
时间:2019-05-13 02:15:39下载本文作者:会员上传


Teaching Aims: Knowledge aims:

(1)Students can learn four new words: orange, pear, apple and banana.(2)Students can master the structure of “Do you like pears?” Ability aim:

Students can improve their listening and speaking ability by taking part in activities.Emotional aim:

Students will be more interested in English and like to speak English in daily life.Key points:

(1)Listen, speak and use the new words: orange, pear, apple and banana.(2)Master the structure of “Do you like”.Difficult points:

(1)Use the new words and structure in their daily life.(2)Improve the interest of learning English, and like to speak English.课前准备:

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Warming up and lead-in 1.Daily greeting 2.Sing a song named How Do You Do together.Step 2: Presentation andSTEP3 practice Activity 1 Show a picture of an apple and ask students to answer the question “What’s this in English”.Describing the apple and tell students if there is more than one apple, we can say “apples”.Write the word “apple” on the blackboard and ask students to read it together for twice.In the same way, teach students another three new words “orange”, “pear” and “banana”.After teaching the four new words, play a game: Divide students into four groups.When I show the four pictures arbitrarily, each group should read out the name of the fruit in the picture.The group reading all names in the least time will be the winner.Activity 2 I will say that I like pears very much and explain why I like pears best.Tell students when I ask them the question “Do you like pears”, they can answer “Yes, I do” if they like and “No, I don’t” if they do not like.Invite some students to answer my questions “Do you like apples/oranges/bananas” by using the structure of “Yes, I do” or “No, I don’t”.Play the tape for the first time and ask students to listen carefully.Play the tape for the second time and ask students to answer the question “if the boy likes pears” after listening.Play the tape for the third time and ask students to read after the tape.Give students 3 minutes to make conversations with their deskmates and then invite two groups to perform.Activity 3 Make the chant on the book.Step 4: Summary and homework

Ask two students to talk about what we have learned in this class.Make some supplements after their shares.Tell students to teach their parents the chant we did just now.Blackboard design:



课题: Unit 1 Welcome back to school!第四课时 教学重点: 听懂、会说:“Where are you from? I’m from….This is my friend…” 教学难点:在情境中运用语言及单词from的发音。教具准备: 1.学生自己的头饰 2.游戏用的人物名片 3.配套的教学课件 4.游戏用的录音音乐 5.Mr.Black的头饰和钟表 教学过程: 热身/复习(Warm-up/Revision)1.孩子出示自己的头饰,做自我介绍:“I’m lily.I’m from Canada。”(引导其他孩子用:“Good morning.lily!”回答)2.学生以小组为单位扩展表演A部分Let’s talk的对话。(不同孩子扮演对话中的不同人物,孩子也可以根据自己的情况做扩展表演。)呈现新课(Presentation)1.game(教师制作一些人物名片,并在卡片背面画上国家的国旗)听音乐,传卡片。拿到卡片的孩子到前面扮演卡片上的人物。做自我介绍:“I’m Amy.”教师提问:“Where are you from?”孩子回答“I’m from America.”

孩子们试着提问:“Where are you from?”得到小卡片的同学根据情况回答。2.学生小组间的问答:“Where are you from?”“I’m from…”(根据孩子自己制作的头饰回答)http://www.xiexiebang.com

3.请几个小组开火车问答:“Where are you from?”

4.教师出示钟表(把时间调到下午):“Good afternoon!”教师带上Mr.Black的头饰(走到一位学生面前)说:“Good afternoon!My name’s Mr.Black.I ’m from China.”孩子根据自己的情况回答:“Good afternoon, Mr.Black.I’m Xiao Dong.I’m from China.”

教师提问一组孩子。然后请学生到前面来扮演Mr.Black.5.教师带着Mr.Black 的头饰走到台前,说:“I have a friend in our class.Do you know who’s she?”教师指着扮演Amy的同学说: “This is my friend Amy.”(引导全班孩子问好)Ss: Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you, too!Ss: Where are you from? A: I’m from America.Ss: Welcome!6.教师播放Let’s talk部分的课件, 学生观看对话。跟读、模仿,分角色给课件配音。

7.小组分角色练习对话。8.小组表演对话。趣味操练(Practice)1.Listen and order the cards: 将课文图片打乱顺序,让孩子听一听, 摆一摆。2.表演Let’s talk部分的对话。

3.小组中互换头饰(国家、名字),进行对话练习。(Where are you from? I’m from…)扩展性活动(Add-activities)介绍好朋友,请孩子用所学的句型把自己的好朋友介绍给大家。

来源:中师教育 www.xiexiebang.com



Story —— Jenny Goes To City

Step 1.Greetings

(1)Good morning/ How are you.(2)who's on duty today?

Step 2.Revision

(1)拿不同颜色的粉笔,进行一一提问,对答对的学生,给予掌声,呈上真诚的目光,并奖励一个小红花。What colour was it? It‘s red/green/blue/yellow


what’s missing? It's......教师从不同颜色粉笔中,随意抽出一支,问学生少了哪一颜色,带动学生学习兴趣,活跃课堂气氛。促使学生们所学单词掌握的更牢固更准确!

Step 3.Freetalks

Do you like shopping? 这个话题学生比较熟悉,贴近生活,纷纷举手发言,从中引入教学,培养学生创造性思维能力。

Step 4.Teaching

1)提出2个问题,让学生们带着问题去看故事短文,时间定为10分钟 Jenny:How to go to the city? why she doesn't......? 再这10分钟学生阅读期间,老师写好一部分板书.2)针对提出的2个问题,展开讨论,回答问题,并及时给予学生答案的指导


4)再针对故事短文中4个角色,找四名学生, 进行分角色朗读课文.最后并予以掌声,给予肯定和奖励


6)针对故事短文的知识点,一一讲解分析,例have to do sth最好做某事句型,并及时做好板书,时刻促使学生看黑板,培养注意力不分散

7)情景再现,将学生分组,找四名同学,分别带上面具,试着扮演短文中四个角色,Jenny Jenny's mather Jenny's mother Denny,让学生们身临其境,去领悟故事短文中意思,掌握交际中的技巧和方法,挖掘学生们运用语言的创造能力

Step 5.Homework 培养听说读写能力

1)listen the story 循环放短文听录音

2)read the story again and again 大声一遍遍朗读短文 3)write the story 正确抄写短文

4)remember knowledge on class掌握牢记课上所学知识


小学四年级下册Unit 1 Our School 教案

课题:Unit 1 Our School 第二课时

教学目标:让学生熟练掌握单词art room, computer room, music room, TV room, wash room.教学重点、难点、:掌握part B部分的五个单词,以及这几个单词中room的构词功能。




T: Hello, kids!Nice to meet you again!Last time, we have learned the part A of unit1 our school.Now ,let’s go over what we learn.二:复习

(5分钟)Guess, where am I? 1.T: Look at me.I am playing basketball.Where am I ? S: playground.T: Good!Playground.(教师出示卡片)2.T: Ok, listen carefully!Wow ,the flowers are so beautiful.Where am I? S: garden.T: garden?(教师怀疑的表情)T: yes, you are right.Garden.3.T: Be quiet!Many students are reading books.Where am I?

Who knows? Hands up, please!S: library.T: Is she right? T: You are so clever.4.T: Now, class is over.I’m so hungry, where should I go to

have dinner? S: canteen.T: very good!5.T: This is my homework.I must hand it in to teacher.Where should I go? Put up your hand, please.S: teacher’s office.T: oh!Wonderful.Let’s clap for her.教师总结上节课的单词,带读。三:呈现新课(12分钟)


T: Well done!You do a good job.Today, we continue our lesson, unit1 our school, part B.Open your book, turn to page7.let’s chant.Read the context and do the action.Do as I do.Let’s chant:

School days, School days.What a lot of fun!

Read in the library.Water flowers in the garden.Eat in the canteen.Play in the playground.School days, School days.What a lot of fun!


T: well done.Please look at the picture.(1)T: what are they doing ? S: 画画

T: yes, we can say it art.(教师板书art)T: they draw pictures in a room.So it is an art room.教师板书art room,带读。(2)T: What are they?

S: they are computers.T: yes, it’s a computer room.(3)T: Listen!(教师播放音乐).what is she doing? S: singing.T: clever.Music.she is singing in a room.So it is music room.(4)T: what’s this?

S: TV.T: yes.And it’s a room.So it’s TV room.(5)T: what are they doing ?

S: wash.T: where is it?

S: wash room.T: yes, you are right.教师带读新单词。

3、Practice.(3分钟)T: Excellent, now , the class is divided into five parts.Art room,computer room, music room, TV room and wash room.When the teacher say art room, all of you say “art room, stand up” together.And the part stand up and say louderly “art room.Here.” Which part do better, they will get a big hand.Are you clear? T: ok!Stop here.Which part is better? Let’s give them a big hand.4、play a game(3分钟)




四、课堂总结(1分钟)That is all for today.Today, we learn the new words….Do you have any questions? Here’s your homework.Make a school map, and introduce it to your parents.Are you clear? Are you happy? Clap for ourselves.


Good afternoon, boys and girls.Today we will continue to learn Unit 7.And before our lesson, we will review what we have learned last class.Ok.What’s this in English?

What color is it? Find out the opposite in the new words: Black---white big---small short---long Ask the student the name and color of the object,then T: “Do you like it?”

S:Yes, I do.T:“How much is it?”

T:It’s 2yuan.Another example:....(Say the colors in our classroom and try to describe the things in the picture, such as a red flag.)Ok

now we know the things’ names and the colors.But do you know its price? Do you know how to ask the price? Now, what’s the meaning of the price? Read after me,(Price!)How much is it?(The meaning of price is “价格”

Ok listen carefully : what’s this in English? What color is it? How much is it? The answer is “It’s two yuan”.)So when we want to know the price of something, we can use this sentence: How much is ….Ok, read after me :……Page 39 Ok ,well done.Before our practice we can learn some new words: sweater sock T-shirt shorts trousers shoe skirt.Now,imagine you are in a shop,you want to know the price.What can you say? Ask some students to answer to use the new sentence.举例

Ok, after we grasp the sentences and how to answer, we will continue to learn a conversation on Page 38.now, please open your book and turn to page 38.look at the conversation.Ok, have you finished reading? Now, let’s explain it one by one.Important sentences: How much is it?/I’ll take it./here you are/ thank you/ you’re welcome.All these sentences can be used in our daily life, so we should practice them more and more.Ok, now look at the grammar focus, these sentences are the important points this time.We should practice these sentences frequently.Then work with you partner to make a dialogue.



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