2、精心准备湿地公园验收事项。牛心套保国家湿地公园经过5年的建设,取得了非凡的成绩,其主要体现在湿地 保护、恢复和合理利用上有较强的示范作用,基础设施、服务设施建设从公园实际出发,打造原生态国家湿地公园为目标,在建设风格理念上,注重新建的景观景点与自然环境较为明显的融为一体,与周边环境协调一致。其宣教馆的内容丰富,成为中小学生社会科普自然学校。湿地公园开展了多方面的生态监测项目,为生态保护、恢复提供科学依据。在保育区则体现出原生态面貌,为野生鸟类提供繁衍生息环境。在恢复重建区,实施湿地保护恢复项目,恢复湿地面积330公顷。公园依靠科技,科学利用湿地资源,将中科院东北地理与农业生态研究所刘兴土院士及其团队试验成功“苇-蟹-稻”复合生态农业工程模式广泛推广,已成为职工致富新的途径。职工年均增加收入2万元。因此,湿地合理利用方面在全省起到了较好的示范作用。为使全面做好公园国家级验收各项准备工作,我们主要作了以下工作:一是完成公园验收必备的资料。收集整理湿地各种监测数据资料200余份,各种地界证明书7份,撰写湿地公园验收汇报1份,制作湿地公园管理与建设ppt幻灯片1部,湿地公园建设成就汇报片1部。二是迎接了省级初检验收。3月26日省林业厅组织湿地专家组,对牛心套保国家湿地公园进行初步检查验收,验收报告高度评价了湿地公园建设成绩,同时也指出有待完善改进之处。按照专家组意见和建议,对存在问题一一进行整改。三是规范湿地公园管理。为加强牛心套保国家湿 地公园管理,结合公园地处三县交汇处特殊地理位置实际情况,经多次反复研究,由***政府出台了《***牛心套保国家湿地公园管理办法》,明确湿地公园管理责任和任务。
按照省林业厅国有林场改革要求,结合工作实际,认真完成了国有苇场基本情况、人员编制、资源、财务收支和资产负债、社会保险等调查摸底工作。近期,全省国有林场改革工作视频会议已召开,全省林改序幕已拉开,我市作为改革试点县,我们要抓住改革先行政策倾斜机遇,做好本单位改革文章,全面落实林改会议精神,用好用足改革政策,计 算好改革成本,做到国家财产不丢失,职工利益不能少,改革方向不偏离,按照全省林改方案要求,按时限全面完成国有苇场改革工作任务。
依托科技,大力发展生态产业。依托中科院东北地理所“苇-蟹-稻”复合生态农业成功模式为支撑,大力发展湿地生态经济,搞好苇塘养殖项目,大力推广科技成果应用,让 更多的职工参与进来,共享科技成果效益,将科技成果成为广大职工脱贫致富新的途径。苇画是近年来芦苇部门创新产品,走进市场后,受到广大消费者的好评,有着广泛市场。要培育消费群体,扩大苇画社会知名度。要进一步提升技术创新、技工培训、市场营销工作,加快苇画产业发展。
抓队伍建设,加快产业发展。注重职工队伍建设,围绕 旅游业培养有专业素质的懂经营、会管理干部职工队伍。要以牛心套保国家湿地公园为载体,加快生态旅游发展,逐步形成以浓厚的湿地文化、感人的乡土风情、旖旎的自然风光、神奇的芦苇荡,古朴的人文景观为特色的生态旅游产业,将融入全市乃至全省大旅游圈。
Guidebook of Qin Lake National Wetland Park
I.Guidebook of Scenic Areas and Spots – Qin Lake National Wetland Park
(I)General Situation of Scenic Spot 溱湖国家湿地公园位于江苏中部的里下河地区,地处泰州市东郊,2003年开园,2005年11月被国家旅游局批准为国家AAAA级旅游景区,同年被国家林业局批准为国家级湿地公园,成为江苏省首家,全国第二家国家级湿地公园。景区总体规划面积26平方公里,这里水草丰茂,远古时期曾是珍稀动物麋鹿群居的乐园。
Qin Lake National Wetland Park locates in the Lixia River area in the middle of Jiangsu Province, and is in the eastern area of Taizhou city, which was opened to public in 2003 and was approved as the National AAAA level Tourist Attraction by the National Tourism Administration, and was approved as the National Wetland Park by the State Forestry Administration at the same year, which became the first National Wetland Park in Jiangsu province and the second in the whole country.The overall planed area of the scenic spot is 26 square kilometers.It used to be the gregarious paradise for moose in ancient times.“莫道江南花似锦,溱潼水国胜江南”。秀丽的环境、淳朴的民风、厚重的文化,奠定了溱湖的人文底蕴。南宋岳飞曾在此驻军抗金;元末张士诚于此起兵反元;抗战时期陈毅部属管文蔚与国民党将领李明扬曾在湖上泛舟夜谈,会商抗战大计。此外这里还流传着世代农夫渔民无数轶事传奇。
―Regardless of the flowery area in the south of the Yangtze River, for the Qintong water area is much better‖.Beautiful environment, honest folk custom and profound culture, established the cultural inner secrets of Qin Lake.In history, the General Yue Fei in Southern Song used to garrison here to fight against Jin dynasty;Zhang Shicheng used to raise troops and fight against Yuan dynasty in here at the end of Yuan dynasty;Guan Wenwei, subordinate of Chenyi, used to talk with Li Mingyang, a general of Kuomintang, on the lake about the strategies in the war of resistance in the period of the war of Resistance Against Japan.Besides, there are other numberless popular stories and legends about farmers and fishermen in generations.经过近年来的开发建设,已形成了以溱湖为主体的水环境景区,以“中国麋鹿故乡园”为品牌的湿地生态景区,以“全球生态500佳”为主体的生态农业观光区,以及以溱潼古镇景区、中国溱潼会船节为代表的人文景观区。
Through the development and construction of the recent years, it has formed the scenic spot of water environment with the main body of Qin Lake, the wetland ecological scenic spot with the brand of ―Home Park of China Moose‖, sightseeing area of ecological agriculture with the main body of ―Global Five Hundred Best Ecology‖, and the landscape land of humanity with the representative of Qintong Ancient Town Scenic Spot and China Qintong
Boat Festival.(二)景区平面图
(II)Orthographic Plan of Scenic Spot
(III)Detail Introduction of Scenic Spots 1.【园区大门】
1.[Entrance of the Park] 园区大门造型非常独特,由五条船的形状相叠而成,象征着一年一度的中国姜堰·溱潼会船节在此举行,它的创意旨在“以船会友,以节招商”,上面的“溱湖国家湿地公园”八个大字,由中国野生动植物保护协会会长赵学敏先生亲笔题写。
The modeling of the entrance of the park is very special, which was made of the piled shapes of five boats, which stands for the China Jiangyan-Qintong Boat Festival once per year would be held in here.The purpose of its idea is ―Meeting friends by boats, and attracting investment by festival‖.The Eight words in the entrance ―Qin Lake National Wetland Park‖ were written personally by Mr.Zhao Xuemin, president of China Wild Plants and Animals Protection Association.2.【军体乐园】
2.[Military Sports Garden] 军体乐园是溱湖拓展休闲基地,共分为三个区域:小型娱乐项目区、拓展训练区和彩弹射击区。
The Military Sports Garden is the base of outward development and leisure of Qin Lake, with three districts: district for small entertainments, district for outward development and paintball shooting area.小型娱乐项目区有水上步行球、无动力碰碰车等一些游乐项目。拓展训练区就是场地上的一些高空设施,设有求生墙、信任背摔台、考验团队合作的天梯、个人胆量突破的空中断桥等等。
The district for small entertainments has walk ball above the water, non-powered bumper car and other items of entertainment.The district for outward development has some overhead facilities on the ground, with survival wall, trusted back fall platform, Jacob's ladder that test the team works, air broken bridge that test the breakthrough of personal courage, etc.彩弹射击区是苏北地区唯一的一家彩弹射击场。彩弹射击是一项极富挑战性的军事体育活动,可以换上装备进入战区进行CS真人彩弹对抗。
The paintball shooting area is the only paintball shooting area around the north of Jiangsu province.The paintball shooting is a military sport activity with high challenge, where you could equip the equipments and enter into the war zone to experience the true CS paintball fighting.3.【溱湖】 3.[Qin Lake] 溱湖又称喜鹊湖、鸡鹊湖,因过去有“许多鸡鹊飞集”而得名。溱湖东西长1.4公里,南北长1.5公里,形似玉佩,面积2.1平方公里,登高而望,四面八
Qin Lake is also named as Magpie Lake and Pied Magpie Lake, which gains the name for there used to be ―Many Pied Magpie Flying‖ in the old days.The Qin Lake is 1.4 km long from west to east and 1.5 km long from north to south, its shape is like the jade wearing, and its area is 2.1 square kilometers.If you step high to look around, you could find nine main rivers that connect the Lake areas from all sides, which forms the fantastic landscape of ―Nine Dragon Going to the Royal Court‖.溱湖湖面开阔,湖水清纯甘冽,达到国家二级饮用水标准,湖心水可直接饮用,溱湖还盛产青虾,簖蟹、螺贝等各种水产品。水产鲜活鲜嫩,营养丰富,有“溱湖八鲜”之美称。湖中还盛产菱角、荷藕等无公害绿色食品,溱湖水产中尤以“溱湖簖蟹”闻名天下,青眼红毛,膏厚肉嫩。
The lake surface of Qin Lake is broad with top quality lake water, which reaches the National Second Level of Drinking Water Standard, and your could drink the water in the mid-lake directly.Besides, the Qin Lake is rich in producing the freshwater shrimp, blue crab, spiral shell and other aquatic products.Those aquatic products are alive and fresh with prolific nutrition, which own the laudatory title of ―Eight Tasty Products in Qin Lake‖.It is also rich in producing the water caltrop, root of lotus and other nuisanceless green food.Among the aquatic products of Qin Lake, the ―Qin Lake Blue Crab‖ is especially famous throughout the land for those crabs are blue eyes, red feather, thick paste and soft meat.4.【会船观礼广场】
4.[Sightseeing Ground for Boat Festival] 会船观礼广场是波浪形台地式造型的建筑,会船节当天可容纳5000名贵宾和30000名游客,整个会船观礼广场包括表演舞台、发令台及服务设施。会船节过后可以作为平时集会、演出、娱乐的场所。
The sightseeing ground for boat festival is a building with the shape of waved tableland, which could hold 5000 VIPs and 30000 tourists on the day of boat festival.The sightseeing ground consists of a performance stage, a starter’s tower and service facilities.It could be used as the place for meeting, performance and entertainment in normal times after the boat festival.5.【喜鹊湖度假村】
5.[Magpie Lake Vacation Village] 按照四星级标准兴建的一家花园式度假村,由商务会所、餐饮、别墅区三个部分组成,占地面积约80多亩,建筑设计新颖,充分体现了园林风格和水乡特色。度假村拥有标房49间,豪标62间,风格各异的别墅8栋,等等共计180余间。此外,各类临湖餐厅21间,共设有餐位500余个,会务楼设有中小会议室7间,可以同时容纳1000人开会就餐,不仅如此,各种宴会厅、棋牌室、KTV、游泳池、茶吧、温泉桑拿浴场等各种现代化娱乐休闲设施一应俱全。
It is a vacation village in garden style that is built basing on the four-star standard, which consists of three parts of business club, catering and villa area.It covers about over 80-mu land area with new and unique architectural design, which fully shows the landscape style and features of water country.The
vacation village owns more than 180 rooms, including 49 standard rooms, 62 luxurious rooms, 8 villas in different styles, etc.Besides, it also owns 21 lakeside restaurants with more than 500 seats;there are 7 conference rooms in middle and small sizes in the conference building, which could hold 1000 person to take the meeting and dinner at the same time.Moreover, there are full sets of modern entertainment leisure facilities, such as various kinds of Banqueting Halls, Chess & Poker Rooms, KTV, Swimming Pool, Teahouse, Spa Bathing Spot, etc.6.【湿地科普宣教中心】
6.[Communication and Education Center of Wetland Scientific Popularization] 占地面积5700平方米,总投资5000万元,主要以生态展示、科普教育、生态示范功能为主,通过声、光、电等高科技现代化的手段向人们介绍湿地,使人们增长湿地的有关知识。
The center has 5700 square meters land area and RMB 50 million yuan total investment, which functions are mainly ecological exhibition, education of scientific popularization and ecological demonstration.It will introduce the information about wetland through Acoustics, Optics, Electricity other high-tech modern measures to the visitors, and enrich the knowledge about the wetland.溱湖湿地科普宣教中心共分为三层,一层展厅主要介绍的是长江流域的湖泊湿地。通过介绍湿地的基本知识、湿地的功能和价值、湿地的变迁等加深人们对湿地的了解。在一层还设有4D影院,除了立体的视觉画面外,放映现场还能模拟闪电、烟雾等自然现象,将现场特技效果与立体画面紧密结合,在视觉和身体体验上给观众带来身临其境的感觉。
The Communication and Education Center of Wetland Scientific Popularization of Qin Lake has three layers.The first layer mainly introduces the lakes and wetlands in the Yangtze River Valley(Basin).It will deepen people’s understanding about the knowledge of wetland through introducing the basic knowledge of wetland, functions and values of wetland, changes of wetland, etc.There is a 4D cinema in the first layer, which will imitate lightning, smokes and other natural phenomenon in the spot except the solid optical pictures.Combining the spot special effects and solid pictures closely, it will bring the feeling to the audiences, as they were right on the scene.二层展厅主要介绍溱湖湿地的相关内容,通过模拟溱湖的生态场景,能够进一步展示生活在溱湖的各种生物。此外,将古镇溱潼的场景复原,展示古镇风采。
The exhibition hall in the second layer mainly introduces the relevant contents about the wetland in Qin Lake, which could further display the various lives in Qin Lake by imitating the ecological scene of Qin Lake.Besides, it will recover the scene of Qintong and display the graceful bearing of this ancient town.三层展厅通过兽类、鱼类及各种鸟类标本的呈现,展示了溱湖湿地生物的多样性。利用翻转式百叶窗展示了溱湖春、夏、秋、冬四季不同的景色。此外,三层还设有观鸟观景区,并且配备了高倍望远镜,可以感受人鸟相近的观鸟天堂。
The third layer will display the diversity of wetland lives in Qin Lake by
showing the sample of various kinds of animals, fishes and birds.It also shows the different scene of Qin Lake through reversible shutter in spring, summer, autumn and winter.Moreover, there is also bird scenic spot in the third layer that is equipped with high power telescope, which is the paradise for observing the birds and could make you feel the close feeling between you and the bird.7.【水禽园】
7.[Water Birds Garden] 占地面积约300亩,通过水系的疏通结合地形改造,形成以水为核心的小型空间,通过栏网分隔,使这些小空间成为水禽的展示空间,这里拥有多元化的生态环境,不同种类及习性的鸟类均可在此地找到合适的栖息地。通过设置园路、栈道、平台,使游人能近距离、多角度地观赏水禽。在这里不仅能感受到大自然的魅力,还能接触多样化的湿地生态。
The land area of this garden is about 300-mu.It forms the small spaces with the core of water by combining with the alternation of terrain and the dredging of water system.It could make those small spaces become the display spaces for water birds through the separation with fences and nets.Meanwhile, there are diversified ecological environments, and all kinds of birds in different habits and characters could find favorable habitat in here as well.By setting the garden roads, trestles and platforms, it could make the tourists see the water birds closely and in multi-angles.Therefore, you could not only feel the amazing of the natural in this garden, but also could touch the diversified ecology of wetland.8.【湿地体验园】
8.[Wetland Experiencing Garden] 通过水系的沟通、水生植物的种植,达到了改善水质的目的,同时通过地形改造,形成了一定的滩涂与浅水区域,也为候鸟的栖息提供了场所。这里视野开阔,水生植物非常丰富,常见的有梭鱼草、莼菜、睡莲、菱角等。
The garden achieves the goal of refining the water quality by dredging the water system and planting the aquatic plants, and forms a certain number of shoals and shoal water areas through the alternation of terrain, which also provides habitats for the migrants.Moreover, the garden has broad field of view and prolific aquatic plants, such as the common pickerelweed, water shield, pygmy waterlily, water caltrop, etc.9.【湿地精品园】
9.[Wetland Garden of Valued Products] 湿地精品园里主要生长了一些水生植物,有芦苇、水杉、睡莲等等,还有丰富的鸟类在此栖息。
There are mainly aquatic plants living in the wetland garden of valued products, such as bulrush, taxodiaceae, pygmy waterlily, etc, and there are prolific birds inhabiting in this garden.悦鸟小筑是精品园内的一处观鸟屋,里面展示了部分湿地鸟类的图片,以及相关的文字介绍。溱湖湿地的鸟类十分丰富,包括湿地鸟类、平原鸟类、农田鸟类和城郊鸟类等类型。景区河流众多、水网密布、温度适宜、雨量充沛,植被繁多,大面积的芦荡,到处鸟语花香,空气清新,是白鹭、苍鹭等各种鸟类迁徙的重要停歇地、繁殖地和越冬地。
The Beautiful Small Bird Building is a bird-observing house inside the garden.It shows parts of the pictures of the wetland birds and the relevant word introductions.There are prolific kinds of the birds in the wetland of Qin Lake, including the wetland birds, plain birds, farmland birds, suburb birds and other birds.In this garden, there are many rivers, densely covered water system, suitable temperature, plentiful rainfall, various vegetation and large scale of reed marshes.It is fulfilled with birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers and fresh air, and is the important resting place of migrating, breeding place and hibernating place for Linnaeus, grey heron and other birds.10.【探险乐园】
10.[Exploring Garden] 湿地探险乐园是丰富多彩的游憩体验乐园,主要是一些攀爬设施,有荡千秋、八仙过桥、翻山越领等等,充满刺激和乐趣。
The wetland-exploring garden is the experiencing garden for rich and colorful playing and relaxing that is fulfilled with incitation and pleasure, which mainly has some climbing facilities, such as swing, eight immortals crossing the bridge, tramping over hill and dale, etc.11.【麋鹿观赏区】
11.[Moose-Observing Area] 麋鹿属世界级珍稀保护动物,因其角似鹿、面似马、蹄似牛、身似驴,俗称“四不像”,迄今已有300万年的生命历史,自古被誉为吉祥之物,传说中姜子牙姜太公的座骑就是“四不像”。
Moose is the rare protective animal in international level, which also is called ―Nondescript‖ for its horn seems like deer, face seems like horse, hoof seems like cow and body seems like donkey.It has a history of life of more than three million years, it is praised as the lucky object since the ancient times, and it is said that the mount of Jiang Ziya, who also is called as Jiang Taigong, is this ―Nondescript‖.据《麋鹿生境考察》记载,溱湖地区就是麋鹿的故乡。与此相印证的是,从这一地区出土的麋鹿化石最多,在全国也较为典型,泰州市博物馆珍藏的国内唯一一具完好的麋鹿化石标本便由此出土。
According to the record of ―Moose Living Conditions Inspection‖, the hometown of moose is the Qin Lake area.To confirm this, there are most fossils of moose finding from here, which is also comparatively typical all over the country.The only whole fossil of moose in the whole country that is stored in Taizhou Municipal Museum is found from here.溱湖地区的麋鹿引进于1996年,原先只引进了4头,这些年来已繁衍到50多头,个个膘肥体壮。
The moose in Qin Lake area is introduced in 1996 with four heads.Through the years of multiplying, the number of the moose has been increased into more than 50 heads and every moose is plump and sturdy.12.【农事乐园】 12.[Farming Garden]
The farming garden is divided into three areas of crops exhibition area, farmer’s house and exhibition hall of ancient farm tools.农作物展示区主要展示了溱湖地区特色的粮食产品。里下河地区有很多低矮的水田,不适合种水稻,人们便种植茨菰、荸荠等。农家乐小餐厅,提供一些简餐,使游客在感受大自然乐趣的同时享受另一种别有韵味的闲情逸致。
It mainly shows the specialized food products in Qin Lake area.There are many low marshy fields in the area of Lixia River, which is not suitable for planting the paddy rice.As for this, the people in here plants arrowhead, water chestnut, etc.The small restaurant of farmer’s house could provide tourists with some simple dinners, which could make them enjoy leisurely and carefree mood of other distinctive and pleasing quality at the same time of feeling the pleasure of nature.我国是一个文明古国,又是一个农业大国,农业发展渊源流长。古农具展示厅特从民间寻访到大小不等、年代不同、作用各异的古农具,如:小型手磨、渔家风箱、手摇纺线车、手推拉碾米、手摇风箱、脚踏冲碎、独轮车、双推磨、水车等陈列在此供观赏和操作。
China is an ancient civilized country and a large agricultural country with long history of agricultural development.The exhibition hall of ancient farm tools specially searches those ancient farm tools with different sizes, decades and functions, such as small hand mill, wind box in fisherman's family, hand-operated spinning reel, hand push-pull rice milling, hand-operated wind box, foot operated impact machine, wheelbarrow, double mill, waterwheel, etc, which are placed here for seeing, enjoying and experiencing.二、景点知识拓展
II.Expansion of Knowledge of Scenic Spots 1.溱潼会船节
1.Qintong Boat Festival 会船节是溱湖地区独有的民俗活动,每年清明节第二天,四乡八镇的数百只会船云集溱湖,参加一年一度的中国溱潼会船节。每年会船节当天前来观光的游客都超过十万人,湖面上参加表演的船只将近一千条,场面非常壮观。现在溱潼会船节与傣族的泼水节、四川凉山的火把节和哈尔滨的冰雪节等同被国家旅游局列为中国十大民俗节庆活动之一。2007年列为全国首批非物质文化遗产。
The boat festival is the folk activity that is particular in Qin Lake area.On the second day of Tomb-sweeping Day of every year, the hundreds of boats from villages and towns gathered here in Qin Lake to participate in the annually held China Qintong Boat Festival.The tourists who come here for sightseeing on the day of boat festival are more than 100,000 people in every year.On that day, there are more than 1000 boats participating in the performance on the lake surface, which makes the scene very spectacular.Currently the Qintong boat festival together with the Water-Sprinkling Festival of Dai Nationality, Torch Festival in Liangshan of Sichuan, the Ice and Snow Festival in Harbin, and other festival are listed as one of the China Top Ten Folk Festival Activities by National Tourism Administration.It was listed as the
first tranche of National Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2007.2.溱湖八鲜、溱湖双璧、绿色食品
2.Eight Tasty Products in Qin Lake, Double-Jade in Qin Lake and Green Food 溱湖八鲜:溱湖簖蟹、溱湖青虾、溱湖甲鱼、溱湖银鱼、溱湖螺贝、溱湖四喜(四喜分大四喜和小四喜,大四喜是青鱼、白鱼、黑鱼、鳜鱼;小四喜是昂刺、旁皮、罗汉、参鱼)、溱湖水禽、溱湖水蔬。
Eight tasty Products in Qin Lake: Qin Lake Blue Crab, Qin Lake Freshwater Shrimp, Qin Lake Soft-Shelled Turtle, Qin Lake Whitebait, Qin Lake Spiral Shell, Qin Lake Four Blessings(the four blessings is divided into four great blessings and four small blessings, the four great blessings are black carp, whitefish, blackfish, mandarin fish;while the small four blessings are pelteobagrus fulvidraco, rhodeinae, pseudorabora parva, pompano), Qin Lake Waterfowl and Qin Lake Water Vegetables.溱湖双璧:鱼饼、虾球。
Qin Lake Double-Jade: fish cakes and shrimp balls.绿色食品:绿壳草鸡蛋、野鸭蛋、生态园大米、三泰酱菜、银杏系列食品、泰州三麻(麻油、麻糕、麻饼)、梅兰春系列酒。
Green Food: Green shell grass eggs, wild duck eggs, ecological garden rice, Santai pickles, ginkgo series foods, Taizhou three products(sesame oil, sesame cake and sesame round flat cake), and Meilanchun series wines.3.溱湖簖蟹
3.Qin Lake Blue Crab 青眼红毛,膏厚肉嫩,所谓簖蟹,就是设簖捕蟹的意思,在每年的金秋时节,螃蟹东行到东海去产卵繁殖,溱湖当地老百姓就设簖捕蟹,这也是溱湖地区特有的捕捞方法,能爬过竹簖翻身入网者为体魄健壮的上乘之品。
The blue crabs have blue eyes, red feathers, thick pastes and soft meats.The blue crab derives its name from the meaning of using bamboo fish trap to catch crabs.On the golden falls of every year, the crabs walk towards the east to the east sea to lay eggs and reproduce, and the local civilians in Qin Lake areas use the bamboo fish trap to catch the crabs, which is the special catching measure in Qin Lake area.Those crabs that could climb over the bamboo fish trap and enter into the net could be the best crabs with strong physique.4.湿地的相关知识
4.Relevant Knowledge of Wetland 英文“wetland”,世界湿地日:2月2日(为了保护湿地,十多个国家于1971年2月2日在伊朗的拉姆萨尔签署了重要的湿地公约—《拉姆萨尔公约》)。1977年国家林业局将湿地定义为:广义:不问其是天然或人工,永久或暂时性的沼泽地,泥炭地或水域地带,蓄有静止或流动的咸水、淡水水体者,包括低潮时水深不超过6米的海域。狭义:是指陆地与水域之间的过渡地带。湿地的类型也非常
Its English name is ―Wetland‖.The World Wetland Day is Feb 2(in order to protect the wetland, more than ten countries signed the significant Wetland Convention at Ramsar of Iran in Feb 2, 1971 – ―Ramsar Convention‖).The State Administration of Forestry definite the wetland in 1977 as: in broad sense: no matter the lands are natural or artificial, it refers to the permanent or temporary everglades, peat lands or water areas that store with stationary or liquid salt water or fresh water, including those sea area with less than 6 meters depth of water during the low tide.In narrow sense: it refers the climate transition zone between lands and coastal waters.There are various kinds of wetlands, and the coral reef, mudflat, mangrove forest, lake, river, outfall, marsh, conservation pool, paddy land, etc, are all belong to wetland.The common features of them are their surfaces are covered or filled with water in the entire year or constantly, and they are the transition zone between land and water.The Qin Lake wetland is the typical countryside wetland with the feature of semi-natural farming wetland.5.湿地植物
5.Wetland Plants 芦苇:耐盐耐涝,吸水力强,对水质要求不高。溱湖湿地很适合它的生长,芦苇的茎杆纤维高达50%,是良好的纤维工业原料,可用来造纸,替代木材制成纤维板用于建筑等。芦苇还能起到防风抗洪、改善环境、改良土壤、净化水质、防止污染、调节生态平衡的作用。
Bulrush: its features are salt and flood tolerance, strong water absorbing force and low requirements about water quality.Thus, the Qin Lake wetland is very suitable for its growing.The fiber in the haulm of bulrush is higher than 50% and is good fiber industrial material, which could be used to make paper and replace the timber to make fiberboard that would be used in constructions, etc.Moreover, the bulrush also have the functions of wind proof, flood fighting, improve the environment, purify the water quality, prevent the pollution, and regulate the ecological balance.香蒲:也称蒲草。是一种比较耐寒的植物,对生存环境要求不高,只要有丰富的有机物便可存活,它也是造纸的好原料,嫩的时候可以食用,还可以做蒲席、蒲枕等。
Cattail is also called typhaangustifolia.It is a cold resistant plant, with low requirements on living environment.They could alive only if there are plentiful organic matters and are the good materials for papermaking.They could be eaten when they are fresh, and could made cattail mat, cattail pillow, etc.梭鱼草:别名北美梭鱼草,它是一种湿生草本植物。喜温、喜阳、喜肥、喜湿、怕风不耐寒,在静水及水流缓慢的水域中均可生长。梭鱼草生长迅速,繁殖能力强。叶色翠绿,花色迷人,花期较长,栽植于河道两侧、池塘四周,与其他植物相间种植,每到花开时节,串串紫花在片片绿叶的映衬下,别有一番情趣。Barracuda grass, which is also named North America Barracuda Grass, is a hygrophilous herbaceous plant.It likes warm, sunshine, fat, and wet, afraid of wind and could not resistant cold, and could live both in the water areas with dead water and sluggish flow water.The barracuda grass grows fast and has strong reproductive performance.Its leaf color is jade-green with attractive flower color and long florescence, which are planted on the two sides of watercourses and the four sides of pools.If they are line-to-line planted with other plants, it could have another sentiment with several purple flowers in green leaves on every time of flowers.莼菜:属睡莲科的一种水草。99年被国务院批准为国家一级重点保护野生植物,我国黄河以南的大部分沼泽、池塘都有生长,但尤以江苏、浙江两省太湖流域生长最多。莼菜尚未透露出水面的嫩叶可以食用,是一种地方名菜,古人所谓“莼鲈风味”中国的“莼”,就是指这个菜,相传乾隆帝下江南,每到杭州都必以莼菜调羹进餐,并派人定期运回宫廷食用。它鲜嫩滑腻,用来调羹作汤,清香浓郁,被视为宴席上的珍贵食品。
Water shield is a kind of float grass belongs to Nymphaeaceae.It was approved as the National Level I Key Protective Wild Plant by the State Council in 1999.They grow everywhere in mostly marshes and pools in southern parts of Yellow River, especially in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Taihu Basin.Their fresh leaves that are under the water surface could be eaten and are the local specialty.The water shield in the so-called ―Taste of Water Shield and Blue Pickerel‖ by the ancients refers to this dish.It is said that on the Voyage of Emperor Qian Long, he would use the water shield to cook food when he arrived at Hangzhou, and ordered people to send them back to the palace periodically.They are fresh and satiny.When they are used to cook food, they are seemed as gourmet food on the banquet with strong faint scent.落羽杉:又称落羽松。树干圆满通直,树高可达25至50米。嫩枝开始绿色,秋季变为棕色。它木材重、结构粗、纹理直、硬度适中、耐腐力强,可作为建筑、家具等用材;江南已普遍用在江河湖泊地区造林,长势旺盛,耐水湿,可作固堤护岸树种;落羽杉原产美洲,我国已成功引种了80多年。它的种子是鸟雀、松鼠等野生动物喜食的饲料,因此对加强湿地生态链,水土保持,涵养水源等均起到很好的作用。
Louisiana cypress is also named as bald cypress.Its trunk is round and straight, and its height is up to 25 to 50 meters.Firstly, its young shoot is green, and then turns into brown in autumn.Its timber is heavy, with rough structure, straight vein, well-situated hardness, strong corrosion resistant force, and could be used as the material of construction and furniture.It is widely used in the rivers and lakes in the south of the Yangtze River for forestation with vigorous growth vigor and wet resistant, and is used as the tree species for
strengthening the dyke and protecting the bank.The Louisiana cypress originally grew in Americas and it is successfully introduced in China for more than 80 years.In addition, its seeds are the forage that is loved by birds, squirrel and other wild animals.Planting this tree could play good functions for enhancing the ecological chain of wetland, conservation of soil and water, water conservation, etc.千屈菜:多年生草本植物。株高约1米,原产于欧亚两洲的温带,是一种阳性植物。喜欢强光和潮湿的环境,通常在浅水中生长最好,但也可露地旱栽,对土壤要求不高,极易生长。千屈菜耐寒性强,冬季剪除其枯枝,任其自然过冬,第二年春又会发芽生长,是一种优良的水生植物,其林丛整齐清秀,花色淡雅,呈粉红色,花期长,花期7月初至9月中旬。千屈菜作为一种有着优良观赏性的水生植物,在园林绿化中发挥其观赏特性,起到丰富水体的功能,与其他植物一起共同创造了一个良好的生态环境。
Lythrum salicaria is a perennial herbaceous plant.It is a light-demanding plant with plant height is about 1 meter, which is originated in the Variable Zone of Europe and Asian.It likes the environment with bright light and wet, and usually lives in the shallow water area, however could be planted in open ground.Thus it has little requirements about the soil and easy to grow.The lythrum salicaria has strong cold resistant.Cutting off their deadwood in winter and let them overwinter naturally, they would grow in spring of the next year again.Therefore, it is an excellent water plant.Its tree group is tidy and comely with simple and elegant pink colors and long florescence, which starts from early July to mid September.The lythrum salicaria, as a water plant with excellent ornamental, would display its ornamental feature in gardening and greening, and could play a function of enriching the water body.It will create an excellent ecological environment together with other plants.黄花鸢尾:又称黄菖蒲,为多年生挺水型水生草本植物。植株高大,花期5-6月,花茎高于叶,花黄色,种子褐色,有棱角。适应性强。喜水湿,能在水畔和浅水中正常生长,也耐干燥。黄化鸢尾叶片翠绿如剑,花色艳丽,如飞燕群飞起舞,靓丽无比,极富情趣,既可观叶,亦可观花,是观赏价值很高的水生植物。春天时会开出黄色的花,每年端午时,当地的村民会拿一把挂在自家门前,有避邪的作用,这就是传说中钟馗用来捉鬼用的菖蒲剑。
Iris wilsonii, which is also called as iris pseudacorus, is a perennial aquatic herbaceous plant in emergent model.It has high plant height;its florescence is between May and June;its flower stalk is higher than its leaves, with yellow followers, brown seeds, edges and corners, and high applicability.It likes water and wet, can live normally in waterside and shallow water, and is dry resistant.The iris wilsonii has sword-type jade green leaves, voluptuous colors that are like groups of birds flying together, which have excellent interest.Thus, it is a water plant with high visual value for it could not only enjoy its leaves, but could also enjoy its flowers.It will bloom yellow flowers in spring.On every year’s dragon boat festival, the local villagers would take a bunch of that
flowers to hang in front of their doors, for those flowers have the function of avoiding the evil, and this is the calamus sword, which is used by Zhong Kui to catch ghost in tales.6.麋鹿 6.Moose 俗称“四不像”,因其角似鹿、面似马、蹄似牛、身似驴而得名。据《麋鹿生境考察》记载,溱湖地区就是麋鹿的故乡。据考证,从溱湖地区出土的麋鹿化石已达到72块之多,景区现有麋鹿50多头,每年5月,公鹿发情期会有激烈的争斗,胜者为王,可以统管母鹿群。
Its popular name is ―Nondescript‖, which derives its name for its horn seems like deer, face seems like horse, hoof seems like cow and body seems like donkey.According to the record of ―Moose Living Conditions Inspection‖, the hometown of moose is the Qin Lake area.According to the textual research, the fossils of moose that are found in Qin Lake area become up to 72 pieces.Currently, there are more than 50 heads moose in the scenic area.On each May, the heat period of male moose, there will vehement fighting here, while the winner will become the king that could govern the group of female moose.约在两千年前,我国的封建社会处于鼎盛时期,其时麋鹿家族的繁衍也进入旺季。人们观鹿、驯鹿、食鹿,如同今日农家养猪食肉一般普及。由于种种原因,麋鹿野生种群已在一千年前绝迹,仅剩数百头被驯养在明、清的皇家园林中。1900年,八国联军攻陷北平,生存于皇家园林内最后几头麋鹿终于像战俘一样被带出海外,开始了长达百年风雨飘摇的流浪生涯。从此,960万平方公里的国土上,再也见不到一头麋鹿的踪影。
About 2000 years ago, the Chinese feudal society has been in the golden age, and the multiplying of moose family has entered into the busy season.At that time, the people see the deer, train the deer and eat the deer, which is much popular like today’s farmers breed pigs and eat the pork.For various reasons, the wild moose groups had been ceased out in 1000 years ago, and only hundreds heads are bred in the royal garden in Ming and Qing Dynasty.In 1900, after the Eight Power Allied Force captured Beiping, the last heads of moose were brought overseas like prisoner of war and began their gipsydom for hundreds of years.Thence, on the territory of 9.6 million square kilometers, there are no heads of moose here in China.但是,伦敦等地的海洋性湿润气候毕竟养活不了麋鹿。20世纪80年代,在世界野生动物基金会的倡议和帮助下,这些流落海外的国家级珍稀动物,万里迢迢从英国重返故园。
However, the oceanicity humid climates in London and other places could not feed the moose after all.In the 1980s, by the sponsorship and help of the World Wildlife Fund, those national level rare animal in overseas returned home from England over a great distance.麋鹿是一种食草动物,夏季常常栖息于沼泽地中,避暑降温,避开吸血昆虫的叮咬,喜爱潮湿、耐寒,冬季在零下15—18℃的环境中,可安全度过寒冬。
Moose is a kind of herbivorous animal, which usually rests in everglade in summer to avoid the summer and lower the temperature, and avoid the bite of blood sucking insects.It enjoys the humidity and is cold resistant, and it could overwinter safely in the environment ofCrowned Crane 在中国、朝鲜和日本,人们常把仙鹤和挺拔苍劲的古松画在一起,作为延年益寿的象征。其实,传说中的仙鹤,就是丹顶鹤,它是生活在沼泽或浅水地带的一种大型涉禽,常被人冠以“湿地之神”的美称。据调查统计,全世界野生丹顶鹤的总数仅2000只左右,我国约有700多只,占全世界总数的60%左右,属于我国一类保护动物。
In China, Korea and Japan, people usually draw red-crowned cranes with the forceful and vigorous ancient pines as the symbol of lengthening their lives.Actually, the so-called owned crane is the red-crowned crane.It is a kind of large wading birds that live in marsh or shallow water area, and usually is praised by people with the name of ―God of Wetland‖.According to the statistics, the total amount of the while red-crowned crane in the whole world is only about 2000 heads, including about 700 heads in China, which is about 60% of the total amount.It belongs to the national level I protective animal.9.白天鹅
9.White Swan
The white swan is also called whooping swan.The largest white swan is 1.5 high and about 6 kg.They have long necks, which is almost half of the body length.They usually straighten their necks when they area swimming and their two wings are on the water surface.Since immemorial times, the white
swan has become the soul of trueness and honest for their gentlest posture.The swan usually eats the seeds, rhizomes and leaves of water plants and the seeds of weeds, and pecks few mollusks, aquatic insect, earthworms, etc.It has big mouth and has high foraging skill.It could eat the food that is imbedded about 0.5 meters under the sludge.The swan is the symbol of ―Loyal Love‖, and it keeps a rarely ―Lifelong Mate System‖ from beginning to the end.They will eat or rest in pairs.The female swan usually born two or three egg in each May.Then the female swan will incubate the eggs and the male swan will guard around here without leaving.They will flap their wings to fight against the enemy bravely when they suffer the harmful animals.They will help each other during the breeding period, and are in pairs in normal times.Moreover, if one of them died, the other swan will ―remain unmarried‖ and live a lonely life until their death.10.蓑羽鹤
10.Demoiselle Crane
The demoiselle crane is the national level II protective animal, and is the petite crane in various kinds of cranes.Its name, demoiselle crane, is derived for its feathers are just like the coir raincoat of the ancient people.It is also called ―Anthropoides Virgo‖ for its timid habit, elegance manner, steady and decorous, that is just like the manner of a girl from a good family.11.东方白鹳
11.Ciconia Boyciana
It is the national level I protective animal, and there are about 2500~3000 heads in China.It usually looks for food in mash, wetland and pond side, while mainly eats the small fishes, frogs, insects, etc.Its manner is slow during its walking or flying, and it usually stands with single foot during its resting with its neck is shortened in S style.It sometimes also loves to fly and circle above its habitat.When they fly from ground, they need to run for a distance and flap their wings hardly, and they could fly after they gain a certain rising force.Their habits are alert and timid, and they usually shy away from the crowds.三、溱湖国家湿地公园附属景点
III.Affiliated Scenic Spots of Qin Lake National Wetland Park 1.溱潼古镇
1.Qintong Ancient Town
The Qintong Ancient Town locates in the common boundary of Taizhou, Yancheng and Nantong.It is surrounded by the water, and owns crossed rivers and ports, which seems like ―Nine Dragon Going to the Royal Court‖ when you look down from the high points.It has an ancient canal that is named as Salt Transport Rive, which is the marked channel for ―Salt Transport‖ and ―Grain Transport‖, and it has many boats until now.The area of this ancient town is small, with only 0.54 square kilometers.溱潼是江苏省的三大锅底洼之一,国家级湿地生态保护区,水质清纯,是长江水系与淮河水系的交汇处。水生物质营养丰富,出产的水产品质优味美,品尝后回味无穷。如今这里仍是渔家的乐园,河东就是水产批发市场,溱湖八鲜从这里源源不断地运往大江南北。尤其以麻石铺等品牌为主的鱼饼、虾球更是席上佳肴。
Qintong is one of the top three-pot bottom swamps in Jiangsu province, and is the national wetland ecological preservation area with pure water, and it is the crossing point for Yangtze River System and Huai River System.Its aquatic products are good and delicious for it has prolific aquatic biomass, and after your tasting, you will feel the endless feeling.Now, it is the paradise for fisherman’s family.The wholesale market for aquatic products is in the east of the river, from where the Eight Tasty Products in Qin Lake are delivered to both sides of the Yangtze River continually.Especially the fish cakes and shrimp balls are the delicacies on tables with the brands of Mashipu, etc.溱湖水除了给予溱潼人丰厚的物质馈赠外,还给了溱潼人聪慧灵秀之气,培育了多少远近闻名的文星武将。请看这座与“东观归渔”彼此响应的“双魁阁”。
The water of Qin Lake will not only give the plentiful physical gifts to Qintong people, but also give the bright and beautiful mind to Qintong people, and it breeds numberless litterateurs and generals that are known everywhere.Now please turn your eyes to this ―Double Chief Cabinet‖, which is corresponding with the ―View the Returned Fishman From Dongguan".溱湖南岸雁子墩刘氏“一门五都督,三科两状元”,从明到清喧赫乡里达五百年之久。当代更有李德仁、李德毅兄弟二人五院士,真是“古有三科两状元,今有弟兄五院士”。古今双魁,为溱湖八景增添了新的辉煌。
The Liu family in Yanzidun of south bank of Qin Lake has ―Five Generals and Two Number One Scholars in Three Tests‖, who has great renown and influence around the fellow villages for more than 500 years form Ming to Qing Dynasty.It also has Li Deren and Li Deyi, who are bothers, with five titles of member of Academia Sinica, which is truly the ―There are two No.One Scholars in the past and two brothers with five titles of member of Academia Sinica at present‖.The two chiefs both in ancient and modern time add new splendor for Eight Scene of Qin Lake.溱潼古镇拥有苏中地区面积最大,保存最为完好的古民居群。现有古建筑6万多平方米,其中明清古民居2万多平方米,磨檐博山、淮脊雀尾、券棚斗拱、格扇花窗、小桥流水、老井当院、麻石铺街、密室火巷、砖雕、木雕、泥塑、灰塑,是古镇传统建筑的特色风格。
The Qintong Ancient Town has the largest and best-preserved ancient residential clusters in the middle part of Jiangsu.It now has about 60,000 square meters ancient constructions, including more than 20,000 squares ancient residences in style of Ming and Qing dynasty.The milled eaves and boshan, back of huai and tail of bird, shed and bucket arch, partition door and rose window, small bridge over the flowing stream, ancient well in the courtyard, granite street, private room and firebreak, tile carving, woodcarving, clay sculpture, and plaster decoration is the characteristic aspect for the traditional architecture of the ancient town.2.溱湖湿地农业生态园
2.Qin Lake Wetland Agricultural Demonstration 溱湖湿地农业生态园占地300余亩,计划总投资1.2亿元。2007年11月动工,目前建成区达到230亩,包括农业科技种植厅、农业园艺厅、智能育苗室、花卉室、家禽散养区、水产养殖区的等。昔日的低产、低洼地在这里建成了以楼台环绕、亭阁相映、碧水相连的园林化农业观光之地。
The land area of Qin Lake Wetland Agricultural Demonstration is about 300-mu, with planned total investment of RMB 120 million yuan.It began construction in November 2007.Until now, it has built up to 230-mu area, including the Agricultural Science and Technology Hall, Agricultural Gardening Hall, Intelligent Seedling Room, Flower Room, Free-range Area of Domestic Birds, Aquatics Breeding Area, etc.Those low yielding and low-lying lands became the garden style agricultural sightseeing place with surrounded balconies, contrasted pavilions and connected blue water.3.河横生态园
3.Heheng Ecological Garden 河横村被联合国环境规划署命名为生态环境“全球500佳”,2005年被国家旅游局命名为全国农业观光旅游示范点,近期又被列为部省共建的社会主义新农村示范点。
Heheng village is named as the ―World Top 500‖ in ecological environment by United Nations Environment Programme.It was named as the Demonstration Point of National Agricultural Sightseeing and Tour by the National Tourism Administration in 2005, and recently it is listed as the Demonstration Point of New Socialist Countryside that is jointly constructed by the province and the ministry.4.泰州华侨城
4.Taizhou Chinese Overseas Town 泰州华侨城有限公司位于江苏省姜堰市,隶属于国务院国资委管理的大型中央企业深圳华侨城集团。深圳华侨城集团是1985年11月经国务院批准成立的,国资委直管的大型国有企业集团。集团总部位于美丽的深圳湾畔,城区规划面积6平方公里。经过20多年的开发建设,华侨城集团已发展成为一个拥有60多家全资、控股和参资企业,3家境内外上市公司,以房地产、旅游和通讯电子为主导产业的大型控股企业集团。
The Taizhou Chinese Overseas Town Co., Ltd.locates in the Jiangyan city of Jiangsu province, which is attached to the Shenzhen Chinese Overseas Town Group, a large central enterprise that is governed by the State Assets Administration Committee of the State Council.The Shenzhen Chinese Overseas Town Group was approved for establishment in November 1985 by the State Council, and it is a large state owned enterprise group directly governed by the State Assets Administration Committee.The headquarters of this group is located in the beautiful bank of Shenzhen gulf, with planned city area of 6 square kilometers.Through more than 20 years’ development and construction, the Chinese Town Group has developed into a large holding company group with more than 60 wholly owned, holding and participation enterprises and 3 local and overseas listed companies, and used the real estate, tourism and communications-electronics as the leading industries.泰州华侨城项目位于江苏省苏中地区中心位置的泰州姜堰市,上接苏北,下接苏南,西带扬州和南京,高速公路、铁路和水路交通都十分发达,具有广阔的市场发展前景。它依托著名的溱湖国家湿地公园,拥有独具一格的景观资源和生态优势。华侨城将依据多年来积累的综合成片开发优势,超前的规划水平,以及对项目所在地自然环境和社会文化的精准把握,致力于将该项目打造成一个绿色健康的、充满活力的,以及具有丰厚文化内涵,并领先国际水准的项目。
The project of Taizhou Chinese Overseas Town is located in the Jiangyan City of Taizhou, central area of the middle part of Jiangsu province, which up connects the north Jiangsu province, down connects the south Jiangsu province, west connects with Yangzhou and Nanjing, with advanced highway, railway and water transportation, and has broad market space and development prospect.It depends on the famous Qin Lake National Wetland Park with unique landscape resources and ecological advantages.The Chinese Overseas Town will depend on the comprehensive development advantages, advanced planning level, and the accurate understanding of the natural environment and social culture of the location of the project, that is accumulated from years’ development, and works at making this project become a project that is green, healthful, and vibrant, with rich cultural connotation and leading the international standard.泰州华侨城项目集体育休闲中心、温泉酒店、温泉水疗、商业街和低密度住宅五大功能于一体,是一个大型人文生态综合项目。其中,体育休闲中心将是中国唯一的湿地主题休闲公园,它的建成,标志着国内对人工湿地的开发利用探索出了一条新的思路,也创建了体育公园建设的新模式;温泉酒店将树立起苏中地区高档酒店的新坐标,为本地乃至长三角地区的商务活动营造一处别致、高雅的理想场所;温泉水疗将利用珍稀的地热资源,使之成为中国经济最具活力的长三角地区高端休闲度假人士理想的温泉SPA圣地;特色商业街也将结合地形地貌,营造颇具韵味的水上购物休闲空间;低密度住宅将依托美丽的自然景观,同时赋予内涵丰富的文化主题,成为苏中地区事业成功人士身份标志的生活示范区。
The Taizhou Chinese Overseas Town project consists of an integrated function of sport leisure center, spa hotel, spa hydrotherapy, shopping street and residence with low density, is a large human ecology integrated project.In
which, the sport leisure center will be the only wetland leisure park in China, which indicates that it explores a new train of thought for the development and use of the constructed wetland in China, and also creates a new model for sport park construction.The spa hotel will fix a new coordinate for the luxury hotels in the middle part of Jiangsu province, and will create a unique and elegant ideal place for the commercial activities in local area and even in the Yangtze River Delta Area.The spa hydrotherapy will use the rarely geothermal resources and makes it become the SPA paradise for high-end leisure and vacation in Yangtze River Delta Area.The characteristic commercial street will also combine with the landforms to create a shopping and leisure space on the water with lingering charm.In addition, the residence with low density will depend on the beautiful natural landscape and combines with the plentiful cultural theme to make it become the life demonstration area for symbol of the successful men in middle part of Jiangsu province.
1. 具有显著或特殊生态、文化、美学和生物多样性价值的湿地景观,湿地生态特征显著; 2. 以湿地景观为主体,融合湿地景观和人文景观并具有生态、科学、教育、其他自然景观和历史文化价值;
国家湿地公园按以下程序申报:省级林业主管部门提出书面申请,附拟建国家湿地公园所在地省级人民政府同意函和湿地公园总体规划等材料,报我局;我局组织国家湿地公园专家评审委员会进行实地考察评估,对符合国家湿地公园标准的则批准设立。国家湿地公园设立后,我局将定期组织国家湿地公园专家评审委员会进行检查评估,经确认不再符合“国家湿地公园” 标准的,国家林业局将撤销其命名。