
时间:2019-05-13 14:22:25下载本文作者:会员上传



来源:转载 2012-4-13 12:31:59 编辑:爱是熬伤的糖 学校名称:特拉华大学 University of Delaware 所在位置:美国,Newark 学校类型:大学 创建时间:1743年 学校性质:公立 学生人数:23000人 留学学费:40000 美元



在申请f1签证的过程中,签证申请者经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),目的是通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景,选择留学专业的动机条件,选择该国留学的理由,和清晰的未来留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。本文提供了两份f1签证学习计划样本,希望对大家有所帮助。

Study plan范例1:


Many scholars consider the Economy as the basic structureof society and the motive power of history.In any event, no one in the world can stay away from the effect of economy.It was with this observation that I chose Economics as my major when I was admitted to People’s University.Since graduation in July 2000, I have been working as an assistant with the Council for Economic Planning and

Development, Executive Zhang.This position enabled me to realize how important the government’s economic plans are to people’s livelihood.And I feel that the Government of the

PRC has done a good job in this regard.In recent years, industry and commerce have developed by leaps and bounds.In order to make greater contribution to the economic development of this country, I wish to further my study in the field of Economics, working toward a Master’s degree at first, and then, if possible, toward a doctoral degree.After completing the studies, I plan to return to China and Seek a teaching position in an institution higher learning.中文释义:





Study plan范例2:


I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 2006.I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year.Recently, I have a dream to study abroad.Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo

re reasonable for me.Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China.Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young.Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education.If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand.Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums.Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study.After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.出国留学计划




篇一:美国f1签证学习计划中英文范本 美国f1签证学习计划中英文范本

来源:转载 2012-4-13 12:31:59 编辑:爱是熬伤的糖 学校名称:特拉华大学 university of delaware 所在位置:美国,newark 学校类型:大学 创建时间:1743年 学校性质:公立 学生人数:23000人 留学学费:40000 美元


在申请f1签证的过程中,签证申请者经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),目的是通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景,选择留学专业的动机条件,选择该国留学的理由,和清晰的未来留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。本文提供了两份f1签证学习计划样本,希望对大家有所帮助。study plan范例1: 学习计划样本

many scholars consider the economy as the basic structureof society and the motive power of history.in any event, no one in the world can stay away from the effect of economy.it was with this observation that i chose economics as my major when i was admitted to people’s university.since graduation in july 2000, i have been working as an assistant with the council for economic planning and development, executive zhang.this position enabled me to realize how important the government’s economic plans are to people’s livelihood.and i feel that the government of the 中文释义:



在完成学业后,我计划返回中国,去高等学府任教。study plan范例2: 学习计划范文

i am a student, graduated from baoyang middle school, nanning, guangxi autonomous region, in 2006.i am still studying in high school now, because i was not eolled by the ideal university last year.recently, i have a dream to study abroad.then i search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to new zealand for study.first, new zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which i think is mo re reasonable for me.finally, the climate of new zealand is similar with the climate of the south of china.considering above reasons, i told my parents my plan on going to new zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.as a girl, i like preschool education since i was young.nowadays, chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education.if i study specialized curriculums on preschool education, i will go back china and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.my plan is as follows: first, i plan to study english in language institute for about a half year in new zealand.then, i will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.我是江苏省南京市xx中学2006年高中毕业生,由于未被理想大学录取,我一直在xx中学复读。自2007年起,我受同学的影响,产生了出国留学的念头,于是我通过上网了解到去新西兰留学有比较多的优势。首先,新西兰是一个多元文化的国家,具有世界先进的教学水平;第二,留学费用比其他国家较低、较合理;第三,气候也与我国南方差不多。因此,我向父母提出拟到新西兰留学的愿望,得到了父母的支持。因为我是女孩子,从小就喜欢幼儿教育。且现代中国的家长对小孩的教育要求比较高,我如果能到新西兰学习幼儿教育专业课程,学成回国后一定能在幼儿教育事业上有作为。所以,我决心到新西兰留学,打算先用半年的时间到语言学院专修英语,过好语言关,再进行幼儿教育专业课程学习。我相信我已经过三年高中课程的学习,又经过一年的复读,在学习能力和知识水平上有了一定的基础。同时我父母都有固定的工作和较丰厚的收入,在留学经费上也会得到父母的全力支持。因此,我一定能较好地完成留学课程。学成回国后,我一定能实现我从事幼儿教育的愿望,并能在幼儿教育事业上实现我的人生价值。



一些国家在批阅留学生签证的时分往往需求申请者供给学习方案书(study plan),经过学习方案书,签证官可以知道学生的布景,挑选留学专业的动机,挑选到该国留学的理由,将来留学时刻的组织,工作方针和回国理由,以合作审阅学生的其他资料,来决议能否发放留学签证,因而学习方案书是一份很要害的文件。那么怎么才干写出一份好的学习方案书呢?总的来说,学习方案书需求包含以下几方面内容:简略阐明自己的学习阅历,专业布景及工作阅历;阐明自己进一步肄业的动机以及为什么挑选该国、该大学与该专业;具体的留学时刻组织;分析留学所需资金及来历;对将来工作方针的论述,留学后回国的理由。学习方案书的行文个性和文章布局与自己陈说有很大不一样,不需求太多个性化和理性描绘,而大概布局明晰简略,逻辑紧密,论述的现实明晰,关联论据有力可信,学成回国的理由要十分充沛,而且肯定不能和申请人的其他资料发作对立。


学习方案书的要点有些是将来的工作方案和留学后回国的理由,经过此来通知使馆,留学后,的确可以对你往后的工作开展有杰出协助,并有充沛的理由来证明你学成后必定回国,消除任何移民倾向。回国理由要联系你自己的布景阅历和家庭状况给出合理的解说,如一位具有多年商业阅历的司理取得去新西兰读商业办理硕士课程的时机,他的工作方针是回国成为一名跨国公司的高档司理人,而他在中国多年堆集的客户资源和社交圈是一笔十分名贵的财富,这即是可信度高而且十分合理的回国理由。需求注重的是,学习方案书中关于回国理由等触及现实论据的当地,不能恣意假造。篇三:美国留学如何书写学习计划 美国留学如何书写学习计划


那么学习计划应该如何撰写呢? 一般来说,学习计划书应该包括以下内容:
















美国L1签证概念特点及申请条件 美国L1签证概念:

L1签证,跨国经理人或者跨国公司调派人员(Intracompany transferee Visas)签证,顾名思义,谈到跨国经理或者跨国职员,就得有跨国公司,通俗的讲,就是中国有公司,以中国公司的名义在美国成立分公司,子公司、附属公司,以跨国经理,主管或者技术人员的身份到美国去工作,去经营这个分公司,是一种工作签证,允许有移民倾向。

The United States L1 visa is a non-immigrant visa which allows companies operating both in the US and abroad to transfer certain classes of employee from its foreign operations to the US operations for up to seven years.The employee must have worked for a subsidiary, parent, affiliate or branch office of your US company outside of the US for at least one year out of the last three years.Companies operating in the US, may apply to the relevant USCIS service center for an L1 visa to transfer someone to the US from their overseas operations.Employees in this category will, initially, be granted an L1 visa for up to three years.L-1签证种类:

There are two types of employee who may be sponsored for L1 visas:


The legal definition of management and executive roles for these purposes is quite strict, and a detailed description of the duties attached to the position will be required.In particular, the executive or manager should have supervisory responsibility for professional staff and/or for a key function, department or subdivision of the employer.Such personnel are issued an L1A visa, initially for a three year period extendible in 2 year increments to a maximum of 7 years.*L-1B:专业人才(如:会计、工程师,要有相应的证书和文凭,专业人才要通过第二、第三类劳工移民,过程较慢)

This category covers those with knowledge of the company's products/services, research, systems, proprietary techniques, management, or procedures.Staff in this category are issued an L1B visa, initially for three years extendible to a maximum of five years.美国L1签证期限:

L1 visa period:

美国新公司:美国移民局一般对美国新公司的L1 先批准一年,条件好的公司会批准三年,之后可以作延期。每次延期一般为两年或三年。


For a newly established company: a one-year period will be granted by US Immigration Department , or three years for a company have good condition.After initial entry, a two-year or three-year extension will be granted.美国老公司:美国移民局一般对美国老公司的L1 批准两年或三年,之后可以作延期。For an existing company: a period of two-year or three-year will be granted, and you can apply for extension.L1 A 总共不能超过七年。L1B总共不能超过五年。

The maximum stay for L1 A is no more than 7 years, and for L1 B is no more than 5 years.美国L1签证家属: Family members of L1 visa:

L1签证人员的家属(配偶和21岁以下的未婚子女)可以获得L2 的身份,跟随来美国。办理相关手续后,L1签证的家属可以在美国公立学校就读并可享受本地学费。这对重视教育的华人很有吸引力。2002 年新的法律还允许L1 的配偶在美国申请工卡,合法工作。

Spouses and/or children under the age of 21 who wish to accompany or join you in the U.S.for the duration of your stay can apply for L-2 visas.Spouses are eligible to take up employment after obtaining an employment authorization document.L-1签证事宜人群 *有开发美国市场的需要;

*想全家(指配偶及未满 21 岁的未婚子女)移民,拿绿卡; *孩子去美国读书; *想自由进出美国。

Benefits of the L1 Visa A.You can expand business into US market

B.Your spouse can apply for a work permit 5and engage in employment C.Your children can study in US.D.Your dependents can live with you in the U.S.L1签证条件与要求

*在中国有正常运作的公司,公司有必要到美国开展国际性业务; *在美国开公司,的股份或控制权。



*美国法律对投资额无要求,但数额要合理,适合在美国所从事的生意,5-8万美金。*L-1 签证对申请人无学历、英语能力要求,申请人要在中国公司从事经理或者主管,技术人员一年以上(三年内连续任职)。

Requirements for the L1 Visa: A qualifying relationship must exist between the U.S.company and the company in China;

Both the Chinese company and the U.S company must remain open, active and viable for the entire duration of your employment in the U.S.Failure to maintain required levels of operation results in the loss of L1 status.A foreign parent must own at least 50% of a US subsidiary, and have veto powers over the subsidiary's actions;The US company must have employ staff in USA, creating jobs;

US laws have no requirements to the amount of investment, while the amount should be keep in a reasonable number as to do business in United States, usually 5000 to 8000 dollars;

There is no requirement education and English level.The applicants should have been employed by the Chinese company as least three years.L1签证申请的关键因素




Key factors for L1 visa:










Qualified relationship between US company and Chinese company: A foreign parent must own at least 50% of a US subsidiary, and have veto powers over the subsidiary's actions;

A US parent must own must own at least 50% of the foreign subsidiary, and have veto powers over the subsidiary's actions;

Affiliate US and foreign companies must each be at least 50% owned by the same ultimate parent;

A US organization with a branch office abroad qualifies, as does a foreign organization with a US branch(though this must be more than simply an agent or representative);

A US organization which employs e.g.sales personnel overseas can sponsor such employees for L1's even if there is no non-US office.二、真实的雇佣关系:


A real employment relationship: to approved a real employment relationship between the applicant and the Chinese company, the applicant should offer the following materials: time of employment, title, work achievements and others.A newly established company is required to have office in US(providing leasing contact), the ability to pay the applicant salary and the ability to conduct business activity in US.三、有关中国公司情况是否合格的问题:



Qualification of Chinese company:

Many people ask question if the registered capital and the business condition of their company in China will affect the application of L1 visa.We can tell you, registered capital is not a main element,-------

the key question is that factor is the authenticity of the company: the Chinese company should have existed as least one and a half years, and have paid certain income tax according to Chinese laws.If the us company is a parent company and the company in China is a subsidiary company, the US government will require the parent company has at least 500000 dollars last year, when staff in Chinese company apply for L1 visa.-------










E.Offer letter原件










A.未来老板写的support letter;

B.将来工作单位写的support letter;








来源:转载 2012-4-13 12:31:59 编辑:爱是熬伤的糖

学校名称:特拉华大学 university of delaware 所在位置:美国,newark 学校类型:大学




留学学费:40000 美元


在申请f1签证的过程中,签证申请者经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),目的是通过学习计划书使签证官了解您的背景,选择留学专业的动机条件,选择该国留学的理由,和清晰的未来留学时间安排,职业目标和回国理由,因此学习计划书是一份很关键的文件。本文提供了两份f1签证学习计划样本,希望对大家有所帮助。study plan范例1:

学习计划样本 many scholars consider the economy as the basic structureof society and the motive power of history.in any event, no one in the world can stay away from the effect of economy.it was with this observation that i chose economics as my major when i was admitted to people’s university.since graduation in july 2000, i have been working as an assistant with the council for economic planning and development, executive zhang.this position enabled me to realize how important the government’s economic plans are to people’s livelihood.and i feel that the government of the in order to make greater contribution to the economic development of this country, i wish to further my study in the field of economics, working toward a master’s degree at first, and then, if possible, toward a doctoral degree.中文释义:



在完成学业后,我计划返回中国,去高等学府任教。study plan范例2:


i am a student, graduated from baoyang middle school, nanning, guangxi autonomous region, in 2006.i am still studying in high school now, because i was not enrolled by the ideal university last year.recently, i have a dream to study abroad.then i search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to new zealand for study.first, new zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which i think is mo re reasonable for me.finally, the climate of new zealand is similar with the climate of the south of china.considering above reasons, i told my parents my plan on going to new zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.as a girl, i like preschool education since i was young.nowadays, chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education.if i study specialized curriculums on preschool education, i will go back china and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.my plan is as follows: first, i plan to study english in language institute for about a half year in new zealand.then, i will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.我是江苏省南京市xx中学2006年高中毕业生,由于未被理想大学录取,我一直在xx中学复读。自2007年起,我受同学的影响,产生了出国留学的念头,于是我通过上网了解到去新西兰留学有比较多的优势。首先,新西兰是一个多元文化的国家,具有世界先进的教学水平;第二,留学费用比其他国家较低、较合理;第三,气候也与我国南方差不多。因此,我向父母提出拟到新西兰留学的愿望,得到了父母的支持。因为我是女孩子,从小就喜欢幼儿教育。且现代中国的家长对小孩的教育要求比较高,我如果能到新西兰学习幼儿教育专业 课程,学成回国后一定能在幼儿教育事业上有作为。所以,我决心到新西兰留学,打算先用半年的时间到语言学院专修英语,过好语言关,再进行幼儿教育专业课程学习。我相信我已经过三年高中课程的学习,又经过一年的复读,在学习能力和知识水平上有了一定的基础。同时我父母都有固定的工作和较丰厚的收入,在留学经费上也会得到父母的全力支持。因此,我一定能较好地完成留学课程。学成回国后,我一定能实现我从事幼儿教育的愿望,并能在幼儿教育事业上实现我的人生价值。


_____________________________________________________________________ 加拿大留学签证学习计划范文 it is truly my great honor to receive an offer to enroll in the office administration – legal program at conestoga college, ontario, canada.conestoga college is known for providing students with great education in legal studies, and is one of the best amongst all institutes that offer the equivalent programs.the world-class education and the promising opportunities it brings are highly attractive to a person like me who is pursuing her career as a legal assistant._____________________________________________________________________ to broaden the horizon.conestoga college has unparalleled experiences in dealing with and helping international students to achieve their goals, and this is what i highly value, as it will assist me to understand differences between the different legal systems more thoroughly.although china is also agood place to study, for me, a person who works for one of the top 10 american law firms, the education i receive at conestoga college is going to be extremely helpful.ps:xxx=公司名

点评: _____________________________________________________________________







在申请留学及签证的过程中,经常会被要求写学习计划书(study plan),许多留学的朋友往往搞不清楚学习计划书和个人陈述(personal statement)区别和写法,因此结合自己的工作经验,介绍一下学习计划书的写作。









由于使馆的工作人员每天要处理大量的文件,因此学习计划书切不可写的太长,一般不应超过800字,并且说明一个问题最好只用一个段落,段落前加上标题,如 my choice of university of toronto in canada ,my career objective 等,以便使馆的工作人员对您一段内容的中心思想一目了然。您的阐述应该非常清晰易读,不能希望让使馆的工作人员从您的文字中挖掘您潜在内容。

study plan模板1 study plan 本人是土木类专业,并修读管理类双学位,去ua读相近专业master,结合ps进行的完善。dear sir/ madam, i am looking forward to study in university of alberta in canada this fall.as an essential part of visa application process, i understand that a true study plan is important for my further success.background my name is***, male, born on *** in***, china.i accepted the offer of admission into the graduate program in civil and environmental engineering at university of alberta.my undergraduate education has laid the groundwork towards the path i now intend to embark on.pursuing dual degrees from seemingly vastly different fields at ** university endowed me with a solid theoretical background in two diverse fields of engineering and management and placed me in a unique position to appreciate the importance of management within the construction industry.my choice of studying in canada after a careful and thorough search, i have decided to seek admission to the university of alberta in canada.the graduate program in *** is exactly the correct integration of interests i am searching for.one of the main attractions of the university’s program is not only its solid reputation in the field of engineering but its interdisciplinary nature as well.the prospect of studying ***in a new environment to broaden my horizon is a thrilling one, as it will raise new challenges for me to conquer.a peaceful, civilized and safe country.it is a good chance to receive high quality education and to experience diverse cultures.my overall educational goal financial support return to china and career objective a successful overseas returned chinese student is always my aim and motivation.thank you for your time.yours sincerely, date: april 6, 2010.signature of applicant _____________________ study plan模板2 study plan(application of student visa to study in canada)i believe that this study plan, also submitted as an application for a student visa to study in canada’s mount saint vincent university, can provide you with an outline of my plan for one year of undergraduate study in canada and my subsequent career development in china.i look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest convenience.personal status the reasons i wish to study at xxx xxx is a world-famous university with intelligent student and professional staff and faculty, who are devoted to high-quality teaching and management.excellence, innovation and discovery are the characteristics that attract students all over the world to study there.i am so glad to take part in the exchange program between my college and xxx.for me, to study at such a well-know university will provide me a big step toward my dream.these are all my reasons why i want to be an exchange student in xxx.my goals during the one year in canada my reasons to return to china after one year as a matter of fact, i am still a student in xxx university for i am an exchange student.i will go back to china to finish my undergraduate courses.more importantly, i love my family.my parents and relatives are all living in china.i am the only child in my family and they have spent all of their savings on my education.i have the duty to pay back with my achievement and my care for them in their late years.i don’t want to separate with my parents.and i believe to share my success with them is one of my greatest happiness in my life.there are sufficient job opportunities after my returning to china.my experience abroad will offer me more choices in the talent market.thank you for your time.yours sincerely, date signature of applicant study plan模板3 study plan(application of student visa to study in *******)i believe that this study plan, submitted as an application for a student visa to study in canada’s university of ********, can provide you with an outline of my plan for two years of graduate study in canada and my subsequent career development in china.i look forward to my application being assessed and approved at your earliest convenience.personal status: the reasons i wish to study at *****, as a master’s student in the faculty of applied sciences school of engineering:篇四:签证常见问题与学习计划 你为什么要去美国? i want to improve chinese education system by experiencing american education by myself.为什么选这个学校?



你父母做什么的? both of my parents are working for the government, my father is working in cppcc, you know it is chinese peoples political consultative conference.here is their employment certificate.my parents are working for chinese government now.and these are their business cards.(hand on the cards)你有没有父母的工作证明和家里的房产证? yes, here it is.we have five houses and one is in shanghai, this is the real estate certificate.we already rented it out, here is the rent contract.of course, these are work certificates and house certificates.你毕业后的打算

i would like to be a teacher in my hometown and contribute to improve the chinese education system.study plan my name is huang yitao, i was born in april 27, 1992.from 1999 to 2005 i studied at cixi shiyan primary school, from 2005 to 2008 at cixi shanglin midd1e school, and from 2008 to now im at cixi high school, which is the province-level key high school.英文留学计划书范文 i am a student, graduated from baoyang middle school, nanning, guangxi autonomous region, in 2006.i am still studying in high school now, because i was not enrolled by the ideal university last year.recently, i have a dream to study abroad.then i search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to new zealand for study.first, new zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which i think is mo re reasonable for me.finally, the climate of new zealand is similar with the climate of the south of china.considering above reasons, i told my parents my plan on going to new zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.as a girl, i like preschool education since i was young.nowadays, chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education.if i study specialized curriculums on preschool education, i will go back china and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.my plan is as follows: first, i plan to study english in language institute for about a half year in new zealand.then, i will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.i believe i have the ability of study abroad, because i have finished all high school curriculums.besides, my study, i will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.出国留学计划















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    签证个人简历 姓名: 性别: 出生日期: 出生地: 家庭住址: 单位地址: 家庭电话: 工作电话: 手机号码: 电子邮箱: 教育背景: 9月****年——7月****年#########工作经历: *月2007年——*月20......

    瑞士签证 中英文

    附件1:在职证明参考样本 TO: VISA SECTIONDear Visa Officer,Mr. / Ms. XXXX(申请人姓名)has worked in our company/unit since XXXX-XX-XX (年月日). He/She will be on trav......


    (一)一年以内F签证的申请 应邀来京访问、考察、讲学、经商、进行科技文化交流及短期进修、实习等活动的外国人,申请F签证时须回答有关问题并提供如下相关证明:1.本人有效护照和......

    美国 签证材料清单

    美国签证材料清单 Bag1 1、DS160表, 白底彩色照片51x51规格电子版,及照片两张 2、中信银行签证申请费收据1008元 3、SEVIS费USD200 4、护照原件 5、I-20表 Bag2 1. 学校录取......


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    美国签证材料清单 Bag1 1、DS160表(两张51×51白底照片) 2、中信银行签证申请费收据966元,以使馆收费为准 3、SEVIS费USD200 4、护照 5、I-20表 6. 中信银行购买签证预约卡 (5......


    美国旅游签证所需资料 一、个人材料 完整填写赴美申请表; 2、 本人有效因私护照(6个月以上)及旧护照原件,末页签名; 3、 一张2寸近期白底彩色免冠照片尺(寸5cm*5cm);以及电子版 4......