


Over the long march of history is a topic not in the spirit of a rich digging.Several million people from top to bottom poorly equipped troops 000 exceeded a million intercepted by the enemy.a serious barrier to overcome snow swamp the patients survive beyond hungry a division of the General Assembly force.The goal of the strategic shift.Looking at the details from the Red Army on the battlefield we can enrich and deepen the spirit of the long march.Research diary is a microscopic point of this long march from the window miracle.Read some of those involved long before the long march diary now read Lin Boqu to be relevant Tong Xiaopeng Chen BojunFeng Xiao Wei Guoqing Li Li Lin Xumengqiu long march while the others diaryI still wears glasses to read between the lines of these soldiers gunfire in a sparsely minute rush to write a few lines.Let rest about their spiritual stretch.

Diary became their spiritual nutritious way of life spiritual walk which is how bold and lovers!Chen Bojun look at the section on June 5 1935 diary : “The GAN Chushan under Deng Xiaoping son Cliff taller cliffs CollegeSHP mixed ooze it deeply attached climbed GE vines and played hard : : I not only by crossing Ground absolutely dire straitsInstead Northwest out-day the east Chinese sources the enemy hinges defensiveChi-sustaining. This is my mobility and strategic guidance for dramatic之caused convinced brave soldiers. ”hermoniousness clean characters filled with the author striving calmly.calm and confident.Men's long march to the spiritual and cultural life is rich and varied.Cheng Fangwu a more rational than a written diary of the German edition of the “Communist Manifesto” delivered lecturesXu Teli of universal literacy training and textbooks; Zhu is more active than the diary of a basketball gameNie Rongzhen the role of the drama “Lushan之Snow” interpretations of Deng Xiaoping on the “Krasnaya Zvezda” editor.

had works on the polished wood; Diary of a lot more than the long march romantic poems.Mao's poems is his synthesizer : “The sky was clear and Poems South Feiyan. ”Very small numberSobriety is not only the seeds of the high lonesome days a long way to a magnificent landscape widthMoreover the authors describe the broadmindedness and calmly uncertainty about the Sentiment in the arms of the old liberated areas.“Picture of iron and now we start all over again a sea of mountains red blood. ”In seeking the exercises.make plans for the space his thoughts often beyond the battlefield and sped Jiu-xiao history and philosophy of time laments the fate of the Chinese nation.express compassion.Such cultural character of the long march troops ethos its magnificent weather in a more systematic policy on the display.Needless to say the people carrying on the policy and the people who went through thick and thin together are not closely linked to the good relations like that.It's often been overlooked ethnic religious industrial policy has never highlighted an aspect of its height visionvigor and vitality.

Military Museum collections long march while the Red Army put up a lot of respect for minorities the protection of religious and monasteries announcementslogan.Gansu one of which was inhabited by the Hui nationality issued by the “17 to 10 are not allowed to” internal statement :“To protect the mosque back to protect the business to comply with the customs of Muslims. ”“ Muslims are not allowed to fight local tyrant.: : noise allowed in mosques around the ”Red Army after the Guizhou Maotai Townimmediately pasted up in the wineries are not allowed to interfere with the normal operation of the announcement.This army the leadership of such a policy from the very beginning a fundamental placing themselves in historycultural and spiritual high ground.

As a foreign writer said : “The long march is an epic poemis unparalleled in the history of human activity. ”only with the scale of the fighting power equipment has always been one-sided;cohesion solidarity influence spirit determination have been important elements of combat effectiveness.Have a political cultural spiritual and psychological advantages of the Red Army its development growth and victory is inevitable.Everyone is irresistible.


Over the long march of history is a topic not in the spirit of a rich ral million people from top to bottom poorly equipped troops 000 exceeded a million intercepted by the enemy.a serious barrier to overcome snow swamp the patients survive beyond hungry a division of the General Assembly goal of the strategic ing at the details from the Red Army on the battlefield we can enrich and deepen the spirit of the long march.

Research diary is a microscopic point of this long march from the window some of those involved long before the long march diary now read Lin Boqu to be relevant Tong Xiaopeng Chen BojunFeng Xiao Wei Guoqing Li Li Lin Xumengqiu long march while the others diaryI still wears glasses to read between the lines of these soldiers gunfire in a sparsely minute rush to write a few rest about their spiritual y became their spiritual nutritious way of life spiritual walk which is how bold and lovers!Chen Bojun look at the section on June 5 1935 diary : “The GAN Chushan under Deng Xiaoping son Cliff taller cliffs CollegeSHP mixed ooze it deeply attached climbed GE vines and played hard : : I not only by crossing Ground absolutely dire straitsInstead Northwest out-day the east Chinese sources the enemy hinges defensiveChi-sustaining. This is my mobility and strategic guidance for dramatic之caused convinced bre soldiers. ”hermoniousness clean characters filled......

Long march carrying forward the spirit of a new long march to continue (the speech)

“expeditionary not afraid of the Red ArmyAs far as he had only lightly. ”This bold passionate every time she heard the“ long march septasyllabic ”I will come to the front of a group of scenes : Luding Bridge border the Dadu River flows Prestige their bre act;snowy peaks the pace Gaoshanjunling left their persistent determination; around a brilliant victory in the Chishui River recorded their smiles;force realignment will create a myth Ning dancing to congratulate t保密nty years ago our ancestors used their blood and lives of the “amazing moving” long march r 1981 as the masters of the new century how we will make the answer?Today we revisit the long march of history is not to call you again with DD that way long ead we meant to be felt long march to grasp the spirit to carry forward the long march to inheritancethus nurturing the spirit of our long march to a new belief and the confidence to overcome difficulties to win the spiritual march en route to follow the foot of the Chinese ancestors solid land doom hands high the banner of national ing hearts filled with the dream of the is the belief that they will closely together and build together crushed and not be overwhelmed by a great wall of is the belief that sustains t保密through difficult maneuvers thr......


During the 80 anniversary of the victory of the long march of this year today the memories this imposing manner and extremely tragic history of the long march for revolutionary martyrs with blood and life of the long march spirit the construction of the great Renaissance of the Chinese dream in the new journey we should be how to remember and inheritance.

The red army long march of 80 years ago is a fascinating and the heroic epic revolutionary martyrs in the long march showed revolutionary ideals and cause enormous loyalty firm faith fear no sacrifice dare to victory of revolutionary optimism the tail from wagging the dog disciplined close unity of moral character. These form the great long march spirit not afraid of sacrifice and advance wave upon wave courage perseverance unity is strength unity and mutual assistance perseverance and overcome the difficulties. The forging of the great long march spirit long march is the party and the people's army the height of the glorious tradition and good style condensation is constantly striving to become the Chinese nation national character is the highest embodiment of patriotism as the core of the national spirit is to ensure that our revolution and construction career from weak to strong spiritual power.

Long march spirit is the soul of our party the highest embodiment of the soul the soul of a nation and this spirit is the soul no matter years how change how conditions change should carry forward and generation. Great career need great spirit promoting the great cause of the great spirit at present the Chinese people of all ethnic groups are to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation to strive for a Chinese dream standing in the history the commanding heights of the grand picture of a great era is spread out before us the party members and cadres at various levels shall draw realize China's dream from learning the long march spirit spirit power vigorously promote and develop the great long march spirit constantly encouraging the whole nation's energy constantly enhance the spirit of solidarity ties unyielding spirit power firm the ideal faith marching forward in practice explore the inheritance in sheer chase a total circle dream power in China.

Action is the best memory of development is the best inheritance realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation is a glorious and arduous career need every one of us pay hard work more work up the Chinese dream if just talking and don't work diligently grand blueprint is blunted again beautiful dream cannot come true again. “Bitter is not bitter think about the long march of twenty-five thousand tired not tired think of the red army doyen” in the party and the red army long march through the test of life and death all the way through to ascend brave to go forward eventually overcome various difficulties and obstacles we believe that as long as the generation after generation of Chinese people pulling the concentric unremitting pursuit relay struggle we will be able to reach the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation the glory of the other shore.



那,是什么让长征中的人们明知征途有艰险,却毫无畏惧、万死无辞,前仆后继地奔向一个目 标?是什么让他们突破国民党军的围追堵截,跨越万水千山,战胜无数艰难险阻,创造了无与伦比的英雄业绩,谱写了惊天地、泣鬼神的伟大革命篇章?是坚定不移的信仰、不屈不挠的求素、无所畏惧的前行、向着理想勇敢奋斗的精神。是老人们口中述说的长征精神。







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