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4、夏洛克Shylock5、鲍西娅Baoxiya6、公爵Duke 7Secretary

D: Have mercy on Antonio, Shylock.Do not be so bitter.S: I've promised to take my pound of flesh.If you do not let me have it, that will be a sign of weakness and no one will trust your laws any more.The greatness of Venice will soon be lost.Antonio is my enemy, and I hate him.B: Do all men kill the things they do not love?




A: It is useless trying to argue with Shylock.Don't wait any longer.Pass judgement on me and give Shylock what he wants.B: I'll pay you six thousand ducats for the three thousand ducats that Antonio borrowed.S: If you offered me six times what you have just offered, I would still take my pound of flesh.Give me my pound of flesh!

D: Let us be calm, gentlemen.Shylock, how can you hope for mercy yourself when you show none?

S: I have done nothing wrong and I fear no judgement.I desire my pound of flesh.旁白:As the Duke is wondering what to do, Nerissa, dressed like a lawyer's clerk,arrives with a letter from the famous lawyer whom Portia has visited.While the Duke is talking to Nerissa, Shylock gets ready to cut his pound of flesh from Antonio.Then the letter is read out for all in the court to hear.“I am very ill.When your letter

reached me, I had with me a learned young doctor from Rome.I told him about the quarrel between Shylock and Antonio.We studied many lawbooks and he knows what I would say.I ask you to let him stand in my place and give judgement.He is young, but I never knew so young a body with so wise a head.”

After the letter has been read out to the court, Portia, in lawyer's clothes, enters the

room and takes her seat as judge.安东尼奥:跟夏洛克讲理是没有用的。别再等待了。对我宣判吧,把夏洛克想要得到的东西给他。





这时,当庭宣读了律师的信。“我重病缠身。收到你的信时,我正同一位从罗马来的很有 1



Secretary:Our respected Royal highness Madelihithe most famous lawyer has arrived.Duke:Welcome welcome!Sit down please!You must have mastered the detail case.Am I right?

Baoxiya:Yes.Where are the business man and the Jewis?

Duke:Come up!Antonion Shylock.Shylock:Shylock is my name.Baoxiya:In accordence with the Venice law your complaint is valid.(to Antonion)Your life and death are in the charge of him right?

Antonion:It’s the case.Bao xiya:Do you admit the contract?

Antonion;I admit.Bao xiya:Shylock you should be a little mercy.Shylock:Be mercy?Why?Tell me the reason!

Bao xiya:Being mercy is not only fortunate to the giver but also to the receiver more than the supre power.But if you insist on the original request the Venice law is selfless then the businessman had no choice but to be sentenced.Shylock:Do the matter on my own it’s none of your business.Punish him by law.Bao xiya:Is he not able to repay the loan?

Basaniao:No I am willing to pay off for him in count even ten times!He can take my

hand my head and my heart.If so he is not satisfied that is to harm Antonion on

purpose!Dukeprevent him killing Antonion by law!

Bao xiya:That’s impossible!The Venise law is selfless.Shylock:Daniela real daniel in our world!Young bright judge!Ah Ireally admire you!Bao xiya:Please let me look though the contract.Shylock:Here look at it.(从怀中掏借约)

Bao xiya:Shylock they are willing to pay back three times the money.Shylock:No!No!The whole of Venice to me I can’t promise.Bao xiya:Good In accordence with the law you have the right to cut a pound of flesh from his chest.I can tear up the contract now.(做撕条约动作)

Shylock:No!Must not before he is punished!(上前阻止鲍西亚)Do be a good judge!

Antonion:I also request of the sentence as soon as possible.Bao xiya:Good you must be ready to let his knife stab into your chest.Put your bare

chest out.(安东尼奥敞开胸膛,刽子手向前捆绑安东尼奥。鲍西亚转向夏洛克)Shylock The scales are ready?

Shylock:I have brought.(向鲍西亚展示天平)

Bao xiya:Shylock send for a surgeon.Avoid his dying because of bloodshed.You pay the cost.Shylock:No no such a provision in the law!

Bao xiya:A little mercy Shylock!(转向安东尼奥)Antonion what else to say for you? Antonion:No.I’m ready.Basaniano Goodbye!Don’t be sad!Give my regards to your

wife.I am your friends forever.Goodbye!

Basaniano:No!No!Antonion(极度伤感,先抱安东尼奥,后弯腰向安诉说)I love my wife but my life my wife and the world aren’t more than your precious life.I am willing to lose everything to save your life.Gelayiano:(伤心)I also love my wife but(重音,??一下)I would rather she died to beg God to stop the cruel devil!

Shylock:Don’t waste time!

Bao xiya:Ok!Shylock.The court promise you a pound of flesh from Antonion!Now you can begin.Shylock:Learned judge!Good sentence!To be ready!(持刀向前仔细割一磅肉)

Bao xiya:Coward!(厉声喊后,巴萨尼奥打掉夏洛克刀子)The pact doesn’t allow you to take his one drop of bloodnly one pound of flesh!therefor would shed a drop of Christian blood your land and property all would to be confiscated according to the Venice.Gelayiano:Ah!Smart honest lawyer!ListenJewisa learned judge comes!(向前吹捧鲍西亚)

Shykock:Does the legal say that?

Bao xiya:You can look up the law.Since you asked for fairnessI promise you.Shylock:Oh!My God!Then I am willing to accept the repayment of loansjust as the

contract.Basaniano:Money here!(递钱)

Bao xiya:Don’t hurry!The Jewis must get the justice.Can’t accept any compensation!Gelayiano:Ah!Jewis Look!How smart and honest a lawyer!A learned lawyer!

Bao xiya:Shylockbe prepared to cut the flesh not one pound of blood!not more than or less than a pound of weight!Or you should lose your life and your entire property should be confiscated.Gelayiano:A Daniel a great Daniel!Jewis now you are in my hands!(向前吹捧并向夏洛


Bao xiya:Shylock why not cut the flesh?

Shylock:Give me the captical let me go!

Basaniano:Money here you are!(递钱)

Bao xiya:Stop!He asked for fairness let him carry out the original.Shylock:Can’t I take back my money?

Bao xiya:Shylock you can’t get anything but a pound of flesh!

Shylock:Why!I don’t fight the lawsuit.(甩手转身要走)

Bao xiya:Wait!Jewis the Venice law says:A foreign people attempt to use direct or indirect means to murder any citizenidentify the evidence half of his property should be given to the victim the other half to the State.The offender’s life is delt with by the Duke others can’t say anything.Now you happened to fall into this danger.Get down on your knees!Ask the Duke for mercy!(夏洛克不情愿跪下)

Gelayiano:For mercy?(惊问,向前讽刺)Let yourself go die but your property is now a public charge a rope(顿一下)you can’t afford!Let the public(做向观众拿绳子绞死夏洛克动作)hang you for free.Duke:Let you look at our Christian spirit:I forgive your crime.Your half of the property was placed under Antonion the other half into the State.Shylock:Also take my life!I don’t want your forgiveness!Oh my money my house my fields!Take my life!

Bao xiya:Antonioncan’t you give him a little compassion?

Gelayiano:Don’t give him anything!

Antonion:I request Duke to give lenient sentence.Give his property in halflet me take over the other half of his property and I will hand it over to his daughter and son-in-law.But the conditions are:Firs the must believe in Chrisianity;Second he must write a court paper saying that all his property is handed down to his son-in-law and his daughter after he die.Duke:You must fullfill the two conditions otherwise would take back my announcement.Shylock:I accept it.Bao xiya:Secretary write a contract for them.Secretary:Jewis sign the paper!Here!Here!(写文书,走向夏洛克让其签名,点指)Shylock:Allow me to retireI do not feel very well myself.(心绞痛倒地,仆人帮其胸口顺气并摘下帽子扇风)

Duke:You can go.(仆人拽夏洛克下台)

All but Shylock:Go out!(其他演员一起指着他厉声呵斥,后演员谢幕


The Merchant of Venice

Act IV Scene I Venice.A court of justice

Role Description Shylock

He is the representative of usury capital, is stingy miser.But money-grubber Shylock was uncharacteristically at the beginning of the play , not several times more than the repayment of borrowings , and to a piece of useless human flesh , showing its petty and vengeful very heavy, a chance encounter would be crazy retaliation against him who can not have to put opponents to death , showing their ruthless.Sherlock retorted abuse of others , calm and confident attitude alive.After losing three times as he wants repayment , greedy and stingy nature of the recovery , the miser 's truth exposed.He is an out demons.Meanwhile , he is also a Christian society bullied Jews.Shylock 's revenge on Antonio has a reasonable and complex motivations.People Shylock , both despise his greed , hatred of his cruelty , but also how much sympathy he suffered racial oppression and humiliation.In many people 's eyes Lixialuoke is a sophistication , greedy , stingy , the vampire 's image , but also a miser , “ I make a wonky guarded portal , a little worried ,” Shylock can not say it is not the tragedy of this comedy character , the servant ran defected hungry people hate their own , while the daughter is holding their property and lovers eloped , and finally even lost part of his remaining property , he really is , “ lost his wife and fold soldiers.” It is a highly vindictive people , in retaliation for the abuse of hatred Antonio can not charge interest to let him step by step drill into a trap , in order is to get his piece of meat , but meat, what can he get ? He says, “ bring good fishing.” In fact, Antonio is also a stumbling block to block his way of getting money , in order to make their own sources of revenue must get rid of this stumbling block.Antonio

He is an emerging bourgeois businessman, he is the author of some landscaping.The author wrote his cherished friendship, in order to borrow money from loan sharks and friends and to this end die without resentment;his generosity in the face of shameless conspiracy Shylock, actually submissive;Faced with the threat of death, the Roman hero, as he has courage, death-defying spirit.In short, his body upright, Emotion, suave and other humanists whom quality Acura.Bassanio Antonio's friend.Courageous, Emotion Shigeyoshi, but do not know how to fight the policy, the performance was over the weak.Duke

An athletic kind man.Solanio, Bassanio, Gratiano Antonio’s friend.Nerissa Portia's maid.Portia is Bassanio's fiancée.Housewives

Venetian businessman Antonio for the sake of a friend Bassanio's marriage to the Jewish usurer Shylock to borrow.Do not give due Antonio interest from loans, in addition, often accused Antonio Shylock, the two forged a hatred.Shylock opportunity vindictive revenge, do not make their own interest, but if it fails to do yet, cut a pound of flesh from Antonio's chest.Unfortunately, the merchant Antonio came news of the crash, cash flow problems, inability to repay the loan.Sherlock went to court to sue, according to the legal provisions to Antonio promise.Cruelty to persuade people to give up the contract flesh Shylock, but Shylock insists to fulfill the contract, cut a piece of flesh from Antonio body.To save the life of Antonio, Bassanio's fiancee Portia posing counsel, Thus began the story.Duke: Go one and call the Jew to the court.Make room and let him stand before our face.Solanio: He is come, my lord.Duke: Shylock, the world thinks, and I think so, too, that you but lead'st this fashion of your malice to the last hour of the act and then 'tis thought you'll show your mercy and remorse, more strange than is your strange apparent cruelty.What say you, Jew? We all expect a gentle answer.Shylock: I have informed your grace of what I purpose and by our holy Sabbath have I sworn to have the due and forfeit of my bond.If you deny it, let the danger light upon your charter and your city's freedom.You'll ask me why I rather choose to have a weight of human flesh than to receive three thousand ducats.I'll not answer that.But, say, it is my humorWhat, are you answered yet?For affection, master of passion, controls one’s likes and dislikes.Now for your answer.As there is no firm reason to be given why he cannot abide a gaping pig, why he,(cannot bear)a harmless, necessary cat, why he(cannot endure)a woolen bagpipe, but of force must yield to such inevitable shame as to offend himself being offended, so can I give no reason, nor will I not.I bear so deep and fixed hate against Antonio that I follow thus this losing suit against him.(All)No!Bassanio: This is no answer, you unfeeling man, to excuse your cruelty.Shylock: I am not bound to please you with my answers.Bassanio: Do all men kill the things they do not love? Shylock: Does any man hate the thing he would not love? Bassanio: Every offence is not a hate at first.Shylock: You would have a serpent sting you twice?(Crowd shout in derision)Antonio: I pray you think, you are questioning with the Jew: You may as well go stand upon the beach and ask the flood to lower its usual height.(Sighs)You may as well question with the wolf why he has made the ewe bleat for the lamb.You may as well do anything if you can soften his Jewish heart which is harder than anything in the world.Therefore I do pray you, make no more offers, use no farther means.Let me have judgment and the Jew his will.(All)No!No!

Bassanio: You loaned me three thousand ducats.Here is six.(Crowd gasp)Shylock: If every ducat in six thousand ducats were in six parts and every part a ducat I would not take them.I would have my bond.Duke: How shall you hope for mercy by giving none? Shylock: What judgment should I fear, doing no wrong? You have among you many a purchased slave, which like your asses and your dogs and mules, you use in abject and in slavish services because you bought them.Shall I say to you, let them be free? Marry them to your heirs.Why do sweat they under burdens? Let their beds be made as soft as yours, their palates seasoned with your food.You will answer, “The slaves are ours.” So I can also answer you: The pound of flesh that I demand of him is dearly bought.'Tis mine.'Tis mine!'Tis mine.And I will have it.If you deny me, fie upon your law.There is no force in the decrees of Venice.I stand for judgment.Answer.(Crowd gasp)(Crowd shouting)Duke: Silence!Silence!Silence!Upon my power I may dismiss this court unless Bellario, a learned doctor that I have sent for to determine this come here today.Solanio: My lord!Here stays without(outside)a messenger with letters from the doctor just come from Padua.Duke: Call the messenger.(Nerissa comes to the court)Do you come from Padua, from old Bellario? Nerissa: From both, my lord.Bellario greets your grace.Bassanio: Why do you whet(sharpen)your knife so earnestly? Shylock: To cut the forfeiture from that bankrupt there.Gratiano: Can no prayers(moves)pierce you? Shylock: No.None that you have enough wit to make.Gratiano: Be you damned, execrable dog and for your life let justice be accused.Shylock: Till you can erase the seal from off my bond, or you are just hurting your lungs to speak so loud.Prepare your wit, good youth, or it will fall to insanity.I stand here for law.I stand for law!Duke: Silence!Silence!This letter does commend a young and learned doctor to our court.Well, where is he? Nerissa: He is waiting here nearby to know your answer, whether you'll admit him.Duke: Go, and give him courteous conduct to this place.Meantime, the court shall hear Bellario's letter.Clerk: ”Your grace shall understand that at the receipt of your letter, I am very sick “but in the instant your messenger came there was with me a young doctor of Rome ”whose name is Balthasar.” He comes at my asking to take my place.“I beseech you, let his lack of years be no impediment, ”for I never knew so young a body with so old a head.” I leave him to your gracious acceptance."

Duke: You heard Bellario, what he writes.Oh, and here, I take it, comes the doctor.(Portia kisses the hand of the Duke)You are welcome.Take your place.Are you acquainted with the difference that this present question in the court holds?

Portia: I am informed thoroughly of the case.Which is the merchant here and which is the Jew? Duke: Antonio and old Shylock, both stand forth.Portia: Is your name Shylock? Shylock: Shylock is my name.Of a strange nature is the suit you follow, yet in such rule that the Venetian law cannot deny you as you do proceed.(To Antonio)You stand within his power, don’t you? Antonio: Yes, he says so.Portia: Do you confess the bond? Antonio: I do.Portia: Then the Jew must be merciful.Shylock: On what compulsion must I? Tell me that.Portia: The quality of mercy is not strained;it drops as the gentle rain from heaven upon the place beneath.It is twice blessed: it blesses him that gives and him that takes.'Tis the mightiest in the mighty.It makes the monarch better than his crown.His scepter shows the force of temporal power, the attribute to awe and majesty wherein does sit the dread and fear of kings.But mercy is above this sceptered sway.It is enthroned in the heart of kings.It is an attribute to God himself and earthly power does then show like of God's when mercy seasons justice.Therefore, Jew, though justice is your plea, consider this.In the course of justice, none of us should see salvation.We do pray for mercy and that same prayer does teach us all to render the deeds of mercy.I have spoken thus much to mitigate the justice of your plea, which if you follow this strict course of Venice must needs give sentence against the merchant there.Shylock: My deeds upon my head.I crave the law, the penalty and forfeit of my bond.Portia: Is he not able to discharge the money? Bassanio: Yes, here I tender it for him in court, yea, twice the sum.If that is not enough, I will be bound to pay it ten times or more on forfeit of my hands, my head, my heart!If this is not enough it must appear that malice bears down on truth.(Bassanio rushes out and kneels down.)I beseech you, wrest once the law to your authority-to do a great right, do a little wrong and curb this cruel devil of his will.Portia: It must not be.There is no power in Venice can alter an established decree.'Twill be recorded for a precedent and many an error of the same example will rush into the state.It cannot be.Shylock: A Daniel come to judgment.(Crowd say No)Yea, a Daniel.O wise young judge, how I do honor you.Portia: I pray you;let me look upon the bond.Shylock: Most reverend(honorable)doctor, here it is.Portia: Shylock, there is twice the money offered you.Shylock: An oath, an oath.I have an oath in heaven.Shall I lay perjury upon my soul? No.Not for Venice.Portia: Well, this bond is forfeit.And according to the law, the Jew may claim a pound of flesh to be cut off by him nearest the merchant's heart.Be merciful.Take twice your money, and let me tear the bond.Shylock: When it is paid, according to the terms.Antonio: Most heartily I do beseech the court to give the judgment.(The Duke signals Portia to come near and then the two whisper)Portia: Then thus it is.You must prepare your bosom for his knife.Shylock: O noble judge, excellent young man.Portia: For the intent and purpose of the law fully recognize the validity of penalty which here appears due upon the bond.Shylock: 'Tis very true.O wise and upright judge.How much older you are than you look.Portia: Therefore, lay bare your bosom.Shylock: Yes, his breast.So says the bond, does it not, noble judge? Nearest the heart.Those are the very words.Portia: It is so.Are there balances here to weigh the flesh? Shylock: I have them here.(Crowd gasp)(Antonio faints and then is set on the chair)Portia: Find a surgeon, Shylock, on your charge to stop his wounds lest he should bleed to death.Shylock: Is it so mentioned in the bond? Portia: It is not so expressed but what of that? 'Twere good you do so much for charity.Shylock: I cannot find it.'Tis not in the bond.Portia: You, merchant, have you anything to say? Antonio: But little.(make a sign of cross)I am armed and well prepared.Give me your hand, Bassanio.Fare you well.Don’t grieve that I am fallen to this for you, for herein Fortune shows herself kinder than usual.Commend me to your honorable wife.Tell her the process of Antonio's end.Say how I loved you, speak me fair in death.And when the tale is told, let her judge whether Bassanio had once been loved or not.You shall repent that you lose your friend rather than that he pays your debt.For if the Jew does cut but deep enough, I'll pay it instantly with all my heart.Bassanio: Antonio, I am married to a wife which is as dear to me as life itself.But life itself, my wife and all the world are not with me esteemed above your life.I would lose all, yes, sacrifice them all, here to this devil to deliver you.Gratiano: I have a wife, whom, I protest, I love – I’d would that she were in heaven, so she could entreat some power to change this cursed Jew!Shylock: I have a daughter!I’d rather marry her to any of the stock of a thief than to a Christian.We are wasting time.I pray you, pursue sentence.Portia: You may proceed.A pound of that merchant's flesh is yours.The court awards it and the law does give it.Shylock: Most rightful judge.Portia: You must cut this flesh from off his breast.The court awards it and the law allows it.Shylock: Most learned judge.A sentence.Come.Prepare.Portia: Tarry a little!There is something else.This bond does not give you here a drop of blood.The words obviously are a pound of flesh.Take then your bond, take then your pound of flesh, but in the cutting of it, if you do shed one drop of Christian blood, your lands and goods are by the laws of Venice confiscate to the state of Venice.Gratiano: O upright judge!Mark, Jew.Learned judge!Shylock: Is that the law?

Portia: Yourself shall see the act.For as you urge on justice, be assured you shall have justice more than you desire.Shylock: Well.I take the offer, then.Pay the bond twice and let the Christian go.Bassanio: Here is the money.Portia: Soft.The Jew shall have all justice.No haste.He shall have nothing but the penalty.(Crowd murmurs)Therefore, prepare to cut off the flesh.Shed then no blood nor cut less nor more but just a pound of flesh.If you take more or less than a pound, if the scale does turn in the estimation of a hair, you die and all your goods are confiscate.Gratiano: A second Daniel!(Laughter)Now, infidel, I have you on the hip!

Portia: Why does the Jew pause? Shylock: Shall I not even have my principal? Portia: You shall have nothing but your forfeiture, so take it at your peril, Jew.Shylock: Then let the devil give him good of it.I'll stay no longer.Portia: Tarry, Jew.The law has yet another hold on you.It is enacted in the laws of Venice,if it is proved against an alien that by direct or indirect attempts he seek the life of any citizen, the party against which he does contrive shall seize one half of his goods.The other half comes to the privy coffer of the state and the offender's life lies in the mercy of the Duke only, against all other voice.(Antonio is released and begins to cry)In which predicament, I say you stand.Down, therefore, and beg mercy of the Duke.Gratiano:(goes near to Shylock)Beg that you may have leave to hang yourself.Duke: That you shall see the difference in our spirit, I pardon you your life before you ask it.For half your wealth, it is Antonio's, the other half shall come to the general state.Shylock: No, take my life and all.You take my house when you take the wealth that does sustain my house.You take my life when you take the means whereby I live.Portia: What mercy can you render him, Antonio? Gratiano: A free halter, nothing else, for God's sake.Antonio: So please my lord the Duke and all the court, I give up the fine of one half of his goods.I am content if he will let me use the other half in trust and upon his death give it to the gentleman that lately stole his daughter.One thing provided more, that, for this favor, he shall presently become a Christian.(Shylock: contained sobbing)Duke: He shall do this or I’ll recant the pardon.I pronounced here.Portia: Are you contented, Jew? What do you say? Shylock: Oh...I am contented.Duke: Clerk, prepare a deed of gift.Shylock: I pray you;let me leave and go from hence.I...I am not well.Send a deed after me and I will sign it.Duke: Get you gone, then, but do it.Court dismissed.
























尼丽莎:是这样,小姐的父亲说,谁要是想娶她,那么就得选出在三个盒子中间装有她画像的那一个盒子。(剧本 www.xiexiebang.com)这样,小姐就是他的人了,如果里面没有,那么他不仅不能告诉别人他选择了什么盒子,而且以后不能向任何女子求婚……怎么样,巴萨尼奥,你愿意选择吗?



































人物:1安东尼奥--安 2萨莱尼奥--萨 3罗兰佐--罗 4巴萨尼奥--巴(安东尼奥同萨莱尼奥走在街道上,边走边谈)





安:(抬眼望去)噢!原来是他们俩。(罗兰佐和巴萨尼奥同上)3 接上















巴:在贝尔蒙特有一位富家的嗣女,长的非常美貌,尤其值得称道的是,她有非常卓越的德行,从她的眼睛里,我有时接到她脉脉含情的流盼。她的名字叫鲍西亚,比起古代凯图的女儿,勃鲁托斯的贤妻鲍西亚来,毫无逊色。这个大的世界也没有漠视她们的好处,四方的风从每一处海岸上带来了声明籍籍的求婚者,她光亮的发,有如传说中的金羊毛,引诱着无数的伊阿宋前来向她追求。啊!我的安东尼奥!只要我有相当的财力,可以和他们当中无论哪一个人匹敌,那么我都会有充分的把握,一定会达到愿望的!安:您知道,我亲爱的巴萨尼奥!我的财产全部在海上,现在我既没有钱也没有可以变换成现款的货物,所以我们还是去试一试我的信用,看它在威尼斯城有什么效力,我一定凭着我这一点面子,能借多少就借多少,尽我最大的力量,供给你到贝尔蒙特去见你那美丽的鲍西亚。走,我们良人分头去打听什么地方可以借到钱。(伸手拉巴萨尼奥)我就用我的信用做担保,或者以我的名义给你借下来!(两人同下)4 第二场

地点:贝尔蒙特,鲍西亚家中 人物:鲍西亚,尼利莎,仆人 道具:二桌二凳,三只盒子,一只花瓶





尼利莎:老太爷生前德高望重,大凡有道君子临终之时,必有神悟,他既然定下这抽签取决的办法,叫谁能够在这金银铅三匣之中选中了他预定的一只,便可以跟您匹配成亲(用手掠过三个盒子,抓着鲍西亚的胳膊)那么能够选中得人一定是值得您倾心相爱的。可是在这些已经来向您求婚的王孙公子中,您对那一个最有好感呢? 鲍西亚:请你列举他们的名字,当你提到什么人的时候,我就对他下几句评语,凭着我的饿评语,你就可以知道我对于他们各人的印象。尼利莎:第一个是那不勒斯亲王。

鲍西亚:恩,他真是一匹马,他不讲话则已,讲起话来,老师说他们马怎么怎么,他因为能亲自替自己的马装上 蹄铁马厩自认是一件天大的本领,我很疑心他上辈子是不是个马夫。尼利莎:那巴拉廷伯爵呢?










鲍西亚:要是没有人愿意照我父亲的遗命把我娶去,那么即使我活到一千岁,也只好终身不嫁,我很高兴这群求婚者都是这么懂事,因为他们中间没有一个人我不是唯望其速去的,求上帝赐给他们一路顺风吧1 尼利莎;小姐,您还记得当老太爷在世时,有一个跟着蒙特佛拉侯爵到这儿来的文武双全的哪个威尼斯人吗?



仆人:小姐,那四位客人要来向你到别,另外还有第五位客人,是摩洛哥亲王他差了一个人先来报信。说他的主任亲王殿下要来这儿。鲍西亚:要是我能竭诚欢迎这第五位客人,就像我竭诚欢送那四位客人一样,那就好了。假如他有胜任般的德行,偏生着一副魔鬼的面貌,那么与其让我做他的妻子,还不如让他来听我忏悔,来吧,尼利莎,让我们去送他们上路(对仆人)你前面走--(同下)5 第三场






巴:(渴求道)您愿意帮我吗?您愿意应承我吗?可不可以让我知道您的答复? 夏:三千块钱,三个月为期限,安东尼奥签立借据。(自言自语)巴:(急切)您的答复呢?先生? 夏:安东尼奥是个好人。


夏:啊,不,不,不,我听说他是个好人,我的意思是说他是个有身价的人,可是他的财产却还有些问题,他有一艘商船开到特里泼里斯,另外一艘开到西印度群岛,在交易所里,我还听人说,他有第三艘船在墨西哥,第四艘到英国了,此外还有便布在海外各国的买卖--(面带不屑的狞笑 道)可是那些船只不过是几块木板钉起来的,水手也不过是些血肉之躯,岸上有老鼠,水里有老鼠,陆上有强盗,海上也有强盗,还有**,礁石各种危险,不过虽然这么说,他这这个人还是靠的住的,三千块钱,我想我还可以接受他的契约。


夏:我一定要放心才敢把债放出去,所以还是让我再考虑考虑吧,我可不可以跟安东尼奥谈谈? 巴:不知道你愿不愿陪我们吃一顿饭?



安:(正色道)夏洛克,虽然我跟人家互通有无,从不讲利息,可是为了我的朋友的急需,这回我要破列一次例。(对巴萨尼奥)他知道你要多少钱吗? 夏:恩,是的,安东尼奥先生,三千块钱。(抢白)安:三个月为期。(伸出三个手指)






夏:(向安东尼奥,奸笑道)安东尼奥先生,我可是好多次听到您在交易所里骂我,说我盘剥重利,奸诈好财,我总是忍气吞声,一笑置之,并不同您争辩。因为忍受迫害本来就是我们民族的特色,您骂我为异教徒,杀人的狗,把唾沫溅到我的犹太长袍上,只因为我用自己的钱,博取几个利息,可现在您却求起我来,我应该怎么对您说呢?我要不要说:一条狗会有钱么?一条恶狗能借人三千块钱吗?”或者我应不应该躬下身子,像一个奴才似的低声下气,恭恭敬敬对您说:好先生,您在上周用唾沫吐在我身上,有一天您用脚踢我,还有一天,您骂我为狗,为了报答您这许多恩典,所以我应该借给您这么些钱,是吗?安东尼奥先生? 6 接上










安:好了,这又有什么要紧呢?只不过二个月的时间,我的船就回来了。我们去吧(下)7 第二幕 第1场


人物:鲍西亚,尼利莎,鲍尔萨泽,摩洛哥亲王,阿尔恭亲王 道具:二桌二椅,三个盒子,一副卷轴画,佩剑一柄(鲍西亚在屋中来回踱步,心情略显焦躁而又凝重)









鲍;您必须信任命运,或者死了心放弃选择的尝试,或者在您选择之前,立下一个誓言,要是选不中,终身不在向任何女子求婚,所以您是考虑考虑吧!8 接上











鲍:(面带惊惧之色)啊!为何追的这样急迫,容不得我半点喘息!(以手抚胸)尼:小姐,您没事吧!要求让他改日再来? 鲍:(挥手阻拦)我没事,让他进来吧。(尼利莎,仆人同下,阿尔恭亲王上)








1威尼斯公爵 2安东尼奥:威尼斯商人 3夏洛克:犹太富翁 4巴萨尼奥:安东尼奥好朋友,鲍西亚的丈夫 5萨莱尼奥:安东尼奥好朋友 6鲍西亚:贝尔蒙特富家女儿 7尼利莎:鲍西亚侍女

8杰西卡:夏洛克的女儿 9罗兰佐:巴萨尼奥的朋友,杰西卡的恋人 10鲍尔萨泽:鲍西亚仆人 12阿尔恭亲王:鲍西亚求婚者 13摩洛哥亲王:鲍西亚求婚者 14郎斯罗特:夏洛克的仆人 15威尼斯众士绅若干,公爵侍从1名,狱吏2名


The Merchant of Venice

Shakespeare is Britain's the most outstanding Renaissance masters.Shakespeare's play, “The Merchant of Venice” explored the timeless topic of money and love.Money is the world's most valuable things.There is something even more precious than money? Rich and moving story of family ties, witty dialogue, the plot turn, exaggerated the circumstances of Comedy, romance and legend is full of color.Is intertwined with friendship, love, love the world and lead us to understanding what is important in life.The play tells a story that happens in Italy.A moneyless young Venetian, Bassanio, is making preparations to propose to Portia, a rich beauty of Belmont.He needs money and appeals to his friend Antonio, a merchant of Venice, for help.But Antonio‟s money is invested in ships at sea.To help Bassanio in his courtship, he borrows money from Shylock the Jewish usurer.Shylock, who has been insulted by Antonio and other Christians, however, agrees to lend the money on the condition that if the loan is not paid in time, he may cut a pound of flesh from Antonio‟s body.With this money, Bassanio goes to Belmont and succeed in the marriage with Portia.But news comes that Antonio‟s ship sank and can‟t return on time so he cannot pay the loan.Shylock demands his pound of flesh.The case is brought before the court.Antonio is in danger.At the critical moment, a young doctor of law arrives at the court.He appeals to Shylock for mercy with a moving speech, but in vain.Then the doctor admits the validity of Shylock‟s claim, but warns him, under pain of death, that he must fulfill the every letter of his bond, taking no more and no less than one pound of flesh, and spilling no drop of blood.Seeing himself thus cornered, the Jew has no choice but to obey the verdict of the court.To everyone‟s surprise, the young doctor of law who saves the life of Antonio is Portia in disguise.Finally they live together happily.The story has a happy ending in theory.But I don‟t think the end is really happy and is a kind of “grave comedy”.In this single-minded pursuit of a pound of flesh, his frequent mentions of the cruelty he has endured at Christian hands make it hard for us to label him a natural born monster.In one of Shakespeare‟s most famous monologues, for example, Shylock argues that Jews are humans and calls his quest for vengeance the product of lessons taught to him by the cruelty of Venetian citizens.On the other hand, Shylock‟s coldly calculated attempt to revenge the wrongs done to him by murdering his persecutor, Antonio, prevents us from viewing him in a primarily positive light.Shakespeare gives us unmistakably human moments, but he often steers us against Shylock as well, painting him as a miserly, cruel, and prosaic figure.But I think Shylock suffers much discrimination for he is a Jew.It„s unfair.All men were born equally.We can learn much from the play.Money is important, but there are many far more important things in this world.Do not be fooled by the surface.In our real live we should threat everyone equally and do not have color vision to look at other people.And when we meet with unexpected difficulties, we should keep calm and solve it skillfully just as Portia does......



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