
时间:2019-05-13 08:40:25下载本文作者:会员上传


the exhibition of inscribed bamboo tablets of wu kingdom of the three kingdoms at changsha ladies and gentlemen, 长沙世界之窗: 浏阳河大桥东 湖南第一师范: 书院路妙高峰下 刘少奇故居: 宁乡花明楼镇

长沙海底世界: 浏阳河大桥东 岳麓公园: 河西岳麓山南郊公园: 新开铺79号

雷锋纪念馆:望城县雷锋镇烈士公园: 东风路1号 石燕湖旅游风景区:长沙县跳马乡

贾谊故居: 太平街19号开福寺:福寺路樱花温泉:机场大道距黄花机场1.5公里处

长沙世界之窗 长沙世界之窗文化旅游景区位于长沙市东北郊浏阳河畔,占地40万平方米,投资3亿









长沙世界之窗汇五洲奇景,容四海风情。地址:长沙市浏阳河大桥东 乘车线路:

电话:(0731)4256731、4256737136路 火车站-袁家岭-世界之窗

邮编:410003 132路 新民路-湘江二桥-世界之窗



地址:长沙市浏阳河大桥东 乘车路线:

电话:(0731)4256005、4256002136路 火车站-袁家岭-海底世界

传真:(0731)4122526 邮编:410003 132路 新民路-湘江二桥-海底世界

名人故里――韶山 韶山,一代伟人毛泽东同志的故乡,距长沙104公里。韶山凭借独特的政治优势,现已开发成为一个新兴的旅游城市。主要景区有毛泽东同志故居,主席曾在这里度过了17个春秋,故居内陈列着主席当年用过的物品。1993年中央电视台经念主席诞辰一百周年文艺晚会“人间正道是沧桑”正是在这里举行;滴水洞,1996年主席最后一次回到韶山,于6月17日-6月28日在滴水洞一号楼住了十一天,他在给江青一封信中谓这为“西方的一个山洞”。滴水洞景区地形为一峡谷,风景秀丽,山青水秀,北为虎歇坪,南为龙头山,一股清泉自山顶泻流而下,的确让人感汉风水不凡;铜像广场,为纪念主席百年诞辰而建,铜像高10.1米,重3.7吨,取自主席在开国大典上的形象,底座上有江泽民同志的亲笔题词。

烈士公园 该园建于1950年。园中央的烈士纪念塔高耸挺拔,雄伟壮观;塔内奠堂庄严肃穆,四周苍蓊翠柏,郁郁葱葱。园内建有各种楼台亭阁、湖园、水榭。湖南民俗村汇集我省土家族、苗族、侗族、瑶族、白族等少数民族的村寨景点,建筑精湛,景色迷人,风景奇特。


地址:长沙市太平街19号 电话:(0731)2272799 爱晚亭 系清代建古亭,正面额悬朱色鎏金“爱晚亭”匾,系1952年毛泽东同志题。是岳麓山有名的景观区,也是重要的革命纪念地。毛泽东、蔡和森等年轻时代常来此进行革命活动。爱晚亭在海内外均负有盛誉。被誉为全国四大名亭之一。


长沙黑麋峰森林公园 长沙黑麋峰森林公园位于望城县桥驿镇,距长沙市区仅19公里,以洞阳古刹而闻名,是长沙佛教四大名山之一,道家列入“三十六洞天福地”之中。公园方圆近41平方公里,风景秀美,气候宜人,是集旅游、避暑、疗养于一体和休闲旅游胜地。

旅游热线电话:8430038 订房热线:8430068 长沙三国吴简暨历年出土文物精品展1996年出土的长沙三国吴简,被誉为“世纪性”考古新发现。本展览被评为全国97年全国十大文物精品展。


家 润 多 超 市 有 限 公 司



公司站在战略发展高度,确立了五年内在全国部分地区设立15家分店,年营业额超50亿元的战略规划。朝阳店地址:长沙市人民路九号 车站店地址:长沙火车站阿波罗商业广场一楼

热线电话:0731-4157408 传真:0731-4157406 招商热线:0731-4137448 4138448(转)























原来爱晚亭中置《二南诗刻》。宣统三年(1911年)程颂万以罗典调鹤的逸事,书“放鹤”二字,又录张南轩(张)《青枫峡诗》及钱南园(钱澧)《九日岳麓诗》并刻于石。石呈方形,文刻四周。张 的《青枫峡诗》:“扶疏古木矗危梯,开始如今几摄提?还有石桥容客坐,仰看兰若与云齐。风生阴壑方鸣籁,日烈尘寰正望霓。从此上山君努力,瘦藤今日得同携。”钱澧的《九日岳麓诗》:“雨歇江平政亦闲,相寻故事一登山。红萸黄菊有深味,碧涧丹崖俱净颜。北海碑看落照里,南轩座接清风间。归欤且住穷幽兴,细数林鸦几队还。”现《二南诗刻》移存在爱晚亭西北侧之青枫亭内。


烈 士 墓 群


蔡锷墓.蔡锷墓庐 蔡锷墓在麓山寺和白鹤泉的后上方,在黄兴墓的正下方,占地面积1620平方米,为岳麓山大型墓葬之一。墓地围有石墙,四周广种松柏,庄严肃穆,令人起敬。墓为圆形石墓,上竖方碑,通高9.1,碑的东向嵌有紫铜镌刻的碑文:“蔡公松坡上墓”。墓塔四周砌石栏,嵌有汉白玉石或青石栏板,镌刻有当时湖南、湖北、江西、贵州、广西、广东、热河、察哈尔等省省长兼督军所献铭文。

蔡锷(1882-1916)原名 寅,字松波,湖南邵阳人,13岁中秀才,15岁入时务学堂,深得梁启超器重,得梁教益甚多,积极参加南学会活动。1898年被选拔赴日学,因戊戌政变未能成行,后以梁启超荐入东京大同学校,习政治和商务。1900年,唐才常组织自力军,发动反清起义,蔡锷辍学回国相助。起义失败,唐才常罹难,蔡锷写下“前后谭唐殉公义,国民终古哭浏阳。湖湘人杰销沉未,敢谕吾辈尚足匡”的诗句,再次渡日深造,决心习军事以推翻帝制,并改名锷,以示投笔从戎之志,乃进成城学校、陆军士官学校习陆军。1904年学成回国,在江西、湖南任教练处帮办、教官。1905年登岳麓山,写下“苍苍云树直参天,万水千山拜眼前。环顾中原谁是主,从容骑马上峰巅”的诗句。1905年夏,任广西协统,后至云南。辛亥武昌起义,蔡锷立即响应,领导云南“重九起义”,被推为云南军政府都督。袁世凯窃国,调蔡至京委以高民,拉拢腐蚀。蔡不为所诱,逃出京都回云南,组织“护国军”,通电独立,发动讨袁,为粉碎袁氏“洪宪”皇帝迷梦作出了卓越贡献。蔡锷久患喉疾,转战中不及治疗,乃至恶化,1916年11月8日病逝于日本福冈,年仅34岁。蔡锷灵柩于1917年元旦运回长沙,4月12日国葬于岳麓山。


黄兴墓 黄兴墓们于岳麓山云麓峰北侧小月亮坪,沿云麓宫后东侧支路北行可直达墓前半圆坪,亦可由蔡锷墓上山。黄兴墓为岳麓山上最大的墓葬,占在面积1913.6平方米,在蔡锷墓正上方,地势高亢,视野开阔,雄风独占。由墓前的半圆坪登200余石级可达墓区,墓区四周以石柱、铁栏围护。墓上建有方形墓塔、墓碑,墓碑以整块花岗岩琢成四棱形,通高11米,昂然矗立,似利剑一柄直插云天,象征黄公的伟大。墓碑东向镶嵌紫铜墓碑,镌刻“黄公克强之墓”碑文。登岳麓山者无不到此瞻仰。

黄兴墓庐 黄兴墓右下0.5公里处有黄兴墓庐,为一曲尺形琉璃瓦楼房,依山临池,有围墙大门。门联:“血染黄花,魂归岳麓;名垂青史,首建中华”。墓庐设陈列室,门联曰:“一代勋名昭国史,千秋浩气壮名山。”厅内陈列黄兴生平事迹,墓庐陈列室侧有茶馆,可供游人休憩。


The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha

Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Changsha museum.We’ll be here to visit “The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha and The Years of Unearthed Most Valuable Cultural Relics”.I hope my explanation can satisfy you!

Now, we are in the first exhibition hall.Here, it adopts panoramic technique, and restores the site of unearthing Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom.In 1996, during July to November, in the southeast of Wu Yi square, team up with ping He Tang Department.The exhumations were carried on by Changsha relics work teams.They unearth 61 archaic wells during the Warring States period and the Ming and Qing Dynasty, and found out 3000 kinds of relics, like copper, iron bamboo, wood, ceramics, and so on.To people’s astonishment, in the No.22 archaic well, they found lots of bamboo tablets and wooden slips.After confirming, they are the relics of Sun Wu in Three kingdoms 1700 years ago.These patches of relics would replenish the lacked historical materials of three kingdoms exactly.Our country once had four discoveries: The oracle bone inscription of Yin, bamboo tablets and wooden slips of Tunxu in northwest China, Cultural books of Dunhuang stone room, Files of Qing cabinet.Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha can be mentioned in the same breath with the four discoveries, and become the searching subject of international academia.Everybody!please look at the cross section reconstruction of the NO.22 archaic well.Its upper part of opening was damaged when it was excavating.This is an irregular circular shape vertical shaft;the bottom has a bag form likely.The opening of the well has a length 3.5 m from south to north, 3.1 m from east to west, and 5.6 m in depth.The opening is covered with pure red brown color clay, 1.5 m deeper of which is the bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer.The bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer is 50 cm thick in center and 20 cm thin on all sides, piled up with slope form.The ropes tied the bamboo tablets and wooden slips have become rotten, but we can see they were buried by bundles at that time.There are more than 10,000 pieces of bamboo tablets and wooden slips by the initial statistics.The second layer is the gray brown clay layer of 3.1 m thick, among them mix up with lots of bamboo wood scrapes, grass scrapes, leaves, fragmentary bricks, pottery and porcelain and so on.At the bottom of the well is another small well, which has square wooden frame.The four corners are nailed by a stick of spile inlayed with two wooden boards as the well wall.The circle of the well is 93 cm long, 58 cm tall.The function of this small well is probably for gathering the groundwater from all sides of the well, and then put forward to pour out with water pitcher and other tools in order to maintain the well space dry.This is the living photo taken by the time of excavating.Analyzing the structure and relics of the well NO.22, it is an ancient well for storing food.The climate of Changsha is so hot, wet and rainy that the food is easy to be rot, but the circumstance under the ground of 10 m depth is just like as a modern refrigerator.The archaeological discoveries approved that people had used this storing method from the time of Shang dynasty.You may ask that, why were the bamboo tablets of Wu Kingdom buried in the well? There are two statements.The first one considered that in the period of Three Kingdoms, there were so many wars, the suddenly burst-out war made people bury them here in a hurry.The other considered that to bury them in the well may be a way of dealing with the records in the past.Now please look at the photo.This is the photo of unearthing the No.22 well.We can see that the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the mud.Why can they be kept intact for over 1700 years? One of the important reasons is that the ground water level in Changsha was very high, and the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the water.Besides, they were buried deeply;they can be sealed up wall.With these, they can be kept intact for over 1700 years.Next, let's visit the second exhibition room.In this room we can get the detailed introduction of the bamboo tablets and wooden slips.Before we visit, I have a question to ask.Do you know whether the words on the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were written or carved on them? With the question, let's look at the photo of the pottery figurine.This pottery figurine was unearthed in a Western Jin tomb in Jinpenling in Changsha in 1950s.On the left of the photo there is a man handing a wooden slip and reading something, the man on the right who were holding a hair pencil in a hand and a wooden slip in the other was writing something.The pottery figurine shows us the condition of ancients writing on the bamboo tablets and wooden slips.Now, we can say, the word on the bamboo tablets and slips were written on them.Did you guess it?

To see another set of photos.This is a hair pencil unearthed from one of the tombs of the Warring State at Zuojiagong Mountain of Changsha in 1954.Its shaft is long and small but easy to be broken.On the side of it there is a bamboo pipe used for containing the pen when it is collected and preserved.This is an ink stone with little ink blocks near it.Here also remains a bronze chopping knife which is used for the calligrapher to make inscribed bamboo and wooden slips and correct writing mistakes.This is a set of photos of calligraphy tools discovered in No.168 Tomb in Jinan city of former capital of Chu State.In addition to this, there are 6 pieces of wooden slips without character.This is also the most complete and most typical set of Han Dynasty’s stationery ever seen up to now.Uniting our ancient people calculates the number of the inscribed bamboo tablets and wooden slips are not “slice”, but “jin”.It is recorded in history that the 1st emperor of Qin Dynasty did not have a rest until he finished reading over 120 jin of memorial to throne and inscribed bamboo and wooden slips.please notice the following brief tablet about information of the inscribed bamboo and wooden slips unearthed from all parts of the nation from this century.Among this, the column in red character is the number of the inscribed bamboo and wooden slips excavated from Changsha this time.The number this time has exceeded the total amount of that unearthed from all parts of the nation these years.Therefore, it is named as “the surprising wonder of the world”and “one of the most important archaeological discoveries of this century.”

It is well known that document history in the Three Kingdom period handed down is very rare.”The Annals of Three Kingdom”by Chenshou in Xijin has 65 volumes, among which there are 30 volumes of Wei Book, 15 volumes of Shu Book, 20 volumes of Wu Book with total of more than 1 million characters.Over the years, the unearthed inscribed bamboo slips and wooden tablets in nationwide archaeology is also rarely seen and only exist tens of pieces in Anhui, Jiangxi and Hubei.But nowadays in Changsha, the total number of the excavation of the inscribed bamboo from Wu State in Three Kingdom period reaches 10 thousand pieces for just one time and the total wordage reaches more than 3 million if counted with 20 words in each piece.These character materials greatly surpass the total wordage in that of the “Annals of Three Kingdom”, which offers abundant material for the study of social economy, political system, inscribed bamboo and volume system, history and geography and also fill the vacancy of historic works.We can forecast that the discovery of inscribed bamboo slips from Wu State in Changsha will surely influence many aspects of the Chinese historic study and anew examining and verifying the past final conclusion.Well, let us have a look at this map.Though the series archaeological excavation around the “Wuyi square ”by our archaeological workers, we have preliminarily defined the region of the ancient Changsha.It extends northward to “Lao Zhaobi ”, southward to “pozi Street”, eastward to “Cai’e Road”and westward to “Shanghe Street”which shaped rectangle.And the center of Changsha is today’s “Wuyi Square, which, we can say, hasn’t changed basically nearly 3000years.The unearthed inscribed bamboo slips and wooden tablets for this time, if according to their shape, they can be distributed to big and small inscribed bamboo slips, wooden tablets and so on;if according to their use, they can be distributed to five kinds:

The first kind is document.It can be subdivided into two parts.One is the land rent document with 0.5m long, 2.5cm wide and 100 to 200 Chinese characters on.The other is the official document which recorded the distribution and exchanging of money, crops, and goods among different governmental setups.please look at this smaller slice.It is a classified label.It shows us a monthly report recorded by two officials named Huang Wei and pan lv in the first year of Jia He period.Second, about judicature, which recorded some detail contents and economic cases, such as the trying, appealing and reexamining? What's on this wooden tablet is an individual case about a Du You.Du You is a kind of government official.He was sentenced to death for his corruptness of salt, but he was not convinced and appealed to a high court.However, the reexamining did not make the judge change.So he had nothing to do but accept.The third kind is directory, somewhat like the household and registered books today.Let's look at this slice.Here the Chinese character “Rong Li”was a name of some place in Changsha.This whole sentence means there is a man named He Qin, 55 years old, lived in Rong Li.His dukedom is Gong Cheng.And here “Suan Yi” means can be counted as one of a taxpayer;“ Xing Liang Zu” refers to whose legs had been cut off.The directory served as a registered permanent resident, which put down people's name, age, position and something we can't find in our registered permanent resident---physical condition.The fourth one is calling card.It mainly referred to paying respect, giving gift and administrative affairs, as visiting cards we use today.The last kind is the wooden tablet on account which recorded the managing account of departments belongs to Changsha government.please look at these historical relics again.This blue and green porcelain in the Three Kingdoms and Tow Jin Dynasties were discovered in ZouMalou ancient well.Look, their glazed colors is sparking and crystal-clear, the decorate are simple and element.The second among them is called “Chichen-Head potting”, the potting is coronal form, guides the neck and proceeded high, and the modeling of it is very beautiful.These potting were very popular in Jin Dynasty.They were used as pitcher and chalice.Everybody has seen many photos, has listened to so much explanation, now we come to see the original of the bamboo slips, wooden tablets or slips for writing.Now, you see in the pyramid shape exhibition cupboard, it is a bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips original that explored in Zoumalou in the ancient well of the building this time.The bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips are the material that the ancient remains of our country come down to write.Among them the narrow and long bamboo, the wood chips are called “Jian”, the generous wood chips called “Du”.You must distinguish one from the other, not wood make are named “Du”, what bamboo make named “Jian”.Jian has the wooden one, too.Ok, the right side of I there set some inscribed wooden tablets, the middle are heavy inscribed wooden slips.In the left, they are bamboo slips that pressed under the transparent glass.The characters on the bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips are simple and clear.It's easily can be distinguished.The script is the transition from Lishu to Regular script.These kinds of inscribed wooden slips and inscribed wooden tablets are made in shirt woods.The quality of these trees is pre-pressing.It is intact to keep.The raw materials of inscribed bamboo slips is bamboo whose quality is loose, apt and crooked and out of shape, so it in displaying and need press when exhibiting.The ancients have several procedures to make the bamboo slips.First, they cut the bamboo into bamboo slips, and then burnished them in order to make them smooth, these smooth slips called “Jian”.But people could not write on the wet bamboo slips.Then, they roasted dry the wet bamboo slips.While roasting, there was some water steaming out.The water looked like sweet, so people called those “Sweet Qing”or “Sha Qing”.The “Guo Ling Ding Yang”of Wen Tianxiang said that “Since ancient times, who has no death? Remaining sincere heart to finish ‘Sweet Qing’.Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha has very strong historical value, article value and scientific value, so the provincial leaders, city leaders and related experts decided to set up an exhibition of bamboo tablets and wooden slips.


The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha Ladies and gentlemen,Welcome to Changsha museum.Well be here to visit “The Exhibition of Inscribed Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha and The Years of Unearthed Most Valuable Cultural Relics”.I hope my explanation can satisfy you!

Now, we are in the first exhibition hall.Here, it adopts panoramic technique, and restores the site of unearthing Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom.In 1996, during July to November, in the southeast of Wu Yi square, team up with ping He Tang Department.The exhumations were carried on by Changsha relics work teams.They unearth 61 archaic wells during the

Warring States period and the Ming and Qing Dynasty, and found out 3000 kinds of relics, like copper, iron bamboo, wood, ceramics, and so on.To people’s astonishment, in the No.22 archaic well, they found lots of bamboo tablets and wooden

slips.After confirming, they are the relics of Sun Wu in Three kingdoms 1700 years ago.These patches of relics would replenish the lacked historical materials of three kingdoms exactly.Our country once had four discoveries: The oracle bone inscription of Yin, bamboo tablets and wooden slips of Tunxu in northwest China, Cultural books of Dunhuang stone room, Files of Qing cabinet.Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha can be mentioned in the same breath with the four discoveries, and become the searching subject of international academia.Everybody!please look at the cross section reconstruction of the NO.22 archaic well.Its upper part of opening was damaged when it was excavating.This is an irregular circular shape vertical shaft;the bottom has a bag form likely.The opening of the well has a length 3.5 m from south to north, 3.1 m from east to west, and 5.6 m in depth.The opening is covered with pure red brown color clay, 1.5 m deeper of which is the bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer.The bamboo tablets and wooden slips layer is 50 cm thick in center and 20 cm thin on all sides, piled up with slope form.The ropes tied the bamboo tablets and wooden slips have become rotten, but we can see they were buried by bundles at that time.There are more than 10,000 pieces of bamboo tablets and wooden slips by the initial statistics.The second layer is the gray brown clay layer of 3.1 m thick, among them mix up

with lots of bamboo wood scrapes, grass scrapes, leaves, fragmentary bricks, pottery and porcelain and so on.At the bottom of the well is another small well, which has square wooden frame.The four corners are nailed by a stick of spile inlayed with two wooden boards as the well wall.The circle of the well is 93 cm long, 58 cm tall.The function of this small well is probably for gathering the groundwater from all sides of the well, andthen put forward to pour out with water pitcher and other tools in order to maintain the well space dry.This is the living photo taken by the time of excavating.Analyzing the structure and relics of the well NO.22, it is an ancient well for storing food.The climate of Changsha is so hot, wet and rainy that the food is easy to be rot, but the circumstance under the ground of 10 m depth is just like as a modern refrigerator.The archaeological discoveries approved that people had used this storing method from the time of Shang dynasty.You may ask that, why were the bamboo tablets of Wu Kingdom buried in the well? There are two statements.The first one considered that in the period of Three Kingdoms, there were so many wars, the suddenly burst-out war made people bury them here in a hurry.The other considered that to bury them in the well may be a way of dealing with the records in the past.Now please look at the photo.This is the photo of unearthing the No.22 well.We can see that the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the mud.Why can they be kept intact for over 1700 years? One of the important reasons is that the ground water level in Changsha was very high, and the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were soaked in the water.Besides, they were buried deeply;they can be sealed up wall.With these, they can be kept intact for over 1700 years.Next, let’s visit the second exhibition room.In this room we can get the detailed introduction of the bamboo tablets and wooden slips.Before we visit, I have a question to ask.Do you know whether the words on the bamboo tablets and wooden slips were written or carved on them? With the question, let’s look at the photo of the pottery figurine.This pottery figurine was unearthed in a Western Jin tomb in Jinpenling in Changsha in 1950s.On the left of the photo there is a man handing a wooden slip and reading something, the man on the right who were holding a hair pencil in a hand and a wooden slip in the other was writing something.The pottery figurine shows us the condition of ancients writing on the bamboo tablets and wooden slips.Now, we can say, the word on the bamboo tablets and slips were written on them.Did you guess it?

To see another set of photos.This is a hair pencil unearthed from one of the tombs of the Warring State at Zuojiagong Mountain of Changsha in 1954.Its shaft is long and small but easy to be broken.On the side of it there is a bamboo pipe used for containing the pen when it is collected and preserved.This is an ink stone with little ink blocks near it.Here also remains a bronze chopping knife which is used for the calligrapher to make inscribed bamboo and wooden slips and correct writing mistakes.This is a set of photos of calligraphy tools discovered in No.168 Tomb in Jinan city of former capital of Chu State.In addition to this, there are 6 pieces of wooden slips without character.This is also the most complete and most typical set of Han Dynasty’s stationery ever seen up to now.Uniting our ancient people calculates the number of the inscribed bamboo tablets and wooden slips are not “slice”, but “jin”.It is recorded in history that the 1st emperor of Qin Dynasty did not have a rest until he finished reading over 120 jin of memorial to throne and inscribed bamboo and wooden slips.please notice the following brief tablet about information of the inscribed bamboo and wooden slips unearthed from all parts of the nation from this century.Among this, the column in red character is the number of the inscribed bamboo and wooden slips excavated from Changsha this time.The number this time has exceeded the total amount of that unearthed from all parts of the nation these years.Therefore, it is named as “the surprising wonder of the world”and “one of the most important archaeological discoveries of this century.”

It is well known that document history in the Three Kingdom period handed down is very rare.”The Annals of Three Kingdom”by Chenshou in Xijin has 65 volumes, among which there are 30 volumes of Wei Book, 15 volumes of Shu Book, 20 volumes of Wu Book with total of more than 1 million characters.Over the years, the unearthed inscribed bamboo slips and wooden tablets in nationwide archaeology is also rarely seen and only exist tens of pieces in Anhui, Jiangxi and Hubei.But nowadays in Changsha, the total number of the excavation of the inscribed bamboo from Wu State in Three Kingdom period reaches 10 thousand pieces for just one time and the total wordage reaches more than 3 million if counted with 20 words in each piece.These character materials greatly surpass the total wordage in that of the “Annals of Three Kingdom”, which offers abundant material for the study of social economy, political system, inscribed bamboo and volume system, history and geography and also fill the vacancy of historic works.We can forecast that the discovery of inscribed bamboo slips from Wu State in Changsha will surely influence many aspects of the Chinese historic study and anew examining and verifying the past final conclusion.Well, let us have a look at this map.Though the series archaeological excavation around the “Wuyi square ”by our archaeological workers, we have preliminarily defined the region of the ancient Changsha.It extends northward to “Lao Zhaobi ”, southward to “pozi Street”, eastward to “Cai’e Road”and westward to “Shanghe Street”which shaped rectangle.And the center of Changsha is today’s “Wuyi Square, which, we can say, hasn’t changed basically nearly 3000years.The unearthed inscribed bamboo slips and wooden tablets for this time, if according to their shape, they can be distributed to big and small inscribed bamboo slips, wooden tablets and so on;if according to their use, they can be distributed to five kinds:

The first kind is document.It can be subdivided into two parts.One is the land rent document with 0.5m long, 2.5cm wide and 100 to 200 Chinese characters on.The other is the official document which recorded the distribution and exchanging of money, crops, and goods among different governmental setups.please look at this smaller slice.It is a classified label.It shows us a monthly report recorded by two officials named Huang Wei and pan lv in the first year of Jia He period.Second, about judicature, which recorded some detail contents and economic cases, such as the trying, appealing and reexamining? What’s on this wooden tablet is an individual case about a Du You.Du You is a kind of government official.He was sentenced to death for his corruptness of salt, but he was not convinced and appealed to a high court.However, the reexamining did not make the judge change.So he had nothing to do but accept.The third kind is directory, somewhat like the household and registered books today.Let’s look at this slice.Here the Chinese character “Rong Li”was a name of some place in Changsha.This whole sentence means there is a man named He Qin, 55 years old, lived in Rong Li.His dukedom is Gong Cheng.And here “Suan Yi” means can be counted as one of a taxpayer;“ Xing Liang Zu” refers to whose legs had been cut off.The directory served as a registered permanent resident, which put down people’s name, age, position and something we can’t find in our registered permanent resident---physical condition.The fourth one is calling card.It mainly referred to paying respect, giving gift and administrative affairs, as visiting cards we use today.The last kind is the wooden tablet on account which recorded the managing account of departments belongs to Changsha government.please look at these historical relics again.This blue and green porcelain in the Three Kingdoms and Tow Jin Dynasties were discovered in ZouMalou ancient well.Look, their glazed colors is sparking and crystal-clear, the decorate are simple and element.The second among them is called “Chichen-Head potting”, the potting is coronal form, guides the neck and proceeded high, and the modeling of it is very beautiful.These potting were very popular in Jin Dynasty.They were used as pitcher and chalice.Everybody has seen many photos, has listened to so much explanation, now we come to see the original of the bamboo slips, wooden tablets or slips for writing.Now, you see in the pyramid shape exhibition cupboard, it is a bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips original that explored in Zoumalou in the ancient well of the building this time.The bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips are the material that the ancient remains of our country come down to write.Among them the narrow and long bamboo, the wood chips are called “Jian”, the generous wood chips called “Du”.You must distinguish one from the other, not wood make are named “Du”, what bamboo make named “Jian”.Jian has the wooden one, too.Ok, the right side of I there set some inscribed wooden tablets, the middle are heavy inscribed wooden slips.In the left, they are bamboo slips that pressed under the transparent glass.The characters on the bamboo slips and wooden tablets or slips are simple and clear.It’s easily can be distinguished.The script is the transition from Lishu to Regular script.These kinds of inscribed wooden slips and inscribed wooden tablets are made in shirt woods.The quality of these trees is pre-pressing.It is intact to keep.The raw materials of inscribed bamboo slips is bamboo whose quality is loose, apt and crooked and out of shape, so it in displaying and need press when exhibiting.The ancients have several procedures to make the bamboo slips.First, they cut the bamboo into bamboo slips, and then burnished them in order to make them smooth, these smooth slips called “Jian”.But people could not write on the wet bamboo slips.Then, they roasted dry the wet bamboo slips.While roasting, there was some water steaming out.The water looked like sweet, so people called those “Sweet Qing”or “Sha Qing”.The “Guo Ling Ding Yang”of Wen Tianxiang said that “Since ancient times, who has no death? Remaining sincere heart to finish ‘Sweet Qing’.Bamboo Tablets of Wu Kingdom of the Three Kingdoms at Changsha has very strong historical value, article value and scientific value, so the provincial leaders, city leaders and related experts decided to set up an exhibition of bamboo tablets and wooden slips.








乐器下面请大家参观出土的乐器。一号墓中出土有完整的25弦的瑟,22管的竽和12支竽律管。三号墓除了出土的瑟、竽之外,还出土了七弦瑟和竹笛等。下面我重点介绍一下竽和竽律两种乐器。一号墓出土的竽用竹木制成。由竽斗、竽嘴和22根竽管所组成。竿斗和竽嘴用木制;竽管由刮去表皮的竹管做成,长短不一,分两排插在竽斗内,并用多道篾箍固定。它是专为死者制作的明器。各位游客请看,与竽同出土的还有竽律一套,共12管,用竹管制成。均装在一个用乘云绣和黄绢缝制的长方形竽律袋内,每管一个小袋。各管均中空无底,律管下部书有十二律吕的名称。它也是明器。竽律在古代文献中没发现有记载。它的发掘,使我们首次看到了古代竽律的形制,是很有意义的。朋友们再请看,三号墓中也出土有一件竽,是实用器。它尚有四种折叠管,共23支。每支管上有出气孔和按孔,管内有簧片,簧片上还有银白色的“点簧”,以控制音高。这是世界管乐器中使用簧片最早的实物之 一,为我国古代音乐史的研究提供了可靠的史料。竽的出土,使我们很自然地想起了历史上有名的“南郭处士吹竽”的故事和由此而形成的“滥竽充数”著名成语。




一件云纹漆鼎,在一号墓出土时,考古人员发现漆鼎中的水面上漂浮着一层莲藕片。挖掘时 满片因遇空气加上在起取过程中不可避免地荡动,藕片已全部溶解于水中了。地质工作者认为:这一现象说明二千一百年以来,长沙地区没有发生过大的地震。否则,藕片会被震荡,早已沉于水中了。在这里陈列的很多盛食器具中,您可以看到吉祥颂语,如“君幸酒”、“君幸食”等,意思是请您喝酒,请您享用美食。各位游客,至此我们看完了一展厅的周围部分,现在请大家进入中心处的内厅。







马王堆汉墓的棺椁埋得很深,四周上下还有大量的填塞物,依次为:木炭、白膏泥、夯土层、白膏泥、封土等五层。其中木炭每墓有一万多斤,填塞在木椁的四周,主要用于防潮。在木炭的外面是厚度达一米多的 白膏泥。白膏泥是用来塑造瓷器的瓷土,即不太纯净的高岭土,它黏性强,可塑性好,渗透性极低,是很好的防渗漏材料。白膏泥以上的填土又都被夯整夯实。这就造成了一个完全密封的环境。起到了隔氧、隔光、隔潮和相对恒湿的作用。加上长沙地壳稳定,使墓中的文物和女尸能完整地保存下来,得以在今天重现于世。马王堆汉墓出土文物就介绍到这里,谢谢大家的合作!




【经典导游词】各位朋友: 大家好!欢迎来湖南观光旅游!“我欲因之梦寥廓,芙蓉国里尽朝晖。”湖南是伟人毛泽东的故乡。这里山水秀绝、历史悠久、文化深厚,可谓是物华天宝、人杰地灵。






“大江东去,浪淘尽,千古风流人物。”翻开湖南历史,又有多少湖南才俊在中国的历史文化长河 中“到中流击水,浪遏飞舟”呢?古代的湖南被称为“南蛮”的蛮荒之地,从战国起就成了罪将逐臣的流放地。然而,正是这些有罪之臣的到来给湖南带来了宝贵的文化财富。屈原被贬湖南沅澧流域多年,创“骚体”,有《离骚》、《九歌》、《天问》问世,开创文化史上之先河。宋玉放逐临澧40年,继承了“辞”这一文学形式,并将其发扬光大。西汉贾谊被贬长沙4年,撰《吊屈原赋》、《鹏鸟赋》,开汉赋之先河。唐代柳宗元、刘禹锡被贬湖南,也在这里找到了创作的源泉。柳宗元有《封建论》、《天说》、《永州八记》问世;刘禹锡完成了著名政论文《天论》,并独创《竹枝词》,开一代诗歌新风。






















长沙物产丰富,素有“鱼米之乡”、“花炮之乡”、“湘绣之乡”、“陶器之乡”、“有色金属之乡”的美 3 誉。这里自古商贸繁荣,历史上就是中国四大茶市、四大米市、五大陶都之一。富饶的物产造就了长沙独具特色的饮食文化。湘菜、小吃,用料考究,制作精良。



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