
时间:2019-05-13 10:43:41下载本文作者:会员上传







Task 1 Read Aloud(preparation time: 45 seconds;response time: 1 min)

Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world.Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea.The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well.The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities.Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town.A good way to travel these roads is by cable car.These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills.三、简短问答 Question and Answer

Question 1: what would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage?(20 seconds)Question 2: which city in China do you like most? And why?(response time: 20 seconds)


Individual presentation:(preparation time” 45 seconds;response time: 1 min)



首先要从整体上概括图片所呈现的核心问题,即旅游中的不文明行为。As the cartoon has described, some tourists behave in uncivilized ways.接着,进一步描述图片的具体内容。本题图片展示了人们的两种不文明行为,一是在名胜古迹上刻字,二是在照相时破坏古树。

Some people carve their names onto scenic spots, and some people even climb the ancient trees to take photos disregarding the “No Climbing” notice.(2)分析影响


This phenomenon is becoming is a real embarrassment for all of us.下面,具体阐述其影响,一般两点即可。比如,一方面,旅游中的不文明行为与中国经济发展的步伐不相适应,显得缺乏教养。

For one thing, when we are developing tourism for the national economy, such behaviors seem quite undeveloped and uneducated.两点影响之间最好采用递进的逻辑关系,第二点影响更为严重,即中国游客的不文明行为有损中国的国际形象。

What’s more, more and more reports about Chinese tourists’ uncivilized behaviors have appeared in foreign media.Complaints about Chinese tourists’ bad manners are increasing in some foreign countries.As a result, China’s international image has been seriously affected.(3)提出解决办法


To solve the problem properly, I think the government should play a role in education and regulation.Public manners in tourism should be given higher priority in school education, and legal devices can also be sued to regulate people’s uncivilized behaviors in tourism.范文:

As the cartoon has described, some tourists behave in uncivilized ways.Some people carve their names onto scenic spots, and some people even climb the ancient trees to take photos disregarding the “No Climbing” notice.These uncivilized behaviors show that many people lack the awareness of proper behaviors when traveling.This phenomenon is becoming a real embarrassment for all of us.For one thing, when we are developing tourism for the national economy, such behaviors seem quite undeveloped and uneducated.What’s more, more and more reports about Chinese tourists’ uncivilized behaviors have appeared in foreign media.Complaints about Chinese tourists’ bad manners are increasing in some foreign countries.As a result, china’s international image has been seriously affected.To solve the problem properly, I think the government should play a role in education and regulation.Public manners in tourism should be given higher priority in school education, and legal devices can also be used to regulate people’s uncivilized behaviors in tourism.五、小组互动(Preparation time: 1 min;Response time: 3 mins)Suppose you have three days to go sightseeing together.Talk with each other and make a plan for your trip.You plan may include: 1.Place(s)to visit 2.Means of transportation 3.Schedule 答题要点:

题目设定的情景是你们将要进行一个为期3天的旅行,因此需要讨论制定一份旅行计划。在讨论中,需要谈到的要点包括: 1.推荐旅行地点,并说明原因


Three days is not too long, so I think we should go to a place not too far away.How about Chengde? It is a tourist city in Hebei province, and only about 200 kilometers away from Beijing.2.选择交通方式,并说明理由


Coach is much more convenient because it can take us directly to the Imperial Summer Resort.3.拟定日程安排,并做详细说明


We can start our journey at 7 o’clock on the first day, and may arrive at Chengde at about 11:30.(2)接着,可以开始安排每一天的具体行程,包括选择游览景点,为不同的经典安排不同的游览时间。

And the other half of the day is too short for us to visit the Imperial Summer Resort, so I suggest we visit the temples around the Resort after lunch.I think we need to spend the whole day in the Summer Resort, am I right? On the third day, we may spend half a day visiting the Panchui Tower National Forest Park.It is said that it usually takes 3 hours to go through the whole park.(3)在谈及游览一个具体的景点时,可以针对景点安排一些具体的游览活动。

As the Summer Resort is an ancient construction, we need a guide to help us understand its history and other stories about it.为了使讨论更加连贯,顺利地展开,在交谈中还需要运用一些交际策略: 1.询问对方意见,以此推动交谈的展开


Now , we are supposed to decide on a place to visit for three days.Do you have any ideas? What means of transportation shall we use? Coach? Or railway?

Wow, that’s a wonderful plan for the second day.How about the third day?(2)也可以在表达完自己的观点后,及时询问对方的意见。

I suggest we visit the temples around the Resort after lunch.It is said that there are altogether 12 temples in the Resort area, and the Puning Temple is the largest and most famous one.Shall we go there? I think we need to spend the whole day in the Summer Resort, am I right? 2.交谈中及时对对方的看法进行评论和回应。


Wow, that’s a good idea.I totally agree with you.Perfect.第二部分:模拟题(十套)






Task 1 Read Aloud(preparation time: 45 seconds;response time: 1 min)Many people would list San Francisco as one of the most delightful cities in the world.Sitting on the Pacific coast, it gives you a feeling of the sea.The sea breezes wake you up and make you eat well and sleep well.The city was planned with straight roads, and these roads cross each other at right angles, making squares as they do in many American cities.Very often you can find yourself on top of a hill in the city, looking down one of these straight roads as it rises and falls on its journey through the town.A good way to travel these roads is by cable car.These are buses that run on rails in the ground up and down the steep hills.三、简短问答Question and Answer Question 1: What would many people think of San Francisco according to the passage?(20 seconds)Question 2: Which city in China do you like most? And why?(Response time: 20 seconds)

四、小组互动(Preparation time: 1 min;Response time: 3 mins)Suppose you have three days to go sightseeing together.Talk with each other and make a plan for your trip.You plan may include: 4.Place(s)to visit 5.Means of transportation 6.Schedule





China was one of the first countries to have a medical culture.In comparison with Western medicine, the Chinese method takes a far different approach.The doctors of traditional Chinese medicine believe that the human body’s life is the result of the balance of yin and yang.Yin is the inner and negative principles, and yang, the outer and positive.The key reason why there is sickness is because the two aspects lose their harmony.Seen from the recovery mechanism of organs, yang functions to protect from outer harm, and yin is the inner base to store and provide energy for its counterpart.Today, though western medicine has been adopted, traditional treatments are still playing an important role and have raised great attention and interest.三、简短问答 Question and Answer

Question 1: How could people recover from illness, according to the traditional Chinese medicine? Question 2: What do you think is a healthy lifestyle?

四、小组互动(pair work)

Suppose you plan to lose some weight.Talk with each other and make a weight-loss plan.Your plan may include.1.Goal 2.Diet 3.exercise





Have you ever felt that older people didn’t understand your problems? Do you feel like younger people have no sense of what’s really important? That’s probably because there’s a generational gap of experience.Because they’re older, or younger, it seems you share no common ground.Actually, each generation, when interacting with each other, has a wealth of information to pass on to the others.For instance, older generations can offer great life experience and general knowledge about society to younger generations, while younger generations can update the older generations with current fashion and technology trends.This is, of course, not always the case: sometimes the older people can be very familiar with current trends while the young people can be fascinated by old music and culture.三、简短问答 Question and Answer Question 1: When do you feel bothered by the generation gap? Question 2: Which is the best way to bridge the generation gap?

四、小组互动(pair work)

Suppose you are going to conduct a research about the generation gap.Talk with each other and make a plan in detail.Your plan may include: 1.Research method 2.Research contents 3.Research objects


一、自我介绍 涵盖自己的专业介绍,家乡特色,个人爱好,生活态度等


There are not too many of us who haven’t at some stage of our lives had some unhealthy or bad habits.Probably the most common one that can severely impact on our health is, of course, smoking.May people who start smoking think that they will be able to stop whenever they want, but it’s not that easy.It is an unhealthy habit that takes great willpower to break.Without question, your mind plays the biggest part in any change you want to make.If you are tempted to smoke, or have already started smoking, say to yourself that quitting smoking is a challenge.It will help you brave it, and after beating this challenge you’ll be ready to take on other challenges.三、简短问答 Question and Answer

Question 1: What is the most decisive factor in quitting smoking according to the passage? Question 2: Do you approve of smoking? Why or why not?

四、小组互动(pair work)

Talk with each other and make a plan to take physical exercise in your summer vacation.Your plan may include.1.Ways of exercise 2.Time of exercise 3.Frequency of exercise





There are a substantial number of expectations we have when starting a new program or joining a specific event.One example is college.There are so many expectations that an individual has before entering college life.For example, I had an idea in my head that college would be extremely difficult.I proved myself wrong because I am doing fine in college and have an above-average grade point.Since I am doing well in college, I realize that it is not as difficult as I expected.If I study a decent amount of material for a test, I can usually pass an exam with an A or B, and I am not studying to the point where I have no social life either.三、简短问答 Question and Answer

Question 1: How does the writer of this passage think about his college life? Question 2: Do your expectations of college life match up to what it turns out to be?

四、小组互动(pair work)

Suppose you just started your third year in college.Talk with each other and make a study plan for your junior and senior years in college.Your plan may include.1.Academic study 2.Work-related practice 3.English learning





Between 1800 and 1900, the way Americans moved around their world changed greatly.In 1800, the only practical way to travel and trade across long distances was along the nation’s natural waterways.One hundred years later, railroads sped along thousands of miles of track.Large ships moved passengers and freight across the oceans and smaller boats plied the nation’s rivers, lakes and canals.Bicycles, carriages and wagons rolled over thousands of miles of roads.One of the fastest growing of these young cities was Chicago.By 1900, the city was an economic powerhouse with over 1.6 million residents.Located at the intersection of river, lake and railroad routes, Chicago’s industrial, manufacturing and commercial life depended on the boats and trains traveling into and out of the city.三、简短问答 Question and Answer

Question 1: What happened to transportation in the US between 1800 and 1900? Question 2: What is your favorite type of transportation?

四、小组互动(pair work)

Suppose you are taking an airplane for the first time.Talk with each other and make a preparation plan for your flight.Your plan may include.1.Booking tickets 2.Packing luggage 3.Check-in at the airport





It is widely acknowledged that a thorough reform of college English education should be carried out.As the defects that exist in the current college English education system are open to more criticism.On the one hand, the curriculum adopted by English education system is exam-oriented.Under this curriculum, students focus more on test scores and test-taking tips instead of improving their English skills.Therefore, their English competence is not satisfactory.On the other hand, the current curriculum only offers general English course, while college students need more training in specialized English.For example, English for academic purpose.As a result, many students find they are not able to use English well under certain circumstances, such as writing thesis, and taking interviews for positions in foreign companies.Now education authorities rolled out a series of reforms targeting college English courses in 2013.And the effects of the intended reforms are still to be explored.三、简短问答 Question and Answer Question 1: Why do people think the reform of college English education should be carried out according to the passage? Question 2: Do you have some suggestions for English teaching reform?

四、小组互动(pair work)

Suppose you will attend the CET-4 examination next term and you now have a one-month summer holiday to prepare for that.Talk with each other and make a plan for your English study in the summer holiday.Your plan may include.1.Schedule 2.Emphasis of the study 3.Ways of learning





Thanks to the continued improvement of mobility, more and more people find it an easy and, more often than not, rewarding experience to travel.First, they travel for further studies.For instance, in order to find a better job after graduation, many Chinese students even feel obliged to pursue studies in foreign countries that can be several thousand miles from their hometown.Second, they travel for business opportunities.As the process of globalization is gaining speed, resources need to be allocated and optimized in a global context, which inevitably involves frequent travel.Third, they travel for pleasure.Coupled with the improvement of living standards, people tend to spend their holidays or annual leaves by traveling to other places within their countries or even to a faraway foreign land.As found by many, a pleasant journey often ends up as a learning process also.三、简短问答 Question and Answer

Question 1: Why do people travel according to the passage? Question 2: What kind of places would you like to travel to?

四、小组互动(pair work)

Suppose you and your partner are assigned to help a new foreign teacher from the United States to adapt to the local life as soon as possible.Talk with each other and make a plan for your reception.Your plan may include: 1.Campus environment and campus culture 2.Local tourist sites 3.Chinese food





Today, there is more contact than ever between countries and, consequently, most of us need skills which enable us to communicate with people from different countries.To do this successfully, we not only need to speak a mutually understandable language, but much also need to have an understanding of how people in other countries work.English Plus courses provide a means of gaining these skills by combining English lessons with training in work-related or practical skills.These courses are offered by a wide range of schools and institutions, but in Britain you may benefit more from taking one of these courses at a college.These classes specialize in practical skills and academic skills for local students who are usually aged between 16 and 23.三、简短问答 Question and Answer

Question 1: What can students gain from English Plus courses according to the passage? Question 2: What do you expect to gain from an ideal training program?

四、小组互动(pair work)

Suppose you and your partner are juniors who have accumulated enough academic knowledge in your major, and you want to gain work-related skills and competence you need for your future job.Talk with each other and make a plan for improving relevant skills and competence.Your plan may include.1.Acquiring certificates 2.Finding internship opportunities 3.Taking training programs for work-related skills and competence.模拟十




Women who exercised when they were teens may have a lower risk of dying from cancer and other causes in middle and older age, according to a new study.In the study, researchers asked 75,000 Chinese women whether they exercised when they were between 13 and 19 years old, and if so, how much they exercised.The researchers also examined the women’s general lifestyle habits, including exercise, in adulthood.The researchers found that the women in the study who did at least some exercise as teens, up to 80 minutes weekly, had a 16 percent lower risk of death from cancer, and a 15 percent lower risk of dying from any causes over the 13-year study than the women who did not exercise at all.三、简短问答 Question and Answer

Question 1: Why is exercise important for women according to the study? Question 2: Do you spend time playing sports and exercise regularly? Why or why not?

四、小组互动(pair work)

Suppose you are going to do regular exercise together.Talk with each other and make a plan for your exercise.Your plan may include.1.Goal 2.Types of exercise 3.schedule


1.Should Smoking Be Banned in Public Places? In recent years, smoking has been banned in many public places such as shops, restaurants, and even bus stops.This regulation has triggered much dispute.On the one hand, many welcome the ban since lots of illnesses and deaths are smoking-related, and this is a very sensible step to improve people’s health and living condition.On the other hand, however, smokers consider it is unfair to ban smoking.It is their right to smoke, and they are not committing any crime, so the government should not ban that.In my view, to ban smoking is a long term process, during which education rather than enforcement is more likely to be the key to the success.Banning smoking in the public areas is a policy that should be implemented step by step.2.On Internet Celebrities In recent years a variety of Internet celebrities have emerged with different stories.Some folks consider it a cultural progress in this network era while some hold the opposite opinion.I prefer to agree that this phenomenon is a progress.First, the emergence of those celebrities represents the free expressions of new ideas, either creative or queer.New idea is a very important aspect in the development of this fast-moving world.Second, the society’s acceptance to the celebrities indicates that we are more open-minded and willing to take in new stuff than before.With more new ideas and open-minded sense, we are able to create an all-round diversified society.All in all, the emergence of Internet celebrities, to some extent, is our progress in developing a more diversified society.3.Should Electricity in the Dormitory Be Cut Off after Midnight? The electricity in the dormitory of some colleges is cut off after midnight to ensure students to go to bed early.Some people agree with this conduct for it is beneficial for students’ daytime study;while some argue that this regulation imposes restrictions on students’ private life.For me, I agree with the latter opinion.First, a college student is already an adult, so he can control his work and rest schedule.Second, now people’s life depends on electricity very much.It is convenient when a student to use an appliance but the electricity is unavailable.Third, sometimes a student may study late.Without electricity, he can not finish his assignment on time and this is not good for his study.Hence, colleges should abandon this unnecessary operation and offer 24-hour electricity supply to students.4.The Advantages and Disadvantages of Keeping Pets Nowadays many people like raising pets, such as dogs, cats, birds, etc.Actually, it is good to keep pets because pets can play with the young and accompany the old.Research also shows that living with a pet helps soothe people’s pressure and distress and even decreases the possibility of getting heart diseases.However, many are against living together with animals.They argue that pets are easily infected by diseases, which may pass on to humans.What’s more, the unpleasant smell and waste caused by pets are a resource of environmental pollution.In my opinion, keeping pets bring joy to our life.But to avoid potential risks and troubles, we have to make sure that our pets are properly vaccinated and their behaviors are under control.5.Factors of Success Achieving success is an ideal for almost everyone.However, it does not mean everyone can make it, since it takes effort, time amongst other factor.First of all, painstaking effort is indispensable for anybody who wants to be successful.“No pains, no gains” is the universal truth acknowledged by all successful men.Secondly, success always comes along with time.As the saying goes, “Rome was not built in a day”;likewise, any wish of becoming successful overnight is nothing more than a fantasy.Besides, there are other important factors leading to success, such as confidence, intelligence, patience, perseverance, to name just a few.As a young man, I am still striving on my way to success.Already aware of the challenges and barriers ahead, I have equipped myself with the most courage and determination.6.My View on Best Wishes Text Messages On holidays many best wishes text messages are forwarded.Some people like forwarding these text messages because it is convenient.Others say the wishes sent in this way are not sincere enough and I agree with this view.On the one hand, a text message made by yourself means that you are willing to take the time to organize your words and express your special wishes to a friend;while a forwarded one may show that you are taking it just as a duty.On the other hand, a self-made text message contains what you exactly want to wish.Maybe it is not fancy, but it is special and unique.So when next holiday comes, let’s compose our own best wishes text messages to our families and friends.7.A Letter to Cousin Dear Mike, Your first winter holiday in college is approaching.Do you have any idea of how to spend it? I can share with you my ideas.First, you can keep focusing on your study, if you want.After half a year in college, you already have a general idea about campus study.So in the holiday, it can benefit you to keep studying for more knowledge to prepare for future learning in the long run.Second, if you want to go out for relaxing, traveling can be fun.It will broaden your horizons.Third, taking part in some social activities, like volunteer work, is also a good choice.It can improve your interpersonal skills and teamwork spirit.Please tell me what your choice will be.Wish you a delightful and meaningful winter holiday.Best regards,Ann

8.Vocational Education or College Education? The number of people who take the college entrance examination has been decreasing these years.Some people consider vocational education an advantage to job-hunting, while others argue that a college diploma is more important.In my opinion, college education is more advisable for most people.First, college education is systematic and students can learn a lot in many aspects.Unlike vocational education, which always focuses on just one job skill, college education enables students to develop different potentials.Second, to obtain a higher degree, such as a master’s degree, one has to go through college education to get a bachelor’s degree first.In a society where any job skill may become outdated quickly with the appearance of new technologies, the limitations of vocational education prove even more serious.Only college education can prepare us for future challenges.9.On Reacting to Disastrous Events One time or another, one might encounter disastrous events such as earthquakes, snow-storms, and traffic accidents.Serious disasters claim lives and cause heavy losses, and can leave lasting effects on one’s minds.How should we react to disasters? First I think it is reasonable to accept them.No one expects disasters, but if they come, they are there, and we must accept them as they are.In this way it might become easier for us to recover from the shock they bring to us.Second, I’ll concentrate on what I can do to relieve the bad effect of the disaster.We cannot undo what is done, but we can make things a little better with our efforts.Besides, concentrating on what we can do helps us forget the huge pains we feel about the disaster.10.On Improving Students’ Network Morality The problem of college students’ network morality is becoming more and more serious today, which does great harm to the development of their personality and mentality.Therefore, it is important to improve their network morality.There are some ways to improve students’ network morality.First, students should be taught to understand that their online activities bring not only self-experiences but also social responsibility.Second, rules should be made to control the network environment so that students will not be exposed to various immoral information on the Internet.Finally, technical means are required to supervise students’ online behaviors so that any immoral behavior can be duly(适当地)punished.If the student understands the importance of keeping a high network morality, if the Internet environment is healthy, and if immoral network behavior is always duly punished, I’m sure students’ network morality can be improved greatly.Keys to model test 7 1-7 BCBCD CB 8.de-centralized 9.placeness 10.round-the-clock location(for work and play)47-51 CDEMO

52-56 GNFKI

57-61 DDBAC

62-66 BCABD 67-71 BABAC

72-76 DCCAC

77-81 BCDAB

82-86 DABCA 87.needn’t have done 88.China tops the list of instant noodle demands 89.result from human activities 90.one of the best steps you can take 91.when the telephone rang

Keys to model test 8 1-7 ACDBA BC

8.adult continuing education 9.primarily 10.shared, mutual 47-51 DHOGM 52-56 JBBNCA 57-61 BDBCD 62-66 AACBD 67-71 CACDD 72-76 CDCBA 77-81 BBABC 82-86 DACBA 87.play important roles/ parts in 88.summit your resume online within this week 89.this dispute(should)be resolved / settled as soon as possible 90.forgetting to call in advance to cancel the date 91.At the thought of Saturday’s interview

Keys to model test 9 1-7 ABDCD AB 8.extended grammar and vocabulary 9.provide 10.release 47-51 BMOAF 52-56 EHIKL 57-61 ABBDC 62-66 DACBB 67-71 ADABC 72-76 CCDAB 77-81 ACDCB 82-86 CADCB 87.so that he could pass it smoothly 88.participate in / take part in regular physical activity 89.children in lower grades have too heavy study load 90.let alone / not to mention of / not to speak of the same company 91.have trouble/ difficulty(in)understanding text

Keys to model test 10 1-7 BCBDB AB 8.college-level courses 9.partners 10.keep up in the global economic race 47-51 CFGAM 52-56 BOJKD 57-61 DABDA 62-66 BACDA 67-71 AABCC 72-76 DDCAB 77-81 CBBAC 82-86 BDDDD 87.shall have left for 88.It is really worth a reading /It is really worthy of a reading 89.the better we understand their thoughts / ideas 90.attributed it to John’s strong will 91.bound to have a dramatic effect / influence on the future work


Model Test One The Importance of Reading Literature 【写作指南】



第二段:提出自己对于“阅读文学作品的重要性“的看法,并加以详细论述 第三段:重申论点,总结全文。【范文】

As is shown in the picture, when the teacher assigns her student to read a literature book,she tells him to think of it as a long text-message.It reminds me of the importance of reading literature while most people are spending much more time reading text-messages than literary works.As it is, reading literature is important in that it can not only broaden our horizon but also enrich our mind.To be specific, reading classic works is a real eye-opener, from which we can acquire knowledge of different historical events and cultural traditions.Moreover, the moral outlooks and views of life revealed in great works offer great nourishment and contribute to our growth and wisdom.Take myself as an example.Whenever I'm confronted with obstacles, I will reflect on the books I've read, imagining what the heroes would do if they were in my situation.Then normally I will get the power and overcome my difficulties.All in all, reading literature regularly as one does text-messages is critical to a more colorful and wiser life.【译文】




Model Test Two The Importance of Learning Basic Skills 【写作指南】





The drawing above vividly shows that the need to learn basic skills such as the multiplication table is questioned.In reality, there is also concern about whether basic skills might become out-dated and of no help to college graduates.As I see it, the basic skills college students learn will not turn old-fashioned.Instead,they will remain as important as they will ever be.To begin with,though basic skills is often classified as impractical subjects that cannot be applied directly to one's future career,it is these basic subjects that lay a solid foundation for more advanced skills, preparing us for further studies.Furthermore, most basic skills,like calculating and literacy, are always necessary in a variety of occupations.It is obvious that no employer is willing to hire a graduate who can't even fully understand a written contract.For this reason, a lack of these skills may result in future career failure.To sum up , insignificant and boring as learning basic skills may seem, it is actually of great importance and should not be neglected.【译文】


在我看来,大学生所学的基本技能不会过时。相反,这些技能将一如跃往地发挥重要作用。首先,尽管基本技能常被归类为不切实际的学科,不能直接应用到将来的工作中,但正是这些基础学科为学习更高级的技能打下坚实的基础,为深造做准备。此外,大部分的基本技能,如算术和读写能力,在各种职业中都是必需的。很明显,没有哪个雇主愿意聘用连书面合同都不能完全看懂的毕业生。因此,缺乏这些技能可能会造成将来职场上的失敗。•‟ 总的来说,尽管学习基本技能看似无关紧要并且枯燥,但它实则极其重要,因而不应被忽視。

Model Test Three The Importance of Doing Small Things Before Undertaking Something Big 【写作指南】



第二段:表明自己对“做大事前先把小事做好的重要性”这个话题的看法,并加以论述。第三段:重申主题,总结全文。【范文】(168)As is shown in the cartoon, the son expressed his concern about disposing of nuclear waste to his father, while his father asked him to empty the dustbin first.This thought-provoking dialogue reveals to us the importance of doing small things before undertaking something big and reminds us of an old Chinese saying " Sweep your own house before conquering the world.”

From my point of view, the significance of doing small things before doing the big lies in two points.First, by doing small things we accumulate precious experience and essential practical skills, which help prepare us for any upcoming big things.Second, doing trivial matters helps us develop good habits, such as perseverance and patience, with which we won't give up or escape easily when confronted with bigger difficulties.In short, it is reasonable for us college students to aim high and be ambitious.But before we are to undertake something big, we should try hard to fulfill simple tasks such as emptying the dustbin.【译文】



简言之,作为大学生,我们目标高远并且具有雄心壮志是合理的。但是,在我们做大亊之前,我们应努力把像倒垃圾这样的小亊做好。Model Test Four

Education pays 【写作指南】





As is shown in the graph, among those with doctoral degree, the unemployment rate is 1.9% ; while in sharp contrast, for those without even a high school diploma, the unemployment rate is 14.9%.The fact revealed by the statistics is obvious: the unemployment rate is in opposite proportion to the level of education—the higher the degree, the lower the unemployment rate.What are the reasons leading to the situation reflected in the graph? Firetly, education offers us basic knowledge or certain skills to land a job.Secondly, higher education provides more advanced knowledge or more sophisticated skill, which will ensure us to be more competitive in our career.Thirdly,the more education we receive,the better we can handle problems and stress confronted in our careers, thus achieving sustainable development in our career.Education really pays.Let's study harder and strive for a brighter future.【译文】




Model Test Five

Education Pays 【写作指南】





As is clearly demonstrated in the chart, weekly earnings for people with different education backgrounds vary dramatically.The weekly earnings of doctoral degree holders are $ 1,550, while for those with less than a high school diploma, the number is only $444.The fact revealed by this sharp contrast is obvious: education is a worthy investment, or to be specific,more and better education can to a great extent guarantee better payment.What might have brought about this effect? Firstly, compared with people with less education, people with higher education are more likely to land better-paying jobs, for today's economy requires an educated work force at all levels.Secondly,higher degree holders are often armed with more advanced knowledge, wider horizons, and more sophisticated skills, which usually ensure a high-income job.In view of what is discussed above, education really pays.Let's study harder and do our best to be prepared for better career opportunities and better future.【译文】


是什么导致了这样的结果?首先,和教育程度不高的人相比,接受过髙等教育的人更可能获得薪酬较好的工作,因为现在的经济发展在各个阶层都需要有学识的人才。其次,通常高学历者拥有更先进的知识、更广阔的视野,以及更专业的技能,这些都是他们找到高薪工作的有力保陣。综上所述,接受教育确实有所回报。让我们更加勤奋学习,为获得更好的工作机会和更美好的未来而不懈努力 Model Test Six

On Maintaining Trust 【写作指南】

这是一篇分析型作文。考生在写作时首先应理解“当我们谈论人际关系时,最常用的两个字就是信任。然而,建立信任是一件很难的事情,摧毁它却非常容易。因此,如何建立并保持信任,对我们来说至关重要”这句话的意思,围绕文章主题“保持信任”提出自己的看法并作进一步阐述,最后提出自己的建议或呼吁。根据题目要求,文章 的结构可以设计如下:




Trust is of great significance in our life.As social creatures,human beings need trust to develop a relationship.Lack of sense of trust makes it hard to maintain a relationship.However, incidents of dishonesty frequently happen in recent years, and trust between people is decreasing.They don't believe in the merchants for fear of being cheated ; sometimes they may even have doubts about the intention of people who do a good deed.What a sad picture!

It is generally believed that trust in a society is easy to destroy but hard to establish.In order to re-establish trust among us, there is much we can do.First, we ourselves should be trustworthy.We should keep our words whatever we do and should never cheat in our daily life and in our academic activities.Second, we should have faith in others, believing that most people are honest and trustworthy.Finally, the government should do more to encourage honesty and punish dishonesty.In a word,trust is crucial and indispensable in maintaining a relationship.It is the task for ail people to build trust in the society.【译文】 信任在我们的生活中意义重大。人类是社交型动物,需要依靠信任来发展关系。缺乏信任感会使一段关系难以维持。




Model Test Seven What Is in the Way of Paying Back the Loans Ever since colleges started to charge the students for the education they receive,there has always been a problem for some students, especially for those from remote rural regions, to get the money for it.So the government offers them an option of borrowing money from banks.Surveys show that the number of students financing his education in this way is increasing.However, some students, although not many, failed to pay back the loans as they had promised in the contract.The banks have a very hard time coping with this problem.And the government can do nothing effective to help the banks.I think there is more than one reason for this.Dishonesty may be one but not the major one.As is known, we are experiencing a particular phase of economic development where the supply of human resources is much bigger than the demand for it.So many students are not able to find a well-paid job.How can they pay the loans back? To solve this problem, I think the government should make efforts to get the whole economy go smoothly,creating more job opportunities.Model Test Eight

The Post-graduate Craze With the development of the competitive society, more and more people would like to go to graduate school.On one hand, thousands of ambitious young undergraduates are taking part in the National Graduate Entrance Exam each year in order to find a better job.On the other hand,more and more employees in all walks of life are trying their best to be post graduates.There are several reasons why so many people are so enthusiastic about the post graduate studies.Firstly, the majority of the people who want to be post graduates are trying to save themselves from the employment pressure.With the development of education standard,a bachelor's degree is no longer a sufficient qualification to ensure a decent job.Secondly,although some people have been employed for years, they find the knowledge they have learned inadequate to meet the demand of this ever changing world.In my opinion, before we make the choice, those questions need to be answered : Do I need practical work experience or theoretical knowledge? Can graduate school offer me what I want to learn? We have to think carefully before we decide to apply for graduate school.Model Test Nine

The Reading Population in China

【审题概述】 这是柱状图类作文,通常反映同„事物在不同时间里的变化趋势,也可表示同一时间里不同事物的变化情况。审题时要看清图表标题,了解信息主题,仔细研读两个数轴上的刻度和量值。这个图表反映的是近几年我国国民读书率持续走低的现状。组织篇章时,首先概括国民读书情况;然后说明为什么读书的人越来越少;最后发表自己的看法,说明阅读的重要性。语言方面,描述图表时要特别注意时态变化,开头句概述信息用现在时,后面具体描述内容时应用一般过去时。


The bar chart illustrates the gradual decline in the number of Chinese people reading books between 1999 and 2005.According to the graph, in 1999, more than 60% of Chinese people practiced certain readings.The percentage dropped dramatically to 54% in 2001,and continued to decrease until 2005 by nearly 6%.Why do less and less Chinese people read books? The reasons may boil down to the following factors.For one thing, Chinese people, especially the young,are now experiencing an unprecedented competition.They are struggling hard to accomplish their daily work,leaving no time and energy for reading.For another, modern society provides various channels ranging from television to the Internet for people to effortlessly get whatever information they need.Nevertheless, we cannot afford to be blind to the problem of the decrease in popularity of books among people, especially the young generation.To my mind, nothing can equal the benefits derived from reading.In one sense,books are no less necessary to our mental life than air is to our physical life.People should make it a rule to do some reading each day.Time-consuming as it may be, reading will inevitably exert profound influences on a person, a community and a nation.Model Test Ten

College Students’ Consumption



In what way do college students spend their money? On this issue, the above chart tells us a lot.We know from the chart that money for food and daily commodities, with 34% of the total spending, occupies the largest part of college students' consumption.Entertainment accounts for another 16% and traveling for 8%, which shows that the life of college students is getting more and more colorful.12% for clothing tells us that college students pay much attention to their appearance and are eager to keep up with the fashion.However, 17% for mobile phone fee while only 13% for study provides no reason for us to be optimistic.Of course, we can understand that mobile phones give us a lot of convenience and help us get in touch with each other easily.But money on mobile phone fee seems a little too much.In conclusion, to some degree we can learn about the status and trend of college students' consumption from the chart.Basically, their consumption is reasonable and realistic.But they still need some instructions on consumption.As our society develops, the way college students spend their money will be further varied.




I am a girl, a cute girl. I have two big 、brown eyes, and I have long straight black hair. Sometimes I am be very quite but sometimes I am a little shy.I don t want many people know me. Because I want be mystic. Do you think the idea is childish? But I don t mind it. I was born at 1994 and my birthday is in March. I like winter and fall, they are very beautiful! I have lots of sister 、brother and friends here.I love them.And I as well as like many good teathers there. My favorite subjeck is Chinese. I love our country so I love our language! I am good at Chinese, too. My favorite color is bule. What beautiful color it is! I want to know many new friends. Welcom to the net!


Good morning, everyone! My Name is xxx. I am so happy to stand in front of you to introduce myself. I am thirteen years old. I graduated from the No.1 Primary School of our city. I like reading books and playing badminton. I hope we can take exercises after class. Besides, I like watching movies and listening to pop music. I am sure there are some classmates have the common interests with me. Therefore, we can communicate with each other. In primary school, I did well in Chinese but math is not so good. I hope I can make progress in middle school. I am very excited to be a classmate of you and I hope we can make progress and have good days together.


My name is xxx. I am from 。 There are people in my family. My father works in a computer company. He is a computer engineer.

My mother works in a international trade company. She is also a busy woman. I have a older sister and a younger brother. My sister is a junior in National Taiwan University. She majors in English. My brother is an elementary school student. He is 8 years old.

Because of my father, I love surfing the Internet very much. I play the on-line game for about 2 hours every day.

I wish I could be a computer program designer in the future. And that is why I am applying for the electronics program in your school.


hello everyone! my is.。.。.。,from qinzhou. i’m so glad to meet you, and i’m currently a student at guangxi textile industrial school. my major is knitting. it’s my pleasure to join the champion training camp, because i love english and i hope i can learn something in the training for my future work. as we all know english is very useful in every field.

my english is limited that’s why i’m here. i know it’s a huge challenge for me to conquer english, but i believe that “no pains, no gains, success belongs to the persevering”,i hope i can learn more from you, thank you!


Hi! My name is xxx. I come from xxx, majoring in xxx. Generally speaking, I’m a hard-working person especially when doing what I’m interested in. I will try my best to manage it no matter how difficult it is, both in study and work. Thank you!


I am a lively and cheerful girl, I have a black shiny hair, like comb a horse tail.I'm twelve years old, and I'm the apple of my eye.My father and mother spoil me.Learning while no one in the cla, I was a minor celebrity, my popularity is very good also, have more than half of the cla are my good friend, and my “bosom friend”。Not only do I have many friends, but I also have many hobbies, such as: "drawing, playing games, swimming, reading.。.。

I like reading books best.When I was very young, my father bought me a lot of literacy manuals, and often read me some storybooks.I could say that my childhood was spent in the book sea.As I grew older, my book more and more, and now my house is like a small library, books are everywhere, is my own book, countle put two whole cabinet.

And I am convinced that good books can be with me all my life.This is me, a little girl who loves reading.


I’m a tpanies. My farther is aeetimes e shopping together.We have abig dinner in the restaurant. We ofen go for atrip on holiday. Last Natinal Day holiday. We visted Lu’Shan. The food there is very cheap and delicious.

I study at Jinqiao Primary School. I had as,computerrooms,excperimental room, dancing halls and sports halls. We also have a big canteen. We all have lunch there every day. The food is nice. Our classroom is big and bright.It’s morden. There’sa TV and a computer. On the blackbord there isa whiteboard. Teachers ofen teach us with it. It’s amazing.I have a good friend namedHuang Yanbing. We are in the same class and we are different ages 。 In fact,I am two months older than her.But she is taller and thinnerthan me She ispretty, She has many hobbies. She like singing,dancing Ilike her very much. We are alwayshappytogetner!

I really enjoy my school life.


Good morning, my name is Black .

I am originally from Shaanxi. And I was born and bred in Xi’an. My hometown is famous for many historical buildings.

You can come and visit my hometown. I am currently a senior student at Shandong University,majoring in English. That's all, thank you.


Hello, teachers!

I feel very honored to introduce myself here today. I hope you can better understand me through this introduction.

My name is XXX. I am a student of class xx. I served as the monitor in my class. I have developed a strong character in this primary school for four years. This character enables me to overcome all difficulties in learning and hope to become an excellent young pioneer. I am a lively and happy boy. My hobbies are music and Mathematical Olympiad, because they are very interesting. I like Mathematical Olympiad very much. It is both my hobby and my specialty.

My dream is to be a policeman, because I want to help more people in the future. I hope you can recognize me.

Thank you.


After completing my military service,I have been looking for a challenging goal for me to achieve.And I found that the Intermediate of General English Proficiency Test fits my new achievement properly.

I graduated from Taipei Commercial Junior College,majored in business administration.Instead of spending much time in playing,I devoted myself to my studies and paid attention to all meaningful things happened in daily life.By the way,I learned a lot from Mr. Wang,the professor of my business class.He is my good friend till now an often gives some appropriate suggestions toward my problem confusion.

My father is,in the same way,a good consultant to me.As he said:I am in poor education,little for you;to clarify,what he have given is far beyond his words,I do think so.I was born in a country of Ping Tung Country,farming is our career of generations.There are four people in my family,Mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an Agriculture College.

I am optimistic and active,and I am confident that I can pass the test.Thank you for your precious to read my autobiography.2




Each examiner:I call/**, come from Shandong province.This year is 21 years old, , is a student who will soon graduate.Passes the foundation knowledge that the teacher's guidance controled a calculator with personal effort firmly in the school.Mainly studied c language at the software aspect.c#.Java etc.plait the distance language, the data structure, VF.Access etc.database is applied, calculator operate system.Studied the Dreamweaver web page manufacture and the ASP network to weave a distance also.Studied the calculator network at the hardware aspect, the calculator construction with maintain.Combine many times to attend to pack machine, set the fulfillment of the net operation lesson, make me control the work principle of the calculator and the set of the calculator network net process.In addition, I attend various activities of the school organization to come to the oneself of 锻炼 actively and do various part-time to increase social experience.The teacher is divided into the group to us in the experiment and practice of the lesson remaining to complete mission, make we the deep comprehension arrive the importance of the team.The and the rise time acquires the school scholarship during the period of school, three staffs.However necessarily limited at the knowledge that the school learn, therefore I would ready to take advice study in the later work, the backlog working experience, the exaltation work ability.Hope your company to give me a displays an own opportunity!This with the result that Salute


Hi, My name is Jay, I'm from the beautiful ancient city of Kaifeng.As you can see, I am a very casual girl, and a lot of people here, like 18-year-old, I love a lot, I love guitar, love to sing love dancing, very fond of English, I am very love to watch “Prison Break”, like the actor micheal clever wit.I like making friends, and hope you will be able to and I have become good friends, I think I will, and you get along with.四级口语自我介绍3

Good morning/afternoon:

It is really my honor to have this opportunity for a interview.I hope I can make a good performance today.My name is xx.I am 20 years old,born in a little village in Southern Zhejiang.My parents are farmers,and I am the only child.Though not well-to-do,the family always be hopeful.My major is engineering technology.I will graduate in July,2011.I have some hobbies like listening to music,swimming,and especially seeing western movies.In the passed two years,I have learned some practical skills and gained some major certificates.I paid more attention to learn Engling,and I have passed CET4 in my efforts.I am looking forward to becoming a member of your company.Thankyou!



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