
时间:2019-05-13 12:59:06下载本文作者:会员上传


body-builder 锻炼身体的人/siesta-taker 午睡的人/weight-loser 减肥的人 overweight a.超重的

keep/maintain a healthy lifestyle vegetarian a./n.素食者(的)/vegetarian diet 素食/vegetarianism 素食主义

have a flexible diet 不挑食/flexible 灵活的 柔韧的 junk food 垃圾食品/greasy 油腻的

hour-glass figure 沙漏形身材 魔鬼身材/pear-shaped slim/slender 苗条的 skinny/boney 骨感的 plump 丰满的 fat/stout 肥胖的 strong/stocky 健壮的 medium-built 中等的 height/weight of medium tight 紧/loose 松

formal 正式的/casual 休闲的 checked/spotted/stripped shirt 格子/波点/条纹衬衫

straight 直发的/crew cut平头/bald a./v.秃头的 curly/wavy 卷发的 pony tail/pigtail 马尾辫

mustache 嘴上胡子/beard 下巴胡子/side burns 络腮胡 thin/thick eyebrow 淡/浓眉毛

thin/full lips 薄/饱满的嘴唇/zip your lips = shut up chin 下巴/hook nose 鹰钩鼻

dimple 酒窝/pimple 疙瘩/freckle 雀斑/scar 疤痕 oval 椭圆脸 鹅蛋脸/square 方形的脸/heart-shaped 瓜子脸

physical 身体的

the physically-challenged 残疾人/the senior 老年人 physician/internist 内科医生 pharmacy 药店 药剂学 photographer 摄影师 pain/ache/sore throat 喉咙痛

pill 药丸/tablet 药片/capsule 胶囊/syrup 糖浆 口服液/herb 中药 injection n.注射

infect v.感染 传染/infected/disinfect v.消毒 vaccine 疫苗/immune/immunity dose/dosage 剂量

emergency room 急诊室/operate/operation 手术/cooperate surgeon 外科医生/practitioner 全科医生/intern 实习医生/dentist 牙医

pregnant women 孕妇/pregnancy/abortion 人工流产 堕胎/miscarriage 自然流产

shabby 下流的 衣衫褴褛的/illusion n.错觉 假象/disillusion 觉醒 觉悟/ambition 抱负

mental 精神的/psychal 精神的 心理的 mental illness/task sentimental 多愁善感的

detrimental 有毒有害的/poisonous/toxic/noxious fundamental 基本的 基本原则 a/n distress n/v sorrow n/sorrowful a anguish n/v 悲痛加愤怒 grief n/grieve v

no pain, no gain gain/get/obtain/acquire/capture/receive/accept acquired 后天的/hereditary 先天的 遗传的 mergers and acquisition 并购 M&A win-win situation 双赢

capture/draw/attract one's attention harvest v 收割 得到/frost 霜冻 fertilizer 肥料

fertile 肥沃的/barren 贫瘠的 不孕的 herbicide 除草剂/pesticide 杀虫剂/suicide

blues/jazz/country/light/pop/rock/hiphop melody 旋律 歌曲 rhythm and blues rhythmic/rhythmical a.compose/create 作曲/composer 作曲家/composition 作品 作文

villa 别墅/bungalow平房/mansion 大厦

suburban a.郊区的 n.郊区居民/downtown a.闹市区的 urban/suburb n./rural areas tourist's attraction 旅游景点

mountainous 多山的/time-honored 历史悠久的/multicultural 多元文化的 unlicensed tourist guide 黑导

raise the public awareness of/public focus 公众话题 superstition 迷信 迷信行为

carbon emission 碳排放

oxygen/hydrogen/ozone layer 臭氧层 ozone hole/acid rain/greenhouse effect/global warming pollutant 污染物

contaminate v./contamination n.污染

photochemical smog 光化学烟雾/release 释放 电影放映 waste disposal(n.)dispose of the nuclear waste disposable chopsticks 一次性筷子

industrial waste 工业废物/radioactive waste 放射性废物

plastic bag/plastic surgery 整形手术

sewage 下水道 污水/bleacher 漂白剂/detergent 清洁剂 去污剂

lead poisoning 铅中毒 [e] lethal [i:]/fatal [ei] 致命的 cancer-causing 致癌的

sick-house syndrome 建筑物综合症

environment protection/preservation/conservation 环保

environment watchdog 环境监察团体

oil spill n/v 溢出 溅出/drilling 钻探/field 油田/reserves 储备/refinery 提炼 pipeline 输油管 synthetic fuel 合成燃料

petroleum 石油/diesel 柴油/gasoline 汽油/kerosene 煤油

clean/renewable/alternative 新能源 替代能源/solar energy nuclear 核能/hydroelectric 水力/thermal power 火力 tidal power station 潮汐能发电站 generator 发电机 generate electricity 发电

promote sustainable development-ics 学科

physics/economics/politics/statistics linguistics 语言学 mechanics 机械学

ethics 道德伦理学/work-ethic 职业道德 dynamics 动力学 electronics 电子学 pharmaceutics 医药学 astrophysics 天体物理学

-logy 学科 psychology/biology/microbiology/ecology/zoology geology 地质学 astrology 占星学 sociology/social studies anthropology 人类学

archeology 考古学/fossil 化石 n/a meteorology 气象学 entomology 昆虫学 bio-生命 生物

biosphere 生物圈/biochemistry 生化

-phy 学科

geography/oceanography demo… people graph… to write

demography 人口统计学/demographic a.cracy...政治

democracy 民主/democratic a.autocracy 专政 独裁 aster/astro...天体 星星 astronomy 天文学

disaster 灾难/disastrous 灾难性的

calamity/catastrophe 大灾难/catastrophic a.botany 植物学/botanical park 植物园

micro-微观/macro-宏观 microbe 微生物

microscope 显微镜/telescope 望远镜/stethoscope 听诊器

macroeconomics 宏观经济学


semiautomatic 半自动的/semitransparent 半透明的 semicircle n./semicircular a.半圆形/hemisphere n.半球

semiconductor 半导体

multi… 多个 multimedia 多媒体 multicolored 多彩的

bi… 两个

bilingual a/n 双语的/biweekly a/n 双周刊 半月刊 bilateral 双边的/bisexual 双性的 dia/di… 两个

dialogue/diagnose v.诊断 检查/diagnosis n.诊断结果/diabetes 糖尿病

diameter 直径/radius 半径 dilemma n.处境 困境 进退两难 dioxide 二氧化物

mono… 单个

carbon dioxide 二氧化碳/carbon monoxide 一氧化碳 monograph 专题论文 专著/monopoly 垄断/monotone v.单调/monotonous a.monochrome film 黑白电影/chromosome 染色体


sympathy 同情/apathy 冷漠 漠然

abolish 废除/deprive 剥夺 使失去/eliminate 消除/eradicate 根除 account 帐户 n.saving 储蓄/deposit 定期/current 活期 account current price/previous price account for(v.)=take/make up 占比例

ab-相反 离开

abnormal 反常的/abuse 滥用 虐待 辱骂 n/v absorb/absorption 吸收 abstract/abstraction 抽象

absent a./v.缺席的/-ce n./-ation n./absentee 缺席者/absenteeism 矿工 旷课 abundant/affluent 丰富的 abundance/affluence absurd a.荒唐的 可笑的/absurdity n.abrupt a.突然的 唐突的/bankrupt a.破产的/-cy/ corrupt a.腐败的/-ion interrupt v.打断/disrupt v.破裂 瓦解/erupt v.爆发 喷发/-ion anti-相反

antibody 抗体/anti-clockwise 逆时针/antipathy n.反感 antibacterial 抗菌的/bacteria/germ antioxidant 抗氧化剂/antibiotic 抗生素/antiseptic 防腐剂 消毒液/antidote 解药 解毒剂

contra-by contrast 相比之下

counter-countermeasure 对策 counterfeit 赝品 伪造品


discard 丢弃/get rid of [区分]throw up 呕吐 far outweigh its disadvantage(s)/shortcoming(s)/drawback(s)远远大于它的缺点

distribute v.分配 分发/distinguish v.区分 辨别/distinct a.清晰的 明显的 截然不同的

de-向下 变慢

decelerate v./deceleration n.减速 despair n.绝望/desperate a.destroy/demolish 破坏 毁坏/decode 解码 破译

il-, ir-, in-, im-literate/illiteracy 文盲 irresponsible


malediction 诅咒/malfunction 故障/malnutrition 营养不良/malformation 畸形 maltreat v.虐待

mis-misfortune 不幸

non-nonalcoholic 无酒精的/nonstop 直达的 ob-, op-object v.反对 n.对象 物体 宾语 opposite a.对面的/地 n.对立面

un-UFO unidentified flying object unavoidable/inescapable/inevitable 不可避免的 uneven 不均等的under-underestimate/overestimate underproduction/overproduction underpass 地下通道/overpass 过街天桥

auto…自己 独自 graph…to write

biography 传记/autobiography 自传 autograph 亲笔签名

auto/automobile [i:]/vehicle 汽车 automatic 自动的 /office automation [ei] autonomy 自治权/autonomous region 自治区

scribe, script… to write

script error 脚本错误/scribble v/n 涂鸦 乱写 describe/description 描绘 inscribe/inscription 雕刻

prescribe 开处方/prescription 药方 处方

transcribe 抄写/transcription/transcript n.抄本 成绩单 subscribe 订阅/subscriber 用户 订阅人 postscript 附言 附注 =p.s.circum… 周围

circumscribe v.划定 划分/circumstance 环境 境遇

vis, vid… to see

invisible/vision 视觉/visual 视觉的

supervise v.监督 监管/supervisor 监管者/supervisory 管理的 监督的 monitor 监视器 班长 re… again revise v./revision n.修正 修改

provident 有远见的/improvident 目光短浅的=shortsighted(近视的)commend v.赞扬/recommend v.推荐/-ation n.re… back refer 提及 提到/reference 参考书 recede/return 后退 re… against

rebel v.反叛 背叛/rebellious a.spect… to see

circumspect a.小心的 谨慎的 prospect 前景 intro… in

introspect v.内省 自省 反省/introspective a.introvert n.内向/extrovert 外向 retro… back

retrospect v.回顾 回想 per… through perspective n.透视 观点 看法 suspect 怀疑/suspicion/suspicious spectacular a.壮观的 waterfall/fountain 喷泉/hot spring spectacles /glasses 明镜/contact lenses 隐形眼镜 speculate v.投机/speculator 投机商 投机者

view… to see


audi, audio… to hear audible/inaudible auditory a.听觉的/audiovisual 视听的/auditory sense 听觉

audit n/v 审计 vt.旁听/auditor 审计员 旁听生/auditorium 礼堂 讲堂

dic, dict, log, logue… to speak

predict/addict 沉迷 上瘾/contradict v.反驳/contradiction n.矛盾

dialogue/monologue 独白/prologue 开场白/epilogue 结束语/catalogue 目录

bene-good benefit from be beneficial to society/be good for sb/put sb in a favorable position benevolent a.慈善的 仁义的/benevolence n.benediction 祝福 祈祷(往好了说)


byproduct 副产品/byroad 辅路/byway 偏僻小路 bypass/detour v.绕行

passerby 路人/pedestrian 行人(在人行道上走的)/bystander 旁观者 看热闹的人

co-, cor-, col-, com-, con-...together coexist v.共存/coexistent a./coexistence n.cohere v.粘着(在这哪也不去)coherent a.连贯的/coherence n.coincidence/coincide v.使一致 巧合 corrupt a.腐败的/-ion n.collaborate v.协作 协调/collaboration n./colleague community/effective communication 有效沟通 compare with/be comparison to 和…相比较

comparatively/relatively 相比较而言地/absolutely 绝对地

compete/competitor 对手/competitive 有竞争力的 求胜心切的/competent 有能力的 能胜任的 compulsory education 义务教育 compulsory/required courses 必修课 optional/selective/elective courses 选修课

comprehension/comprehend v./comprehensive 全面的 广泛的 综合的

compensate v.补偿 赔偿/compensation n.complex a./complicated 复杂的 compromise n/v 妥协 让步 v.危及 危害

Lack of sleep can compromise the immune system;muddle your thinking.打乱 搅乱 concentrate(on)/conclude From what has been discussed above, we draw the conclusion that …

fer… to bring

confer v.协商 商讨/conference 会议 prefer/preference/preferential a.有优先权的 transfer n/v 换乘 转帐 转学 defer/delay/postpone 延迟 拖延

it… to go exit/go out transit 转移/transition n.过渡/ cur… to go con… together

occur/recur 再发生/concur 同时发生

concurrently 同时发生地/simultaneously/at the same time excursion 远足 短途旅行 gress, vade, vasion… to go progress 进步/regress v.倒退 aggress v.进攻 侵略/aggression/-ive invade v./invasion 入侵 侵犯 evade/evasion 逃避 逃脱/pervade 弥漫 遍及 cede, ceed, cess… to go

concede v.承认 让步/concession n.accede to 进入 同意 加入/access n./accessible 可接近的 可达到的

outpace/exceed v./excess n.超越 超过 precede v.优于 优先[i:]/precedent n.先例 前例/unprecedented 史无前例的

succeed/success/successful/succession 延续 接替 继承/successive 延续的

recede v.倒退 衰退/recession n.萧条 depress v 压 使萧条 使愁苦/depression n.萧条/obsession 强迫症

vene, vent… to come prevent /-ion/-ive 预防的

intervene v.干涉 干预 [i:]/intervention n.convene v.召集 [i:]/convention 集会

revenue 政府税收 收入/avenue 大街 大道/souvenir 纪念品 小礼物 circumvent v.回避

sta, sti, st, sist… to stand resist v.对抗/resistant a.water-resistant 防水的/reason-resistant 不讲理的/air resistance 空气阻力 consist of 由…组成

consistent a.一致的 自始至终的/consistency 一致性 insist on doing 坚持做(尤指想法上的)insist that …(should)+ v.认为…(虚拟语气)I insist that enough money should be collected to fund this project.persist in doing 坚持(顽固地)

assist sb to do sty /assistant/financial assistance/ substance n.本质 物质 主体/substantial a.本质的 install/installation 安装/installment n.分期付款/pay by installment

e, ex… out

erase v.擦掉 消除/export n/v 输出 出口/erupt 喷发 exotic a.异国风情的 外来的 erode v.腐蚀 侵蚀/erosion n.extra-外

curriculum 总课程/curricular/extracurricular activities 课外活动

extraordinary a.卓越的

extravagance n.奢侈品/extravagant a./perfume 香水


intervene v.干涉 干预 [i:]/intervention n.intersection/crossroad 十字路口

pre-preface 序言 前言/precondition 前提 先决条件 pride and prejudice 傲慢与偏见

pro-project n.项目 v.投影/projector 投影仪 prosperous/flourishing/booming a.繁荣的 prosper/flourish/boom v.prosperity/blossom n.sub-次于 低于

subtropical a.亚热带的/subordinate a.下属的 subsidiary a.附属的 n.子公司

-ure injure/injury/uninjured/wound 枪伤n/v lure 引诱,诱惑

premature 早熟/immature 不成熟的 pure/purify/purified water endure(stand/bear/put up with/endure/tolerate)-ound bound 跳n/v 界限n/v 被束缚的a 必定的a(be bound to 一定要)hound 猎犬/compound 化合物/mound 小山/found/abound(in/with)富于v/pound/round 绕行/sound/wound/astound 使惊吓/profound 深入的 深刻的 深远的














六、活动时间:4月12日(周四)晚18:30 — 20:30

























GRE词汇课笔记ingenious adj 聪明的 ingenuous adj天真的flagrant adj 恶臭的 fragrant adj 芳香的daunt v 使胆怯 gaunt adj高廋的 jaunt v短途旅行 haunt n/adj常去的地方,萦绕于心 flaunt v 炫耀 vaunt v炫耀 taunt v嘲笑

4关于船的一组词:bow船首 gallery船上厨房 hull船壳 halk废壳 ballast 压舱物 rudder船的螺旋桨 stern船尾 hatch船舱口 mast桅杆 ensign舰旗 helm舵 helmsman舵手 deck甲板

5与希腊神话有关的词:chaos混乱 chimera神怪 titanic巨大的 atlas地图集 erotic 性爱的 cupidity贪婪 gorgon丑女 sphinx谜一般的人 iris彩虹 tautalize 逗弄 procrustian强求一致的 debut出次登台 obession迷惑 glutton贪吃

6笑:deride gibe jeer mock scoff sneer taunt嘲笑chuckle小声的笑 chortle大声的笑 guffaw哄堂大笑 simper傻笑 smirk假笑 snicker/snigger窃笑 snort噗嗤一笑 7哭:weep/whimper小哭 wail/wine大哭 howl大哭/大笑

8芳香:aromatic balmy fragrant odoriferous redolednt perfume

9短暂:ephermeral evanescent fleeting momentary meteoric passing temperary transient transitory

10tumor肿瘤 benign良性肿瘤 malignant恶性肿瘤

11长篇指责性演说:diatribe harangue tirade


13教堂系列:niche壁龛< alcove凹室 -----

14小错:foible peccadillo lapseleer(男女):ogle(女男)暗送秋波>--

16讽刺相关物:caricature讽刺画 lampoon讽刺文章 skit讽刺话 doggerel打油诗 limerick 五行打油诗 burlesque滑稽表演pune梅干:plum梅子〉--〈raisn葡萄干:grape葡萄

18逃避:dodge eclude evade shirk sidestep weasel

19挥霍者:profligate prodigal spendthrift wastrel

20狂热者:zealot fanatic votary partisan

21困境:predicament dilemma quandary

22峡谷:gulley< ravine gorge gulch

23小屋:lodge hut stack shanty hovel冰屋:igloo 茅草屋顶:thatch

24黑话:jargon argot cant

25petrify石化 putrify腐烂

26凝结:coagulation congeal clot curdle cuddle拥抱—〉huddle集成一堆—〉hurdle障碍—〉murdle混乱—〉puddle水坑

Hold on!----------YiningYang

27障碍:barricade barrier encumberance hinderance obstacle obstruction impediment 28公开正式废除:abrogate repeal rescind

29废除废弃:abolish annul invalidate nullify negate revoke scrap 30

欺骗:(普通)inveigle swindle gull beguile(陷阱)decay ensnare entrap

(美好结果)allure tempt entice(色诱)seduce debaush

花言巧语:blandishment cajole coax wheedle 32支点:purchase pivot fulcrum

闲逛:amble saunter stroll 胡乱走:ramble meander wander

34伤害:maul/lacerate 撕裂 mutilate切 maim残废 mayhem严重伤害罪 macerate浸软 laminate压薄 lacinate刺 affliction痛苦 agony/anguish极大痛苦 torment痛苦 twinge心灵上的刺痛 traua身心俱痛 travail艰苦劳动/分娩 35拼接图案:mosaic:tile/glass/ceramic sampler:stitch barquet:wood patchwork:cloth 36somniferous催眠 somolent想睡

37组成关系:bone:body/ bracket:shelf /buttress:wall /fraing:building /easel:canvas/girdle:skyscraper/guy:pylon/skeleton:animal/strut:wing/tripod:camera beam木梁girder钢梁


39bout n回合 lout n粗人 rout v大败 pout v噘嘴 tout v竭力称赞

40粗人:bour(不敏感的)lout(无教养的)churl(粗鲁的)yokel(乡巴佬)41scalpel(解剖刀):surgeon〉--〈stethoscope(听诊器):physcian 42

Buck n公鹿,美元v弓背跃起,*反对

43以let为后缀的词:ringlet卷发 droplet小水滴 booklet小册子 piglet小猪 44编排关系:



45围栏:动物 corral:horse /coop:chicken/fold:sheep/pen:pigs 46忠诚:allegiance fealty fidelity loyalty47反对demur:doubt and objection

47粗鲁:impudent impertinent indecorous brazen

48冷淡:apathetic phlegmatic impassive indifferent monochalant stolid

49无精打采:lassitude torpor languor lethargy languid tropid lackadaisical 50



52放纵:coddle indulge dote spoil pamper humor

53ruby红宝石 sapphire兰宝石 turquoise绿宝石 emerald祖母绿 jade翡翠 amethyst紫水晶 rhinestone水晶 54事物及柄:


55哲学:ontology本体论 episteology认识论 agnostics不可知论 methodology方法论 metaphysics形而上学 dichotomy二分法

56罪犯:conspirator共谋犯 felon重犯 accomplice同犯 confederate同案犯 abetter教唆犯 principal主犯 accessory从犯

57吝啬:miser stingy skimpy parsimonious penurious tightfisted

58节约:frugal thrifty sparing prudent provident

59花花公子:dandy过分好打扮的人 fop过分注重外表的人 libertine放荡的人 voluptuary沉迷于酒色的人 milksop娘娘腔

漩涡:whirlpool swirl madstorm vortex(大),eddy(小)61天真:inchoate incipient nascent

63sed前缀:sediment沉淀物 sedate镇静的 sedentary久坐的 sedulous勤勉的 sedative镇静剂

64武断:arrogant haughty iimperious overbearing persumptious pontifical supercilious peremptory surly

65即兴当场:extemporaneous extemporaryimprovised ipromptu offhand unrehearse adlib


入侵:incursion invade aggression 撤退:retreat部队:air force空军 cavalcade骑兵队伍 cavalry骑兵 infantry步兵 artilley炮兵 armada(古)舰队 fleet舰队

军团:regiment legion

大炮:artillery ordnance canon flak(高射)

进攻方式:feint佯攻 foray/raid突袭 assail/assault/onslaught猛攻 战斗:skirish

屠杀:carnage massacre hecatomb holocaust

根据地:foothold 战略:strategy 战术:tactic 狂败:debacle fiasco rout 狂胜:landslide 转折点:watershed 停战协定:armistice truce 67对手:adversary antagonist rival opponent foe(凶)


69郁闷:morose saturnine crestfallen downcast melancholy gloomy dispirited doleful 70天使:cherub seraph

71诽谤:asperse caluminate defame malign libel stingmatize traduce vilify 72吵闹:boisterous clamorous rabunctious rowdy obstreperous vociferous 73狭隘:insular provincial parochial

74虚伪:sanctimonious pharisaic hypocritical hypercritical(吹毛求疵)75水可渗透:passible penetrable permeable pervious porous 76湿透:saturated soaked sodden soggy

77以pel为后缀:dispel驱散(中间向四周)expel逐出 impel内心驱使 compel外界驱使 repel击退,使反感 propel推进

78令人敬畏的: redoubtable awesome formidable 79显著:redoubtable eminent illustrious

80陈腐的:antiquated banal corny threadbare atale trite stereotyped hackneyed老马,雇用文人 platitudinal

81极端厌恶:abhor abominate deterst exercrate loathe>dislike contempt

82偏见:bias factional jaundical partical prejudiced tendentious warped prepossessed 83wax n蜡v上蜡 ,使变大,月盈wane月亏 wax and wane/flow and ebb=vicissitudes盛衰变迁

84无经验的人:A:goosling cub colt greenhorn(动物衍生)B:fledgling stripling sapling(人衍生)85欢乐:froblic frisk gambol rollick 86平静:equanimity tranquility serenity

87根除,摧毁:devastate annihilate deracinate exterminate extirpate eradicate uproot 88做作:affected artifical mannered pretentious stagy stilted strained theatrical studied

89后缀low:callow adj 未成熟的 fallow adj休闲的 gallows n绞刑架 hallow v视为神圣 sallow adj病黄色 wallow v猪在泥水中打滚,沉溺于 90流苏:tassel fringe 91说话圆滑:glib mercurial

93隐士:anchorite recluse solitary hermit

94行李:briefcase handbag purse suitcase trunk rucksack 95猫科动物:cat lion tiger couger leopard lynx

96流氓:hooligan(足球),miscreant ruffian rogue villain

97stardwarfneutorblackhole bigbane大爆炸 这个过程:内爆implode 反之 explode 98 早和正常:hieroglyphic : word /papyrus : paper / harpsochord : piano / arada : fleet 99 摇晃与正常:flounder : move / stutter : speak / limp : walk 100消毒:cauterize pasteurize fumigate

101各种刑具:guillotine manacle fetter shackle gallows 102veal小牛肉 venial可以原谅 venal唯利是图

103肉:bacon熏肉 pork猪肉 veal小牛肉 beaf牛肉 mutton羊肉 venison鹿肉 fillet鱼肉 carrion腐肉 scavenger食腐动物

104深奥:abstruse convoluted erudite obscure profound recondite inscrutable

105夸系列:女:seraphic >gorgeous>sexy,hot>bautiful>pretty>got sth有气质>adorable可爱的男:handsome>pretty>aesthetically challenged 106九大行星:

108大口喝:guzzle quaff swill potation

109冥界两条河:lehelethargic昏睡的styxstygian黑暗的110碎片与完整:filing:metal/ shard:pottery/shaving(sawdust):wood/fragment:bone/crumb:bread 111法庭与法律系列:court(room)法庭 lectern审判席 法官:judge magistrate justice 证人: witness 伪证:perjury证词:testimony 陪审团:jury 宣判:verdictguilty 有罪 innocent无罪 defend被告 respondent被告(婚姻)corespondent第三者 plantiff原告 suitor原告(婚姻)prosecute公诉 accuse控告 plead辩护 prosecuter公诉人 litigant诉讼当事人(原+ 被)conviction定罪 sentence量刑 precedence先例法 tribunal裁判所113怒:rant glower fume


115淫棍:bawdy lascivious lecherous libidinous licentious lewd lubricious prurient salacious 116群:pack:wolf /pride:lions/swarm:ants(bees)/gaggle:geese/school(shool):fish

117新手:neophyte novice rookie tyre

118裁判:referee(大球),umpire(小球)119大师:mastro(音乐),virtuoso(艺术),guru(宗教)savant(知识)120小贩:hawker huckster peddler vendor 121间歇与正常:

interregium:governmenthibernation:activitytruce:warfareintermission:performance 122褶皱:物 pleat:curtain hem:garment olding:cabinet ruffle:shirt


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雅思听力---环球雅思名师【卢峭梅】雅思双向听力法考试词汇: http://www.xiexiebang.com/source/17045/

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雅思背单词--杨鹏《十七天搞定GRE单词》: http://www.xiexiebang.com/source/14222/

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雅思写作--真题作文实例 作文28分: http://www.xiexiebang.com/source/17798/

Cambridge原版词汇书——English Vocabulary in Use(教你如何准确快速的记忆单词): http://www.xiexiebang.com/source/17640/



 雅思考试成功两要素:英语语言的综合应用能力(词汇量)&应试技巧  高考 3000—3500

CET4 4000—4500

CET6/考研 5500—6000

TEM4 6000—7000

TEM8 10000—12000

SAT 10000+

GMAT 12000+

IELTS/TOFEL 8000—15000+

GRE 20000+


 阅读难点之一 词汇量怎么算怎么不够

中文举例 圭 gui 垚 yao 犇 ben

Elephant 象 rhinoceros 犀牛 hippopotamus 河马 zebra 斑马

 应对方法


2.有计划的进行词汇记忆,理想情况为1000/week 分词根词缀、专题



 定义式(注意破折号,冒号的使用)

Eg: Kinetic energy is the energy of moving particles.Be,or Mean, deal with, be considered, to be, refer to, be called, be known as, define, represent, signify, constitute

Or: skyscraper, or building more than 20 stories high

 进一步阐述

进一步阐述不如定义那样严谨、详细,但是提供的信息足以使我们猜出生词的词义。一般采用同位语 或者定语从句进行表述:

Turbines, machines whose blades are turned by the movement of the steam.Obesity, which is a medical disorder that affects approximately 20-30% of the population of the United States of America.It is an excessive accumulation of body fat that results from the storage of excess food energy calories in the body's fat cells. 举例猜测 for example, for instance, like, such as

The consequences of epochal events such as wars and great scientific discoveries are not confined to a small geographical area as they were in the past.If someone is said to have “a chip on his shoulder”, he is angry, pugnacious好斗的, sullen愠怒的, and looking for troubles. 上下文关联语境

Computers have been used for most kinds of crime, including fraud theft, larceny, embezzlement, burglary, sabotage, murder and forgery, since the first cases were reported in 1985. 利用对比关系

Unlike her gregarious sister, Jane is a shy, unsociable person who does not like to go to

parties or to make new friends.Unlike sun pillars, which are caused by reflection of light, arcs and haloes are caused by

refraction of light through ice crystals. 利用构词法(前缀/合成词)

常用前缀:over, bi, re, im, in, anti and so on.overburden负担过重,overcharge要价过高,overdo做得过分


1.The major points of your plan are clear to me, but the details are still hazy.2.By anticipating the thief’s next move, the police were able to arrive at the bank before the robbery occurred.3.All of the palace’s laundry, when gathered for washing, formed a

massive bundle that required the combined efforts of all the servants to carry.4.“Give me specific suggestions when you criticize my work,” said the employee.“Vague comments do not help me improve.”

5.The apple appeased my hunger temporarily, but I could still eat a big dinner.6.After the attacks on civilians by army troops, a committee met to try to discover what could have provoked such ation.7.The king manifested his pleasure with a hearty laugh.8.The nation’s highway death toll has increased every year since the invention of the automobile.9.The workers’ lives were wretched, they worked from morning to night in all kinds of weather, earning only enough money to buy their simple food and cheap clothes.10.The tired soldiers trudged through knee-deep mud for hours before they found a dry place to sleep.11.As he reached for the rock above him, his rope broke and he hung precariously by one hand as the rescues ran toward him.12.In the past, the world seemed to run in an orderly way.Now, however, everything seems to be in a state of turmoil.13.Matrimony doesn’t seem to agree with Liz—she’s been unhappy ever since she got married.14.Using a long, slender instrument called a probe, doctors are able to locate and remove pieces of metal from a patient’s wounds.15.The following Monday, when the president convened the second

meeting of the committee, we all sat down quietly and waited for him to begin.16.Robben is considered an automatic administrator because he makes decisions without seeking the opinions of others.17.Being unable to write clearly is a liability in a business career.In business, one must often express opinions and ideas in writing.18.Manic depression is an emotional disorder in which the patient

alternates between feeling delightfully euphoric and being plunged into deep gloom.19.There is an optimum way to approach each kind of exam question.For a multiple-choice item, for example, first eliminate any clearly wrong answers.For an essay question, jot down an outline first.20.Studies indicate that a predisposition to schizophrenia is inherited.People who are schizophrenic are more likely than others to have

schizophrenic children.



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    目录  Education ............................................................... 1  Media ..................................................................... 3......


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