
时间:2019-05-13 15:04:40下载本文作者:会员上传


Is the Cat There?猫在那儿吗?

A man absolutely hated his wife's cat and decided to get rid of him one day by driving him 20 blocks from his home and leaving him at the park.一个人无比痛恨他妻子的猫,他决定把它处理掉。于是一天他开车来到离家二十个街区远的地方,把猫扔在了停车场。

As he was getting home, the cat was walking up the driveway.他回到家的时候,发现那只猫正沿着门前的私家车道走来。

The next day he decided to drive the cat 40 blocks away.He put the beast out and headed home.第二天,他决定把猫送到离家四十个街区开外的地方,他把猫扔出去后就开车回家了。

Driving back up his driveway, there was the cat!他把车开上自家车道时,发现那只猫又在那里了。

He kept taking the cat further and further and the cat would always beat him home.他坚持不懈地把猫送到越来越远的地方扔掉,可是猫总是能在他前面回到家。

At last he decided to drive a few miles away, turn right, then left, past the bridge, then right again and another right until he reaced what he thought was a safe disance from his home and left the cat there.最后,他决定把猫送到更远的地方,一路上右转、左转、过桥、右转、再右转,直到他认为离家够远了,就把猫留在了那里。

Hours later the man calls home to his wife, “Honey, is the cat there?” 几个小时后,他打电话回家问他的妻子:“亲爱的,猫在家吗?”

“Yes,” the wife answers, “why do you ask?” “当然,”他妻子答道:“为什么这么问?”

Frustrated, the man answered, “Put that son of a bitch on the phone.I'm lost and need directions!” 那人无比懊丧地说:“让那个混蛋接电话,我迷路了,需要它帮我指道!”

1.get rid of 扔掉;丢弃;摆脱;甩掉;赶;

eg.The owner needs to get rid of the car for financial reasons.因为经济原因,车主必须把汽车处理掉。

eg.You seem in rather a hurry to get rid of me.看起来你急于想摆脱我。 away 使不愿久留;使想离去;

eg.Patrick's boorish rudeness soon drove Monica's friends away.帕特里克的粗鲁无礼很快使得莫妮卡的朋友们想走了。eg.Increased crime is driving away customers.不断攀升的犯罪率把顾客们吓跑了。 last 终于;最后;到底;

eg.They were at last freed from the fetters of ignorance.他们终于从愚昧无知的束缚中解脱出来。eg.The big moment has come at last!重要的时刻终于到来了!

第二篇:Cat 猫 教案

Cat 猫 教案

目的:让孩子在游戏故事和舞蹈中 学会汉子 猫 和英文 cat 让老师达到触类旁通,举一反三

道具:猫 汉子/形象卡片 cat/形象卡片 碟片 C/鱼儿 a/气球 t/鱼钩 卡片

步骤:1 老师走进教室,对小朋友说:小朋友,早上好?

小朋友:早上好!老师 老师 :今天老师给你们带来了一直可爱的动物,猜猜它是谁?做动作,唱:一只小花猫,喵喵喵

小朋友:小猫(xxx, 哦 那让我们到动画片里看看它是谁?)


放碟 跟着碟片读汉字:猫


老师:看 老师这里也有一张和动画里一样的字 它读:mao 来 跟着老师读 猫

猫 猫

小朋友 :猫 猫 猫

老师:它读什么 ? 你们刚才读的什么? 小朋友们真聪明

老师:猫宝宝啊!它还想和小朋友玩游戏呢 等会 猫宝宝跳到那个小朋友面前 小朋友就用手拍拍它 读 猫猫猫 好

老师把卡片分别放3个小朋友面前 让小朋友拍拍它 读 猫猫猫


小朋友把字卡送回黑板 老师:这位小朋友真棒 你把谁送回来了?谁被你送回来了?它读什么?做动作 棒棒棒!我最棒!


猫 真聪明!猫宝宝说啊!我还给大家带来了好听的故事呢 我们一起听听吧!放碟片

刚才故事里 小猫肚子饿了 想吃什么 鱼儿 拿出 c/鱼儿的卡片贴黑板上 猫妈妈在钓鱼的时候 小猫在干么


把 a/气球卡片贴黑板

小猫的什么上没有鱼 鱼钩

贴上t/鱼钩 领读:鱼儿

气球 鱼钩(3次)小朋友们 真聪明 小猫说 我还带了好看的儿歌呢 我们一起去看看吧


小朋友们,来 跟着老师学 小花猫,喵喵喵 小花猫 喵喵喵 肚子饿了不能跳 肚子饿了不能跳

想吃鱼儿来充饥 想吃鱼儿来充饥 带着气球和鱼钩去钓鱼 带着气球鱼钩去钓鱼 小花猫说


来 小朋友们!standup piease!跟着老师学 做舞蹈动作 唱儿歌

小朋友们 真乖


刚才小猫想吃什么 鱼儿 带着什么和什么去钓鱼 气球和鱼钩 小朋友们真聪明

现在 鱼儿和气球 鱼钩都在黑板上拍好了对准备照相呢 可是啊 他们发现自己忘了带照相机 小朋友们用你们的小相机给他们照张相吧 来 拿出你们的小相机 老师说 one two three 你们就说 咔嚓

来 you can cty 做动作 小朋友 I can cry

one two three 咔嚓 小朋友们真棒

请小朋友们 闭上你们的大眼睛 老师要到后面去洗相片了 当老师说 open your eye 小朋友们 就睁开你们的大眼睛

老师拿出准备好的car 的卡片 贴在 字母卡上面 说:open your eye 小朋友 睁开眼睛

小朋友们,我们看看 我们的相片,洗的像不像啊 鱼儿 气球 鱼钩 鱼儿气球鱼钩

我们的字母宝宝啊 也想和小朋友玩个游戏呢 它到那个小朋友面前 小朋友就亲一下它 并且读出来 鱼儿 鱼钩 气球 气球 鱼儿 鱼钩 哎呀 字母宝宝哭了 怎么弄乱了 那个小朋友能帮忙把它按顺序贴在黑板上

请一个小朋友把字卡贴回去 我们检查一下 对吗 鱼儿 气球 鱼钩 小朋友 你真棒

猫宝宝 cat 还有一个好听的英文名字呢 叫

cat cat 就是猫 来跟着老师读 cat 猫 猫cat cat就是猫 猫就是cat



走 我们一起出去玩滑滑梯吧

第三篇:cat cartoons猫动画简短演讲稿

1.Nowadays, cartoons are not child’s privilege.Many adults like cartoons as well.Today, I’d like to talk about the cat in cartoons.When referring to the catcartoons , doraemon and Kitty come to our mindin the turn of a hand.3.So, let’s see the general development of the cat cartoons.Felix the cat is the earliest cat cartoon in 1919.Tom and Jerry which we are familiar with was made in 1939.The world-famous doraemon was produced in 1969.And in 2000, three-thousand questions from the naughty blue cat is the model of the cat cartoons in China as it creates its own art cartoon creation road_ the knowledge cartoon.4.Why is the cat cartoonso popular? The cat is

keen,elegant,independent and docile.For its diversified and unique characters, cartoonists can express their different ideas.What’s more, cats can serve as a foil to human characters.5.In these cartoons, writers of course would have different image-making of the cat.Usually, in the US, cats in cartoons are made realistically but they can have human’s mind.Cats in

Japanese cartoons are modelled with imagination.They are either like the traditional cats or like the humans.In China, cats are described in total personification.And Chinese cartoon has its obvious shortages.One is that cats and mouse are always at daggers drawn.This positioning allows educators anime image of a single, flat character, not an adult basic see, children do not like to watch.6.Above all, the cat character is a reflection of a nation, a

region and an age.For example, from the American cat cartoon, we can see a multicultural society.Through-out the Chinese cat cartoon, we can see a reflection of Chinese cultural background _Confucianism.On the road to increase our cartoon influence, Chinese cartoonists need to reinvent continuously.







第五篇:《cat in the rain》读后感

Sentiment after Reading《Cat in the Rain》

《Cat in the Rain》is Hemingway's short story which reflects the confliction between both sexes.It tells a simple story: An American couple saw a cat trapped by the rain in a hotel in Italy.The woman wanted to rescue that cat, but it dispeared when she go out to find it.Finally, the host in hotel give the woman a cat.This short story’plot is very simple, but the implication is very rich, it was fully embodyed the Hemingway “iceberg” principle of the novel.However,just as the author say“About each part of the show, and below the surface, you may be omitted to you know anything, it will only make your tip.”And this is turely what I feel about the story.The first section of the novel describes the background to create a deep gloomy atmosphere: The American lady found a cat in the rain"Outside right under their window a cat was crouched under one of the dripping green tables.The cat was trying to make herself so compact that she would not be dripped on."Seeing the situation, she felt symphthy for this cat sudenly, and she wanted to catch it and put it in her shield.After telling her decision to her husband about going outside and catch the cat,the husband was just unconcerned.The husband maybe cared for her wife,but that’s just not enough.He didn’t take any action in fact.There may be two reasons why the woman wang to get and protect the cat.Firstly,she cares for and love herself,to some degree,to protect the cat may just mean to protect herself or her dignity.She rescued herself by rescuing the cat..Secondly,the action is the manifest of her ability.She had thirst for the protection of the cat to prove that she could dominate something in her way which could give her a sense of achievement,.She eagered to change a lot of thing her haircut,outlook and some detail things, what’ most important, her status in the marriage.Very opposite to her husband,the owner of the hotel was so different that the woman was into him.The hotel-keeper had sent her with the maid holding the umbrella over her when she wanted to get out,not her husband who did this..As the author told us, the wife liked him.“She liked the deadly serious way he received any complaints.She liked his dignity.She liked the way he wanted to serve her.She liked the way he felt about being a hotel-keeper.She liked his old, heavy face and big hands.”Well,“ shut up and get something to read”is the only reaction of the husband when he heard that his wife want to own so many things from him and she’s not quite content with her current situation.There was still no action even though he knew all.The husband reacted extremely indifferent and male chauvinism.The great difference between her huaband and the hotel keeper made her feel that she just fall down from the cloud of happiness to the abyss of loneliness.This kind of contrast really play a great part in the way that the woman want to change herself and the life.Shs became eager for freedom,happiness,and dignity.Well,at last,the hotel-keeper had sent her with the maid holding a big tortoise-shell cat pressed tight against her in the doorway.It’s obvious that it was not the first cat.However,the story came to an end suddenly,which meaned that the author wanted to give us hope that the wife may get her own happiness,freedom and dignity by choosing another man ,that is to say,another way.



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