
时间:2019-05-13 11:15:47下载本文作者:会员上传


five little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack.but only four little ducks came back.four little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack.but only three little ducks came back.three little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack.but only two little ducks came back.two little ducks went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack.but only one little duck came back.one little duck went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said quack, quack, quack, quack.but none of the five little ducks came back.mother duck went out one day over the hills and far away mother duck said quack, quack, quack.and all of the five little ducks came back.


儿童英语小故事都是一些英语表达简单,多对话的短文,例如经典的《 We are friends》、《Little mouse》、《Let’s play》等的英语小故事。熟读儿童英语小故事可以让儿童更早接触英语,并且英语小故事比较有趣,儿童们会对英语产生兴趣,这样有利于他们以后的英语学习。我下面只是介绍了3篇比较经典的英语小故事,想了解更多,可以到网上下载,也可以运用学习软件来阅读儿童英语小故事。

We are friends(我们是朋友)

Tommy is turtle.He has no daddy, no mummy and n

o friends.Tommy 是一只乌龟。他没有爸爸、妈妈和朋友。

He is crying.A bird comes.She says: “I can fly.Let’

s fly!”


Tommy says: “ no,no, I can’t fly!”

Tommy 说:“不,不,我不会飞。”

A rabbit comes.He says: “ I can jump.Let’s jump!”


Tommy says: “no, no.I can’t jump!”


A monkey comes.He says:“I can climb the tree.Let’

s climb the tree!”


Tommy says: “ no, no.I can’t climb the tree!”


A duck comes.He says: “I can swim.Let’s swim!”


Tommy smiles: “ we are friends!”


Little mouse(小老鼠)It’s a sunny day.A little mouse wants to go out and

play.这是一个晴朗的一天。一只小老鼠想要去外面玩 But he is afraid of the cat.so he peeks and peeks.但是它害怕猫。所以左看看右看看

He peeks to the left and peeks to the right.它看了左边又看右边

Suddenly, the mummy mouse shouts.突然,老鼠妈妈叫道:

“watch out!Watch out!The cat is here , the cat is re.”


Let’s play(让我们一起玩吧)

It’s dark outside, the cat doesn’t want to sleep.外面已经天黑了,可是小猫不想睡觉

“rabbits,rabbits!Let’s play!” “兔子,兔子!让我们一起玩吧”

“no,we are sleeping.” “不,我们要睡觉” “birds,birds!Let’s play!” “小鸟,小鸟!让我们一起玩”

“no, we are sleeping.”


“不,我们要睡觉” “bears,bear.Let’s play!” “小熊,小熊,让我们一起玩吧”

“no, we are sleeping.” “不,我们要睡觉”

No one wants to play.The cat has to go home and s







We are friends(我们是朋友)Tommy is turtle.He has no daddy, no mummy and no friends.Tommy 是一只乌龟。他没有爸爸、妈妈和朋友。

He is crying.A bird comes.She says: “I can fly.Let’s fly!”


Tommy says: “ no,no, I can’t fly!”

Tommy 说:“不,不,我不会飞。”

A rabbit comes.He says: “ I can jump.Let’s jump!”


Tommy says: “no, no.I can’t jump!”


A monkey comes.He says:“I can climb the tree.Let’s climb the tree!”


Tommy says: “ no, no.I can’t climb the tree!”


A duck comes.He says: “I can swim.Let’s swim!”


Tommy smiles: “ we are friends!”


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Little mouse(小老鼠)It’s a sunny day.A little mouse wants to go out and play.这是一个晴朗的一天。一只小老鼠想要去外面玩 But he is afraid of the cat.so he peeks and peeks.但是它害怕猫。

所以左看看右看看 He peeks to the left and peeks to the right.它看了左边又看右边

Suddenly, the mummy mouse shouts.突然,老鼠妈妈 叫道:

“watch out!Watch out!The cat is here , the cat is here.” “小心!小心!


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Let’s play(让我们一起玩吧)It’s dark outside, the cat doesn’t want to sleep.外面已经天黑了,可是小猫不想睡觉 “rabbits,rabbits!Let’s play!” “兔子,兔子!让我们一起玩吧” “no,we are sleeping.” “不,我们要睡觉” “birds,birds!Let’s play!”

“小鸟,小鸟!让我们一起玩” “no, we are sleeping.” “不,我们要睡觉” “bears,bear.Let’s play!”

“小熊,小熊,让我们一起玩吧” “no, we are sleeping.” “不,我们要睡觉”

No one wants to play.The cat has to go home and sleep 没有人想要玩。小猫只要回家去睡了

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In the forest(在森林里)It’s a sunny day.The animals are meeting in the forest.天气晴朗。动物们正在森林里开运动会 The deer can run fast.The frogs can jump high.小鹿能跑得很快。

青蛙能跳得很高 The elephant can carry wood with their noses.大象能用它们的长长的鼻子搬运木头 The snakes can swim on the land and in the river.蛇 能在地上走,也能在水里游 The cats can climb the tree.猫能爬树 The lions can walk 狮子能走

They are having a sports meeting.它们正在举行运动会

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优秀,从“启点”开始!电话:26519082 Are you…?(你是。。?)The animals are playing hide-and-seek in the forest.动物们


“Where are you ,rabbits?”

the rabbits are hiding.“你们在哪,小兔子们?”


“where are you, chicks?”

the chicks are hiding.“你们在哪,小鸡们?”


“where are you,tigers?”

the tigers are hiding.“你们在哪,老虎?”


Suddenly, the fox caught someone,突然,狐狸 抓住了一个

“ are you a tiger?” the fox asked.“你是老虎吗?” 狐狸问道


“are you tall?”



“no,I’m short”


“oh, you’re the rabbit!”



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Three butterflies(三只蝴蝶)There are three butterflies in the garden.花园里有三只蝴蝶

One is red, one is yellow, and the last is white.一只是红的,一只是黄的,最后一只是白色的 They’re playing and dancing in the garden all day.他们整天在花园里玩耍、跳舞

They are very happy.他们非常开心

Suddenly, it rains!突然,下雨了

They fly to the red flowers and ask.他们飞向红色的花丛,问道

“we’re so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?”


The red flowers answer:“ red butterfly, please come in.the others go away!”

红花们说道: “红蝴蝶,近来吧。其它的蝴蝶走开!

The three butterflies say together: “we are good friends, we must stay together”


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优秀,从“启点”开始!电话:26519082 It’s raining harder.They fly to the yellow flowers and ask.雨越下越大。他们飞向黄色的花丛,问道:

“we’re so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?”


The yellow flowers answers: “ yellow butterfly,please come in.the others go away!”




The three butterflies say together: “ we are good friends.We must stay together”


It’s raining harder and harder.They fly to the white flowers and ask.雨越下越大,它们飞向白花丛,问道:

“we’re so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?”


The white flowers answers:”white butterfly, please come in.the others go away.白花说道:“白蝴蝶,进来吧。其它的蝴蝶走开”

The three butterflies say together: “ we are good friends.We must stay together”


They fly under the rain.They are cold and afraid 他们飞到雨中。


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优秀,从“启点”开始!电话:26519082 But they don’t want to leave their friends.但是他们不想离开他们的朋友

Just then, the sun comes out.正在那时,太阳出来了

He smiles and stops the rain.他微笑着,让雨停了

It’s sunny now.The butterflies dance and play in the garden.天 晴了。


They are happy!他们

非常 开心

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儿童英语小故事都是一些英语表达简单,多对话的短文,例如经典的《 We are friends》、《Little mouse》、《Let’s play》等的英语小故事。


We are friends(我们是朋友)

Tommy is turtle.He has no daddy, no mummy and no friends.Tommy 是一只乌龟。他没有爸爸、妈妈和朋友。

He is crying.A bird comes.She says: “I can fly.Let’s fly!”


Tommy says: “ no,no, I can’t fly!”

Tommy 说:“不,不,我不会飞。”

A rabbit comes.He says: “ I can jump.Let’s jump!”


Tommy says: “no, no.I can’t jump!”


A monkey comes.He says:“I can climb the tree.Let’s climb the tree!”


Tommy says: “ no, no.I can’t climb the tree!”


A duck comes.He says: “I can swim.Let’s swim!”

一只鸭子过来了。他说:“我会游泳,让我们一起游泳吧!” Tommy smiles: “ we are friends!”


Little mouse(小老鼠)

It’s a sunny day.A little mouse wants to go out and play.这是一个晴朗的一天。一只小老鼠想要去外面玩 But he is afraid of the cat.so he peeks and peeks.但是它害怕猫。所以左看看右看看 He peeks to the left and peeks to the right.它看了左边又看右边

Suddenly, the mummy mouse shouts.突然,老鼠妈妈叫道:

“watch out!Watch out!The cat is here , the cat is here.” “小心!小心!猫在这里,猫在这里”

Let’s play(让我们一起玩吧)It’s dark outside, the cat doesn’t want to sleep.外面已经天黑了,可是小猫不想睡觉 “rabbits,rabbits!Let’s play!” “兔子,兔子!让我们一起玩吧” “no,we are sleeping.” “不,我们要睡觉” “birds,birds!Let’s play!”

“小鸟,小鸟!让我们一起玩” “no, we are sleeping.” “不,我们要睡觉” “bears,bear.Let’s play!”

“小熊,小熊,让我们一起玩吧” “no, we are sleeping.” “不,我们要睡觉”

No one wants to play.The cat has to go home and sleep




1.Let’s play让我们玩

It’s dark黑了 outside外边;The cat doesn’t不 want to想 sleep睡觉.“Rabbits小兔, rabbits, let’s play.” “No, we are sleeping.“Birds小鸟, birds, let’s play.”“No, we are sleeping.”

“Bears小熊, bears, let’s play.”“No, we are sleeping.”

No one没人 wants to想要 play.The cat has to不得不 go home回家 and sleep.2.Are you?

The animals(动物)are playing hide-and-seek(捉迷藏)in the forest.(森林)

Where(在哪里?)are you rabbits?The rabbits are hiding.(藏)

Where are you chicks?(小鸡)The chicks are hiding.Where are you tigers?(老虎)The tigers are hiding.Suddenly,(突然)the fox(狐狸)caught(抓住)someone(某个小动物).“Are you a tiger?”The fox asked(问).“No, no, no!” “Are you tall(高)?”“No, I’m short(矮).” “Oh, you’re……the rabbit!”

3.In the forest(森林)

It’s a sunny(晴朗的)day.The animals are meeting(开会)in the forest.The deer(小鹿)can run fast.The frogs(青蛙)can jump(跳)high(高).The elephants can carry(搬)wood(木头)with their noses.The snakes(蛇)can swim(游泳)on the land(土地)or in the river.The cats(猫)can climb(爬)the trees(树).The lions can walk.They’re having a sports meeting(运动会).4.Tadpole(蝌蚪)’s mommy

Spring comes.(春天来了)

The tadpoles are missing(思念)their mommy.(妈妈)

They want to look for(寻找)her.A duck(鸭子)is coming.(来了)“Mommy, mommy” The duck says: “Sorry,(对不起)I’m not your mommy.Your mommy has(有)a white belly(肚皮).”

The tadpoles say: “Thank you(谢谢)!Good bye!” A fish(鱼)is coming.“Mommy, mommy”The fish says: “Sorry, I’m not your mommy.Your mommy(你的妈妈)has two(两只)big eyes(眼睛).”

The tadpoles say: “Thanks(多谢)!Bye!”

A turtle(海龟)is coming.“Mommy, mommy” The turtle says: “Sorry, I’m not your mommy.Your mommy wears(穿)a green dress(裙子).” The tadpoles say:“thanks a lot, see you.(再见)” Just then, the frog(青蛙)is coming.The tadpoles say: “Mommy, mommy.”

The frog says: “How are you?(你好吗)My babies!I love/(爱)you so much.”

5.Mimi’s Sunday(星期天)

Today(今天)is Sunday.Mommy cat is out.She has left(留下)a letter.(一封信)The babies(宝宝)open(打开)the letter: “You must wash your face(洗你的脸), brush your teeth(刷你的牙齿)at six(六点).You must eat your milk and cakes(吃蛋糕和牛奶)at seven.You can play games(玩游戏)at eight(八点).My telephone(电话)number is 43560719.You can call me.”

The babies do(做)as(按照)their mommy ordered.(要求)

They do good jobs.(做的真棒)

6.The rabbits and the wolf(狼)

Mommy rabbit wants to go shopping(买东西).She(她)tells her babies:

“You must stay(留在)at home(家).Close the door(关门).Close the window(关窗).Remember(记住了吗)?” A wolf comes.“I’m hungry(饿), I want to eat(吃)something.I smell(闻)rabbits.There are 2 rabbits.I’ll eat them.”

The wolf knocks at(敲)the door.“Hello, I’m your mommy.Open(打开)the door.”

The baby rabbits look out of(看)the window.“Oh, it’s a wolf!A big(大)wolf.What can we do?”

One rabbit says: “I have a good idea(主意).Mommy, let me look at(看)your tail(尾巴).” The wolf answers,(回答)

“Look at my tail? Ok!Open the door.” The rabbits count: “One-two-three.” The wolf screams(叫): “Oh, my tail.” Then he goes away.(逃跑)Mommy rabbit comes back.(回来)

She smiles(笑了).7.We are friends(朋友)

Tommy is a turtle.(乌龟)

He has no daddy, no mommy and no friends.He’s crying(正在哭).A bird comes.She says,“I can fly.Let’s fly!” Tommy answers, “No, no, I can’t fly.” A rabbit(兔子)comes.He(他)says, “I can jump.Let’s jump!” Tommy says, “No, no, I can’t jump!”

A monkey comes.He says,“I can climb the tree.Let’s climb the tree.”

Tommy says, “No, no, I can’t climb the tree.” A duck comes.He says, “I can swim.Let’s swim!” Tommy smiles(微笑), “We’re(我们是)friends(朋友)!”


It’s a rainy(下雨的)day.It rains all over the world(世界).Look(瞧)!It rains on(在…上)the green grass(绿草).It rains on the red roofs(红房顶).It rains on the big trees(大树).Oops!

It rains on me(我).We(我们)can’t go out(出去)and play(玩).Rain, rain, go away(走开).9.Little mouse(小老鼠)

It’s a sunny day.A little(小)mouse wants to go out and play.But he(他)is afraid of(害怕)the cat.So he peeks(偷看)and peeks.He peeks to the left(左)and peeks to the right.Suddenly, the mummy mouse shouts(喊).“Watch out!(小心)Watch out!

The cat(猫)is here(在这)!The cat is(是)here!”


It’s cloudy.(阴天)

There are(有)four rabbits.One is a black(黑色的)rabbit, one is a gray(灰色的)rabbit, and the others(另外的)are white(白色的)rabbits.Their(他们的)house(房子)is so old(旧了).They are moving now.(现在)

Suddenly, it rains!Where(在哪里)are they(他们)? They’re hiding(藏)under(在…下边)the table(桌子)!After a while(一会后), the sun太阳comes out.The rabbits are laughing正在笑!They are moving again.又

This is their new新的 house.It’s a beautiful

house.They are living住在 here together.一起 How多么 happy幸福 they are!

11.Three butterflies三只蝴蝶

There are three butterflies in the garden.One is red, one is yellow, and the last is white.They’re playing and dancing in the garden all day.They’re very happy.Suddenly, it rains!They fly to the red flowers and ask.“We’re so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?” The red flowers answer“Red butterfly, please come in.The others go away走开!” Three butterflies say together,“We are good friends.We must stay together。”

It’s raining harder.(比刚才更大了)

They fly to the yellow flowers and ask.“We’re so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?” The yellow flowers answer,“Yellow butterfly, please come in.The others go away!” Three butterflies say together,“We are good friends.We must stay together!” It’s raining harder and harder.比刚才更大了 They fly to the white flowers白花 and ask.“We’re so cold.Can we hide under your leaves?” The white flowers answer, “White butterfly, please come in.The others go away.”

Three butterflies say together,“We’re good friends.We must stay together!” They fly under the rain.They are cold and afraid.But they don’t want to leave their friends.Just then, the sun comes out.出来 He smiles微笑 and stops 停止the rain.It’s sunny now.The butterflies dance跳舞 and play玩 in the garden.They are happy!



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