What's in the box? A piece of cheese!What's in the box? A mouse!
What's in the box? A cat!
what's in the box? Nothing!One teddy bear all alone.Two teddy bears on the phone.Three teddy bears with a kite.Four teddy bears in a fight.Five teddy bears up a tree.Six teddy bears in the sea.Seven teddy bears all for me!Bubbles in the air.Bubbles in my hair.Bubbles on the ground.Bubbles big and round.Bubbles bursting high.Bubbles bursting low.Where do all the bubbles go?Where's Woolly? She's not in her basket.She's not in my bed.She's not in the garden.Where is she? Here she is!
She's in the cupboard under the stairs with three little kittens!Walking in the jungle, what can I see ?
A long snake looking at me,me,me.Walking in the jungle,what can I see? A small mouse looking at me,me,me.Walking in the jumgle, what can I see? A big tiger looking for her tea,tea,tea!
7One two three four five Once I caught a fish alive!Six seven eight nine ten Then I let it go again!Why did you let it go? Because it bit my finget so.Which finger did it bite? This little finger on the rightThis is my pet.Sometimes I take her for a walk.Sometimes I take her shopping.Sometimes I play with her.When she's dirty,I wash her.When she's tired,I take her home and make her dinner.She's lucky!Every year my dog has a party.All her friends come.They play hide and seek.they fight.They sing a song.Then they have tea.And when they go home, they all say,“Thank you!”I'm afloat in a boat on the wide,wide sea.I land on the sand and what can I see?
A little white house by the wide,wide sea, and a little brown mouse saying, “Time for tea.”13 Five green monsters are playing on a swing.Four green monsters are dancing in a ring.Three green monsters are diving in a pool.Two green monsters are running home from school.One green monster is jumping in the hay.No green monsters are left to play.Four scary monsters are going to the fair.One scary monster is flying in the air.One scary monster is going round and round.One scary monster is falling on the ground.One scary monster is scaring a big ghost.Which scary monster is scared the most?Incy wincy Spider climbs up the water spout.Down comes the rain and washes Incy out.Out comes the sun and dries up all the rain.So Incy Wincy Spider climbs up the spout again.What can we do today? Look for dragons!
What can we do today?
Look for crocodiles!What can we do today? Look for tigers!
What can we do today? Run away!That's me with my cat.That's me in Mum's hat.That's me with long hair.That's me at the fair.That's me in the pool.That's me going to school.Yes,that's ME!We're going on a picnic.Not here!It's too grassy.Not here!It's too noisy.Not here!It's too muddy.Not here!It's too busy.Not here!It's too messy.I know a good place.Here!When my dog is dirty, I give her a bath.First I wet het,then I wash her.She doesn't like it!
She kicks and she splashes.My dog is nice and clean now.But look at me!Three spotty monsters are up in a balloon.Three spotty monsters are flying to the moon.Three spotty monsters are waving to a train.Three spotty monsters are waving to a plane.Three spotty monsters are waving to the stars.Three spotty monsters are flying off to Mars.Hickory,dickory,dock, the mouse runs up the clock.The clock strikes one.The mouse runs down.Hickory,dickory,dock.Hickory,dickory,dock,the mouse runs round the clock.The clock strides two.The mouse says, “BOO!”
本套教材的编写与出版,得到了国内、外多名语言学家和儿童教育专家的关心与指导,并经数所双语幼儿园试教试用。特别承蒙徐国萍教授、英国专家Paul Denman先生审阅;清华大学程慕胜教授拨冗主审;英国专家Paul Denman先生、Catherine Marsden女士录音。感谢中国出版工作者协会给予的大力支持和指导。
1.CD1 Song2What is your name?
2.CD1 Song 6School is fun
3.CD1 Chant11 Give me a banana
4.CD1 Chant14 What is this?
5.CD1 Chant17 Listen,listen
6.CD1 Chant19 My blue train
7.CD1 Song22 This is my snowman
8.CD1 Chant24 Snow,snow
9.CD1 Song27 Get out of bed
10.CD1Chant29 Princess ,sheriff
11.CD1Song31 A party song
12.CD1Chant33 Pizza,pizza
13.CD1Song35 Lots of spaghetti
14.CD1Song38 A cap on a cat
15.CD1Song40 It is raining
16.CD1Chant42 Rain,rain,rain
17.CD1Song45 Listen to the animals
18.CD1Song48 Happy,happy holiday
19.CD1Song50 A Merry,Merry Christmas
20.CD1Song54 Easter Bunny Playway2
1.CD1 Song2 Hello again
2.CD1Song6 Don’t play in the street
3.CD1Song11 My vegetable soup
4.CD1Song15 Maisie
5.CD1Chant20 I’m Emily
6.CD1Song22 The clever racoons
7.CD1Song 26What’the time
8.CD1Song30Twenty pink elephants
9.CD2Song2 Bend your knees
10.CD2Song11 Breakfast
11.CD2Chant13 What’s in your bowl
12.CD2Chant17 Come to my party
13.CD2Song19 Juicy apples
14.CD2Chant22 I’m a little kitten
15.CD2Song24 Earthworm song
16.CD2Song28 My little boat
17.CD2Chant29Blow a bubble
18.CD2Song32 Holiday boogie
19.CD2Song35The Christmas tree
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口语猫英语 · 在家上外教课
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