第一篇:Dalian golden pebble beach 大连金石滩 英文导游词
Dalian golden pebble beach Welcome to here for your sightseeing.This beach is a national scenic area, and has approved as a national tourist resort areas, it is really an ideal seaside in north china.It is located in the south of the liaodong peninsula, 50km away from the dalian city, covers a land area of 62skm and a sea area of 58skm, with a coastline of 30km.it is famous for its geology landscape, the stones here are in pink and golden which is quite rare in the world.There are more than 300kinds of stones here, it is also known as the stones of garden.According to the textual research, a lot of stones here were come into being about 3 to 9 million years ago.With the clean beach, the blue sea, the green grassland and the luxuriant forest here, the climate here is mild all the year around, the average index finger of the air quantity reaches 30, just as the national first-class’s standard.On the side of the road, there stand the boat basin club.It lies in the middle of the beach, it combined entertainment, catering, accommodation and travel together.The structure of this club is quite unique, seen from the sky, it is just like a ship landed here, the restaurant extend into the sea.You can enjoy yourself by sitting on the deck while watching the fierce waves and the eating the delicious sea food.This is the east coast scenery spot.This road is 8km long, though not long, it condensed the earth’s evolutionary history from 3million years to 9million years ago.Look toward the sea side, the sedimentary rocks, fossils, sea cliffs, sea caves, stone pillars are distributed every where.There are more than 60spots here.This is the culture plaza.On both side of the gate, there stands a lion seals, one was carved “jinshibaoyin”, means the treasured seal of golden pebble, another was carved “tiangongqiji”, means natural’s wonderful achievement.The most eye-catching thing in the plaza is the large marble wall painting, it shows the 5000years history of Chinese.This wall painting is made up of 960mables;symbolize the 9,600,000 square kilometers land of our country, it is 2m in height, 112m in length.It start from the pangu create the world to the modern technology.There is also a famous bonsai garden, the bridge, the river and the green trees there will remind you of the landscape of the south part of China.The rose garden is made up of algae fossils which were come into being 7 million years ago, the “rose garden” on the stone was write by the famous writer laoshe’s wife.This garden take an area of more than 10,000square meters, there are more than 100 pieces of kit Kat rocks.Some were like lotus, some were like daisies, but more of them were just like roses in full bloom.When the tide rises, these rock flowers here are more marvelous, when the tide falls down, you can walk among them, as if you were in a dream-like world.as rose is the symbolize of love, it is also be called the love garden.The sight over there is called the dragon deepen into the sea.It is 20m high, when the tide rises, it can pass boat under the neck, when the tide falls down, you can walk though it.The local said that there is a mouth of a spring, it follows fresh water all the year around, as the amount of the fresh water is limited, so the water there is still the sea water.In front of this sight, there lived some wild dolphins.There bodies are about 2m long, if you go there by boat, you can see them swim around you or even jump out of the water.This is the dragon king’s palace, here was under the sea long time ago, as the crust lifted, it became the border of the sea, everywhere here has some stories related to the dragon.This cave is about 20m high, with a lot of small holes in it, it is said here is the place where the dragon hold meetings, now it has been abounded.The wall is called the nine dragon wall, it is said that only the emperor can see the nine dragons which were printed on the wall, as for our ordinary people, maybe we can only imagining.The big green stone is about 18m long, 6m high and 6m wide.People said that this is the bed of the dragon, as he got illness for being too tired, he come to here to recover, after he got over the illness, he left here and went back to the sea.It is said that if you have slept on the bed, you would never catch any disease.Look at that lonely reef stand in the sea, it is just like the sculpture of Beethoven, the puffy hair and the high nose, it just present the talent musician in front of us.He is standing in the sea and is commanding a orchestra.The stone here is said to be the bell of the palace, when the dragon has something to claim, they would knock it and all the marine animals would gather at here.The column over there is 30m high, and this is the weapon once used by the monkey in the famous novel the trip to the west.This park is named nanxiu park, because it is just like some parks form the south of China.this big stone is like a couple embarrassed with each other, the local couples would like to touch this stone before their marriage, hope their marriage will last forever.There are a lot of other kinds of stones, when the sculptors came here, they were all shocked by the power of nature.So, this park is also named the sculpture garden.This golf club is invested by China, America and Hong Kong.It is designed by a American designer Peter Thomson, founded in 1996, covers an area of 1750,000 square meters, there are 45 golf course fairway, 9 of them are the lighted fairway, and another 9 is the yellow grass fairway.All the golf lovers can enjoy this sport here without the limit of the time.There are also villas, business center, recovery center, tennis court and the gound for helicopter to land was built here.In 1999, this golf court has been entitled as the sixth member court by the world golf association.7 fairways have been listed as the top100 fairways in the world.This court has also been used as the special court in Asia.A lot of celebrities have played golf here.The last scenic spot here is the aotan.This stone is precious crack stone, it is 3m long and 10feet wide.It covered with the palm-size squares, in the middle of every square it is red, around the red is green, it is formed about 6million years ago, and this crack stone is the biggest and also the clearest one in the world.It is said that there are only two in the world, another one is in Canada, and that one is smaller.The world geology authority has once came here, after seen this stone, he claims that this one is not a wonder in China but also in the world.A professor in Peking university has once told the formation of the crack, about 6million years ago, out earth was still in her youth, the temperature here is quite high, the land here was swamp at first, and then it began to dry, and crack come into being, then the crust lower in the sea, the crack was filled with sands and it became the sedimentary rock, then, millions years passed and the stone came out of the sea, and now it become this.The red still record the hot weather in the ancient time.The fishermen here said this stone is somewhat intelligent, in a rainy night, a fishing boat get lost in the sea, the rock send out light as if it was navigate for them, when the reached here, the light was disappeared, after that, they adore this stone just as it is a magical stone.Please look at you right, this quiet bay is the aotan, the stone stretches in the sea is the tortoise whose feet has been cut by nvwa so it can hold the sky, in front of it, there is a little tortoise.Now, our visit has come to an end, hope this trip will leave you beautiful memories.Thank you!
展翅,有的像猛虎扑食等等,共有300多种,因此金石滩又号称“奇石的园林” 。据科学考证,这些奇石多形成于史前9亿年至3亿年间,乃是大自然的鬼斧神工所致。他们就像许多难以破译的符号,深藏着那个年代的信息,让我们去琢磨,去读解。当然,金石滩还有洁净的沙滩、蔚蓝的大海、碧绿的草地和茂密的森林。这样好的环境当然是度假和休闲的理想之处,因此金石滩先后被批准为国家级风景名胜区和国家级旅游度假区。经过多年的建设,目前金石滩已形成了四个旅游中心,即绿色中心,以金石高尔夫球场为主体;蓝色中心,是风光旖旎的海滨游乐场;银色中心,建有著名的狩猎俱乐部;彩色中也有五彩缤纷的鲜花大世界等等。金石滩不仅自然环境美,而且还充满了浓郁的人文艺术氛围。这里有被称作金石滩“白宫”的金石蜡像馆,被称为“石都”的奇石馆,中国目前惟一的专业模特剧场。此外,金石滩还有中华武馆、影视艺术中心、婚礼殿堂、文化广场等等,这些人文景观或透射出阳刚之气,或散发着阴柔之美,或洋溢着异国情调,或凝聚着千年古风,它们与金石滩优美的自然景观互相渗透,共同创造了一个怡人的环境。朋友们尽可以在其中自由地漫步、观赏、遇想,相信它会带给您一种全新的感受。现在我们要去的地方是金石滩的东部海岸景区。
这里是“玫瑰园” 。这些粉红色的礁石是由7亿年前藻类植物化石堆积而成的,石碑上的“玫瑰园”三字是我国著名作家老舍的大人胡挈青所写。这座“玫瑰园”方圆1000余平方米,由100多块高达数丈的奇巧怪石组成。这些奇石有形,有色,纹理细微,线条变幻无穷,有的好像睡莲,有的宛如一簇簇婆娑的菊花丛,有的酷似一团团婀娜的绣球花,但是更多的却像一朵朵盛开着的玫瑰。涨潮时,它们衬着湛蓝湛蓝的海水,映着白云飘浮的蓝天,像花儿开得格外惹眼;落潮时,当您踏着光滑如玉的鹅卵石,信步其间,又仿佛走进一个梦境般的世界,不由得要把脚步放得轻轻,生怕惊扰了这些花儿的好梦。玫瑰是爱情的象征,所以竹玫瑰园“又是”爱情园“ 。照张相吧!在场的情人们,伴侣们,愿你们的爱情都像这些玫瑰石一样,永开不败!
左边这座建筑原是中国最早的一座模特专业剧场,现已搬走。这座剧场现在以演出文艺节目为主,旅游旺季几乎每晚都有演出,节目的总题目叫”金石滩之夜“ 。这是一台无论在内容还是在形式上都有大连地方色彩浓郁的节目,演员也大都来自大连歌舞团等文艺团体,具有较高的艺术水平。
我们现在来到了金石滩的另一个景区,叫南秀园。置身其中大家是否感到北方的海也有阴柔之美,也有缠绵的柔情呢?请看这里的石林,精巧秀美,婀娜多姿,与江南的园林有异曲同工之妙,所以这里被称作”南秀园“ 。大家看,这块巨石像不像一对情人紧紧拥抱?交颈长吻?它叫相亲石。当地的青年男女新婚前都爱到这里抚摸这块石先以求百年相爱,白头到老。如果我们这个团中有情侣关系的,不妨摸摸它,相信它会祝福你们。这块石头叫”海上太湖石“,这块石头叫”南极寿星“大家往海里看,那块礁石像不像展翅欲飞的大鹏鸟?它就是南秀园中的著名景观”大鹏展翅“ 。到这里参观的雕塑家很多,面对这么大的造型、这么逼真的形象;无不叹为观止,自愧不如。中国著名雕塑家博天仇感叹道:”如此大气的雕塑也只有大自然的鬼斧神工才能完成。 “于是,金石滩又有了”神力雕塑公圆之称,并且被收进了他主编的《世界美术大辞典》一书。
这里是金石高尔夫俱乐部,由中、美、港三家合资兴建。该俱乐部是美国高尔夫协会和国际旅游协会会员,其本身也是实行会员制的,会员费每人为10万美元,团体法人为20万美元,可以终生使用,也可以转让,非会员每玩一次为1000元人民币。我们现在所见的这个球场始建于,总面积175万平方米,有国际标准球道45个,其中9个为灯光球道,9个为黄草球道,高尔夫爱好者可以不分昼夜和四季在这里挥杆击球。球场还建有高级别墅、康乐中心、商务中心、网球场和直升飞机停机坪等配套设施,总投资3亿美元。金石高尔夫球场被美国高尔夫协会评为全球会员球场第六名,同时被国际奥委会指定为亚洲主赛场之一,其中有7条球道被列入世界100个最佳球道之中,7号球道因为极具挑战性,被专家称为“天下第一道” 。眼前的会馆与别墅均是由加拿大引进的冷杉原木组装而成的,古朴典雅,充满异国情调。高尔夫(GOLF)的英文是由GREEN ─绿色、OXY-GEN氧气、LIGHT ─阳光和FOOT ─足的第一个字母组成的,可以解释为:高尔夫爱好者在绿色的草地上,呼吸着新鲜的氧气,沫浴着阳光,迈步向前。这也正是高尔夫的乐趣所在,就是远离都市的喧嚣,置身于利用大自然所建的球场上,一边打着高尔夫球,一边沿着洞点,在阳光下、绿地上行走,饱览大自然的风光,那是何等惬意的事情啊!关于高尔夫运动的发源地,目前比较多的说法是在英国,首先在西方普及,80年代后,随着对外开放才传到中国。其实,这种说法未必可靠,据我所知,它的发源地很可能在我们中国。大家别笑,很多在我们国家比较落后,而在西方比较先进的体育项目,其发源地往往就在我们中国。高尔夫球就是这种体育项目,我国早在唐代就有类似的运动。大家知道,唐代盛行马球,即手持木杖,骑在马上击球。同时,唐代还盛行一种由马球派生出的不骑马的持杖打球运动,称“步打”,宋朝称“步击”,我们北方则称其为“棰丸”。在北京的故宫博物馆和上海博物馆里分别藏有宋人画的(蕉荫击球图)和(仕女图)两幅画,仔细辨认,宫女手中的长杖和杖旁的球丸与现代国际上流行的高尔夫器具十分相似,据说竞赛的方式也相似以杖击球入洞来决胜负。那么,既然如此,我国的高尔夫运动为什么没有被传下来呢?我想,这种运动在我们中国从一开始就属于贵族运动,是宫中的玩艺儿,在等级制度森严的中国很难普及到民间,因此也就很难形成传统─凡是没有群众基础的体育项目都没有生命力。高尔夫球运动在西方非常普及,据资料介绍,美国有高尔夫球场15000多个,日本有3000个,而我国则仅有百个左右。国外的高尔夫球场经营是与房地产业紧密结合在一起的,政府甚至把建高尔夫球场当作给纳税人的一项福利。大家看,高尔夫球场集山水、花轧树木于一身,多像一个受到良好保护的自然公园。显然,一个城市多修高尔夫球场,对改善城市的环境大有益处。
现在我们来到了金石滩的最后一个景区,叫鳌滩。大家请到这边来,看,这块奇石叫“龟裂石” 。长约1丈有余,宽约10尺斜向海面,表面像乌龟的甲壳,上面布满了巴掌大的方格,每个方格里面是红色的,边线则呈绿色,它是闻名中外的金石极乱被称为“天下第一奇石” 。这块龟裂石形成于6亿年前的震旦纪,是世界上目前发现的块体最大、断面结构显露最清晰的沉积岩标本,据说类似的石头目前在地球上仅有两块,另一块在加拿大,比这块小。世界地质学权威美国的柯劳德教授来这里参观后,曾多次在世界地质学论坛上宣布:世界上最大、最美的龟裂石在中国大连的金石滩,它不但是中国一绝,也是世界一绝。关于龟裂石的形成过程,北京大学地质系教授郑辙曾有过这样一段讲述:6亿年前的震旦纪是生命诞生的新纪元,是我们这颗年轻的星球的青春期,那时的太阳要比现在的炽热,以致那时的地球也如同燃烧的火、涌荡的血,处处充满着躁动。我们脚下这儿原来是一大片沼泽地,也是在那个时期被曝晒成几米深的裂缝。日后经过地壳变迁,这片沼泽下沉到海底,裂缝被碎砂石所添满,形成了沉积岩。又经过不知多少亿年,沧海变桑田,这片岩层又露出了地表,便逐渐变成现在的这个样子。如今,在世界各地所能看到的震旦纪地层都已失去了往日的颜色,而只有在这里,您才能看到那个火红纪元的真实本色。相信朋友们弄清这块龟裂石的成因后,都会明白一个道理::为什么绝大多数生物的血液都是红色的,因为红色正是生命初创时的本色。龟裂石是有灵性的,据当地渔民讲,在一个风雨交加的晚上,一只返航的渔船迷失了方向,远远望见这里发出闪闪萤光,仿佛在为他们引航。当他们历经艰险靠岸后,发现萤光消失了,而刚刚发出萤光的地方正是这块龟裂石,从此后,他们便把这块岩石当作神石一样崇拜。还有很多人亲眼见过两只白色的狐狸在龟裂石上方那个岩洞口出没,说是这两只白狐因为沾了这块龟裂石的光,已经活了一千多年了。于是,便有一些迷信的人到此顶礼膜拜,喏,大家看,那洞口边上有许多红布条,这些都是他们抛上去的,以祈求狐仙保佑。依我看,这岩石发光倒也可信,因为很可能在缝隙中夹杂着一些带磷的物质。白色狐狸也可能有,但活了千年且已成仙,却属无稽之谈。大家再往右前方看,眼前这幽静的海湾就叫“鳌滩”,那座探进大海的岩石就是当年被女娲砍掉巨足用来撑天的大龟,它的前面是一只小龟,这个景点叫“神龟寻子” 。
加厚旅游度假实力 再建生态休闲高地
金石滩现有配套、在建及规划建设项目示意图 制图/陈善忠
这里是金石高尔夫俱乐部,由中、美、港三家合资兴建。该俱乐部是美国高尔夫协会和国际旅游协会会员,其本身也是实行会员制的,会员费每人为10万美元,团体法人为20万美元,可以终生使用,也可以转让,非会员每玩一次为1000元人民币。我们现在所见的这个球场始建于1996年,总面积175万平方米,有国际标准球道45个,其中9个为灯光球道,9个为黄草球道,高尔夫爱好者可以不分昼夜和四季在这里挥杆击球。球场还建有高级别墅、康乐中心、商务中心、网球场和直升飞机停机坪等配套设施,总投资3亿美元。金石高尔夫球场1999年被美国高尔夫协会评为全球会员球场第六名,同时被国际奥委会指定为亚洲主赛场之一,其中有7条球道被列入世界100个最佳球道之中,7号球道因为极具挑战性,被专家称为“天下第一道”。眼前的会馆与别墅均是由加拿大引进的冷杉原木组装而成的,古朴典雅,充满异国情调。高尔夫(GOLF)的英文是由GREEN ─绿色、OXY-GEN氧气、LIGHT ─阳光和FOOT ─足的第一个字母组成的,可以解释为:高尔夫爱好者在绿色的草地上,呼吸着新鲜的氧气,沫浴着阳光,迈步向前。这也正是高尔夫的乐趣所在,就是远离都市的喧嚣,置身于利用大自然所建的球场上,一边打着高尔夫球,一边沿着洞点,在阳光下、绿地上行走,饱览大自然的风光,那是何等惬意的事情啊!关于高尔夫运动的发源地,目前比较多的说法是在英国,首先在西方普及,80年代后,随着对外开放才传到中国。其实,这种说法未必可靠,据我所知,它的发源地很可能在我们中国。大家别笑,很多在我们国家比较落后,而在西方比较先进的体育项目,其发源地往往就在我们中国。高尔夫球就是这种体育项目,我国早在唐代就有类似的运动。大家知道,唐代盛行马球,即手持木杖,骑在马上击球。同时,唐代还盛行一种由马球派生出的不骑马的持杖打球运动,称“步打”,宋朝称“步击”,我们北方则称其为“棰丸”。在北京的故宫博物馆和上海博物馆里分别藏有宋人画的(蕉荫击球图)和(仕女图)两幅画,仔细辨认,宫女手中的长杖和杖旁的球丸与现代国际上流行的高尔夫器具十分相似,据说竞赛的方式也相似以杖击球入洞来决胜负。那么,既然如此,我国的高尔夫运动为什么没有被传下来呢?我想,这种运动在我们中国从一开始就属于贵族运动,是宫中的玩艺儿,在等级制度森严的中国很难普及到民间,因此也就很难形成传统─凡是没有群众基础的体育项目都没有生命力。高尔夫球运动在西方非常普及,据资料介绍,美国有高尔夫球场15000多个,日本有3000个,而我国则仅有百个左右。国外的高尔夫球场经营是与房地产业紧密结合在一起的,政府甚至把建高尔夫球场当作给纳税人的一项福利。大家看,高尔夫球场集山水、花轧树木于一身,多像一个受到良好保护的自然公园。显然,一个城市多修高尔夫球场,对改善城市的环境大有益处。
Bus Route 1.Dalian Harbor 2.Harbor Bridge 3.Renmin Road 4.Zhongshan Square 5.Yan‘an Road 6.Dalian University of Foreign Languages 7.Shengli Road 8.Green Mountain Viewing Platform(parking for 15 minutes)9.Shengli Road 10.Garden Square 11.Wusi Road 12.At the gate of The Fresh Flower World(parking for 15 minutes)13.Back of the affiliated hospital 14.Wusi Road 15.Zhongshan Road 16.Xinghai Square(parking for 20 minutes)17.Binhai Road 18.North Bridge 19.Tiger Sculptures on Tiger beach(parking, toilet for 15 minutes)20.Zhongnan Road 21.Chaoyang Street 22.Luxun Road 23.Friendship Shopping Mall(40 minutes)
(Guide the guests to get on the bus at the dock, count the number of the guests, make a self-introduction and deliver a welcoming speech)
Good morning to everyone!First of all, I‘d like to introduce myself to you: I'm...., from China Travel Agency.Our driver today is ….We call him......Welcome to the beautiful coastal city of Dalian!Please let us know how we can help you.现在我们位于大连港,大连港始建于1899年,距今已有百余年的历史。大连港位于辽东半岛南端的大连湾内,港阔水深,冬季不冻,万吨货轮畅通无阻,大连是哈大线的终点,以东北三省为经济腹地,是东北的门户,也是东北地区最重要的综合性外贸口岸,是仅次于上海、秦皇岛的中国第三大海港。
Now we are at the Dalian Port.Dalian Port was founded in 1899;it has more than 100 years of history.At the southernmost tip of Liaodong Peninsula, Dalian Port is a non-freezing, deep-water harbor.With a wide opening, millions of tons of cargo can pass unimpeded.It connects the three provinces in the Northeast part of China.The three provinces are Helongjiang Province, Jilin Province and Liaoning Province.The Northeast part of China was once known as Manchuria.The three provinces form the economic backyard of the Dalian Port.Dalian Port is also the door to Northeast China, and it‘s the most important international trade seaport, which is the third largest in China, after Shanghai and Qin Huangdao.现在展现在大家眼前的,是各位到大连后见到的第一个广场——港湾广场。现在港湾广场正在施工修建地铁,也是大连地铁东端起点。2012年12月将建成通车。现在我们经过的是人民路,它是大连市开建最早的一条主干道,东西走向,长一公里,沙俄占领大连的时候被称为莫斯科大街,日本占领大连的时候称为山县通,解放初,为了表示中苏友好,又改称斯大林路,1994年才更名为人民路。由于紧连着大连港这个东北地区对外开放的窗口,所以路两边大都是外贸、航运、物流和金融机构以及海关、商检等单位,是我市著名的金融、商务和航运中心区。
Now in front of us is the first square of your visit---Harbor Square.You can see that the Dalian metro is under construction now, and here, the harbor is the starting point of the Metro Line from the east.Dalian metro line will be open to the public in December 2012.Now we are driving along Renmin road.It‘s the earliest main road from east to west in Dalian.It was called Moscow Street when tsarist Russia occupied Dalian.Later it was called Tongshan County when the Japanese invaded Dalian in 1904.After China was liberated in 1949, in order to show our Sino-Soviet friendship, it was renamed Stalin Road, and then renamed as Renmin road in 1994.Renmin means people in Chinese.Since this area is close to the Dalian Port, there are many companies Along Remin Rd for international trade, shipping, logistics and finance.There are also office buildings for customs, commodity inspection, etc.Obviously this area is a well-known financial, business, and shipping center.在路的两侧有好多五星酒店,刚刚经过的就是国际连锁酒店——香格里拉,紧接着是富丽华酒店,新世界大酒店,旁边的时代广场是去年新开业的国际品牌的商品购物中心,马路中间的电车大家一定很好奇,在这样一座现代化的城市居然能看到如此古老的交通工具,是的,大连至今依然保留着已经拥有一百多年历史的古老电车,而且所有的司机都是女性,也是大连一直保留下来的传统。
On both sides of the road there are a number of five-star hotels, the hotel we are just passing is Shangri-La Hotel, an international hotel chain popular in Asia.Next to it is the Furama hotel, and beside it, is Times Square, a new international brand shopping mall, which opened last year.You may be surprised to see trams in the middle of the street.Dalian still keeps the old tram with one hundred years of history, and the tradition that every driver is female has also been maintained.右手边就是我们的友谊商城,下午会给大家到里面时间自由购物。
On the right hand side, is Friendship Shopping Mall.You can have some time shopping in this duty-free place this afternoon.Now what we see is Zhongshan Music Square.Before the metro line was constructed, it was a nice place for Dalian people to relax, and for English speakers to meet for English Corner.In the evening people used to come here to listen to music and dance.It‘s the oldest Square in Dalian.In the time of occupation by Tsarist Russia, it was called Nikolayev Square;in the time of occupation by Japan, it was called the Grand Square;finally it was renamed as Zhongshan Square, in honor of Dr.Sun Yat-sen, the father of China.Zhongshan was his given name in mandarin Chinese, whereas Yat-sen was his given name in Cantonese.Buildings around the square are of European classical style.One of them is the Dalian Hotel.The last Emperor of China, Pu Yi lived there for a time.Another example is the Concert Hall.Many international performances are held there every year.Most of the other buildings are banks such as the American Citibank(花旗银行), so this square is also known as the financial center of Dalian.Now we are driving along Yan‘an Road.The first scenic spot we are visiting today is the Green Mountain Viewing Platform.Can I give you a brief introduction to Dalian before hand? ——大连位于中国辽东半岛最南端,东濒黄海,西临渤海,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,年平均温度10℃。大连是中国优秀旅游城市、卫生城市、园林化城市,2001年6月5日联合国授予大连为中国唯
As you know, Dalian is located in Liaoning Province, the southern end of the Liaodong Peninsula.It faces Bohai Sea to the west and Yellow Sea to the east.It‘s not extremely cold in winter and not too hot in summer.The average annual temperature is 10 degrees centigrade or 50 degrees Fahrenheit.Dalian is an excellent tourist city, a clean city, and is called a garden city.In 2001, Dalian was named to the ―World Environment 500‖ list of cities.Dalian is the only city in China with this honor.Dalian is also known as a ―romantic city‖.The sea-land-air transportation is very convenient here in Dalian: Dalian Airport provides the most international airlines in the northeast of China.The traffic conditions in Dalian are better than many other cities in China.Different from many other cities in China, it‘s hard for you to find two kinds of vehicles.Yes, they are bicycles and motorcycles.Because Dalian is quite hilly, it not convenient for people to ride bicycles and motorcycles.好了,前面即将到达的就是绿山观景台了,它位于大连电视塔脚下,劳动公园的顶端,站在这里可以俯瞰整个城市的全景。大家去过的北京,西安是古城,那么大连是一座现代新兴城市,现在就给大家15分钟时间下车拍照留念。
Well, we are arriving at THE Green Mountain Viewing Platform.It‘s at the foot of Dalian Television Tower, and above Labor Park.Standing here you can get a bird‘s eye view of the whole city.Maybe you have been to ancient cities such as Beijing and Xian, but Dalian is a rising modern city.Now you can have 15 minutes to take photos.(停车15分钟,下车继续讲解),大家请看公园里面的红白相间的足球,是大连的建筑艺术博物馆,因为大连曾经被称为―足球城‖,这也可以称之为城市的标志之一。后面的楼是瑞诗酒店,右手边看到的是凯宾斯基酒店以及大连市内最高档的海鲜餐厅万宝海鲜坊,左边黑白相间的高楼是韩国现代集团投资建成的希望大厦,也是市区内最美的建筑之一,我们身后的塔就是电视塔,在劳动公园里面有一个缆车站,就是直通到电视塔的,夏天可以滑草。
Please look at the huge football with red and white colors.It‘s one of the icons of Dalian, also the museum of Dalian architectural art.Dalian was once called ―soccer city‖ when its soccer team was No.1 nationwide.The building in the back is the Swiss Hotel.On the right hand side you can see the Kempinski Hotel and the city‘s most expensive seafood restaurant----Wanbao seafood Restaurant.On the left hand side you can see a Black and white high-rise.That is the Hope Mansion invested by South Korea's Hyundai Group.It‘s one of the most beautiful buildings in Dalian.The tower behind us is Dalian Television Tower.There is a cable car to connect to television tower.There on the slope people can do a rail toboggan slide.(组织客人上车清点人数)观赏了市区的众多建筑后大家一定会发现,大连好多建筑都是俄式、日式,为什么一个中国的城市会有这样多外国的建筑呢?下面我就简单给大家介绍下大连的历史:始建于1899年9月的大连,已走过了110个春秋。地处辽东半岛南端的大连,为京津门户,背依东北三省和内蒙古东部的广阔腹地,是东北地区联系世界的窗口。然而,就是这样一方地理位置极优越的土地,在近代历史上先后被沙俄、日本帝国主义侵入、霸占了47年。对殖民者的欺凌和压榨,大连人民进行了可歌可泣的反抗与斗争。
Seeing a number of buildings in Dalian, you might have found there is a lot of Russian and Japanese architecture.Why are there a lot of foreign buildings? Now I‘ll give a brief introduction to the history of Dalian: Dalian was founded in 1899 so we now have a history of more than 100 years.Since it‘s located in the southern end of Liaotung Peninsula, it‘s an important door to Beijing and Tianjin.Dalian has got the economic support from the three provinces of Northeastern China and Inner Mongolia.That is, Dalian is the doorway to the northeast of China and the world.Due to its vital location, both Tsarist Russia and Japan invaded it and occupied it for 47 years.As I mentioned earlier, the Northeast part of China was once known as Manchuria.Facing the bullying and exploitation of the invaders, Dalian people waged a heroic struggle against the invaders.1945年8月,大连终于回到了中国的怀抱,并成为新中国建立之前最早获得新生的城市之一。1978年以来加快了大连的发展速度。港口、贸易和造船、内燃机车制造以及渔业生产在全国占有举足轻重位置的大连,成为我国首批批准对外开放的沿海城市之一和计划单列市,名列中国城市综合实力50强的第八位,成为国家园林城市、国家环保城市,率先成为国家卫生城市、优秀旅游城市,同时,又是我国―服装城‖、―足球城‖、―田径之乡‖、―水果之乡‖,是一座遐迩闻名、充满生机、花园般的海滨城市。中国著名市长***在规划这座城市的时候就说过,要将大连这座城市建在花园里,而不是把花园建在城市里,要让老百姓走出家门就走进花园。
Dalian was reunited with motherland China in August 1945(before national liberation).Since 1987 Dalian has accelerated the pace of development.Now Dalian has earned a pivotal position in transportation, trade, shipbuilding, locomotive manufacturing, and fishery production.It‘s one of the Chinese coastal cities opened in the 1980s with Mr.Deng Xiaoping‘s introduction of the reform and open door policy.It ranks No.8 among the top 50 Most Powerful Chinese Cities.It has enjoyed such titles as ―a garden city‖ and ‗an environment protection city‘.It‘s the first city to become the national clean city, outstanding tourist city etc.In addition, it‘s called ―fashion city‖, ―football city‖, ―athletics city‖, ―fruit city‖, etc.Our former mayor, Mr.Bo Xilai, who is now the Party Secretary of Chongqing Autonomous City once said, the city of Dalian should be built in a garden, rather than gardens built in the city.That is, people should feel walking into gardens once they go outdoors.Since 2007, Dalian has alternately held the summer Davos World Economic Forum with Tianjin.Dalian is also the place where Warren Buffet and Bill Gates get their suits made.The brand they wear is called Dayang Trands.现在大家眼前出现的这一大片绿色,就是大连市的行政中心——人民广场,在广场跟市政府之间大家有没有发现一个漂亮的女交警?在大连交通警察是很少见的,因为现代化技术非常发达,我们的交叉路口都有―电子眼‖,但是这条路是大连贯穿东西方向的主干道,于是广场中间常年都有一位女交警在这里执勤,每两个小时换一班。(停车15分钟,下车继续讲解)。
Now the wide green lawn we are facing is People's Square.On the north side of the square is the Dalian Municipal Government building.Can you see a tall policewoman standing in the middle of the square? They are like a scenic spot of Dalian.However, there aren‘t many policemen patrolling on the road.Many high-tech electronic eyes are installed at intersections.But since this is the main road running from east to west, all year around there is a female traffic police officer on duty, in two hour shifts.每天早上都会有升旗仪式,傍晚都会有美妙的音乐喷泉,也是老百姓饭后散步的好去处。蓝色圆顶建筑是大连青少年活动中心。大连很重视教育。有高等学府22所,其中著名的有海事大学,理工大学,东北财经,软件大学。。(看见大连市民,可以讲大连人的民风)大连人喜欢穿着,有句话说广东人什么都敢吃,大连人什么都敢穿,舍得在服装上投资,穿名牌,穿着也比较开放,特别是大连女孩,吃海鲜,身材好,皮肤好,更是引领时装潮流,每年大连都举办服装节。人民广场是市政广场,广场对面就是大连的人民政府,两侧分别是大连市公安局,中级人民法院,这里目前还保留中国最大草坪广场的记录,市长曾经提出:大连建设不求最大,但求最好。
Here at the People Square, every morning there is a flag-raising ceremony.In the evening there is a wonderful musical fountain.Many people come here to have a walk after dinner.The building with the blue dome is the Dalian youth activity center.People in Dalian attach great importance to education and there‘re 22 institutions of higher learning here including Dalian Maritime University, Dalian University of Technology, Dongbei University of Finance and Economics, Software University, and Liaoning Normal University.People Square holds the record of being the largest grass square in China.In terms of the overall city development, the mayor believes that although Dalian is not the biggest in size, it should strive to be the best.(组织客人上车清点人数)现在我们左手边经过的是市区内最大的医院——医科大学附属医院,是日式的建筑,当时日本占领大连的时候被称为赤十字医院。我们车子现在经过的是奥林匹克广场,建成于1999年,也是大连市建市100周年献礼工程。大家看到广场中间一个正在奔跑的铜像了么?那正是中国第一个参加奥运会的运动员,叫做刘长春,是我们大连人,也是著名的短跑冠军。
Now look on the left.What we are passing is the largest hospital in Dalian.It‘s No.1 Hospital affiliated to Dalian Medical University.You can see the building is of Japanese style.During the Japanese occupation, it was called Red Cross Hospital.Now we are driving along Olympic Square.Olympic Square was built in 1999, as a memorial project for Dalian‘s 100th anniversary.Can you catch a sight of a bronze statue of a runner? That was Chinese first Olympic athlete, Mr.Liu Changchun, a famous sprint champion.He was the very first person in China who participated in the Los Angeles Olympic Games in 1932.看了广场,大家发现在广场上面的人好像很少,其实人都在地下呢,看到广场两端的彩色大半球了么,那里就是美国品牌沃尔玛超市入口,在超市的旁边还有大连最大的电子商城,方便了大连的百姓购买电子产品,大连有着中国第一个硅谷—软件园。大家看到广场后面几栋高高的蓝色顶的楼么?那里也是大连市政府为奖励高级教师建的教师大厦,大连的高级教师可以免费住在楼里。
Seeing the Olympic square, you might have found that there aren‘t many people on the square.Actually people are busy under the ground.Can you see the large, colorful hemispheres on the both ends of the square? They are the entrances to the American supermarket Wal-Mart.Next to it is the Dalian Electronic Market, the largest one in the city.It‘s very convenient for people to buy electronic products in Dalian.Talking about electronic products, we have the first Chinese Silicon Valley in China – Dalian Software Park.It‘s at the western part of Dalian.Can I draw your attention to a few tall buildings with blue tiles behind us? They‘re called Teacher Mansions, The apartments there are rewards to outstanding senior teachers, professors and scientists, sponsored by Dalian Municipal Government.These outstanding people can live there for free.我们车子现在行驶的路叫做中山路,也被称为水晶大道,全长10公里,贯穿大连东西方向,大家看窗外的路灯是不是很别致?它们叫做水晶槐花灯,槐花,也是大连的市花,大连也被称为―东方槐城‖。每年5月在大连槐花盛开的时候都会举办一次赏槐节,一边闻着飘香的槐花,一边品尝自制的槐花点心。
The road we are driving along is called Zhongshan Road.It‘s also called Crystal Avenue, running from east to west.Let‘s look at the street lights outside the window.Aren‘t they unique? They are known as Crystal Acacia Lights.The acacia tree is the Dalian city tree.So the acacia flower is the city flower of Dalian.The Dalian National Acacia Blossom Festival is held every May, when the flowers are in full bloom.People will be having a great time enjoying the fragrance of acacia flowers and eating homemade acacia dessert.马路两旁的树都是法国梧桐,因为这条中山路是为了纪念孙中山先生命名的,而孙中山先生生前最喜欢的树就是法国梧桐,因此这条路的两旁便种了很多梧桐树。我们现在经过的是马拦河,在过去这里是一条臭水沟,大家都说生活在这里的老百姓要比生活在市区内的百姓平均寿命要少5年,因为河水污染太严重了,现在经过整治,这条河又干净如初,每天晚上还会有好多人在河岸边锻炼身体,打太极拳。
You might have also noticed that on both sides of the road there are many Chinese parasol trees.Do you still remember the name of the road? Yes, it‘s Zhongshan Road.As mentioned earlier, this road is named to honor Dr.Sun Yat-sen.Zhongshan was his given name in Mandarin Chinese.Yat-sen was his given name in Cantonese.During his lifetime, Dr.Sun Yat-sen favored Chinese parasol trees.Now we are passing Malan River.In the past, Malan River was a smelly drainage ditch.People in the neighborhood said that their life span would be 5 years shorter than other people because of the serious water pollution.Now through regulation, the river is as clean as ever.Every evening there will be many people doing exercises near the river, for example, doing taichi.现在我们经过的是和平广场购物中心,在广场的地下有东北最大的钻石宫殿,也是李嘉诚先生投资在东北建的第一个钻石店,前面我们即将抵达的就是亚洲最大的城市广场
Now we‘re passing by Peace Square Shopping Center.In the square there‘s a huge diamond shop, which is the largest in northeast part of China.It‘s a diamond shop invested by Mr Li Ka-shing.He is a famous Hong Kong billionaire tycoon.——广场中心由999块四川红色大理石铺设而成,红色理石的外围是黄色大五角星,红黄两色象征着炎黄子孙。广场周边还设有5盏高12.34米的大型宫灯,由汉白玉柱托起,光华灿烂,与华表交相辉映。
The next place we are arriving is the largest city square of Asia.It‘s Xinghai Square.The center of the square is paved with 999 huge pieces of Sichuan red marble, and the outskirts of the red marble are big yellow five-pointed stars.The colors of red and yellow stand for Chinese people.You can also see five white marble columns of 12.34 meters in height around the square.These five columns hold five palace lanterns, and in the light of the sun, they look bright and luminous.The lanterns and the ornamental column add radiance and beauty to each other.从中心广场南行,便是“百年城雕”。百年城雕的北侧一段是千人足印铺就的《路》,上面最年轻的脚印是1999年出生的婴儿的脚印,最大的是1899年出生的老人的脚印,那个时候老人还都是裹脚的。这1000双脚印里面包含了大连的老红军,劳动模范,还有时任市长***的脚印(已经被前来参观和大连老百姓摸成了金色),其中700双是无偿采集的,300双是有偿采集,每双5000元。路的尽头是打开的书形广场,面对无垠的大海,寓意着百年后的大连经历了百年历史又翻开了新的一页。从中心广场北行,则是会展中心,它是集展览、会议、贸易、金融、娱乐为一体的具有国际一流水平的现代化建筑。贯穿广场南北的中央长廊,建有喷泉水景大道。整个广场绿草茵茵,每隔20米的航标石柱灯一线排开直通大海,典雅肃穆,宁静致远。中心广场面积4.5万平方米,这是一个纪念香港回归的工程。广场中心全国最大的汉白玉华表,高19.97米,直径1.997米。华表底座附有八条龙,柱身雕着一条龙,九条龙寓意中国九州。华表顶端坐着金光闪闪的望天吼,高2.3米。围绕华表的的汉白玉石柱高12.34米,各自托起的是一盏宫灯。广场中心仿效北京天坛圜丘的设计,由999块四川红大理石铺成,大理石上刻着天干地支、24节气和12生肖,站在自己的生肖上许愿,可以带来好运,但是若实现了是要回来还愿的。
Driving southward from the Central Square, we can see the Dalian Centennial City Sculpture.Dalian Centennial City Sculpture was built in 1999.It‘s unique in architecture.Most sculptures in the world are vertical, but this sculpture is horizontal.There‘re two parts to this horizontal sculpture.The northern part is a bronze path spread with a thousand pairs of footprints.The youngest footprints belong to the babies born in 1999, and the oldest one belongs to the senior citizen who was born in 1899.Her footprints were different from others,(or rather abnormal).She had a pair of bound feet.The footprint moulds also include Dalian‘s veteran Red Army soldiers, model workers and the mayor at that time, Mr.Bo Xilai, whose footprints have become golden by tourists‘ touching.Among the 1000 pairs of footprint, 700 were collected free of charge, but the other 300 were bought by sponsors for 5000 RMB per pair.At the end of the footprint path is the second part of the Centennial City Sculpture, that is, the sculpture of an open book square, facing the boundless sea.The open book sculpture implies Dalian will open a new page after having experienced the 100 years of history.Walking northward from the Central Square, you‘ll see a tall building.It‘s Dalian Exhibition Center, a first-level international modern building.It hosts exhibitions, conferences, trade fairs, financial offices and entertainment venues.This building is also the host to the Summer Davos World Economic Forum, as I mentioned earlier.Next to it is a pink building.It‘s a convention center.From the pink building to the Central Square, there runs a long corridor from north to south, with a fountain boulevard running along with it.You can see this area is very green, and every 20 meters there is a navigation stone-pillar lantern standing in a line and directly connects to the sea.Standing here, you will experience the feeling of elegance and serenity.The Central Square commemorates the return of Hong Kong to China in 1997.In the center of the square, there stands a white marble ornamental column.Ornamental columns are also called China clocks in Chinese, symbolic of the nation.This one at Xinghai Square is 19.97 meters in height and 1.997 meters in diameter commemorating the 1997 date.The base of the ornamental column is embellished with 8 dragons and the column is engraved with 1 dragon.These nine dragons together represent the whole China, since the number ―9‖ in ancient Chinese philosophy meant the largest number.On the top of the ornamental column is a gilded ―Heaven‘s Roar‖, which is 2.3 meters in height.The 5 white marble columns around the ornamental column are 12.34 meters in height, each holding up a palace lantern.The Central Square imitates the Circular Mound Altar of the Temple of Heaven in Beijing.It‘s paved with 999 Sichuan red marble tiles and carved with the ancient Chinese Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches Calendar, 24 solar terms and the 12 animals of the Chinese Zodiac.Look for the year of your birth to find your zodiac animal.If you stand on the animal representing yourself, you can make a wish that can bring good luck for you.好,现在就给大家30分钟的时间让大家在我们美丽的广场上拍照留念。(下车引导客人,回答客人问题,并现场指点车上讲过的内容)
You can have 30 minutes to take photos on the square.(组织客人上车,清点人数)现在我们行驶的这条路就是大连的滨海路,滨海路的景色以山海相融为主要基调。滨海路以前是一条军事专用道,现在开发为旅游路线。
Well, the following route is very relaxing;we‘ll visit the most beautiful tour road, Binhai, road by bus.‗Binhai‘ in Chinese means costal.So you can also call this road Coastal Road.Binhai Road combines the harmony of mountain and sea together.It was formerly only for military use and visitors were prohibited.Now Binhai Road is an open tourist area.沿海一边我们看到的木栈桥,是去年刚刚进入吉尼斯世界纪录的世界最长的木栈桥,所有木头都是用俄罗斯红松木铺就的,每年5月的一个周末在大连都会有一场盛大的徒步大会,来自世界各地的徒步运动爱好者都会欢聚于此,根据身体条件选择自己的路线:最短的走5公里,然后10公里,20公里,最长的走30公里。
On the seaside road we can see the wooden sidewalk trestle, which is built of Russian red pine.It was the longest wooden trestle recorded in the Guinness Book of World Records last year.Every May, Dalian will hold a grand Walking Festival and more than 100,000 people, many from other countries, will gather here to make the hike together.There are four different lengths and people choose according to their health conditions: the shortest distance is 5 kilometers, 10 kilometers, 20 kilometers, and the longest is 30 kilometers.像这样的大连自己的节日还有每年正月初二的烟花爆竹迎春会,每年4月在旅顺的樱花节,5月的赏槐节,7月的啤酒节,9月的服装节,10月的马拉松,以及11月的冬泳节。可以说在大连几乎每个月都有属于自己的狂欢节。也印证了大连是座浪漫的城市,每个节日都是浪漫的节日。
Talking about festivals in Dalian, beside this Walking Festival, other festivals in Dalian include:
1)Fireworks Festival,2)Greeting Spring Festival on the 2nd day of January according to the lunar calendar,3)Cherry Blossom Festival in Lushun every April, 4)Acacia Festival in May, 5)Beer Festival in July,6)Fashion Festival in September,7)The Dalian Marathon in October, and 8)Winter Swimming Festival in November.It can be said that Dalian has its own carnival every month.As a romantic city, every festival in Dalian is a romantic holiday.接下来我们经过的是金沙滩,从这条小路走下去便能看到大连海边最美的沙滩,在大连也有个不成文的规矩,每个夏天每个公司的老板都要带领自己的员工到海边去玩一天,因为大连有这样得天独厚的条件,若是不带自己员工出来玩,就说明这个老板很小气,赚不到钱。从这里望下去我们所看到的都是黄海,可能在之前介绍的时候大家都以为黄海是黄颜色的,现在亲眼目睹了黄海,才看到黄海是很特别的蓝色,与它的名字截然不同。在滨海路上我们还看到好多的小别墅,这些多半都是有钱人买来度假用的,真正的大连人是不会买这样靠近海边的房子的,因为冬天会比较冷,夏天会比较潮湿。
The next spot we are visiting is Golden Sand beach.Walking down the path you‘ll see the most beautiful sand beach in Dalian.There‘s an unwritten rule in Dalian.That is, every boss should take his employees to come to the Golden Sand beach to have a break, because of the fabulous environment.If the boss can‘t do this, that means the boss is stingy and won‘t be able to earn much money.Looking down from here we see the Yellow Sea.Before we introduce it, you might think that the Yellow Sea is yellow in color.Now with our own eyes, we can tell the Yellow Sea is very blue, despite its name.On Binhai road you can also see a number of cottages.These are mostly used for vacation homes purchased by rich people.The real Dalian people will not buy such houses near the beach, because it is relatively cold in winter, and would be very humid in the summer.接下来我们看到左手边经过的是大连森林动物园的二期散养区,还造就了"狗妈妈喂养虎儿子":一只老虎生了两只小老虎,小虎靠狗妈妈喂养长大。在世界上要看"狗娘养的老虎",只有在大连,我们可以更近距离的接触他们,里面可以观赏到中国的国宝大熊猫。海上可以看见海水养殖—前面就是鲍鱼研究中心,大连海产品丰富,鲍鱼产量占全国60%。大连海域海水干净,冷度适宜,含盐量30‰,正适合鱼虾、鲍鱼、刺参、扇贝、紫海胆、螺类等海珍品的生长,营养价值高且味道鲜美。
On the north side of Binhai Road we‘re passing Dalian Forest Zoo.Dalian Forest Zoo has a free-range area.There you can enjoy the sight of the marvelous elephant performances.Some tame animals are allowed to roam free so that you keep in close contact with them.You also can enjoy the rare sight of a dog mother raising a tiger‘s son: a tiger gave birth to two baby tigers, and one baby tiger was raised by a dog mother.So if you‘d see a tiger brought up by a dog mother, the only place you can choose is Dalian.Here you can also see the national treasure, the panda.What you can see at sea isn‘t agriculture but Mariculture.In front of us is an abalone research center.Dalian is rich in seafood and the production of abalone accounts for 60% of the country‘s total.In Dalian, the sea conditions are ideal for faming seafood.The water is clean, the water temperature is perfect and the salt content is 30%,.Seafood in Dalian include fish, prawns, abalones, sea cucumbers, scallops, purple sea urchins, trumpet shells, etc., which are all nutritious and delicious.现在大家右手边经过的是付家庄海水浴场,之所以叫做付家庄是因为在这一代曾经住着好多姓付的老百姓,以捕鱼为生,如今这里变成了大众海水浴场,每到夏天的时候就可以来到这里观赏各色的美女。现在我们要经过的是一所美丽的学校,嘉惠阳光学校,里面的老师都是讲英文的,从小学到中学都有,属于私立贵族学校。
On the left-hand side is Fujiazhuang Bathing beach.Here Fu is a family name in China, jia in Chinese means a family.Zhuang in Chinese means village.The reason why it is called Fu Jia Zhuang is that there lived a number of villagers whose surnames are called Fu and they made a living by fishing.Now it has become a public bathing beach.Now we are passing by a beautiful school, Jiahui Sunlight School, whose teachers are English-speaking.It is a private elite elementary school and secondary school.滨海路由于一边是山,一边是海,也被大连的老百姓称之为―情人路‖,我在这里也给大家讲讲大连的婚俗吧:一对新人进入恋爱成熟阶段后,首先要做的便是登记,登记后,小两口双双到男方家吃一顿喜庆饭。按常理,婆婆应在这个时候给媳妇钱和首饰,以表接纳之意。钱数通常会是1001或者10001,代表新娘是千里挑一,万里挑一的。接着便是选定结婚的日子。婚日以双数为好,最好是阴历、阳历和星期几都是双日,而在双数中最 受欢迎的是六,―六六大顺‖嘛,如果阴历有六,阳历为6月6日,又是星期六,这样的日子可谓大吉大利。不过,单数中也有例外,譬如九就特别受青睐,因为它寓意地久天长,1999年9月9日,大连结婚的人就特别多。结婚那天最好是晴空万里的好天气,如果下雨则意味新娘为人厉害,大家的心情会因此感到沮丧。
Sometimes Binhai Road is called lover‘s Road because of its romance.As you can see, one side of the road is the mountain, and the other side is the sea.Now let me share with you Dalian‘s marriage custom: after the couple turn into the mature stage of love, the first thing they are going to do is to register, then the young couple will go to the guy‘s family to have a festive meal in pairs.Normally, the man‘s mother should give son‘s new wife money and jewelry as a present at this time, which means the mom accepts the girl as her son‘s wife.As a rule, the amount of money is 1001 RMB or 10,001 RMB, which means the bride is chosen as one from 1000 girls or 10,000 girls.Then it‘s time to choose the wedding date.The wedding date is better on an even-numbered date, the best days are even-numbered days in lunar calendar, solar calendar and days of week, and the most popular even number in China is 6.It‘s a lucky number in our culture.In Chinese we call ―Liu Liu Dashun‖, which means smoothness of everything.If there is a number six in lunar calendar and the date is June 6 in solar calendar as well as it is Saturday, such date is the absolute most favorable.But there are also the singular exception, for example number nine, it is an especially favored date, because it implies your love would live on for ever and ever, that is why there were a number of marriages on September 9, 1999.In addition, if there is a blue sky on the wedding day, it could be the best of all.If it rains, it means the bride is as sharp as a razor and the participants would feel depressed.现在我们将经过的就是燕窝岭——这里已经成为婚庆的主题公园,因常有黑燕飞来,故名‖燕窝岭‖。
Now we‘ll go through the Bird‘s Nest Hill---Bird‘s Nest Hill has become a wedding-theme park.Many black swifts often fly about, thus it‘s named.现在出现在大家眼前的是北大桥——北大桥是大连市与日本国北九洲市结为友好城市之后,为增进两个城市友好往来,纪念两个城市人民的传统友谊,分别在北九洲市公园中建立一个具有中华民族风格的亭——―大北亭‖,在大连市建一公路桥——北大桥。在大连我们也称之为情人桥。若夫妻俩一同走过这座桥哦,这也寓意你们的爱情会天长地久。若是周末或者好日子我们到这里总能看到好多对刚刚结婚的新人,两对新人在这里如果遇见了,是一定要交换一件礼物的,可以是手绢,胸针或者一朵鲜花都可以,交换一件礼物就代表交换一份幸福,据说交换的次数越多,结婚后的幸福也就越多。
Well, in front of us is the North Bridge---it is to commemorate the friendship between the two sister cities, Dalian and Kitakyushu City of Japan.This bridge is the witness of friendship exchanges between the two cities and to promote the traditional friendship between the peoples of the two cities.In Kitakyushu City Park, the Japanese established a Pavilion of Chinese national style called the “Great Northern Pavilion.”
In Dalian we also call North Bridge Lover‘s Bridge.If a couple walk across the bridge hand in hand, it means their love will last forever.On weekends or on special days we can see many newly married couples.If the two newly married couples meet here, they would exchange a gift, like a handkerchief, a brooch or a flower.To exchange gifts means to exchange happiness.It is said that the more you exchange with your partner, the more happiness you can get after marriage.接下来我们即将抵达的是老虎滩的虎雕广场,这个由韩美林先生(设计北京奥运会福娃的设计师)花了2年零9个月雕刻成的飞虎群雕,也是大连的标志。那现在给大家20分钟时间,可以自行到广场上拍拍照片,也可以到广场对面的绿顶房子去用洗手间。
Here, we are arriving at the Tiger & Eagle Square on Tiger Beach.The sculpture was carved by Mr.Han Meilin, the same designer who designed the 2000 Beijing Olympics mascots.He spent 2 years and 9 months carving the Flying Tiger sculptures.It is also the symbol of Dalian.Now we‘ll have 20 minutes to take photos on the square.You could go to the green house for toilet opposite the square.This place is also called Tiger Beach.There is a very big mountain cave near the shore and every evening when the water rushes into the cave at high tide, you will hear the constant whine like a Tiger‘s Growl.People who live here call it Tiger Beach.The next place we are passing by is retired guided-missile destroyer number 104.It participated in World War II, and then turned into a guided missile destroyer.It is now open for visitors.Now the place we are passing by is the Tiger Beach Polar & Marine Animal Aquarium, a 5A-level scenic spot.In addition to the performances of marine animals, you can also see a variety of polar animals-polar bears, beluga whales, and penguins.Here people who live in temperate regions can enjoy the beauty of the polar world.Now the road we are driving into is Zhongnan Road.Zhongnan means Central South in Chinese.It‘s a major road leading to the sea in Dalian.现在我们就要前往大连之旅最后一站——友谊商城自由购物。大连位于东北三省最南端,也是东北三省里面最时尚,最浪漫的城市。从我们马路上的车牌前两个字可以看出,大连是辽宁省第二大城市,―辽‖代表大连位于辽宁省,―B‖代表大连是辽宁省第二大城市,省会,也是第一大城市位于大连北边,是沈阳市,第三位的是鞍山市,以重工业钢铁闻名的城市,接下来是煤都抚顺,边境城市丹东,站在丹东的虎山长城,我们可以近距离的看到鸭绿江对岸的朝鲜,虎山脚下还有一条很窄的沟壑,距离朝鲜仅一步之遥。本溪市也是辽宁著名的城市之一,以四、五百万年前形成的大型充水溶洞——本溪水洞闻名。在辽宁西部,还有美丽的盘锦市,每年9月到10月可以观赏到美丽的红海滩。若下次大家来东北,来到辽宁,我也会带大家去参观我们其他的美丽风景。现在我们就抵达了友谊商城,给大家30分钟时间可以自由选购大连的纪念品。
Now we are headed to our last stop, Dalian Friendship Shopping Mall for free time shopping.On our way there, please let me tell you more about Dalian.Dalian is located on the southern tip of the three Northeastern provinces of China;it is the most fashionable and romantic city in Northeast China.You might have noticed a letter B on the license plate.The first character is Liao, standing for Liaoning, and the second mark is the letter B, meaning Dalian is the second largest city in Liaoning Province.Talking about Liaoning Province, the capital of the province is Shenyang.It is also the largest city in the province.The third largest city in the province is Anshan, famous for iron and steel heavy industry.The next one is Fushun known as the ―coal metropolis‖.Liaoning borders with North Korea, and the border city is Dandong.Yalu River runs between North Korea and China.In 1950, there broke out the Korean War.Americans bombed the bridge on the river.The broken bridge is still maintained as a memorial to that war.A portion of the Great Wall is also found in Dandong.It‘s called Dandong Tiger Mountain Great Wall.At the foot of Tiger Mountain there is a very narrow gully, only one step away from North Korea.Benxi is another famous city in Liaoning Province.It‘s known for its water caves.Benxi Water Cave National Park is a wonder of the world.Large water-filled caves were formed 4 or 5 million years ago.In the western part of Liaoning province is the beautiful city of Panjin, where you can enjoy the sight of Red beach from September to October every year.Chaoyang is another famous city in Liaoning.It has unearthed many dinosaur fossils.It claims that it is the place where the first bird in the world ever flew, and the first flower ever bloomed.If you come to northeast of China another time and visit Liaoning, hopefully I‘ll take you to visit these beautiful scenic spots.(购物结束组织上车),现在我们就返回大连港了,感谢大家在这秋日里为大连这座海边城市带来的一份热情,让这座城市又增添了几分活力,也感谢大家对我和司机师傅工作的支持,欢迎你们下次有机会来到大连,来到东北,届时我会为大家提供更加优质的服务,带大家去欣赏更多的美景。谢谢!
Now we are going back to Dalian Harbor.Thank you very much for your cooperation and your support to me and our driver.You are welcome to visit Dalian again.Thank you and hope to see you again!