4页,满分100分,考试用时90分钟) 注意事项: 1、本卷为试题卷。考生必须在答题卡(答题卷)上解题作答。将答案......


    2018年云南省学业水平考试英语 备考教学研讨会学习心得 初三备课组 宋春梅 本次我于11月5 日在昆明参加了北京百师联盟教育科技中心组织的为期一天的2018年备考教学研讨会,会......


    2016年云南省初中学业水平考试思想品德试题卷 (全卷三个大题,共31个小题,共8页;满分100分,考试用时90分钟) 第I卷(选择题,共50分) 一、选择题(请选出一个最符合题意的答案,用2B铅笔在答......


    2013年云南省初中学业水平考试 英语试题质量分析(单项选择题分析)学业水平考试与县一、二模考试对比分析:一、总体分析对比 县一、二模拟试题考查的知识点与学业水平考试的题......

