
时间:2019-05-13 11:48:54下载本文作者:会员上传








母题:Many people are optimistic of the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world.To what extent do you share their optimism? What changes would you like to see in the new century?(050521, 090723)



资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/







母题:Many people are optimistic of the 21st century and see it as an opportunity to make positive changes to the world.To what extent do you share their optimism? What changes would you like to see in the new century?(050521, 090723)



资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/



Some people think people should learn to compete, but others think that people should be taught to cooperate.What is your opinion?

Sample Answer:

Cooperation and competition are both essential to people.They are equally necessary for a person to achieve success in his or her future life.But if I must choose one, I would say that competition is more important as, if not important than, cooperation.Competition helps enhance individual abilities.Competition makes people creative.Competition is a product of the development of society and it gives people a sense of the pursuit of excellence.This is people’s inborn nature.Without competition, people would remain idle and have no ambition.Many people are fond of competition because it enables them to bring their knowledge or skills into full play.If you want to remain competent in the fierce competition, you have to spend much time reading to make yourself qualified for your present job.Competition is the guarantee of enterprises’ existence.They have to produce better things.Otherwise, they will have no customers.So in fact they produce better things for their own benefit.At the same time, people’s various requirements can be satisfied and our society can develop as well.Society, through competition, has developed a lot.Fair competition promotes progress and renews the looks of our society.Without competition, people would create nothing.They would feel satisfied with their present condition.With no competition, therefore, there would be no progress.Cooperation is also indispensable for a better life of the people.Cooperation helps bring individual abilities into full play, make up for each other’s inadequacy and enhance the overall quality of the parties concerned.But cooperation without competition may bring about a peaceful life to all but destroy individual’s initiative and eventually affect social development.参考译文:










② 选课的意义:1)体育,音乐,经济学,哲学,数学,英语,历史,地理,物理,历史这些课程中最值得学习和最不值得学习的课程是什么? 2)学习历史无意义还是帮助我们认识现在;3)学生们是应该学习自己感兴趣的课程还是学习政府规定的课程;4)体育课和音乐课程有没有学习的价值;5)大学是应该教授实用性的课程还是理论性的课程;6)中学生要不要学习国际新闻这门课程;7)小孩子小学还是学习外语的利弊;

③ 教育的方式和目的:1)自己学习好还是小组学习好; 2)道德教育好还是学术教育好;3)专才教育好还是通才教育好;4)男女分校的利弊;5)分班教育的利弊;6)学生评价老师的利弊;7)高中生经历间隔年的利弊;8)中学生要不要穿校服:9)中学生应不应该进行义务的社区服务;10)失业率升高,年轻人上大学还有没有意义;11)穷人家的孩子和富人家的孩子谁能更好的面对成人生活的艰辛;12)大学应不应针对用人单位的需要来培养学生;13)大学教育的目的是帮助学生找到好的工作还是对个人和社会有更广泛的影响;14)在家住好还是在学校住好;


① 犯罪话题: 1)延长刑期是不是降低犯罪率的最有效的办法;2)青少年犯罪的原因以及解决途径;3)已婚的女性就业,无暇照顾孩子是否导致青少年犯罪的升高;4)应该把罪犯送进监狱还是给他们提高教育和工作培训;5)要不要对传媒中的犯罪细节加以限制;② 家庭话题:1)家庭关系不紧密的原因和解决途径;2)代沟的原因以及解决途径;

③ 择业话题:1)大学生择业难的原因和解决途径;2)单一职业选择还是多元职业选择;3)年轻人跳槽的原因以及利弊;4)远程办公以及网络教育的利弊;

④ 环境保护:1)个人在环境保护中是否可以发挥作用; 2)增加油价是否是解决环境问题的办法;























1)竞争与合作哪个更加重要;2)现代社会,人们是更加独立了还是更加依赖他人了;3)个人和国家是否都应该着眼于未来;4)愈来愈多人选择住在大城市带来的问题; 5)是否同意女性统治世界,世界会和平;6)企业重视学历而非经验和能力的原因和影响;7)我们生活在一个用完就扔掉的社会,讨论原因以及影响。


6.Should governments spend money on art, when they have so many other important issues and concerns? You should write at least 250 words.You should use your own ideas of knowledge and experience and support your arguments with examples and relevant evidence.Many people‟s lives are richer because of art—music, paintings, calligraphy, pictures, sculpture, poems and dance.However, some people feel that governments should be spending money on housing, medical care, or defense, instead of on art.This essay will discuss whether governments should or not spend money on the arts.There are several reasons why governments should not finance artists.First of all, artists should have to follow the same rules as the rest of the market.If there is a demand for their music or sculpture, then they will be rich.Secondly, politicians generally do not have good taste.They will waste public money on popular art or on their own preferences.But the main reason why governments should minimize spending on the art world is that there are more important areas like housing, roads, hospitals, and factories which need the money first.However, it would be wrong to say that governments should not spend any money at all on art.Everybody needs some beauty in their life, but not everyone can afford a Picasso or a piece of music.Governments should provide money for museums or concerts halls for everyone.Another point is that art allows people to express

themselves and this is good for society, culture and thought.Thirdly, artists can be good for the economy by producing music, film, and attracting tourists.All in all, governments should prioritize their spending carefully, but they should also allocate some of their budget for art.It is part of their duty to society and to future generations.14.In order to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


I fully support the assertion that to learn a language well, we should also learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it.先来看看我们一般情况下是如何定义“真正学好一门语言”的。按照我的理解,学好一门语言意味着能够妥当地使用它。这里,对于妥当使用它而言,我们需要知道:由于文化上的差异,很多东西会因此而非常不同。比如,中国人常通过问“吃了吗?”来表达问候,而这对于西方人来讲便构成了午饭或晚饭的邀请。因此,缺乏了对不同国家文化方面的知识,就会引起对所发送或接收到的信息的错误理解,结果便会导致误解。这样一来,我们就不能说我们讲得妥当,再进一步,我们就不能说我们讲得好。

Let‟s first see how we normally define “learning a language really well”.By my understanding, learning a language well would mean being able to speak the language in a proper way.Here, with speaking it properly, we need to know that due to cultural differences, many things are just so different from culture to culture.For example, the Chinese often greet each other by asking „Have you taken your meal?‟ which, to the Western ears, would make an invitation to lunch or dinner.Therefore, the lack of a knowledge of the cultures of different countries will give rise to wrong interpretations of the message issued or received and as a result, lead to misunderstandings.In this way, we can not say that we are speaking the language properly and further, we can not say that we speak it well.第二,我们学习一门语言的最终目的是用它与讲这门语言的人进行交流,主要就是母语为这门语言的人。设想我们对美国或英国什么也不了解,包括其政府、人民、传统以及其它方面,你想你能妥当地讲英语,从而与美国人或英国人达到有效的交流吗?我要说:至少我是做不到的。

Second, the ultimate purpose for us to learn a language is to use it in our

communication with other people who speak it, mainly the native speakers.Suppose we know nothing about the US or Britain, including its government, its people, its tradition, and its other aspects.Do you think you can speak English properly, thus achieving effective communication with the American or British people? I‟ll say at least I can‟t.第三,我们还需要知道我们所学语言国家的人民的生活方式才能妥当地讲他们的语言。举个例子吧:中国人吃猪肉,但穆斯林不吃。还有,穆斯林宗教气氛浓郁,每天多次举行仪式。如果我们不知道这些事情的话又怎能指望与他们交流而不招致麻烦呢?按照这一逻辑,如果我们不能保证妥当地讲好他们的语言,我们又怎么说他们的语言我们学得很好呢?

Third, the lifestyle of the people whose language we are learning is also

something we need to know in order that we can speak their language properly.For instance, the Chinese eat pork, but this is not the case with Muslims.Also, Muslims are very religious people and perform rituals many times a day.If we don‟t know

these things, how can we expect to communicate with them without incurring troubles? In this logic, if we cannot make sure that we are speaking their language properly, how can we say that we have learned their language well?


From the above discussion, we can draw the conclusion that to learn a language really well, we also need to learn about the country as well as the cultures and lifestyles of the people who speak it.6.As for elderly, living in caring house is better than living at home with young children.Present your argument to illustrate whether you agree or disagree.[范文]


Nowadays more and more elderly choose living in caring house.Some people are of the opinion that caring houses provide old people with a better environment than homes.Personally I agree with this opinion for the following reasons.In the first instance, caring house provides the elderly with comparatively

first-rate facilities and services, which the family is lacking in.Nowadays working couple need to face intense competition, they need to make more money to support their family.As a result, working couple have less time to care for old people especially when the elderly suffer from serious disease.On the contrary, when old people live in caring houses, nurses can attend their need and advanced facilities also provide a good treatment.Secondly, in caring houses the older people can meet people of similar age group, taste and hobby who know more about the elderly.The young generation often has a different life style from old generation.Young people may feel others' presence unpleasant.Besides, the older people need more serenity and rest while the young need more activities when the elderly choose living in caring house they need not worry about this problem.Last but not least, elder people living in caring house can maintain harmony of family atmosphere.It is quite obvious that there is a generation gap between the older people and adult children.For example, old people fear change.They adhere to the traditional principle and customs while young people welcome new idea.They are always trying new things.It is inevitable that older people and adult children might have different opinions on something.These differences might result in the disagreement even discord.From what has been discussed above, we may draw the conclusion that elderly people living in caring house is a good practice not only for adult children but also for older people.However, it does not mean children will give up the responsibility to care older people.老年人问题

1.take care by children 和in nursing homes 各有优缺点


3.在nursing home的话,可以有更多机会与their peers相处,common language and interest,而且现在的条件越来越好,得到专业的照顾及医疗服务,还有

proper diet 对他们的健康有利。而且让小孩有充分的时间工作,追求自己的事业。但是缺少与家人的交流,会使他们感到lonely,出现一些psychological problem而且如果将所有老人都放到rest home,将给政府增加财政负担。

4.As neither the two solutions is effective enough to solve the problem of …, I favor the combination of the two.2.People have different expectation for jobs.Some people prefer to do the same job for the same company, and some people rather than change the job frequently.Do the advantages outweighthe disadvantage?


Some people prefer to stay in the same job for the same company,but others prefer to change jobs frequently.You should use specific reasons to compare the advantages and disadvantages of both sides.People rarely have an absolute consensus on the controversial issue whether a man should intend to go in for a life-time career.These days, very few people preferalways taking a position.in some senses, a life-time career has its merits.First, if you stick to taking a post, all angles of the job will have appeared;after some time, you will definitely have a good command of it.Consequently you may become a veteran of the field and earn respect or prestige from others.Second, you can establish an extensive social connections related to the field, helping you tear down most of the barriers standing in the way of your working endeavor.Finally, mistakes of the routine tasks would be minimized because you have learned the lessons.However, as the modern society develops, experiencing different jobs has its advantages.Initially, we look at the issue of bribery.Many high-level staff are inclined to accept bribes via power in hand.However, if he knows that someone else will soon take his place, such acts can be avoided.We then look at work motivation.If one works for the same company for a long time without promotion, he may get sick and tired of doing the same daily routine.Nonetheless, a manager should have qualities of a sense of teamwork and the capability of coordination.Therefore, to try various positions can help you gain ground to be promoted.Conclusion(67 words)

In summary, staying in the same post can cultivate one to cut out for the job but involve one in a boring career while changing jobs frequently can be both advantageous by keeping bribery away and providing one with more opportunities of promotion and disadvantageous by making mistakes occasionally.In my opinion, people should seek a decent and good-paid job and pay little attention to changing it.范文2

Nowadays, whether or not staying in one position for a long time is a problem that worry about a lot of people.To understand the solution, let‟s take a closer look at the two sides of it first.The merit of going in for a life-time career is obvious.Firstly, long time working in the same position can help one become an expert in this area, for it is natural to get familiar with your work from every angle and accumulate abundant experience.In addition, mistakes of the routine tasks would be minimized because you have learned the lessons.However, the defect is also caused by the long time unchanging job.As everyone‟s patience is different, some may feel that the longer they do the same job, the less interest and power they may have.In comparison, if one person changes job frequently, he or she will never be annoyed about this problem, which is the best advantage of doing like this.Once the worker feels bored with job, change it directly.But this would make one person not good at any subjects that he or she does.What is worst, while the competition of job is getting sharper and sharper, who can be sure of finding a job whenever he or she wants? Therefore, since each of the two ways shows a unique quality, the better way, in my opinion, is to try some jobs at first in order to make an aim.Once seeking the job you like, don‟t avert it easily and devote yourself to it


In the last few years, with the development of society, working in a place all along has already become history.People can choose their job freely, so, people have different expectation for jobs.Some people prefer to do the same job for the same company, and some people rather than change the job frequently.This dispute has brought our attention.First of all, the free choice of the job is the inevitable outcome of the social development.People can give play to their different ability in different work positions.To a person gifted in many ways, it is very challenging to often change the job.For example, a person has very outstanding ability, in the specific field.He can change his job after working some time in one place, in order to seek kind development.Moreover, a person has very good ability in many aspects, then, He can often change and work, in order to seek the feeling of freshness or raise the quality of life.However, to some people or some specific posts, it is impossible to often change the job.For instance, an accountant, he only grasps the knowledge and experience of accounting, he can work perfectly within the specific limits, and then changing job is unnecessary to him.Furthermore, in order to make the scientific payoffs, some scientists dedicate themselves to the scientific undertaking.So, I think whether people should change the job frequently, should depend on their personal situation or their working positions.As a saying goes, it is one-sided to treat the question in isolation.7.Nowadays there are various methods to relieve the pressure in modern life.Some read or exercise, others work in their gardens.What do you think are the best ways of reducing stress?

During the past decades great difference to salary and other material things led to the same weight of pressure to modern people.It's too hard to bear it that many people even chose killing themselves.In this article I am going to introduce some effective relaxing ways to readers.In the first place the reading is chosen to free our minds.A good book will do a pretty well job to some people especially the clerisy.People suffered from the pressure caused by boss, taxes and such bores may feel themselves released when they are reading books.There are also other kinds of methods that can do this work, such as exercise, gardening and tour.As it comes to me, wild adventure is also a good function to release myself.Sometimes I will go to some famous mountains and interesting places.As you can see, it is not difficult to find such places in China.In the last National Day vocation I went to the Thaibaishan Mountain, a well-known mountain which is located miles of Xi'an city in Western Shanxi Province.It is famous not only for its height(about 4,000metres)but also because of great scenes that can be seen from the top of the mountain and the history that it was once a volcano thousands of years ago.I think I was entirely struck by magnificent scene near the great lake on the top(in fact it is a crater).Even now I could remember the moment the sun jumped out from the horizon!Feeling like standing on the top of the world I felt so comfortable that as if I have got rid of all the pressure of my courses.In a word, I prefer choosing the reading and wild adventure as my favorite ways to reduce stress on me.I do recommend these two ways to other guys who are sad and has lost his confidence on his work because I think both of them did play effectively.



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