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2,学科:英语 2,课时:2 3,学生课前准备:熟悉课相关的重要词汇,本文的话题是围绕“残疾、残疾人的生活”展开 的介绍残疾人积极进取的生活,紧扣了本单元“身残志坚”的主题。引导学生谈论对“残疾”这一话题的看法,让学生了解残疾人取得的成就进行讨论,通篇阅读全文,把握文章的大意 让学生了解Family Village网站的基本情况。借助标题和图片讨论该网站的主要内容和作用。


知识与技能目标:I、让学生掌握以下单词和短语的用法:ambition,absence,beneficial,adapt,annoy,access,in other words, all in all,cut out,in many ways,resign, congratulation II、让学生学会运用以下重点句型:1.She was proud to have recently presented her country in an athletics competition.2.For disabled customers it would be more convenient to place the toilets near the entrance to the cinema.过程与方法目标:






Reading部分,由残疾人Marty Fielding 在网页上叙述自己的故事,他患了至今无法认识的

肌肉疾病,身心倍受摧残,但痛苦的磨练也让他变得更加坚强,更好地认识人生,决心要过好人生的每一天:“Live one day at a time”他展示了他复杂的情感变化过程:希望破灭后的迷惘、焦虑、恐惧、对同情和理解的渴望,以及自我接受、被人接受后重新燃起的希望和喜悦。教学重点:








教学之前确定教学重难点,上网搜索Family Villaged的资料,了解其情况,确定恰当的教学方法与参考资料。然后根据教学的需要,引导学生上网搜索出有关课文的录音与图片,让学生熟读读课文,培养英语语感。看到相关的图片之后,提高学生主动关心、帮助弱势群体的意识,同时学习以乐观的态度、顽强的毅力面对人生。








第一课时 Readin 上网搜索Family Village信息情况了解残疾人讲述的故事,从中受到激励,学习残疾人身残志坚,独立、自强的精神 【课程导入】以问题的形式导入新课:What is Marty Fielding’s story about? What can you learn from him? 【教学要点】讨论有关火山的话题,回答相关问题








第二课时 【板书】

Reading: Marty’s Story Answer the questions at the page of 3 in the Book7






II.Complete the following passage with the words learned in this unit.adapt to, cut out, in other words,out of breath, make fun of, all in all, in many ways,sit around There was a time when children with mental dsabilites were prevented from living a normal life__________________.They used to __________ in their own homes after being educated in

special schools.Other people sometimes _________them.But now things are chaning.Theree are training programmes for young people with mental disabilities, which have proced very beficial.Students like Xie Li, mentally disabled from birth, now have a chance to become athletes.But it is a challenge.She has to ____________ traububg programmes as well as mixing with other able-bodied athletes.“Xie Li’s confidence has grown,” said her father.“She looks much better and is not so often _________________after her training.________________her mother and I are very happy with her progress.” So instead of ___________ mainstream activities, mentally disabled students can

become part of the mainstream._____________they can lead a more fulfilling life.2.讲解课文中的重点单词短语。









第二篇:人教高中英语选修7 全书重点单词短语汇总

Disability伤残,无力 disabled伤残的 ambition雄心 suitable适合的 beneficial有益的 clumsy笨拙的 adapt使适合 adapt to适合 bench长凳 absence不在某处,缺席 fellow同伴的 annoyed颇为生气的 firm公司,结实的 psychology心理(学)encouragement鼓励 conduct行为,品行,指挥,管理,主持 abolish废除 literature文学(作品),著作 companion同伴 assistance协助 congratulate祝贺 graduation毕业(典礼)certificate证书 architect建筑师 adequate足够的 access方法,通路,可接近性 handy方便的,有用的 row行,排 basement地下室 approval赞成,认可 dignity尊严 profit收益 community社区,团体,社会 fiction小说 desire渴望 satisfaction满意,满足 alarm使警觉,使惊恐,警报 alarmed担心的 sympathy同情(心)elegant优雅的,讲究的 favour喜爱 pile堆,叠 scan细看 absurd荒谬的,可笑的 haircut发型,剪发 accompany陪伴,伴奏 awful极坏的,可怕的 affair事务 declare宣布,声明 cuisine烹饪(风味),菜肴 envy嫉妒,羡慕 receiver收件人 affection喜爱 bound一定的,密切相关的 biography传记 holy神的,上帝的,圣洁的 staff全体员工,手杖 navy海军 junior较年幼的 biochemistry生物化学 talent天才,特殊才能 theoretical理论上的,假设的 framework框架 divorce离婚 obey服从 assessment评价 anecdote奇闻轶事 annual每年的,年刊,年鉴 witness目击 accommodation住所 shore海滨 offshore近岸的 opposite在…对面,相反的 yell大喊,呼救 pause暂停 telescope望远镜 dive跳水(的动作),俯冲 flee逃跑 drag拖,拉 depth深度 lip一片嘴唇,边,口 urge催促 abandon放弃 relationship关系 conservation保护 jog慢跑,轻撞 net网,网状物 target目标 tide潮水 reflect思考 pure纯粹的,纯洁的 cell细胞 aware意识到的 vivid生动的 neat好的,整齐的,匀称的 narrow狭窄的,有限的 suck上下翻转 suck吮吸 sharp锋利的,敏捷的 tasty好吃的 scare恐吓 shallow浅的 steep陡峭的 boundary界限 the Antarctic南极洲 Antarctic南极的 awesome使人敬畏的 seal海豹,封条,印章 pension养老金 out of breath上气不接下气 all in all总而言之 sit around闲坐着 make fun of取笑 never mind不必担心 all the best一切顺利 meet with遇到,经历,会晤 test out测试,考验 ring up给…打电话 turn around转向 leave…alone不管,别惹,让..自己待着 set aside将…放在一边,为…节省或保留钱或时间 in all总共 be bound to一定做… in the meantime在此期间 help(…)out帮助摆脱困境 be/become aware of对…知道、明白;意识到 upside down上下翻转(be)scared to death吓死了 Roof屋顶 muddy泥泞的 relevant有关的,切题的 remote遥远的 weed杂草Adjust调整 platform平台,讲台 broom扫帚 sniff嗅 participate参与 arrangement安排,排列 astronaut航天员 angle角度 catalogue目录 donate捐赠 voluntary自愿的 purchase购买 sew缝 click卡塔声 tailor裁缝 political政治的,政党的 distribute分配(distribution)security安全,保护,保障 operate工作,运转,操作 clinic门诊部 visa签证 queue排队,队列 lecture演讲,讲课 qualification资格 preparation准备 recommend推荐,建议 comfort舒适,安慰 substitute代替品,代替者 academic学校的,学术的 requirement需求,要求 essay文章 draft草稿,草案,草拟 nimb麻木的 acknowledge承认,确认,答谢 contradict反驳,驳斥 autonomous自主的 occupy占用,占领 enterprise事业,事业心 apology道歉 optional可选择地,随意的 cage笼 agent代理人 parallel平行的,相同的,类似的 abundant丰富的 govern统治,支配,管理 destination目的地 inn客栈 tomb坟墓 hear from接到…的信(be)dying to极想,渴望 the other day不久前的一天 dry out(浸水物)干透 dry(河流等)干涸 in need在困难中 adjust to适应 keep it up保持成绩优秀,继续干下去 fit in相适应,相融合 as far as one is concerned就…而言 be occupied with忙着做 day in and day out日复一日 out of the question不可能的,不值得讨论的 settle in(乔迁新居,更换工作后)安顿下来



Art is influenced by the customs and faith of a people.艺术是受着人民生活习俗和信仰的影响的。Styles in Western art have changed many times.西方的艺术风格经历了多次变革。As there are so many different styles of Western art, it would be impossible to describe all of them in such a short text.由于西方的艺术风格多种多样,在短短的一篇课文里不可能进行全面的描述。Consequently, this text will describe only the most important ones, starting from the sixth century AD.因此,本文只谈及从公元6世纪以来最主要的几种艺术风格。

The Middle Ages(5th to the 15th century AD)中世纪(公元5世纪到15世纪)

During the Middle Ages, the main aim of painters was to represent religious themes.在中世纪,画家的主要任务是把宗教的主题表现出来。A conventional artist of this period was not interested in showing nature and people as they really were.一个传统的艺术家无意于如实地展现自然和人物。A typical picture at this time was full of religious symbols, which created a feeling of respect and love for God.那个时期的典型的绘画充满了宗教的(象)特征,体现出了对上帝的爱戴与敬重。But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century when painters like Giotto di Bondone began to paint religious scenes in a more realistic way.但是,很显然到了13世纪时,观念发生变化,像乔托这样的画家开始以一种比较现实的风格来画宗教场景。The Renaissance(15th to 16th century)文艺复兴时期(15世纪到16世纪)

During the Renaissance, new ideas and values gradually replaced those held in the Middle Ages.在文艺复兴时期,新的思想和价值观逐渐取代了中世纪的思想和价值观。People began to concentrate less on religious themes and adopt a more humanistic attitude to life.人们开始较少关注宗教主题而采取一种更人性化的生活态度。At the same time painters returned to classical Roman and Greek ideas about art.同时画家们回到了罗马、希腊的古典艺术理念上。They tried to paint people and nature as they really were.他们力争如实地画出人物和自然。Rich people wanted to possess their own paintings, so they could decorate their superb palaces and great houses.富人们想拥有自己的艺术品并用来装饰自己的高级宫殿和豪宅They paid famous artists to paint pictures of themselves, their houses and possessions as well as their activities and achievements.,他们出价聘请著名艺术家来为自己画像,画自己的房屋和其他财物,以及他们的活动和成就。

One of the most important discoveries during this period was how to draw things in perspective.在此期间,最重要的发现之一就是如何用透视法来画出事物。This technique was first used by Masaccio in 1428.这一手法是1428年由马赛其奥第一次使用的。When people first saw his paintings, they were convinced that they were looking through a hole in a wall at a real scene.当人们第一次看到他的画时,还以为是透过墙上的小洞来观看真实的场景,并对此深信不疑。If the rules of perspective had not been discovered, no one would have been able to paint such realistic pictures.如没有发现透视法,人们就不可能画出如此逼真的画。By coincidence, oil paints were also developed at this time, which made the colours used in paintings look richer and deeper.巧合的是这一时期油画颜料也得到了发展,它使得绘画的色彩看上去更丰富、更深沉。Without the new paints and the new technique, we would not be able to see the many great masterpieces for which this period is famous.没有新的颜料和新的(绘画)手法,我们就不能看到很多使这一时代著名的杰作。Impressionism(late 19th to early 20th century)印象派时期(19世纪后期到20世纪初期)

In the late 19th century, Europe changed a great deal from a mostly agricultural society to a mostly industrial one.19世纪后期,欧洲发生了巨大的变化,从以农业为主的社会变成了以工业为主的社会。Many people moved from the countryside to the new cities.许多人从农村迁入到新城市。There were many new inventions and social changes.有着许多新发明,还有许多社会变革。Naturally, these changes also led to new painting styles.这些变革也自然而然地促成了新的绘画风格。Among the painters who broke away from the traditional style of painting were the Impressionists, who lived and worked in Paris.在那些突破传统画法的画家中有生活和工作在法国巴黎的印象派画家。

The Impressionists were the first painters to work outdoors.印象派画家是第一批室外写景的画家。They were eager to show how light and shadow fell on objects at different times of day.他们急切地想把一天中不同时间投射到物体上的光线和阴影呈现出来。However, because natural light changes so quickly, the Impressionists had to paint quickly.然而由于自然光的变化很快,印象派画家们必须很快地作画,Their paintings were not as detailed as those of earlier painters.因此,他们的画就不像以前那些画家们的画那样细致了。At first, many people disliked this style of painting and became very angry about it.起初,许多人都不喜欢这种画法,甚至还怒不可遏。They said that the painters were careless and their paintings were ridiculous.他们说这些画家作画时漫不经心、粗枝大叶,而他们的作品更是荒谬可笑。Modern Art(20th century to today)现代艺术(20世纪至今)

At the time they were created, the Impressionist paintings were controversial, but today they are accepted as the beginning of what we call “modern art”.在印象派作品的创建初期,它们是存在着争议的,但是如今己被人们接受而成为现在我们所说的“现代艺术”的始祖了。This is because the Impressionists encouraged artists to look at their environment in new ways.这是因为印象派鼓励画家用一种崭新的视角看待他们的环境。There are scores of modern art styles, but without the Impressionists, many of these painting styles might not exist.如今,现代艺术风格有好几十种,然而如果没有印象派,那么这许多不同的风格就不可能存在。On the one hand, some modern art is abstract;that is, the painter does not attempt to paint objects as we see them with our eyes, but instead concentrates on certain qualities of the object, using colour, line and shape to represent them.一方面,有些现代艺术是抽象的,也就是说,画家并不打算把我们眼睛看到的东西如实地画出来,而是集中展现物体的某些品质特性,用色彩、线条和形状把它们呈现出来。On the other hand, some paintings of modern art are so realistic that they look like photographs.而另一方面,有些现代派的艺术作品却是那么写实,看上去就像是照片。These styles are so different.这些风格如此不同。Who can predict what painting styles there will be in the future?谁能预言将来会有什么样的绘画艺术风格?

2.选修六Unit 1 THE BEST OF MANHATTAN’S ART GALLERIES曼哈顿艺术画廊荟萃 The Frick Collection(5th Avenue and E.70th Street)弗里克收藏馆(第5大道和第70街大道之间)

Many art lovers would rather visit this small art gallery than any other in New York.在纽约,比起其他艺术馆许多艺术爱好者都更乐意参观这家小型艺术陈列馆。Henry Clay Frick, a rich New Yorker, died in 1919, leaving his house, furniture and art collection to the American people.亨利·克莱·弗里克是纽约的一位富豪,于1919年去世,把他的房子、家具和艺术收藏品全部留给了美国人民。Frick had a preference for pre-twentieth century Western paintings, and these are well-represented in this excellent collection.弗里克对20世纪以前的西方绘画有偏爱,而在这个陈列馆的珍藏品里这些绘画得以很好展出。You can also explore Frick's beautiful home and garden which are well worth a Visit.你还可以好好考察一下弗里克美丽的故居和花园,它们是很值得一看的。Guggenheim Museum(5th Avenue and 88th Street)古根海姆博物馆(第5大道和第88街交汇处)

This museum owns 5,000 superb modern paintings, sculptures and drawings.这家博物馆拥有5000幅非常好的现代油画、雕塑和素描。These art works are not all displayed at the same time.The exhibition is always changing.这些艺术品并不是同时展出的,展品总是在不断地更换。It will appeal to those who love Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings.展览将吸引印象派和后印象派作品的爱好者。The Guggenheim Museum building is also world-famous.古根海姆博物馆的大楼也是世界闻名的。When you walk into gallery, you feel as if you were inside a fragile, white seashell.当你走进画廊的时候,你会觉得你进入了一个易碎的白色贝壳之中。The best way to see the paintings is to start from the top floor and walk down to the bottom.看画展最好是从顶层看起,一直往下看到底层。There are no stairs just a circular path.The museum also has an excellent restaurant.展厅里没有楼梯,只有一条环形的小道。博物馆里还有一家极好的餐馆。

Metropolitan Museum of Art(5th Avenue and 82nd Street)大都会艺术博物馆(第5大道与第82街交汇处)

The reputation of this museum lies in the variety of its art collection.这家博物馆以收藏艺术品种类繁多而享有盛名。This covers more than 5,000 years of civilization from many parts of the world, including America, Europe, China, Egypt, other African countries and South America.它的艺术品收藏涵盖了5000多年来世界上众多国家的文明史,其中包括美洲、欧洲、中国、埃及、其他非洲国家和南美洲。The museum displays more than just the visual delights of art.It introduces you to ancient ways of living.这家博物馆展出的不只是可以看得见的艺术之美,它还向你介绍了古代的生活方式。You can visit an Egyptian temple, a fragrant Ming garden, a typical room in an 18th century French house and many other special exhibitions.你可以看到埃及的寺庙,馥郁的明朝花园,18世纪法国住宅中的典型房间,以及许多其他特殊展品。Museum of Modern Art(53rd Street, between 5th and 6th Avenues)现代艺术博物馆(第53街,位于第5和第6大道之间)

It is amazing that so many great works of art from the late 19th century to the 21st century are housed in the same museum.令人惊奇的是,在同一家博物馆里竟能容纳下19世纪后期到21世纪的如此众多的名家巨作。The collection of Western art includes paintings by such famous artists as Monet, Van Gogh, Picasso and Matisse.西方艺术的收藏包括有莫奈、凡高、毕加索和马蒂斯等著名艺术家的作品。A few words of warning: the admission price is not cheap and the museum is often very crowded.有几句话需要提醒你注意:博物馆票价不菲,而且常常十分拥挤。

Whitney Museum of American Art(945 Madison Avenue, near 75th Street)惠特尼美国艺术博物馆(麦迪逊大道945号,靠近第75街)

The Whitney holds an excellent collection of contemporary American painting and sculpture.惠特尼博物馆藏有极好的当代美国绘画和雕塑品。There are no permanent displays in this museum and exhibitions change all the time.馆内没有永久性的展出,展品都是随时更换的。Every two years, the Whitney holds a special exhibition of new art by living artists.惠特尼博物馆每两年有一次特殊的展览,展品是仍然在世的艺术家们的新作。The museum also shows videos and films by contemporary video artists.这家博物馆还展出当代影视艺术家的录像和电影作品。


There are various reasons why people write poetry.人们写诗有着各种各样的理由。Some poems tell a story or describe something in a way that will give the reader a strong impression.有些诗是为了叙事,或者说是描述某件事并给读者以强烈的印象。Others try to convey certain emotions.而有些诗则是为了传达某种感情。Poets use many different forms of poetry to express themselves.诗人用许多不同风格的诗来表达自己的情感。In this text, however, we will look at a few of the simpler forms.本文只谈了几种格式比较简单的诗。

Some of the first poetry a young child learns in English is nursery rhymes.孩子们最早学习的英文诗是童谣。These rhymes like the one on the right(A)are still a common type of children's poetry.像右边的这首童谣(A)至今仍然是常见的。The language is concrete but imaginative, and they delight small children because they rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of repetition.童谣的语言具体但富有想象力,这使得小孩子们快乐,因为它们押韵,节奏感强,并较多重复。The poems may not make sense and even seem contradictory, but they are easy to learn and recite.童谣不一定有什么意义,甚至有的看来自相矛盾,但是它们容易学,也容易背诵。By playing with the words in nursery rhymes, children learn about language.通过童谣中的文字游戏,孩子们学习了语言。(A)

Hush, little baby, don't say a word,小宝宝,别说话,Papa's going to buy you a mockingbird.爸爸给你买个小嘲鸟。If that mockingbird won't sing,小嘲鸟,不会唱,Papa's going to buy you a diamond ring.爸爸给你买个钻石戒。If that diamond ring turns to brass,钻石戒,变成铜,Papa's going to buy you a looking-glass.爸爸给你买个小镜子。If that looking-glass gets broke,小镜子,打破了,Papa's going to buy you a billy-goat.爸爸给你买个小山羊。If that billy-goat runs away,小山羊,跑掉了。

Papa's going to buy you another today.爸爸今天再去给你买一只。

One of the simplest kinds of poems are those like B and C that list things.像(B)和(C)这样的列举事物的清单诗是诗歌中最简单的一种。List poems have a flexible line length and repeated phrases which give both a pattern and a rhythm to the poem.清单诗可长可短,可以重复一些短语,较为灵活。形成固定句型和诗的节奏。Some rhyme(like B)while others do not(like C).有些清单诗有韵脚(如B),但有一些没有(如C)。(B)

I saw a fish-pond all on fire我看到鱼塘在燃烧 I saw a fish-pond all on fire,我看到鱼塘在燃烧,I saw a house bow to a squire,我看到房子向地主哈腰,I saw a person twelve-feet high,我看到人高一丈八,I saw a cottage in the sky,我看到茅屋在天郊。I saw a balloon made of lead,我看到气球用铅做,I saw a coffin drop down dead,我看到棺材把死人抛。I saw two sparrows run a race,我看到两只麻雀在赛跑,I saw two horses making lace,我看到两匹马儿绣花包。I saw a girl just like a cat,我看到姑娘像只猫,I saw a kitten wear a hat,我看到小猫带花帽。I saw a man who saw these too,我看到有人在一旁瞄,And said though strange they all were true.虽奇怪,但也把实情报。(C)

Our first football match我们的第一场球赛 We would have won...我们本来会得冠军…… if Jack had scored that goal,如果杰克踢进了那个球,if we'd had just a few more minutes,如果我们还有几分钟,if we had trained harder,如果我们训练的更严格,if Ben had passed the ball to Joe,如果本把球传给了乔,if we'd had thousands of fans screaming,如果有大批球迷助威,if I hadn't taken my eye off the ball,如果我死死盯住球,if we hadn't stayed up so late the night before,如果我们头晚不熬夜,if we hadn't taken it easy,如果我们没有放松警惕,if we hadn't run out of energy.如果我们没有精疲力竭,We would have won...我们本来是会的冠军的…… if we'd been better!如果我们能干的更好!

Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines.另外一种学生容易写的简体诗是由五行组成的,叫做五行诗。With these, students can convey a strong picture in just a few words.用五行诗,学生可以用少量的词语传递一幅动人的画面。Look at the examples(D and E)on the top of the next page.请看下一页上端的D和E两个例子。(D)Brother兄弟

Beautiful, athletic爱美,又爱运动

Teasing, shouting, laughing爱闹,爱叫,又爱笑 Friend and enemy too是我的朋友 Mine也是我的敌人(E)Summer夏天

Sleepy, salty困乏,咸涩

Drying, drooping, dreading干涸,枯萎,恐怖 Week in, week out周而复始 Endless永无止境

Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that is made up of 17 syllables.俳句诗(Haiku)是一种日本诗,由17个音节组成。It is not a traditional form of English poetry, but is very popular with English writers.它不属于英诗的传统形式,但是在用英语写作的人们中间,这种诗也是很流行的。It is easy to write and, like the cinquain , can give a clear picture and create a special feeling using the minimum of words.它容易写,而且像五行诗一样,它可以用最少的词语呈现出一幅清晰的画面,表达出一种特殊的感情。The two haiku poems(F and G)above are translations from the Japanese.下面两首俳句诗(右边的F和G)就是从日文翻译过来的。(F)

A fallen blossom落下的花朵

Is coming back to the branch.回到了树枝上。Look, a butterfly!瞧啊,是只蝴蝶!(by Moritake)(作者:Moritake)(G)

Snow having melted,雪儿融化了,The whole village is brimful整个村庄充满着 Of happy children.欢乐的儿童。(by Issa)(作者:Issa)

Did you know that English speakers also enjoy other forms of Asian poetryall of which will make life for human beings better." 汉布利实际上是这样说的: “二氧化碳含量的增加实际上是件好事,它使植物成长更快,庄稼产量更高,还会促进动物的生长——所有这些都能改善人类的生活。”

Greenhouse gases continue to build up in the atmosphere.温室气体继续在大气层中聚集。Even if we start reducing the amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the climate is going to keep on warming for decades or centuries.即使我们开始减少二氧化碳和其他温室气体的含量,在(未来)几十年或几个世纪内,气候仍会持续转暖。No one knows the effects of global warming.没有人知道全球变暖带来什么样的影响。Does that mean we should do nothing? 这是不是意味着我们就不必采取任何措施呢?Or, are the risks too great? 还是说,这样不采取任何措施危险性会很大呢?

8.选修六Unit4 WHAT CAN WE DO ABOUT GLOBAL WARMING? 关于全球变暖,我们能干些什么呢? Dear Earth Care, 亲爱的“关爱地球”组织:

I am doing a project on behalf of my school about global warming.我正代表学校做一项关于全球变暖的课题研究。Sometimes I feel that individuals can have little effect on such huge environmental problems.有时候我觉得,像这样一个巨大的环境问题,个人是起不了什么作用的。However, I still think people should advocate improvements in the way we use energy today.然而我仍然认为人们应该支持改善日常能源的消耗方式。As I'm not sure where to start with my project, 由于我还不清楚我该从哪里着手开始我的研究。I would appreciate any suggestions you may have.我希望能得到你们的建议。Thank you!谢谢!Ouyang Guang欧阳光

Dear Ouyang Guang, 亲爱的欧阳光:

There are many people who have a commitment like yours, but they do not believe they have the power to do anything to improve our environment.有许多人承担你这样的义务,而他们不相信自己有能力来影响环境。That is not true.这种想法是不正确的。Together, individuals can make a difference.众人拾柴火焰高。We do not have to put up with pollution.我们不必去忍受污染。

The growth of the greenhouse gas, carbon dioxide in the air actually comes as a result of many things we do every day.空气中的温室气体,二氧化碳的增长的确是来自我们许多的日常活动。Here are a few suggestions on how to reduce it.这儿有几条关于减少空气中二氧化碳含量的建议。They should get you started with your project.这些建议应当能够促进你的研究。1 We use a lot of energy in our houses.It is OK to leave an electrical appliance on so long as you are using itthis includes cars as well as smaller things like fridges and microwaves.4.劝你的父母去买那些节约能源的产品,包括汽车和像冰箱、微波炉之类的小件物品。5 Plant trees in your garden or your school yard, as they absorb carbon dioxide from the air and refresh your spirit when you look at them.5.在你的花园或校园里栽种树木,它们能吸收空气中的二氧化碳,还能在你观赏的时候使你感觉清爽。Finally and most importantly, be an educator.Talk with your family and friends about global warming and tell them what you have learned.6.最后,也是最重要的是,做一个教育者。同你的家人和朋友谈一谈全球变暖的问题,并把你学到的东西告诉他们。Rememberthe volcano.然而,最重要的是,通过我的工作能保护普通百姓免遭火山的威胁——这是世界上最大的自然威力之一。

I was appointed as a volcanologist working for the Hawaiian Volcano Observatory(HVO)twenty years ago.作为一名火山学家,我被派到夏威夷火山观测站(HVO)工作。My job is collecting information for a database about Mount Kilauea, which is one of the most active volcanoes in Hawaii.我的任务是收集有关基拉韦厄火山的数据资料,这是夏威夷最活跃的火山之一。Having collected and evaluated the information, I help other scientists to predict where lava from the volcano will flow next and how fast.收集和评估了这些信息之后,我就帮助其他科学家一起预测下次火山熔岩将往何处流去,流速多少。Our work has saved many lives because people in the path of the lava can be warned to leave their houses.我们的工作拯救了许多人的生命,因为熔岩要流经之地,老百姓都可以得到离开家园的通知。Unfortunately, we cannot move their homes out of the way, and many houses have been covered with lava or burned to the ground.遗憾的是,我们不可能把他们的家搬离岩浆流过的地方,因此,许多房屋被熔岩淹没,或者焚烧殆尽。

When boiling rock erupts from a volcano and crashes back to earth, it causes less damage than you might imagine.当滚烫的岩石从火山喷发出来并撞回地面时,它所造成的损失比想象的要小些,This is because no one lives near the top of Mount Kilauea, where the rocks fall.这是因为在岩石下落的基拉韦厄火山顶附近无人居住。The lava that flows slowly like a wave down the mountain causes far more damage because it buries everything in its path under the molten rock.而顺着山坡下流的火山熔岩所造成的损失却大得多,这是因为火山岩浆所流经的地方,一切东西都被掩埋在熔岩下面了。However, the eruption itself is really exciting to watch and I shall never forget my first sight of one.然而火山喷发本身的确是很壮观的,我永远也忘不了我第一次看见火山喷发时的情景。It was in the second week after I arrived in Hawaii.那是在我抵达夏威夷后的第二个星期。Having worked hard all day, I went to bed early.那天我辛辛苦苦等干了一整天,很早就上床睡觉了。I was fast asleep when suddenly my bed began shaking and I heard a strange sound, like a railway train passing my window.我在熟睡中突然感到床铺在摇晃,接着我听到一阵奇怪的声音,就好像有列火车在我的窗外行驶一样。Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didn't take much notice.因为我在夏威夷曾经经历过多次地震,所以对这种声音我并不在意。I was about to go back to sleep when suddenly my bedroom became as bright as day.我刚要再睡,突然我的卧室亮如白昼。I ran out of the house into the back garden where I could see Mount Kilauea in the distance.我赶紧跑出房间,来到后花园,在那儿我能远远地看见基拉韦厄火山。There had been an eruption from the side of the mountain and red hot lava was fountaining hundreds of metres into the air.在山的一边有火山喷发,红色发烫的岩浆像喷泉一样,朝天上喷射达几百米高。It was an absolutely fantastic sight.真是绝妙的奇景!

The day after this eruption I was lucky enough to have a much closer look at it.就在这次火山喷发的第二天,我有幸做了一次近距离的观察。Two other scientists and I were driven up the mountain and dropped as close as possible to the crater that had been formed during the eruption.我和另外两位科学家驱车上山,到最靠近这次火山喷口的地方才下车。Having earlier collected special clothes from the observatory, we put them on before we went any closer.早先从观测站出发时就带了一些特别的安全服,于是我们穿上安全服再走近火山口。All three of us looked like spacemen.我们三个人看上去就像宇航员一样,We had white protective suits that covered our whole body, helmets, big boots and special gloves.我们都穿着白色的防护服遮住全身,戴上了头盔和特别的手套,还穿了一双大靴子。It was not easy to walk in these suits, but we slowly made our way to the edge of the crater and looked down into the red, boiling centre.穿着这些衣服走起路来实在不容易,但是我们还是缓缓往火山口的边缘走去,并且向下看到了红红的沸腾的中央。The other two climbed down into the crater to collect some lava for later study, but this being my first experience, I stayed at the top and watched them.另外两人攀下火山口去收集供日后研究用的岩浆,我是第一次经历这样的事,所以留在山顶上观察他们。

Today, I am just as enthusiastic about my job as the day I first started.如今,我和当初从事这项工作时一样满怀热情。Having studied volcanoes now for many years, I am still amazed at their beauty as well as their potential to cause great damage.虽然我从事火山研究很多年了,但是我对火山的壮丽景色以及它那潜在的巨大破坏力至今仍然感到惊愕不已。

10.选修六Unit5 THE LRKE OF HERVEN天上的湖(天池)

Changbaishan is in Jilin Province, Northeast China.Much of this beautiful, mountainous area is thick forest.长白山在东北的吉林省,这个美丽的山区大部分是茂密的林区。Changbaishan is China's largest nature reserve and it is kept in its natural state for the people of China and visitors from all over the world to enjoy.长白山是中国最大的自然保护区,保持着它的原始状态,以供中国人民和世界各地的游客欣赏。The height of the land varies from 700 metres above sea level to over 2,000 metres and is home to a great diversity of rare plants and animals.这里地面的高度从海拔700米到2000多米不等,是多种多样动物植物的生长地。Among the rare animals are cranes, black bears, leopards and tigers.珍稀动物有白鹤、黑熊、豹子和虎。Many people come to Changbaishan to study its unique plants and animals.许多人到长白山来研究珍奇的动植物。Others come to walk in the mountains, to see the spectacular waterfalls or to bathe in the hot water pools.另外一些人则是到山里来走一走,看看那些蔚为壮观的瀑布,或者在温水池里泡个澡。However, the attraction that arouses the greatest appreciation in the reserve is Tianchi or the Lake of Heaven.然而保护区里最令人欣赏的地方则是天池,或者说是天上的湖。

Tianchi is a deep lake that has formed in the crater of a dead volcano on top of the mountain.天池是一个深水湖,是由山顶的一个死火山的火山口形成的。The lake is 2,194 metres above sea level, and more than 200 metres deep.In winter the surface freezes over.海拔高度为2194米,水的深度超过200米,到冬天湖面就全部结冰了。It takes about an hour to climb from the end of the road to the top of the mountain.从路的尽头到山顶约需一个小时。When you arrive you are rewarded not only with the sight of its clear waters, but also by the view of the other sixteen mountain peaks that surround Tianchi.你一到达山顶就会得到回报——你不仅可以看到天池那清澈如镜的湖水,而且还可以看到四周的16座山峰。

There are many stories told about Tianchi.The most well-known concerns three young women from heaven.天池有着许多传说故事,其中最著名的是关于从天上下凡的三位少女的故事。They were bathing in Tainchi when a bird flew above them and dropped a small fruit onto the dress of the youngest girl.她们在天池洗澡时,突然有一只鸟飞到她们的上方,把一个小小的水果扔在最年轻的姑娘的衣服上。When she picked up the fruit to smell it, it flew into her mouth.当她拿起来闻的时候,它飞进了她的嘴里。Having swallowed the fruit, the girl became pregnant and later gave birth to a handsome boy.姑娘吞食了这个果子,后来就怀孕了。过了一段时间,她生下了一个漂亮的男孩。It is said that this boy, who had a great gift for languages and persuasion, is the father of the Manchu people.据说这个男孩就是满族人的祖先,具有语言天赋和很强的说服力。

If you are lucky enough to visit the Lake of Heaven with your loved one, don't forget to drop a coin into the clear blue water to guarantee your love will be as deep and lasting as the lake itself.如果你有幸同你所爱的人去游天池,别忘了投一枚硬币到清澈碧蓝的水中,以确保你们的爱情像湖水一样深厚、持久。

第四篇:咬文嚼字 教案人教选修



3.4 咬文嚼字 教案(人教选修—语言文字应用)




































题李凝幽居 唐•贾岛



注解:幽居:指隐居处.云根:古人认为云生在山石上,石为云根.幽期:归隐所约的日期.译文:幽闲地住在这里,很少有邻居往来,只有一条杂草遮掩的小路通向荒芜的小园.鸟儿歇宿在池边的树上,归来的僧人正在月下敲响山门.走过小桥呈现出原野迷人的景色,云脚正在飘动,好像山石在移动.我暂时要离开这里,但不久还要回来,要按照约定的日期与朋友一起隐居,决不食言.锦 瑟 唐•李商隐



译文:锦瑟呀,你为何竟然有五十条弦?每弦每节,都令人怀思黄金华年。我心象庄子,为蝴蝶晓梦而迷惘; 又象望帝化杜鹃,寄托春心哀怨 沧海明月高照,鲛人泣泪皆成珠蓝田红日和暖,可看到良玉生烟。






青玉案 宋•贺铸
















宋祁 《玉楼春》










在诗中的括号内,填入六个字,构成六幅画。塞鸿秋·浔阳即景 元·周德清



塞鸿秋·浔阳即景 周德清














1、I witnessed it with my own eyes many times.(P20)后来我亲眼见过多次。

关键透析witness v.目击 n.目击者 Did anyone witness the car accident? 有谁目击了这次车祸。用法归纳

用适当的词(主要是介词)填空。(1)in witness to 作为……的对质

(2)witness of an accident 事件的目击者(3)give witness to a law court 在法庭上作证

2.We ran down to the shore in time to see an enormous animal throwing itself out of the water and then crashing down again.(P20)我们跑到了岸边,正好看见看见一头巨大的动物猛力跃出水面,然后又坠落到水里。

关键透析throw oneself +介词……,其中throw的用法比较灵活,根据不同的语境有不同的含义。例如:

He threw cold water on her idea.他向她的想法泼冷水。

She threw herself into chair and began to cry.


His father has thrown himself into education.


throw away 扔掉,抛弃throw down 扔下throw off 匆匆脱掉(衣物)摆脱掉

throw at 向……投掷,向……扔throw to 投给…… = pass sth.to sb.

You can help him to throw this book to him but it’s wrong to throw books at others.


shore /seaside/ coast /beach/ bank

shore 指海岸、湖岸,也指近海的一带,以水或海洋为中心而言,同时可指海边休息的地方。

seaside 指近海边地区供游客休憩的地方。


beach指海洋或较大的湖泊在涨潮时被淹没而在退潮时又露出的斜 坡,上面多布满细少或卵石,常指人们玩乐或消遣的沙滩,海滩。

bank 指河流的堤、岸。

I like to lie on the beach with sunglasses and enjoy the sunshine.


We often see many ships on the sea about several miles off the shore.我们经常在离岸几英里处的海面上看到很多船。

It’s dangerous to leave the little children playing alone on the bank of

this river.


Last summer we spent three weeks at the seaside.


We could tell from his accent that he came from Scotland.


3.George said as he ran ahead of me.(P20)乔治在我前面边跑边说。关键透析ahead of 既可指在空间上的……之前,也可指在时间上的……之


Ahead of us sat the leaders of our province.坐在我们前面的是省上的领导们。

He arrived there an hour ahead of the appointed time.他比预定时间提早了一个小时到那里。

The girl said, “I must try to get a geography book, otherwise

others will be ahead of me.”

那个女孩说,“我必须尽力得到一本地理书,否则,别人就会比我好。” ahead

adv.向前,朝前,在前;处于……领先地位.The way ahead was blocked by fallen trees.前面的路被倒下的树挡住了.He ran ahead.他跑在前头 联想拓展

ahead of 在……前面,超过

go ahead = help oneself 请自便,开始吧

get ahead of 超过 look ahead 向前看,想未来

4.I had already heard that George didn’t like being kept waiting, so

even though I didn’t have the right clothes on, I grabbed my boots and

raced after him.(P20)我以前就听说过,乔治不喜欢等人,所以尽管我还没有穿上合适的衣服,就跟在他后面跑起来。

关键透析even though = although 尽管

Even though I have failed the exam again, I will not lose heart.尽管我又考试不及格,我绝不会灰心丧气。联想拓展

Even though = even if;即使,纵然。Even though/if it rains tomorrow, I will still go camping.即使明天下雨,我还会继续去野营的。

Even though/if I had known his phone number, I wouldn’t have called him.纵然昨天我知道他的电话号码,我也不会给他打电话的。

5.George told me, pointing towards the hunt.(P20)乔治一面指着捕猎的情景,一面告诉我。

关键透析 pointing towards the hunt 表示的动作与谓语动词表示的动作told同时发生。

I don’t

mind what we were doing, as long as we were together, having fun.我并不在意我们当时在干什么,只要我们在一起,开心就好。

6.Within a moment or two, its body was dragged by the killers down into the depths of the sea.(P20)过了片刻,鲸的尸体就被虎鲸们拖向深海中去了。


depth作“底层,深处”解时可以用复数形式,又可用单数形式。例如: the depth(s)of the ocean 海洋深处 the depth(s)of despair绝望的深渊 The water of the lake deepened gradually.湖水渐渐变深。(deepen v 加深)

Because of drinking too much wine, now he is in a deep sleep.(deep adj 深的)

She took a deep breath and then dived into the river.她深深地吸了口气,然后潜入河里。

They sat and talked deep into the night.(deep adv 深的)他们坐着谈话,一直谈到深夜。


deep与deeply作副词使用时均含由上到下或从外到里距离大的意思。deep只含此义,而且比deeply更通用,其后通常接into或below。deeply除了上述意义外,还有“非常”的意思,相当于“very much”。

1)We have decided to go deeper into the jungle.我们决定继续深入丛林中。

2)They were deeply shocked at the news.听到这个消息,他们大为震惊。

7.In the meantime, Old Tom, and the others are having a good feed on its lips and tongue.(P20)在这段时间内,老汤姆和其他虎鲸会饱餐一顿的,鲸唇和鲸舌就是他们的美食。

关键透析 in the mean time 同时,期间

She's supposed to arrive on Thursday.In the mean time, what do we do? 她预定星期四到达.这期间我们做什麽呢? 用法归纳

meanwhile=at the same time=in the mean time;用法和 however 一样,具有副词性质,不能连接两个句子,但是意思上有承接概念。feed some animal / sb.on sth.

feed sth.to some animal /sb 用……,喂……

feed...with.../ feed...into...给……添加…… 

We always feed our dog on/with meat.= We feed meat to our dog.


She fed the fire with some coal = She fed some coal into the fire.


feed on 以……为主食

通常是动物作主语。 live on 以……为主食


1)Many animals feed on grass.


2)Most Chinese live on rice.


8.I could see he was terrified of being abandoned by us.(P21)我可以看出来他非常恐慌,害怕被我们遗弃。

abandon vt.离开而不返回,遗弃,抛弃,放弃

The match was abandoned because of bad weather.比赛因恶劣的天气而取消.联想拓展

abandon oneself完全屈从于

abandonment n.[u]遗弃,离弃,抛弃,放弃,舍弃 abandon n.放肆,任性

abandoner n.放弃者,遗弃者,投保者 abandonee n.承保人,被遗弃者

abandoned adj.被遗弃的,自暴自弃的,无耻的 abandonment n.放弃,放肆 易混辨析

abandon, desert, give up abandon 强调永远或完全放弃人或事物等;可能是被迫的,也可能是自愿的; desert


give up 普通用语,侧重指没有希望,或因为外界压力而放弃.It’s foolish of him to give up without trying.9.I saw James being held up in the water by Old Tom.(P21)我看到老汤姆在水中正稳稳的举起詹姆斯。

关键透析hold up 举起,使延误

I held up my hand to show that I had a question.我举手表示有问题。

We were held up on our way to the airport in a traffic jam.


hold a meeting 举行会议catch hold of 抓住hold on(电话)不挂断hold on to 抓住不放

hold back = keep back 阻止,抑制(眼泪等)hold out 伸出 We thought of selling his old furniture.but we’ve decided to hold on to it.It might be valuable.我们原想着卖掉那些旧家具,但是我们现在决定保留它们。这些家具可能会很值钱。

10.What other animals help out humans in hunting?(P21)


关键透析help out 帮助……(摆脱困境或危险)

I do not really work here;I am just helping out until the new secretary arrives.我实际上不在这儿工作,我只是在新秘书来之前帮帮忙。联想拓展

with the help of sb.在某人的帮助下

help sb.with sth.帮助某人做……

help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做

help oneself to sth.请自便,请随便吃……

Can’t help to do sth.不能帮助做

Can’t help doing sth.情不自禁做……

cannot help but to do sth.不得不……

11.I’m sitting in the warm night with a cold drink in my hand and

reflecting on the day—a day of pure magic!(P23)


本句中,要注意with +宾语补足语这一结构,宾语补足语可由介词短语、不定式、现在分词、形容词、副词等充当。

The lady came in with a baby in her arms.女士抱着孩子进来了。

With a lot of problems to solve, the newly-elected president felt like a cat on hot bricks.


With a local village guiding the way, we found his house very easily. 有当地村民带路,我们轻易地找到了他家。We went on smoothly with the problems settled. 问题解决了,我们进展很顺利。12.But many other animals are found hanging there.(P23)关键透析hang v挂,吊,The boy hung his head in shame.那个男孩羞愧地低下了头 联想拓展

hang back踌躇不前,退缩 hang down下垂,低下头 hang on to紧紧握住,坚持下去

hang on upon抱住不放,坚持下去,赖着不走,不挂断电话 hang about=hang around徘徊,荡来荡去 hang by/on/upon a thread/hair千钧一发 hang it doubt疑惑不决

hang up挂,吊,拖延,终止,挂断电话

13.I told myself they weren’t dangerous but that didn’t stop me from feeling scared to death for a moment.(P24)我告诉自己,他们并不危险,但是这并不能阻止我吓得要死。

关键透析Scare v.恐吓,受惊吓,感到害怕,He scares easily.他动不动就害怕 联想拓展

scared adj scared of sb/sth, scared of doing sth/to do sth scary adj 引起恐慌的 scare sb away/off 把某人吓跑

scare sb into/out of sth(doing sth)吓得某人做/不敢做某事

beat to death把……打死

starve to death饿死

thirst to death渴死

freeze to death冻死

sentence to death判处死刑

14.The first thing I became aware of was all the vivid colors surrounding me.(P24)我首先意识到的是我周围的所有这些生动的色彩。


be / become aware of 意识到,知道,明白,觉察到

be /become aware that 后面接句子。意识到……

We should always be aware of what we are doing at any time.我们应该时刻知道自己在干什么。

Are you aware that they don’t get along well with each other?

你知道他们相处不和睦吗? 用法归纳 aware adj.1)对某人某事知道,明白,察觉到,意识到,常构成 Phrases:

be aware of sb/ sth


be aware that---


as far as I’m aware---据我所知

make sb.aware of—让某人知道


She’s always been a politically aware person.他一直非常关心政治.14.The fish didn’t seem to mind me swimming among them.(P24)那些鱼似乎并不介意我在他们中间游泳。关键透析

mind me swimming------动名词的复合结构



Do you mind my /me/Jack’s/Jack leaving now?




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