英语面试 开场白

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第一篇:英语面试 开场白


James: Miss Wang, how do you do? I’m Allan James, the director(主管)of human resourse department of this company.Miss Wang: How do you do, Mr.James? Thank you for asking me to come in.James: Not at all.Please sit down, then we can begin.Miss Wang: Thank you.James: As you know, Miss Wang, we are looking for an executive secretary with business background and good English skills.We looked into your resume and thought you might be a good candidate.Miss Wang: Thank you.James: Today’s interview is for us to get to know a little about you.And the interview will last a little bit longer.So, if you’re comfortable, I want to ask you some questions.詹姆斯: 王小姐,你好。我是詹姆斯,这家公司的人力资源部主人。王小姐: 您好,詹姆斯先生。谢谢您给我这个面试的机会。詹姆斯: 别客气。请坐,我们开始吧。王小姐: 谢谢。

詹姆斯: 王小姐,正如你所知道的,我们需要一位有经贸背景和相当英语水平的行政秘书。看了你的简历,我们认为你是一位不错的人选。王小姐: 谢谢。

詹姆斯: 今天的面试是想对你有所了解。面试的时间可能比较长。如果你准备好了,我想问你一些问题。

NO 2 开场白

Smith: Come in, young man.Zhang Wei:(while shaking hands)I am Zhang Wei, nice to meet you, sir.Smith: I am Smith, the personnel director.Please have a seat, son.Zhang Wei: Thank you.Have you received my resume? Smith: Actually, I haven’t had time to look it over.Did you bring another copy with you? Zhang Wei: Of course, here you are, sir.Smith: Call me Mr.Smith.Zhang Wei: Certainly, Mr.Smith.史密斯: 请进,年轻人。

张伟:(握手)我是张伟,很高兴见到您,先生。史密斯: 我是史密斯,人事总监。请坐,年轻人。张伟: 谢谢。您收到我的简历了吗?

史密斯: 事实上,我还没来得及看。你带来另外一份了吗? 张伟: 当然了,给您,先生。史密斯: 叫我史密斯先生。张伟: 好的,史密斯先生。

NO 3 问籍贯

Lily: Where do you live? Shu Yun: I live in Beijing.Lily: What’s your permanent address? Shu Yun: My permanent address is Apt.401, 238 Zhongshan Road, Beijing.Lily: Where is your birthplace? Shu Yun: My birthplace is Suzhou.Lily: Where is your domicile? Shu Yun: My domicile is Beijing.Lily: Give me your telephone number, please.Shu Yun:(My telephone number is)139xxxxx345.莉莉:你住哪里? 舒芸:我住在北京。

莉莉:你的常住地址是哪里? 舒芸:我的常住地址是北京市中山路238号,401室。莉莉:你的出生地呢?

舒芸:我的出生地是苏州。莉莉:你的籍贯是哪里? 舒芸:我的籍贯是北京。


NO 4 问家庭

Lily: Are you married? Shu Yun: Yes, I’ve just married.Lily: How long have you been married? Shu Yun: I have been married for three years.Lily: How many people are there in your family? Shu Yun: There are four people in my family.Lily: Who are the members of your family?

Shu Yun: My, my husband, mother-in-law, my daughter and I.莉莉:你结婚了吗? 舒芸:是的,我结婚了。莉莉:你结婚多久了?

舒芸:我结婚已经3年了。莉莉:你家有几口人? 舒芸:4口。



NO 5


Jill: How about your grades of study? Zhao Ming: I have been doing quite well.As reach 90% and Bs reach 100%.And I’ve received Scholarship two times.Jill: Besides your major, do you know some in other fields? Zhao Ming: Yes.To develop my knowledge, I studied Economics, Business Administration and Accounting through self-study.Nowadays, I have passed three courses on CPA.Jill: Have you ever been a student cadre? Zhao Ming: Yes.I used to be the monitor of my class.Jill: Did it affect you much? Zhao Ming: It’s a very important experience for me.First, it improved my organizing ability, and let me understand how to resolve a problem in the overall perspective instead of my own perspective.Second, it let me know how to cooperate in harmony with people who I like or dislike.Jill: In your spare time, do you have andy part time jobs? Zhao Ming: Yes, I used to work as an assistant lawyer for Tianda Law Office.重点讲解:

1.how about,是个习惯用来,表示“„„怎么样”,例如:How about your pet dog? 你的宠物狗怎么样?

2.As, Bs 代表学习成绩的级别,一般学习成绩常分为四类:A表示优秀,B表示良好,C表示及格,D表示不及格。

3.CPA: 其全称是certified public accountant注册会计师 4.time一词的含义很多,有“时间”,“次数”,“历史时期”,“时代”等。Spare time 表示“业余时间”,part time 表示“兼职” 尔:你学习成绩怎么样?


赵明:是的,为了扩宽知识面,我自修了经济、工商管理和会计方面的知识,目前我正在考注册会计师,我已经通过了三门考试。吉尔:你在学校时担任过学生干部吗? 赵明:是的,我曾经担任班长。


赵明:这段经历对我来说很重要。首先它提高了我的组织能力,使我学会从全局出发而不仅仅是从个人角度去考虑问题;其次它让我学会了如何与自己喜欢或不喜欢的人团结合作。吉尔:学习之余,你有没有做过兼职工作? 赵明:有,我在天达律师事务所担任律师助理。


Smith: May I help you? Zhang Xue: Yes, I’ve come in apply for the position as head of claim department.Smith: I’m Smith, the manager of Human Resources Department.May I ask your name? Zhang Xue: My name is Zhang Xue.Smith: Would you tell me what education background you have? Zhang Xue: I graduated from Beijing College of Foreign Trade.My major was International Trade.Smith: Do you have any experience in this field? Zhang Xue: Yes, I have been working in Liushi Insurance Company for four years.Smith: OK.Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English? Zhang Xue: Yes.Smith: OK.I will accept you for a three months-period of probation.Is this satisfactory? Zhang Xue: Yes.重点讲解:

Human Resources Department:人力资源部


张 雪:是的,我是来应聘索赔部门主管一职的。

史密斯:我是史密斯,人力资源部门主管。你叫什么名字? 张 雪:我叫张雪。


张 雪:我毕业于北京外贸学院,所学专业是国际贸易。史密斯:你在这方面有经验吗?

张 雪:是的,我在刘氏保险公司工作了四年。

史密斯:好的。你认为你在英语说和写两方面都很熟练吗? 张 雪:是的。

史密斯:好的。我们将有3个月的试用期,你满意吗? 张 雪:是的。


Wang Tian: Do you have any sales experience? Xiao Lin: Yes, I worked in a fashion shop as a part time salesgirl.Wang Tian: What kind of work are you doing now? Xiao Lin: I'm working as an export sales staff member for a trade company.Wang Tian: Where are you working? Xiao Lin: I work at Yangshi Trade Company Ltd.I have been working there since 1997.重点讲解:

salesgirl: 女售货员

相关的表达还有:salesclerk, saleslady;那么男售货员是什么呢?对了,就是salesman。例句:Well, you can just go and speak to the salesgirl there.您可以去跟那儿的售货员讲。







David: What kind of jobs have you had? Zhang Jie: I worked as a personnel manager in a state-owned company, and then I transferred to a joint venture as a sales manager.So I am familiar with the texile market in China.David: How did your previous employers treat you? Zhang Jie: They treated me very well.We cooperated harmoniously and respected each other.David: What have you learned from the jobs you have had? Zhang Jie: I have learned some skills about how to deal with clients and how to behave myself as a personnel manager.David: When you worked in your previous company, which did you prefer, working with other people or by yourself? Zhang Jie: I prefered working with other colleagues when I worked in my previous company.I think teamwork and cooperation are very important.No matter how competent he or she is in a company, he can't do without them.重点讲解:

1.state-owned 国有的,国营的

相关链接:state-owned enterprises 国有企业;money-lossing enterprises 亏损企业 state-owned land 国有土地

Transfromation of State-Owned Enterprises 国有企业的改制

2.competent adj.有能力的;合格的

相关的表达还有:fit,effectiv,eadequate,able,qualified,capable;competent的名词形式是:competence 例句:He could visualize her now-composed and competent.他可以想象出她现在的样子――镇静自若,胸有成竹。








Jones: Can you skillfully operate the computer? Yang Lei: Yes, I can.I have three years experience in operating computers.Jones: What kind of software can you use? Yang Lei: I can skillfully use Dos, Windows.Jones: Do you have any certificates on computers? Yang Lei: Yes, I have NCRE certificate, rank 2.Jones: Any other certificates? Yang Lei: Yes, I have a Cambridge Business English Certificate and Lawyer’s Qualification Certificate.Jones: Do you have any other special skills? Yang Lei: I like photography very much.I used to be awarded second prize in a photography contest at our university.重点讲解:

skillfully adv.精湛地,巧妙地

例句:She steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.她熟练地驾驶着汽车穿过狭窄的街道。

相关的表达还有:高效地(effectively)、仔细地(carefully)、迅速地(quickly)、专家(expert)、精通(mastered)琼斯: 您能熟练操作电脑吗? 杨雷: 琼斯: 杨雷: 琼斯: 是的,我有大约3年的电脑操作经验。您会使用哪些电脑软件程序呢?


杨雷: 是的,我又全国计算机二级证书。琼斯: 您还有别的资格证书吗?

杨雷: 有,我还有剑桥商务英语证书和律师资格证。琼斯: 您还有其他特殊技能吗?

杨雷: 我很喜欢摄影。我曾经在学校举办的摄影大赛中获得二等奖。


Mark: Can you drive? Xia Dan: Yes, I have a driving license.Mark: Are you willing to drive yourself if the job requires? Xia Dan: Sure.Mark: One more thing, if you are wanted in this position, you must prepare to travel aboard frequently.Xia Dan: That's fine with me.Mark: Would you mind relocating? Xia Dan: As long as it isn't too far from this city, I don't mind.Mark: It’s quite far away, though it's located in another part of the city.Are you planning to find a boarding house nearby? Xia Dan: I think I can commute that far without any trouble.Mark: Good.Do you have any particular conditions that you want us to take into consideration? Xia Dan: No, nothing in particular.Thank you.Mark: Then you'll need to know it's a hard job.You'll often have to work overtime or even on weekends.Xia Dan: Yes, but I don't mind working hard.重点讲解: license 许可证

相关词汇:driving license 驾照

例句:The policeman asked to see his driving license.警察要求看他的驾驶执照。business license 营业执照

export license出口许可证 off license 便利商店;买酒执照

马克:你会开车吗? 夏丹:会,我有驾照。






马克:尽管是在市内,还是很远的。你是否打算就近找个公寓? 夏丹:我想不会有什么问题。

马克:好的,你还有什么特殊条件需要我们考虑吗? 夏丹:没有,没什么特别的。谢谢。



Hook: Now please tell me something about your achievements in your work unit.Jiang Li: All right.In my first teaching position I received the Excellent Teaching award the past two years in succession.Hook: Have you received any other honors? Jiang Li: Yes.I was chosen as one of “the Top Ten Prominent Youths of Beijing” in 2002.Hook: Do you have anything published? Jiang Li: Yes.I have got two articles in English in The International Youth Writer's Collection.重点讲解:

1.in succession 连续地

例句:She has been awarded first prize four years in succession.她已连续四年获得一等奖。2.honor荣誉, 光荣

其形容词形式是:honorable,注意首字母h不发音。例句:I consider it a great honor.我认为这是极大的荣幸。霍克:现在请你谈谈你在工作单位的业绩。


蒋丽:有。我于2002年被评为“北京市十大杰出青年” 霍克:你有没有发表过作品?



William: Were you in a leadership position when you were a college student? Lin Qing: Yes.I was president of the Student Council of our university.William: Did you get any honors or awards at your university? Lin Qing: Yes.I was elected Excellent Party Member for four academic years.William: Were you involved in any club activities at your university? Lin Qing: Yes.I was a member of the Student Poetry Society.I like writing poems in my spare time.William: What extracurricular activities did you usually take part in at your college? Lin Qing: I sometimes played table tennis and sometimes played basketball.重点讲解: poetry: 诗歌,诗集

例句:He has a strong prejudice against modern poetry.他对现代诗存有强烈的偏见。poem: 诗, 韵文

例句:He translated the poem into English.他把这首诗翻译成了英语。

相关词汇:知道诗人怎么说吗?Yes, poet.例句:He was, moreover, a poet of promise.此外,他还是一个有前途的诗人。






林清:有。我是学生诗社的成员。我喜欢在课余时间写写诗。威廉:你在大学里通常会参加什么课外活动? 林清:我有时间会打乒乓球,有时候会打篮球


Tom: Employees in this company have to have a good command of English.Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English? Qian Wei: Yes, I think I am quite proficient in both written and spoken English.Tom: Well, then, please tell me about your English education.Qian Wei: I have been studying English since junior high school.And I majored in English in college.Tom: I see, do you speak any other languages? Qian Wei: Yes, I speak a little French and Japanese.重点讲解:


例句:They are government employees.他们是政府雇员。

与之相对的词语就是雇主,老板。英文表达为employer,例句:An employer should appraise the ability of his men.雇主应该鉴定员工的能力。

汤姆:本公司的雇员必须有良好的英语基础。你认为你是否精通英文的写和说呢? 钱伟:是的,我认为我精通英文的写和说。


钱伟:我再中学开始学习英语,而且我在大学的专业是英语。汤姆:知道了,你能讲其他国家的语言吗? 钱伟:是的,我会说一点儿法语和日语。


Marianne: You would be using mainly English in this job.Do you think you can make yourself understood in English with ease? Sun Min: Yes, I think I speak English quite fluently.I've often explained historical places in Xi'an to foreign tourists in English.They say my English is quite good.Marianne: How many years have you been learning English? Sun Min: Oh, more than ten years.I started learning English when I was still in a primary school from a foreign teacher.Marianne: Well, perhaps that's the reason why you are so fluent in it.Sun Min: Certainly.重点讲解:

with ease熟练地,轻而易举地

例句:The gloves are too tight for him to pull on with ease.他的手套太紧,很不容易戴上。相关词汇:at ease 自由自在,舒适 例句:Thank you very much.So we can put our minds at ease.非常感谢,这样我们就放心了。

ill at ease 局促不安,不自在例句:I always feel ill at ease in a strange environment.我在陌生环境总觉不自在。






Paul: What do you think of your personality? Mr.Li: I am quite alive and energetic.I am a curious person, and I like to learn new things.Paul: Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? Mr.Li: I am quite outgoing, I think.Paul: How do you get along with people whose characters are different from your own? Mr.Li: I try to adapt myself.重点讲解:

alive: 有活力的, 活跃的, 有生气的 例句:All the spring around him seemed to grow more lovely and alive.周围的春天似乎变得更加可爱,更加生气蓬勃了。introverted 内向的 extroverted 外向的

get along with 和„„和睦相处;get along well with 和„„相处得很愉快


able 有才干的,能干的 active 主动的,活跃的 adaptable 适应性强的 adroit 灵巧的,机敏的 aggressive 有进取心的 alert 机灵的

ambitious 有雄心壮志的 amiable 和蔼可亲的 amicable 友好的 analytical 善于分析的 apprehensive 有理解力的 argumentative 好争辩的

aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的 attractive 有魅力的

audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的 bad-tempered 脾气暴燥的 bigmouth 多嘴多舌的 bland 冷漠的 bossy 专横跋扈的 brave 勇敢的 brilliant 有才气的

capable 有能力的,有才能的 careful 办事仔细的 caring 有同情心的 candid 正直的 clever 机灵的,聪明的 charitable 宽厚的 cheerful 开朗的

childish 幼稚的 comical 滑稽的

competent 能胜任的 conceited 自以为是的 confident 有信心的

conscientious 认真的,自觉的 considerate 体贴的 constructive 建设性的 contemplative 好沉思的 cooperative 有合作精神的 courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的 creative 富创造力的

cultured 有教养的

dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的 dedicated 有奉献精神的 demanding 苛刻的 determined 坚决的 devoted 有献身精神的 dependable 可靠的

diplomatic 老练的,有策略的 depressing 沉闷的

disciplined 守纪律的

discreet(在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的 dishonest 不诚实的 disorganized 无组织的 dutiful 尽职的 dynamic 精悍的 earnest 认真的 easy-going 随和的 efficient 有效率的 energetic 精力充沛的 enthusiastic 充满热情的 expressive 善于表达 faithful 守信的,忠诚的 forceful(性格)坚强的 forgetful 健忘的 frank 直率的,真诚的 friendly 友好的 frugal 俭朴的

funny 有趣的,古怪的 generous 宽宏大量的 genteel 有教养的 gentle 有礼貌的 greedy贪婪的

gullible 容易受骗上当的

happy 开心的

hard-working 勤劳的

have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋的 hearty 精神饱满的 helpful 助人的,有益的 helpless 无助的,没用的 honest 诚实的 hospitable 殷勤的 humble 恭顺的 humorous 幽默的 impartial 公正的

inconsiderate 不顾及别人的,轻率的 independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的

ingenious 有独创性的 initiative 首创精神 intellective 有智力的

intelligent 理解力强的

inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的 just 正直的

kind 仁慈的,和蔼的 kind-hearted 好心的

knowledgeable 有见识的 lazy 懒惰的,懒散的 learned 精通某门学问的 liberal 心胸宽大的 logical 条理分明的 loyal 忠心耿耿的 mean 吝啬的

methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的 moody 情绪化的

motivated 目的明确的

narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的 nasty 下流的,令人厌恶的 nice 和蔼的,挑剔的,正派的 noisy 聒噪的 obedient 听话孝顺的 objective 客观的 open-minded 虚心的 optimistic 乐观的 orderly 守纪律的

original 有独创性的

outgoing 外向友好的

painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的 passionate 充满热情的 persevering 不屈不挠的 pessimistic 悲观的 polite 有礼貌的 popular 受欢迎的 practical 实际的 precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的 purposeful 意志坚强的 pushy 有进取心的 qualified 合格的 rational 有理性的 realistic 实事求是的 reasonable 讲道理的 reliable 可信赖的 responsible 负责的 romantic 浪漫的,空想的 self-conscious 自觉的 selfish 自私的 selfless 无私的

sensible 明白事理的 sensitive 敏感的 sincere 真诚的 skeptical 多疑的 smart 精明的

sociable 好交际的 spirited 生气勃勃的 sporting 光明正大的 steady 塌实的 straightforward 老实的 strict 严格的

stubborn 顽固的固执的 supportive 助人的 systematic 有系统的 strong-willed 意志坚强的 sympathetic确有同情心的 sweet-tempered 性情温和的 talented 有才能的 temperate 稳健的 thoughtful 体贴人的 timid 但小的,羞怯的

tireless 孜孜不倦的 tolerant 容忍的

trustful 容易相信人的 trustworthy 值得信任的 understanding 理解人的 ungrateful 不领情的 unselfish 无私的 upright 正直的 virtuous 善良的


李先生:我十分积极并且精力充沛。我是一个充满好奇心的人,而且喜欢学习新的事物。保罗:你认为你性格内向还是外向? 李先生:我认为我性格外向。

保罗:你怎样和与自己性格不同的人相处? 李先生:我试着调整我自己。


Daniel: What kind of personality do you think you have? Mr.Chang: I'm easy to approach and friendly to everyone.Daniel: Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? Mr.Chang: I'm quite outgoing, I think.Daniel: Are you more of a follower or a leader? Mr.Chang: I don't agree with someone else's opinion if I think he's wrong, but when I understand his thinking and see he has some good ideas, then I'm very happy to go along with him.重点讲解:


例句:In many cases, a well-balanced user interface takes the same approach.在许多情况下,优秀的用户界面也采用相同的方法进行平衡。go along with 赞同,附和

例句:I go along with that.我同意。Go along with you!去你的!


常先生:我平易近人而且对每个人都很友善。丹尼尔:你认为你是内向还是外向? 常先生:我觉得我事外向型的。




Tina: How do you spend your free time? Shen Shuo: I read or go swimming, go shopping, usually.I run or play tennis or do something else like those to get some exercises to keep fit.Tina: Are you introverted or extroverted? Shen Shuo: I wouldn't call myself extroverted.Sometimes, I enjoy being by myself very much.But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these last few years.Tina: What kinds of sports do you like? Shen Shuo: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching.I especially like tennis and mountain climbing.Tina: What kind of personality do you think you have? Shen Shuo: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don't like to leave something half-done.It makes me nervous—I can't concentrate on something else until the first thing is finished.重点讲解:

spend 花费(时间、金钱等)例句:I will spend two hours doing my homework today.我今天要花2个小时做作业。相关表达:

spend(花钱+on、花时间+in)1.sb.spend some money on sth.e.g.I spend 1 yuan on the pen.2.sb.spend some time in doing sth.e.g.He spends two hours in finishing his homework.3.sb.spend some time in(doing)sth.(重点)

e.g.Though I spend much time in math, I still got “c” for it.(误区:一般人认为表sth.的“math”前应加on,但是这里是把math前的动词省略的缘故造成的误区。判断方法:表花时间做某事用in,花钱买某物就用on,这个应该很快就能判断出来了,就不会造成误选,这是考试最常考到的,要注意啊)

cost(+to do)

1.sth.cost sb..(宾语形式)some money.(花钱买某物)

e.g.This book cost me 10 dollars.2.It cost sb.(宾语形式)some time to do sth.(花时间做某事)

e.g.It cost me 2 hours to finish the homework.pay(+for)

sb.pay some money for sth.(某人花钱买某物)

e.g: I pay 10 dollars for this book.take 主语一般是it,句型:it takes/took ___ for sb.to do sth 蒂娜:你如何打发你的业余时间?







Bruce: Do you have any special interests besides your job?

Zhang Mi: My chief interest is swimming and climbing with my friends.Bruce: What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy? Zhang Mi: I think that the most imporason can’t live all by himself.It takes a lot of people working and cooperating together.The more really close friends I have, the better.Bruce: There is a reason in what you say.布鲁斯:除了工作,你有什么特殊的爱好吗? 张咪:我主要的爱好是游泳和与朋友一起登山。布鲁斯:你认为对你来说,快乐最重要的是什么?




1.I like to travel on holiday.I also like to collect stamps, postcards, coins and match boxes.我喜欢在假期旅行。我也喜欢集邮、收集明信片、钱币和火柴盒。

2.What kind of hobbies do you have? 你有什么业余爱好?

3.What do you do when you are not working? 工作之余你会做什么?

4.How do you entertain yourself after work? 下班后你有什么消遣?


Neal: Would you like to travel? Zhu Yang: Oh, yes.I often went on business trips in the past six years.Neal: How many languages can you speak in addition to your mother tongue? Zhu Yang: I speak English and French in addition to my mother tongue, Chinese.Neal: That's fine.What salary do you get at your present position? Zhu Yang: My present monthly salary is $1,500.Neal: We'll start you off with a base salary of $ 20,000 a year, with bonuses that can add up to $ 40,000.A company car, and a company pension scheme.Is that acceptable to you? Zhu Yang: I think so.Neal: Excellent.Well, thank you very much, Mr.Zhu Yang, and you'll be hearing from us in the next few days, either way.Zhu Yang: Thank you.Mr.Neal, and I certainly hope the answer will be favorable.Goodbye.重点讲解:

in addition to adv.除„之外,还„„(somebody/something)例句:In addition to French, he has to study Japanese.除了法语外,他还得学日语。either way不管怎样



3.任何的决定 例句:Either way suits me.怎么都成!

It could have gone either way.本来哪个队都可能获胜的。


朱阳:哦,对。过去六年间我经常出差。尼尔:除你的母语外,你能说几种语言? 朱阳:除了我的母语外,我会说英语和法语。尼尔:太好了,你现在的薪水是多少?






Tina: Are you willing to work abroad? Du Yu: Why not? It's the very reason why I've applied for this job.It's really exciting for me to experience business in an international environment.Tina: How about your family? Du Yu: They don't mind.蒂娜:你愿意到国外工作吗?

杜玉:当然愿意。我之所以会应聘这份工作,就是想到国外工作。如果能再国际环境中工作的话,那就真的太棒了。蒂娜:你的家人怎么认为? 杜玉:他们不介意。


1.Are you willing to make business trips abroad? 你愿意去国外出差吗?

2.Are you often on business trips? 你能经常出差吗?

3.I’d rather not travel, but if it is required, and the trips are short, I'd go.我不愿意出差,如果非去不可的话,而去路途不远,我也可以。

4.Could you accept that you should often make business trips? 你能接受经常出差这件事吗?

5.Do you mind going on business trips frequently? 你介意经常出差吗?

薪资 1 Keith: If we employ you, what starting salary would you expect? Zhang Jie: I'd like to start at 3000 yuan a month.Keith: I think your background and experience are worth the compensation.Zhang Jie: Does it include bonuses?

Keith: No, there are annual bonuses, one week paid vacation a year, and health insurance.Zhang Jie: Very good.重点讲解:

Compensation 报酬,补偿,赔偿

例句:He paid a sum of money as a compensation for the loss in the fire.他付了一笔钱作为这次火灾损失的补偿。

Bonus 奖金, 红利, 津贴

例句:The staff got a Christmas bonus.员工在圣诞节得到了奖金。





薪资 2 Kitty: I heard you want to apply for the position as a foreign bank staff member, is it true? Liu Dan: Yes, it's true.Kitty: What about the foreign bank?

Liu Dan: It's a branch of the Bank of America in Beijing.Kitty: What are the requirements? Liu Dan: The applicant must be alert and quick at figures, and like meeting the public.Kitty: Would you be using English every day in this job? Liu Dan: Yes.Because the customers are mostly Americans.Kitty: The pay must be good.Liu Dan: Yes, starting salary is 6,000 yuan a month plus bonuses.重点讲解:

What about与How about 用法相同,都是用来征求意见,其含义有:(1)(征求意见时)怎么样?(2)不如这样

(3)(做„„)如何,怎么样 相关链接:

(1)“What about to do...?”意思是说两个或两个以上的人谈话时,大家都没有做其他事情,下面要说的这个事情是给大家提一个建议,可以译为“我们去做„„吧?” 例如:“What about to go to the park this afternoon?” 今天下午去公园怎么样?

(2)“What about doing...?”意思是说一个或更多人在做一件无聊的事情或是已经厌倦的事情,说话人给他(们)建议做另外一个事情以对付不高兴的心理,可以译为“做„„怎么样?”。例如:“What about playing a game?”玩个游戏怎么样?

凯蒂: 我听说你想应聘外国银行的职员,这是真的吗? 刘丹: 是真的。

凯蒂: 这个外国银行怎么样?

刘丹: 它是美国银行在北京的分行。

凯蒂: 条件怎么样?

刘丹: 应聘者必须对数字敏感,反应快,而且喜欢跟大众接触。凯蒂: 做这个工作每天必须说英语吗? 刘丹: 是的。因为顾客大部分是美国人。凯蒂: 薪水肯定优厚。

刘丹: 是的,起薪是每月6000元,另外再加奖金。



James: Miss Wang, how do you do? I’m Allan James, the director(主管)of human resourse department of this company.Miss Wang: How do you do, Mr.James? Thank you for asking me to come in.James: Not at all.Please sit down, then we can begin.Miss Wang: Thank you.James: As you know, Miss Wang, we are looking for an executive secretary with business background and good English skills.We looked into your resume and thought you might be a good candidate.Miss Wang: Thank you.James: Today’s interview is for us to get to know a little about you.And the interview will last a little bit longer.So, if you’re comfortable, I want to ask you some questions.詹姆斯: 王小姐,你好。我是詹姆斯,这家公司的人力资源部主人。王小姐: 您好,詹姆斯先生。谢谢您给我这个面试的机会。詹姆斯: 别客气。请坐,我们开始吧。王小姐: 谢谢。

詹姆斯: 王小姐,正如你所知道的,我们需要一位有经贸背景和相当英语水平的行政秘书。看了你的简历,我们认为你是一位不错的人选。王小姐: 谢谢。

詹姆斯: 今天的面试是想对你有所了解。面试的时间可能比较长。如果你准备好了,我想问你一些问题。

NO 2 开场白

Smith: Come in, young man.Zhang Wei:(while shaking hands)I am Zhang Wei, nice to meet you, sir.Smith: I am Smith, the personnel director.Please have a seat, son.Zhang Wei: Thank you.Have you received my resume? Smith: Actually, I haven’t had time to look it over.Did you bring another copy with you?

Zhang Wei: Of course, here you are, sir.Smith: Call me Mr.Smith.Zhang Wei: Certainly, Mr.Smith.史密斯: 请进,年轻人。

张伟:(握手)我是张伟,很高兴见到您,先生。史密斯: 我是史密斯,人事总监。请坐,年轻人。张伟: 谢谢。您收到我的简历了吗?

史密斯: 事实上,我还没来得及看。你带来另外一份了吗? 张伟: 当然了,给您,先生。史密斯: 叫我史密斯先生。张伟: 好的,史密斯先生。

NO 3 问籍贯

Lily: Where do you live? Shu Yun: I live in Beijing.Lily: What’s your permanent address?

Shu Yun: My permanent address is Apt.401, 238 Zhongshan Road, Beijing.Lily: Where is your birthplace? Shu Yun: My birthplace is Suzhou.Lily: Where is your domicile? Shu Yun: My domicile is Beijing.Lily: Give me your telephone number, please.Shu Yun:(My telephone number is)139xxxxx345.莉莉:你住哪里? 舒芸:我住在北京。

莉莉:你的常住地址是哪里? 舒芸:我的常住地址是北京市中山路238号,401室。莉莉:你的出生地呢? 舒芸:我的出生地是苏州。莉莉:你的籍贯是哪里? 舒芸:我的籍贯是北京。莉莉:请给我你的电话号码。


NO 4 问家庭

Lily: Are you married? Shu Yun: Yes, I’ve just married.Lily: How long have you been married? Shu Yun: I have been married for three years.Lily: How many people are there in your family? 2

Shu Yun: There are four people in my family.Lily: Who are the members of your family? Shu Yun: My, my husband, mother-in-law, my daughter and I.莉莉:你结婚了吗? 舒芸:是的,我结婚了。莉莉:你结婚多久了? 舒芸:我结婚已经3年了。莉莉:你家有几口人? 舒芸:4口。



NO 5


Jill: How about your grades of study? Zhao Ming: I have been doing quite well.As reach 90% and Bs reach 100%.And I’ve received Scholarship two times.Jill: Besides your major, do you know some in other fields? Zhao Ming: Yes.To develop my knowledge, I studied Economics, Business Administration and Accounting through self-study.Nowadays, I have passed three courses on CPA.Jill: Have you ever been a student cadre? Zhao Ming: Yes.I used to be the monitor of my class.Jill: Did it affect you much? Zhao Ming: It’s a very important experience for me.First, it improved my organizing ability, and let me understand how to resolve a problem in the overall perspective instead of my own perspective.Second, it let me know how to cooperate in harmony with people who I like or dislike.Jill: In your spare time, do you have andy part time jobs? Zhao Ming: Yes, I used to work as an assistant lawyer for Tianda Law Office.重点讲解:

1.how about,是个习惯用来,表示“„„怎么样”,例如:How about your pet dog? 你的宠物狗怎么样?

2.As, Bs 代表学习成绩的级别,一般学习成绩常分为四类:A表示优秀,B表示良好,C表示及格,D表示不及格。

3.CPA: 其全称是certified public accountant注册会计师 4.time一词的含义很多,有“时间”,“次数”,“历史时期”,“时代”等。Spare time 表示“业余时间”,part time 表示“兼职” 尔:你学习成绩怎么样?



吉尔:你在学校时担任过学生干部吗? 赵明:是的,我曾经担任班长。吉尔:这对你有什么影响吗?

赵明:这段经历对我来说很重要。首先它提高了我的组织能力,使我学会从全局出发而不仅仅是从个人角度去考虑问题;其次它让我学会了如何与自己喜欢或不喜欢的人团结合作。吉尔:学习之余,你有没有做过兼职工作? 赵明:有,我在天达律师事务所担任律师助理。


Smith: May I help you? Zhang Xue: Yes, I’ve come in apply for the position as head of claim department.Smith: I’m Smith, the manager of Human Resources Department.May I ask your name? Zhang Xue: My name is Zhang Xue.Smith: Would you tell me what education background you have? Zhang Xue: I graduated from Beijing College of Foreign Trade.My major was International Trade.Smith: Do you have any experience in this field? Zhang Xue: Yes, I have been working in Liushi Insurance Company for four years.Smith: OK.Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English? Zhang Xue: Yes.Smith: OK.I will accept you for a three months-period of probation.Is this satisfactory? Zhang Xue: Yes.重点讲解:

Human Resources Department:人力资源部 史密斯:要我帮忙吗?

张 雪:是的,我是来应聘索赔部门主管一职的。

史密斯:我是史密斯,人力资源部门主管。你叫什么名字? 张 雪:我叫张雪。


张 雪:我毕业于北京外贸学院,所学专业是国际贸易。史密斯:你在这方面有经验吗?

张 雪:是的,我在刘氏保险公司工作了四年。

史密斯:好的。你认为你在英语说和写两方面都很熟练吗? 张 雪:是的。

史密斯:好的。我们将有3个月的试用期,你满意吗? 张 雪:是的。


Wang Tian: Do you have any sales experience? Xiao Lin: Yes, I worked in a fashion shop as a part time salesgirl.Wang Tian: What kind of work are you doing now? Xiao Lin: I'm working as an export sales staff member for a trade company.Wang Tian: Where are you working? Xiao Lin: I work at Yangshi Trade Company Ltd.I have been working there since 1997.重点讲解:

salesgirl: 女售货员

相关的表达还有:salesclerk, saleslady;那么男售货员是什么呢?对了,就是salesman。例句:Well, you can just go and speak to the salesgirl there.您可以去跟那儿的售货员讲。王天:你有销售经验吗?





David: What kind of jobs have you had? Zhang Jie: I worked as a personnel manager in a state-owned company, and then I transferred to a joint venture as a sales manager.So I am familiar with the texile market in China.David: How did your previous employers treat you? Zhang Jie: They treated me very well.We cooperated harmoniously and respected each other.David: What have you learned from the jobs you have had? Zhang Jie: I have learned some skills about how to deal with clients and how to behave myself as a personnel manager.David: When you worked in your previous company, which did you prefer, working with other people or by yourself? Zhang Jie: I prefered working with other colleagues when I worked in my previous company.I think teamwork and cooperation are very important.No matter how competent he or she is in a company, he can't do without them.重点讲解:

1.state-owned 国有的,国营的

相关链接:state-owned enterprises 国有企业;money-lossing enterprises 亏损企业 state-owned land 国有土地

Transfromation of State-Owned Enterprises 国有企业的改制 2.competent adj.有能力的;合格的

相关的表达还有:fit,effectiv,eadequate,able,qualified,capable;competent的名词形式是:competence 例句:He could visualize her now-composed and competent.他可以想象出她现在的样子――镇静自若,胸有成竹。








Jones: Can you skillfully operate the computer? Yang Lei: Yes, I can.I have three years experience in operating computers.Jones: What kind of software can you use? Yang Lei: I can skillfully use Dos, Windows.Jones: Do you have any certificates on computers? Yang Lei: Yes, I have NCRE certificate, rank 2.Jones: Any other certificates? Yang Lei: Yes, I have a Cambridge Business English Certificate and Lawyer’s Qualification Certificate.Jones: Do you have any other special skills? Yang Lei: I like photography very much.I used to be awarded second prize in a photography contest at our university.重点讲解:

skillfully adv.精湛地,巧妙地 例句:She steered the car skillfully through the narrow streets.她熟练地驾驶着汽车穿过狭窄的街道。

相关的表达还有:高效地(effectively)、仔细地(carefully)、迅速地(quickly)、专家(expert)、精通(mastered)琼斯: 您能熟练操作电脑吗?

杨雷: 是的,我有大约3年的电脑操作经验。琼斯: 您会使用哪些电脑软件程序呢?

杨雷: 我能够熟练使用Dos和Windows操作系统。琼斯: 您有计算机等级证书吗?

杨雷: 是的,我又全国计算机二级证书。琼斯: 您还有别的资格证书吗?

杨雷: 有,我还有剑桥商务英语证书和律师资格证。琼斯: 您还有其他特殊技能吗?

杨雷: 我很喜欢摄影。我曾经在学校举办的摄影大赛中获得二等奖。驾车意愿

Mark: Can you drive? Xia Dan: Yes, I have a driving license.Mark: Are you willing to drive yourself if the job requires? Xia Dan: Sure.Mark: One more thing, if you are wanted in this position, you must prepare to travel aboard frequently.Xia Dan: That's fine with me.Mark: Would you mind relocating? Xia Dan: As long as it isn't too far from this city, I don't mind.Mark: It’s quite far away, though it's located in another part of the city.Are you planning to find a boarding house nearby? Xia Dan: I think I can commute that far without any trouble.Mark: Good.Do you have any particular conditions that you want us to take into consideration? Xia Dan: No, nothing in particular.Thank you.Mark: Then you'll need to know it's a hard job.You'll often have to work overtime or even on weekends.Xia Dan: Yes, but I don't mind working hard.重点讲解: license 许可证

相关词汇:driving license 驾照

例句:The policeman asked to see his driving license.警察要求看他的驾驶执照。business license 营业执照

export license出口许可证

off license 便利商店;买酒执照

马克:你会开车吗? 夏丹:会,我有驾照。

马克:如果工作需要,你愿意独立开车吗? 夏丹:当然。




马克:尽管是在市内,还是很远的。你是否打算就近找个公寓? 夏丹:我想不会有什么问题。

马克:好的,你还有什么特殊条件需要我们考虑吗? 夏丹:没有,没什么特别的。谢谢。



Hook: Now please tell me something about your achievements in your work unit.Jiang Li: All right.In my first teaching position I received the Excellent Teaching award the past two years in succession.Hook: Have you received any other honors?

Jiang Li: Yes.I was chosen as one of “the Top Ten Prominent Youths of Beijing” in 2002.Hook: Do you have anything published? Jiang Li: Yes.I have got two articles in English in The International Youth Writer's Collection.重点讲解:

1.in succession 连续地

例句:She has been awarded first prize four years in succession.她已连续四年获得一等奖。2.honor荣誉, 光荣


例句:I consider it a great honor.我认为这是极大的荣幸。霍克:现在请你谈谈你在工作单位的业绩。


蒋丽:有。我于2002年被评为“北京市十大杰出青年” 霍克:你有没有发表过作品?



William: Were you in a leadership position when you were a college student? Lin Qing: Yes.I was president of the Student Council of our university.William: Did you get any honors or awards at your university? Lin Qing: Yes.I was elected Excellent Party Member for four academic years.William: Were you involved in any club activities at your university? Lin Qing: Yes.I was a member of the Student Poetry Society.I like writing poems in my spare time.William: What extracurricular activities did you usually take part in at your college? Lin Qing: I sometimes played table tennis and sometimes played basketball.重点讲解:

poetry: 诗歌,诗集

例句:He has a strong prejudice against modern poetry.他对现代诗存有强烈的偏见。poem: 诗, 韵文

例句:He translated the poem into English.他把这首诗翻译成了英语。

相关词汇:知道诗人怎么说吗?Yes, poet.例句:He was, moreover, a poet of promise.此外,他还是一个有前途的诗人。

威廉:你读大学时有没有担任过干部? 林清:有。我曾担任过学校的学生会主席。威廉:你读大学时有没有获得过什么荣誉奖励? 林清:有。我连续四年被评为优秀党员。


林清:有。我是学生诗社的成员。我喜欢在课余时间写写诗。威廉:你在大学里通常会参加什么课外活动? 林清:我有时间会打乒乓球,有时候会打篮球


Tom: Employees in this company have to have a good command of English.Do you think you are proficient in both written and spoken English? Qian Wei: Yes, I think I am quite proficient in both written and spoken English.Tom: Well, then, please tell me about your English education.Qian Wei: I have been studying English since junior high school.And I majored in English in college.Tom: I see, do you speak any other languages? Qian Wei: Yes, I speak a little French and Japanese.重点讲解:


例句:They are government employees.他们是政府雇员。

与之相对的词语就是雇主,老板。英文表达为employer,例句:An employer should appraise the ability of his men.雇主应该鉴定员工的能力。

汤姆:本公司的雇员必须有良好的英语基础。你认为你是否精通英文的写和说呢? 钱伟:是的,我认为我精通英文的写和说。汤姆:嗯,请告诉我愿与你的英语受教育情况。

钱伟:我再中学开始学习英语,而且我在大学的专业是英语。汤姆:知道了,你能讲其他国家的语言吗? 钱伟:是的,我会说一点儿法语和日语。


Marianne: You would be using mainly English in this job.Do you think you can make yourself understood in English with ease? Sun Min: Yes, I think I speak English quite fluently.I've often explained historical places in Xi'an to foreign tourists in English.They say my English is quite good.Marianne: How many years have you been learning English? Sun Min: Oh, more than ten years.I started learning English when I was still in a primary school from a foreign teacher.Marianne: Well, perhaps that's the reason why you are so fluent in it.Sun Min: Certainly.重点讲解:

with ease熟练地,轻而易举地

例句:The gloves are too tight for him to pull on with ease.他的手套太紧,很不容易戴上。相关词汇:at ease 自由自在,舒适 例句:Thank you very much.So we can put our minds at ease.非常感谢,这样我们就放心了。

ill at ease 局促不安,不自在例句:I always feel ill at ease in a strange environment.我在陌生环境总觉不自在。






Paul: What do you think of your personality? Mr.Li: I am quite alive and energetic.I am a curious person, and I like to learn new things.Paul: Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? Mr.Li: I am quite outgoing, I think.Paul: How do you get along with people whose characters are different from your own? Mr.Li: I try to adapt myself.重点讲解:

alive: 有活力的, 活跃的, 有生气的 例句:All the spring around him seemed to grow more lovely and alive.周围的春天似乎变得更加可爱,更加生气蓬勃了。introverted 内向的 extroverted 外向的

get along with 和„„和睦相处;get along well with 和„„相处得很愉快


able 有才干的,能干的active 主动的,活跃的adaptable 适应性强的

adroit 灵巧的,机敏的aggressive 有进取心的alert 机灵的ambitious 有雄心壮志的amiable 和蔼可亲的amicable 友好的analytical 善于分析的apprehensive 有理解力的argumentative 好争辩的aspiring 有志气的,有抱负的attractive 有魅力的audacious 大胆的,有冒险精神的bad-tempered 脾气暴燥的bigmouth 多嘴多舌的bland 冷漠的bossy 专横跋扈的brave 勇敢的brilliant 有才气的capable 有能力的,有才能的careful 办事仔细的caring 有同情心的candid 正直的clever 机灵的,聪明的charitable 宽厚的cheerful 开朗的childish 幼稚的comical 滑稽的competent 能胜任的conceited 自以为是的confident 有信心的conscientious 认真的,自觉的considerate 体贴的constructive 建设性的contemplative 好沉思的cooperative 有合作精神的courageous 勇敢的,有胆量的creative 富创造力的cultured 有教养的dashing 有一股子冲劲的,有拼搏精神的dedicated 有奉献精神的demanding 苛刻的

determined 坚决的devoted 有献身精神的dependable 可靠的diplomatic 老练的,有策略depressing 沉闷的disciplined 守纪律的discreet(在行动,说话等方面)谨慎的dishonest 诚实的disorganized 无组织的dutiful 尽职的dynamic 精悍的earnest 认真的easy-going 随和的efficient 有效率的energetic 精力充沛的enthusiastic 充满热情的expressive 善于表faithful 守信的,忠诚的forceful(性格)坚强的forgetful 健忘的frank 直率的,真诚的friendly 友好的frugal 俭朴的funny 有趣的,古怪的generous 宽宏大量genteel 有教养的gentle 有礼貌的greedy贪婪的gullible 容易受骗上当的happy 开心的

hard-working 勤劳的have an inquiring mind 爱动脑筋的hearty 精神饱满的helpful 助人的,有益的honest 诚实的hospitable 殷勤的humble 恭顺的humorous 幽默的impartial 公正的inconsiderate 不顾及别人的,轻率的independent 有主见的 industrious 勤奋的

ingenious 有独创性的 initiative 首创精神 intellective 有智力的 intelligent 理解力强的

inventive 有发明才能的,有创造力的 just 正直的

kind 仁慈的,和蔼的 kind-hearted 好心的 knowledgeable 有见识的 lazy 懒惰的,懒散的 learned 精通某门学问的 liberal 心胸宽大的 logical 条理分明的 loyal 忠心耿耿的 mean 吝啬的

methodical 有方法的 modest 谦虚的 moody 情绪化的

motivated 目的明确的

narrow-minded 心胸狭窄的 nasty 下流的,令人厌恶的 nice 和蔼的,挑剔的,正派的 noisy 聒噪的

obedient 听话孝顺的 objective 客观的 open-minded 虚心的 optimistic 乐观的 orderly 守纪律的 original 有独创性的 outgoing 外向友好的

painstaking 辛勤的,苦干的,刻苦的 passionate 充满热情的 persevering 不屈不挠的 pessimistic 悲观的 polite 有礼貌的 popular 受欢迎的 practical 实际的 precise 一丝不苟的 punctual 严守时刻的 purposeful 意志坚强的 pushy 有进取心的 qualified 合格的 rational 有理性的 realistic 实事求是的

reasonable 讲道理的 reliable 可信赖的 responsible 负责的

romantic 浪漫的,空想的 self-conscious 自觉的 selfish 自私的 selfless 无私的

sensible 明白事理的 sensitive 敏感的 sincere 真诚的 skeptical 多疑的 smart 精明的

sociable 好交际的 spirited 生气勃勃的 sporting 光明正大的 steady 塌实的

straightforward 老实的 strict 严格的

stubborn 顽固的固执的 supportive 助人的 systematic 有系统的

strong-willed 意志坚强的 sympathetic确有同情心的 sweet-tempered 性情温和的 talented 有才能的 temperate 稳健的 thoughtful 体贴人的 timid 但小的,羞怯的 tireless 孜孜不倦的 tolerant 容忍的

trustful 容易相信人的 trustworthy 值得信任的 understanding 理解人的 ungrateful 不领情的 unselfish 无私的 upright 正直的 virtuous 善良的


李先生:我十分积极并且精力充沛。我是一个充满好奇心的人,而且喜欢学习新的事物。保罗:你认为你性格内向还是外向? 李先生:我认为我性格外向。

保罗:你怎样和与自己性格不同的人相处? 李先生:我试着调整我自己。


Daniel: What kind of personality do you think you have? Mr.Chang: I'm easy to approach and friendly to everyone.Daniel: Do you think you are introverted or extroverted? Mr.Chang: I'm quite outgoing, I think.Daniel: Are you more of a follower or a leader? Mr.Chang: I don't agree with someone else's opinion if I think he's wrong, but when I understand his thinking and see he has some good ideas, then I'm very happy to go along with him.重点讲解:


例句:In many cases, a well-balanced user interface takes the same approach.在许多情况下,优秀的用户界面也采用相同的方法进行平衡。go along with 赞同,附和

例句:I go along with that.我同意。Go along with you!去你的!

丹尼尔:你认为你有什么样的性格特征? 常先生:我平易近人而且对每个人都很友善。丹尼尔:你认为你是内向还是外向? 常先生:我觉得我事外向型的。


常先生:如果我认为某人的看法不对,我就不会赞同他;但是如果我了解他的想法,并且知道他的想法不错,我就会很赞同他的意见 业余时间

Tina: How do you spend your free time? Shen Shuo: I read or go swimming, go shopping, usually.I run or play tennis or do something else like those to get some exercises to keep fit.Tina: Are you introverted or extroverted? Shen Shuo: I wouldn't call myself extroverted.Sometimes, I enjoy being by myself very much.But other times, I like sharing activities with others too, especially during these last few years.Tina: What kinds of sports do you like? Shen Shuo: I like almost all sports, and I enjoy both playing and watching.I especially like tennis and mountain climbing.Tina: What kind of personality do you think you have? Shen Shuo: Well, I approach things very enthusiastically, I think, and I don't like to leave something half-done.It makes me nervous—I can't concentrate on something else until the first thing is finished.重点讲解:

spend 花费(时间、金钱等)例句:I will spend two hours doing my homework today.我今天要花2个小时做作业。相关表达:

spend(花钱+on、花时间+in)1.sb.spend some money on sth.e.g.I spend 1 yuan on the pen.2.sb.spend some time in doing sth.e.g.He spends two hours in finishing his homework.3.sb.spend some time in(doing)sth.(重点)

e.g.Though I spend much time in math, I still got “c” for it.(误区:一般人认为表sth.的“math”前应加on,但是这里是把math前的动词省略的缘故造成的误区。判断方法:表花时间做某事用in,花钱买某物就用on,这个应该很快就能判断出来了,就不会造成误选,这是考试最常考到的,要注意啊)

cost(+to do)

1.sth.cost sb..(宾语形式)some money.(花钱买某物)

e.g.This book cost me 10 dollars.2.It cost sb.(宾语形式)some time to do sth.(花时间做某事)

e.g.It cost me 2 hours to finish the homework.pay(+for)

sb.pay some money for sth.(某人花钱买某物)

e.g: I pay 10 dollars for this book.take 主语一般是it,句型:it takes/took ___ for sb.to do sth 蒂娜:你如何打发你的业余时间?







Bruce: Do you have any special interests besides your job?

Zhang Mi: My chief interest is swimming and climbing with my friends.Bruce: What do you think is the most important thing for you to be happy? Zhang Mi: I think that the most imporason can’t live all by himself.It takes a lot of people working and cooperating together.The more really close friends I have, the better.Bruce: There is a reason in what you say.布鲁斯:除了工作,你有什么特殊的爱好吗? 张咪:我主要的爱好是游泳和与朋友一起登山。布鲁斯:你认为对你来说,快乐最重要的是什么?




1.I like to travel on holiday.I also like to collect stamps, postcards, coins and match boxes.我喜欢在假期旅行。我也喜欢集邮、收集明信片、钱币和火柴盒。

2.What kind of hobbies do you have? 你有什么业余爱好?

3.What do you do when you are not working? 工作之余你会做什么?

4.How do you entertain yourself after work? 下班后你有什么消遣?


Neal: Would you like to travel? Zhu Yang: Oh, yes.I often went on business trips in the past six years.Neal: How many languages can you speak in addition to your mother tongue? Zhu Yang: I speak English and French in addition to my mother tongue, Chinese.Neal: That's fine.What salary do you get at your present position? Zhu Yang: My present monthly salary is $1,500.Neal: We'll start you off with a base salary of $ 20,000 a year, with bonuses that can add up to $ 40,000.A company car, and a company pension scheme.Is that acceptable to you? Zhu Yang: I think so.Neal: Excellent.Well, thank you very much, Mr.Zhu Yang, and you'll be hearing from us in the next few days, either way.Zhu Yang: Thank you.Mr.Neal, and I certainly hope the answer will be favorable.Goodbye.重点讲解:

in addition to adv.除„之外,还„„(somebody/something)例句:In addition to French, he has to study Japanese.除了法语外,他还得学日语。either way不管怎样



3.任何的决定 例句:Either way suits me.怎么都成!

It could have gone either way.本来哪个队都可能获胜的。


朱阳:哦,对。过去六年间我经常出差。尼尔:除你的母语外,你能说几种语言? 朱阳:除了我的母语外,我会说英语和法语。尼尔:太好了,你现在的薪水是多少? 朱阳:我现在月薪1,500美元。

尼尔:我们给你的底薪为年薪20,000美元,超额提成40,000美元,一两公司的汽车,以及公司的退休制度,你能接受吗? 朱阳:我想可以。



2.Are you often on business trips? 你能经常出差吗?

3.I’d rather not travel, but if it is required, and the trips are short, I'd go.我不愿意出差,如果非去不可的话,而去路途不远,我也可以。

4.Could you accept that you should often make business trips? 你能接受经常出差这件事吗?

5.Do you mind going on business trips frequently? 你介意经常出差吗?

薪资 1 Keith: If we employ you, what starting salary would you expect? Zhang Jie: I'd like to start at 3000 yuan a month.Keith: I think your background and experience are worth the compensation.Zhang Jie: Does it include bonuses?

Keith: No, there are annual bonuses, one week paid vacation a year, and health insurance.Zhang Jie: Very good.重点讲解:

Compensation 报酬,补偿,赔偿 例句:He paid a sum of money as a compensation for the loss in the fire.他付了一笔钱作为这次火灾损失的补偿。

Bonus 奖金, 红利, 津贴

例句:The staff got a Christmas bonus.员工在圣诞节得到了奖金。

基思:如果我们录用你,你希望起薪多少? 郑杰:我希望月薪能有3,000元的起薪。




薪资 2 Kitty: I heard you want to apply for the position as a foreign bank staff member, is it true? Liu Dan: Yes, it's true.Kitty: What about the foreign bank?

Liu Dan: It's a branch of the Bank of America in Beijing.Kitty: What are the requirements? Liu Dan: The applicant must be alert and quick at figures, and like meeting the public.Kitty: Would you be using English every day in this job? Liu Dan: Yes.Because the customers are mostly Americans.Kitty: The pay must be good.Liu Dan: Yes, starting salary is 6,000 yuan a month plus bonuses.重点讲解:

What about与How about 用法相同,都是用来征求意见,其含义有:(1)(征求意见时)怎么样?(2)不如这样

(3)(做„„)如何,怎么样 相关链接:

(1)“What about to do...?”意思是说两个或两个以上的人谈话时,大家都没有做其他事情,下面要说的这个事情是给大家提一个建议,可以译为“我们去做„„吧?” 例如:“What about to go to the park this afternoon?” 今天下午去公园怎么样?

(2)“What about doing...?”意思是说一个或更多人在做一件无聊的事情或是已经厌倦的事情,说话人给他(们)建议做另外一个事情以对付不高兴的心理,可以译为“做„„怎么样?”。例如:“What about playing a game?”玩个游戏怎么样?

凯蒂: 我听说你想应聘外国银行的职员,这是真的吗? 刘丹: 是真的。

凯蒂: 这个外国银行怎么样?

刘丹: 它是美国银行在北京的分行。凯蒂: 条件怎么样?

刘丹: 应聘者必须对数字敏感,反应快,而且喜欢跟大众接触。凯蒂: 做这个工作每天必须说英语吗? 刘丹: 是的。因为顾客大部分是美国人。凯蒂: 薪水肯定优厚。

刘丹: 是的,起薪是每月6000元,另外再加奖金。














面试自我介绍范文 中文面试自我介绍材料

面试自我介绍范文尊敬的各位考官、各位评委老师: 通过考试,今天,我以本岗位笔试第一的成绩进入了面试。对我来说,这次机会显得尤为珍贵。












1)May I come in?


2)How are you doing, Mrs.Smith?


3)Excuse me.May I see Mrs.Smith?


4)Miss Wu? Will you come in please? Take a seat.吴小姐,请进,坐下吧。

5)I have come here for an interview by appointment.Nice to meet you.我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你。

6)I am coming for an interview as required.我是应邀来面试的。

7)Did you have any difficulty finding our company?


8)How do you think of the weather today?




Dialogue 1

A:May I come in?

I:Yes, please.A:How are you doing, Madam? My name is Wujing.I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.I:Fine, thank you for coming.Mr.Wu, Please take a seat.I am Anne Smith, the assistant manager.A:Nice to see you, Mrs.Smith.I:Nice to meet you, too.A: 我可以进来吗?

I: 请进。


I: 好的,谢谢你过来。吴先生请坐,我叫安妮·史密斯,是经理助理。A:非常高兴见到你,史密斯女士。

I: 我也很高兴见到你。

Dialogue 2

A:OK, Mr.Wu.You may come in.I抦 Anne Smith and on my right, my colleague, Anna Duncan, and on my left, Angela Lamb.Do please sit down.I:Thank you.Good afternoon Mrs.Smith, Miss Duncan, Miss Lamb.A:Your English is fluent.I:Thank you.A:How do you think of the weather today?

I:I don抰 like the weather like this.Cold and rainy.Hope it become sunny as soon as possible.A: 好了,吴先生,你可以进来了。我是安妮·史密斯,我右面是我的同事安娜·邓肯,左边是安吉拉·兰姆。请坐吧。

I: 谢谢你。下午好,史密斯女士、邓肯小姐、兰姆小姐。


I: 谢谢夸奖。

A: 你觉得今天的天气如何?

I: 我不喜欢这样的天气,又冷还下着雨,真希望早点出太阳。

Dialogue 3

A:Excuse me.May I see Mrs.Smith?

I:It's me.What can I do for you?

A:Nice to meet you, Mrs.Smith.I抦 coming here for an interview by appointment.I:Are you Mr.Wu?

A:Yes, I am.I:Nice to meet you, too.Did you have any difficulty finding our company?

A:Not really, I am familiar with this area.A: 不好意思,我可以见史密斯女士吗?

I: 我就是,需要我帮忙吗?

A: 很高兴见到你,史密斯女士。我是应约来面试的。

I: 你是吴先生吧?

A: 是的,我是。

I: 我也很高兴见到你。找我们公司困难吗?

A: 没有,我对这一带很熟悉。


interview 面试request需要,要求

as requested 应邀assistant 助理的,辅助的;助手

as soon as possible 尽快colleague同事

appointment 约会,约定fluent流利的,流畅的by appointment按约定be familiar with熟悉


这是面试开始时常用到的几个场景。面试可能是一对一进行,也可能是集体面试,一般之前都有预约。注意不同场合下的几个关键用语:(提前预约过)“I come here for an interview by appointment.”或者“I am coming to your company for an interview as requested.”。

如果是集体面试,主考官会轮流叫人,进入房间后只要自己介绍就可以了。如果是第一次登门拜访,则需要说明你的来意和一些相关情况,比如你是从广告上看到的招聘启事或者是经人推荐的,一定要说清楚。句型有:“Excuse me, please.I wish to apply for the vacancy advertised in the morning newspaper yesterday.Has the vacancy been filled?”或者“I was referred to your company by Mr.White, your manager.”。


HankinsInternational English汉克斯国际英语面试求职:英语面试开场白

今天我们来讲第一讲 面试开场白。面试时总要说上那么几句,一般去了面试的公司以后,里面的接待人员都会主动问一些问题,先来看看下面这个对话吧:

A: Can I help you? 有什么事吗?

B: Yes.I've come to apply for the position as an office secretary.是的我是来应聘办公室秘书一职的。

A: I'm Smith, the clerk of Human Resources Department.What's your name? 我是史密斯,人力资源部秘书。你叫什么名字? B: My name is Wang Fang.Mr.Smith, how do you do? 我叫王芳,史密斯先生,您好。

A: Nice to meet you, Miss Wang.We have received your letter in answer to our advertisement.I would like to talk with you regarding your qualification for this interview.很高兴认识你王小姐。我们已经收到你的应聘信,我想和你谈谈关于你应聘的事情。

B: I'm very happy that I am qualified for this interview.能有机会参加面试我感到很荣幸。

A: Now, talk something about yourself, please.哦,现在请谈谈你的个人情况吧。

B: Well, my name is Wang Fang.W-a-n-g Wang and F-a-n-g

Fang.I was born on May 17, 1982.……好的。我叫王芳,W-a-n-g 王,F-a-n-g 芳。我出生于 1982年5月17日。…… Words & Expressions:

interview: 面试

resume: 简历

office clerk: 办公室秘书,即文员

birthday place: 出生地

graduated...from: 毕业于

domicile place: 户口所在地









1.May I come in? 我可以进来吗?

2.How are you doing, Mrs.Smith? 你好,史密斯女士。

3.Sorry to interrupt you.打扰了。

4.Excuse me.May I see Mr.John Watt, the personnel manager? 打扰了,我想见人事经理××先生。

5.I have come here for an interview by appointment.Nice to meet you.我是应约来面试的,非常高兴见到你。

6.I am coming for an interview as required.我是应邀来面试的。

7.I have come at your invitation for an interview.我是应你们的要求来面试的。

8.I'm here for an interview as requested.我是应你们的要求来面试的。

9.It is a great pleasure for me to have this opportunity for interview.很荣幸参加面试。

10.I am very happy that I am qualified for this interview.我非常高兴能获得这个面谈的机会。

11.I've come to apply for the position as an office secretary.我是来应聘办公室秘书一职的。


1.Miss Wu? Will you come in please? Take a seat.吴小姐,请进,坐下吧。

2.It's me.What can I do for you? 我就是,你有什么事?

3.I'm Smith, the clerk of Human Resources Department.What's your name? 我是史密斯,人力资源部秘书。你叫什么名字?

4.We have received your letter in answer to our advertisement.I would like to talk with you regarding your qualification for this interview.我们已经收到你的应聘信,我想和你谈谈关于你应聘的事情。

5.We have received your letter and resume, and we thought we would like to ask you to come here for an interview.我们已经收到你的求职信和简历了,所以我们请你来面试一下。


6.Did you have any difficulty finding our company? 找到我们公司困难吗?

7.Is it convenient for you to find our company? 找到我们公司困难吗?


(一)Susan: Excuse me.May I see Mr.John Watt, the personnel manager?

Watt: It's me.What can I do for you?

Susan: I have come at your invitation for an interview.Nice to meet you, Mr.Watt.Watt: Nice to meet you too.Please sit down.Susan: Thank you.Watt: May I have your name?

Susan: My name is Susan Li.Watt: OK, Miss Li, we have received your letter in answer to our advertisement.I would like to talk with you regarding your qualifications for this position.Susan: I am very happy that I am qualified for an interview.Watt: Did you have any difficulty finding our company?

Susan: Not really, I am familiar with this area.Susan: 打扰了,我想见人事经理约翰 瓦特先生。

Watt: 我就是。有什么事吗?

Susan: 我是应你们的要求来面试的。很高兴见到你,瓦特先生。

Watt: 我也是,请坐。

Susan: 谢谢。

Watt: 你叫什么名字?

Susan: 我叫李Susan。


Watt: 你好,李小姐,我们已经收到你的应聘信,我想和你谈谈关于你应聘的事情。

Susan: 我非常高兴能获得这个面谈的机会。

Watt: 找我们公司困难吗?

Susan: 没有,我对这一带很熟悉。

(二)A:OK, Mr.Wu.You may come in.I'm Anne Smith and on my right, my colleague, Anna Duncan, and on my left, Angela Lamb.Do please sit down.I:Thank you.Good afternoon Mrs.Smith, Miss Duncan, Miss Lamb.A:Your English is fluent.I:Thank you.A:How do you think of the weather today?

I:I don't like the weather like this.Cold and rainy.Hope it become sunny as soon as possible.A: 好了,吴先生,你可以进来了。我是安妮·史密斯,我右面是我的同事安娜·邓肯,左边是安吉拉·兰姆。请坐吧。

I: 谢谢你。下午好,史密斯女士、邓肯小姐、兰姆小姐。


I: 谢谢夸奖。

A: 你觉得今天的天气如何?

I: 我不喜欢这样的天气,又冷还下着雨,真希望早点出太阳。




1.Excuse me, please.I wish to apply for the vacancy advertised in the morning newspaper yesterday.Has the vacancy been filled? 对不起,我想应聘昨天早报上刊登的职位,你们已经找到合适人选了吗?

2.I was referred to your company by Mr.White, your manager.我是由你们经理怀特先生推荐来的。


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