
时间:2019-05-13 14:29:21下载本文作者:会员上传



Application Form 应聘职位名称



Date to fill in the form:______________ Position Applied: _________________ Second Choice.: ________________

个人资料 Personal Details 姓名Name: 性别Gender: 出生日期Date of Birth:

籍贯Native province: 民族Ethnic Group: 政治面貌Political Status:

技术职称Titles: 最高学历Education: 所学专业Major:

身高Height(cm): 体重Weight(kg): 血型Blood type: 婚否Marital Status: 健康状况Health:

目前居住地址Present Address: 户籍所在地址Permanent Address:

身份证号码I.D.Card No.: 手机Mobile: 电子邮件E-mail:

教育及培训状况 Education and training

由(年 /月)至(年 /月)学校名称 主修专业

学位 证明人 From(Month/Year)To(Month/Year)School Major Subject

Degree Testify person

由(年 /月)

至(年 /月)培训机构 课程名称 资格证书 From(Month/Year)To(Month/Year)Training institutions Title of course Qualifications

语言及技能 Language Ability and Skills 普通话Mandarin: 计算机程度Computer: 驾驶Driving: 其它 Other

家庭成员 Family members



年龄Age: 工作单位Working Units: 职务Position:

工作经历 Work Experience 由(年/月)至(年/月)公司名称 职位 月收入 离职原因 证明人

联系电话From(Month/Year)To(Month/Year)Company name Position Monthly Salary Reason for Leaving Testify person Tel No.其它资料 Other information 目前年收入(税前)

Present yearly income(before–tax): 可到职日期 自我评价



Expected Monthly Salary(before-tax):


Valid Date of reporting: Interests:

应聘者声明 Declaration 本人表明此申请书内所有资料属实。如有虚报之处,可作为立即开除之理由。本人申请受雇于贵公司,并同意在受雇前接受体检。

I declare that the statements made by me in this application are true, complete and correct.A false statement or dishonest answer to any question may be grounds for my immediate discharge from employment with Company.I apply for employment in your company on the basis of the information and conditions mentioned above which I fully comprehend and on the understanding that the company may require me to be physically examined before engagement.签名 Signature:

日期 Date: 2


职位申请表 Position Application Form申请职位Position Applied应聘人Applicant日期Date

Inspiration Enriches Life |灵感﹒丰富﹒生活

Position Application Form



认无进一步需要时,作废弃处理。The information provided in this form will be kept in strict confidentiality, and will be used for employment related

purpose only for the appointment to Bravat.Information on unsuccessful candidates will be destroyed when it is nolonger required.2)本表应由本人亲自填写,并保持字迹端正、清楚。

This application form must be completed legibly and in the applicant’s own handwriting.3)完整提供本表所需信息。

All information in this form must be provided completely.职位申请表

Inspiration Enriches Life |灵感﹒丰富﹒生活

Inspiration Enriches Life |灵感﹒丰富﹒生活



I hereby affirm that information given on this application for employment is complete and accurate.I understand that any falsification or commission will be immediate grounds for dismissal without receiving any financial compensation.I authorize the company to investigate the authenticity of above-mentioned materials.申请人 Signature of Applicant:

日期 Date :

Inspiration Enriches Life |灵感﹒丰富﹒生活


Interview Assessment& Employment Result

Inspiration Enriches Life |灵感﹒丰富﹒生活


Inspiration Enriches Life |灵感﹒丰富﹒生活







--> 操作部经理 Manager, Operations [上海市]

--> Financial Planning & Analysis Coordinator [上海市]

--> Ramp Agent [上海市]

--> Properties & Real Estate Specialist 产业主任 [上海市]

--> Corporate Communication Specialist 企业传讯专员 [上海市]

--> Associate Accountant/Accountant 助理会计/会计 [上海市]

--> Courier 快递员 [杭州市]

--> Technology Support Specialist 技术专员 [上海市]

--> 关务顾问 Regulatory Advisor [北京市]

--> 客户主任 Account Executive [天津市]

--> 客户清关代表 Customs Clearance Agent [青岛市]

--> Engineer, P&E [青岛市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [昆明市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [广西]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [泉州市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [福州市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [东莞市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [广东省]

--> 操作部助理 Operations Assistant [珠海市]

--> 递送员 Courier Ref:Crr-东莞 [东莞市]

--> Operations Agent II [广州市]

--> 递送员 Courier Ref:Crr-广州 [广州市]

--> 操作部助理 Operations Assistant [广州市]

--> 客户服务代表 Customer Representative [广州市]

--> 市场部专员 Marketing Specialist [广州市]

--> 工程项目管理专员 Properties and Real Estate Specialist Ref: RES-广州 [广州市]--> 高级/人力资源专员 Senior/Human Resources Specialist [广州市]

--> Engineer/Planning and Engineering [东莞市]

--> 操作部经理 Operations Manager [东莞市]

--> 业务拓展专员 Account Executive [广东省]

--> Engineer, P&E [北京市]

--> 助理会计/会计/高级会计 Associate Accountant/Accountant/Sr Accountant [北京市]--> 会计助理、高级会计助理 Accounting Assistance/Sr.Accounting Assistance [北京市]

--> 地产部助理(Temp)[北京市]

--> 地产部专员 Properties & Real Estate Specialist [北京市]--> 客户清关代表 Customs Clearance Agent [北京市]


RD=research & development 叫研发部 市场营销部 sales & Marketing Division销售部 Sales Department

公关部 Public Relation Department预订部 Reservation Department

餐饮部 Food & Beverage Department

康乐部 Recreation and Entertainment Department工程部 Engineering Department保安部 Security Department行政部 Rear-Service Department商场部 Shopping Arcade

人力资源开发总监 Director of Human Resources人事部经理 Personnel Manager培训部经理 Training Manager督导部经理 Quality Inspector人事主任 Personnel Officer 培训主任 Training Officer财务总监 Financial Controller 财务部经理 Chief Accountant 成本部经理 Cost Controller

采购部经理 Purchasing Manager采购部主管 Purchasing Officer电脑部经理 EDP Manager总出纳 Chief Cashier

市场营销总监 Director of Sales and Marketing销售部经理 Director of Sales公关经理 P.R.Manager

宴会销售经理 Banquet Sales Manager销售经理 Sales Manager

宴会销售主任 Banquet Sales Officer销售主任 Sales Officer

高级销售代表 Senior Sales Executive

销售代表 公关代表 Sales Executive P.R.Representative客务部 Room Division

前厅部 Front Office Department

管家部 Housekeeping Department Executive Office总行政办公室 宾客关系主任 Guest Relation Officer公关部经理 Public Relation Manager公关部主任 Public Relation Supervisor客户经理 Account Manager

高级客户经理 Senior Account Manager资深美工 Senior Artist美工 Artist

销售部联络主任 Sales Coordinator

资深销售中心预订员 Sales Center Senior Reservation Clerk 销售中心主任 Sales Center Supervisor礼宾部经理 Chief Concierge行李员 Bellboy女礼宾员 Door Girl礼宾司 Door Man财务部Accounting

营销部Sales & Marketing Dept.总经理General Manager

人力资源及培训部Human Resource & Training Dept.常务副总经理Deputy General Manager房务部Room Division

餐饮部Food & Beverage Dept.采购部Purchasing Dept.电脑部Electronic Data Processing Dept.保安部Security Dept.工程部 Engineer Dept.客房总监 Director of Housekeeping前厅部经理 Front Office Manager

前厅部副经理 Asst.Front Office Manager大堂副理 Assistant Manager礼宾主管 Chief Concierger

客务主任 Guest Relation Officer接待主管 Chief Concierge接待员 Receptionist车队主管 Chief Driver

出租车订车员 Taxi Service Clerk行政管家 Executive Housekeeper

行政副管家 Assistant Executive Housekeeper办公室文员 Order Taker

客房高级主任 Senior Supervisor楼层主管 Floor supervisor楼层领班 Floor Captain

客房服务员 Room Attendant洗衣房经理 Laundry Manager餐饮总监 F&B Director餐饮部经理 F&B Manager

西餐厅经理 Western Restaurant Manager中餐厅经理 Chinese Restaurant Manager咖啡厅经理 Coffee Shop Manager餐饮部秘书 F&B Secretary领班 Captain迎宾员 Hostess

服务员 Waiter ,waitress传菜 Bus Boy, Bus Girl行政总厨 Executive chef

中厨师长 Sous Chef(Chinese Kitchen)西厨师长 Sous Chef(Western Kitchen)西饼主管 Chief Baker工程总监 Chief Engineer

工程部经理 Engineering Manager值班工程师 Duty Engineer保安部经理 Security Manager

保安部副经理 Asst.Security Manager保安部主任 Security Manager保安员 Security Manager商场部经理 Shop Manager商场营业员 Shop Assistant



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    董事长:Chairman / President 总经理:General Manager 副总经理:Deputy General Manager 常务副总:Deputy General Manager 销售总监:Sales Director 技术总监:Technical Director......


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