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单透镜 Simple(Single)Lenses 球透镜 Ball Lenses 歪像透镜 Anamorphic Lenses 圆锥透镜 Conical Lenses 柱状透镜,环形透镜 Cylindrical &Toroidal Lenses 非球面透镜 Aspheric Lenses 反射折射透镜 Catadioptric Lenses 绕射极限透镜 Diffraction-Limited Lenses GRIN透镜 GRIN Lenses(Graduated Refractive Index Rod)微小透镜阵列 Micro Lens Arrays 准直透镜 Collimator Lenses 聚光透镜 Condenser Lenses 多影像透镜 Multiple Image Lenses 傅利叶透镜 Fourier Lenses 菲涅尔透镜 Fresnel Lenses 替续透镜 Relay Lenses 大口径透镜(直径150mm以上)Large Aperture Lenses(150mm)复合透镜 Complex Lenses 红外线透镜 Infrared Lenses 紫外线透镜 Ultraviolet Lenses 激光透镜 Laser Lenses 望远镜对物镜 Telescope Objectives Lenses 显微镜对物镜 Microscope Objectives Lenses 接目镜 Eyepieces Lenses 向场透镜 Field Lenses 望远镜头 Telephoto Lenses 广角镜头 Wide Angle Lenses 可变焦伸缩镜头 Variable Focal Length Zoom Lenses CCTV镜头 CCTV Lenses 影印机镜头 Copy Machine Lenses 传真机镜头 Facsimile Lenses 条码扫描器镜头 Bar Code Scanner Lenses 影像扫描器镜头 Image Scanner Lenses 光碟机读取头透镜 Pick-up Head Lenses APS相机镜头 APS Camera Lenses 数位相机镜头 Digital Still Camera Lenses 液晶投影机镜头 Liquid Crystal Projector Lenses 镜面系列术语中英文对照

平面镜 Flat Mirrors 球面凹面镜,球面凸面镜 Spherical Concave and Convex Mirrors 抛物面镜,椭圆面镜 Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors 非球面镜 Aspheric Mirrors 多面镜 Polygonal Mirrors 热镜 Hot Mirrors 冷镜 Cold Mirrors 玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜 Glass and Glass-Ceramic Mirrors 双色向面镜 Dichroic Mirror 金属面镜 Metal Mirrors 多层面镜 Multilayer Mirrors 半涂银面镜 Half-Silvered Mirrors 激光面镜 Laser Mirrors 天文用面镜 Astronomical Mirrors 棱镜系列术语中英文对照

Nicol棱镜 Nicol Prisms Glan-Thomson棱镜 Glan-Thomson Prisms Wollaston棱镜 Wollaston Prisms Rochon棱镜 Rochon Prisms 直角棱镜 Right-Angle;Rectangular Prisms 五面棱镜 Pentagonal Prisms 脊角棱镜 Roof Prisms 双棱镜 Biprisms 直视棱镜 Direct Vision Prisms 微小棱镜 Micro Prisms 滤光镜系列术语中英文对照

尖锐滤光镜 Sharp Cut(off)Filters 色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜 Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters 干涉滤光镜 Interference Filters 中性密度滤光镜 Neutral Density Filters 空间/光学匹配滤光镜 Spatial/Optical Matched Filters 双色向滤光镜 Dichroic Filters 偏光滤光镜 Polarizing Filters 排除频带滤光镜 Rejection Band Filters 可调式滤光镜 Turnable Filter 超窄频滤光镜 Ultra Narrowband Filters 色吸收滤光镜 Absorption Filters 红外吸收/反射滤光镜 Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting Filters 红外透过滤光镜 Infrared Transmitting Filters 紫外吸收滤光镜 Ultraviolet Absorbing Filters 紫外透过滤光镜 Ultraviolet Transmitting Filters 针孔滤光镜 Pinhole Filters 有色玻璃滤光镜 Colored-Glass Filters 塑胶滤光镜 Plastic Filters 照像用滤光镜 Photographic Filters 全像滤光镜 Holographic Filters 微小干涉滤光镜 Micro Interference Filters


Iris – aperture stop虹膜孔径光珊 retina视网膜 Color Blind 色盲 weak color 色弱

Myopia – near-sighted近视 Sensitivity to Light感光灵敏度 boost推进 lag behind落后于

Hyperopic – far-sighted 远视 Dynamic Range 动态范围

critical fusion frequency 临界融合频率 CFF临界闪变频率 visual sensation视觉

Chromaticity Diagram色度图 Color Temperature色温

HSV Model色彩模型(hue色度saturation饱和度 value纯度 CIE Model 相干红外能量模式 Complementary Colors补色 Bar Pattern条状图形 Heat body 热稠化 approximate近似 violet紫罗兰

Body Curve人体曲线 Color Gamut色阶 adjacent邻近的

normal illumination法线照明 Primary colors红黄蓝三原色 Color saturation色饱和度 Color Triangle颜色三角 Color Notation颜色数标法 Color Difference色差

TV Signal Processing电视信号处理 Gamma Correction图像灰度校正 Conversion Tables换算表 out of balance失衡 wobble摇晃

back and forth前后

clear(white)panel白光板 vibrant震动 fuzzy失真

quantum leap量子越迁 SVGA(800x600)derive from起源自 culprit犯人 render呈递

inhibit抑制,约束 stride大幅前进 blemish污点

obstruction障碍物 scratch刮伤

substance物质实质主旨 residue杂质 criteria标准 parameter参数

adjacent邻近的接近的 asynchrony异步 cluster串群 mutually互助得 algorithm运算法则

Chromatic Aberrations色差 Fovea小凹

Visual Acuity视觉灵敏度

Contrast Sensitivity对比灵敏度 Temporal(time)Response反应时间 rendition表演,翻译 animation活泼又生气 ghost重影 Parallax视差

deficient缺乏的不足的 Display panel显示板

NG.(Narrow Gauge)窄轨距

dichroic mirror二色性的双色性的 Brewster Angle布鲁斯特角 Polarized Light极化光 Internal reflection内反射 Birefringence 双折射 Extinction Ratio 消光系数 Misalignment 未对准

Quarter Waveplates四分之一波片 blemish污点瑕疵 Geometric几何学的 ripple波纹

capacitor电容器 parallel平行的他

tantalum钽(金属元素)exsiccate使干燥 exsiccate油管,软膏 furnace炉子镕炉

electrolytic电解的,由电解产生的 module模数 analog类似物

out of the way不恰当 pincushion针垫拉 lateral侧面得 rectangle长方形 fixture固定设备 control kit工具箱

DVI connector DVI数局线 Vertical垂直的 horizontal 水平的 interlace隔行扫描 mullion竖框直楞 sawtooth锯齿 toggle套索钉

keypad数字按键键盘 tangential切线

diagnostic tool诊断工具 sagittal direction径向的 cursor position光标位置

ray aberration光线相差 weighting factor权种因子 variables变量

for now暂时,目前.眼下 check box复选框 Airy disk艾里斑 exit pupil出[射光]瞳

optical path difference光称差 with respect to关于

diffraction limited衍射极限

wavefront aberration波阵面相差 spherical aberration球面象差 paraxial focus傍轴焦点 chromatic aberration象差

local coordinate system局部坐标系统 coordinate system坐标系 orthogonal直角得,正交的 conic sections圆锥截面 account for解决,得分

parabolic reflector拋物面反射镜 radius of curvature曲率半径 spherical mirror球面镜

geometrical aberration几何相差 incident radiation入射辐射 global coordinate总体坐标 in terms of根据按照 reflected beam反射束

FYI=for your information供参考 Constructive interference相长干涉 phase difference相差

achromatic singlet消色差透镜 Interferometer干涉仪

boundary constraint边界约束,池壁效应 radii半径

Zoom lenses变焦透镜 Beam splitters分束器 discrete不连续的,分离的 objective/eye lens物镜/目镜 mainframe主机

rudimentary根本的,未发展的 photographic照相得摄影得 taxing繁重的,费力得 algebra代数学

trigonometry三角学 geometry几何学 calculus微积分学 philosophy哲学

lagrange invariant拉格朗日不变量 spherical球的

field information场信息 Standard Lens标准透镜 Refracting Surface折射面 astigmatism散光 HDTV高清晰度电视

DLV(Digital Light Valve)数码光路真空管,简称数字光阀 diffraction grating衍射光珊 field angle张角

paraxial ray trace equations近轴光线轨迹方称 back focal length后焦距 principal plane主平面 vertex顶点,最高点

astigmatism散光,因偏差而造成的曲解或错判 medial中间的,平均的 variance不一致

conic圆锥的,二次曲线 field of view视野 collimator瞄准仪 convolution回旋.盘旋,卷积 fuzzy失真,模糊 aberrated异常的 asymmetry不对称得 indicative可表示得 parabolic拋物线得 suffice足够,使满足


straightforward易懂的,直接了当的 solidify凝固,巩固.Constraints 约束,限制 metrology度量衡

field coverage视场,视野

dictate口述, 口授, 使听写, 指令, 指示, 命令, 规定 irradiance发光, 光辉,辐照度 aerial空气得,空中得 halide卤化物的

monochromatic单色的,单频的 polychromatic多色的 aspherical非球面的 spherical球面的 alignment列队,结盟 power(透镜)放大率


EFL(effective focal length)有效焦距 workhorse广为应用的设备 biconvex两面凸的

global optimization整体最优化 concave凹得,凹面得 cylindrical圆柱得 solid model实体模型

Modulation Transfer Function调制传递函数 in the heat of在最激烈的时候 protocol协议,规定 triplet三重态 sanity心智健全 zinc锌,涂锌的


miscellaneous各色各样混在一起, 混杂的, 多才多艺的 versus与...相对

polynomial多项式的 coefficient系数

explicit function显函数

distinct清楚的,截然不同的 emanate散发, 发出, 发源 rudimentary根本的,未发展的 intersection角差点

PRTE=paraxial ray trace equation旁轴光线轨迹方程achromats消色差透镜cardinal points基本方位separations分色片dashed虚线blow up放大overlay覆盖,覆盖图 multiplayer 多层的humidity 湿度float glass浮法玻璃square one 出发点,端点square up to 准备开打,坚决地面对reflecting telescope 反射式望远镜 diagnostic tools诊断工具Layout plots规划图Modulation transfer function调制转换功能FFT快速傅里叶变换Point spread function点传播功能wavelength波长angle角度absorption吸收system aperture系统孔径lens units透镜单位wavelength range波长范围singlet lens单业透镜spectrum光谱diffraction grating衍射光栅asphere半球的LDE=Lens data editor Surface radius of curvature表面曲率半径surface thickness表面厚度material type材料种类semi-diameter半径focal length焦距aperture type孔径类型aperture value孔径值field of view视场microns微米F, d, and C= blue hydrogen, yellow helium, red hydrogen lines, primary wavelength主波长sequential mode连续模式object surface物表面The front surface of the lens透镜的前表面stop光阑The back surface of the lens透镜的后表面The image surface像表面symmetric相对称的biconvex两面凸的The curvature is positive if the center of curvature of the surface is to the right of the vertex.It is negative if the center of curvature is to the left of the vertex.如果曲率中心在最高点的右边,曲率值为正,如果曲率中心在最高点的左边,则曲率为负image plane像平面Ray Aberration光线相差tangential direction切线方向sagittal direction径向paraxial focus旁轴的Marginal边缘的spherical aberration球面像差Optimization Setup最优化调整variable变量mathematical sense数学角度MFE= Merit Function Editor, Adding constraints增加约束focal length焦矩长度operand操作数the effective focal length有效焦矩primary wavelength主波长initiate开始spot diagram位图表Airy disk艾里斑axial chromatic aberration轴向色差with respect to关于至于exit pupil出射光瞳OPD=optical path difference光学路径差diffraction limited衍射极限chromatic aberration色差chromatic focal shift色焦距变换paraxial focus傍轴焦点axial spherical aberration轴向球差(longitudinal spherical aberration 纵向球差:沿光轴方向度量的球差)lateral spherical aberration垂轴球差(在过近轴光线像点A‵的垂轴平面内度量的球差)coma、comatic aberration彗差meridional coma子午彗差sagittal coma弧矢彗差astigmatism像散local coordinate system本地坐标系统meridional curvature of field子午场曲sagittal curvature of field弧矢场曲decentered lens偏轴透镜orthogonal直角的垂直的conic section圆锥截面account for说明,占有,得分stigmatic optical system无散光的光学系统Newtonian telescope牛顿望远镜parabolic reflector抛物面镜foci焦距chromatic aberration,色差superpose重迭parabola抛物线spherical mirror球面镜RMS=Root Mean Square均方根wavefront波阵面spot size光点直径Gaussian quadrature高斯积分rectangular array矩阵列grid size磨粒度PSF=Point Spread Function点扩散函数FFT=Fast Fourier Transform Algorithm快速傅里叶变换Cross Section横截面Obscurations昏暗local coordinates局部坐标系统vignette把…印为虚光照Arrow key键盘上的箭头键refractive折射reflective反射in phase同相的协调的Ray tracing光线追迹diffraction principles衍射原理order effect式样提出的顺序效果energy distribution能量分配Constructive interference相长干涉dispersive色散的Binary optics二元光学phase advance相位提前achromatic single消色差单透镜diffractive parameter衍射参数Zoom lenses变焦透镜Athermalized lenses绝热透镜Interferometers干涉计Beam splitter分束器Switchable component systems可开关组件系统common application通用symmetry对称boundary constraint边界约束multi-configuration(MC)MC Editor(MCE)perturbation**,动摇index accuracy折射率准确性index homogeneity折射率同种性index distribution折射率分配abbe number离差数Residual剩余的Establishing tolerances建立容差figure of merit质量因子tolerance criteria公差标准Modulation Transfer Function(MTF)调制传递函数boresight视轴,瞄准线Monte Carlo蒙特卡洛Tolerance operands误差操作数conic constant ]MC1“{_qT.ueg g 圆锥常数astigmatic aberration像散误差Mechanical tilt机械倾斜,机械倾角Tolerance Data Editor(TDE)公差资料编辑器compensator补偿棱镜estimated system performance预估了的系统性能iteratively反复的,重迭的statistical dependence统计相关性sequential ray trace model连续光线追迹模型imbed埋葬,埋入multiple多样的,多重的,若干的Non-Sequential Components不连续的组件Corner cube角隅棱镜,三面直角透镜Sensitivity Analysis灵敏度分析Faceted reflector有小面的反射镜emit发射,发出nest嵌套overlap交迭outer lens外透镜brute force强力seidel像差系数aspect ratio长宽比MRA边缘光线角MRH边缘光线高度asynchronous不同时的,异步Apodization factor变迹因子hexapolar六角形dithered高频脉冲衍射调制传递函数(DMTF),衍射实部传递函数(DRTF),衍射虚部传递函数(DITF),衍射相位传递函数(DPTF),方波传递函数(DSWM)logarithmic对数的parity奇偶 % Uc,I e ,17]3NnoC

longitudinal aberrations 纵向像差赛得系数: 球差(SPHA,SI),彗差(COMA,S2),像散(ASTI,S3),场曲(FCUR,S4),畸变(DIST,S5),轴向色差(CLA,CL)和横向色差(CTR,CT).横向像差系数:横向球差(TSPH),横向弧矢彗差(TSCO),横向子午彗差(TTCO),横向弧矢场曲(TSFC),横向子午场曲(TTFC),横向畸变(TDIS)横向轴上色差(TLAC)。纵向像差系数: 纵向球差(LSPH),纵向像散(LAST),纵向匹兹凡场曲(LPFC),纵向弧矢场曲(LFCS),纵向子午场曲(LFCT)和纵向轴上色差(LAXC),横向像散(TAST),横向匹兹凡场曲(TPFC)纵向弧矢场曲(LSFC)纵向畸变(LDIS)波前系数: 球差(W040),彗差(W131),像散(W222),匹兹凡场曲(W220P),畸变(W311),轴向色离焦项(W020),轴向色倾斜(W111),弧矢场曲(W220S),平均场曲(W220M),子午场曲(W220T).彗差comatic aberration子午彗差meridional coma弧矢彗差sagittal coma锤形优化(Hammer Optimization)评价函数列表(Merit Function Listing)公差汇总表(Tolerance Summary)套样板(Test Plate Fitting)镜头库(Lens Catalogs)等双凸/ 等双凹(equiconvex/equiconcave)和双凸/ 双凹(biconvex/biconcave)。幻像发生器(Ghost Focus generator)Iris – aperture stop虹膜孔俓光珊retina视网膜Color Blind 色盲weak color 色弱 3Ns>V5X]? jL3o33n-U] Myopia – near-sighted近视Sensitivity to Light感光灵敏度boost推进lag behind落后于Hyperopia – far-sighted 远视Dynamic Range 动态范围critical fusion frequency 临界融合频率CFF临界闪变频率visual sensation视觉Chromaticity Diagram色度图Color Temperature色温HSV Model色彩模型(hue色度saturation饱和度 value纯度CIE Model 相干红外能量模式Complementary Colors补色Bar Pattern条状图形Heat body 热稠化approximate近似得violet紫罗兰Body Curve人体曲线Color Gamut色阶adjacent邻近的normal illumination法线照明Primary colors红黄蓝三原色Color saturation色饱和度Color Triangle颜色三角Color Notation颜色数标法 Color Difference色差TV Signal Processing电视信号处理Gamma Correction图像灰度校正;$UI`pHy m,jF2C;.W

Conversion Tables换算表out of balance失衡wobble摇晃back and forth前后rd/}N, T$5[1]*!”Z~

clear(white)panel白光板vibrant震动fuzzy失真quantum leap量子越迁SVGA(800x600)derive from起源自culprit犯人render呈递inhibit抑制,约束stride大幅前进blemish污点obstruction障碍物scratch刮伤速substance物质实质主旨residue杂质criteria标准parameter参数adjacent邻近的接近的asynchrony异步cluster串群mutually互助得algorithm运算法则Chromatic Aberrations色差Fovea小凹Visual Acuity视觉灵敏度Contrast Sensitivity对比灵敏度Temporal(time)Response反应时间rendition表演,翻译animation活泼又生气ghost重影Parallax视差deficient缺乏的不足的Display panel显示板NG.(Narrow Gauge)窄轨距dichroic mirror二色性的双色性的Brewster Angle布鲁斯特角Polarized Light极化光Internal reflection内反射Birefringence 双折射Extinction Ratio 消光系数Misalignment 未对准Quarter Waveplates四分之一波片blemish污点瑕疵Geometric几何学的ripple波纹capacitor电容器parallel平行的他tantalum钽(金属元素)exsiccate使干燥exsiccate油管,软膏furnace炉子镕炉electrolytic电解的,由电解产生的module模数analog类似物out of the way不恰当pincushion针垫拉lateral侧面得rectangle长方形fixture固定设备control kit工具箱DVI connector DVI数局线Vertical垂直的 horizontal 水平的interlace隔行扫描mullion竖框直楞sawtooth锯齿toggle套索钉keypad数字按键键盘tangential切线diagnostic tool诊断工具sagittal direction径向的cursor position光标位置ray aberration光线相差weighting factor权种因子variables变量for now暂时,目前.眼下check box复选框Airy disk艾里斑exit pupil出[射光]瞳optical path difference光称差with respect to关于diffraction limited衍射极限 9MB#OvW ]L[FMjr wavefront aberration波阵面相差spherical aberration球面象差paraxial focus傍轴焦点chromatic aberration象差local coordinate system局部坐标系统coordinate system坐标系orthogonal直角得,正交的conic sections圆锥截面 |6'5“tH zj”p{t& account for解决,得分parabolic reflector拋物面反射镜radius of curvature曲率半径spherical mirror球面镜geometrical aberration几何相差incident radiation入射辐射global coordinate总体坐标in terms of根据按照-hozJ z F j <9=

reflected beam反射束FYI=for your information供参考Constructive interference相长干涉phase difference相差achromatic singlet消色差透镜Interferometer干涉仪boundary constraint边界约束,池壁效应radii半径Zoom lenses变焦透镜Beam splitters分束器discrete不连续的,分离的objective/eye lens物镜/目镜mainframe主机rudimentary根本的,未发展的photographic照相得摄影得taxing繁重的,费力得algebra代数学trigonometry三角学geometry几何学calculus微积分学philosophy哲学lagrange invariant拉格朗日不变量spherical球的field information场信息Standard Lens标准透镜Refracting Surface折射面astigmatism散光HDTV高清晰度电视DLV(Digital Light Valve)数码光路真空管,简称数字光阀diffraction grating衍射光珊field angle张角paraxial ray trace equations近轴光线轨迹方称back focal length后焦距principal plane主平面vertex顶点,最高点astigmatism散光,因偏差而造成的曲解或错判medial中间的,平均的variance不一致conic圆锥的,二次曲线field of view视野collimator瞄准仪convolution回旋.盘旋,卷积fuzzy失真,模糊aberrated异常的asymmetry不对称得indicative可表示得parabolic拋物线得suffice足够,使满足specification规格,说明书straightforward易懂的,直接了当的,solidify凝固,巩固.Constraints 约束,限制metrology度量衡field coverage视场,视野dictate口述, 口授, 使听写, 指令, 指示, 命令, 规定irradiance发光, 光辉,辐照度aerial空气得,空中得halide卤化物的monochromatic单色的,单频的polychromatic多色的aspherical非球面的spherical球面的alignment列队,结盟power(透镜)放大率equiconvergence同等收敛EFL(effective focal length)有效焦距workhorse广为应用的设备biconvex两面凸的global optimization整体最优化concave凹得,凹面得cylindrical圆柱得solid model实体模型Modulation Transfer Function调制传递函数in the heat of在最激烈的时候protocol协议,规定triplet三重态sanity心智健全zinc锌,涂锌的selenide硒化物,硒醚miscellaneous各色各样混在一起, 混杂的, 多才多艺的versus与...相对polynomial多项式的coefficient系数explicit function显函数eo:ELq> |-G[1]=XoU distinct清楚的,截然不同的emanate散发, 发出, 发源rudimentary根本的,未发展的intersection角差点PRTE=paraxial ray trace equation旁轴光线轨迹方程achromats消色差透镜cardinal points基本方位separations分色片dashed虚线blow up放大overlay覆盖,覆盖图 multiplayer 多层的humidity 湿度float glass浮法玻璃square one 出发点,端点square up to 准备开打,坚决地面对reflecting telescope 反射式望远镜


十、常用术语中英文对照 人生规划Life planning

自我介绍Self-introduction 目标Target


《论语》The Analects of Confucius 修身养性cultivate one's moral character 儒家思想Confucianism



阅读理解Reading comprehension 意境Artistic conception





情景模拟Scenario simulation 记忆Memory


命运交响曲Symphony of Destiny 古典音乐Classical music 莫扎特Mozart

费加罗的婚礼The Marriage of Figaro 萧伯纳George Bernard Shaw 戏剧Drama









《红楼梦》Dream in Red Mansions 叶芝Yeats

当你老了 when you are old 情景Scene


无为而治Taoist Actionless Governance 消极避世Indifference






敬畏生命Reverence for Life 抉择Choice



招聘求职Recruitment 求职信Cover letter

自荐书Written submissions 岗位Post



食品检测Food testing 高分子Macromolecule

就业形势Employment situation 毕业论文Thesis






单透镜 Simple(Single)Lenses

球透镜 Ball Lenses

歪像透镜 Anamorphic Lenses

圆锥透镜 Conical Lenses

柱状透镜,环形透镜 Cylindrical & Toroidal Lenses

非球面透镜 Aspheric Lenses

反射折射透镜 Catadioptric Lenses

绕射极限透镜 Diffraction-Limited Lenses

GRIN透镜 GRIN Lenses(Graduated Refractive Index Rod)微小透镜阵列 Micro Lens Arrays

准直透镜 Collimator Lenses

聚光透镜 Condenser Lenses

多影像透镜 Multiple Image Lenses

傅利叶透镜 Fourier Lenses

菲涅尔透镜 Fresnel Lenses

替续透镜 Relay Lenses

大口径透镜(直径150mm以上)Large Aperture Lenses(150mm)复合透镜 Complex Lenses

红外线透镜 Infrared Lenses

紫外线透镜 Ultraviolet Lenses

激光透镜 Laser Lenses

望远镜对物镜 Telescope Objectives Lenses

显微镜对物镜 Microscope Objectives Lenses

接目镜 Eyepieces Lenses

向场透镜 Field Lenses

望远镜头 Telephoto Lenses

广角镜头 Wide Angle Lenses

可变焦伸缩镜头 Variable Focal Length Zoom LensesCCTV镜头 CCTV Lenses

影印机镜头 Copy Machine Lenses

传真机镜头 Facsimile Lenses

条码扫描器镜头 Bar Code Scanner Lenses

影像扫描器镜头 Image Scanner Lenses

光碟机读取头透镜 Pick-up Head Lenses

APS相机镜头 APS Camera Lenses

数位相机镜头 Digital Still Camera Lenses

液晶投影机镜头 Liquid Crystal Projector Lenses


平面镜 Flat Mirrors

抛物面镜,椭圆面镜 Off-Axis Paraboloids and Ellipsoids Mirrors 非球面镜 Aspheric Mirrors多面镜 Polygonal Mirrors热镜 Hot Mirrors冷镜 Cold Mirrors玻璃,玻璃/陶瓷面镜 Glass and Glass-Ceramic Mirrors双色向面镜 Dichroic Mirror金属面镜 Metal Mirrors多层面镜 Multilayer Mirrors半涂银面镜 Half-Silvered Mirrors激光面镜 Laser Mirrors天文用面镜 Astronomical Mirrors棱镜系列术语中英文对照Nicol棱镜 Nicol Prisms Glan-Thomson棱镜 Glan-Thomson PrismsWollaston棱镜 Wollaston PrismsRochon棱镜 Rochon Prisms直角棱镜 Right-Angle;Rectangular Prisms五面棱镜 Pentagonal Prisms脊角棱镜 Roof Prisms双棱镜 Biprisms直视棱镜 Direct Vision Prisms微小棱镜 Micro Prisms滤光镜系列术语中英文对照尖锐滤光镜 Sharp Cut(off)Filters色温变换滤光镜,日光滤光镜 Colour Conversion/Daylight Filters干涉滤光镜 Interference Filters中性密度滤光镜 Neutral Density Filters空间/光学匹配滤光镜 Spatial/Optical Matched Filters双色向滤光镜 Dichroic Filters偏光滤光镜 Polarizing Filters排除频带滤光镜 Rejection Band Filters可调式滤光镜 Turnable Filter超窄频滤光镜 Ultra Narrowband Filters 色吸收滤光镜 Absorption Filters 红外吸收/反射滤光镜 Infrared Absorbing/Reflecting Filters红外透过滤光镜 Infrared Transmitting Filters

紫外透过滤光镜 Ultraviolet Transmitting Filters针孔滤光镜 Pinhole Filters有色玻璃滤光镜 Colored-Glass Filters塑胶滤光镜 Plastic Filters照像用滤光镜 Photographic Filters全像滤光镜 Holographic Filters微小干涉滤光镜 Micro Interference Filters



出口信贷 export credit

出口津贴 export subsidy

商品倾销 dumping

外汇倾销 exchange dumping

优惠关税 special preferences

保税仓库 bonded warehouse

贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade

贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade

进口配额制 import quotas

自由贸易区 free trade zone

对外贸易值 value of foreign trade

国际贸易值 value of international trade

普遍优惠制 generalized system of preferences-GSP

最惠国待遇 most-favored nation treatment-MFNT


价格术语trade term(price term)


单价 price


总值 total value

卸货费landing charges

金额 amount

关税customs duty

净价 net price

印花税stamp duty

含佣价price including commission


回佣return commission

装运港portof shipment


卸货港port of discharge

批发价 wholesale price

目的港portof destination

零售价 retail price


现货价格spot price


期货价格forward price

现行价格(时价)current price/ prevailing price

国际市场价格 world(International)Marketprice

离岸价(船上交货价)FOB-free on board

成本加运费价(离岸加运费价)C&F-cost and freight

到岸价(成本加运费、保险费价)CIF-cost,insurance and freight





租船charter(the chartered shep)

交货时间 time of delivery

定程租船voyage charter

装运期限time of shipment

定期租船time charter



班轮regular shipping liner


舱位shipping space


报关clearance of goods

陆运收据cargo receipt

提货to take delivery of goods

空运提单airway bill

正本提单original BL

选择港(任意港)optional port

选港费optional charges

选港费由买方负担 optional charges to be borne by the Buyers 或 optional charges for Buyers account

一月份装船 shipment during January 或 January shipment

一月底装船 shipment not later than Jan.31st.或shipment on or before Jan.31st.一/二月份装船 shipment during Jan./Feb.或 Jan./Feb.shipment 在……(时间)

分两批装船 shipment during……in two lots

在……(时间)平均分两批装船 shipment during……in two equal lots

分三个月装运 in three monthly shipments

分三个月,每月平均装运 in three equal monthly shipments

立即装运 immediate shipments

即期装运 prompt shipments

收到信用证后30天内装运 shipments within 30 days after receipt of L/C

允许分批装船 partial shipment not allowed partial shipment not permitted partial shipment not unacceptable


订单 indent

订货;订购 book;booking

电复 cable reply

实盘 firm offer

递盘 bid;bidding

递实盘 bid firm

还盘 counter offer


发实盘 offer firm



指示性价格 price indication

速复 reply immediately

参考价 reference price

习惯做法 usual practice

交易磋商 business negotiation

不受约束 without engagement

业务洽谈 business discussion

限**复 subject to reply **

限* *复到 subject to reply reaching here **

有效期限 time of validity

有效至**: valid till **

购货合同 purchase contract

销售合同 sales contract

购货确认书 purchase confirmation

销售确认书 sales confirmation

一般交易条件 general terms and conditions

以未售出为准 subject to prior sale

需经卖方确认 subject to sellers confirmation

需经我方最后确认 subject to our final confirmation




招标invitation of tender

投标submission of tender


总代理人general agent

代理协议agency agreement

累计佣金accumulative commission

补偿贸易compensation trade

(或抵偿贸易)compensating/compensatory trade

(又叫:往返贸易)counter trade

来料加工processing on giving materials

来料装配assembling on provided parts

独家经营/专营权exclusive right

独家经营/包销/代理协议exclusivity agreement

独家代理 sole agency;sole agent;exclusive agency;


品质 quality

原样 original sample

规格 specifications

复样 duplicate sample

说明 description

对等样品 countersample

标准 standard type

参考样品 reference sample

商品目录 catalogue

封样 sealed sample

宣传小册 pamphlet

公差 tolerance

exclusive agent

货号 article No.花色(搭配)assortment

样品 sample 5%

增减 5% plus or minus

代表性样品 representative sample

大路货(良好平均品质)fair average quality


索赔 claim


罚金条款 penalty


不可抗力 force Majeure

仲裁庭arbitral tribunal

产地证明书certificate of origin

品质检验证书 inspection certificate of quanlity

重量检验证书 inspection certificate of weight(quantity)

**商品检验局 **commodity inspection bureau(*.C.I.B)

品质、重量检验证书 inspection certificate


个数 number

净重 net weight

容积 capacity

毛作净 gross for net

体积 volume

皮重 tare

毛重 gross weight

溢短装条款 more or less clause

外 汇——

外汇 foreign exchange

法定贬值 devaluation

外币 foreign currency

法定升值 revaluation

汇率 rate of exchange

浮动汇率floating rate

国际收支 balance of payments

硬通货 hard currency

直接标价 direct quotation

软通货 soft currency

间接标价 indirect quotation

金平价 gold standard

买入汇率 buying rate

通货膨胀 inflation

卖出汇率 selling rate

固定汇率 fixed rate

金本位制度 gold standard

黄金输送点 gold points 铸币平价 mint par

纸币制度 paper money system

国际货币基金 international monetary fund

黄金外汇储备 gold and foreign exchange reserve

汇率波动的官定上下限 official upper and lower limits of fluctuation



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dead tank oil circuit breaker live tank oil circuit breaker vacuum circuit breaker sulphur hexafluoride breaker potential transformer current transformer disconnector earthing switch synchronous generator asynchronous machine Insulator lightning arrester metal oxide arrester MOA bus bar overhead line transmission line(coaxial)cable iron core winding bushing front(tail)resistance inverter station steel-reinforced aluminum conductor tank earth(ground)wire grading ring highvoltage engineering highvoltage testing technology Power electronics Principles of electric circuits PT CT

箱体 接地线 均压环 高电压工程 高电压试验技术 电力电子 电路原理

point plane gap exciting winding trigger electrode glow discharge harmonic Automatic control Digital signal processing

针板间隙 激磁绕组 触发电极 辉光放电 谐波 自动控制 数字信号处理

电气工程专业英语词汇表 power system power network insulation overvoltage aging alternating current AC transmission system arc discharge attachment coefficient attenuation factor anode(cathode)breakdown bubble breakdown cathode ray oscilloscope cavity corona composite insulation critical breakdown voltage Discharge Dielectric dielectric constant dielectric loss direct current divider ratio grounding electric field electrochemical deterioration electron avalanche electronegative gas epoxy resin expulsion gap field strength field stress field distortion field gradient field emission flashover gaseous insulation Prime mover Torque Servomechanism Boiler Internal combustion engine Deenergize Underground cable

电力系统 电力网络 绝缘 过电压 老化 交流电 交流输电系统 电弧放电 附着系数 衰减系数 阳极(阴极)(电)击穿 气泡击穿 阴极射线示波器 空穴,腔 电晕 组合绝缘 临界击穿电压 放电 电介质,绝缘体 介质常数 介质损耗 直流电 分压器分压比 接地 电场 电化学腐蚀 电子崩 电负性气体 环氧树脂 灭弧间隙 场强 电场力 场畸变 场梯度 场致发射 闪络 气体绝缘 原动机 力矩 伺服系统 锅炉 内燃机 断电 地下电缆 impulse current impulse flashover inhomogenous field insulation coordination internal discharge lightning stroke lightning overvoltage loss angle magnetic field mean free path mean molecular velocity negative ions non-destructive testing non-uniform field partial discharge peak reverse voltage photoelectric emission photon phase-to-phase voltage polarity effect power capacitor quasi-uniform field radio interference rating of equipment routing testing residual capacitance shielding short circuit testing space charge streamer breakdown surface breakdown sustained discharge switching overvoltage thermal breakdown treeing uniform field wave front(tail)withstand voltage Power factor Distribution automation system Automatic meter reading Armature Brush Commutator Counter emf 冲击电流 冲击闪络 不均匀场 绝缘配合 内部放电 雷电波 雷电过电压(介质)损耗角 磁场平均自由行程平均分子速度 负离子 非破坏性试验 不均匀场 局部放电 反向峰值电压 光电发射 光子 线电压 极性效应 电力电容 稍不均匀场 无线干扰 设备额定值 常规试验 残余电容 屏蔽 短路试验 空间电荷 流注击穿 表面击穿 自持放电 操作过电压 热击穿 树枝放电 均匀场 波头(尾)耐受电压 功率因数 配电网自动化系统 自动抄表 电枢 电刷 换向器 反电势

电气工程专业英语词汇表 Loop system Distribution system Trip circuit Switchboard Instrument transducer Oil-impregnated paper Bare conductor Reclosing Distribution dispatch center Pulverizer Drum Superheater Peak-load Prime grid substation Reactive power` Active power Shunt reactor Blackout Extra-high voltage(EHV)Ultra-high voltage(UHV)Domestic load Reserve capacity Fossil-fired power plant Combustion turbine Right-of-way Rectifier Inductive(Capacitive)Reactance(impedance)Reactor Reactive Phase displacement(shift)Surge Retaining ring Carbon brush Short-circuit ratio Induction Autotransformer Bushing Turn(turn ratio)Power factor Tap Recovery voltage 环网系统 配电系统 跳闸电路 配电盘,开关屏 测量互感器 油浸纸绝缘 裸导线 重合闸 配电调度中心 磨煤机 汽包,炉筒 过热器 峰荷 主网变电站 无功功率 有功功率 并联电抗器 断电,停电 超高压 特高压 民用电 备用容量 火电厂 燃气轮机 线路走廊 整流器 电感的(电容的)电抗(阻抗)电抗器 电抗的,无功的 相移 冲击,过电压 护环 炭刷 短路比 感应 自藕变压器 套管 匝(匝比,变比)功率因数 分接头 恢复电压 Demagnetization Relay panel Tertiary winding Eddy current Copper loss Iron loss Leakage flux Autotransformer Zero sequence current Series(shunt)compensation Restriking Automatic oscillograph Tidal current Trip coil Synchronous condenser Main and transfer busbar Feeder Skin effect Potential stress Capacitor bank crusher pulverizer baghouse Stationary(moving)blade Shaft Kinetic(potential)energy Pumped storage power station Synchronous condenser Light(boiling)-water reactor Stator(rotor)Armature Salient-pole Slip ring Arc suppression coil Primary(backup)relaying Phase shifter Power line carrier(PLC)Line trap Uninterruptible power supply Spot power price Time-of-use(tariff)XLPE(Cross Linked Polyethylene)Arc reignition Operation mechanism 电弧重燃 操动机构 Rms(root mean square)RF(radio frequency)均方根值 射

频 退磁,去磁 继电器屏 第三绕组 涡流 铜损 铁损 漏磁通 自耦变压器 零序电流 串(并)联补偿 电弧重燃 自动录波仪 潮流 跳闸线圈 同步调相机 单母线带旁路 馈电线 集肤效应3

电位应力(电场强度)电容器组 碎煤机 磨煤机 集尘室 固定(可动)叶片 转轴 动(势)能 抽水蓄能电站 同步调相机 轻(沸)水反应堆 定(转)子 电枢 凸极 滑环 消弧线圈 主(后备)继电保护 移相器 电力线载波(器)线路限波器 不间断电源 实时电价 分时(电价)交联聚乙烯(电缆)

电气工程专业英语词汇表 Pneumatic(hydraulic)Nameplate Independent pole operation Malfunction Shield wire Creep distance Silicon rubber Composite insulator Converter(inverter)Bus tie breaker Protective relaying Transfer switching Outgoing(incoming)line Phase Lead(lag)Static var compensation(SVC)Flexible AC transmission system(FACTS)EMC(electromagnetic compatibility)GIS(gas insulated substation, geographic information system)IEEE(Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers)气体绝缘变电站 地理信息系统 电气与电子工程师学 会(美)电磁兼容 气动(液压)铭牌 分相操作 失灵 避雷线 爬电距离 硅橡胶 合成绝缘子 换流器(逆变器)母联断路器 继电保护 倒闸操作 出(进)线 相位超前(滞后)静止无功补偿 灵活交流输电系统 Rpm(revolution per minute)LAN(local area network)LED(light emitting diode)Single(dual, ring)bus IC(integrated circuit)FFT(fast Fourier transform)Telemeter Load shedding Lateral Power-flow current sparkover Silicon carbide Zinc oxide Withstand test Dispatcher Supervisory control and data acquisition(SCADA)ISO(international standardization 国际标准化组织 organization)IEC(international Electrotechnical Commission)IEE(Institution of Electrical Engineers)校准 接线端子 湿度 潮湿,湿气 运算放大器 调幅 调频 二进制 八进制 十进制 十六进制 转/分 局域网 发光二极管

单(双,环形)母线 集成电路 快速傅立叶变换 遥测 甩负荷 支线 工频续流 放电 碳化硅 氧化锌 耐压试验 调度员 监控与数据采集



scale rated fuse resonance analytical numerical frequency-domain time-domain operation amplifier active filter passive filter

刻度,量程 额定的 保险丝,熔丝 谐振,共振 解析的 数字的 频域 时域 运算放大器 有源滤波器 无源滤波器

calibrate terminal humidity moisture operation amplifier amplitude modulation(AM)frequency modulation(FM)binary octal decimal hexadecimal



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