
时间:2019-05-13 18:28:55下载本文作者:会员上传




英语文章:A smart monkey(聪明的猴子)

The monkey and the crocodile


Once, a crocodile(鳄鱼)liked bananas.However, they only grew on trees and the crocodile could not reach them.曾经,有一只鳄鱼喜欢吃香蕉。然而,香蕉是长在树上的,鳄鱼够不到。

A monkey watched the crocodile for some time and then said, “Allow me to get some bananas for you.”


The crocodile ate most of the bananas, and took some home to his wife.鳄鱼吃了很多香蕉,拿了一些回家给他的妻子。

“If that monkey lives on bananas,” the crocodile’s wife said, “his liver(肝)must be very tasty.Try to ask him to visit us, and then we can have a good meal of monkey liver.”


The next day, the crocodile went back to the banana tree.第二天,鳄鱼回到了香蕉树那儿。

“My wife is sick and she wants you to visit her,” the crocodile told the monkey.鳄鱼对猴子说:“我的妻子生病了,希望你能够去看望她。”

“All right,” the monkey said.猴子说:“好的。“

The crocodile then carried the monkey across the river to their home.就这,鳄鱼载着猴子穿过小河到他们家去。

“Tell me what your problem is,” the monkey said to her, “and I’ll suggest some medicine for you.”


“The only medicine I need,” she said, “is your liver.”


Thinking quickly, the monkey said, “I left my liver in a banana tree.Would you like me to get it?”


The crocodile’s wife agreed that the monkey should go and get it, so her husband carried him back to the banana tree.Then the monkey climbed to the tree and disappeared.鳄鱼的妻子同意放猴子回去拿他的肝脏,所以她的丈夫载着猴子回到了香蕉树。接着,猴子爬上了树消失了。


Monkeys’ Attempt to Catch the Moon

Once upon a time, there were a group of monkeys living happily in the forest.They chased each other for fun everyday, ate the sweet wild berries and bananas and drank the fresh water from the fountain.One day when they played on the hill, the leader of the group saw the bright full moon in the sky.“Isn’t it perfectly beautiful?” he exclaimed, with a fine gush of enthusiasm.With the thought of picking it up and owned it, he called his fellows:”Hey, hey, hey, look at that beautiful thing, let’s get it down.My fellows, come on”.Then he ran up towards the top of the hill.Hearing this order, all the monkeys followed him to the hilltop.They stacked themselves up swiftly, and soon there was a ladder made out of monkeys leading to the sky.The youngest one climbed up to get the moon.Slowly he climbed as on thin ice, the “monkey ladder” swayed slightly to every step of his.Finally, they were disintegrated as all of them lost their balance and fell off from the hilltop.Some rolled to the meadow, some got caught by the branches of the tree, while some rolled to the fountain.Everyone was disappointed at the failure of getting the moon down.Suddenly, two baby monkeys cried out excitedly.“MOON, MOON!There is another one in the water!”

Everyone was cheered up again at this news.They all gathered around to see the moon--the shadow of it on the surface of the fountain.“Let’s get it for our respectful leader!” Someone cried.“WOO...WOO...” Others agreed.But there was a difficulty in front of them.The surface of the fountain was impossible to reach as there was a high cliff.Finally they came up with a good idea.They held the other’s tail one after another to make themselves a rope, then down to the fountain.That youngest monkey got the mission to be the one to get the moon with a water ladle.The youngest monkey started to climb down to the fountain.At this time, everyone held their breath for fear that they should scared the youngest monkey.The youngest monkey moved slowly and cautiously to reach the surface.Several minutes later, he finally got to the tip of the “rope”.Raised the water ladle, he began to take the moon out.Everyone gazed at him nervously.As he dipped the ladle into the water, strange thing happened.The moon was broken.Then it came into the ladle.Everyone gave a sigh of relief.Then they got to the cliff.The youngest monkey held the ladle when everyone wanted to have a full look at it.They struggled to pushing each other to get to the front.As a result of this, the water in the ladle spilled out, and the moon naturally has gone.Everyone looked at each other angrily, and then at last they found the moon in the sky still, shining and bright.




二年级4班廖宇轩 一天,吉吉和毛毛划船去度假。忽然乌云密布,下起了倾盆大雨。它们心想:“遭了,下了这么大的雨,还怎么去度假呢?”它们只好把船往回划了,划着划着它们发现有好多雨水流进船里面了。这时,它们急的不知所措,吉吉说:“要不我们把船底砸一个小洞吧!这样雨水就能流到外面去了。”于是,它们找来了工具,三两下就砸出了一个小洞。但是让他们没想到的是,雨水不但没流出去,反而有汹涌的海水流进了船里。喷射出了水花,并且越来越多水就进了船里。眼看船就要沉了,于是它们跳下了船,拼命地往岸边游去,游啊游啊!终于游到了岸边。他们爬上岸后,累得气喘吁吁!吉吉说:“这个办法真是弄巧成拙啊!”

第四篇:猴子 说明文

到动物园去玩,猴子山上的猴群是最吸引人的场所.全世界已发现的猴子有196种,以南亚,东南亚,拉丁美洲和赤道非洲那些热带国居多.我国有17种.在猴类王国里,有不少珍稀,奇特,有趣的种类:毛似金丝的金丝猴,懒得出奇的蜂猴,会跳迪斯科的狐猴,貌似戴着眼镜的眼镜猴,不像猴子的指猴,像蜘蛛的蛛猴,讲“文明”的绒毛猴,叫声最响的吼猴, 尾巴超过体长的长尾猴,有“老头”之称的秃猴,有夜视眼的“号鸟”猴,滑稽可笑的长鼻猴,还有无比聪明的狒狒……





































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