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教育 艾迪 英国留学 英国大学 个人陈述

Personal Statement(个人陈述,简称PS)的写作是英国留学申请当中技术含量较高的一环,要到位地描述自己是一件很难的事情。


Sociology personal statement

Society’s dynamics affect every aspect of our lives, from the seemingly trivial to those of utmost importance.Sociology is vital as it helps to inform politics with the latest trends in crime, poverty, education and culture determining government policy, therefore, sociology becomes integral to my life completely.The essential nature of sociology means I feel a powerful urge to study it more.Marxism, as a key perspective, when discussing the application of sociology in our society, has appealed to me in realising the ways in which a particular social institution acts or is used to benefit capitalism.The recognition that capitalism is used to create an ideological state has inspired me to research further the idea that„ “Capital is dead labour, which, vampire-like, lives only by sucking living labour, and lives the more, the more labour it sucks.” What interests me in studying this subject is the idea that other perspectives will influence my thinking, as I don’t have fixed ideals, but am keen to absorb many.I have enjoyed Methodologies particularly researchers such as Milgram and his study of obedience, James Patrick, a ‘Glasgow gang observed’ and Lord Humphrey’s ‘tearoom trade’.These studies have inspired me to generate my own research in order to discover the latest trends and patterns in modern society associated with a capitalist perspective.Although producing a piece of primary data is difficult, especially due to time and cost, the determination of finding the empirical evidence drives me to success.University will provide me with an opportunity not only for extending my educational knowledge into the subject area but also pursuing my personal interests into societies which the university offers.Activities such as swimming and dance are sports I would certainly choose to participate in and I would be keen to have a voice on the student union.Previous experiences with different peer groups through being a dance and special needs reading mentor and work experience in a primary school have assisted me in relating to others from different ages and family backgrounds.The study of psychology that I’ve so much enjoyed at A-level shows my development of a sociological imagination;adding to my enthusiasm into exploring human behaviour within society.I am passionately involved in dog obedience training which together with badminton are activities I would love to pursue at university.I feel they help to improve many key skills I have to offer including independence, leadership and socialising.These personal strengths have also matured through extra-curricular activities such as the Young Enterprise Scheme where a Human Resources position became my responsibility for one year.Not only did we create a successful product and generate profit, but as a team we also acquired a place at the County Finals for being an exceptional company.Regular participation in charity work, such as the yearly McMillan Cancer Relief coffee morning and charity dog competitions have increased my awareness of others and improved my means of organisation and I would enjoy becoming involved with a range of inspirational activities such as these within university.I am a committed and reliable student who is passionate about her work and I feel that university will become the ideal environment in which my studies and I will be able to expand in order for me to thrive as a person.The prospects of a challenging and demanding degree course motivate me towards success and create the foundations for a triumphant future 留学个人陈述是申请英国留学文书中的重要组成部分,在硬件条件相当的申请人相互竞争时,提供一份令人印象深刻、能表现申请人个人特质的留学个人陈述无疑能为申请加分。下面是一份成功申请到英国牛津大学商科的留学个人陈述,大家一起来看看作者的写作有何值得借鉴的地方吧!

Since a very young ageI have always dreamed of wearing a suit to work.I don't know what it was, but I guess I just identified all these men as being the real players in the worldthe lawyers, entrepreneurs and accountantsMastering the Challenges of International Business, by Dr J.Joseph Kim, CEO of VGX pharmaceuticals.During a simulation global summit I represented France, and was appointed to the digital divide, e-commerce and free trade commissions, where I advocated the view of protectionism.Throughout both of these conferences I spoke in front of hundreds of other scholars, which, by the end, felt perfectly natural and comfortable.These valuable experiences gave me an invaluable insight into the running of governments and their regulating businesses as well as allowing me to further advance my public speaking skills.I have also been appointed the role of head prefect – which entailed an ISCO head prefect training course-and member of the student council in my school, and lend a hand in managing and working in our school tuck shop, which have all helped hone my management abilities.Whilst all of these provided me with excellent skills, over the summer I had the privilege to gain work experience from one of the leading law firms in Europe and the largest and most highly regarded in Spain – Garrigues.This allowed me to gain insight into how an international company is run and managed.This also demonstrated to me what it is like to work as a lawyer in a large firm and educated me on the different parts of law and what they entail and allowed me to use my near-fluent Spanish in a work environment.The department I found most interesting was that of civil law – more specifically, litigation.I was brought to a court in order to view a labour dispute, which I found extremely interesting.


如何写好一篇好的个人陈述呢? 个人陈述是申请过程中的一个重要组成部分,为的就是给招生官留下深刻的印象,让招生官认为我们就是他们要找的人。那么如何写好一篇好的个人陈述呢?应该怎么做呢?


















Personal Statement(951 words)

“I SWEAR by Apollo the physician, and Aesculapius, and Health,…” Six years ago, at the registration hall of *** Medical School, *** University, a bunch of fresh students held the Hippocratic oath and repeated each sentence, with fists clenched.I was among them.Today, after long-term study and exploration, I am determined to dedicate my life to neuroscience, a mystery-hidden, while challenging field of science.In college, I enjoyed myself in the realm of medical knowledge and laid a solid academic foundation in clinical medicine.My overall GPA 3.63 ranked me among the top 2% of about 640 students in my department.Due to my excellent performance, you would find the attached CV ripe with numerous scholarships and honors for every semester.Weaving together a keen interest in academic study and expertly

hands-on experience, I took the internship opportunity at the First Affiliated Hospital of *** University during senior year.It helped me realize that, although modern medical science can solve a great many problems, it remains ineffectual with regard to some maladies, especially the CNS

diseases.The treatment of some diseases, such as stroke and Alzheimer’s disease, has produced results that are far from satisfactory.I came to a conclusion that a genuinely qualified physician should have the ability to probe into the nature of diseases, not merely in possession of the requisite medical knowledge and skills.The year of 2008 marked watershed of my life.Unlike many other

students transitioning to career stage with desirable pay and secured future, I decided to continue in academic field.It was a decision supported by my pure love for research and accompanied by my instructor’s encouragement.I chose to pursue a master’s degree at the Department of Anatomy of *** University, the first university in China that incorporated a Medical School.What fascinated me most was their research program in Injury and Repair of the Nervous System.After one year of course study, I participated in the

project directed by Professor ***, The Experimental and Clinical Research on Injury and Repair of Peripheral Nerves.Significant attention was paid to the cultivation and improvement of experimental skills including

immunohistochemistry, radioimmunoassay, in situ hybridization, electron microscopy technology, etc.On account of my practiced experimental skills and enthusiasm for

scientific research, I was honored to be chosen by Professor ***, Vice Dean of Medical School, as one of the main researchers in his project,Neuro-immunomodulation in Cerebral Ischemia, on which my graduate

thesis was focused.On a quick review on my graduate studies, this could the highest point of excitement.My research aimed to find out the relation between cerebral infarction and the expression of cytokine, explore the

immunoloregulation mechanism of electroacupuncture(EA), and to observe the EA impacts on the level of cytokine.After those sleepless nights on data analysis, I discovered that IL-6 and TNF-αlevels in the brain and serum increased after cerebral ischemia and verified the hypothesis that EA could raise the expression of IL-6 and decrease the expression of TNF-α.This was the beauty of research!The inspiring findings were always wrapped in

unexpected details.Out of this project, I acquired a good knowledge not only about the advanced mental faculties of the human brain but also about the interaction between the nervous system and the immunological system.At the same time, my teamwork ability and the efficiency in real problem solving were greatly enhanced.Meanwhile, another project of Professor ***, Neurobiology of Learning and Memory, also interested me.I participated in this project by getting

involved in numerous experiments.Strange it may appear, long hours in lab rarely exhausted me, but elevated mood instead.I studied the synaptic plasticity and the change of cellular morphology in hippocampal formation during spatial learning and memory.I enjoyed the process of inching ever closer to the final discovery.At first we established animal model by using Morris water maze;then we planned to observe the expression of

synaptophysin and glial fibrillary acidic protein(GFAP)in the hippocampus with immunohistochemical method;moreover, the positive

synaptophysin-immunostaining particles under the subcellular level would be localized with immunoelectronic microscopic technique.It was no accident that I was appointed as the editor of China Journal of Practical Medicine Hygiene as the sole graduate student in the whole editing team.I attributed this great acknowledgement to my four published papers in leading academic journals in China.The more I learn about neuroscience, the more I realize that my knowledge is insufficient to unravel the secrets of the brain.This has

prompted me to seek the most advanced knowledge and expertise at a world top university.*** University is, without doubt, a right place for me to pursue a Ph.D.degree and to fulfill my dream: to become a top neuroscientist in China.Your graduate program deeply fascinates me because the

Department of *****, with distinguished faculty, best-equipped laboratories and nurturing academic atmosphere, plays a leading role in neuroscience research.Furthermore, my special research interests, the treatment of

cerebral ischemic injury and the neural mechanism of learning and memory, are similar to the interests of some professors, such as Dr.***’s research in

“******”, Dr.***’s work in “******”.Nothing has proved more challenging and intriguing to me than in-depth research in projects like that.My motivation to succeed is reflected in my outstanding academic preparation, independent research capability, and vision for the future.These attributes, combined with my defined purpose and willingness to learn about all aspects of neuroscience, will guide my success as a doctoral student at *** University.Upon completing my proposed degree program, I will return to China with a conscious effort to increase the present research level in neuroscience, and use my professional knowledge to help the suffering













































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