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result 普通用词,多指好的结果.另:比分,成绩;

effect 名词:效果,影响。动词:实现;

outcome 多指成就,成果;

ending 结局,结尾;

consequence 多指不良的结果,后果;

fruit 水果,产物。


feature 1,特色,2,面貌,相貌;

appearance 1,出现,露面 2,外观,外貌,外表;

virtue 1,美德,2,优点,长处;

character 特征,品质,角色;characteristics 特性,特色。


accident 事故,意外。意想不到的事情,往往引起损伤或伤害;

incident 事件,小插曲。事变(外交,政治中的政变);event 特指重大事件;

conflict 冲突,矛盾;

trouble 烦恼,麻烦;

occurrence 1,发生,出现。2,突发事件;

crash 使(飞机)坠毁、使(车辆)猛撞等;

crisis 危机,紧急关头。


currency 流通货币,经济学用词;

Income 泛指收入;

Wage 特指工资;

Bonus 指提成的奖金;

Salary = wage + bonus 薪水;

Award 授予的奖项,包括奖励的奖金;

Reward 回报,报酬,酬金;Fee 泛指费用;

Allowance 表示津贴,补贴;

honour 荣誉,名誉。常用

in honour of,以….为纪念,向…表示敬意;

benefit 名词:利益。动词:对….有益 be benefit to;

profit 名词:1,好处,益处。2,利润。动词:有益于,有利于 vt,及物动词;

interest 名词:1,兴趣,爱好,2,利息。动词:对….感兴趣;

prize 奖金,奖品;

Wealth 财产,财富。既可指金钱财富,也可指精神财富;

Capital 可以是形容词和名词。1,形容词:大写的,首要的,首都的。2,名词:大写字母,首都,表示金钱时指:本钱,本金;

Money 钱的统称,可以是纸币,也可以是硬币,也可以是用作货币的其他物品;

Cash 指可以兑换的现金或现款;

Coin 硬币;fund基金;


loan 贷款,借款。


consideration 1,考虑,2,照顾,关心;

intention 意图,目的;

determination 决心,决定;

judgement/ judgment 判断,审判,裁决;

opinion 观点,想法;

estimate 估计,估价;

Evaluation 评价,估价。


observation 注意,观察;

obligation 义务,责任;

objection 反对;

obstacle 阻碍,障碍;

object 名词:物体,对象。动词:

object反对+ to;

obedience 服从,遵守。


position 职位,职务。另:方位,位置,态度,立场等;

career 职业生涯,终生从事的职业;

profession 尤指需要专门知识或特殊训练的)职业(如医学、法律、工程、教学等);

work 强调工作的内容,不可数。可以做动词;job,强调工作的份数,可数;

occupation 经常担任的行业,不一定有报酬。常常用于写简历;

vocation 是指经过训练后从事的职业,需要一定职业技能;

employment 带有雇佣关系的职业,领取工资以谋生计,有较固定工作的职业。

8、pace,rhythm,step,measure,rate,ratio,speed,pace 步伐,节奏;


step 脚步,台阶,阶层;

measure 1,措施。2,测量,度量;

rate 比例。常见搭配:

at the rate of 以...的速度或比例;

ratio 专业术语,比例,比率。用于经济学,数学,法律中,等;

Speed 速度。常见搭配:At the speed of。


cheque 支票;

receipt 收据,发票;

ticket 普通用词,票;

label 标签,标记。指详细的表示,如商品标签;

mark 商标,标志。简单的记号。多指商标;sign 符号,记号。如交通标志;

signal 信号;

symbol 符号,象征。指具有象征意义的标志,如十字架标志;

code 密码,代码;

stamp 邮票。


size 尺寸,大小;

length 长度;

height 高度,身高;

breadth 宽度,幅度。不但可以指物体的宽度。=width,还可以指胸襟、见解、观点、兴趣等的)宽广,宽宏(大度)。


mind 观点,想法。心里想的观点;

view 看法,观点,看见的东西产生的观点另:景色;

Vision 视觉,视力,视野。书面用词,含义广泛,指人的视力或视野,也可指远见卓识;

Landscape 风景;

Picture 画面;

Look 动词:看。名词:表情,神情;

mood 心情,情绪;

temper 脾气。Lose one’s temper , out of temper;humor 幽默,诙谐;

passion 激情,热情;

emotion 情感,情绪。(如爱、恨、惧、忧、怒等);

spirit 精神,心灵,灵魂;

Feeling 感觉;

Attitude 态度。


assurance 1,保证。2,保险,主要指人寿保险;

insurance 任何类型的保险,也可指人寿保险;

guarantee 保证书,保质期;

safety 安全,平安。

13、no,none,neither,nothing,anything,something,one… the other, some ….Theothers, others, the others, another

no 形容词,修饰名词或代词;none 三者以上都不;neither 两者都不;nothing but 只不过;anything + but根本不,绝不;one….the other 一个,另一个;some ….the others, 一些,另一些;others,= other thing/people;the others = the rest;another 泛指另一个,没有一定的范围限制。在一定的范围之内,一个另一个用one….theother,一定范围内三者以上,除去一部分,另一部分用 the others。

14、the other day,the next day,the following day,in two days,the other day 几天前;

the next day = the following day 第二天,次日;

In two days 两天之内。将来的时间。

15、among,between,one another,each other

among 用于 三者以上的人之间;between 用于两者之间;one another 用于三者以上;each other 用于两者之间。




She had said what it was necessary to say.2、强调句型

It is not who rules us that is important,but how he rules us.3、“All+抽象名词”或“抽象名词+itself”(very+形容词)

He was all gentleness to her.4、利用词汇重复表示强调

A crime is a crime a crime.5、“something(much)of”和“nothing(little)of” “something of”相当于“to someextent”,表示程度。在疑问句或条件从句中,则为“anything of ”,可译为“有点”,“略微”等。译为“毫无”,“全无”。muchof译为“大有”,not much of可译为“算不上”,“称不上”,little of可译为“几乎无”,somethinglike译为“有点像,略似”。

They say that he had no university education,but he seems to be somethingof a scholar.6、同格名词修饰是指of前后的两个名词都指同一个人或物,“of”以及它前面的名词构成一个形容词短语,以修饰“of”后面的那个名词。如“her oldsharper of a father”,可译为:“她那骗子般的父亲”。

Those pigs of girls eat so much.7、as…as…can(may)be

It is as plain as plain can be.8、“It is in(with)…as in(with)”

It is in life as in a journey.9、“as good as…”相等于,就像,几乎如;实际上,其实,实在。

The merchant as good as promised the orphan boy,that he would adopthim.10、“many as well…as”和“might as well …as” “many aswell…as”可译为“与其……,不如……,更好”,“以这样做……为宜”,“如同……,也可以……”等等。“might as well…as”表示不可能的事,可译为“犹如……”,“可与……一样荒唐”,“与其那样不如这样的好”等等。

One may as well not know a thing at all as know it imperfectly.成人高考英语专升本知识3

1.The fishing boat that has been tied up at the pier forthree days(was)finally on its way this morning.2.I can’t eat out tonight.I have(too much homework)todo.3.Was the teacher’s(explanation)clear?

4.Neither Luis nor his parents(are)the least bitinterested in keeping intouch with Tom.5.You don’t hear(much)news about that accident.6.I need(a piece of wood)to finish the chair.7.The mayor together with his two brothers(is)going tobe indicted foraccepting bribes.8.He told us that John, as well as his brother,(was)coming to theparty.9.–I can’t find my wallet.–(Might you have left)it athome?

10.All the students went to the magic show yesterday.Itwas really(amusing).11.George avoided(answering)questions about his druguse.12.I got to the cinema and saw that the film(had alreadystarted).13.I’d have bought the bigger model if I(had been ableto)afford it.14.It’s high time we(sent)him a registered letter.15.I(am used to reading)the paper after lunch.That’sone of the things Ireally enjoy.16.What do you think(about taking)a taxi to theairport?

17.The film in my camera is finished.I need to get it(developed).18.Dad wondered where I’d been, and I(made up)a storyabout being atGrandma’s.19.Mary was astonished that she(was turned down)for thecounselor’sposition.20.The weather is awful.I wish it(would stop)raining.21.I am sure(your being)here will please them.22.I’m really quite lost.(Would you mind showing)me howto get out ofhere?

23.Our customer’s money(will be refunded)if they’re notsatisfied withthe product.24.–Nancy’s grades are really bad.–Yes, but Tom’s are(worse).25.Everyone was home for the holidays.What could makefor(a merrier)Christmas than that?

26.Karen is rich;(however)her cousin Kate is poor.27.She’s gone already? And I am only(a few)minuteslate!

28.–What was your impression of last night’s movie? –(Honestly)speaking, Ithought it was rather boring.29.In the past, we needed(less mathematics)than today.30.That child is(old enough to)take care of himself.31.Those are probably the(fanciest)curtains in thestore.32.Uncle Carl is really(a sweet old)man.33.Your sister doesn’t study as(hard)as you do.34.–Who has been planning the dance? –Everyone in the class(has).35.I have just finished a book about a piano player(whose)sole ambitionin life was to perform for the Pope.36.(Every)man, woman, and child in the US should wear aseat belt.37.He speaks(both)English and German.38.He’s(so stubborn a man)that nobody likes him.39.(None)of them was good enough to use.40.By the time dinner began(both)bottles of milk hadspoiled.成人高考英语专升本知识点




金钱是一切吗?In Money Everything?

I don„t think money is everything,but we can‟t do without it.Fox example,money can„t buy us happiness and a good education.And for another example,money can‟t buy us good health and a long life.But we can not live without money.We need it for our daily necessities such as food,clothes and transportation.What„s more,we need it to live a better life.In short,we should learn the value of money and make the most of its advantages.第二篇:




Where to live —in the City or in the Country

Some people like living in the city because city life has many advantages.They think there are more job opportunities in cities,life there is more colorful and meaningful than that in the country,and there are more modern conveniences in cities for people to enjoy.But some other people prefer to live in the countryside.They say life in the countryside is closer to nature and better for their health,life there is quieter and that country people are more honest than city

people.I would like to live in a city when I am young to earn enough money and I live in the countryside when I am old for having a quite life.第三篇:



May 19,2002

Dear Professor Wang:

On behalf of the Student Union of the English Department,I am writing to invite you to give a lecture on Chinese history.We have planned to have such a lecture at 2:30 p.m.in Lecture Hall 419,on May 25.Looking forward to your lecture.Inform us in advance if you can not come.Sincerely yours,Li Ping


男女应该平等吗?(Should Men and Women Be Equal?)

Should Men and Women Be Equal?

People have different ideas about this issue,Some people say that men are superior to women in ability because men are physically stronger,do most of the hard labor in the world and hold most important positions.Other people believe that women have the ability to compete with men.There have been many famous women state leaders and great scientists in the world.We should fully carry out the principle “to each according to his work” so that the enthusiasm of both men and women for work can be fully aroused.第五篇:




The Bicycle in China

The bicycle is the most popular means of transportation in China.China is a country “on bicycle wheels”。People ride them for various purposes such as going to and from school and work.Bicycles are very cheap and easy to buy in China.There are many advantages to riding a bicycle.First,using a bicycle can greatly help reduce the air pollution in many big cities.Second,people can improve their health by riding a bicycle.The future of bicycle will be bright.In some European countries,city governments have arranged pedestrians to use “public bicycles” to travel round the city center free of charge.第六篇:


Dear Julie:

Thank you very much for the dinner that you invited my husband and I to yesterday.The food not only looked and smelled fabulous but tasted great,and my husband and I enjoyed it very much.Therefore,we would like to invite you to dinner at 7 p.m.this Friday at the Northwest Chinese restaurant to return your kindness and hospitality.Please do come.Yours,Helen





Fake Commodities

Fake and poor quality commodities are a serious problem.Many things can be faked such as

soybean sauce,vinegar,bicycles,and many other things.The interests of consumers are affected,and many enterprises keep losing money because of cheap fake commodities.There are some reasons for such a phenomenon.The major one is the desire of some people to “make easy money”。These people think nothing of the law of the protection of intellectual property rights.To get rid of fake and poor quality commodities,the government should educate people to obey the law of the protection of individual intellectual property rights and not to sell any fake goods.The government should punish severely and close down all the factories producing fake goods.第八篇:


May 18,2002

Dear Bonnie:

I will be away for a while.The key to the cottage is under the doormat,and the food is in the

refrigerator.After entering the house,lock the door from inside at once.The cottage is far away from the nearest town,and the area is not quite safe from burglars.So I think the saying is right “Where there is precaution,there is no danger”。

Have a nice stay here.Yours,Alice





1、Young babies can use hand equally well.A、either B each C both D every

2、They have two teams, and of them have chance of winning

A、both B none C neither D all

3、of us could work out this maths problem, so we asked our teacher for help.A、Some B any C No one D None


1、With the help of the foreign experts,the factory produced cars in 2001 as the year before。

A as twice many B as many as twice C as twice as many D twice as many

2、New typewriters cost about price of the second-hand ones

A three times the B a three times C the three tomes D three times a

解析:倍数表达公式(1)倍数+as---as(2)倍数+the +名词+of


(1)短语 the same as(2)The + 比较级„„,the +比较级„„

(3)形容词、副词的比较级可被much、far、still、even、a little、a bit、a lot、a great deal修饰,加强或削弱其语气。

1.In the world no country has exactly the same folk music _____ that of any other countries.A.with B.as C.to D.like

2.Although the price of house has been lower , it is _____ higher than before.A.still B.yet C.so D.such



如:1 must /may /might +动词原形(表对现在事情的肯定推测)

典型例题 专升本2001年13题

She ________on her way to school, I just phoned her home and no one answered me.A. should be B.must be C.might have been D.could be


must /may /might +have +PP(过去分词)(表对过去事情的肯定推测)典型例题 专升本2005年20题

--They are supposed to arrive at six, but there is no sign of them..--Something unexpected__________-to them.A.might happen B.must have happened C.would have happened D.could happened

解析:此题考情态动词对过去事情肯定推测的结构,故选B 题意为:他们原定于6点到达,但现在连人影都没见到,肯定出什么事了。

couldn’t / can’t +have +PP(表对过去事情的否定推测)


“I saw Mary in the Library yesterday.”

“you her, she is still in hospital.”

A mustn’t have been B could not see C.can’t have been D.must not see

解析:此题考情态动词对过去事情否定推测的结构,故选C 题意为:我昨天在图书馆看到玛利了。你不可能看到她,她还在医院里呢。


You ________have seen Jane in her office Last Friday, she’s been out of town for two weeks.A couldn’t B.mustn’t C.wouldn’t D.shouldn’t

解析: 题考情态动词对过去事情否`定推测的结构,故选A 题意为:上个星期五你不可能在简的办公室看到简,她已出城两个星期了。

4.Ought to / should +have +PP(表过去应做的事而实际上未做,含有责备的口气)

You ____________yesterday if you were really serious about the job.A ought to come B ought to have come C.ought have come D.ought come

解析:此题考查过去应做的事而实际上未做,故选B 题意为:如果你很在乎这份工作的话,昨天你就该来。


(1)只要时间状语是by the end of last„„,主句的谓语动词绝对用过去完成时;如果把last 变为next ,主句的谓语动词绝对用将来完成时。

(2)By the time 从句的时态是一般过去时,主句谓语绝对采用过去完成时;如果by the time 从句的时态是一般现在时,主句谓语绝对采用将来完成时。



(3)谓语为used to be 型的反意问句(4)含有否定词的反意问句

1.Don’t shout in the meeting room,______?

A.should you B.will you C.can you D.could you

2.Let’s visit our uncle on the way home ,______?

A.will you B.will we C.do we D.shall we

3.There used to be a cinema on this street,.?

A.wasn’t there B.didn’t there C.wasn’t it D.didn’t it

4.Tom seldom visits his grandparents, ?

A.doesn’t he B.isn’t he C.does he D.is he


要点一(1)what 与that(2)形式主语 与强调句

(3)区别介词短语与从句(4)掌握从句必须采用陈述语气(as、though 引导的让步状语除外)

1.It is impossible he will tell us he has just done.A.that what B.what that C.what what D.that that

2.It was in Hong xing Cinema I met Mr Smith for the first time.A.when B.where C.in which D.that

3.He is always trying to help others he is too busy.A.except B.except that C.except when D.in addition

4.Never forget the days together on the island last year.A.shall I , we spent B.I shall, we spent

C.shall I, when we spent D.I shall, where we spent

要点二 状语从句部分的时间状语从句。

(1)掌握 hardly„„.when„„„..No sooner„than„„„..(2)牢记 the moment, the minute, each time ,by the time „„.等短语可引导时间状语从句

要点三 状语从句的结果状语

(1)掌握so 与such的 区别

So 的使用公式:

so + adj + a/an + n

主语+谓语 so + adj + that

so + adv


主句+连系动词+ such + a/an + adj + n

主句+连系动词+ such + adj + n(可数复数)+ that

主句+连系动词+ such + adj + n(不可数)

(2)掌握so „„that和such„„that的倒装句式

要点四 状语从句部分的让步状语


.as ,though引导的让步状语从句的公式

名词/形容词+as +主语连系动词

副词 +as+主语+行为动词

(2)让步状语从句不可以和并列连词but, and, for, so , therefore等同时用于一个句子中,但可以用still, yet,要点五 定语从句部分要点如下



Yesterday , I met a girl ,who was my deskmate in the Middle school.We are going to spend this year’s Spring Festival in Hainan, where our parents lives.类型2.第二种类型的非限定性定语从句修饰的不是一个先行词,而是上文中的整个句子,这时引导词只能用which.(二)当先行词为


2、先行词被副词only,最高级、序数词修饰时,常用关系代词that 引导。

(三)what 不可以引导引导定语从句,但what =先行词+引导词


1.The dog ran out of the yard the old lady open the gate.A.the moment B.that moment C.a moment D.this moment

2.He will give this letter to your bother the moment he him.A.will see B.sees C.see D.would see

3.Although he likes Mary so much , he doesn’t want to marry her.A.and B.but C.yet D.so

4., he can already support a big family.A.A boy as he is B.AS he is a boy C.Boy as he is D.he is a boy

5.Yesterday, I ran into my former headmaster in the street ,we talked about the things and people we remembered in the middle school.A.that B.which C.what D.who

6.I bought a dozen of eggs yesterday , two were broken.A.between which B.among which C.in which D.when

7.I have many friends , are from Beijing

A.most of them B.most of whom C.some of which D.some of them

8.He didn’t tell us he had done.A.all which B.all that C.all what D.what all


要点1 only +副词/ 介词短语/状语从句置于句首强调时,后面的主语与谓语必须部分倒装。

要点2 一些含有否定意义的词,如:not only , not until., never , hardly , no sooner , scarcely , little , nowhere , in no time..........等短语置于句首强调时,后面的主语和谓语必须部分倒装。


要点1就近原则:not only.......but also;either.........or;neither........nor;or 连接两个主语时,谓语动词应与第二个主语保持一致。

要点2 就远原则:在主语与谓语之间插入短语 as well as ,together with, along with, with, except, but谓语动词不受插入语的影响仍和主语保持一致。

要点3 时间、距离、金钱等词语作主语表总量时,谓语动词用单数。


要点1 学会分析一道题缺少谓语还是非谓语。

要点2 区别不定式、动名词、分词作定语。

要点3 分词完成式仅作状语,不作定语。

要点4 动名词的逻辑主语。

要点5 分词作宾语补足语。


要点1 做过的事情、发生过的事情,动词regret , forget , remember后带动名词,反之,带不定式。

要点2 当 动词 require , need , want {需要}的主语是物时,后带动名词的主动语态表被动含义。

要点3 区别短语 have +** +do / / have +** /sth+doing // have +sth +done

要点4 区别短语 make +** +do // make +oneself +done

要点5 区别短语used to do sth // be used to do sth // be used to doing sth



1、The manager told us that this factory was built in 1958.2、By the time we got there,the play had already begun.3、When I was a child,I knew that the earth turns about its axis.4、When Mr.Delay got home after a day’s exhausting workhis wife and children were sleeping.二、非谓语动词题(特别是现在分词与过时分词的区别,大家一定要弄明白主动与被动这对最最重要的区别,要求大家多看我的上课笔记)

1、The film showed last night was very moving.(不用moved,大家别忘了-ed形容词和-ing形容词的区别)

2、Having finishing his lecture,the teacher asked if anyone wished to asked a question.3、The problem being discussed is very important.4、Given more time,we are sure to finish it.5、Will you please make yourself known to everyone here


1、It is difficult to study English well.2、We think it is important to pass the exam.四、强调句型(大家要记住的是it is(was)„„。that„。如果前面是it iswas 后面往往选用that,当然强调人的时候也可用who)

1、It was at an evening party that I first saw her.2、It is what you will do that is important.3、When was it that he bought a new car

五、倒装句型 全部倒装句(这种全部倒装题历年只考过一次,考得最多的都是下面的部分倒装)

1、Stop talking!There comes the teacher.部分倒装句(如果选项里面有两个主谓倒装了,两个没有,我们一般要在倒装里做选择)

1、So badly was he hurt in the accident that he had to be sent to hospital.2、Not only does he study well,but also he is always ready to help others.3、Mary has done well in the English exam.So she has.She always does well in the exam.六、从句中选择关系词(重点在定语从句,多看笔记,becausesincenow thatasfor;so„that„such„ that„)

1、It was in so friendly a way that he talked with us.2、Oct.15,2005 is a day when we will take our English examination.3、We want to buy the same book as you are reading.4、The sun heats the earth,which is very important to living things.七、虚拟语气(我们要记住与现在,过去,将来相反的三种情况,特别是与过去相反的情况最常考,再有就是wishas if 后面所接的三种情况,还有一个常考点在suggest,demand,require,order等表示建议,要求,命令的词后面加从句时,从句里谓语要用(should)+动词原形,如果是被动则用(should +be +动词过去分词)

1、I would have done it better if I had had more time.2、I wish you would go with us tomorrow.3、I suggest that we(should)adopt a different policy.4、Had it not been for your helpwe would never have been able to get over the difficulties.八、情态动词题(除了掌握常见情态动词基本用法外,常考点在三种表推测的情况,分别为must表对现在事情的肯定推测,can’t表对现在事实的否定推测,must have +v-ed表示对过去事实的肯定推测,而则表示过去应该做某事而没有做)

1、The ground is so wet,it must have rained last night.2、She must be a doctor,I think.3、I should have called you last week,but I was too busy then.九、几组形容词及副词区别题(注意比较级、最高级、倍数表达;likelypossibleprobable;worthworthy;too muchmuch too;alreadyyet等)

1、His books are three time as many as my books.2、The Nile river is the longest river in the world.3、It is much too hot tonight.4、The harder he worked,the happier he felt.十、主谓一致题(往往出题者都是考谓语动词选单数这种情况,如each,every,everyone这样的词作主语以及Mary,like many other girls likes listening to music这样的题)

1、The moral of the officers and crew was very high.2、Each boy and each girl in the city is asked to go to school.3、Neither the quality nor the prices have changed.(近位原则)

十一、动词及动词词组区别题(常考的有raise risea risea rose;spend cost take pay afford;wound injure hurt damage;find find out discover invent;hit strike ring beat;tell say speak talk;join join in take part in等以及我所讲过的动词短语)

1、Can you tell the difference between these two words

2、He joined the army three years ago.十二、主句用将来时,从句则用一般现在时(或现在完成时)表将来

1、They will leave the classroom when they have finished writing.2、We will start to work as soon as our teacher comes.十三、名词所有格以及名词后面有限定时则该名词前一定要加定冠词the题(名词的格有以下两种情况,Tom’book,以及the books of our school,特别是用of表示的所有格我们一定要习惯这种表达)

1、Beijing is the capital of China.2、He can’t have the expience of all of the world.十四、常用介词区别题(如on,in,except besides,within,without,through等)

1、You should write in ink not with your pencil.2、He pulled her into the train by the arm.3、by bustrainair„。On foot,on the farm,in the morningafternoonevening,at nightnoon

十五、常考代词题(常考的有other others,another the other;sometimes some time sometime;thatwhich;that what,either neither or;too also either;many much a great deal of a great number of a great amount of;a few few littlea little;as long as as far as;so long as so far as)

1、That you don’t like him is none of my business.2、The weather in the north is much colder than that in the south in January.3、He must be a worker.I think so.2012年成人高考专升本英语词汇汇总




合成:合两个或两个以上的词而成为一个新词,这种构词的方法叫做合成。1.复合名词的主要构成方式 1)名词+名词

classroom 教室,newspaper 报纸 2)形容词+名词

blackboard 黑板,highway 公路,3)动词+名词

break-water防波堤 4)副词+名词

outbreak爆发,overcoat 大衣 5)代词+名词

he-goat公山羊,she-wolf 母狼 6)动词+副词 break-down崩溃 7)名词+介词短语

editor-in-chief 总编辑,father-in-law岳父 2.复合形容词的主要构成方式 1)名词+形容词

snow-white 雪白的,world-wide全世界的 2)形容词+形容词

bitter-sweet 又苦又甜的,blue-green 绿里发蓝的 3)副词+形容词 ever-green 常绿的 4)名词+分词

snow-covered 白雪盖着的,hand-made 手工制作的 5)形容词+分词

good-looking 好看的 6)副词+分词

well-meaning 好意的,well-informed消息灵通的 7)形容词+名词

second-hand旧的,用过的,第二手的 8)形容词+名词+-ed open-minded 胸襟开阔的,white-haired白发的 9)数词+名词+(-ed)two-faced 两面派的,3.复合动词的主要构成方式 1)副词+动词

overcome 克服,uphold支持,主张 2)名词+动词




现将最常用的一些前缀(按字母顺序)举例如下: anti-反对

anti-Japanese war抗日战争 arch-主要的

arch-enemy 主要敌人 auto-自动的

automobile 小汽车,autobiography自传 bi-双

bicycle 自行车,bilingual 用两种语言的 by-在旁

bystander 旁观者,by-product副产品 co-共同

co-operation合作,co-existence 共处 counter-反

counter-attack 反攻,de-除去,否定

decentralization分散,不集中 dis-否定

discover发现,disorder混乱,杂乱 en-,em-使成为

enable使能够,enslave奴役,encourage鼓励 ex-前

ex-president前任主席、总统或大学校长 extra-外

extraordinary非常的,格外的 for-,fore-先,前,预




informal 非正式的,incomplete不完全的,inter-间,相互 interview会见 mal-恶

maltreat 虐待 micro-微

microscope显微镜 mid-中

mid-night半夜,mid-autumn中秋的 mis-误

misunderstand 误会,misuse误用 multi-多

multi-national 多民族的 non-非,不

nonexistent不存在的 post-后于

post-war 战后的,pre-先于

pre-war 战前的 pro-赞成,亲善 pro-American 亲美的 re-重,再,复 review 复习sub-下,次

subdivide细分,再分 super-上,超

super-structure 上层建筑

不规则的 irregular

一、词汇解析 tele-远

telephone 电话,telescope望远镜,television电视 trans-横过,转移

transformation改造,translate翻译 un-不

unable不能的,unimportant不重要的,untrue不真实的 uni-

一、单 uniform 划一的 2.名词后缀


marriage婚姻,shortage缺少,village村庄-an 人


importance重要性,significance意义-ant,-ent 人

assistant助手,助教,student学生-ation,-ition 动作,状态

determination决心,industrialization工业化,preparation准备-craft 技巧,工艺 handicraft手工艺-dom(状态,领界)freedom自由,kingdom王国-ee(被动)employee雇员-eer 人

engineer工程师,volunteer志愿者-ence,-ency(抽象名词)dependence依靠,不独立,excellence卓越-er 人,动作者

fighter战士,worker工人,writer作家,harvester收割机-ese 人,语言

Chinese中国人,中文,Japanese日本人,日文-ess 女性

actress女演员,princess公主,hostess女主人,女乘务员(飞机上)-ful 充满

handful一把,armful一抱(这些词亦可作为复合词看)-hood 身份,境遇,状态

childhood童年,likelihood可能性-ian 人

musician音乐家,technician技术员-ity(抽象名词)possibility可能性,capability能力-man 人

Englishman英国人,postman邮递员(这些词亦可作为复合词看)-ment 运动,结果

movement运动,development发展-ness 状态,性质

kindness和善,carefulness小心-or 人,动作者

actor男演员,editor 编辑,tractor拖拉机

-ry,-ery 行为,工作,性质,工作地点,货物种类,境遇等 bravery勇敢,nursery托儿所,cookery烹调-ship 状态,身分

friendship友谊,hardship苦难-tion 动作,状态

attention注意,action行动,revolution革命-ty(抽象名词)cruelty残酷,loyalty忠实-ure 结果,动作

pleasure快乐,pressure压力 3.形容词后缀


unforgettable难忘的,responsible负责的-al 的


Russian 俄罗斯的,俄罗斯人的,American美国的,美国人的-ed 有,象

talented有才华的-en 的


Chinese中国的,中国人的,Japanese日本的,日本人的-ful 充满

careful小心的,beautiful美丽的,powerful强有力的-ic,-ical 的

economic经济的,political政治的,grammatical语法的-ish 属于,稍微

bookish书本气的,yellowish稍黄的,selfish自私的,childish幼稚的-ive 性,倾向

active 积极的,collective集体的-less 无

fearless无所畏惧的,careless不小心的,useless无用的,meaningless无意义的-like 如 childlike儿童般的(亦可作为复合词看)-ly 品质,的

friendly友好的,weekly每星期的,manly丈夫气的,daily每天的-ous 多

nervous神经紧张的,dangerous危险的-some 引起,适于,易于

troublesome烦人的,tiresome(令人感到厌倦的)-ward 向

backward落后的-y 充满,性质

rainy雨的,snowy雪的,handy手巧的,便于使用的 4.动词后缀-ate isolate使孤立,-en deepen加深,strengthen加强-fy simplify简化,classify分类-ize,-ise industrialize工业化 5.副词后缀-ly carefully小心地,beautifully美丽地,quickly迅速地-ward,-wards向

forward向前,backward向后,upwards向上,downwards向下-wise 方式



转换 将一个单词由某一种词类转用为另一种词类,这就叫做转换。单词转换后的意义往往与未转换前的意义有密切的联系。1.名词转化为动词

elbow 由“肘”转义为“用肘推挤”

back 由“背,后面”转义为“支持,后退” 2.形容词转化为动词

slow 由“慢”转义为“放慢” 3.动词转化为名词 to take a walk 散步 to have a look 看一看 to have a try 试一试 4.形容词转化为名词

the wounded 受伤的人们,the beautiful美丽的东西,the blind盲人们 5.其他词类转化为名词

a must必须做的事情,ups and downs高低起伏,ins and outs问题的底细

典型例题 考试的重点是词汇之间的搭配,和近义词之间的区别。

1.Driving a car is not as difficult as you imagine,if you ________ the rules.A.depend on B.turn to C.put up D.stick to depend on 依靠、依赖

turn to 转向某人,turn to sb.向某人求助 put up with 容忍、忍受 stick to 遵守 答案 D 2.In my opinion,the changing job market will ______ people many difficulties.A.find B.bring C.take D.get find 找到 bring 带来 take 拿走 get 得到 答案 B 3.Since the two restaurants ________ almost the same food and service,it doesn't matter where you stop to eat.A.offer B.cook C.prepare D.afford offer 提供 cook 烹饪 prepare 准备 afford 付钱 答案 A 4.When he applied for a _______ in the office of the local newspaper,he was told to see the manager.A.profession B.position C.career D.location profession职业 position 职位 career 职业 location 方位

She chose an academic career.答案 B 5.Margaret was so ________ for news of her lost child that she was almost driven mad.A.careful B.responsible C.thirsty D.hostile careful 仔细的 responsible 负责的 thirsty 极度渴望的 hostile 敌意的 答案 C 6.It is not polite to ________ when someone is making a speech at a meeting like this.A.turn up B.cut in C.speak out D.stand by turn up 来到,露面 cut in 打断 speak out 大声说

stand by 站到„„旁边 答案 B 7.The boss _______ angry when I spoke to him on the phone.A.sounded B.looked C.grew D.talked sounded 听起来 looked 看起来 grew 变得 talked 谈话 答案 A 8.All of her living cost ________2,000 yuan each month.A.gets to B.equals to C.arrives at D.comes at get to 到达某地 equal的用法:

equal: adj.be equal to sth./doing sth.对某事有力量,勇气,能力等,能胜任 eg.She feels equal to the task.她认为能胜任该项工作。He's equal to the occasion.他能应付这一局面。He doesn't seems equal to meeting out demance equal: v.equal sb./ sth.(in sth.)与某人(某事物)相同或相等 eg.He is equaled by no one in kindness.没有人比他更善良。)arrived at+地点状语 到达某处 comes at 达到 答案 D 9.Her face is _________ to me,but I can't remember where I saw her.A.similar B.friendly C.alike D.familiar similar 相似的 friendly 友好的 alike 相像的 familiar 熟悉的 答案 D 10.Jump in the car.There's enough ________ for you.A.place B.seat C.room D.space place 地方 seat 座位 room 空间 space 宇宙空间 place 指具体地点 答案 C 11.It wasn't an accident.He did it on ________.A.reason B.determination C.purpose D.intention reason 原因 determination 决心 on purpose 故意 intention 目的 答案 C 12.You'll have to pay for the holiday in _______,I'm afraid.A.front B.advance C.ahead D.forward front 具体位置空间的前方 in advance 提前 ahead 在„„之前,不和in 连用 forward 向前 答案 B 13.The bookstore hasn't ordered ________ textbooks for all the students in the course.A.enough B.plenty C.as much as D.a great deal of enough 修饰名词,在名词之前

plenty+of as much as 不能修饰名词

a great deal of 修饰不可数名词。答案 A 14.As I didn't have any experience,I was ________ problems.A.likely to have B.probably having C.probable to have D.likely having be likely to do 很可能有„„ probably 不接doing接to do it's brobable for sb.that 答案 A 15.David may ________,but we must go at once.A.stay late B.stay lately C.stay a little D.have stayed very late stay late stay lately lately近来 答案 A 16.I don't think that your watch is _______.A.worth of the price B.worth the price C.worthy of the price D.worthy to buy worthy: adj.a.be worthy of sth.eg.Her achievements are worthy of the highest praise.她的成就值得给予最高奖赏。b.be worthy to do sth.eg.She said she was not worthy to accept the honour they had offered her.worth: adj.a.be worth + n.eg.Our house is worth about $ 60,000.b.be worth doing eg.The book is worth reading.=It's worth reading the book.n.值某金额的量 The thieves stole $ 1 million worth of jewellery.D选项正确答案:worthy to be bought 答案 B 17._________,it's very tidy.A.As her room is small B.Small as her room is C.As small her room is D.Small as her room as引导让步状语从句,句子需要倒状。Young as he is,Jack is already familiar with most of the books 答案 B 18.As _______ as possible he opened the door and went out into the cold December night.A.quiet B.quietly C.quite D.quietly quiet adj.安静的 答案 B quite adv.十分,很;quite big 19.I felt thoroughly ________ in the crowded Manhattan.A.wondered B.lost C.missed D.separated wondered 怀疑 lost 迷路 missed 丢失 separated 分开 答案 B 20.The city has decided to _______ all the old buildings.A.break away from B.get rid of C.come up with D.knock down break away from 1.挣脱 The prisoner broke away from his guards.2.脱离某政党、政府等 A province has broken away to form a new state.get rid of: 摆脱 The shop ordered 20 copies of the book and now it can't get rid of them.come up with sth.: 找到或提出(答案、办法等)She came up with a new idea for increasing sales.knock down: 拆除 These old houses are going to be knocked down.答案 D 21.When the school master is away,Mr.Johnson will be ______ the whole school.A.in charge of B.in favor of C.in honor of D.in regard to in charge of: 处于控制或支配的地位,负责 Who's in charge here?这儿谁负责? He was left in charge of the shop while the manager was away.in favor of sb./sth.: 支持某人/某事 Was he in favor of the death penalty? in honor of : 出于对某人的敬意

a ceremony in honor of those killed in battle 为纪念阵亡将士举行的仪式

in/with regard to sb./sth.关于某人/某事 I have nothing to say with/ in regard to your complaints.答案 A 22.In his speech he _______ his experience as a teaching assistant.A.returned to B.referred to C.stuck to D.turned to return sth.(to sb./sth.): 归还,放回

She returned the bird to its cages.她把鸟放回笼子里 Please return me my 5 yuan/ return my five yuan to me.Refer to sb./sth.: 提到,说到或涉及到某人(某事物)When I said some people are stupid,I wasn't referring to you.Don't refer to this matter again,please.请不要再提这件事。stick to sth.: 坚持或维持某事物 “Would you like some wine?”

“No,I'll stick to beer,thanks.” 不,我还是喝啤酒吧。turn to sb.(sth.): 向某人(某事物)寻求帮助 She has nobody she can turn to.她求助无门。

The more depressed he got,the more he turned to drink.答案 B 23.He tried his best in the first game,but was ________ by the little boy.A.won B.hit C.beaten D.held A:win-won-won;赢得 B:hit 打 C:beat 打,D: hold-held-held 举行 答案 C 24.I wanted to go home but my wife _______ on going to the concert.A.persisted B.resisted C.insisted D.intended persisted:persist: persist in doing sth.坚持做某事

He will persist in riding that dreadful bicycle.resist+n 抵抗 intend: intend to do sth.想要做„„ 答案 C 25.The government gave several good ______ for increasing the tax on cigarettes.A.purposes B.reasons C.questions D.problems purpose 目的 reason 原因 question 问题 problem 问题 答案 B 26.Four people were seriously _______ in the accident.A.injured B.damaged C.spoiled D.broken injure 受伤

damage: 表示使被损坏的对象失去或降低其自身价值,但不完全毁掉。He damaged my car with a stone.ruin: 常强调完全毁掉。The storm has ruined the garden.spoil: 语气比ruin弱,不强调完全毁掉,表示使被害方失去其完美性。He spoiled his painting by putting too much red paint on it.spoil:有时也包含最终会导致完全毁掉之义。He has spoiled his constitution with bad living.答案 A 27.He spoke so quickly that I didn't ________ what he said.A.listen B.catch C.miss D.receive listen 听 listen to catch 抓住,听到 miss 丢失 receive 收到 28.He was poor but proud,and _______ every offer of help.A.turned down B.turned on C.turned off D.turned out turn down 拒绝 turn on 打开。turn on the light 开灯

turn off 关上。turn off the light turn out 证明为„„ 答案 A 29.In Britain,the best season of the year is probably _______ spring.A.later B.latter C.last D.late later 以后。latter 后者 last 最后 late 晚的 答案 D 30.How ________ is it from here to the city center? A.long B.far C.distant D.near how long 一段延续的时间

——How long have you studied English? ——I have studied English for 3 years(since 3 years ago)。答案 B 31.I wanted to go there by plane but I hadn't enough money to pay for the _____.A.journey B.distance C.road D.way journey 旅行 distance 距离 road 道路 way 方式方法 答案A 32.Her parents wouldn't _______ her to stay out later than 10:30 at night.A.require B.ask C.encourage D.permit stay out 不回家 require 要求 ask 要求 encourage 鼓励 permit 允许 答案 D 33.Last Sunday,________ my great surprise,I met Bullen in town.A.for B.to C.as D.at(to one's surprise 使某人感到惊奇)答案 B 34.Most Chinese like to drink tea.But some prefer coffee ________ tea.A.to B.with C.for D.against prefer„„to„„ 答案 A 35.I'm in no ________ this evening to listen to his silly jokes.A.feeling B.attitude C.opinion D.mood feeling 感情 attitude 态度 opinion 观点 mood 情绪 答案 D 36.Tennis is a _________ invented by an Englishman a hundred years ago.A.play B.match C.game D.event play: n.比赛,竞赛 The tennis players need total concentration during play.match 比赛 game 运动 event 事件 答案 C 37.That's the biggest ______ he has ever told in his life.A.talk B.speech C.lesson D.lie talk:give/have a talk 谈话

speech:make/deliver a speech 做演讲 lesson:teach a lesson: 教训 learn one's lesson: 汲取教训 lie:tell a lie 答案 D 38._______ that the jewels had been stolen by one of the guards.A.It turned up B.It turned out C.It turned on D.It turned over turn up: 露面,来到 We arranged to meet at the cinema at 7: 30,but he failed to turn up.turn out: turn out to be sb./sth.;turn out that„证明是某人(某物),原来是┄┄ She turned out to be a friend of my sister./ It turned out that she was a friend of my sister.turn on 开灯

turn(sb./sth.)over: 翻身或翻转

She turned over and went to sleep.她转过身就睡着了。答案 B 39.“I'm tired,but let's go.” “Why _______ rest a while?”

A.let's B.not let's C.not D.let's not答案 C 40.“We won't be finished until tonight.” “And they _______.”

A.will,either B.won't,too C.will,neither D.won't,either 答案 D 41.“________?”

“A cup of tea,please.”

A.Do you like tea B.Do you like a cup of tea C.Would you like a cup of tea D.What would you like to drink 答案 D 42.“Do you mind if I open the window?”

“________.” A.Sure,certainly not B.All right C.I don't know D.Not at all 答案 D 词汇考试重点


1.The news is _______ good to be true.A.so„that B.much C.too D.very(答案 C)2.Don't hesitate to _______ me if you are in trouble.A.turn out B.turn in C.turn to D.turn up turn out: a.证明为 How did the party turn out? It turned out very well,thanks.b.turn sb.out: 赶走某人 My landlord is turning me out at the end of the month.turn in : a.面朝内 b.go to bed.It's late.I think I'll turn in.c.turn sb.in 将某人交给警方拘押。She threatened to turn him in.turn to: turn to sb.向某人寻求帮助 The child turned to his mother for comfort.turn up: 露面 We arranaged to meet at the cinema at 7,but she failed to turn up.近义词之间的区别在于词的内涵不同„„如,汉语中的“错误”对应着英语中的mistake和fault,但两个词的内涵不一样,mistake单纯指所犯的错误,而fault则侧重于追究责任。There must be some mistakes in this bill;please add up the figures again.(add up 加起来)Whose fault is it that we're late? 我们迟到是谁的错?(责任在谁)有的近义词之间的区别在于词性不同或在句子中的用法不同。1.He likes _______ questions in English classes.A.to rise B.rising C.to raise D.to arise rise 不及物动词;arise 不及物动词 呈现出现 A new difficulty has arisen.出现了新困难。答案 C 2.I _________ have coffee than tea.A.like more B.prefer C.had better D.would rather prefer: prefer sth.to sth.更喜欢某事物。I prefer walking to cycling.答案 D 3.Mary and Jane are twin sisters.They look exactly_________.A.like B.same C.alike D.same ones A的正确答案应该在后面加名词。答案 C



()1.A.horrible B.horse C.sort D.northern()2.A.hospital B.honour C.hotel D.however()3.A.manage B.matter C.madam D.many()4.A.gather B.government C.geography D.garden()5.A.bathroom B.eleventh C.breathe D.maths II.Vocabulary and Structure()6.They all look so happy.They have succeeded in persuading their teacher.A.can B.will C.must D.would()7.A fight broke out among the football fans and soon it went control.A.under B.beyond C.above D.over()8.Not only you but also I __________ mistaken.A.am B.had C.were D.have()9.Hard as he worked from day till night,he couldn't make enough money to support his family.A.and B.but C.therefore D.不填()10.George this morning?

-Not yet,but he is sure to be here before noon.A.Will you see B.Did you see C.Do you see D.Have you seen()11.After a long discussion,the workers have finally the decision that they should hold on their strike for two more days.A.received B.found C.explained D.reached()12.Next weekend he will visit the airbase he worked 25 years ago.A.when B.as C.where D.which()13.The sports team of our province won they did at the last National Games.A.twice as many gold medals as B.as many twice gold medals as C.as many as twice gold medals D.twice many gold medals than()14.Let's go out for a walk along the river banD.A.What a fine day B.What fine day C.How fine day D.How a fine day()15.It remains a question when the new classroom building.A.will be completed B.had been completed C.would be completed D.has been completed()16.While we boys were working hard in the garden,our sisters themselves in the sitting room.A.had enjoyed B.enjoy C.were enjoying D.would enjoy()17.The pressure on the object in the water changes with the depth.,the further down you go,the greater the pressure is.A.In other words B.In another word C.By the way D.In a way()18.The Yangtze is the longest river in China,which some more bridges have been built in the past few years.A.onto B.through C.above D.over()19.My mother knows Jane; they to each other at a party.A.have been introduced B.are introduced C.were introduced D.had been introduced()20.I'm sure he understands you feel.He's very clever.A.when B.what C.whether D.how()21.In those days we seldom went to the theatre,but we saw films A.now and then B.after a time C.once and again D.in a while()22.Many things impossible in the past are quite common today.A.having been considered B.to be considered C.considering D.considered()23.I'm not naturally a morning person,I have three clocks set for about 6:30 a.m.A.because B.so C.though D.all()24.that the family had taken with them was one bottle of orange.A.Anything B.Everything C.What D.All()25.The newspapers and magazines in the reading-room outside.A.are not to be taken B.are not to take C.are not to be taken to D.are not taken to()26.A pipeline will be built to some eastern provinces with natural gas from the west of China.A.supply B.send C.sell D.offer()27.Is it really necessary to spend an hour in the bathroom every morning your hair?

A.to comb B.comb C.combing D.combs()28.he first heard of the chemist.A.That was from the teacher that B.It was the teacher whom C.It was from the teacher that D.That was the teacher whom()29.Passengers are advised not their bags unattende D.A.having left B.to leave C.leave D.leaving()30.has been pointed out before,air pollution is becoming more and more serious in large cities.A.That B.What C.Which D.As()31.Your mother ____for you everywhere.Where have you been? A.had looked B.has been looking C.looked D.was looking()32.Mr.Wilson asked me if thse islands_________Italy.A.have been belonged to B.are belong to C.belong to D.belonged to()33.He _______TV when I dropped in last night.A.was watching B.had watched C.watched D.have been watching()34.He ______many experiences he ever_____in his childhoo D.A.gradually forget; had B.is gradually forgetting; had C.was gradually forgetting; had had D.have gradually forgotten; had()35.Accidents happened frequently at that section of the road,but no accidents_____since last winter.A.have accurred B.doesn't have C.didn't have D.hasn't have()36.When he_____a new word in reading he_____consult the dictionary immediately.A.comes across;likes to B.came across;like to C.has come across; like to D.comes across;like to()37.I hope that she______to the demands of the naughty boys.A.will not have agreed B.will not agree C.will not be agreed D.will not have been agreed()38.“Is the monitor in?” “He _____to the library.” A.has been B.has gone C.goes D.went()39.She gave me that notebook on my birthday,and I____it it in my drawer.A.have since kept B.since kept C.am since keeping D.had since kept()40.You ought to have put the milk in the refrigetor,now_____sour.A.it is smelt B.I smelt C.it smells D.it was smelling()41.I bought the bread last week.It_____stale.You'd better not take it now.A.is going B.was C.had been D.is about to()42.He had already known the news before I _____him of it.A.had informed B.could inform C.would inform D.have informed()43.He_____for six years by the time he takes the IELTS examination next week.A.studied English B.had been studying English C.studies English D.will have been studying English()44.The school authorities and teachers _____over the advantages and disadvantages of the educational system.A.were always argued B.were always arguing C.had always argued D.had always been argued()45.When I saw her smiling face,I knew she_____the first prize of the speech contest.A.has B.has had C.had had D.was having()46.The united States______fifty states.A.consisted of B.is consisted of C.consistes of D.consists()47.The Chinese food_____delicious.A.are tasted B.taste C.is tasted D.tastes()48.Your hair needs_____.You'd better have it_____tomorrow.A.cutting; done B.cutting;to be done C.being cut;done D.to be cut;to be done()49._______,wood will soon burst into a flame.A.Heating B.when heating C.Being heated D.When heated()50.“How do you like your new position?” “I_____with it.” A.don't satisfy B.am not satisfied C.can't satisfy D.haven't satisfy()51.there are more than fifty proposals______at the conference.A.discussed B.to be discussed C.discussing D.having discussed()52.By the end of last year the railway_______.A.was being completed B.would be completed C.had completed D.had finally been completed()53.By the time the author comes back from abroad,all the books_______.A.will have punished B.will have been punished C.will be punished D.have been punished()54.I wondered____to come for the party.A.should he been asked B.he asked C.if he should have been asked D.if he should have asked()55.Some forms of physical education_____by schools across the nation.A.have been practised B.practised C.which practised D.have practiced

III.Reading Comprehension


I was 14 when Mr.Ingram knocked on our farmhouse door in Sacred Heart,Okla.The old farmer lived about a mile down the road and needed help cutting grass.It was the first time I was actually paid for work-about 12 cents an hour,not bad when you consider it was 1939,a time when there was little business activity.Mr.Ingram liked the job I did and ended up hiring me to dig potatoes.I even helped when a baby cow was being born.One day he found an old truck that was stuck in the soft,sandy soil of the melon(瓜)fielD.It was full of melons that someone had tried to steal before their truck got stuck.Mr.Ingram explained that the truck's owner would be returning soon,and he wanted me to watch and lean.It wasn't long before a man from a nearby village,who had a terrible reputation(名声)for fighting and stealing,showed up with his two full-grown sons.They looked very angry.Calmly Mr.Ingram said,“Well,I see you want to buy some watermelons.”

There was a long silence before the man answered,“Yeah,I guess so.What are you getting for them?”

“Twenty-five cents each.”

“Well.I guess that would be fair enough if you help me get my truck out of here.”

It turned out to be our biggest sale of the summer,and an unpleasant,perhaps unfortunate,incident had been preventeD.After they left,Mr.Ingram smiled and said to me,“Son,if you don't forgive(原谅)your enemies,you're going to run out of friends.” Mr.Ingram died a few years later,but I have never forgotten him or what he taught me on my first joB.()56.Which of the following best explains “ended up” as is used in the passage ?

A.enjoyed B.finished C.got into D.went on

()57.The truck owners were angry because.A.they failed to get the melons away without being seen

B.they forgot to have their truck checked before they started

C.they had got too many melons on the truck

D.they knew they had a bad reputation

()58.Why didn't the truck owners fight to get away the melons.A.The old farmer was a strong enemy.B.The price offered for the melons was very low.C.It was hard to start a fight against friendly people.D.It was necessary to get the truck out before anything


You get all sorts of demands,and the mark of a good hotel is to supply whatever is asked for without sounding surprise

D.If a guest asks for rubber glover(手套),you don't ask why.You say,“No problem.What colour do you want?”

There have been some demands which,much as I would have liked to fill,I couldn't.A Japanese businessman,for example,thought the manager of a hotel was like the captain of a ship so he asked me to marry him and the woman he love

D.There was one time,however,we did help out.A young man thought that if he asked his girlfriend to marry him at the Ritz she would say yes.He asked us to pt the ring in a cake,and she accepteD.Top hotels are used more and more to impress.They are used for doing business.If you've got something to sell,take your clients(客户)to the best hotel where the surroundings are quite helpful.A friend of mine working at Savoy Hotel tells the story about a man who gave him 5 pounds to say “ good morning,Mr.Smith” when he walked through the door with two other men.This he did,and could hear Mr.Smith saying,“I do wish they would leave me alone at this place.”

According to Julian Payne,the most powerful people in any hotel are the porters,who carry bags for hotel guests.“Porters can do almost anything.They can get you tables at the best restaurants r tickets for a popular concert.Don't ask me how they do it or what their deal is because I don't know.Most of them have been there for years.They know more about the history of the hotel and the guests than anyone else.They are invaluable.A head porter will come in even on his day off so he can say hello to someone he remembers visiting the hotel years ago.”

()59.When guests ask for something strange,the manager of a good hotel would think_________.A.how he can meet their needs B.why they have such demands

C.what problems the hotel has D.who is the best person to go to

()60.Which of the following examples explains “we did help out”?

A.The hotel bought a ring for a young lady.B.A Japanese married the woman he love

C.The manager once acted as a captain.D.A young lady agreed to marry her boyfrienD.()61.By saying “I do wish they would leave me alone at this place,” Mr.Smith.A.showed that he disliked such people at the hotel

B.gave the impression that he was a constant guest

C.tried to make his clients feel sorry for him

D.sounded as if he was tired of such greetings

()62.Why are the porters considered the most powerful people in expensive hotels?

A.they sell tickets for converts.B.they can complete difficult tasks.C.they know the history of hotels.D.They usually work in a hotel for a long time.C

Take a deep breath and spend a week with the Lee family in Minneapolis.The three older children-Anna,12,Nathan,9,and Kristian,7-play one sport or another almost all year roun

D.(Lisa is only 1 so she gets a break here.)Anna's practicing football,volleyball,basketball and softball.Nathan and Kristian do them all except volleyball.In the summer,add on tennis and swim lessons.All of this means that dad,Darwin,a teacher,and mom,Joann,a nurse,spend a lot of time making sure everyone gets where he needs to be.Family dimmers? Forget about it.A busy family timetable,says Barbara Carlson.A school teacher,has become the new thing that shows your status(地位)。“ It used to be a house or car,” says Carlson.“Now you say,' You' er busy? You should see how busy we are.'”

In hope of getting their children into Harvard,many parents send their children to violin lessons at 3 and sign them up for tennis as soon as they're big enough to hold a bat.And that's just the warm-up.The real serious task begins as soon as they start school.Mr.Moffat,father of a nine-year-old boy,said,“It's important for children to learn honour and responsibility(责任),” he says.“It builds discipline(纪律性)and character.”

Maybe,but scientists say that too many outside activities destroy something children need even moreif they agree to spend 18 dollars a month on the company's educational toys and childcare books.“We want to build a seven-year relationship with those people,” said Matthew J.Estes,BabyCare's president.“It starts during pregnancy(孕期),when the anxiety and needs are highest.” BabyCare works on a one-to-one basis.Doctors,nurses,and teachers-paid by BabyCare-advise parents,explaining toys that are designed for children at each stage(阶段)of development to age six.BabyCare opened its first store in China last June in a shopping center in central Beijing and another near Beijing Zoo.It plans to have 80 stores in China within six years.It is a new model for China and develops a market in young children's education and health that no other companies are in.()67.What do the first two paragraphs mainly tell us?

A.Educational toys and foreign toy markets.B.Problems with China's toy Markey and education.C.Reasons for pushing sales of educational toys in China.D.Baby population and various kinds of toys made in China.()68.Which of the following is a fact according to the passage?

A.Club members buy BabyCare products for free child-care advice.B.Doctors in Beijing help in making BabyCare products.C.Parents are encouraged to pay $ 18 for club activities.D.BabyCare trains Chinese doctors at no extra cost.()69.BabyCare is developing its business in China buy.A.opening stores in Beijing hospitals

B.offering 18-month courses on child-care

C.setting up children's education centers

D.forming close relationships with parents

()70.Which of the following would be the most suitable title for the passage?

A.Mother's club in China B.BavyCare and Doctors

C.American Company Model D.Educational Toys On

IV.Daily Conversation

A.yes,of course.B.I'm sorry,but he is not in.C.Here you are.D.No.It began after I got there.E.OK,fine.F.Have you?

G.Yes,I've already done that.H.Yes.I will.Thank you.()71.Tom: Would you mind passing me the salt?

Tony:_________________.()72.Amy: Do you think you could show me the way to the library?

Ronald:_________________.()73.Peter: Did you miss the beginning of the concert yesterday?

Andrew:___________________.()74.Simon: Could I see Dr.Brown,please?

Gary:____________________.()75.John: I'd like to book five tickets,please,for the earky morning flight to Paris on June 10th.Jane: Five tickets.________________.V.Writing

Direction: For this part,you are supposed to write an announcement in 100-120 words based on the following situation.Remember to write it clearly











(3)要求对方就是否能参加聚会做回复。Dear Peter,My girlfriend, Mary, and I would like it very much if you would be our guest on my 25th birthday party on December 15 at 10 a.m.The party is to be held in Dongfang Hotel and you can take a Bus No.81 from your company to Zhongshan Market Stop.Then you can change to a Bus No.18 which will take you straight to the hotel.We are really looking forward to seeing you again.Please write soon and tell us if you can come.Yours, Mark 2004年成考专升本英语作文:






Announcement Attention All Students,Professor Qian of our English Department will give us a lecture on English Business Letters in the Lecture Theatre on Friday, April 15th, 2004, at 2∶30 p.m.The lecture includes: the structure of business letters, the language stylistics of business letters, etc.All the students of English Department are expected to be present, and the students of other departments are also warmly welcome.Please be there on time.All foreign language students are requested to have a discussion about his lecture.If the students have any questions to ask prof.Qian, write them on a slip of paper and hand them in before Friday, April 12, 2004.2009年成考专升本英语作文:

题目:你(Li Yuan)是某大学志愿者小组的组织者,请简要介绍该小组的情况,内容包括:




Our volunteer committee was founded on Spertember5th, 2007.Now, we have our own place to hold all kinds of meetings.At present,this volunteer committee consists of 200 persons, except students in our University , we also have students coming from the other Universities ,such as Beijing Normal University , Foreign Language Study University„„„ and so on.We carry out various activities , like carrying for poor pupils and orphans , and looking after the elderly persons and their housework.In my opinion , being a volunteer and giving those who need your help a hand is very interesting and joyful ,welcome you to join us.2010年成考专升本英语作文:

题目:你(Li Yuan)刚收到订购的意见商品,但是发现质量有问题,请你写一封投诉信,内容包括:

1.商品名称、订购时间、地点和价格; 2.何时发现质量问题、何种质量问题; 3.你所希望的解决方式。Manager Customer Service Department Dear Sir or Madam,I am a customer who bought a Nokia 2600 type mobile phone for 2600 Yuan from your company on 2010-9-1.I am afraid I really must complain about the quality of this product.After using the mobile phone for two days several problems have been found.First, the mobile phone could not send text massages any more.If I sent massages, it would suggest that there were some problems with the phone, which have made a lot of trouble to me.Second, the camera couldn’t work as well as before.As soon as I took pictures, there were no pictures kept in the picture files.This kind of problem caused me a lot of troubles.I have gone to your company to explain the problem twice.But because of some reason, the problem has still not been solved.I prefer to tell you directly in the hope that you will do something to solve my problem.I will be appreciative if you either make a refund or sent me a replacement.Thank you for your attention to this matter.I am looking forward to hearing from you in the very near future.Sincerely Yours, Li Yuan


题目:请以低碳生活(a low carbon life)为主题写一篇100-120词的短文,内容包括:


2.实施低碳生活的若干方式(如家庭生活、工作学习、外出旅行中的节约行为等); 3.低碳生活带来的积极影响。

A Low-carbon Life

With the rapid development of the economy ,the issue of environment pollution is more and more serious,notably global warming.So the extreme weather events and natural disasters were inevitable.Man is making the earth sicker and sicker.Therefore,we should live a low carbon life.First of all,when we go out,we should but also waste energy.Second,we had best not use plastic bags which can bring about the white pollution.We should use the environmentally friendly bags.Third,it's of great use to plant trees.Trees can absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.Finally,we should start with small things,Therefore,as students,we ought to turn out the lights the moment we leave,turn off the tap in time,and reuse our textbooks and so on.A low carbon life can be of great use for us.It can help save energy and cut down the pullution.It can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide that is the main cause of greenhouse effect,and can help keep our environment beautiful and clean.Let’s do together,make our life better.2012年成考专升本英语作文:

题目:你(Li Yuan)负责组织一次班级郊游活动。请根据以下提示写一份通知: 本次郊游的时间和地点;.郊游的具体活动内容;要求各自准备一道菜或点心与大家分享;列出必带物品,如:相机,雨衣/雨伞、遮阳帽、手电筒等;.感谢大家的合作。Notice

Hi,Everyone,here a good news.We will hold a class outing this Sunday at 7:00 a.m.in the BeiHai Park.We will go to the park by bus at 6:00 a.m.,so don't be late.We will enjoy

some shows provided by our students in the morning.And in the afternoon,we will do some games to enjoy us.Everyone is asked for a dish or a dessert to share with other people.At the same time ,don't forget to bring your camera,raincoat,sunbonnet,flashlight and so on.Thank you for cooperation!

Li Yuan 2013年成考专升本英语作文:

题目:你(Li Yuan)收到朋友Xiao Ming的Email,他在邮件中谈及买车计划。请在回信中说明你对买车的看法,内容包括:



(3)你的建议 Dear Xiao Ming,First of all ,I am happy that you will buy car.In recently years, improvement of life condition,more and more family have private cars.It’s convenient to go everywhere in your own car.You don’t need to spend too much time for wiating buses.Also owning a car makes others think the person is very rich.As the sayig goes,”A coin has two sides.”On the other hand,cars provide convenience for our life.You can drive the cars getting around easily.On the other hand,with the sharp increase of private cars,the air pollution becomes worse,the traffic jam is more serious,the road accidents more frequently occur.Moreover,it is hard to find a place to park the car and it is costly too.So if possible,take a walk instead of a drive.In my opinion,there is no doubt that it is very convenient drive to periphery city travel ,but consider the traffic jam and the parking problem,I sugguest you go to you office by bus,fast and safe.2014年成考专升本英语作文:

题目:你(Li Yuan)的班级即将组织一次郊游(picnic),请你给你的外籍教师(Steve)写封信,内容包括:




Good morning, ladies and gentlemen,My name is Li Hua.I have the honor of being your guide.I'd like to give you a brief introduction to our field trip today.First, we'll start at 8:30 from school and get to the foot of the mountain at about 9:00.Then we'll the climb the mountain.It'll take about one hour to reach the top where stand some temples.We are free to look around the temples from 10:00 to 12:00.Besides, we'll have lunch there.After a short break, we'll go down the other side of the mountain at 2:00 pm.We plan to reach the riverside at about 3:00 pm.We'll go on to our trip down the river by boat and enjoy the scenery.Finally we'll be back at school at about 5:00 pm.That's all for today's arrangement.I wish you all a wonderful day.Thanks.A picnic will be held in this Sunday at 7:00 a.m.in the BeiHai Park.We will go to the park by bus at 6:00 a.m., so dont be late.We will enjoysome shows provided by our students in the morning.And in the afternoon, we will do some games to enjoy us.Thank you for cooperation!LiYuan 范文二:

Dear Ms Smith, I’m Li Yuan, Monitor of Class One, Gra303676080de Three.Our class will go for an outing to Jingyuetan National Forest Park next Tuesday.I’m writing to invite you to join us.We’ll meet at the gate of our school at 8:00 a.m.to take a bus.After we reach the park, we are going to climb the mountain, go hiking and have a picnic in the forest.Also , we will take boats to enjoy its natural scenery.We will be back at school at about 5:00 p.m.I am sure that it will be a very wonderful trip and we all hope that you will accept our Q303676080invitation.Looking forward to your reply.Dear Ms Steve, I’m Li Yuan, Monitor of Class One, Grade Three.Our class will go for an outing to Jingyuetan National Forest Park next Tuesday.I’m writing to invite you to join us.We’ll meet at the gate of our school at 8:00 a.m.to take a bus.After we reach the park, we are going to climb the mountain, go hiking and have a picnic in the forest.Also , we will take boats to enjoy its natural scenery.We will be back at school at about 5:00 p.m.I am sure that it will be a very wonderfu303676080l trip and we all hope that you will accept our invitation.Looking forward to your reply 范文三:

Attention please!Our class is going to have a pinic in ZhongShan Park.With the hot weather taken into consideration, 9 o'clock this Sunday morning is a perfect time to start off.Although the scenery will be fantastic, yet everyone should remember that we have to deal with the lunch problem.Therefore, everyone is requested to make one dish to share.Another thing I should remind you is to carry some necessary things such as camera、raincoat、sunbonnet and flashlight just in case of emergency.Lastly, thank you for your cooperation 2015年成考专升本英语作文:

题目:你(Li Yuan)在英语学习中遇到了一些困难,希望得到帮助。请给你的英国笔友(Jason)写封信,内容包括:



·希望笔友给你一些建议。Dear Mr.Jason,I am a high school student and now I am going to take the College Entrance Examination.I am writing to you about my difficulties in learning English.In fact, I do well in other subjects, but English is my headache.I can't remember the new words and expressions I learned in class.So I often make a lot of mistakes in multiple choices and can't understand the articles fully because of my poor vocabulary.What's worse, I have trouble in listening to English.I totally can't understand what those people are talking in English.What should I do? You are an expert in teaching students English.I hope you can give me some suggestions to help me solve my problem.Looking forward to your reply.Yours, Li Yuan 2016年成考专升本英语作文:

题目:你(Li Yuan)是班长,准备周末组织全班同学参观历史博物馆(the Museum of History),请根据以下提示写一个通知:

1.周六上午8点全班在校门口集合,乘公共汽车前往; 2.参观时,要认真听讲并记录重要内容;

3.遵守参观规定,如:馆内不得喧哗、拍照,勿带食品饮料入馆; 4.下周五之前交一份参观报告。Fellow students,We are going to visit the Science Museum tomorrow.We will meet at the school gate at eight in the morning and we will go there on foot.Take your pens and notebooks with you.We should listen and watch carefully and write down something interesting when you visit the museum.Please don't make any noise in the museum and don't take any pictures.You will have to hand in a report about the visit next Friday.Thank you.一位学者将在你所在的社区做一个讲座。请以社区委员会(Neighborhoods Committee)的名义写一份通知。内容包括:


2017年成人高考专升本英语考试作文范文:讲座 LECTURE NOTICE March l2,2012 Dear Neighborhoods,Nowadays,the crime among teenagers seems in—creasin9,SO we invite a famous professor,Dr.Li Zhigangfrom Beijing Normal University to give a lecture on thetopic“Teenagers’Education at Home”.This lecture could be very helpful to us who aredoubtful in how to communicate with our own children,who feel difficult to control our children,who don’t knowhow to deal with the problems our children face and SOon.We will have personal discussion with the professorafter the lecture if you need any help from him.The lecture will begin at 8:00 P.m.Friday.in theMeeting Room,Buildin94.One member,at least fromeach family,is required to attend.Please be there on time.If you have any problem to be present.please call 54312789.Neighborhoods’Committee

你是Helen,要写一封信给Julie,对她和她的丈夫昨日请你和你丈夫吃饭表示感谢,表示要回请他们,以答谢他们的盛情款待。Dear Julie:

Thank you very much for the dinner that you invited my husband and I to yesterday.The food not only looked and smelled fabulous but tasted great,and my husband and I enjoyed it very much.Therefore,we would like to invite you to dinner at 7 p.m.this Friday at the Northwest Chinese restaurant to return your kindness and hospitality.Please do come.Yours, Helen



















6.坚持党的基本路线不动摇,关键是:坚持以经济建设为中心不动摇。7.构建社会主义和谐社会是巩固执政党地位的:社会基础 8.执行社会主义宏观调控职能的是:社会主义国家的政府

9.在我国现阶段的所有制结构中,国有经济对经济发展起主导作用。这主要体现在:对国民经济发展的控制力上 10.我国现阶段的非公有制经济是:社会主义市场经济的重要组成部分。11.健全社会主义法制的基本要求是:有法可依、有法必依、执法必严、违法必究


13.邓小平提出的和平与发展两大时代主题的核心是:发展 14.“一国两制”构想的起初提出,是为了解决:台湾问题

15.我国解决民族问题的根本出发点和归宿是:各民族的共同繁荣 16.世界观是:人们对整个世界的总的看法和根本观点

17.形而上学唯物主义物质观的错误是:不懂得个性和共性的辨证关系 18.只承认绝对运动,否认相对静止,会导致:形而上学不变论 19.事物发展的必然性产生于:事物内部的根本矛盾


1、联系 :所谓联系也就是关系,是指一切事物、现象、过程之间及其内部诸要素之间的相互依赖、相互制约、相互影响、相互作用。注 :联系的观点是唯物辩证法的总特征之一。

2、条件 :所谓条件是指同某事物相联系的,对其存在和发展发生作用的诸要素的总和。

3、系统 :相互依存、相互作用的若干要素按一定方式组成的具有特定功能的整体,称之为系统。

4、新事物 :哲学意义上的新事物,是指符合事物发展的客观规律和前进趋势,具有强大生命力和远大前途的东西。

5、发展 :发展它不是指一般的运动、变化,而是指事物由简单到复杂,由低级到高级的前进上升运动,包含着明显的方向意义。注 :发展的观点是唯物辩证法的总特征之一。注:发展不是事物的简单重复,它的实质是新事物的不断产生的旧事物的不断灭亡。

6、旧事物 :旧事物是指违背事物发展的客观规律,丧失了存在的必然性而日趋灭亡的事物。

7、规律 :规律是事物本身所固有的本质的必然的稳定的联系。

8、矛盾 :所谓矛盾就是指事物之间和事物内部各要素之间既相对立又相统一的关系。简单地说,矛盾就是对立统一的关系或对立统一。

9、对立统一规律 :矛盾规律即对立统一规律。

10、辩证矛盾 :辩证矛盾是指反映事物内部之间和事物外部之间的对立和统一及其关系的基本哲学范畴。

11、矛盾的同一性 :矛盾的同一性是矛盾双方在一定条件下相互联系、相互吸引、相互贯通的性质和趋势。

12、矛盾的斗争 :性矛盾的斗争性是矛盾双方相互排斥、相互对立、相互否定的性质和趋势。

13、内因 :内因即事物的内部矛盾。

14、外因 :外因即事物的外部矛盾。

15、矛盾的普遍性 :矛盾的普遍性是指,矛盾存在于一切事物的发展过程中(矛盾无处不在),并贯穿每一事物发展过程的始终(矛盾无时不有)。矛盾的普遍性也叫共性。

16、矛盾的特殊性 :矛盾的特殊性,是指具体事物所包含的矛盾及每一矛盾的各个方面都各有其特点。矛盾的特殊性也叫个性。

17、基本矛盾 :基本矛盾是指贯穿于事物发展过程始终并规定事物及其过程本质的矛盾。

18、非基本矛盾 :非基本矛盾是不规定事物及其过程基本性质,也不一定贯穿事物过程始终的矛盾。

19、主要矛盾 :主要矛盾是处于支配地位,对事物的发展过程起决定作用的矛盾。

20、非主要矛盾 :非主要矛盾是处于从属地位,对事物的发展过程不起决定作用的矛盾。非主要矛盾也叫次要矛盾。

(4)一.马克思主义哲学是科学的的世界观和方法论 1.哲学是什么?(1)系统化、理论化的世界观


(2)世界观和方法论的统一 世界观(理论);方法论(行动)2.哲学基本问题


判定标准:(1)第一性(2)同一性(3)世界状态(1)第一性:唯物主义(物质是第一的)(基本派别)唯心主义(意思是第一的)(2)同一性:可知论(人可以认识世界)不可知论(人不可以认识世界)(3)世界的状态:辨证法(联系、变化、发展)形而上学(孤立、静止、不变)马克思主义哲学:唯物主义、可知论、辨证法 唯物主义:







6.马克思主义是伟大工具(5)物质和意识(唯物论)1.物质是什么? 客观存在


物质一定是运动的,不存在不运动的物质,只有运动才是物质 3.运动是绝对的,静止是相对的。(存在静止,但它是相对的)4.物质的运动是有规律的,规律是客观的。

5.自然规律是完全无意识的,社会是有意识的,但二者都是客观的。6.意识=人脑+客观世界的主观映像(月亮)7.意识对物质具有能动作用(有条件)8.主观能动性和客观规律辩证统一 9.世界的物质统一性(物质决定意识)(1)世界是统一的,统一于物质,多样的统一(2)坚持一切从实际出发、实事求是(方法论)(6)事务的联系、发展及其规律(辨证法:1个特征,3个规律,5个范畴)




基本规律1.对立统一规律(矛盾规律)辨证法的实质与核心(1)矛盾=既对立又统一(两口子)(两点论)(2)矛盾是事物发展的根本动力(内因决定外因)(3)矛盾具有普遍性和特殊性 普遍性:时时处处都有矛盾












C.社会主义初级阶段的长期性及其原因(1进入社会主义的 前提









3.四项基本原则是进行改革开放和社会主义现代化建设的政治保证 4.改革是社会主义社会发展的直接动力






B.在稳定的前提下,通过改革实现发展(稳定是前提、改革是动力、发展是目的)(三)社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领 1.基本纲领的内容




4、建设社会主义和谐社会(民主、法制、公平正义诚信友爱充满活力安定有序人与自然和谐相处的要求)党的“十五大”提出的社会主义初级阶段的基本纲领 2.基本纲领的意义(政治、经济、文化)A.党的基本纲领是经验的总结 B.党的纲领,是党的基本路线的展开。

C.党的基本纲领,为实现党的最高纲领迈出了重要一步 D.基本纲领的制定是党在理论上和政治上成熟的标志。



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