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阅读是一个将视觉代码转化为有意义的语言的过程。在早期,字母表系统的阅读涵盖了将字母转化为相对应的声音,并且将这些声音转化为单词。一项研究切实展示了个体口语差异和之后阅读差异的正面相关性和持久连续性。(例如Bishop & Adams, 1990;Butler, Marsh, Sheppard, & Sheppard, 1985;Pikulski & Tobin, 1989;Scarborough, 1989;Share, Jorm, MacLean, & Mathews, 1984)。换而言之,词汇量大,对口语理解力强的孩子阅读起来更容易。然而口语和阅读的联系显而易见,由外而内地由对阅读任务的理解衡量(详见下文)。一些研究表明一定程度的词汇量在学习阅读的早期过程中作用明显,但是这种作用会随着阅读的进步而逐渐减弱。(如R.Wagner 在 1997年的研究)。

尽管孩子的词汇能力在阅读过程中的作用会随着其进步越来越弱,但当孩子开始学习单词发音,向阅读的更高一层进步时,语义和句法能力会在孩子认识学习阅读顺序的过程中会越来越重要,当孩子处于为理解而阅读阶段时,他们的作用就大于初期单纯地读出发音阶段。(例如: 见Gillon and Dodd, 1994;Mason, 1992; Share and Silva, 1982;Snow, Barnes, Chandler, Hemphill, & Goodman, 1991;Tunmer & Hoover, 1992; Tunmer, Herriman, & Nesdale, 1988; Vellutino, Scanlon, & Tanzman, 1991)。

除了词汇量和理解处理日益复杂的句法结构能力对孩子的文学能力的影响外,Snow和他的同事(如:Dickinson & Snow, 1987;Dickinson & Tabors, 1991;Snow, 1983)提出了孩子对文章的阅读和对故事的叙述是由脱离性语言的习得推进的。脱离性语言指用于故事叙述和其他用于向拥有少量说话人信息的受众或非当事人传达信息的书面形式沟通的语言。与之相反,融入式语言则依赖于对文章、知识和即时反馈的共享之上。孩子的脱离性语言能力与传统读写能力如,解码、理解故事和生成书面表达。(如Dickinson & Snow,1987)。

如下文所述,口语对由内向外的重要能力习得、语音敏感性也有明显影响作用。众多对学前班(如Burgess & Lonigan, 1998;Chaney, 1992;Lonigan, Burgess, Anthony, & Barker, 1998)和小学低年级的学生(如 Bowey, 1994;R.Wagner, Torgesen, Laughon, Simmons, & Rashotte, 1993;R.Wagner et al., 1997)的研究表明了孩子的词汇量和语音敏感能力之间的显著的一致性纵向连接。作为词汇量增长的结果,孩子在早期的单词记忆力由全面表达(如“homework”或“interesting”)向分部表达(如“home”-“work” 或 /in/ /ta r/ /e st/ /ing/)跨进。(详见Metsala & Walley,1998,备注)。当孩子学习了更多单词后,以组成部分记忆单词比整词记忆要有效地多。词汇量小的孩子的语音敏感性发展受限是因为他们无法将整词记忆转为分部记忆。这些发现说明词汇量的发展设定了语音敏感性生成的不同阶段。(Fowler, 1991;Metsala & Walley, 1998).音素记忆指对于声音信息的短期记忆。短期储存的声音呈现信息系统的编码通常由即时回忆口述材料来衡量。例如,音素记忆可由孩子重复不断增长的非单词(如,“weem,” “nokyisms”等不断增长的费单词)和重复不断增长的句子(如“The big dog,” “The cat in the hat stood on the chair.”)或重复不断增长的数字(如“4…3,” “5…2…8…4”)获得。有效的音素记忆可使孩子在解码过程中对音素及其代表的字母进行正确呈现,也因此将更多的已认识资源融入解码或理解过程。.对词汇的音素学处理或音素命名指将语音信息代码从永久性记忆取回的效率。广泛使用的两种音素命名法为独立命名和序列命名。在独立命名法中,将一幅图片展示给孩子,测量孩子读出图片所示物品名字的时间。对于年龄较大些的孩子,序列命名通常为让孩子用字母序列说出单个组成部分、数字或颜色的时间被测量,以获得其对词汇进行音素学处理的时间。对于年龄较小的孩子,序列命名则会测试孩子最快说出一系列图示物名字的时间(如老鼠、人、房子、树、蛇)。对词汇音素学处理的效率可影响孩子获得语音信息代码和字母、单词分部和整词的组合的难易,并且增加他们在解码过程中使用语音信息的可能性。(由Bowers & Wolf, 1993;Wolf, 1991提出)

以上音素学处理方法均与解码能力(如,读出单词发音的能力)有很大的关联,并且,在缺乏干预的情况下,学前班晚期以前孩子之间的个体差异非常稳定。(Burgess & Lonigan, 1998;Lonigan, Burgess, & Anthony, 1998;Torgesen & Burgess, 1998;R.Wagner, Torgesen, & Rashotte;1994;R.Wagner et al., 1993, 1997)。如R.Wagner et在(1997)的一篇报告中提及孩子的语音敏感性的稳定系数同上年增长比由0.83(幼儿园至一年级间)增长至0.95(由2年级至4年级)。

较差阅读者的一个标志是较差的语音处理能力。几乎所有的较差阅读者都有一个核心的语音不足(如语音敏感性或处理能力),有些较差阅读者还有其他阅读相关能力的不足(如词汇量不足),不足程度依赖于他们的阅读能力与同龄和同年级正常水平之间的差距。(Stanovich, 1988;Stanovich & Siegel, 1994;Torgesen出版)。换言之,较差阅读者的语音处理能力相较其同龄伙伴来说较低,但是他们的口语能力和综合认知能力却在同龄水平。(这种情况的一种普遍情形是阅读困难)。但也有些较差阅读者也显示出比同龄儿童较差的音素处理能力、口语能力和综合认知能力(这种情况的一种普遍情形是一般阅读困难)。两种较差阅读者在语音处理方面都存在不足。具有双重不足的孩子(如语音敏感度和语音处理差于同龄孩子)阅读能力最差(Bowers, 1995;Bowers & Wolf, 1993;McBride-Chang & Manis, 1996)。

针对阅读前孩子的语音处理能力的大部分工作都反应了学前语音敏感度。学前儿童和幼儿园儿童的语音敏感度的个体差异与早期阅读习得相关,(如Bradley & Bryant, 1983;1985;Bryant, MacLean, Bradley, & Crossland, 1990;Stanovich, Cunningham, & Cramer, 1984)。能够轻易感知韵律、音节或音素的孩子能够更快地学习阅读,这种关系在造成多样化的诸多影响因素中排除如智力、词汇、记忆力和社会课堂后,仍明显存在(Bryant et al., 1990;MacLean, Bryant, & Bradley 1987;Raz & Bryant, 1990;R.Wagner & Torgesen, 1987;R.Wagner et al., 1994, 1997)。此外,教学实验表明在语音敏感度方面受过正确培训的孩子也对阅读有正面影响,这也证实了语音敏感度和早期阅读能力之间的关系(e.g., Bradley & Bryant, 1985;Brady, Fowler, Stone, & Winbury, 1994;Byrne & Fielding-Barnsley, 1991a, 1993)。例如Byrne & Fielding-Barnsley在1991年的实验中教授学前儿童识别一定数量的单词开始和结尾的音节,这些孩子在语音敏感度测量中比对比小组成员得分更高,对单词进行解码的能力更高。


至今为止,还没有任何研究对传统教学方法教授字母名称和直接教授字母形状和声音之间的连接方法之间的利弊进行评估。尽管直接教授形状和声音组合看起来更符合目前简化孩子学习任务的趋势,但几乎所有针对预阅读者的字母教学材料都专注于传统的字母名称,大部分的孩子也基于此背景知识开始正式阅读学习。此外,一些关于解码和语音敏感度早期发展的研究普遍发现,字母名称知识比字母-声音组合知识更能体现学生的进步(如Burgess & Lonigan, 1998;R.Wagner et al., 1994)。字母名称可以给他们的发音提供一定信息(如tee里的/t/,kay里的/k/),初期阅读者在阅读和写作里也使用了这一知识(Ehri & Wilce, 1985;Read, 1971;Treiman, 1993)。


教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 幼儿英语口语

I.Reception入园接待 1.Hi!/ Hello!你好!2.Good morning.早上好。

3.Hello, nice to meet you./ Nice to see you.你好,见到你真高兴。

4.How are you? I am fine, thank you.你好吗?我很好,谢谢。

5.Please say bye-bye to your mummy / daddy.请和妈妈/爸爸说再见。

6.Come in, please.请进。

7.Come on./ come here, please.请过来。8.Take off your coat.脱掉外套。

9.Please put on your morning check-card.请把晨检牌带好。

II.Group Activity集体活动 1.Are you ready? 准备好了吗? 2.Let’s start.让我们开始。

3.Who can tell me? / Who can answer me? 谁能告诉我?谁能回答?

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教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 4.Look at me.看着我。

5.Look at the blackboard.看黑板。6.Be quite./ Keep quite.保持安静。7.Sit well./ Sit nicely.坐好。

8.Put up your hand./ Put down your hand.把手举起来 / 把手放下。

9.Stop talking.别说话。

10.Is that clear? / Do you understand? 清楚了么?你明白吗?

11.Read with me.和我一起读。12.Return to your seat.回座位。13.Stand up./ Sit down.起立 / 坐下。14.Listen carefully.仔细听。

15.Listen to me./ Listen to the music.听我说 / 听音乐。16.Say it in English.用英语说。17.Do you know? 你知道吗? 18.Let’s play a game.让我们来做游戏。

19.Let’s write / draw something.让我们来写点什么 / 画点什么。

20.Let’s dancing / singing.让我们来跳舞唱歌。21.Let’s listen to a story.让我们听个故事。22.Let’s listen to the tape.让我们听磁带。

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教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 23.Let’s watch TV / a play.让我们看电视 / 看表演。24.Let’s say it together.让我们一起说。25.What did you hear? 你听到什么了? 26.Who has finished? 谁做完了? 27.Who want to try? 谁想试试? 28.How do you know? 你怎么知道的? 29.Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个? 30.Put your hands on your knees.把手放在膝盖上。31.Attention.注意。

32.You are right.你是正确的。33.You are so good!你真棒!34.Paint it in red.把它涂成红色。

35.Open / close your book, please.打开/ 合上你的书。36.Don’t be afraid / shy.别害怕 / 害羞。

III.Outdoor Activity 户外活动

1.It’s time for morning exercises.早操时间到了。2.Let’s go out / outside.让我们到室外去。3.Let’s go downstairs.让我们到楼下去。4.Let’s play on the ground.让我们去操场上玩。5.Line up.排队。

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教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 6.Two line.2条队。

7.At ease!/ Attention./ Eyes front./ Hands down.稍息 / 立正 / 向前看 / 手放下

8.Let’s go.让我们走。9.Stop.停。10.Count off 报数。11.Hurry up.快点。12.Be careful.小心。

13.One by one.一个接着一个。14.Be slowly,take easy.慢点,别着急。

15.Don’t move.别动。

16.Let’s have a race.让我们来个比赛。17.Hand in hand.手拉手。18.Make a circle.围一个圈。19.Jump on one foot.单脚跳。

20.Fall in./ Fall out.集合。/ 解散。21.Run.跑。

22.Wonderful!/ Great!太棒了!23.You are the winner.你是胜利者。24.You are the first.你是第一名。

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教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 25.Are you tired? / Let’s have a rest.你累了吗?/ 让我们休息一下。

26.Let’s go back to the classroom.让我们回教室。27.Don’t push other people / children.别推别人。/ 别推别的小朋友。

28.Stop pushing.不许推搡。IV.Washing and Eating 讲卫生和进餐

1.Use soap to wash your hands.用香皂洗手。2.Dry your hands with your towel.用毛巾把手擦干。3.Please go to the toilet / bathroom, boys go first.男孩先去洗手间。

4.Turn the tap off, when you have down.洗完手后,把水龙头关了。

5.Show me your hands, are they clean / dirty? 让我看看你的手干净了吗? / 脏吗?

6.Are you thirsty? / Are you hungry? 你渴吗?/ 你饿吗?

7.Please take your cup.请拿你的杯子。8.Have some water.喝点水。

9.It’s time for lunch.午饭时间到了。

10.Don’t spill your foods on the table.别把你的食物洒教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/

教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 在桌子上。

11.Please finish it.把它吃完。

12.Would you like some rice or soup? 你想要一些米饭还是汤?

13.Do you want to more? 你要加一些吗? 14.Eat a little more.在多吃一点。15.Don’t play with your foods.别玩食物。16.Eat properly.好好吃。17.Are you full? 饱了吗? 18.Wipe your mouth.擦嘴。19.Rinse out your mouth.漱口。

20.Please keep the table clean.请保持桌面干净。21.Let’s go out for a walk.让我们出去走走。22.Is it delicious? 它好吃吗?

V.Sleeping time and Tea time 午睡和午点 1.It’s bed time.午睡时间到了。

2.Take off your clothes / coat / trousers / shoes.服 / 外套 / 裤子 / 鞋。

3.Fold up your clothes / coat / trousers / shoes.教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 衣服 / 外套 / 裤子,放好鞋。

4.Go to sleep.睡觉。5.Close your eyes.闭眼。6.Cover yourself up.盖好被子。

7.Put hands into the quilt.把手放进被子里。8.Wake up./ get up.叫醒。/ 起来。9.Put on your clothes.穿衣服。10.Dress yourself.自己穿衣服 11.Fold up your quilt.叠被子。12.Do your buttons.扣扣子。

13.Tuck your shirt into your pants.把衣服掖进裤子里。14.Comb your hair.梳头。

15.Please eat some snack.请吃些午点。16.Daily conversation.日常会话。17.Excuse me.打扰了。18.Wait a minute.等一下。

19.What are you doing? 你在干什么? 20.Can I help you? 我能帮你吗? 21.What’s wrong? 怎么了?

22.Why are you up set? 为什么你不高兴了?

23.Don’t cry, I will play with you.别哭,我和你一起玩。

教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/

教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/ 24.Leave me along./ don’t bother me.离我远点。/ 别烦我。

25.I am sorry.对不起。26.Pardon.重说一边。27.Look out.当心。28.Keep away.离远点。

29.You are very clever!你真聪明!

30.How beautiful your clothes are!你的衣服是多么的漂亮呀!

31.Clap your hands.拍手。

32.That’s a good idea.它是一个好主意。33.Softly.轻轻的。

34.Pick it up.把它捡起来。35.Good bye.再见。

36.See you tomorrow.明天见。

教育手拉手 http://www.xiexiebang.com/



1、Hello!(How do you do?)你好!

2、How are you?-I’m fine.Thank you.and you? 你好吗?我很好。谢谢,你呢?

3、Good morning / afternoon/evening/night.早上好/下午好/晚上好/晚安。

4、Excuse me.(Sorry.I’m sorry)打搅一下(对不起/不好意思)

5、Thank you!谢谢你!

6、You are welcome.不用谢。

7、How are you today? 今天还好吗?

8、Nice to meet you.见到你很高兴。

9、What’s your name? 你叫什么名子啊?

10、My name is×××。我叫×××。

11、What can I do for you? 我能为你做点什么?

12、What’s wrong with you?(What’s the matter?)你怎么了?(出什么事了?)

13、It’s time for class.该上课了。

14、Come in please.请进。

15、Let’s get ready for class!让我们准备上课吧!

16、Line up please!排队!

17、Attention please!立正!

18、At ease.稍息。

19、Turn life/right!


20、One bye one please.No pushing.一个一个来。不要挤。

21、Let’s go back to the classroom.让我们回教室去。

22、It’s time for(breakfast lunch supper/dinner)该吃早餐了/该吃午餐了/该吃晚餐了

23、Please eat up.Take your time.把它吃完。慢慢吃。

24、Would you like some rice!来点米饭吧!

25、Help yourself.请吃,别客气。

26、Please have some fish/vegetables.吃点鱼/蔬菜吧。

27、Do you want anymore? 还要吗?

28、Anything to drink? 喝点啥?

29、I’d like to drink some milk!我想喝点年奶!

30、Today we are going to learn some new worlds。今天我们将学习一些新单词。

31、Who wants to try? 谁来试试?

32、Let me try!我来试试!

33、It’s your turn.轮到你了。

34、Don’t be afraid/shy!不要害怕/不要害羞!

35、Try your best!尽力做/尽力试。

36、Do you understand? 明白了吗?

37、Stand up/sit down.please.请站起来/请坐下。

38、Listen to me carefully.pease.请仔细地听我说。

39、Look at me ,please.请看着我。

40、Watch carefully.看仔细。

41、What are you going to do tonight? 今晚干啥去?

42、I’m going to Disney’s English Club.我要去迪士尼英语俱乐部。

43、I’m going to learn Disney’s Magic English.我去学迪士尼神奇英语。

44、What’s on tonight? 今晚有什么节目?

45、Let’s watch TV.我们看电视吧!

46、We are going to the People’s Park.我们要去人民公园。

47、Be quiet.please.请安静。

48、Stop talking!(Don’t talk.)别讲话。

49、Don’t worry about it.不要为这担心。

50、No problem.没问题。

51、Clap your hands.鼓撑拍手。

52、Class is over.(Time is up.)下课了!(时间到了)

53、See you next time.Bye bye!下次见,再见。

54、Well done!干得好!

55、You are so smart!你真聪明!

56、How clever you are!你真是太聪明了!

57、Let’s have a rest.(take a break)我们休息一下。

58、It’s time to go to bed.该睡觉了。

59、It’s time to get up.(Wake up.please.)该起床了(醒醒)

60、Wash your face/hands/foot.洗脸/手/脚。

61、Comb your hair.梳头。

62、Brush your teeth.刷牙。

63、Come on.Let’s play together.过来,我们一起玩。

64、Let’s play a game.我们来玩个游戏。

65、You are getting better and better.你越来越棒了。

66、You’re making progress everyday.你每天都在进步。

67、You’re always the best.你总是最好的。

68、You speak English very well.你英语说的非常好。

69、Do you like English?(I like English very much)你喜欢英语吗?(我太喜欢英语了)

70、I’m pleased with your spoken English.你的口语真令我满意。

71、Be brave, please.请勇敢一点。

72、Have a nice weekend!周未愉快1

73、Happy birthday to you.(Happy New Year to you)生日快乐!(新年快乐)

74、Put on your clothes.穿衣服。

75、Take off your clothes/shoes.脱衣服/鞋子。

76、Pardon!(I beg your pardon)什么!请你再说一次。

77、May I speak to×××。Please.×××在吗?

78、Who is on the line?


79、This is OSA.我是OSA。(电话用语)

80、Welcome to Shiyan.欢迎来到十堰。

81、Do you like Shiyan? 你喜欢十堰吗?

82、People in Shiyan are proud of Wudang Mountain.十堰的人以武当山为豪。

83、Are you free this afternoon? 今天下午你有空吗?

84、I’m inviting you to Mcdonald’s.我请你去麦当劳。

85、At what time shall I come? 我什么时候可以过来。

86、Is six o’clock ok with you? 六点可以吗?

87、This way.please!这边走!88、Have a good time.(Enjoy yourself)玩得愉快!

89、The same to you!你也一样!

90、You are learning fast.你学得很快。

91、Keep on trying.不断努力。

92、Put up your hands.please.(Raise your hands, please/hands up)请举手。

93、Hands down.放下手。

94、Be careful.(look out)小心!

95、How are you feeling today? 你今天感觉怎么样?

96、Fine.thanks.and you? 很好,谢谢,你呢?

97、Hope to see you again!希望能再见到你。

98、Drink some water/tea, please.请喝水/茶。

99、Which one will you choose? 你要哪个?

100、Goodbye.See you tomorrow/late/next week!再见。明天见.



I am a student in the second grade in Wanquan primary school.There are 36 students in my class.I study many subjects, such as Chinese, Math, English, Music and so on.My favorite subject is Chinese.Mr./Mrs.Gao is our master teacher.I love my teachers and classmates.They are all very friendly.There are 5 people in my family, my grandparents, my parents and me.My father is an engineer, and my mother is a office clerk.I like going to the park with them.I have a happy family.即兴演讲:

My best friend

My best friend is a cat.I like her very much,because cat is more lovely than dog.Cat likes clean places very much.After eating something, cats often use tongue to lick their face and body.My cat’s name is Mimi.Mimi has blue and round eyes, her fur is very clean and white.Her ears are very short.She has got a very small mouth and she often says : “miao, miao”.In my free time, I play one hour with my cat.Mimi likes playing balls, some very soft toys and some light toys.When I was six years old, My mother bought this cat for me on my birthday.At that time Mimi was two years old.We spent about 200 yuan.I was very happy.Mimi eats three meals every day.She eats fish, meat and she drinks milk.She eats breakfast at 7:00, eats lunch at 12:00, eats supper at 6:00 pm.Mimi is my friend.She is important in my life.回答问题

1.Is your home far from your school / here?

Yes, it is.It takes me about *** minutes / hours.No, it isn`t.2.How do you go to school everyday?

I go to school by bus / subway / car / taix.I go to school on foot.3.Where do you study? Which school are you in?

I study in Wanquan primary school.4.Tell me about your school.My school is very beautiful.It`s a big school.There are*** classroom buildings.We can study in the classroom buildings.There is a swimming pool in my school.I can swim in it.There are *** computer rooms in my school.I can play games and learn in it.There are many tress and flowers in my school.It`s so beautiful.I love my school.5.How many floors are there in your classroom building?

There are *** floors in my classroom building.6.Do you like playing basketball / football / badminton?

Yes, I do.I usually play basketball / football / badminton.No, I don`t.But I sometimes play it.7.Do you read books in the library?

Yes, I do.I usually read books in the library.No, I never read books in the library.I read it in the classroom.8.Who do you often play with?

I often play with my best friend / my parents.9.Tell me about your best friend?

Frank is my best friend.He is tall and handsome.He likes playing basketball and we are in the same class.10.Are there many trees and flowers in your school?

Yes, there are many trees and flowers in my school.They `re beautiful

11.How many floors are there in your classroom building?

There are twenty floors in my classroom building.12.Which floor is your classroom on?

My classroom is on the third floor.13.What subject do you have / study at school?

I have Math, English, Chinese, PE, Science and so on.My favorite subject is English.14.What time / When do you get up?

I get up at half past seven.15.What time / When do you have breakfast?

I have / eat breakfast at a quarter to eight.16.When do you go to school?

I go to school at eight o`clock.17.What do you usually do in the evening?

I usually do my homework and watch TV in the evening.18.Do you have dinner at 6:00 in the evening?

No.I usually have dinner at 7:00.19.What do you usually do at the weekend.I don`t have any lessons and I play computer games and I play basketball with my friends.20.Where do you have breakfast, at home or at school?

I have breakfast at home.21.What do you usually in your free / spare time?

I usually play games, play football and watch TV.22.Do you have classes on Saturday and Sunday?

I have dancing lessons on Saturday and on Sunday I have English lessons.23.When does your father get up in the morning?

He gets up at 6:oo.24.How does your father go to work?

He goes to work by car / by bus / by subway.25.What’s the date today? / What date is it today?

It’s November the sixth.It’s the sixth of November.It is October the first.It is the first of October.It is February the sixteenth.It is the sixteenth of February.26.When is your birthday?

My birthday is on Sep.the twenty-sixth.(the twenty-sixth of Sep.)

27.What time is it? / What time is it now in Beijing?

It is three fifteen./ It is a quarter past three.It is three thirty./ It is half past three.It is three forty-five./ It is a quarter to four.28.When is May Day?

It`s May the first.(the first of May)

29.When is the Teacher’s Day?

It`s September the-tenth.(the tenth of September)

30.When is Christmas?

It`s December the twenty-fifth.(the twenty-fifth of December)

31.When is the Children’s Day?

It`s June the first.(the first of June)

32.Which month is it now?

It is …….33.What`s the weather like today?

It`s sunny today.It`s raining today.It`s windy today.It`s hot.It`s cold.It`s warm.It`s cool.34.What`s the weather like today?

Oh, we have bad weather again.It`s very cold.35.Is it snowing?

No.It`s windy.Let`s stay home and do our homework today.36.What`s the weather like in Beijing in spring?

It`s warm and sunny.37.What`s the weather like in Beijing in summer?

It`s hot and rainy.38.What`s the weather like in Beijing in autumn?

It`s cool and windy.39.What`s the weather like in Beijing in winter?

It`s cold and snowy.40.What`s the weather like today?

It`s cold and windy.41.Is it snowing?

No, it`s raining.Nice day, isn`t it?

42.Is it a nice day today?

Yes, it is.Let`s go out and have a picnic.No, it isn`t.It is raining cats and dogs.43.How many seasons are there in a year?

There`re four seasons in a year.Spring, summer, autumn / fall and winter.44.What’s your favorite fruit?

My favorite fruit is peach.It's very sweet, and good for my health.I like eating soft peaches.45.Which fruit don’t you like?

I don’t like...46.What’s your favorite animal?

My favorite animal is cat.I often play games with it.She is my best friend.47.Do you often go to the zoo?

Yes.I often go there with my grandparents.We all like to see animals.48.Do you like watching TV about animals?

Yes.I like watching Animal World.49.Do you have a pet in your family?

Yes.We have a lovely cat in my family.50.Do you like doing sports?

Yes.It’s good for my health.对我身体好

51.What’s your favorite sport?

My favorite sport is playing football.It’s very interesting.52.Do you do sports every day?

Yes.We have a PE class every day.







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