高中英语说课 教师资格证测试专用(已通过)[5篇材料]

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第一篇:高中英语说课 教师资格证测试专用(已通过)

Good morning, teachers!It’s my great honor to be here and to share my lesson with you.I’m no._ and the subject I choose is taken from Senior English Book 5, unit_, the reading part.I will give my lesson from 5 parts, that is, analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedures, and the blackboard design.I will begin from the first part, analysis of the teaching material.Three aspects are included in this part.They are the understanding of this lesson, the teaching aims, the important points and the difficult points.The title of the reading part is ___________________.It talks about_____________, and by learning this part, we will enable the students to________________________.It is the first part of this unit, which plays a very important role in the whole unit.If the students can master this part well, it will be helpful for them to study the rest of this unit.According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of students’ growing of mind, the teaching aims are set as follows: Knowledge aims: the students can memorize and use the main words and expressions in this unit, they can understand the main idea of this passage.Ability aims: to improve students’ overall abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially the speaking and reading ability.Emotion aims: develop students’ interest in _____.Next is the important points and difficult points.The important points include: master the new words and expressions;have a good understanding of the grammar________.The difficult point is how to enable the students to use the new knowledge in proper situations in their daily life.Ok, that’s all about the first part, analysis of the teaching material.Now let’s come to the second part, teaching methods.To achieve the teaching aims better, to enable students to master the important points, and to break through the difficult points, I will use the situational language teaching method and the task-based language teaching method in my teaching.And in order to practice my teaching methods well, I will need the tape recorder, the multimedia, and the blackboard.Part 3 is the studying methods.Students of this age are quick in mind and they are eager to show what they know, but they are lack of some certain knowledge and the courage to express themselves.Therefore, I will teach my students to master basic learning strategy, practice strategy, and communication strategy to improve their English abilities.Now let’s come to the main part of a class, part 4, teaching procedures.I have designed 5 steps to improve students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.They are lead in, reading, language learning, post-reading, and homework.Step 1 is the lead in.I think the most useful method to lead students is interest stimulating and discussion by themselves.At the beginning, I will show some pictures of ______ to the students, and let them discuss_________________.Then I will ask students to play games with their partners.Step 2 is reading.Firstly, I will let the students to read the passage as quickly as they can to find out the main idea of this passage.Then, we will do the careful reading.I will play the tape part by part to let students find out the general idea of each paragraph, and then answer the following questions in detail.Step 3 is language learning.In this step, I will teach my students the passage in details about the vocabulary and grammar.And in grammar teaching, I will list the sentences of this passage containing the grammar_________.Then let the students observe these sentences carefully to draw a conclusion of the grammar themselves.Step 4 is post-reading.In this step, I will ask my students to retell the passage to their partners.If they can finish this part well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.The last step is homework.I will ask the students to write an article about______ to improve their writing ability.That’s the 5 steps of my teaching procedures.At last, I will give a brief introduction of my blackboard design.A good blackboard design should contain the main knowledge points of the class and help students to organize their thoughts well.Therefore, l will divide the blackboard into 2 parts.The left part will be used to write the important vocabulary and grammar.It will be reserved for the whole class.The right part will be used for explanation.I will write some sentences to explain the meaning of some words of expressions.Ok, that’s all for my presentation today.Thank you very much.


Hello, everybody.It is a great pleasure for me to share my teaching plan here with you about unit_, module _.The title of this unit is ___.Now let’s see how I deal with this unit.Good morning, teachers!It’s my great honor to be here and to share my lesson with you.I’m no._ and the subject I choose is taken from New Senior English for China Book_, unit_, the reading part.I will give my lesson from 5 parts, that is, analysis of the teaching material, the teaching methods, the studying methods, the teaching procedures, and the blackboard design.I will begin from the first part, analysis of the teaching material.Three aspects are included in this part.They are the understanding of this lesson, the teaching aims, the important points and the difficult points.The title of the reading part is ___________________.It talks about_____________, and by learning this part, we will enable the students to________________________.It is the first part of this unit, which plays a very important role in the whole unit.If the students can master this part well, it will be helpful for them to study the rest of this unit.According to the new standard curriculum and the syllabus, after studying the teaching material and analyzing the rule of students’ growing of mind, the teaching aims are set as follows: Knowledge aims: the students can memorize and use the main words and expressions in this unit;they can understand the main idea of this passage.Ability aims: to improve students’ overall abilities of listening, speaking, reading and writing, especially the speaking and reading ability.Emotion aims: develop students’ interest in _____.Next are the important points and difficult points.The important points include: master the new words and expressions;have a good understanding of the grammar________.The difficult point is how to enable the students to use the new knowledge in proper situations in their daily life.Ok, that’s all about the first part, analysis of the teaching material.Now let’s come to the second part, teaching methods.To achieve the teaching aims better, to enable students to master the important points, and to break through the difficult points, I will use the situational language teaching method and the task-based language teaching method in my teaching.And in order to practice my teaching methods well, I will need the tape recorder, the multimedia, and the blackboard.Part 3 is the studying methods.Students of this age are quick in mind and they are eager to show what they know, but they are lack of some certain knowledge and the courage to express themselves.Therefore, I will teach my students to master basic learning strategy, practice strategy, and communication strategy to improve their English abilities.Now let’s come to the main part of a class, part 4, teaching procedures.I have designed 5 steps to improve students’ listening, speaking, reading and writing abilities.They are lead in, reading, language learning, post-reading, and homework.Step 1 is the lead in.I think the most useful method to lead students is interest stimulating and discussion by themselves.At the beginning, I will show some pictures of ______ to the students, and let them discuss_________________.Then I will ask students to play games with their partners.Step 2 is reading.Firstly, I will let the students to read the passage as quickly as they can to find out the main idea of this passage.Then, we will do the careful reading.I will play the tape part by part to let students find out the general idea of each paragraph, and then answer the following questions in detail.Step 3 is language learning.In this step, I will teach my students the passage in details about the vocabulary and grammar.And in grammar teaching, I will list the sentences of this passage containing the grammar_________.Then let the students observe these sentences carefully to draw a conclusion of the grammar themselves.Step 4 is post-reading.In this step, I will ask my students to retell the passage to their partners.If they can finish this part well, they will benefit a lot in their spoken English.The last step is homework.I will ask the students to write an article about______ to improve their writing ability.That’s the 5 steps of my teaching procedures.At last, I will give a brief introduction of my blackboard design.A good blackboard design should contain the main knowledge points of the class and help students to organize their thoughts well.Therefore, l will divide the blackboard into 2 parts.The left part will be used to write the important vocabulary and grammar.It will be reserved for the whole class.The right part will be used for explanation.I will write some sentences to explain the meaning of some words of expressions.Ok, that’s all for my presentation today.Thank you very much.


高二下册 第六课第一节 《价值观的导向作用》说课稿







4、教学重点: 价值观的导向作用,尤其是要让学生理解不同的价值观对个人与社会有着不同的导向作用。一是人类在认识世界和改造世界的活动中,首先得解决认识什么和改造什么的问题,要按一定的价值标准来确定认识对象和改造对象,发挥价值观的导向作用。二是人生价值观只是一般价值观的一部分,不能用人生价值观的作用代替一般价值观的作用。这是本课的重要内容,同时也是对青少年树立正确价值观对学生进行德育教育的落脚点。













导入新课 :今天,我们继续来讨论下面的问题。板书(第六课

第一节 价值观的导向作用)A、在对“价值和价值观的含义”的教学上:板书:{




2、价值观的性质(1)价值观是在一定的社会存在的基础上产生的(2)价值观随社会存在的变化而变化} 这部分知识内容很容易理解,通过学生对比不同时期的生态价值观的变化,学生很容易就能把握这个知识点。但是后面针对下面价值观具有时代性和阶级性这个知识点来说,学生自己把握起来可能会有一些困难,所以我采用启发式教学方法,通过两个典型的例子让学生自己深入分析得出结论。

例一:“谦虚”好不好? 例二:长江生态的恶变:长江生态恶变,不仅是长江的悲剧,也是中华民族的悲剧。随着社会的前进和发展,只注意自然的经济价值而忽视自然的生态价值,这种片面的价值观导致人们对大自然的过度挥霍,最终遭到了报应。面对沉重的教训,人们逐渐认识到人与自然应当共生共荣、协同发展,一种人与自然的协同进化的科学生态价值观应运而生,并被更多的人认同.综上所述:价值观是一种社会意识,它是社会存在的反映。











Distinguished proctors,Good afternoon.I am so happy to stand here today to take this interview after passing the so difficult tests on education and psychology.I must seize the chance to pass this interview as a way to set a good example to my baby.I am...I’ve been working in Nanfang High School since I graduated from Beijing Language University in 2008.This morning when I woke up, I suddenly realized that it has been nearly 5 years since I first came to this city.Five years is not a long time compared with the whole period of life, nor is it enough to know a city totally different from my hometown.However, it is enough for me to pore over my dream, my pursuit and my plan for the rest of my life.After pondering on such questions for five years, I think now I can figure out what is the most valuable thing to me.That is the dream of being a teacher which took the fancy of the little girl who used to be utterly ravished by standing in front of a wooden board painted with ink and describing her funny ideas to her parents.The little girl was me.I just find I have never desert my dream to stand in the center of the classroom and impart our ancesters’ wisdom and thoughts to a group of teenagers.So today I am standing here, plucking up courage, try to get the permit of realizing my dream.


说课 参考一下 自己写稿~~~~











3、对学生的教育影响 各位评委老师:大家好 我今天说课的题目是XXX。XXX是XX出版社,XX主编。XXX主要是讲述(主要内容和特点150-200字)。


1、认知 吧啦吧啦

2、能力 吧啦吧啦 3.情感 吧啦吧啦



四、说教法 从学生实际情况出发,我们都知道教学有法,但无定法,贵在得法,我决定采用讲授法,演示法和练习法,做到多种方法相结合。



2.精讲新课,深入分析,(已经准备好的知识点结合教材,体现讲授法 或者 XX法 XX法)


4.课堂小结A借助板书总结内容同时强调重点 B由学生掌握,设计一个探究性主题,供学生思考。

六.板书设计,好的板书,线索明确 逻辑清晰 层次清楚 简洁明了。可以这么说,在板书设计方面,我力争简洁明了,既点明本课的教学要点,又方便学生理解识记,达到华龙点睛的作用。由于时间关系 板书展示不完整 不足之处请评委老师指正。

总结一下,吧啦吧啦吧啦吧啦 吧啦吧啦 谢谢给位评委老师~~~~~

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