The Basic Elements of Appreciating English Poetry 1.What is poetry?
Poetry is the expression of Impassioned feeling in language.―Poetry is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings: it takes its origin from emotion recollected in tranquility.‖
―Poetry, in a general sense, may be defined to be the expression of the imagination.‖ Poetry is the rhythmical creation of beauty.Poetry is the image of man and nature.―诗言志,歌咏言。‖
---艾青:《诗论》 2.The Sound System of English Poetry a.The prosodic features Prosody(韵律)---the study of the rhythm, pause, tempo, stress and pitch features of a language.Chinese poetry is syllable-timed, English poetry is stress-timed.Stress: The prosody of English poetry is realized by stress.One stressed syllable always comes together with one or more unstressed syllables.eg.Tiger, /tiger, /burning /bright
In the /forest /of the/ night,What im/mortal /hand or /eye
Could frame thy/ fearful /symme/try?
Length: it can produce some rhetorical and artistic effect.eg.The curfew tolls the knell of parting day,The lowing herd wind slowly o‘er the lea,The Ploughman homeward plods his weary way,And leaves the world to darkness and to me.---Thomas Gray Long vowels and diphthongs make the poem slow, emotional and solemn;short vowels quick, passionate, tense and exciting.Pause: it serves for the rhythm and musicality of poetry.b.Meter or measure(格律)
poem---stanza/strophe---line/verse---foot---arsis + thesis;Meter or measure refers to the formation way of stressed and unstressed syllables.Four common meters:
a)Iambus;the iambic foot(抑扬格)
eg.She walks/ in beau/ty, like/ the night
Of cloud /less climes/ and star/ry skies;
And all/ that‘s best /of dark/ and bright
Meet in /her as /pect and /her eyes.---Byron b)Trochee;the trochaic foot(扬抑格)
eg.Never /seek to/ tell thy/ love,Love that/ never/ told can/ be.---Blake
c)Dactyl;the dactylic foot(扬抑抑格)
eg.Cannon to/ right of them,Cannon to/ left of them.Cannon in/ front of them,Volley‘d and/ thunder‘d.---Tennyson d)Anapaest;the anapestic foot(抑抑扬格)
eg.Break,/ break, /break,On thy cold /grey stones,/ O sea!
And I would /that my tongue/ could utter
The thought/ that arise /in me.---Tennyson
c)Other meters
Amphibrach, the amphibrachic foot(抑扬抑格);
Spondee, the spondaic foot(扬扬格);
Pyrrhic, the pyrrhic foot(抑抑格);
d)Actalectic foot(完整音步)and Cactalectic foot(不完整音步)
eg.Rich the / treasure,Sweet the / pleasure.(actalectic foot)
Tiger,/ tiger, /burning /bright,In the/ forest/ of the/ night.(cactalectic foot)
e)Types of foot
We have iambic monometer, trochaic tetrameter, iambic pentameter, anapaestic trimeter, etc., when the number of
foot and meter are taken together in a poem.C.Rhyme When two or more words or phrases contain an identical or similar vowel sound, usually stressed, and the consonant sounds that follow the vowel sound are identical and preceded by different consonants, a rhyme
occurs.It can roughly be divided into two types:
internal rhyme and end rhyme Internal rhyme a)alliteration: the repetition of initial identical consonant sounds or any vowel sounds in successive or closely associated syllables, esp.stressed syllables.eg.The fair breeze blew, the white foam flew,The furrow followed free.---Coleridge
I slip, I slide, I gloom, I glance,Among my skinning swallows.---Tennyson
Whereat with blade, with bloody blameful blade,He bravely broached his boiling bloody breast.---Shakespeare
―Consonant cluster‖(辅音连缀)
―internal or hidden alliteration‖(暗头韵)as in
―Here in the long unlovely street‖(Tennyson)
The Scian & the Teian muse,The hero‘s harp, the love‘s lute, Have found the fame your shores refuse.---Byron b)Assonance(腹韵/元音叠韵/半谐音):the repetition of similar or identical vowel sounds in a line ending with different consonant sounds.eg.Do not go gentle into that night
Old age should burn and rave at close of day.Rage, rage against the dying of the light.Though wise men at their end know dark is right,Because their words have forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that night.c)Consonance(假韵): the repetition of the ending consonant sounds with different preceding vowels of two or more words in a line.eg.At once a voice arose among
The bleak twigs overhead
In a full-hearted evensong
Of joy illimited.---Hardy End rhyme: lines in a poem end in similar or identical stressed syllables.a)Perfect rhyme
Perfect rhyme(in two or more words)occurs in the following three conditions:
identical stressed vowel sounds(lie--high, stay--play);
the same consonants after the identical stressed vowels(park--lark, fate--late);
different consonants preceding the stressed vowels(first– burst);
follow—swallow(perfect rhyme)
b)imperfect/ half rhyme: the stressed vowels in two or more words are the same, but the consonant sounds after and preceding are different.eg.fern—bird, faze—late, like—right c)Masculine and feminine rhyme
eg.Sometimes when I‘m lonely,Don‘t know why,Keep thinking I won‘t be lonely
By and by.---Hughes
The comrade of thy wanderings over Heaven,As then, when to outstrip thy skiey speed
Scarce seem‘d a vision;I would ne‘er have striven…
---Shelley Rhyme scheme(韵式)a)Running rhyme scheme(连续韵)
two neighbouring lines rhymed in aa bb cc dd:
eg.Tiger, tiger, burning bright
In the forests of the night,What immortal hand or eye
Could frame thy fearful symmetry?
In what distant deeps or skies
Burnt the fire of thine eyes?
On what wings dare he aspire?
What the hand dare seize the fire?
b)Alternating rhyme scheme(交叉韵)
rhymed every other line in a b a b
c d c d:
eg.Shall I compare thee to a summer‘s day?
Thou art more lovely and more temperate:
Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May,And summer‘s lease hath all too short a date:
c)enclosing rhyme scheme(首尾韵)
In a quatrain, the first and the last rhymed, and the second and the third rhymed in a b b a:
eg.When you are old and gray and full of sleep,And nodding by the fire, take down this book,And slowly read, and dream of the soft look
Your eyes had once, and of their shadows deep;
D.Form of poetry(stanzaic form)
a)couplet: a stanza of two lines with similar end rhymes:
eg.A little learning is a dangerous thing;
Drink deep, or taste not the Pierian Spring.b)heroic couplet: a rhyming couplet of iambic pentameter:
eg.O could I flow like thee, and make thy stream
My great example, as it is my theme:
Then share thy pain, allow that sad relief;
Ah, more than share it, give me all thy grief.---Pope
c)Triplet / tercet: a unit or group of three lines, usu.rhymed
eg.He clasps the crags with crooked hands;
Close to the sun in lonely lands,Ringed with the azure world, he stands.The wrinkled sea beneath him crawls:
He watches from his mountains walls,And like a thunderbolt he falls.---Tennyson
d)quatrain: a stanza of four lines rhymed or unrhymed.eg.O my luve is like a red, red rose,That‘s newly sprung in June;
O my luve is like the melodie
That‘s sweetly play‘d in tune.As fair art thou, my bonie lass,So deep in luve am I;
And I will luve thee still, my dear,Till a‘ the seas gang dry.---Burns
e)Sonnet: a fixed verse form of Italian origin consisting of
lines that are characteristically in iambic pentameter:
The Petrarchan / Italian sonnet(Francesco Petrarch):
two parts: octave, asking question, presenting a problem,or expressing an emotional tension rhyming abba abba;
while the sestet, solving the problem rhyming cde cde,cde cde, or cd cd cd.Shakespearean / English sonnet:
arranged usually into three quatrains and a couplet, rhyming abab cdcd efef gg.The first quatrain introduces
a subject, the second expands, and once more in the third, and concludes in the couplet.Spenserian sonnet: three quatrains and a couplet rhyming abab
Miltonic sonnet: simply an ltalian sonnet that eliminates the pause between the octave and sestet.f)Blank verse: the unrhymed iambic pentameter
eg.To be, or not to be: that is the question:
Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep;
g)Free verse: poetry that is based on irregular rhythmic
cadence of the recurrence, with variations, of phrases,images and syntactical patterns rather than the
conventional use of meter.eg.Days
What are days for?
Days are where we live.They come, they wake us
Time and time over.They are to be happy in
Where can we live but days?
Ah, solving that question
Bring the priest and doctor
In their long coats
Running over the fields.3.The semantic system of English poetry a.The meaning of poetry
Poetry is ―the one permissible way of saying one thing
and meaning another‖.(Frost)
The meaning of a poem usually consists of three levels,that is, the literal(the lowest), the sensory(the medium)
and the emotional(the highest).b.Image---the soul of the meaning in poetry
a)Definition: ―language that evokes a physical sensation
produced by one or more of the five senses---sight,hearing, taste, touch and smell.‖(Kirszner and Mandell)
A literal and concrete representation of a sensory
experience or of an object that can be known by one or
more of the senses.b)Types of images
In terms of senses:
visual image(视觉意象)
---Philip Larkin
auditory image(听觉意象)
olfactory image(嗅觉意象)
tactile image(触觉意象)
gustatory image(味觉意象)
kinaesthetic image(动觉意象)
eg.Spring, the sweet spring, is the year‘s pleasant king,Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing:
Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!
---Thomas Nashe
In terms of the relation between the image and the object: Literal(字面意象)and figurative image(修辞意象)
The former refers to the one that involves no necessary change or extension in the obvious meaning of the words;or the one in which the words call up a sensory representation of the literal object or sensation.The latter is the one that involves a turn on the literal meaning of the words.eg.Let us walk in the white snow
In a soundless space;
With footsteps quiet and slow,At a tranquil pace,Under veils of white lace.---Elinor Wylie
In terms of the readers: fixed and free image(稳定意象和自由意象)
By fixed or tied image, it is the one so employed that its meaning and associational value is the same or nearly the same for all readers.By free image, it is the one not so fixed by the context that its possible meanings or associational values are limited, it is therefore, capable of having various meanings or values for various people.eg.Snake
I saw a young snake glide
Out of the mottled shade
And hang limp on a stone:
A thin mouth, and a tongue
Stayed, in the still air.It turned;it drew away;
Its shadow bent in half;
It quickened and was gone.I felt my slow blood warm.I longed to be that thing,The pure, sensuous form.And I may be, some time.---Theodore Roethke
c)The function of image:
to stimulate readers‘ senses;
to activate readers‘ sensory and emotional experience;
to involve the readers in the creation of poetry with personal and emotional experience;to strike a responsive chord in the hearts of readers;
The fog comes
on little cat feet.It sits looking
over harbor and city
on silent haunches
and then moves on.---Carl Sandberg
eg.Fire and ice
Some say the world will end in fire,Some say in ice.From what I‘ve tasted of desire
I hold with those who favor fire.But if it had to perish twice,I think I know enough of hate
To say that for destruction ice
Is also great
And would suffice.---R.Frost
C.The means of expressing meaning
a)Phonetic devices
A widow bird
eg.A widow bird was mourning for her love
Upon a wintry bough;
The frozen wind crept on above,The freezing stream below
There was no leaf upon the forest bare,No flower upon the ground,And little motion in the air
Except the mill-wheel‘s sound.P.B.Shelley
eg.The little black thing among the snow
Crying ―‘weep, ‘weep‖ in notes of woe!
b)figures of speech
A.comparison: metaphor;simile(tenor 本体 , vehicle 喻体)
E.apostrophe F.synaesthesia(―通感‖或―联觉‖)G.symbolism H.hyperbole I.Allusion(典故)
c)Deviation(变异):the digression from the normal way of
Lexical deviation(self-made words)
Grammatical deviation(slang, vernacular)
Deviation of registers
Deviation of cultural subjects
一 节奏
《东方红》的节奏就是强——弱: 56│2 —│1 16│2 —│5 5│6i 65│1 16│2 —│
《新年好》(HAPPY NEW YEAR)这首儿歌的节奏是强——弱——弱: 11 1 5 │33 3 1│13 5 5 │43 2 —│23 4 4 │32 3 1│13 2 5│72 1 —│
我们知道凡是有两个以上音节的英文单词,都有重读音节与轻读音节之分,在一句话中,根据语法、语调、语意的要求,有些词也要重读,有些要轻读。如he went to town to buy a book..I‟m glad to hear the news.英文中有重读和轻读之分,重读的音节和轻读的音节,按一定模式配合起来,反复再现,组成诗句,听起来起伏跌宕,抑扬顿挫,就形成了诗歌的节奏。多音节单词有重音和次重音,次重音根据节奏既可视为重读,也可视为轻读。读下面这两句诗:
Alone │she cuts │and binds│ the grain, And sings │a me│lancho│ly strain.这两行诗的重读与轻读的固定搭配模式是:轻——重。在每行中再现四次,这样就形成了这两行诗的节奏。某种固定的轻重搭配叫“音步”(foot),相当与乐谱中的“小节”。一轻一重,就是这两行诗的音步。一行诗中轻重搭配出现的次数叫音步数,这两行诗的音步数都是四,所以就称其为四音步诗。
二 常见的音步类型
如果一个音步中有两个音节,前者为轻,后者为重,则这种音步叫抑扬格音步,其专业术语是(iamb, iambic.)。轻读是“抑”,重读是“扬”,一轻一重,故称抑扬格。
英语中有大量的单词,其发音都是一轻一重,如adore, excite, above, around, appear, besides, attack, supply, believe, return等,所以用英语写诗,用抑扬格就很便利。也就是说,抑扬格很符合英语的发音规律。因此,在英文诗歌中用得最多的便是抑扬格,百分之九十的英文诗都是用抑扬格写成的。前面的那两句诗就是抑扬格诗。
如果一个音步中有两个音节,前者为重,后者为轻,则这种音步叫扬抑格音步,其专业术语是(trochee, trochaic.)。重读是“扬”,轻读是“抑”,一重一轻,故称扬抑格。与抑扬格恰好相反。
英语中也有一批其读音为一重一轻的单词,如Happy, many, holy, yonder, headlong, flaming, upper, grandeur, failing等。写扬抑格的诗,此类词正好合适。但这类词在英语中其数量不及前面的那些多,与英文的语言规律不十分吻合,所以扬抑格诗不多。举两句诗例:
Present │mirth has │present │laughter Shakespeare Shake your │chains to │earth like │dew Shelley
抑抑扬格含三个音节,即轻——轻——重,专门术语是:Anapaest, anapaestic 例词:
cavalier, intercede, disbelieve, reappear, disapprove, indistinct, on the hill.例句:
The Assyr│ian came down │like the wolf │on the fold, And his coh│orts were glea│ming in purp│le and gold;And the sheen│ of their spears │was like stars │on the sea, When the blue │waves rolls night│ly on deep │Galilee.——Destruction of Sennacherib 这是拜伦写的描述古代亚述人围攻耶路撒冷,被瘟疫所袭的诗的一节。第四行第二音步中的waves 一词可轻可重。诗题中的Sennacherib 是亚述国王。fold 指羊群,purple and gold 描写亚述军队的服饰,Galilee,巴勒斯坦北部的加利利湖。cohorts军团,sheen,光芒。
重——轻——轻是扬抑抑格,专门术语是:dactyl, dactylic.例词:
happily, merciful, eloquent, messenger, merrily, properly, accident, quantity.例句:
Dragging the │corn by her │golden hair.Davies: the villain.英文诗歌中的音步类型有十几种之多,常见者即此四种,第一种则最常见。此外诗句中也常有抑抑格(pyrrhic[/peirik]和扬扬格(spondee[/sp :ndi])出现。
需要说明的是,这些音步类型只是理论上的分析,实际上,一首诗仅用一种音步类型写,这种情况极少见,大多是以某一种为主,同时穿插其他类型。如果一首诗只含有一种音步,就会显得非常单调机械。一首诗只要是以某种类型为主的,尽管有其他类型穿插其中,也称此诗为某某格。如,以抑扬格为主要节奏写成的,就称此诗为抑扬格诗。现代兴起的一些自由诗(FREE VERSE),不受这些格律的限制。
三 诗行
英文诗每行的第一个字母都大写,但是一诗行不一定是一个完整的句子,不一定能表达一个完整的意思。有时候,一行诗正好是一句,有时两行甚至许多行才构成一个意思完整的句子。前者叫end-stopped line(结句行),后者叫run-on line.(跨行句)。这是英文诗与中国诗的最大区别之一。中国诗歌都是一行表达一个完整的意思。看下面一节诗:
I shot an arrow into the air, It fell to earth, I knew not where;For, so swiftly it flew, the sight Could not follow it in its flight.前两行是end-stopped line,后两行是run-on line。读跨行句诗,行末停顿较短。跨行句在英文诗歌中极其普遍,有时十来行才成一完整句子。刚学英文诗的人,对此往往不习惯。对此我们需加注意。
(各种长短诗行的专门术语:一音步诗:monometer 二音步诗:dimeter三音步诗:trimeter四音步诗:tetrameter 五音步诗:pentameter 六音步诗:hexameter 七音步诗:heptameter八音步诗:octameter.)
An EMPTY HOUSE Alexander Pope You beat│your pate, │and fan│cy wit │will come: Knock as│you please, │there‟s no│body│at home.(你拍拍脑袋,以为灵感马上就来。可任你怎么敲打,也无人把门打开。pate,脑袋。fancy,动词:以为,想象。)
此诗的基本音步类型是抑扬格,每行五音步。因此称此诗的格律是“抑扬格五音步”(iambic pentameter)。一首诗的音步类型和诗行所含的音步数目构成此诗的格律(meter)。
四 压韵(rhyme)英文诗一般都押运韵。
(一)全韵与半韵(full rhyme and half rhyme)。全韵是严格的押韵,其要求是:
(1)韵要押在重读音节上,其元音应相同;(2)元音前的辅音应不同;(3)如果元音之后有辅音,应相同。(4)重读音节之后如有轻读音节,也应相同。下面几对词都符合全韵的标准: why---sigh;ending---bending.如果仅是元音字母相同,读音不同,不符合全韵:如: blood----hood;there---here;gone---alone;daughter----laughter.这种情形被称为“眼韵”(eye rhyme),虽然诗人有时用之,但不是真正的押韵。仅是辅音相同或仅是元音相同的属半韵:
元音不同,其前后的辅音相同,这叫谐辅韵(consonance)如:black, block;creak, croak;reader, rider;despise, dispose.元音相同,其后的辅音相同者叫谐元韵(assonance),如lake, fate;time, mind.(二)尾韵与行内韵(end rhyme and internal rhyme)押在诗行最后一个重读音节上,叫尾韵。这是英文诗歌最常见的押韵部位。诗行中间停顿处的重读音节与该行最后一个重读音节押韵者,叫行内韵。如:
Spring, the sweet spring, is the year‟s pleasant king;Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring,(三)男韵与女韵((masculine rhyme and feminine rhyme)所押的韵音局限于诗行中重读的末尾音节上,称男韵,也叫单韵,听起来强劲有力。如:late, fate;hill, fill;enjoy, destroy.押韵押在两个音节上,后一音节非重读音节,称女韵,也叫双韵,听起来或轻快,或幽婉。如:lighting, fighting;motion, ocean;wining, beginning.看下面一节诗:
I am coming, little maiden, hate---late;
today---away;With the pleasant sunshine laden;With the honey for the bee, With the blossom for the tree.前两行押女韵,后两行押男韵。
也有不少英文诗是不押韵的,不押韵的诗称无韵诗或白体诗(blank verse)。多用在戏剧和叙事诗中。莎士比亚的戏剧和弥尔顿的Paradise Lost 都是用blank verse写成的。押韵的诗叫rhymed verse。无韵诗不同与自由诗。无韵诗虽不押韵,但是有固定节奏,以扬抑格五音步最常见。自由诗节奏不固定,如同白话。
剧作家、诗人。一生创作三十七部戏剧,154首十四行诗。其十四行诗大部分是献给一位贵族青年,有二十余篇则是献给一位“黑肤女士”(the dark lady).1 Sonnet 18 Shall I compare thee to a summer‟s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer‟s lease hath all too short a date: Sometimes too hot the eye of heaven shines, And often is his gold complexion dimmed;And every fair from fair sometimes declines, By chance, or nature‟s changing course, untrimm‟d;But thy eternal summer shall not fade, Nor lose possession of that fair thou ow‟st;Nor shall Death brag thou wander‟st in his shade, When in eternal lines to time thou grow‟st.So long as men can breathe or eyes can see, So long lives this, and this gives life to thee.注释: Compare ···to 把什么比做什么。
Thou, thee 第二人称单数代词,前者主格,后者宾格。现已为you 所取代。其所有格是thy,或thine, 即现代英语的your。
Art = are.16、17世纪时与thou连用。
Temperate: 来自拉丁文temperātus,读时为符合押韵规则,可将重音放后。Shake:shake off。
Lease 租借期限,此处指夏天的长度。
Hath 与第三人称单数连用,相当于现代英语的has。Dimmed: clouded.Fair form fair: beautiful thing from beauty.前后fair意义不同。Declines from beauty。Chance:极缘,时运,命运。
And every fair from fair sometimes declines,/By chance, or nature‟s changing course, untrimm‟d:每一个美人总要失去美貌,即使没有突发的以外事件,也逃不过自然界生老病死的变迁。Sometimes: 有的版本作“sometime”: at some unspecified time.Untrimm‟d: untrimmed.本意为剥去美观的衣服等,此处隐喻夺去美貌等。
Fair thou ow‟st: beauty you own.莎士比亚时代,owe与own通用。古英语第二人称单数后加-st或-est His shade:shadow of death.“Nor shall Death brag thou wander‟st in his shade”:“死神无从夸口,说你在他的阴影里徘徊”。
To time thou grow‟st: you grow as long as time lasts.与时间同寿。Grow to = be incorporated with.内容解析:
sonnet:十四行诗,即“商籁体”诗。此诗体起源不明,最早的例子出现于13世纪,16世纪在英国出现。主要有意大利式和英国式两种变体。意大利诗人Petrarch [/petra:k]用此诗体最精熟,故意大利式又称Petrarchan sonnet。英国式由莎士比亚创立,又称 Shakespearean sonnet.意大利式分前八行、后六行。韵尾是abba, abba;cde, dcd.。莎士比亚式十四行诗,层次上分前四行,中四行,后四行和结尾两行。韵尾为:abab, cdcd, efef, gg。格律是抑扬格五音步。
Shall I│compare│ thee to │a sum│mer‟s day?(a)Thou art │more love│ly and │more tem│perate-:(b)Rough winds │do shake │the dar│ling buds │of May,(a)And sum│mer‟s lease│ hath all │too short│ a date:(b)Sometimes │too hot│ the eye │of hea│ven shines,(c)And of│ten is │his gold │comple│xion dimmed;(d)And eve│ry fair │from fair │sometimes │declines,(c)By chance, │or na│ture‟s chan│ging course, │ untrimm‟d;(d)But thy │eter│nal sum│mer shall │not fade,(e)Nor lose│ posses│sion of │that fair│ thou ow‟st;(f)Nor shall│ Death brag │thou wan│der‟st in│ his shade,(e)When in │eter│nal lines │to time│ thou grow‟st.(f)So long│ as men │can breathe │or eyes │can see,(g)So long │lives this, │ and this │gives life│ to thee.(g)参考译文:
能不能让我把你比拟作夏日? 你可是更加温和,更加可爱: 狂风会吹落五月的好花儿,夏季的生命又未免结束得太快: 有时候苍天的巨眼照得太灼热,他那金彩的脸色也会被遮暗; 每一样美呀,总会离开美而凋落,被时机或者自然的代谢所摧残; 但是你永久的夏天决不会凋枯,你永远不会失去你美的仪态; 死神夸不着你在他影子里踯躅,你将在不朽的诗中与时间同在; 只要人类在呼吸,眼睛看得见,我这诗就活着,使你的生命绵延。(屠岸)2 Spring When daisies pied and violets blue And lady-smocks all silver-white And cuckoo-buds of yellow hue Do paint the meadows with delight, The cuckoo then, on every three, Mocks married men;for thus sings he, Cuckoo, Cuckoo, cuckoo!Oh word of fear Unpleasing to a married ear!When shepherds pipe on oaten straws, And merry larks are ploughmen‟s clocks, When turtles tread, and rooks, and daws, And maidens bleach their summer smocks, The cuckoo then, on every three, Mocks married men;for thus sings he, Cuckoo, Cuckoo, cuckoo!Oh word of fear Unpleasing to a married ear!------Comedy: Love‟s Labour Lost 剧情:拿伐Navarre [n /va: ]国王与其几位朝臣立誓三年之内摒弃一切世俗的快乐,致力于研究学问。其中的一条是:三年之中不可与女子交谈一次。不久法国公主携几名侍女来办理国务,国王和朝臣门守不住自己的誓言,爱上了这几个女子。最后公主的父亲去世,公主要持戒三年,国王和朝臣们的求爱也化为泡影。此诗在此剧之结尾处。
daisies pied:杂色的雏菊。
lady-smock:也作lady‟s-smock 花名:布谷鸟剪秋罗。Smock:〈古〉女衬衣,罩衣。cuckoo-buds of yellow hue:黄色的杜鹃花。hue:颜色。
Cuckoo:[/kuku:] 布谷鸟的叫声,与/cuckold(奸妇的丈夫)一词谐音。shepherds [/ ep d] pipe on oaten straws:拿燕麦杆吹哨子。
turtles tread:斑鸠交配。Turtle:〈古〉斑鸠,=turtledove。Tread:(雄鸟)与(雌鸟)交配。
rooks and daws:白嘴鸦和穴鸟。内容解析:
春天里百花争艳,万象更新,情人们沉醉于甜蜜的爱情之中。但树梢上布谷鸟的叫声却似乎在不断提醒人们:爱情并不可考。此诗有反讽意味,与剧情一致。英国诗人甘贝尔(Thomas Campbell,1777—1844)在 Freedom and Love一诗中说:“Love has bliss, but love has ruining/ Other smiles may make you fickle/ Tears for other charm may trickle。”
形式解析:抑扬格四音步,韵式:abab cc d ee;fgfg hh d ee When dai│sies pied │and vio│lets blue And la│dy-smocks│ all sil│ver-white And cu│ckoo-buds │of ye│llow hue Do paint │he mea│dows with│ delight, The cu│ckoo then, │on eve│ry three, Mocks mar│ried men;│for thus │sings he, Cuckoo, Cuckoo, │cuckoo!│Oh word│ of fear Unplea│sing to│ a mar│ried ear!When she│pherds pipe │on oa│ten straws, And mer│ry larks│ are plough │men‟s clocks, When turt│les tread, │ and rooks, │and daws, And mai│dens bleach │their sum│mer socks, The cu│ckoo then, │on eve│ry three, Mocks mar│ried men;│for thus │sings he, Cuckoo, Cuckoo, │cuckoo!│Oh word │of fear Unplea│sing to│ a mar│ried ear!参考译文: 当杂色的雏菊开遍牧场,蓝的紫罗蓝,白的美人衫,还有那杜鹃花吐蕾娇黄,描出了一片广大的欣欢; 听杜鹃在每一株树上叫,把那娶了妻的男人讥笑: 咯咕!
咯咕!咯咕!啊,可怕的声音!害得做丈夫的肉跳心惊。当无愁的牧童口吹麦笛,清晨的云雀惊醒了农人,斑鸠乌鸦都在觅侣求匹,女郎们漂洗夏季的衣群; 听杜鹃在每一株树上叫,把那娶了妻的男人讥笑: 咯咕!
咯咕!咯咕!啊,可怕的声音!害得做丈夫的肉跳心惊。(朱生豪)3 To Be or Not To Be To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether ‟tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die—to sleep— No more;and by a sleep to say we end The heartache, and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to.‟tis a consummation Devoutly to be wished.To die—to sleep.To sleep—perchance to dream: ay, there‟s the rub!For in that sleep of death what dreams may come When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause.There‟s the respect That makes calamity of so long life.For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressor‟s wrong, the proud man‟ contumely, The pangs of despised love, the law‟s delay, The insolence of office, and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? Who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death— The undiscovered country, from whose bourn No traveller returns—puzzles the will, And makes us rather bear those ill we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all, And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied o‟er with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry And lose the name of action.剧情:
哈娒莱特》是莎士比亚重要剧作之一,写于1601年。剧中的主人公是丹麦王子Hamlit。哈姆莱特的父亲,即丹麦国王,被哈姆莱特的叔父Claudius秘密害死,不到两个月,又与哈姆莱特的母亲,即王后,结婚。还窃取了王位。哈姆莱特的叔父Caudius是个坏透顶了的人。哈姆莱特则是一位有理想、有道德的人,他决心要为父亲报仇。为了不被看出来,他装成疯子。哈姆莱特要为父亲报仇,但中间有其母亲穿插其间,这使他心情极其复杂,于是整日心情抑郁,产生了厌世情绪。于是真的有点疯疯颠颠了。剧情很曲折,大家可在课外找有关资料读。推荐读读英汉对照本《莎士比亚戏剧故事》(Tales from Shakespeare, by Charles Lamb and Mary Lamb, 萧乾、文洁若翻译。商务印书馆1984年出版。)
注释: slings and arrows of outrageous fortune: 狂暴命运的矢石交攻。sling: 投石器,弹 弓;投掷,打击一击.To die—to sleep—No more:死就是睡眠,如此而已。
by a sleep to say we end/The heartache:to say(that)by a sleep we end the heartache the thousand natural shocks/That flesh is heir to: 无数要承受的皮肉之苦,与“heartache”相对。Be heir to: 要继承或承受的。
‟tis a consummation/Devoutly to be wished.那正是求之不得的完美结局。Consummation:final settlement of everything.To sleep—perchance to dream: ay, there‟s the rub!睡眠也许要做梦,嗨,那就成问题了。Perchance:perhaps.Rub: 摩擦,障碍。
For in that sleep of death what dreams may come/When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,/Must give us pause.“what dreams may come” 这一名词从句是主语,give 是谓语。Shuffled off:摆脱,脱去。mortal coil:earthly turmoil.人世的纷扰。
There‟s the respect /That makes calamity of so long life.这一顾虑使漫长岁月成了灾难。Respect: attention, consideration.顾虑,考虑。”without respect to the results”不顾后果。
the whips and scorns of time: 人世的鞭挞和嘲弄。Time: the times, 时世
The oppressor‟s wrong, the proud man‟ contumely: 压迫者的凌辱,傲慢者的冷眼。do sb.Wrong, do wrong to sb.Contumely [/k ] insolent treatment.无礼对待。
The pangs of despised love:失恋的痛苦。Pang:痛苦。Despised 之重音在第一音节。the spurns/That patient merit of the unworthy takes:忍让的有德才者从小人那里受到的排挤。Of: from;spurn: contemptuous rejection,一脚踢开;the unworthy: 小人。
Quietus [kai/i:t s]: acquittance, release, 卸去(义务、责任)A bare bodkin: a mere poniard.短剑,匕首。Fardels: bundles, burdens.Grunt: groan, 哼,呻吟.Bourn: 领域
Conscience: 思考,顾虑,良心。sicklied o‟er:sickly: 使出现病态
the pale cast of thought: 惨白的一层思虑的病容。Cast:tinge, shade of color.Thought: 思虑,顾虑,melancholy, despondency.pith and moment:vigour and importance.Pith: 体力、气力、精力,(文章的)力。1604年版本中pith作pitch: height with this regard: on this account 内容分析:这断独白是倾诉人生的根本苦闷和基本矛盾。受到压迫了,应该反抗,但往往结果是适得其反。事事忍让,却又心中不能平衡。干事业需果断有魄力,但也得深思熟虑,三思而行。但是顾虑太多,缩手缩脚又会疲软,行动不起来。人生在世,烦恼苦难不一而足,但死后的世界未比此岸世界好(古代人一般相信有彼岸世界 “a life in the world to come is taken for granted.” New Concept English, vol.4, lesson, 60.)。人生就是这样充满了各种矛盾和无奈。
这是莎士比亚戏剧最著名独白(soliloquy),用的是抑扬格五音步“白体诗”(BLANK VERSES)。
To be, │or not │to be: │that is │the ques│tion: Whether│ ‟tis nob│ler in │the mind │to suf│fer The slings │and ar│rows of│ outra│geous for│tune(以上三行多一音节,其到迟疑、沉思的效果。)Or to│ take arms│against │a sea │of troubles, And by op│posing │end them? │To die—│to sleep— No more;│and by│ a sleep │to say │we end The heart│ache, and│the thou│sand na│tural shocks That flesh│ is heir │to.‟tis│ a con│summa│tion Devout│ly to│ be wished.│ To die│—to sleep.To sleep│—perchance │to dream: │ay, there‟s │the rub!For in │that sleep │of death│what dreams │may come When we│ have shuffled │off this│ mortal │coil, Must give│ us pause.│ There‟s the │respect That makes │cala│mity │of so │long life.For who │would bear│ the whips│ and scorns │of time, The oppres│sor‟s wrong, │the proud│ man‟ con│tumely, The pangs │of des│pised love, │the law‟s │delay, The in│solence │of of│fice, and │the spurns That pa│tient me│rit of the │unwor│thy takes, When he│ himself │might his │quie│tus make With a│ bare bod│kin? Who │would far│dels bear, To grunt │and sweat │under│ a wea│ry life, But that│ the dread │of some│thing af│ter death— The un│disco│vered coun│try, from │whose bourn No travel│ler re│turns—│puzzles │the will, And makes │us ra│ther bear │those ill │we have Than fly│ to oth│ers that │we know │not of? Thus con│science does│ make co│wards of │us all, And thus │the na│tive hue │of re│solu│tion Is sick│lied o‟er │with the │pale cast │of thought, And en│terprises │of great │pith and│ moment With this│ regard │their cur│rents turn│ awry And lose │the name │of ac│tion.参考译文:
“活下去还是不活:这是个问题” 活下去还是不活,这是个问题; 要做到高贵,究竟该忍气吞声 来容受狂暴的命运矢石交攻击呢,还是该挺身反抗无边的苦恼,扫它个干净?死,就是睡眠—— 就这样;而如果睡眠就等于了结了 心痛以及千百种身体要担受的 皮痛肉痛,那该是天大的好事,正求之不得啊!死,就是睡眠; 睡眠也许要做梦,这就麻烦了!我们一旦摆脱了尘世的牵缠 在死的睡眠里还会做些什么梦,一想到就不能不踌躇。这一点顾虑 正好使灾难变成了长期的折磨。谁甘心忍受人世的鞭挞和嘲弄,忍受压迫者虐待、傲慢者凌辱,忍受失恋的痛苦、法庭的拖延、衙门的横暴、做埋头苦干的大才 受座位的小人一脚踢出去,如果他只消自己来使一下尖刀 就可以得到解脱啊?谁甘心挑担子,拖着疲累的生命,呻吟,流汗,要不是怕一死就去了没有人回来的 那个从未发现的国土,怕那边 还不知会怎样,因此意志动摇了,因此就宁愿忍受目前的灾殃,` 而不愿投奔另一些未知的苦难? 这样子,顾虑使我们都成了懦夫,也就这样了,决断决行的本色 蒙上了惨白的一层思虑的病容; 本可以轰轰烈烈的大作大为,由于这一点想不通,就出了别扭,失去了行动的名份。(卞之琳)Thomas Nash(1567—1601)作者简介:剧作家、诗人,小说家,讽刺作家。4 Spring Spring, the sweet spring, is the year‟s pleasant king;Then blooms each thing, then maids dance in a ring, Cold doth not sting, the pretty birds do sing, Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!The palm and may make country houses gay, Lambs frisk and play, the shepherds pipe all day, And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay, Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!The fields breathe sweet, the daisies kiss our feet, Young lovers meet, old wives a-sunning sit, In every street these tunes our ears do greet, Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo!注释: 注释:
the year‟s pleasant king:一年四季中以春天为最欢乐的时期。King 即比喻欢乐之最,也兼指一岁之首。
Cold doth not sting:doth:古英语do 的第三人称现在事态形式。the pretty birds do thing:do 是为了韵律的需要而加进去的。
Cuckoo, jug-jug, pu-we, to-witta-woo: Cuckoo, 布谷鸟的叫声; jug-jug, 夜莺(nightingale)的叫声,pu-we, 田凫(pewit)的叫声,to-witta-woo,泛指各种鸟鸣。
Palm: 棕榈。其枝叶常作为胜利的象征。May:山楂花。因在五月盛开,故名 may。
And we hear aye birds tune this merry lay:aye:古英语副词,always,ever。Tune:动词:唱。Lay 歌曲。
old wives a-sunning sit:sit是谓语动词。a-sunning:晒太阳,作状语。a-作为特殊介词,后跟动名词,表示在进行什么活动。如 He went a-fishing.现代说法是:He went fishing.these tunes our ears do greet:these tunes do greet our ears.内容解析:此诗节奏明快,旋律强烈,生动地描绘出了一幅春回大地,生机昂然的画面。形式解析:主要是扬抑格五音步,韵式是aaab, cccb, dddb.三节最后一行是叠句(refrain);每节除末一行外,其他三行都用行内韵(internal rhyme),即第二音步的第二个词同第五音步末尾的词谐韵。叠句(refrain): a phrase, line or lines repeated at the end of a stanza.Spring, the│ sweet spring, │ is the │year‟s plea│sant king;Then blooms │each thing, │ then maids│ dance in│ a ring, Cold doth│ not sting, │the pret│ty birds │do thing, Cuckoo, │ jug-jug, │ pu-we, │to-wi│tta-woo!The palm│ and may│ make coun│try hou│ses gay, Lambs frisk │and play, │the she│pherds pipe │all day, And we│ hear aye│ birds tune │this mer│ry lay, Cuckoo, │jug-jug, │pu-we, │to-wi│tta-woo!The fields │breathe sweet, │the dai│sies kiss │our feet, Young lo│vers meet, │ old wives │a-sun│ning sit, In eve│ry street │these tunes │our ears│ do greet, Cuckoo, │ jug-jug, │pu-we, │ to-wi│tta-woo!Spring!The │sweet spring!Spring!The sweet spring!参考译文:(略。郭沫若有译文,意译,参考价值不不大。)John Milton(1608—1674)作者简介:英国诗人,思想家、政论家。从小好学,经常开夜车,四十余岁失明。晚年在失明的情况下,写成了伟大史诗《失乐园》(PARADISE LOST)。其内容是演述《圣经》故事。可与荷马的《伊利亚特》(Homer's Iliad)、但丁的《神曲》(Dante's Divine Comedy)相媲美。《五月晨歌》是早期作品,成于二十一岁时,格调十分清新。Song On May Morning Now the bright morning star, Day‟s harbinger, Comes dancing from the east, and leads with her The flowery May, who from her green lap throws The yellow cowslip and the pale primrose.Hail, bounteous May, that dost inspire Mirth, and youth, and warm desire!Woods and groves are of thy dressing;Hill and dale doth boast thy blessing.Thus we salute thee with our early song And welcome thee, and wish thee long.注释:
morning star: 启明星、太白星、长庚星等。早晨在东方出现。晚上在西方出现,叫长庚,英文作“evening star”.。同是一颗星,即Venus。
harbinger [/ha: bind ]先导,先兆 primrose [/primroz] 樱草花,报春花。Bounteous [/baunti s] 慷慨的
of thy dressing:dressed in thy fashion Dost:第二人称现在时单数。即do Doth: 一般用于第三人称单数,但弥尔顿也常常用于复数。在他的作品中很常见。著名英语专家陆佩弦总结弥尔顿的语言特点,其中一条就是 “singular verb for plural subject”。此种情况在莎士比亚的作品中也不时能遇见。
Long: long life.形式分析:抑扬格穿插扬抑格(7、8两行是扬抑格,女韵,显得十分轻快)。韵式为aa,bb,cc,dd,ee。
Now the │bright mor│ning star, │ Day‟s har│binger, Comes dan│cing from │the east, │ and leads │with her The flowe│ry May, │who from │her green │lap throws The ye│llow cow│slip and │the pale│ primrose.Hail, boun│teous May, │that dost │inspire Mirth, │ and youth, │and warm │desire!Woods and │groves are │of thy │dressing;Hill and │dale doth│boast thy │blessing.Thus we│ salute │thee with │our ear│ly song And wel│come thee, │and wish │thee long.参考译文:
晶莹的晨星,白日的先驱,她舞蹈着从东方带来娇侣,百花的五月,从绿色的怀中撒下 金黄色的九轮花和淡红的樱草花。欢迎,富丽的五月啊,你激扬 欢乐、青春和热情的希望; 林木、树丛是你的装束,山陵、溪谷夸说你的幸福。我们也用清晨的歌曲向你礼赞,欢迎你,并且祝福你永恒无边!Alexander Pope(1688—1744)作者简介:蒲伯是18世纪英国最重要的诗人。作品很多。他还用英雄双行体诗翻译了荷马史诗。文学上崇尚精雕细琢,是新古典主义的大师。身体不好,终身未婚。他的父母是天主教徒,当时天主教徒是受迫害的。一生基本上过的是隐居日子。《独处诵》是其早期作品。自称写于12岁时。6 Solitude Happy the man, whose wish and care A few paternal acres bound,(acres[/eik ])Content to breathe his native air In his own ground.Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread, Whose flocks supply him with attire;Whose trees in summer yield him shade, In winter fire.Blest, who can unconcern‟dly find Hours, days, and years slide soft away In health of body, peace of mind, Quiet by day, Sound sleep by night;study and ease Together mix‟d;sweet creation;And innocence, which most does please With meditation.Thus let me live, unseen, unknown;Thus unlamented let me die;Steal from the world, and not a stone Tell where I lie.注释: the first stanza can be rewritten like this: the man is happy, whose wish and care are bound by a few paternal acres, and who is content to breathe his native air in his own ground.其意思相当于《中庸》上所说的“君子素位而行,不愿乎其外。”Jude The Obscure 中有一句话说:a contented mind is a continual feast.(Jude the Obscure.P378)Whose herds with milk, /whose fields with bread,/Whose flocks supply him with attire;前两行省略了“supply him with”。Attire:服装。
unconcern‟dly,即unconcernedly:漫不经心,无忧无虑,悠然自得。第三节可以改写成:Blest is the man who can unconcern‟dly find Hours, days, and years slide soft away In health of body and in peace of mind 相当于“ I see him leave.”这样的句子。
study and ease /Together mix‟d;sweet creation;/And innocence, which most does please/With meditation.他劳逸结合,有令人欢喜的娱乐活动,还有天真的性情。这天真的性情与沉思结合起来,最使他高兴。
形式解析:此诗五节,每节四行。韵尾是abab。节奏主要是四音步抑扬格(i/ambic te/trameter),每节四音步:
Happy │the man, │ whose wish │and care A few │pater│nal a│cres bound, Content│ to breathe │his na│tive air In his │own ground.Whose herds │with milk, │whose fields │with bread, Whose flocks │supply │him with│ attire;Whose trees│ in sum│mer yield│ him shade, In win│ter fire.Blest, who │can un│concern‟d│ly find Hours, days, │and years │slide soft│ away In health│ of bo│dy, peace│ of mind, Quiet │by day, Sound sleep│ by night;│ study│ and ease Toge│ther mix‟d;│ sweet cre│ation;And in│nocence, │ which most │does please With me│ditation.Thus let │me live, │unseen, │unknown;Thus un│lamen│ted let│ me die;Steal from │the world, │ and not│ a stone Tell where │I lie.参考译文: 人生如何方为乐,唯有知足不贪心。只守祖上数亩田,但吸故园气清新。绵羊产毛制衫袍,乳牛耕地供食饮。夏来密叶乘浓荫,冬至疏枝做柴薪。一任岁月轻轻去,那堪忧思处处寻。白日闲逸夜安眠,一身强健心气平。读书劳逸相结合,娱乐甜美悦人心。最佳胜景有冥思,极乐世界属天真。死后不受世哀悼,生时岂令人见闻。幽幽偷辞浊世去,不铭何处葬我身。(石瓃)Robert Burns(1759—1796)罗伯特·彭斯,苏格兰诗人。出身于偏僻乡村。他的诗歌充分吸收了苏格兰民歌成分,热情奔放,优美动听,被誉为伟大的苏格兰民族诗人。19世纪英国浪漫主义诗歌运动的先驱。他的一些诗歌被谱写成歌曲,广为流传。如《友谊地久天长》(Auld[o:ld] Lang Syne[sain]: old long then: long ago.)、《我的心在高原》(My heart's in the high lands)等。A Red, Red Rose O, my Luve‟s like a red, red rose, That‟s newly sprung in June.O, my Luve‟s like the melodie, That‟s sweetly play‟d in tune.As fair art thou, my bonnie lass, So deep in Luve am I, And I will love thee still, my dear, Till a‟ the seas gang dry!Till a‟ the seas gang dry, my dear, And the rocks melt wi‟ the sun!And I will love thee still, my dear, While the sands o‟ life shall run.And fare thee weel, my only Luve!And fare thee weel, a while!And I will come again, my Luve, Tho‟ it were ten thousand mile!注释:
Luve‟s = Love is melodie = melody,甜蜜的歌曲
play‟d in tune = played in tune。唱得合拍。
As fair art thou, my bonnie lass,/ So deep in Luve am I: Bonnie: beautiful.Lass[laes]: girl, maiden.可改写为:as you are fair, my bonnie lass, so I am deep in love.你那么美,我也那么爱你。我爱你的程度与你美的程度成正比。So 的意思是“in the same proportion“, ”in like manner“, ”in the same way“.Another example: As you treat me, so I will treat you.I will love thee still = I will always love thee.Till a‟ the seas gang dry: a‟ = all.gang = go.wi‟ = with.While the sands‟ o‟ life shall run: 只要我生命不息。o‟= of。sands o‟ life:沙漏。古代人们在时钟发明前,用玻璃器皿盛沙,使沙从小孔中漏过,以此计时。因此诗人常用沙漏中的沙比喻人生。
fare thee weel:goodbye.。Weel[wi:l] = well.Farewell: ”proceed happily“.Goodbye: 本来是”God be wy ye“(God be with you), 后缩写成”God-bye“, 后来为与”good day“、“good night” 一致, “God bye” 又改成了“goodbye”.Tho‟ = though 内容解析: 这是彭斯最有名的爱情诗,节奏强烈,激情澎湃,很有感染力。但是此诗所表达的感情似乎不太深刻,其爱情似乎纯粹是建立在容美貌的础上的。容貌一衰退,很难保证海枯石烂不变心。另一英国诗人贾鲁(Thomas Carew, 1594---1640)有一首名The True Beauty的诗,可拿来对彭斯的这首诗作注脚:
He that loves a rosy cheek Or a coral lip admires, Or from star-like eyes doth seek Fuel to maintain his fires;As old Time makes these decay, So his flames must waste away.But a smooth and steadfast mind, Gentle thoughts, and calm desires, Hearts with equal love combined, Kindle never-dying fires:----Where these are not, I despise Lovely cheeks or lips or eyes.(smooth and steadfast mind:性情温和、意志坚定。Hearts with equal love combined:正常语序为:hearts combined with equal love.能一视同仁的心灵。)
彭斯说他的爱人如同玫瑰花一样美,他的爱与其爱人的美丽成正比,贾鲁反过来说,谁追求玫瑰花一样的容貌,谁的爱情的衰退程度与就容貌衰老的程度成正比。贾鲁讲的虽然有道理,他的态度也很可取,但是世上的人像贾鲁那样的很少,相彭斯这样的人则多不胜数。(彭斯是个沉溺于美酒、诗歌和爱情的人)。人的感情往往能冲破理智的说教,即使这种爱情不一定能长久,人们往往也要追求它。所以不能以说教的心态否定诗歌的艺术价值。形式分析:基本上是抑扬格,每节二、四两行押韵。O, my │Luve‟s like │a red, │red rose, That‟s new│ly sprung │in June.O, my │Luve‟s like│ the me│lodie, That‟s sweet│ly play‟d │in tune.As fair│ art thou, │my bon│nie lass, So deep│ in Luve│ am I, And I │will love │thee still, │my dear, Till a‟ │the seas │gang dry!Till a‟ │ the seas │gang dry, │my dear, And the rocks │melt wi‟ │the sun!And I│ will love │thee still, │my dear, While the sands│ o‟ life │shall run.And fare│ thee weel, │my on│ly Luve!And fare│ thee weel, │ a while!And I│ will come │again, │ my Luve, Tho‟ it were │ten thous│and mile!William Wordsworth(1770—1850)华兹华斯(渥滋渥斯),英国浪漫主义时期的大诗人,湖泮诗人(LAKE POETS)之首。1843年荣获桂冠诗人称号(Poet Laureate)。湖畔诗人是十九世纪英国的一个诗歌流派,这些人在英格兰西北部的湖区(Lake district)居住、写作。其主要成员除华兹华斯外,尚有柯勒律治(Samuel Taylor Coleridge)。华兹华斯对大自然情有独钟,经常去各地旅行漫游,对自然风光和田园生活有独特的感受。他的诗的特点是通过描写日常生活中的平凡场景激发心灵深处的感受,表现人性中真善美。素材多为自然风光、田园生活和素朴的农民。语言简明,情真意切。读之能使人产生无尽的遐思、精神上能受到有力的陶冶。
英国浪漫主义运动时间介于1790-1830,最重要的代表人物有六:William Blake, William Wordsworth, Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Lord Byron, Percy Bysshe Shelley, and John Keats.作品特点:形式比较自由,想象丰富,倾向描写孤独的个人的精神世界和大自然。'Poery is the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings'----Wordsworth.8 I Wandered Lonely As A Cloud(The Daffodils)I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o‟er vales and hills, When all at once I saw a crowd, A host, of golden daffodils;Beside the lake, beneath the trees, Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.Continuous as the stars that shine And twinkle on the milky way, They stretched in never-ending line Along the margin of a bay: Ten thousand saw I at a glance, Tossing their heads in sprightly dance.The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: A poet could not but be gay In such a jocund company: I gazed — and gazed — but little thought What wealth the show to me had brought: For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude;And then my heart with pleasures fills, And dances with the daffodils.注释:o'er: over.Pronounced as [/o ], counted as one syllable.The waves beside them danced, but they Out-did the sparkling waves in glee: 虽然浪花也在起舞,但是水仙花的欢乐超过了浪花的欢乐。in glee, 就欢乐而言,在欢乐上。in 有as to, as regards 这样的用法, 表示'在···方面'。如:weak in judgment;they are equal in length.有人注解此诗,认为in glee是介词短语作定语修饰waves 的,这样也通,但不如视为状语修饰全句为好。
Sprightly: 轻快地,活泼地。
Could not but: but: other than, except.But 用在否定词后,构成双重否定。如:there is no one but hopes rich.(没有不想发财的人)There is no one but knows that.(那件事无人不知。)
Jocund: lit.& poet: merry, cheerful.Couch:睡椅,床。
And then my heart with pleasures fills:my heart fills with pleasures.Fill 可用为不及物动词,意思是“满”。如the house fills(with children).They flash upon that inward eye | Which is the bliss of solitude:湛然的心灵是幽居才能有的福分。因为心灵回归其自我是一种高级的精神享受,所以如此说。
形式:全诗四节,每节的韵式是ababcc。韵律基本上是抑扬格四音步。I wan|dered lone|ly as| a cloud That floats |on high |o‟er vales |and hills, When all |at once |I saw| a crowd, A host, |of gold|en da|ffodils;Beside |the lake, |beneath| the trees, Fluttering |and dancing |in the breeze.Conti|nuous as |the stars |that shine And twink|le on |the mil|ky way, They stretched |in ne|ver-en|ding line Along |the mar|gin of| a bay: Ten thou|sand saw |I at| a glance, Tossing |their heads |in spright|ly dance.The waves| beside| them danced, |but they Out-did |the spark|ling waves |in glee: A po|et could |not but |be gay In such |a jo|cund com|pany: I gazed —|and gazed |— but litt|le thought What wealth |the show |to me |had brought: For oft, | when on |my couch |I lie In va|cant or |in pen|sive mood, They flash |upon| that in|ward eye Which is| the bliss |of so|litude;And then| my heart| with plea|sures fills, And dan|ces with |the da|ffodils.9 The Solitary Reaper Behold her, single in the field, Yon solitary Highland lass!Reaping and singing by herself;Stop here, or gently pass!Alone she cuts and binds the grain, And sings a melancholy strain;O listen!for the Vale profound Is overflowing with the sound.No Nightingale did ever chaunt More welcome notes to weary bands Of travellers in some shady haunt, Among Arabian sands;A voice so thrilling ne‟er was heard In spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird, Breaking the silence of the seas Among the farthest Hebrides.Will no one tell me what she sings? — Perhaps the plaintive numbers flow For old, unhappy, far-off things, And battles long ago;Or is it some more humble lay, Familiar matter of to-day? Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain, That has been, and may be again? Whate‟er the theme, the Maiden sang As if her song could have no ending;I saw her singing at her work, And o‟er the sickle bending;— I listen‟d, motionless and still;And, as I mounted up the hill, The music in my heart I bore, Long after it was heard no more.注释:
No Nightingale did ever chauntMore welcome notes to weary bands Of travellers in some shady haunt,Among Arabian sands;:即使在人际罕至的阿拉伯沙漠的幽暗之处,夜莺也不曾为疲惫的行人唱过如此动人的歌曲。Chaunt: chant的变体。
A voice so thrilling ne‟er was heardIn spring-time from the Cuckoo-bird,Breaking the silence of the seas: In spring-time , a voice so thrilling was never heard from the Cuckoo-bird, whose song breaks the silence of the seas among the farthest Hebrides.Hebrides[/hebridi:z]赫布里底群岛[英国苏格兰西部] Perhaps the plaintive numbers flowFor old, unhappy, far-off things,And battles long ago;Or is it some more humble lay,Familiar matter of to-day?Some natural sorrow, loss, or pain,That has been, and may be again? 也许这凄婉的歌声是咏叹古老的、遥远的悲欢离合,和很久以前的征战,要么是一只平凡的曲子,唱的是今天日常小事,或者是那些曾经有过而且可能继续出现的、常见的忧伤、失意和痛苦?
I saw her singing at her work,And o‟er the sickle bending;I saw her singing at her work and when she is bending over the sickle.And, as I mounted up the hill, The music in my heart I bore,Long after it was heard no more.到我登上了山岗时,虽然那歌声早已听不见了,但还是在我心底回响。Bear: 负担,担负,带上。
形式:此诗四节,每节八行,除第四是三音步外,其余七行都是四音步。抑扬格。每节的韵式为 ababccdd Behold| her, sing|le in |the field, Yon so|lita|ry High|land lass!Reaping |and sing|ing by |herself;Stop here, |or gent|ly pass!Alone |she cuts |and binds| the grain, And sings |a me|lancho|ly strain;O li|sten!for| the Vale |profound Is ov|erflow|ing with| the sound.No Nigh|tingale |did ev|er chaunt More wel|come notes |to wea|ry bands Of travel|lers in |some sha|dy haunt, Among| A/ra|bian sands;A voice| so thril|ling ne‟er |was heard In spring|-time from| the Cu|ckoo-bird, Breaking |the si|lence of| the seas Among |the far|thest He|brides.Will no |one tell| me what |she sings? — Perhaps |the plain|tive num|bers flow For old, | unhap|py, far-|off things, And ba|ttles long |ago;Or is |it some| more hum|ble lay, Fami|liar mat|ter of |to-day? Some na|tural sor|row, loss, | or pain, That has |been, and| may be| again? Whate‟er |the theme, |the Mai|den sang As if| her song |could have |no ending;I saw| her sing|ing at| her work, And o‟er |the sick|le bending;— I li|sten‟d, mo|tionless| and still;And, as |I moun|ted up |the hill, The mu|sic in| my heart |I bore, Long af|ter it| was heard |no more.George Gordon Byron [/bai r n](1788—1824)乔治·戈登·拜伦是重要浪漫主义诗人,但是与华兹华斯为首的湖畔诗人有不同。拜伦政治上很激进,反对传统,主张革命,为人放荡不羁,是所谓积极浪漫主义者。华兹华斯主张回归自然,维护传统价值,是所谓消极浪漫主义者。拜伦对湖畔诗人进行过攻击。其实,拜伦只是一个出色的诗人,在政治思想上是肤浅的。拜伦的成名作是《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》(Childe Harold's Pilgrimage,1809-1818),最有影响的著作是《唐·璜》(Don Juan,1819-1824)。此外还有不少抒情诗等。《恰尔德·哈洛尔德游记》(杨熙龄译,1959年上海文艺出版社。)是一部叙事长诗,是描写作者游历欧洲各国的抒情日记,由一个灰心失望的贵族青年哈罗德将全诗情节贯穿起来。《唐璜》[don/d u: n]也是一部叙事长诗,写的是欧洲传说中的传奇人物唐璜浪漫冒险经历,未完成。关于唐璜这个人物,欧洲各国有很多作品。莫扎特有一部歌剧即名《唐璜》。
我们所选的这首《滑铁卢前夜》是《游记》中的片段(Canto III, stanzas 21, 22, 24, 25.),记述的是滑铁卢之战爆发前夕比利时首都布鲁塞尔(Brussels, Belgium)上层人士盲目歌舞狂欢的场面。滑铁卢是位于比利时首都以南约20公里的一个村庄,1815年英军在此驻扎。吕希蒙公爵夫人设宴款待英军将士,拿破仑乘其不备,于当晚突然袭击。与英军共同与拿破仑战斗的还有荷兰、比利时、德等国。最后拿破仑寡不敌众,失败。The Eve Of Waterloo There was a sound of revelry by night, And Belgium‟s capital had gather‟d then Her Beauty and her Chivalry, and bright The lamps shone o‟er fair women and brave men;A thousand hearts beat happily;and when Music arose with its voluptuous swell, Soft eyes look‟d love to eyes which spake again, And all went merry as a marriage bell;But hush!hark!a deep sound strikes like a rising knell!Did ye not hear it? —No;‟twas but the wind, Or the car rattling o‟er the stony street;On with the dance!let joy be unconfined;No sleep till morn, when Youth and Pleasure meet To chase the growing hours with flying feet— But, hark!— that heavy sound breaks in once more, As if the clouds its echo would repeat;And nearer, clearer, deadlier than before!Arm!arm!it is — it is —the cannon‟s opening roar!Ah!Then and there was hurrying to and fro, And gathering tears, and tremblings of distress, And cheeks all pale, which but an hour ago Blush‟d at the praise of their own loveliness: And there were sudden partings, such as press The life from out young hearts, and choking sighs Which ne‟er might be repeated;who could guess If ever more should meet those mutual eyes, Since upon night so sweet such awful morn could rise!And there was mounting in hot haste: the steed, The mustering squadron, and the clattering car, Went pouring forward with impetuous speed, And swiftly forming in the ranks of war;And the deep thunder peal on peal afar;And near, the beat of the alarming drum Roused up the soldier ere the morning star;While throng‟d the citizens with terror dumb, Or whispering with white lips —„the foe!they come!they come!‟ 注释:
Her Beauty and her Chivalry, and bright:布鲁塞尔的英雄美人。Her 指Brussels Voluptuous[v /l ptu s ]swell 华丽的音乐旋律。Swell 本指大浪,此指乐声荡漾。Soft eyes look‟d love to eyes which spake again look:温柔的眼睛与眼睛互相传情。Look love:Look with love。
And all went merry as a marriage bell;大家欢欣鼓舞,就像结婚打钟。
a deep sound strikes like a rising knell:一个沉闷的声音就像正在敲响的丧钟一样传来。Youth and Pleasure meetTo chase the growing hours with flying feet: 青春与欢乐结伴,用飞快的脚步追逐这焕发的时光。growing hours:令人起劲的时光。
As if the clouds its echo would repeat;天上的云好像又把它的回声有重复了一次:意即声音很大,会响很久。
Arm!arm!it is — it is —the cannon‟s opening roar!拿起武器,拿起武器!这是大炮在展开咆哮。
gathering tears:不断聚集的泪,越来越多的泪水。
cheeks all pale, which but an hour ago Blush‟d at the praise of their own loveliness: 一小时以前因受到夸奖而羞红的脸蛋儿,现在都发白了。
there were sudden partings, such as pressThe life from out young hearts, 使年轻的心灵痛不欲生的突然诀别。
choking sighs Which ne‟er might be repeated;很可能永远不会再有的抽搐叹息。因为可能是诀别,所很可能不会再有。
mustering squadron:集合的中队 swiftly forming in the ranks of war;快速排成作战队形。Rank:队列。
And the deep thunder peal on peal afar;And near, the beat of the alarming drumRoused up the soldier ere [e ]the morning star;远处是一阵一阵的沉闷的雷鸣,近处是报警的鼓声,不等启名星出现,就把士兵唤醒。
While throng‟d the citizens with terror dumb,市民们则挤在一起,被吓成了哑巴。此句可改成:the citizens thronged, dumb with terror.或者:The citizens dumb with terror thronged.内容:此诗极其生动地描绘了舞会上的欢乐场面和大战来临之际的惊慌景象。舞会上英雄们风度翩翩,美人们含情脉脉,婆娑起舞,尽情狂欢。没有想到,也不相信战争会在此时爆发。正在狂欢之际,大炮轰鸣起来。于是在惊恐和绝望之中告别。士兵门急速集合,市民们惊慌失措。整个城市乱作一团。此诗的成功之处在于生动的场景描写,极富戏剧性,读之如身临其境。英国小说家萨克雷(William Makepeace Thackeray)在起长篇小说《名利场》(Vanity Fair, 1847-48)第29章中对这场舞会也有非常出色的描写。
此诗属斯宾塞体(Spenserian stanza),Edmund Spenser(1552?—99继乔叟之后的最大诗人。)在The Faerie Queene 中创造了这种形式的诗节,故名。其形式是每节九行,前八行为抑扬格五音步,第九行为抑扬格六音步,韵式是:ababbcbcc.There was |a sound |of re|velry |by night, And Bel|gium‟s ca|pital |had ga|ther‟d then Her Beau|ty and |her Chi|valry, |and bright The lamps |shone o‟er |fair wo|men and |brave men;A thou|sand hearts |beat hap|pily;|and when Music| arose| with its| volup|tuous swell, Soft eyes| look‟d love| to eyes |which spake |again, And all |went mer|ry as |a mar|riage bell;But hush!| hark!a| deep sound |strikes like |a ris|ing knell!Did ye |not hear| it? —No;|‟twas but| the wind, Or the |car rat|tling o‟er| the sto|ny street;On with |the dance!|let joy |be un|confined;No sleep| till morn, | when Youth |and Plea|sure meet To chase |the grow|ing hours |with fly|ing feet— But, hark!| — that hea|vy sound |breaks in |once more, As if |the clouds |its e|cho would |repeat;And near|er, clear|er, dead|lier than |before!Arm!arm!| it is —|it is —|the can|non‟s open|ing roar!Ah!Then| and there| was hur|rying to| and fro, And gath|ering tears, | and trem|blings of| distress, And cheeks| all pale, |which but |an hour |ago Blush‟d at |the praise |of their |own love|liness: And there| were sud|den par|tings, such| as press The life |from out |young hearts, |and chok|ing sighs Which ne‟er |might be |repea|ted;who |could guess If ev |er more | should meet |those mut |ual eyes, Since up |on night | so sweet |such aw |ful morn |could rise!And there | was moun |ting in |hot haste: |the steed, The must |ering squa |dron, and |the clatt |ering car, Went pou |ring for |ward with | impe |tuous speed, And swift |ly form |ing in |the ranks | of war;And the |deep thun |der peal | on peal |afar;And near, | the beat |of the |alar |ming drum Roused up |the sol |dier ere | the mor |ning star;While throng‟d |the ci|tizens| with ter|ror dumb, Or whisp|ering with |white lips —| „the foe!|they come!|they come!‟ Percy Bysshe Shelly[/p :si bi / eli ](1792—1822)珀西·比希·雪莱是拜伦的好友,与拜伦一样,也是浪漫主义时期的大诗人。极力主张自由,不仅主张政治上的自由,也主张男女之爱的自由。二十来岁时与一个名叫Harriet Westbrook 的女孩私奔并结婚。后来加入激进的哲学家 William Godwin 的学术圈子,成为其信徒。(William Godwin,1756—1836,主张人性本善,在理性直到下,可以不要法律。财产制度、婚姻制度都该废除。)后来雪莱又在Godwin 的后妻的女儿Claire Clairmont的陪伴下与Godwin 前妻的女儿Mary Wollstonecraft私奔到瑞士,并结婚,前妻自杀。Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin 写过一本名为《为女权申辩》(A Vindication of the Rights of Woman)可谓现在女全运动的先驱人物。Godwin 也是主张爱情自由的,可是当雪莱与其女儿私本后,就不再如此主张了。三十岁时,雪莱溺水而死。其作品很多,代表作有长诗Prometheus[pru /mi: s] Unbound, Ode To The West Wind 等。我们要读的是他的一首著名的爱情诗。One Word Is Too Often Profaned(TO——)(1)One word is too often profaned For me to profane it, One feeling too falsely disdained For thee to disdain it;One hope is too like despair For prudence to smother, And pity from thee more dear Than that from another,(2)I can give not what men call love, But wilt thou accept not The worship the heart lifts above And the Heavens reject not, — The desire of the moth for the star, Of the night for the morrow, The devotion to something afar Form the sphere of our sorrow? 注释: 第一节
(1)One word is too often profanedFor me to profane it, 有一个词汇被人滥用得不像样子,我再也不忍心滥用它了。One word指love。Profane:亵渎。
(2)One feeling too falsely disdainedFor thee to disdain it;有一种情感总是错误地遭到蔑视,你不该狠下心,再去蔑视它。One feeling:指对所爱的人的崇敬之情。
(3)One hope is too like despairFor prudence to smother, 有一个希望,它太难实现,和绝望差不多,请你不要顾虑重重、缩手缩脚,把它熄灭。(4)And pity from thee more dear Than that form another,:对我来说,你的爱怜比别人的都珍贵。诗人对其情人无比崇敬,如果其情人对诗人的这种心情不视而不见,以爱怜之心作出反应,对诗人来说当然无比珍贵。
(1)I can give not what men call love,But wilt thou accept not: 我不能向你奉献世俗之人所谓的“爱”,但是难道你会忍心拒绝(以下几种情感吗)?wilt thou:you will.Wilt:第二人称单数现在时的古式。此句与第一节的“One word is too often profanedFor me to profane it”对应。
(2)The worship the heart lifts aboveAnd the Heavens reject not, 如果心灵将它奉献给苍天,苍天也不回绝的崇拜。意即这种崇拜之情是崇高而神圣的。
(3)The desire of the moth for the star,Of the night for the morrow, 飞蛾对星星的期盼,以及黑夜对白昼的向往。Morrow :〈文〉:tomorrow, morning.诗人把自己的处境比做黑夜,把所爱的人比做光明。
(4)The devotion to something afar Form the sphere of our sorrow? 在痛苦的尘世中对遥远梦景的追求。这与第一节“One hope is too like despair”相呼应。Sphere 本义为球体,此处指世俗世界。
You Are Not Alone
Another day has gone
I am still alone
How could this be
You are not here with me
You never said goodbye
Someone tell me why
Did you have to go
And leave my world so cold
Everyday I sit and ask myself
How did love slip away
Something whispers in my ear and says
That you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though you are far away
I am here with you
Though you are far away
I am here to stay
But you are not alone
For I am here with you
Though we are far apart
You are always in my heart
But you are not alone
Just the other night
I thought I heard you cry
Asking me to come
And hold you in my arms
I can hear your prayers
Your burdens I will bear
But first I need your hand
Then forever can begin
第四篇:英文诗歌鉴赏-Annabel Lee
Annabel Lee
——Edgar Allan Poe It was many and many a year ago,In a kingdom by the sea, That a maiden there lived whom you may know By the name of ANNABEL LEE;And this maiden she lived with no other thought Than to love and be loved by me.I was a child and she was a child, In this kingdom by the sea;But we loved with a love that was more than love-I and my Annabel Lee;With a love that the winged seraphs of heaven Coveted her and me.And this was the reason that, long ago, In this kingdom by the sea, A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling My beautiful Annabel Lee;So that her highborn kinsman came And bore her away from me, To shut her up in a sepulchre In this kingdom by the sea.The angels, not half so happy in heaven, Went envying her and me-Yes!-that was the reason(as all men know, In this kingdom by the sea)That the wind came out of the cloud by night, Chilling and killing my Annabel Lee.But our love it was stronger by far than the love Of those who were older than we-Of many far wiser than we-And neither the angels in heaven above, Nor the demons down under the sea, Can ever dissever my soul from the soul Of the beautiful Annabel Lee.For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;And the stars never rise but I feel the bright eyes Of the beautiful Annabel Lee;And so, all the night-tide, I lie down by the side
Of my darling-my darling-my life and my bride, In the sepulchre there by the sea, In her tomb by the sounding sea.Edgar Allan Poe is one of the greatest literary figures in the history of American literature.He develops his own poetic theories and tries to apply the theories to his writing.Poe is against the didactic function of poetry, advocating that poetry should be a rhythmical creation of beauty.Poe's poems are perfect illustrations of his poetic theories.His poems are aimed at producing a melancholy feeling in the reader and make the reader feel the metrical beauty of poems.His poetic works are well appreciated all over the world.“Annabel Lee” is one of his last poems and also one of his best poems.The poem is also well organized, with a musical rhythm and fairy tale form.Annabel Lee, like many other poems of Edgar Allan Poe, describes the theme of the death of a beautiful woman which is called “the most poetical topic in the world” by the poet himself.In the poem, the narrator and Annabel Lee had an extremely strong love for each other since they were children.Unfortunately, their love is so strong that even angels envy them and Annabel Lee was killed by them.However, the narrator retains the deep love for her after her death.Just as the last stanza shows us, the narrator dreams about Annabel everyday and lies by the side of her tomb at night.It seems that their love is beyond grave and death.There are many speculation of who is the inspiration of Annabel Lee.I would like to believe that Annabel Lee is referring to Poe’s wife Virginia who died at the age of 26.She was loved as a child by Edgar Allen Poe because she was only 13 when she married the 27-year-old Poe.And she was the only bride of him.Poe set the scene in a kingdom by the sea and uses some images like sepulcher and tomb, which add some Gothic touch to the poem.With the repetition of some words and phrases, the poem has a nostalgic tone and gives us a mournful feeling.The mysterious tone of the poem makes us feel that only in mysterious and ancient time does such kind of love exist.Besides the content, the poetic structure of this poem is also what I appreciate.It is composed of six stanzas with lines at different length, which gives me a feeling of the waves of the ocean.When I read it, the rhyme and the different length makes it has a musical effect and it is like telling a story to someone.“Annabel Lee” was composed in the form of a fairy tale.First, the poet chose simple everyday words as that of tales to compose his poem, so that it could be easily reached by everyone, even by small children.Second, the starting line “It was many and many a year ago, / In a kingdom by the sea,” suggests that the tale has existed for a long time and it has been told many times, which indicates the strong love between the narrator and Annabel Lee doesn't fade with time, and it will be told from generation to generation;by this way, their love will reach immortality.“Annabel Lee” also shows some characteristics of a ballad.For example: The language is simple;it is accessible to the common people and children.The theme is tragic and the tone is melancholy;the poem tells the death of a beloved young beauty,which is the most frequently seen theme in Poe's poems.Poe uses insistent repetition of phrases like “Annabel Lee”, “in this kingdom by the sea” for effect, which might be considered as refrains in a ballad.Let’s appreciate it carefully.In Stanza 1, “maiden” implies the narrator hasn't consummated with Annalbel Lee before she had been
dead, and it symbolizes the innocence and pure.As above “many and many” and “love and be loved”, Poe utilizes the repetition to enhance the rhythm of the poem.However, we can also find the repetition in Stanza 2, as the sounds of “w” and “l”: But we loved with a love that was more than love.“I was a child and she was a child, here we find the repetition of the word, child suggesting the amazement and fascination in youth.Poe uses ”sepulchre“ in Stanza 3 and we can see ”tomb“ in Stanza 6;the former is where Annabel Lee is buried in and the latter is where Annabel Lee's soul rest in, furthermore ”tomb“ deepens the ominus connotion with finality, just like a more deathly toll of a funeral bell.There're rhyme and alliteration as follows:
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
My beautiful Annabel Lee;
So that her high-born kinsmen came
And bore her away from me,To shut her up in a sepulchre
In this kingdom by the sea.Let's get an overlook on Stanza 4 and Stanza 5, then we can find that Poe heavily uses alliteration just in want of creating fascinating sound patterns, as the following sentense in these two Stanzas:
A wind blew out of a cloud, chilling
That the wind came out of the cloud one night,But our love it was stronger by far than the love
Of those who were older than we
”In the kingdom of the sea“ and ”Annabel Lee“ are repeated by the narrator in term of a repetition of Poe, which is murmured by the narrtor after losing his lover, Annabel Lee.And now Annabel Lee in the kingdom of the sea seems to be a nightmare.Throughout the poem, Poe utilizes the imagery of drak and light, and indicates that in this kingdom by the sea is a very bright, pleasing and peaceful place with sunshine on the narrator and his beautiful Annabel Lee, but, irronically, it's the very angles, Seraphs from another same place like the kingdom of the sea, lightful and cheering, that let the sky get dark(the wind came out of the cloud one night)and send the chilling and killing wind that takes Annabel Lee away from the narrator and this Kingdom of the sea and push her into the sepulchre, and even the tomb because of envy and jealousy.However, it also gives us an evidence that the narrator is very childish and hasn't grown up yet since he went throgh the lose.The repetiton of his word implies that he is trying to rationalize his feeling and be mature.And then the last four lines in Stanza 5, which're totally different from The Raven, Poe or the narrator, believes that two can be one or reunited by love even beyond the death and none can dissever the soul from the other soul of the two lovers.It's the last poem of Edgar Allen Poe so that we can see mature and tranquility in this poem.In Stanza 6, Poe uses the light of the moon and the brightness of the star to account so strong love of the narrator and Annabel Lee that he lies down by her side in her sepulchre and her tomb by the sea where love is everything, even the narrator's life.What a bitter sweetness love is!
Mood and Tone of the Poem
”Annabel Lee“ is a poem Poe wrote to grieve over his early-died wife.At the beginning,the tone of the poem is quietly mournful.It feels like that the narrator is lost in thought, recalling the precious love between him and Annabel Lee.By and by, with the narrator thinking of the death of Annabel Lee, the tone becomes more mournful.When it reaches the fourth stanza where the reason of Annabel Lee's death is revealed, the tone is indignant.The narrator becomes angry at the winged seraphs, since they take away his lover.Then the tone becomes more and more emphatic and risesto its emotional climax in the last stanza.Everything in the world makes the narrator think of Annabel Lee.Hence the narrator expresses his strong will of loving Annabel Lee forever.In a word, the poem is an elegy written to his dead wife;it wears a mournful and melancholy tone.Rhythm of the Poem
Poe believes that beauty is the sole purpose of the poem.He insists on an even metrical flow in versification.Therefore, all his poems are rhythmical and musical.”Annabel Lee“ was mainly written in anapestic trimeter, tetrameter, and sometimes dimeter.The poem consists of six stanzas.the first, second, and fourth stanza each contains six lines, the third and sixth stanza eight lines, and the fifth stanza seven lines.What's more, the lines are also of different lengths.One long line is frequently followed by a short one.Different lengths of lines and stanzas create a rise and fall rhythm, just like the ebbing and flowing of the sea which create a melancholy and sad feeling in the reader.The rhyme scheme of the first stanza is ababcb;the second stanza is abcbdb;the third stanza is abcbdbeb, and rhyme schemes of the last three stanzas are abcbdb, abbabcb, abcbddbb.From here you can see that the rhyme scheme is not so regular among each stanza, but the [i:] sound is the basic rhyme through the whole poem.This kind of rhyme scheme reflects the unchanging love of the two lovers.[i:] is a long front close vowel, the sound of which is similar to the weeping of people.Therefore the frequent use of this rhyme adds the great sorrow of the narrator at losing his loved one.Another frequently used rhyme is [ai] such as in ”night“, ”tide“, ”side“, ”eye“ and ”bride“.This use of this diphthong can create a high pitch, which expressed the anger of the narrator towards the seraphs.Poe also used other rhyming types: Alliteration of [m] and [奁] in the line ”That a maiden there lived whom you may know“.Assonance of [ei] in the same line with ”maiden“ and ”may“;[i耷] in ”chilling and killing my Annabel Lee“.”Chilling“ and ”killing“ is also an example of end rhyme and feminine rhyme.Internal rhymes like ”beams“ and ”dreams“ in the line ”For the moon never beams without bringing me dreams“.All in all, [m], [n], [耷], [奁] and [i:] are the recurrent sounds in the poem.These sounds usually create a low mood and make people want to cry.The repetition of ”Annabel Lee“ and ”in this kingdom by the sea“ feels like the insistent tolling of a bell at a funeral, leaving the reader in great sadness.Imagery of the poem Image is the soul of poetry as language is the body of poetry.In this poem, Poe uses a lot of images to create a melancholy feeling in the reader.The images of ”the kingdom by the sea“, ”the seraphs“ and ”the demons“ create a mythical remote atmosphere.This implies that there love is so great and beautiful that it could only exist in a remote kingdom by the sea.”Children“ implies that their love is pure and innocent, without being aware of the earthly troubles.”The moon“ and ”the stars“ are the images of the universe, which show that all the things in the world make the narrator think of Annabel Lee.”The night tide“ and ” the sepulcher“ create a gothic mood of the poem.”The sounding sea“ is used to emphasize the quietness of the kingdom by contrast, and at the same time implies the changing of time in order to show the unchanging love by contrast.Reading the poem, the reader can see the moon, the stars and the
kingdom by the sea, can feel the chilling wind from heaven, and can hear the noise of the sounding sea.The poem employs people's senses and imagination to create a picture of a fairy tale scene.Conclusion Poe says in his ”The Poetic Principle“ that the poem should be short, readable at one sitting.Its chief aim is beauty.”Annabel Lee“ is just a good illustration of his poetic theories.The poem consists of 41lines, just readable at one sitting.He also concludes that the death of a beautiful woman is the most poetical topic in the world.The poem tells the death of Annabel Lee---the loss of a beautiful woman the narrator loves so much,hence producing a melancholy feeling in the reader.Poe stresses rhythm, and defines true poetry as ”the rhythmical creation of beauty“.His style is traditional, employing regular rhyme schemes and all kinds of poetic devices to compose the poem in order to achieve a musical effect.Unlike his other works, ”Annabel Lee" is easy to read, using simple words and simple form creating a simple fairy tale.
3.变文:唐代兴起的一种说唱文学,内容原为佛经故事后范围扩大,包括历史故事,变文的“变”的变是变更了佛经的文本成为俗讲的意思,“文”的体制是散文和韵文相连接,代表作品有伍子胥的《伍子胥变文 》。
28.三吏三别: 三吏:潼关吏 新安吏 石壕吏
三别:新婚别 垂老别 无家别。是杜甫一组“即事名篇”的新乐府诗。
29.柳永:北宋词人.原名三变, 字景庄.后改名永,崇安人.景佑元年进士.官屯田员外郎.世称柳
七、柳屯田.为人放荡不羁, 终身潦倒.其词多描绘城市风光和歌妓生活, 尤长于抒写羁旅行役之情.创作慢词独多.铺叙刻画, 情景交融, 语言通俗, 音律谐婉, 在当时流传很广, 对宋词的发展有一定影响.代表作《雨霖铃》、《八声甘州》、《望海潮》等。
1《送杜少府之任蜀州》 王勃
4《行路难 其一》李白
6《雁门太守行》 李贺
锦瑟无端五十弦,一弦一柱思华年。庄生晓梦迷蝴蝶,望帝春心托杜鹃。沧海月明珠有泪,蓝田日暖玉生烟。此情可待成追忆? 只是当时已惘然。
结句“一江春水向东流”,是以水喻愁的名句,含蓄地显示出愁思的长流不断,无穷无尽。同它相比,刘禹锡的《竹枝调》“水流无限似侬愁”,稍嫌直率,而秦观《江城子》“便作春江都是泪,流不尽,许多愁”,则又说得过尽,反而削弱了感人的力量。9《浣溪沙》 晏殊
10《踏莎行》 秦观
11《雨霖铃》 柳永
12《破阵子》辛弃疾 醉里挑灯看剑,梦回吹角连营。八百里分麾下炙,五十弦翻塞外声。沙场秋点兵。
下片借陈阿娇的故事,写爱国深情无处倾吐的苦闷。这一片可分三个层次,表现三个不同的内容。从“长门事”至“脉脉此情谁诉”是第一层。这是词中的重点。作者以陈皇后长门失宠自比,揭示自已虽忠而见疑,屡遭谗毁,不得重用和壮志难酬的不幸遭遇。“君莫舞”三句是第二层,作者以杨玉环、赵飞燕的悲剧结局比喻当权误国、暂时得志的奸佞小人,向投降派提出警告,“闲愁最苦"至篇终是第三层,以烟柳斜阳的凄迷景象,象征南宋王朝昏庸 腐朽,日落西山,岌岌可危的现实。
14《扬州慢·淮左名都 》姜夔
词的上阙,写出了词人亲眼目睹的景象和自身心理感受。写出了扬州城在“胡马窥江去后”令人痛心不已的凋残和败坏景象。词人先从自己的 行踪写起,写自己初次经过扬州城,在著名的竹西亭解鞍下马,稍作停留。走在漫长的扬州道上,词人所见到的全部是长得旺盛而齐整的荠麦。而昔日杜牧对扬州城美景的由衷溢誉一去不复返。自金人入侵后,烧杀掳掠,扬州城所剩下的也只是“废池乔木”的了。人们说起那场战争,至今还觉得心有余悸和刻骨痛恨。词的下阙,运用典故,进一步深化了“黍离之悲”的主题。昔日扬州城繁华,诗人杜牧留下了许多关于扬州城不朽的诗作。可是,假如这位多情的诗人今日再重游故地,他也必定会为今日的扬州城感到吃惊和痛心。杜牧算是个俊才情种,他有写“豆蔻”词的微妙精当,他有赋“青楼”诗的神乎其神。可是,当他面对眼前的凋残破败景象,他必不能写出昔日的款款深情来!扬州的名胜二十四桥仍然存在,水波荡漾,冷峻的月光下,四周寂籁无声。唉,试想下,尽管那桥边的芍药花年年如期盛放,可是到底还有谁有情思去欣赏它们的艳丽呢?词人用带悬念的疑问作为词篇的结尾,很自然地移情入景,今昔对比,催人泪下。
人生到处知何似?恰似飞鸿踏雪泥。泥上偶然留指爪,鸿飞哪复计东西? 老僧已死成新塔,坏壁无由见旧题;往日崎岖还记否,路长人困蹇驴嘶。